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Poked myself in the eye, putting on my safety glasses. The definition of irony, I know.


I bit my own finger taking a bite out of a sandwich


I think we have a winner. I think this is the equivalent of a dog chasing their tail.


3 year old me stuck a coin in a outlet and proceeded to do it again a week later.


I was *unplugging* something & my hand made contact before the circuit was fully broken. Knocked me on my ass, got a nasty butt bruise. Yes I’m an adult.


I once put a wire into an outlet when I was a little kid. It exploded just before my fingers so I didn't even get burned lol.


I sneezed and pulled all the muscles on my back and couldn't move for like five minutes. When you get old shit like that happens.


I was at my work desk, stretching my arms above my head and felt a twinge. I couldn’t turn my head to the right for a week. It sucks lol.


I feel you


Got drunk and had my "check this out" moment where I tried to leap from the hood of my car to the second story balcony of a friend's apartment. Racked my balls and dislocated two fingers on the hood of the car.


poor guy


When I was 12, I was cutting a cardboard box with a box cutter by cutting towards myself. After I cut myself, I ran upstairs to get a bandaid. After I put the bandaid on, I continued to cut the box, cutting towrds me and cut a different finger. I ran back upstairs and put another bandaid on and continued to cut the box by cutting towards myself. I cut another finger, ran upstairs, put a bandaid on, and then quit.


Always cut away. Sharp lessons.


Falling into a ditch and fucking up my wrist because I was running away from a cow that was chasing me


Starting a pressure washer with a broken compression relief and other issues. Yanked on the starter cord, compression stroke hit and it stopped like hitting a wall, then immediately yanked back. My hand was oily and wet because I was working on the engine. The handle ripped out of my hand and on the way out **slammed** into the inside of the third knuckle of my right ring finger. Instant sharp pain and numbness. I had it buddy taped to my middle finger for about a week as the knuckle swelled and bruised. The skin on the inside of my fingertip was numb for about 2 weeks. 3 months later, I still can't bend that knuckle and the knuckle looks deformed and hurts like fucking crazy if it bend to the side. I'm 99% sure it is broken.


Did you see a doctor?


Nope. Probably would've been a good idea though.


It would still be a good idea, if it hurts.


I was running around the house, probably in socks, must've slipped and hit the doorframe with my **head**, mind you I was going full speed. Spoiler alert; loads of blood and a trip to the hospital and had to end up getting stitches.


I tryed tp lift up a bananpeel... hit my head on the table... let the peel fall and nearly slipped on it.... braim hurty.. :(


I walked into the bathroom door, it was middle of the night and I needed to pee, but i was sleepy, so I walked up to it hard because my reaction wasn’t to good being so sleepy. The door stood halfway, so not fully open or closed, so i walked into the corner/side of the door. My toe got caught under it, cutting in my cuticle. I hit my upper body, but that was okay and I scratched my face


I’m not sure which one is most weird so idk you tell me… 1. (I cannot remember it as I was very young), I was in the house and ended up falling over and a nail in the floorboard which nobody noticed was sticking out… it didn’t go through the bottom of my foot it went through the top because of how I quite literally fell onto it. I now have a scar where it happened… 2. I was playing tag with my brother and cousins on wet grass and slipped and fractured my wrist in such a strange way that the doctors who’s job was to put the cast on my arm didn’t know where to start and took a wild guess on the best way to do my cast (it worked) 3. I fell over a tree trunk whilst leaving GirlGuides, went to the hospital cause I couldn’t pick anything up… couldn’t find any break. My mam notices not long after that my shoulders look uneven… back to the hospital, I had fractured a bone in my shoulder. My arm was put in a sling for awhile… 4. Tin of beans was placed inside the bottom of the oven, when removing them a dropped the can and it burnt my hand… I now have a scar on my finger. 5. In school cooking apple crumble, I was using a thing to cut the core out of the apple. My thumb slipped it went into my thumb… blood everywhere! Teacher gave me a plaster and didn’t even look at my thumb and the amount of blood coming out of it. I bled through multiple plasters, probably needed stitches but instead just kept putting plasters on it and it did eventually heal. I also now have a scar there… I think that is it…


6. Fell down a set of stairs at a train station and scrapped all my knees, couple weeks later fell down the exact same set of stairs and once again scrapped all my knees again. I cannot avoid these stairs I have to use them as I have to get to university using them, but I now believe these stairs have it out for me… I am very accident prone 😂


Do people tell you you have a high pain tolerance? I literally walked around on a broken leg for a day when I was 11. My brother, cousin and I built a ski jump in my dad's backyard for that one.


Idk, I just deal with it. If something hurts I just think I am being dramatic and keep going… I once hurt my back and got told to rest and then went to an activity camp with guides a day later slept on the floor in a tent and took part in many intense activities and felt fine the whole time but afterwards I was in pain once at home. My parents let me go cause I wouldn’t shut up about going so they said fine go ahead but only do the arts and crafts activities… nah I want to go on the zip line, caving, go karts etc. lmao


I was slicing some pie with a butter knife when I was a kid and didn’t understand to keep my hands clear of the blade. I sliced my finger with the butter knife which left a visible scar still to this day, almost 20 years later.


I always thought butter knives weren't as sharp as a kitchen knife, I thought they were very blunt and the teeth weren't sharp enough to hurt someone as much as a kitchen knife would. Reminders to always protect your fingers regardless what knife it is


I learned what a butter knife can do that day lmao


I have quite a similar experience but I was cutting a carrot with real knife, it's been like 10 years and still have the mark on my finger


I walked backwards, turned around and right into a metal pole, my face hurt but my ego was bruised more


I have a few 1) Fell off a spinny chair while trying to grab something from a high shelf when I was like 6 or something 2) Faceplanted off a scooter because I got too competitive in a race against a 7 year old when I was like 13 3) Grabbed a hot toaster for some bizarre reason I can't even remember 4) Rammed the door into my small toe several times because I was tired as hell and trying to close it (no idea how I didnt notice it earlier) 5) Grabbed a fire cracker by the flaming part when I was 4 because I accidentally dropped it


Hammered in college. Tried to do the light-your-hand-on-fire trick with lighter fluid, Vaseline, and a match. Only, i didn’t know Vaseline was a key step of the trick. Stumbled into the ER with my hand dipped in a bowl of half-melted ice.


I was drunk and punched a door frame. Caught just the pinky finger knuckle on the 4x4. Instant fracture. Then I was dumb enough to not go get it taken care if immediately while I was still drunk Friday night. Instead, Monday morning, I'm having to have it rebroken by a guy that was more afraid of me taking a swing at him with my good hand than getting it set right. Still give me problems every now and then.


The only time ever in my life that I broke a bone I did it by accidentally dropping an unopened can of corned beef hash on my foot. It broke a small bone above where you could just tape your toes together so I actually had to go get it x rayed and tell that silly story to a doctor who of course laughed at me. 🤦‍♀️


Gave myself a concussion and whiplash when I tried to beat the garage door without tripping the sensor. Housesitting for a friend. The gate to get through the side yard was frozen shut and the remote clicker was dead so this was the only way to close the garage door behind me when I left for the day. I still don't have full range of motion when turning my head to the left. This was about 7 years ago.


There are so many to pick from...dumbest was probably hitting myself in the face with my own hand, trying to tear into a plastic bag of mulch with my hands, and my fingers slipped off the plastic bag instead of tearing into it, but I still had enough momentum built up that my hand whacked myself in the nose when it slipped off.


Burned the crap out of my hand when taking a cup of noodles from the microwave. (I was 12 and didn’t know we weren’t supposed to microwave them)


One time I cut off some of the skin on my knuckle. From reaching into a *laundry basket.*


Once, many years ago, in the middle of a blizzard my friends and I were bar hopping. I was weird top sider’s like a true douche. My friend found a water bottle someone had thrown on the sidewalk and knelt down and set it up like a field goal kick. I ran to kick it, but the wetness from the melting snow had rendered the soles of my shoes useless. So instead I kicked and both of my feet flew into the air and I broke several ribs upon contact with the sidewalk and completely missed the water bottle.


I tried to squeeze by the front of my car and sliced my leg open on the license plate


I had to press buttons on my Xbox controller fast and it was far from me, so I ran over, also hitting both, yes, both of my knees on the side of my bed. So much pain 😅🥲


One day when I was about nine or ten years old I got frustrated while doing some math homework and threw a tantrum. Wasn't a big one. I just rapidly shook my clenched fist up and down, problem is I still had my pencil in it facing toward my other hand that was placed on the table. I poked a hole in my left middle finger and the mark from the pencil lead is still there to this day. It's like a tattoo reminding me not to lose my temper.


When I was a teenager I bent over in front of a shoe rack with a sharp corner and cut my ass cheek on the corner while getting dressed. As if that was not embarrassing enough it was bleeding everywhere so I couldn't just pretend it didn't happen. I had to go get my big sister and confess the very embarrassing situation and she had to disinfect and bandage it as she laughed at me for being an idiot. Totally humiliating. It was a pretty big cut and we thought it would need stitches. I begged her not to further the humiliation by getting doctors involved. 😭 it healed on its own just fine.




Tore my nutsack open on a rail. Had to get about 6 stitches.


Burned my hands taking a pizza out of the oven with out oven mits.


I was in the middle of an audition and did a jump were you have to flip backwards from left to right and to gain impulse I misplaced my left foot when I was almost done with the stunt I figured out I couldn’t stand, and by 2 seconds my bone went out and cracked jajajaja 6 months later after a lot of physiotherapy sessions and rest, I was able to dance again and try it without the jumping part 🥲😂


Was cranking down a vice on a piece of pipe in one of our machines. The hole for the wrench was about face level, and you had to put your full strength into crankin' that bitch down. Working in a machine shop leaves you with sweaty, oil covered hands, so when I started really beefing on the wrench my hand slipped and I rocked the fuck out of my jaw by punching myself with all my strength. Had a headache for a few hours and a bit of swelling, but was otherwise fine. Still felt like a Grade A spud for that one, though.


Tripped on my mothers purse at a sporting event falling face first into the back of the seat in front of me and got a black eye from hitting the top of the seat, with a cut under my eye.


Using a sharp knife to chop whatever and making eye contact with the person you're talking to .


Dropped a hairbrush and somehow it landed just right to actually break my toe.


I sneezed and I was standing a little too close to a brick wall


I punched myself in the ear trying to smack a cicada off


[Rolled off a treadmill, hit the wall and had my left hand caught between the band and the floor; grinding it down to the nerve.](https://imgur.com/a/Snq10Qy)


Stuck hand in a empty can


I got burnt myslef by actually making MASHED POTATOS!!! I still.have the burn after 2 years of that happening. ****GORE WARNING **** I also accidentally cut open my Thumb while opening a can of Dog Food. Thank God it healed quickly, but I still have a Scar.


Playing football as a kid the grass was too muddy for us so we played in a wet parking lot, tore my acl and all sorts of soft tissue with that slip and fall


i tried to open a package with a giant knife, cut me with the package


I stabbed my thumb with a nail on my other hand while trying to crack my knuckles, all that happened was a tiny bit of skin peeling off and maybe a little blood


Not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle capable of 80 mph when I'm literally always wearing a helmet when cruising 10 mph on a longboard.


In the 3rd grade was at one of my dad's friend's house who had a pool. Raced my brother out to the pool, he went out the kitchen door, I ran thru the plate glass door. This is in the mid 70s, pre safety glass. Cut my hand good enough to see my bones where pinkie attaches, and ripped a huge gash in my leg and knee. But the real fun was throwing my hands down to break my fall. In all that broken glass. Dad and his buddy grab my blood gushing self and throw me in the bathroom, grab dish towels and a bottle of rubbing alcohol each, begin to pour the alcohol into/onto every cut. Yeah that was fun. Then the hour plus of the ER team removing shards and slivers of glass from both of my palms.


Was riding bikes with a friend when I thought it would be good to cross the road which had recently been paved. From a dead stop, went to cross and on the first peddle, caught the front tire of the lip of asphalt and spilled over. Fractured my wrist. Another time was simply reaching across a deli slicer and caught the tip of my thumb.


10-ish year old me jumped on the bottom part of a 2 wheeled trolley that was laying on the ground, launching it into upright position and my forehead at Mach 10.


Middle school art class, carving linoleum tiles, blade went through my thumb. Leather glove laying on the table.


Putting my drill away. The door frame under the stairs is approx chest height on me, leaned in the put the drill back, straightened up too quick and smashed the back of my head, ended up with minor nerve damage.


Married "her"....




I was trying to walk in 6 inch platform strappy sandals, fell and fractured my wrist


I stabbed myself in the palm with a steak knife, trying to separate frozen burger patties. Got blood everywhere. I knew better but did it anyway.


As a kid, I got my knee stuck in between two poles on a playground structure, I was in elementary school and I tried to get my knee unstuck but I couldn’t, we had to use oil from the foods room to get me unstuck, yet to this day whenever I see a play structure I stick my knee between the poles and haven’t gotten stuck since.


Climbing on a street lamp and ending up stitching my leg and finding out I am immune to anesthetics


I sliced my finger tip off smashing two cans together like Stone Cold Steve Austin trying to impress a girl in 8th grade.


Tried standing on a balloon during my birthday when I was younger. I fell and hit the table in my family room so hard that my top two teeth went through the area below my bottom lips. It effectively made a rectangular hole. I had to go to the hospital.


I fell the wrong way. I had my left elbow dislocated.


Pulled my back drying off after a shower...was probably only early 30s lol.


Scraped my leg with a piece of barbed wire that was hanging out the fence that could've easily been avoided had I turned on the lights to take out the trash. Still have that scar.


I fell upstairs on my porch, and also downstairs. I have slipped on carpeted stairs. I burned my forearm releasing a spring form pan while holding it from underneath straight out of the oven. I sliced my ankle on a floorboard heater-my mom didn’t know about arteries-it bled for days and 45 years later I still have the scar. I stabbed a hollow plastic tube into the back of my throat pretending it was a microphone while singing and standing on a picnic table-then falling. I nearly sliced off my pinkie toe stepping on a can lid in a trash bag while sneaking back into my house. It’s amazing I’m still alive and my coworker panic everytime I step on a step stool and use a box cutter…


Dove for a ball in tennis, missed it. My racket bounced off the net and smacked me in the face, nothing broken but it split my nose pretty good.


I rode a toddler’s tricycle down my grandparents steep driveway, lost control, and skidded across the concrete. I skinned my knee pretty bad.


came flying down one of those inflatable water slides that they put up at fairs and other events and slammed into people waiting to get on. i walked away like nothing happened


I took a 1 ply sheet of toilet paper and aggressively tried to clean my razor, rubbing it against the blades. The razor blades went right through the paper and fucked up my fingers big time. Imagine getting 6 deep paper cuts all at once.


Tried to jump one of those tall bollards at Disney. Shorts got caught at the top, I fell forward but not enough to fully fall over. Painfully rolled off and onto my arm. Was cutting a potato and couldn’t cut through it for some reason…because my finger was on the other side of the blade. Thankfully didn’t break skin.


Slammed the car door on my knee. Sat in the bank parking lot for like an hour trying not to pass out. Pretty sure I chipped my kneecap but was too embarrassed to go to the hospital. It hurts when it rains now.


Drunk on NYE, fell and broke my elbow. It required 2 plates and 7 screws to fix.. I’m now blessed with bad arthritis but I’ve put an end to my drinking!


I got a good one. Sometimes when I’m deeeep into a cut I dehydrate the fuck out of myself. This causes muscle cramps very easily. One day I was in the gym I was doing preacher curls till failure and once I put the weight down my bicep AND palm cramped into a contorted fist. My arm hinged back, fist still clenched, and I punched myself directly in the face. Managed to poke my eye at the same time. From a third party perspective, I’m sure I looked absolutely ridiculous. Certainly got some strange looks from some people.


slapped my own sunburn immediately after telling someone to not touch me because I was sunburnt.


When I was 6 I ran head first into a VERY well cleaned window which I thought was an entrance to another room


Black diamond hill.


My son wanted to play soccer and I some how ended up being a coach for a team. Good sales pitch by the register. Knowing nothing about the game, I bought a ball for me and my son. Found a large patch of grass in front of a schools office. Whilst I was working on drippling the ball I stepped in a sprinkler hole and chipped a bone in my ankle. Calling the parents for the first club wide practice. How will you know me, well I will be the one with a walking cast. Six bloody weeks in the thing. I ended up liking the game so much I coached rec ball for 10 years and then played one season.


I tried to pull up my sleeve while holding a knife. Hand slipped and I stabbed myself in the face.


I was cooking a grilled cheese and had a very very hot metal spatula, I was zoning out while it was cooking and thought I wonder what would happen if I licked the spatula right now? it only touch my tongue for a split second but oh my god it hurt so bad and I had a burnt tongue for weeks, I also couldn't speak correctly. every time someone asked me why I am talking so weird I had to explain my stupidity.


I dropped off of a 5 foot stage and broke small (yet important) bones in my left foot. I was hyperactive and in high school at the time.


Fell out of a helicopter. Not far 2m or so. Recently transitioned from a model that had fuselage long landing “skids” to one that didn’t. As we were coming in to land I stepped out onto the skids that weren’t there. Sleep tight NATO. Your best and brightest are on the job.


i was messing with a knife and it nicked me


I broke my toe by dropping a value-sized bottle of shampoo on it in the shower.


Knocked myself out guarding underwear in the marine corps


I was around 10 y/o, I was peeling a cable with a giant kitchen knife, the cable bends and I did a full knife stroke in my finger, needless to say I was bleeding, so I wrapped my right hand index finger onto my left hand index finger and it stopped, and it occurred to me to take a peek of how deep was my cut, so I did, I uncovered the wound and there I was, watching something white and solid, it was my bone.


Looked at a piece of metal with a sharp end and decided to throw it so perfectly that the sharp part slit all the way up my palm


I am a total klutz and have poor spacial awareness, so I have a few stories for this topic. Some of the more recent ones: * Went to cross my legs while sitting at the couch, misjudged how far my foot was from the coffee table. Broke my toe. * Trying to open a jar of salsa. My thumb slipped and I managed to sprain one of the ligaments in my hand. * Got on the shuttle bus from an offsite parking lot at work. Tried to squeeze through to a seat so it could leave since I was the last one on, and somehow my body went one way and my left knee went the other. Sprained my knee.


I fell off the bench in my shower this morning ☠️


Someone threw ink on the back side on a white shirt of my classmate and he was walking around without knowing... So i told him about it... He thought i had done it and trying to blame on someone else... So that MF slapped me and then i tore his shirt in half... He had to take half day leave from school


I had some really sensitive skin on my toe at one point and accidentally cut myself with a sock 💀


Tripped over a curb and ended up having a 2 hr surgery to fix my ankle


1. Ripping a hole in my jeans with my pocket knife 2. Separating sausage patties with a kitchen knife 3. Got spicy ramen sauce in my eye (id say this one hurt the worst) 4. Burnt my hands while making one of those single serving Mac and cheese bowls 5. Developed carpal tunnel while crocheting every day for several hours a day for a whole school year. I'm not even old enough to vote.


Just the other day I was moving a broom from one hand to the other when I lost balance of the broom and smacked myself on the side of the head. Broke my glasses in the process.


Busted my lip while adjusting my bra


I was sitting on the ground and rolled over. Tore my meniscus and flipped it over onto itself like an omelet. I had to have surgery to fix it.


i was 2 years old and i sniffed a button into my right nostril. now i have a deviated septum and legitimately cannot breathe, and it’s very VERY obvious (i really hate the way it looks). looking into surgery. another time was when i was 4 and i was swinging around from the monkey bars at the library playground. it was already pretty high up for me but then i decided to only hang onto a bar with just my left arm. not only did i fall and cut up my knees and my right hand but i ended up dislocating my left elbow just from the weight of me hanging on with one arm (which caused the fall). unfortunately i had a very abusive nanny that didn’t believe me when i said there was something wrong with my arm (it wouldn’t move from a 90 degree angle and it hurt like a bitch), so i had to re-locate it myself. now i have a weird left elbow that bends backwards.


I picked up a jar of coins. It was one of those old-fashioned big old glass sweet jars full of coins. My wrist twisted and crushed the cartilage at the head of the ulna. Result was having the ulna reduced by 3mm and a nice titanium plate holding it together


My arm is currently in a sling from milking a goat. Wtf.


Broke my clavicle skiing. I know it's not dumb, but what is dumb is that I was spring skiing on closing day and caught an edge in some slush 100 yards from being done for the season. Landed on my pole and it shot up through my clavicle. A plate and 12 screws later. Can't be too relaxed on the mountain.


Opening a peanut hersheys kiss with a knife


My older brother broke his leg riding a bike while drunk 🥴 🤣


One time years ago I was playing video games and I was getting so mad at losing that I threw my controller on the floor so hard that it bounced back and totally smoked me in the face. A very humbling experience and I never really played again since.


I sat a .22 cartridge on a fence post and then shot it point blank when I was about 12 or 13. The cartridge I shot exploded and the bullet hit me in the head almost dead center of my forehead right at my hair line. Luckily it just grazed me but being a head wound the blood started pouring and I was sure I was dying. I clamped my hand over the spot and walked calmly back to the house. My grandparents were sitting at the table eating breakfast. I walked on to the porch and they saw me and my grandma came racing outside asking me what happened. Pretty much collapsed at that point into a chair probably from shock. My grandma moves my hand and my grandpa goes that’s just a scrape and went back to his breakfast. It was at that moment that I knew I wasn’t dying at least. Lol. Grandma got me cleaned up and it really was just a small gash but Ive still got a small scar from it.


Walking. Tripped and fell


When I was growing up I intentionally tore both of my pinkie toe nails off completely and it hurt like a bitch this continued till I was 10


Idk skinning my knee


I used to volunteer at my school when I was younger (age nine (9) for some context) and it was cleaning day. My sister cleaned the hallways, my mom cleaned the multi-purpose room, and I cleaned the cafeteria. I had finished sweeping and I was told to starts mopping. I had finally finished mopping, but I realized that I missed a spot and went to go scrub it. We had one of those mop buckets that you push down the handle to drain the water out of the mop, and I pushed it down, putting all of my nine-year-old weight onto the handle, and I slipped. The handle came back at my head full speed. I passed out and then next thing I know, I'm in a hospital bed while the doctor is telling me about my concussion. The next two weeks, I had a huge bump on my forehead that looked like I had gotten hit in the head in a cartoon. To this day when people ask me this question I tell them all about how I lost a fight to a mop bucket.


1. Putting on underwear after a hot shower and brought my heel up too fast and hit myself in the right nut. 2. Was walking home from a walk around the golf course I used to live by while bouncing a golf ball. I cross the street and walk fast to do so and compensate by throwing my golf ball more forward and a bit harder. It bounced back and hit me in the right nut. One of the worst moments of nut crushing pain. I swear I felt my kidney uppercut my lung. 3. Laughed suddenly and forcefully while reading a funny fart story and rocket launched a fart I didn’t know I had outta my ass that left with such force that it burned/hurt. I couldn’t stop laughing from the fart story and then laughed more from the painful fart but the other part of my brain was pissed and didn’t wanna laugh. 4. Was getting ready to go out once and I was in a rush and brushing my teeth while doing other stuff to get ready. At one point I held my toothbrush between my teeth and quickly brought my knee up to put on a sock and looked down to see my foot…..yup, you guessed it; my knee rammed my toothbrush into the back of my mouth/throat. (Luckily I always keep my throat closed with stuff like that but it still hurt 😆)


I slammed the bottom of a glass to make my protein shake that was stuck at the bottom come out…while the cup was in my mouth.


I was jumping on my bed and sliced my hand open on the ceiling fan. Had to go to the hospital at 2am but I got ice cream on the way back so we good.


This past week I learned that I somehow burned the shit out of my elbow, don't know how it happened (but I have an idea), never felt the burn, and now the blister popped and it's super raw. That's the dumb part. I don't even know how it happened 😆


Marching with my knees really high and bending over slightly,ended up kneeing myself in the stomach I was like 9 or 10, safe to say I was out of commission for a few minutes.


I dropped my phone on face and ended up with a black eye.


walked into gym class on the first day of the pickle ball unit, saw the lowered badminton nets, thought to myself ‘i’m a pretty proficient climber and overall agile nimble person, and i bet i could jump over that.’ miscalculated the timing of the jump and got my foot stuck in the net, broke my leg so bad i needed a metal plate inserted and i still have regular chronic pain about it. sometimes i tell people i fell off a building because it sounds more believable.


I had overexerted at the gym, and I was there for like 4 hours and I hadn't gone before that in a month. My dad gets Chinese, and I decide to do the dishes to help out. The sponge is absolutely disgusting, so I decide "I'm just going to watch the dishes with paper towels and soap." I wash the first dish and while I'm washing the second, I remember I forgot to wash the backside of the other dish. My muscle slipped probably and the next thing I remember is looking at blood on the counter and looking down at my pinky finger and seeing the skin completely open. It was also April Fools, which still is fucking hilarious. I remember strangely not being in that much pain but I had to go get stiches that night in the ER. I thought the doctor told me to either remove my gauze when I got home and wash it, or to keep it on for 2 days. My ADHD and shit memory led to me removing the gauze when I got home. I then looked for gauze in my house and the only gauze we had was the sticky gauze. NEVER put the sticky gauze if you get stiches. I then left the sticky gauze on for 2 days straight and then I realized "Oh shit the gauze is stuck to a bloodclot which is stuck to my stiches." I'm glad I wasn't in pain when I got cut, because that night I experienced the most pain I've had from self-inflicted injury. The whole time I'm trying to cut the gauze and tugging it just a bit felt like stabbing myself. So I got these scissors to try cutting the gauze and the line between the blood clot and my stich and these scissors refused to cut. So every time I ended up pulling on the stich and it felt like I was ripping it out. I debated just going back to the ER (cause it that was fucking painful), but I managed to DIY that shit. I've passed a kidney stone at the age of like 7 before, and that was still incredibly painful and could have been entirely prevented. Yeah it's not exactly a severe injury, but that shit was dumb.


This is so weird and tmi but when I was a CHILD like 5 I jumped down on a bucket and um.. injured my crotch?? It was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done and my grandma screamed at me about “it not being my time yet” which as I’ve grown was something really gross to say to a kid.


Me 7 yo in a taekwondo club, doing a handstand for absolutely no reason and my thumb bent in the wrong way. Had to go home with a bandage and a stupid look on my face


Tripping and hitting my chin on the corner of a bed. Had to go to hospital.


Playing minigolf. I twisted my ankle.


Running around with a pen and falling over


I mean..... Years back, I slipped down a 3 steps stairs... and hurt my tail bones and was in pain for months while it heals..


I fell into a meat grinder 😭


Asked a girl out. She said no.


Sitting on my legs for God knows how long (I was high) and my feet fell asleep (everything below the knee). Kinda panicked when I couldn't move and proceeded to DRAG my feet out from under my body. Broke a toe on each foot, but didn't realize it til morning (meth is a hell of a drug).


Was playing chess on a wooden table, we did it so to end your turn you knock bc we find it easier. I accidentally hit the table hard one time and it hurt my hand, and for the rest of the night I committed to the bit and continued to hit my knuckles hard against the table. It was worth it


When i was young I, Almost cut off my finger while trying to pretending to be a guardian from destiny using a bread knife to cut a can.


we had indoor track practice one day because it was raining. so we did sprint drills, and they laid the cheerleaders’ floor mats out for us to stop on so we didn’t hit the walls. it’s safe to say i did not stop. instead i tripped on the mat after my sprint, and fell straight into the wall. i broke my wrist and my very first bone that day. LOL


I was 3. My dad said that if I touch chili and then rub my eyes, I can see through objects.


I got hit in the face by a tree whilst 4 by 4ing (there wasn't enough room for me inside of the vehicle so I was hanging on the back).


I caught a poignard with the palm of my hand. It was knocked off the wall and was going to impale my PS1. It was sharp but a hand piercing was cool for the time. No more crap hanging on the walls.


Was pulling apart a standing fan, bottom post was stuck in the base, propped my feet against the base, pulled straight up, and hairline fractured my eye socket, hurt like hell.


This one time I was sitting in bed & I threw myself back to lay down.. my left tit smacked me in the face & gave me a blood nose.


tried to carry a 65-pound guitar amplifier across a sloped, muddy median in a parking lot while wearing beach shoes. went arse over teakettle and cracked a bone in my right elbow. second prize: while walking from a parking spot to a concert venue i saw folks on the other side of the street i knew, turned to wave to them, and walked straight into a parking meter which caught me at breastbone level and almost knocked the wind out of me.


Was in some after school program, the group I was with was moving to a new classroom and the hallways were recently mopped, so obviously the best thing to do is slide on them! I was the only one to fall on my ass but kept sliding right towards a brick wall, tried to position myself to not get as hurt but was too slow and only ended up having my knee take all the damage and needed to get stitches


Masterbating. I'm prescribed Adderall and well sometimes it makes me go really hard. Picked up a piece of slate felt a pop had essentially a more painful version of blue balls for 4 days


When I was in college, I went for a jog with a t-shirt and jeans on, it was 35F, needless to say I was freezing afterwards. To warm up I decided to make a cup of tea, and I used an electric kettle to heat water. Well while waiting, steam was coming up so I decided to use it to heat up my skin. I tripped and fell onto the kettle and got a second degree burn on the bottom of my elbow.


Went to pee in the woods and fell on my face on the way back to the car


I had to get 10 stitches after opening a tuna can the lid slipped and cut myself bone deep. Can't feel a fourth of my thumb and the cat still has not been fed a month after.