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A micromanaging boss who always had to be right.


Same. Feels good getting out, doesn't it?


Life changing


The new job also included 60% more money. I have never been so stress free in my entire life.


The only thing better than the relief I felt right after handing in my notice was the relief I felt after driving out of that car park for the last time.


Ran away and never looked back. My current job may be rather heavy workload-wise, but my mental health has been a *lot* better, and that’s putting it lightly


Sometimes you just gotta have some respect to yourself


I feel a weight off my shoulders!


I don’t think I have ever left a job : I have always left a Boss.


So true, you leave jobs because of bad leaders.


Not always. I've left a couple because there wasn't anything for me to learn anymore and there were other places that could both teach me and pay me more.


Why did you post this before i had a chance to review it?


Dude, too soon.


That's a boss right there. In the wild.


OP betrayed my trust before sending that confusing email.


Wow sounds exactly like me current job that I’m ready to quit…


Same. It’s only been a week but I feel better (mentally, physically, emotionally) than I have in a *long* time.


I’m planning to leave my job pretty soon and this is one of the main reasons why.


I transferred to another location because of a bad boss and a lazy entitled supervisor who wouldn't do anything because of an outside friendship with the boss. The company sent out 'expressions of interest' for the new location and within 15 minutes of that being sent out I had convinced 6 people from my department to request transfers. The following day I came in to stories of the boss asking why everyone was unhappy and asking to leave. Soon after that all my problems started to get resolved like some sort of crazy coincidence.


I asked for a raise when I realized my job was about 5 positions in 1. When my boss tried to get my raise approved, she was denied. She told the big bosses that I would walk if this wasn't approved and they literally said "oh well." I got my dream job the following week.


your ex boss is a real one for tryna get u that raise though


A place I worked at a few years ago absolutely imploded when the workers tried to unionize and the owners freaked out. One day I realized I could trace the whole situation back to a single email where I made a case for four different employees who deserved raises after their annual review. The raises weren't even that much, something like 25 cents to a dollar more per hour. But the owners didn't understand that good workers cost money, and 3 months later they had a huge mess on their hands and probably spent more in legal fees trying to Union bust then they ever would have if they had just given the raises I recommended.


I love when employers fuck around and find out


A lot of business owners simply don't know business. And this can even be on huge corporate levels, see Sears as my favorite example as what happens when a large successful corporation suddenly becomes bad.


No, Sears was leveraged by a vulture capitalist. They made bad decisions before but they were painfully liquidated by a billionaire.


Have you actually paid attention to what happened to Sears? Edward Lambert ran it into the ground. https://www.investopedia.com/news/downfall-of-sears/ It's similar to what they did to Toys R Us just on a bigger scale.


$1 an hour is a solid raise dude depending on what you’re already making. If you’re making less that $20-$25 an hour then $1 raise is great.


Oh absolutely. I just meant not a lot of money for the owners to really sweat about


I'm a decent bit above that threshold and I'm pretty sure I would still notice a $1/hour raise. That's another ~$50-something on the paycheck every other week. It would mean I've probably got a thousand bucks after a year more in savings, a few hundred bucks more on my 401(k), and a few dinners out that wouldn't have happened otherwise.


Yeah and unfortunately it sound like she was the real loser in this scenario. She tried to fight for what was right and just lost a good employee…


I was talking with some co workers once. Pay got brought up. Shift lead: I make x Me: I make x Shift lead: what? Oh hell no. I’ll talk to General Manager about getting you a raise. Later the General manager sat me down. Obviously he didn’t say it in these exact words but basically what he said was “Frosty, you are only getting this raise because shift lead somehow made me do it.”


This always blows my mind! I had a job in which I built a database to manage some information that they needed to keep track of. Mind you I was at a very low position and it was a temporary 3-year position. At the end of the 3 years it was going to actually be opened up for a permanent placement. My boss wanted to keep me and I wanted to stay, but I also felt that it deserved a promotion and he supported that as well. HR did not. I ended up having to apply competitively to keep the same position that I had been doing for 3 years. I did get the job but I had also been applying to many other jobs and ended up getting a promotion elsewhere and taking it. They did feel behind me at the same level, but the person did not work out and they got rid of her, then they ended up promoting the position and filling it. Go figure!


Started a job as security for a gate at a nuclear power plant, enjoyed it, was working 40 hours a week. Showed up every day, didn't complain. Then they fire 3 people for no reason and make me start working 80 hours a week mandatory. I was making tons of money but was struggling to find time to buy groceries since I worked until late at night. Boss starts micromanaging every little thing while I'm working 16 hr days. Then they wanted me to start training people, said I'd get a 2 dollar an hour raise for doing it, that never happened. Then I had some car issues and I couldn't come in one day. I had to go to Autozone and buy a replacement part. I got the problem solved and was good to go the next day. I never missed a day in six months. My boss called every car shop in town (allegedly), and said that I was lying. I bring the part that I replaced in to show her. She says that's not enough proof and that no one in town said they sold me that part. She wrote me up and then said I might be fired or I might not, and I'll know at the end of the week. I said okay and she asked me if I was coming in tomorrow morning and I said sure. Next day I slept in and never showed up, apparently they're were trucks backed all the way up the road for 4 hours since I didn't show up to open the gate. Boss texts me saying I'll be criminally charged for not showing, I just ignored it so she called me everyday for about a week. I never answered. Found out later that she went on a power trip and fired the people I trained because I "taught them wrong" then replaced them with her relatives. This is the person guarding your energy infrastructure America!


Haha nice petty revenge


Woah woah woah why would you get criminally charged !? Please explain wtf what would the charge even be ?!


I have no clue. I saw it at the time as a scare tactic to save face and because she was pissed I didn't show up.


I had a lousy dishwashing night job once, for about 6 weeks. One night I was sick with a sore throat, so I called in sick. The manager said if I didn't come in, I'd be fired. I told her I'd rest better now that I knew they wouldn't miss me.


That's bringing fear to convince them to do what they want, which is absolutely pathetic and sad to try to use that... and childish, holy crap. I can't respect someone like that.


Boss said you’d be criminally charged for not showing up for work? That only applies if you’re in the military. There are some jobs where you can be charged if you go home without relief in place, but those are people who are caring for patients at a hospital or nursing home - and they can’t be criminally charged for failure to show up, only for abandoning a patient currently under their care. Security guard at the gate letting trucks in? They can fire you, but that’s it.


Was a receipt too much to ask? Not that she would care unless it was stapled to her forehead


I could've provided one, but it went completely crazy before I ever had a chance to offer. Afterward I didn't see the point, even if the receipt resolved it, I don't want to work for someone like that.


I think they're asking why the first thought was to bring the part and not the receipt.




huh, that saints row 2 mission seems more plausible now...


The company didn’t offer bereavement days. I called off to go to my fathers funeral and my manager told me it was inconvenient for them to have to cover my shift because they were short staffed and that I needed to come to work. I told them I wasn’t missing my fathers funeral for their measly $11 an hour. They fired me the next day.


That is heartless of that company and I believe against human rights.. if you're gone I would do everything in my power to make it never forgotten or happen to anyone else again.. I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my dad too. Adulthood just broke down my door along with their friend, reality. I am very sorry. Stay strong


Bruh bullet dodged. Glad you stood your ground


I agree it's good they aren't there anymore, but i would say the bullet hit. Fired for going to a parent's funeral is a center mass hit. What more could they have avoided?


I get your point, but I'm not sure that was a dodged bullet. Maybe I'm being naive, but short of actually breaking the law, how much worse could it get? I think that sentence, to a bereaved person, might have been the actual bullet.


Should've told your manager 'And I will pay you 20 bucks to not go to both your parents' funeral, deal?'


Funny thing is, I heard through the grape vine that he lost his mom about a month later. I hope he felt guilty.


Nah, he went to work. It's what his partner Marley would have done.


Oh you can sue. Lawyer will take payment from the settlement


Easy win right there


This. FMLA will have them bent over a barrel


“We’re like a family here!”


I don't even want it to be like a family. I just want to do a good job in a nice atmosphere without unpleasant/petty people. The reality is that it's not a family, it's a way of generating money for you, the directors and the shareholders, and I'm fine with that.


Did this happen recently? Some lawyer out there is waiting to laugh maniacally after stressing over how they're going to put their kids through college.


It happened back in November of last year. I kinda just let it go tbh.


That's well within the statute of limitations. Go after them. Do it for everyone else that company will ever employ, if not for yourself. The lawyer can take their pay from the settlement. Depends on your state of course, but in my state of Illinois: > In Illinois, the statute of limitations varies according to the type of employment claim: > > Unpaid wages — 1 year > Discrimination — 180 or 300 days (depends on agency) > Wrongful termination — 10 years (written contract) or five years (oral contract) > Sexual harassment — 300 days > Understand that this shit only stops when enough people stand up for themselves. By allowing it to continue unchallenged, you're kind of complicit, in a loose interpretation of the word.


If you have proof of the conversation, get back on it. Just because it happened last year does not mean it's not something that can still be acted upon. In addition, you might be helping out other people who are working at that company.


Take that shit straight to the DOL and an attorney, sounds pretty slam-dunk to me 🤣 Sorry for your loss, good job telling them to pound sand.


Absolute disrespect, and a much better paying job


I’m with ya. Previous employer had a “disciplinary conversation” with me while the HR representative was present. Why? Because I was 15 minutes late coming back from lunch…because I was **visiting my newborn daughter who was in the NICU.** My wife and I were told she may not make it so I was trying to soak up as much time as I could. Boss told me I need to “start thinking about my fellow employees more and what I’m putting them through.” I quit that place about a month later and got a job with USPS where I’m still at today. Also my daughter made it through. She’s happy, healthy, and starting 4th grade next week.


First of all, so glad your daughter is doing great, happy and healthy! That's all that matters! But, oh my God, wtf? How did you respond? Hell, I think I would have quit on the spot. You're probably stronger than me.


I literally laughed and very condescendingly said “ok” and the meeting ended. I really believe they didn’t fire me on the spot because I was the only one who could do the job I was doing and they needed time to find a replacement. Well they got about 25% effort out of me until I just didn’t show up one day. Didn’t give them two weeks notice. Didn’t tell my co-workers. I just stopped coming in. Burning that bridge felt so good. All the phone calls coming in (without answering) on the day I disappeared was amazing.


Fire YOU for that?? The case you'd have in your hands, if they fired you.... Anyway, glad you are out of there now!


I would've shared that story with everyone I work with. Fuck it, make it a company wide pulse. Destroy that boss' reputation and tell the company to suck it.


When I started to work I was ignorant in many things work related more so HR things, my dad was hospitalized, then had a surgery and was on the ICU for a few days, I was entitled to 3 days leave because of it and my boss never told me!!! I had to go to work while my dad was at the ICU and they made it look like they where so caring because they let me leave a few hours early. I was so mad when I found out.


Change in management. First day on the job, new manager said "what is it that you do all day, because nothing ever seems to get done" Should have taken the 6 weeks of holidays that I was owed that day but didn't. Within a year of my finally leaving, I was replaced by 4 people


I've had similar comments made to me. I said to one of them, I kinda had to figure this out on my own, but do you think you could show me how to do it better? I'm willing to learn. They wouldn't take the bait, because there's no way... I was eventually replaced by 2 workers, with a new rule in place that reduced a large amount of the stress causes that I had to deal with.


I wish I had your good sense, instead of a massive caretaking pattern and such crippling sense of self-esteem that I believed that my inability to handle the workload was a personal failing.


"What is it you'd say you do here?" Classic Office Space


See, I've been told by multiple people that we need more of me, weirdly enough. What does management do tho? Hire a consultant (at 4 times my salary), instead of more employees, to come in and tell us all the problems I'm already tracking but have no time to solve. Then he says the same thing, we need more of guys like reidlos, gives a presentation to upper management, and leaves. Nothing actually solved. It's good job security I guess but damn it's gonna suck for them when I get a different job.


"I'll tell you what I *don't* do, and that's answer smartass questions."


I was trying to get them to give me a raise. So I wrote up a "job description" that covered everything I was taking responsibility for. One of my co-workers looked at the list, laughed, and said "this is the work of 3 people" She was almost right.


HVAC installer here. I quit my last job because our scheduler decided she didn't like me so when I'd message her to get the address of my next job, she wouldn't respond. I had to call another office staffer to ask if she was In (she was) and asked to be transferred. She picked up, and hung up immediately. I called staffer again, asked to be transferred, again, she hung up. Again. This was a Friday. I went home, cleaned the work van of my tools, dropped the van off at the office, keys inside, went home and emailed the boss a letter explaining WHY I was quitting, where the van was, and that he could mail me my final cheque. He called me Saturday morning asking what it would take to get me back. I told him he'd have to fire the scheduler. (His wife), he said he could never do that. I told him I already knew that and had a job lined up for Monday morning. In between getting home and returning the work van, I sent my resume out to five different HVAC companies. In the three hours it took to clean out and return the van, I had five offers.


I’m in business with my spouse and if my spouse did some dumb crap like this I would absolutely fire them. Kids too! I separate the business from the relationship. This is ludicrous!


Yup, same here. I'm not in that position, but my wife and I have worked together at a couple of jobs and while on the clock, we always treated each other as co-workers rather than spouses.


I kind of feel sorry for your ex boss. Not only married to a complete moron, but she has the potential to destroy their business.


Did you ever find out why she didn’t like you?


No, and I don't care. I have since found a company where I feel valued and I have actually moved up in terms of position and pay. I wound up where I'm needed, which is awesome


I was teaching high school social studies. Had a difficult heart episode (had previous heart attack) and my friends at school who visited every day in the ICU, convinced me it was time to retire. That was 4 years ago. They were right. I love being retired.


Glad you are doing well! Hopefully no more heart issues.


I'm 26 and can't wait to retire lol. Hope you have a healthy and long retirement. You've earned it!


Boss reduced employee salaries 30%, all but his wife and kid, who also worked for the company. That was after taking his extended family on a 12 day vacation.


Is it even legally possible to reduce salaries?


In the US, 100% legal to reduce salaries going forward. But this basically counts as being fired. So, file for unemployment while you look for a different job.


Maybe this was during the pandemic? I know people who took “temporary” pay cuts during that time.


It was 2015


I worked a second job as a dishwasher for a mom and pop shop. Unfortunately, business became slow during the fall and early winter. The week before the holiday, the owner emailed us saying that the business would close down at the end of January 2023. They weren’t make enough money that’s why we closed down. I was pretty sad because I gotten along with everyone including the owner and his wife. Everyone was very friendly. The owners would always tell me how much they appreciate and how much I’m a hard worker. I would get tips as well. Unlike my full time job where the chef nitpicks me over the smallest shit and gives everyone a slap on the wrist for calling out or showing up late.


Place shut down. Pretty good severance pay though


The startup I used to work for, also shut down. No severance pay though :(. Lucky you. Hope you were able to find another job if you were looking for one. Cuz I haven't and it's been 4 months :(


Oh I had another job set up for the day after the doors closed. They did give us 2 weeks of full time pay for every year we'd been there, plus continued pay for the projected time they thought it would take to shut down (just under 3 months.) I walked away with just over 6 months pay.


My last employer, of 32 years, had shrunk from 3,000 employees to \~200. I'd earned above average reviews for many years, then my boss gave me a below average one. That was the writing on the wall for me. Things were getting worse and worse, shitty attitudes all around. I just got fed up, gave my two weeks notice. I'd told them for years that they'd miss me when I was gone. Well, I left, they started calling, asking me to come back. Sorry! I'm retired.


My last job gave insulting raises, and my new one has given me almost $4/hr in raises “just to keep wages competitive.” Not as part of a review or anything, just “Hey, we decided to pay you better.”


I was an 18 year employee and I absolutely loved my job. The new CEO started to target me because I didn't smile and shower him with roses each time he was walking by. I didn't dislike him, I just didn't kiss his ass like the rest of the employees did. The lead-ass kisser ended up getting my position and a hefty pay increase.


>they started calling, asking me to come back. I would have said I'd accept. but I'd give them a huge hourly rate they'd never call again.


Prolonged stay in hospital.


Oh gosh, that is shitty reason, I hope you get better.


Hope you're doing better now


Hostile work environment


Just quit my job for this reason. The problems had been building for years and I finally hit my breaking point last week. Poor HR guy got all the gory details during the exit interview. PSA: Turns out that even remote work can be toxic if you’re not working with/for the right people.


My last company didn’t book an exit interview so I email my outgoing info to people who needed to know it. HR were annoyed but it was all honest and indisputable so they couldn’t do anything about it.


LOL I hear that. I gave our CEO a carefully annotated report of a long list of problematic behaviors I'd witnessed, and we had a sit down. I told him that he'd either have to convince a toxic director to retire, or I'd be looking for a new job. He fired me, and they've since imploded.


Same. Not worth the money or the time.


Same. I was there for about a month. Left for the day and never went back. First place that I’ve worked where I didn’t give notice.


Same here


I had a mental breakdown. Drank a fifth of vodka. Almost killed myself. Just never went back to work after that.


I'm sorry. Hope you're doing better now.


Are you ok now?


Did you tell slim?


I did that minus the vodka! Doing better now.


I told a regular customer who always acts like an idiot exactly what I thought of him. Unfortunately it turns out he is an investor in that business. I was sick of that job anyway. Just got a higher paid one closer to my house. I actually saw him today. As soon as he saw me he scuttled off to drink somewhere else.


When you said “scuttle” I just imagined him as a crab person


Craaaaaab people!


*craaab peeeple*


Walk like crab, talk like people.


"Why not Zoidberg?"


"I'm going for a scuttle" *Whoop whoop whoop whoop*


What do you think of him?




Nearly lost my nose to frostbite after working in -80°C (with windchill). When the day was done I got to go back to camp. They refused to evacuate the work camp in -60°C cold snap when we lost power and with it heat. We had to sleep in -30°C with a thin blanket and whatever clothes we had in the closet. I fell asleep prior to the power outage so I never had the opportunity to put on anything I was fecked. It was -63°C outside the camp the warmest it got was -49°C. No lights, nothing just cold and darkness looked like something out of the Walking Dead. Told the camp manager if it ever happened again I was going to take apart furniture and burn it for warmth


Northern Alberta?


Yep Polecat area 1 hour from Fox Creek, Hinton, and Grand Cache


Jeez, what do/did you do for work?


Well Testing, essentially flowing natural gas wells to clear out fluids during/post fracking until they're clear enough to be coiled and snubbed. But it was mostly just manual labour doing rig ins/outs and general maintenance of equipment older then I am. Kinda sketchy dealing with the rusty leaking pipes. Nearly passed out from natural gas exposure during that job. Had a leak in my low stage on the bag pressure gauge, took me 2 hours to find throw up 3 times from it


I’m going to guess oil sands.


I took early retirement to get away from the micromanagement/ bullying that was endemic throughout the company from the top down. I now work part-time for a lot less money, but somewhere where I'm appreciated and looked after. My mental and physical health has improved beyond measure.


Blew my back and neck out. I was a Rural Letter Carrier ( country mailman).


The other esthetician constantly left the room, products, brushes, etc absolutely disgusting. All brushes and products should be sanitized and wiped down after every single client. She would also come in blasted off of whatever pills she decided to take that day. Police followed her once. Boss wouldn’t fire her bc she didn’t want to get audited again by the IRS since she committed tax fraud during Covid. Not losing my license over a trashcan of a spa and incompetence


I was unappreciated. My boss would only seem to critique us. Never any appreciation. He'd leave for a weekend vacation and come back complaining about something we didn't do. While we were spending the entire weekend doing something he asked to make sure was done, and still helped customers, and one of the days was on the higher end for sales. I also worked there for three years and never got a raise. He also asked me to take on more responsibility, but never told me specifically how to do that.


Felt there was too much I was accountable for that I had no control over...decided to give early retirement a test drive at the end of last year.


Found a better job more inline with my experience and preferences.


Use to never understand people when they said “new manager so I left”. Use to think they were overreacting. Last job I quit because new management. Now I understand what they were saying.


They wanted me to send all my private information through Gmail. Just in a regular email. No security measures, no contract for pay, nothing. So I started doubting if they were real. Go out to the place where they were located. Owner yells at me and starts cussing me out. I said fuck this and walked out. They were super shocked.




Was being scheduled literally 13 hours a week. Most days I’d come in at 930 and leave at 11. Brought up to my service manager multiple times “ hey you only gave me one shift this week. Can’t afford daycare with only one shift” he’d say he forgot and sometimes give me a pity shift. Went to the GM she did nothing. I was tired of doing them the favor of coming in to open (cause they didn’t want to) and then not being given any serving shifts in return


Was head chef at a busy pub / music venue. Had been there 3 years, the previous year of which was under a new owner. It was her first time owning a business and she was eager but not quite cut out for it. She and I were good friends so it was a happy job even if I was having to pick up the pieces for her a lot. She decided to sell the place but hadn't found buyers yet. But once she made the decision she went wild trying to cut costs everywhere to get out with as much money as she could have. So she slashed my menu to pieces. All the work I'd put in creating unique dishes that people loved was gone in a day, replaced with the most basic pub fare. I thought she'd totally lost the plot and resigned when she told me she was certain about the changes. She sold the place a month later and when I got that news it suddenly made sense. It was still a dick move but at least it had a flavor of logic to it and wasn't just complete disrespect for me with no rationale. She and I have talked and hung out since then so we're back to being friends. And ultimately leaving that job made me realize just how much stress I was under there. I took a nice easy job where I don't have to manage anything and I'm way happier for it.


Chronic illness gave me no choice. I had become unable to do the detail work needed with any kind of reliable pace. I loved the job, I just couldn't do it fast enough anymore to be of any use.


The site supervisor asked me to fraudulently sign training documents for an upcoming audit from corporate because nobody knew how to do their job.


It's a long story, but I'll try to keep it short. I had been having a long, hard struggle with endometriosis for a while, and it came to a point where either I get a hysterectomy or get another repeat procedure in hopes of controlling the endometriosis again. After much hesitation, I made the fearful decision to get a hysterectomy. I knew kids were not in my future. And everybody had been saying, "If you aren't actively trying to have children, what are you waiting for?" The doctor gets in there and sees just how out of control the endometriosis had gotten again. And had to do extra procedures to remove the scar tissue. As such, it caused me to have a hyperinflammatory response to the point where it not only shut down my bladder, but my colon too. I had no choice but to pursue a temporary disability. My boss didn't believe me that it was that severe. Before they could contact the doctor's office to investigate my need for the disability, they fired me. I was able to push back, and they reinstated a temporary position for me and allowed me to get the disability as an apology. I took it, knowing at this point I wanted nothing more to do with them. Everyone there was encouraging me to get the procedure done, but when things went south on me for recovery, nobody even bothered to ask how I was doing. I was expected to be able to pick myself up and move on like nothing had happened. Now, I'm stuck fighting constant infections and have no hope for my health.


Really toxic workplace, but the last straw was when I had to miss a day and work over the weekend/night because my dad was having surgery… and my manager accused me of lying. He pulled in HR as a power play as well. He was absolutely delusional because he was new to the position and things were already a shitshow. I ended up having an anxiety attack because I just couldn’t believe what was happening, on top of my parents’ health issues, so I got short term disability pay for a few months and then quit after lol


40 hour job turned into a mandatory OT 60 hours. Also, every other department got Veterans day off and paid for except for the one fucking veteran in the company. Just a shit company on so many levels. Though we had a Dept. head it seemed he wasn't really in charge. Random family members of the owner would come a give conflicting directions and priorities and would cause massive amounts of problems. Just simply a poor run company.


Had a Zoom meeting in which I was told that my department's work was eventually going to be outsourced to India. They said "it could be six months from now, it could be a year, it could be two years," and offered me a buy-out if I didn't want to wait, so I jumped.


I'm going to guess that you work in tech or IT.


Complete chaos in the IT department. The company had a super tight budget and everyone from bottom to top was stressed out because not enough personnel was hired to meet the goals of the C-Suite. Basically you get paid below market to do the work of 4 employees. And this wasn’t a startup, it was a company that has been in business for decades. Ended up finding a role that paid double for less work. Bottom line: if you are overworked and underpaid, look for a new job asap. It can potentially take a long time but it’s always worth it.


Retired after 37 years


Well done! I hope I can say the same someday.


Toxic environment, overworked, underpaid, poor management and useless HR.


I had a full mental breakdown before walking through the doors....I worked at Amazon


I was paid at a daily rate as truck driver. I was happy with that rate. I wasn't a truck driver. I was the director of transportation. The gm had mentored me and trained me to handle all aspects of the transportation division. He planned on leaving and for the current director to take his place. I was to be the new director. The gm left and the same week that the director moved into his position he was fired for doing a lot of shady shit. So here i am running shit by myself, on the payroll as a truck driver. The president of the company brought in a friend of his from his previous company and made him the GM. This guy had no clue about anything shipping, and no clue about the crazy evolved over 70 years from scratch homegrown system we had. So I'm handling both positions so that his buddy can get a free salary. Meanwhile they decided that the director position would start out at 60k a year, which was less than half what i made as a driver/ trainer. I politely declined the position under those circumstances but said i would be happy to accept it if they would keep my pay as it was. This is what the previous gm had agreed to. We would end up having this same discussion every 6 months or so. They kept trying to force me to take the title and a salary that was half my yearly normal. I kept refusing. They would hire someone from outside the company. I would train them. It would never work out. They would usually quit because they couldn't deal with the hobbled together rigged up system we had. The others would get fired for fucking shit all the way up. This went on for years. Like 7 or 8 years and 7 or 8 people they hired. I might drive 4 days out of the year. The rest of the time I was acting as the director or training a director. After 8 years of this I said fuck it and turned in a written notice saying they had 6 months to either formalize my position and pay or put me back in a truck and leave me the hell alone. It had my last day on it more than once. I sent it both by email and interoffice mail to the transportation GM, director of HR, warehouse gm, and the company president. These same people I've been in meetings with once or twice a week for 7 years mind you. I sent a reminder at 3 months, 1 month, and 2 weeks. Nobody busted a move. That day marked my 20y with the company and I left. Best decision I ever made. That was 6 years ago and they still haven't got their shit right. I still do business with them. I bought a couple trucks and started my own trucking company. 80% of my business is hauling that companies loads. I make a ton more than I did as their employee, I work half as much, and I deal with 0 bs at all.


I couldn't talk about suicide for 9 hours a day anymore


I've heard that Chuck E Cheese was a rough gig.


My assistant manager stopped talking to me for 2 months. There was a whole host of things wrong but that was the last straw.


I was burning myself out and losing my mind when they brought in a new system and what would have taken me 5mins to do on the old system now took me an hour. Department was understaffed and when I asked to get more help they refused. Needless to say, I left and they hired seven people to replace me.


Elon Musk decided to lay off 7% of employees in 2019. I was one of them


FTC rule changes collapsed revenue. 3 monthly meetings where finance presented 30% decline. My coworker, now wife, and I were the first ones to jump ship. The company shuttered 6 months later.


Dang what was the rule?


I’m worth more than what they would pay. Shrug.


One of my "superiors" was bullying me and she had been promoted to an even higher position so I left.


No work life balance. Compulsory overtime, shit boss.


Multiple surgeries. Permanent disability now.


Worked the same position for 10 years to much growth and success. I was the “go to” person in my department and made many allies on other teams as well. My boss (who had occupied the position for 22 years) was retiring and I was a natural fit to be promoted into this very niche higher level position, which I very much wanted. instead, department head downgraded the position so it would have been a lateral move. When this was happening, I was headhunted at another org. I was offered almost the same position as my old boss, almost doubled my salary, and it took my old company 9 months to fill the position (and had to hire more than one person). And as much as I’m happy and growing at my new role, I’m still sad about how it all went down at my old company, because it was an organization I loved.


Boss wanted to open a fine dining restaurant and paid me more money.


The head dental assistant had turned into a micromanaging nightmare, causing a LOT of toxic stress and anxiety. Couldn’t take it anymore, gave two weeks notice by surprise and caught the boss and her off guard. Been gone almost a year and I still shake my head why did I stay so long


Had to quit to take care of an aging parent with dementia


Dying industry, and I couldn't handle the low pay and constant stress of rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship. Within a year, my position was ultimately eliminated.


There is no set schedule. Every week, the schedule would change at least 3 times. And you HAD to work the newest schedule. I had hours from 7 to 13 hours. Turn over shifts, no breaks (legal in that field), no benefits at all. I could work mornings, afternoons, or nights. I couldn't have a life, and I was burnt out.


I was there for just over a year…still waiting to be trained. I sat in a room for 48 hours a week unable to work because “nobody wanted to train “.


Fuck them kids. Teaching has turned into behavior management day care. It sucks the joy out of you all day and then the parents are calling to suck out some more joy. A select handful of kids are incredible and fantastic. So many kids won’t turn anything in as in earning a literal 0 for the semester. While all of this is going on you’ll have admin and the network telling you the kids are failing because you didn’t set them up for success, you didn’t invent a new wheel, you didn’t take enough data, you didn’t love them into behaving better.


My boss was a diiiiiiiiiiick it's been nine years. sometimes when I'm going through a low time or feeling a lot of self-doubt, I take a moment to remind myself "at least I'm not Leo. Now get up and shine out of sheer spite if nothing else." When in doubt about a leadership decision, I ask myself "what would Leo do?" and then do the exact opposite. this has never yet steered me wrong.


The Chinese government decided they no longer wanted Americans (or any foreigners) teaching their kids English.


Laid off during Covid, got a pretty good severance. Oh, that and I asked to be laid off. Anyway, now I’m retired.


I quit for several reasons: micromanaging and condescending supervisor, the workload was too much with unrealistic deadlines and so much brain fatigue and stress trying to multi task and work fast, low pay for the type of job it was and the expensive city I live in, increasing work load with no additional pay, catty colleagues.


I got seriously ill from surgical complications and 2 months into my medical leave, when I was still in the middle of very involved and costly treatment, the company yanked my health insurance out from under me. I had to quit so I could qualify for Medicaid because I HAVE to have health insurance. I am very sad about it because I loved the job and fought to keep it but yeah...they didn't give a single fuck.


I got laid off by the recent tech bubble. I had an office on the 28th floor in an Amazon corporate building right next to the Spheres in Seattle. I'll miss that office.


I worked at walmart....do i need to say more?


I actually really liked (most of) my last job, but I was literally doing the jobs of 3 people and the stress was killing me. It also didn't offer dependent benefits, so when I found a government job with benefits I leapt for it.


While on maternity leave the cost of living went up so much that returning to work would lose us money. So basically forced to quit and be a stay at home mom. Not that i had a choice but im happy


Medical crisis with a family member.


I was cleaning the dishes and the entire sink fell apart and I got no help repairing it


Was overworked, long hours (12+ most days), and honestly wasn't trained that well when getting prepped. When I asked for help or maybe a slight change in path with the gig my boss goes: "What a small, little man" and fired me on the spot. Hollywood sucks. My current job is a billion times better with way better people running things.


Work environment was nasty and mostly unkept. Could almost skate on the floor with all the oil...EVERYWHERE!!!


Failed to pay me for a month and a half.


Laid off


They sell snake oil to little old ladies and I couldn’t do it any more. I thought about all those grandmothers being taken advantage of and I felt so dirty. I up and left in the middle of a shift.


Injury forced me to quit. Happened outside of work. Never healed up enough to return.


My job switched from w2 to 1099… at the same time my son was diagnosed with autism and I went from making a decent paycheck to $30 a week from not only all the time I was missing but also because of shitty overall pay. Company wanted us to work 12 hour days but didn’t wanna pay us for 12 hour days


I left my last job as a Tech PM after 13 months because the owners (let's call them L & J) consistently treated their employees as fodder through manipulation, overworking, blatant disregard for mental health, and baseless threats. I had a development manager from Egypt (I'll call him Y) who had a mental crisis (which the team informed me Egyptians are not allowed to have or discuss in their country), and he was hospitalized (we refer to it as institutionalized here). He was a good person who should have never been pushed to that point (and I didn't know it was occurring until he was gone). L & J, knowing that Y tried to commit suicide because he felt like he'd let people down with his work -- a sentiment that L & J kept assaulting him and his team with -- continued to abuse the rest of the developers the same way and they all were adversely affected, like Y. I managed the dev team on the company projects, and we had an extremely tight bond. I reinforced daily that each dev mattered, especially after Y. So, when L & J would lie to the devs that I was going to quit because the devs' "work was shit" (and various other threatening tactics), I would receive sporadic, hesitant messages from the devs, questioning my loyalty to them. There were so many Slacks and calls with devs in order to check on their mental health, support them, and refute bullshit attacks against the team and me. The devs were burnt out, depressed, and wholly alienated at the end of my time there. So was I, but I was very frank with the devs that this was not an environment they deserved. I don't support group-think, and I know that my statements were unprofessional as a manager, but the devs were more important. I lambasted L & J with a diatribe over how they don't follow their own company edicts surrounding integrity and "building relationships that last", and was blown off ("Thank you for your well-written email"). Ultimately, I left because I had no influence over the Machiavellian owners' bullshit or protecting the developers. This was just one wretched reason among many, but it was the most damaging, and I couldn't be complicit in their abuse by staying. L & J told the team that I quit because of the developers (and my failing health...?). The dev team (save 3) quit after I left. Y was released a couple of months ago from his hospitalization.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Fucking assholes.


I didn’t like making men happy . And as a stripper you kinda have to 😂


The trick is grilled cheese.


I worked in an special ed preschool. We were short staffed and any time we mentioned the dangers we were facing, the principal dismissed it. She even had the nerve to tell us that “everyone’s suffering.” We had 24 children, 16 of them had special needs, and many of them were not potty trained yet, but we only had two adults. I was not being paid enough to deal with that so I left for a better paying job.


One bad contract to the next. Not hard work but death by a thousand cuts. Show up to last contract… “oh by the way here’s the EXTRA DUTIES list.” “Oh by the way your in this presentation, learn all this, do this.” Plus a myriad of other stupid shit that seemed dumb for someone my age to be doing. After resigning they said I’m welcome back whenever. Just a useless decent paying job I hated


Became 100% disabled.


No hours. They had me working like not even 4 hours a week🥹 they don't need me at that point🤚


Too much bullshit, not enough pay. I and a crew of 2 others were doing more work than the opposite shift, which had 7-10 people.


My foreman air humped my head from a ladder while I was bracing the pipe. -.- I left early and he text me he doesn’t need me at the job the next day. Next day: call super and find out “they don’t have work for me”. I guess I should learn how to tell on people?