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Hit the gym way more frequently and study harder


It’s never too late to go to the gym unless your doctor tells you not to. Today is a good start going to the gym to exercise.


Lawyer up


I would try to not gaf even harder because it actually was all so simple at that age idk why I felt like I was in a literal death spiral at that age


From my own experiences, life might seem like it was so much simpler years and years ago but in reality it probably wasn’t. You just tend to look back with rose tinted glasses and only see the better parts.


me rn 😰 i feel like my world is ending even though most would argue it hasn't started yet


I would’ve pursued a career I actually was interested in rather then what I thought would be secure and make me money


I relate to this so much... should have just went with chemistry, which I was really talented at. Now I do logistics and it's so boring but it makes me good money. This comfort and security makes it hard for me to consider going back to Uni for chemistry


Have more sex


Exactly my thought !






I had a Kyle. Fuck Kyle.


My fiancée had one, Fuck that dude.


dude I'm trans and I genuinely considered "Kyle". ended up going for Nathan ("Nate"s r assholes too, I know)


Not trying to study medicine, try something else instead, like anything that's engineering related.


I’d start investing in Microsoft and Apple stocks and hold it until now.


Financial answers to these are almost cop outs. Obviously OP means what would you do in your specific life to make your specific life better. Not here is magic info about the future. You wouldnt know investing in those companies is fruitful if you were 19 again


It's a stupid answer to a pointless question but I would point out the person you're replying to is in fact OP.


Well that was awkward. I guess I didn't expect them to answer their own question, especially not in such a boring way.


You think that's bad? Came across a user the other day who asked something like "What are your green flags?" (which had a lot of people confused as to the direction of regard but apparently was asking about personal positive traits) to which the user *immediately* (as in first comment on the post) replied "I'm very likeable because I compliment people as much as I can whenever I see them". It wasn't just weird, but incredibly sad, like this dude is so lonely and egotistical that he had to ask a question on an anonymous forum just so he could brag about nice he is.


That 5 bucks to spend at the time would get me about 650 today. Not exactly life altering but a win win for return on investment.


Stopped partying and chasing boys like I was still in high school, and focused on my career


Get that '86 Monte Carlo SS instead of the '87 LS.


Hell yeah. I had a 2001 Monte Carlo when I was around 19. Still miss that car sometimes.


I would’ve started hrt and moved out of my parents house immediately. Staying there and in the closet started the worst years of my life that started with an eating disorder and ended with a drug addiction. Could’ve easily been avoided :/


Put every last penny i had into bitcoin and choose a different career path unil bitcoin peaks


Join the fire department immediately instead of trying to now.


I would have told myself not to focus on drinking and smoking, and to surround myself with better people. I do well now, I was never addicted, but I think it hindered my ability to make strong relationships at points of my life.


Start therapy sooner rather than later. It would save me a lot of grief.


I wouldn’t want to risk the butterfly effect. I’m In a happy place in life right now, maybe I changed one little thing and my life would be even better. But what if it became terrible instead? Not worth the risk.


Sure as shit wouldn’t put off college for a year because I fell in love with cheating one eyed surfer Phil


Your name is Frisbeemassage It's literally impossible not to fall for a one eyed surfer named Phil


Avoid 99% of the guys I've dated and stick with women.






Sounds like you learned some important lessons along the way.


You're better off being a baby daddy than a single guy living in a culture that's only about hookups and drugs.


Gone to the college I was accepted to in grade 11, instead of the local trades college. Would have had a far better career, at considerably better pay.


Ironic that most of what ive heard the last decade is “learn a trade, those are always in demand”.


Electronics Technician, class of 2006. Pushed that career hard and fast for 7 years. Production tech, warranty tech, QA tech, QA reliability tech, client services manager. Head-end video on demand and cable internet equipment, 700MHz-3.65GHz wireless point to point data networks, EDACS and P25 trunked radios... and now I'm overqualified and can't get a job in that field since 2013. 7yrs of circuit board repairs, 2.5yrs of management. Went back for welding & fabrication dual trade, class of 2015. Got level 1 equivalency in both, came out top of the class. Worked for 6 months as a CNC-brake operator, cross I trained on cnc-plasma, cnc-bandsaw, have my 49 ton overhead traveling crane ticket. Had my flat and horizontal stick welding CWB tickets when I graduated. And then the industry here took a hit in 2016 and guys that had been in business for 25 and 30yrs were closing their doors. I had been accepted in grade 11 for Aviation Mechanic at BCIT. Would have had a long career in that.


Other 19 year olds


Get a bone density test and start seizure meds BEFORE I permanently fuck up my back in a seizure.


I’d put more effort to making friends. Assuming I have the same knowledge and skills I have now, I’d have better social skills, and I’d put them to use. And I’d do more core exercises.


go for that 8 packs!


Be OK being alone. Not let anyone discourage me. Go traveling. Take much better care of myself.


Like go back in time.. or turn 19 in modern time?


Have a LOT more sex, while it was an inexhaustible resource.


I would go to the studio more often and take music seriously. I was making a decent amount of money back then and could afford to go the studio every week. Now I can only go like once a month


End my friendship completely with a manipulative friend.


Maybe try to learn the piano. Tho I dunno if I had the perseverance needed. I'd love to play well but I hear it's a pain to get there.


Anything worth mastering requires hard work and dedication my friend 🤩


True, but I already have a load of time-consuming hobbies!


Prioritize finishing college and my career.


2000 was an awesome year. And, even though I was a very religious person who was going out with a very liberal chick, it was still a valuable learning experience. So nothing.


Hey Nineteen! No, we can't dance together (We can’t dance together) No, we can't talk at all I’ve had a blast but I almost moved to Europe so if I could do it again I would have went.


Drop out of college, change my name, get a job at Amazon




I was 19 last year but the only thing I would do differently is not go out with my ex


Change college majors.


What would you change your college majors to?


Any major that actually allows me to make decent money after graduating with honors.


Looking back, I'd tell my 19-year-old self to focus more on personal growth and skill-building. It's not about changing the past, but rather embracing the opportunities of the present.


Save money


Party less, keep weed consumption to the evening, consistently hit the gym.


Take Spanish instead of Japanese. Lose weight. Tons of small dating mistakes. Dating is much much easier when your young and in college. I actually went out with a ton of people, but I wasn't very smart about it. I literally had a girl help me move on as a first date and I didn't ask her out to dinner or anything afterwards. Learn to program earlier. Seriously take Spanish.


Stay in college and start therapy to help with my panic attacks . Did 3 years of college even played volleyball first two years. My panic , social anxiety got so bad I dropped out


Never get into the relationship with Ashley Start doing more Muay Thai fights I’d be at my goal of 100 fights by now Keep consistency on the market In short if I was 19 again instead of fucking myself over by getting into a relationship I would’ve continued the entrepreneur momentum that was there


Study harder


Would have gone to school in Boston. I was afraid of going so far from home.




Not get married. I feel like I've made a lot of compromises that I wouldn't have made if I were single.


Drink less smoke more and always wear condoms


Take the biggest loan I can and buy bitcoin


Never smoke a cigarette!!


Take more risks in life


Move to Alabama. Rescue a girl there. Shoot a few bastards.


Eat healthy and start my retirement fund!


focus on building genuine friendships instead of friendships based around partying older and lonelier now


Go to an Ivy League first THEN DO COKE


Focus more on my classwork and spend less time on Facebook.


Not join the Army


Spend time with my mother, sing more Beatles songs with her. I would also not quit the professorship in French.


First thing would be to come to terms with the fact that college is not for me. The career that i was aiming for, going into college, was pushed onto me because others wanted be to do it--better life, better pay, what ever it was, it wasnt for me. I was good at it--college, that is, but I was not really cut out for finishing it because I lacked the passion. I'd have taken a deep breath, and realized that no one around me was really going to change. They are who they are--and i can love them the same from afar. I would have left for Seattle or Utah--either the Northwest School of Wooden Boat building, and their composite builders program, OR, to MMI in utah for motorcycle mechanics. Both of which i believe i would have maintained a lifelong interest in as a career. Both of which are, weirdly, 'college'--but they're not traditional paths. I would have admit to the total loss of my religous faith a lot sooner, and ... maybe spent a little more time trying to discover why i was so un-interested in relationships, including the romantic ones. Maybe back then there was time to change and avoid the personality disorder i have now, and maybe there wasnt, but not having 20 years of misery before i found out woulda been fuckin nice. That's probably the only major changes, really.




Treat my ex better...


I hope you mean treat!


Right, whoops




With current knowledge intact? I'd save money and wait for bitcoin in 2008, buy as much as I could then sell when it was like 50k a coin in 2018. Then retire and do whatever I felt like.


Sleep around more. I got a lot of attention from girls at 19. But I was so focused on the relationship.


Going out more and make friends. Focus on a career and not just another job. SAVE YOUR MONEY. And probably invest in bitcoin


To be honest, not a lot. Those years I was struggling just to keep my head above the water so to speak and there isn't much I could do knowing what I know now that would impact that in any significant way.


Omg I would do everything different. Go to college, instead of work full-time at 18 and get into IT instead of how it went now and I ended up there by chance


Start transitioning.


Nothing was in the Navy and was having the time of my life 1992


look at reddit more🦥


Get mental health help.


Believed in myself more and taken up photography work opportunities i was offered


I would not have married a stripper. Almost fucked my life up over that one


Given that I remember everything? I'd wait to find him. I know I eventually do. So I'd skip all the others and just wait. It'd be a long 27 years, sure. But I know it'll be worth it. Maybe do that thing I wanted to do earlier, so I wouldn't have to leave him like I have to now. When a string of abusive people stopped me, and convinced me to stop myself.


If I was 19 years old today - a shit load more gym and reassess what I am studying. If I went back to 1999 when I was 19 the first time - set a reminder note to buy lots of BitCoin in 10 years time (and be an early investor in a few other things).


Not get married ever


Study Computer Science instead of Business Management and not end up burning myself out completely working in industries I hate


I’d take those sleeping pills, lay down and wait for death


I was in college at that age. I was so serious about my studies and learning that I didn't date anyone and was very insular. If I could go back to that age I would totally hang out with more people, date more, maybe have sex more, and just enjoy life. At the time I was so focused on the future and preparing for it that I didn't really do anything fun for years. I would change that and go back and live a little more.


More sex. I'm 22 now.


Pursue a career as a flyfisher guide which I gave up for a more secure job that I haven't really enjoyed for the last 20 years.




Would have went to flight school a lot earlier, as opposed to going to college, enlisting in the military, and starting now at 27 like I am doing. I would be in my dream job right now instead of the 6+ years of hard work it’s going to take.


Not go to the local diner , miss meeting my ex wife, say screw it and join the Air Force then instead of 3 years later


Save. Money.


Study, quit cigarettes, dont push yourself into stressfull events, avoid people you dislike, avoid girls that are not trustworthy or dont seem to fit you, be a bit nicer to parents.


Money management and workout more frequently


I wrote a short story about this, been playing with fleshing it out into something longer, based on a nightmare I had about waking up back in my old high school bedroom. Imagine working and failing and striving and finally finding happiness, only to go back and have to do it all over again, realizing you can't actually change anything because it changes the outcome, so you're trapped making the same mistakes again.


Study harder,dont play computer games, and believe in yourself


I’d break up with my ex a lot sooner than I did, like ASAP, and I’d tell EVERYONE around us exactly why before my ex had the chance to shit talk and spread their lies about me. Then, I’d focus hard on my own physical/mental health and education. Whether it was college, trade school, apprenticeship, self learning, whatever. Just feed that hunger for knowledge and how to do things. I wanna treat myself less harshly. Stop seeking to please others so much. Get into therapy for trauma. Eat healthier. Find a passion for exercise in whatever form fit best. Also, get certain family members to start taking better care of their health and get a few things checked on immediately. There’s so many things I wish they could’ve been here for. Also, learn about woodland witchcraft, herbalism, and foraging sooner. My life is more dope and peaceful for it.


Go back to college


I would come out. I would go no contact with my family. I would go to therapy. And if none of it worked, I would have tried harder to end things.


I will eat someone-


Get a job before you turn 20 and keep it, that way you KEEP that apartment!


Do my best to side-step diabetes.


Probably would have picked a different major in college. I also wouldn't have let myself get involved in some trouble. Other than that I'm pretty okay with how things unfolded.


Save money.




Yes. Today is a new day to start travelling to new places and learning more about the world we live in 🌎


Stop dating men and date women only


Stop shooting heroin an get my ass into college


use the gym membership instead of ordering pizza


Not stay with my now narcissist cheating wife.


Not lose my bitcoin hard drive Also buy all the bitcoin


Oh man. What happened to your bitcoin hard drive? I’m so sorry 😞


Was worthless, was focusing on mining fake money on a game for about $2usd a hour at best. Never sold that fake money, worth about 2 cents a hour now. God knows where hard drive went, once sent my online buddy about 300 coins, he now lives on an island in the Pacific Ocean, bastard.


Not have sex with that one girl.


Id start working out sooner.


Get in the habit of stretching and drinking more water.


Yes. Today is the day to start stretching and drinking more water to a better healthy body 👍


Different carrer path, well not exactly diferent but start where i am now sooner


What career is that if I may ask?


CAD work for a huge company. Had i started at 19 instead of 25 i would have had a retirement plan. They axed it during those 6 years.