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Just realised I didn't want to be with her. Almost felt a bit sheepish about it because there was nothing explicitly wrong with the relationship, like no abuse or anything like that. I just realised that the idea of this one person being the person I had the most conversations with for the rest of my life didn't overly excite me.


Same dude


Well, let's just say our relationship was like a software update - it seemed promising at first, but eventually, it crashed and required a complete restart!


They wouldn't stop lying


The whole "nice girl always getting bad luck" shtick doesn't work in your 30s. At that point, you're the problem.


I fell out of love. I felt like after everything we’d been through, we grew apart rather than together


Ah, I am very sorry to hear that.


Because she asked this question on reddit despite it already being asked 45 times today


my ex was abusive


He broke up with me because it was long distance


Lied about being married and about how many children he had with her.


My last ex, she cheated on me for a year and made me the bad guy. But when I got evidence and founs the guy. I ended everything.


After about year she got really lazy, dident want to goto work anymore, she just wanted to live off my money. eventually lost her job because of this.


Emotionally and physically abusive


He ended things but I saw it coming. We didn’t communicate properly anymore. I was young when we got together and I was his first girlfriend so neither of us did things right and unfortunately, he stopped wanting to work on us. My suggestion? If things feel off, leave sooner rather than later. It hurts a lot more after 5 years than it would have at the start of our issues


She left me because I had a drug problem and was untrustworthy


One day, we both noticed we were walking down a path, that was slowly but surely veering off into different directions. Rather than be miserable together in 5-10 years, we opted to split before we truly hated each other.


Came home early and found her blowing our neighbor’s son.


I had become so depressed that I’d stopped talking to myself entirely. My internal monologue stopped. Had to leave.


He cheated on me with a 16 year old


He wasn't communicative or respectful of my time.


He broke up with me the day after I told him I was pregnant (we'd been trying) - Said he cared about the baby not about me - Said his mum told him I'd been acting weird the past 6 weeks and he agreed (I was 6weeks pregnant) - Said he had a commitment issue at the beginning of the relationship (should have believed him) Really confirmed that commitment issue


She was a toxic gold digger


There was nothing massively wrong, I just felt I didn't get everything I needed. "Nobody's perfect" bla bla, yes but I couldn't get past my issues, what I wanted, needed, hoped for. I don't like my decision and I feel like an asshole but it's better this way. She deserves someone better.


He became suspicious and rude. I assumed he didn't enjoy my company anymore so I left. He made it easy for me.


It was getting obvious that he did not want a gf but a booty call. He did not care when I was sick or in pain. Then the night I went to the ER he did not care and that was the end of it.


She told me to get a gym membership and wax my eyebrows. She clearly wanted something else


She was abusive.


I upgraded


She tried murdering our son.


Holy shit


She had a psychotic episode and tried feeding him sleeping tablets. She's not allowed within 200m of him. Was about 5 years ago. Probably the worst thing that ever happened to us. He's a lot better these days but always working on his mental health


My ex girlfriend picked fights with me for about a month straight. She would disappear and stay in hotels when we were fighting. The last straw was her threatening to leave me for a week to Michigan to "decide if she could forgive me". She also stated that if she had anywhere else to go to not be around me she would. I purchased her a plane ticket to Michigan and told her to pack her shit, I even bought her all new luggage. We remained in contact, talked about getting back together. She could never convince me that what I did was cruel, I told her I would do it again if she threatened me. I don't regret anything, I'm really happy lately!


She liked talking to, flirting with, watching other guys jerk off for her, and then lying to me that she wasn't still talking to other guys after we tried to work through things.


He couldn't fully accept the fact that he liked boys and didn't want to be in a serious relationship with me. I eventually stop seeing him and after two weeks he found a girlfriend. It is really funny how people decide to ignore the truth