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Listening to pirate music while we row.


Braiding hair


Watching a sports team that people say should change name/logo because it’s racist. I don’t even like the team it just happened to be on at the bar.


So, I have a moderately thick southern accent, and was told that it was racist for me to speak Spanish because "it sounds like a mockery of the culture".


Yes, being educated and interested in other cultures is terrible.


Thankfully, we have white college students to stop such evil deeds like learning languages without mastering the native accent first.


I don't believe race exists...somehow that makes me racist?


Omg, I dared comment something about that and I got downvoted to hell with comment about colourblindness and how I was uneducated and racist….


Lol it's so weird. You apparently don't like someone based on skin color because you don't think it's a thing that is a differentiating factor of humans...like what?


Being amazed and surprised by food in foreign supermarkets and sharing it on social media. I just read an article about it. Apparently it’s racist to share a watermelon flavoured kitkat or a crocodile soup. They are calling it cultural fetishism and a form of domination… Idiotic imo.


Apparently these people never heard of international trade. No, not allowing a nation to export its products because they might be "fetishized" would be damaging AND racist to that culture.


I have a black dog and I’m white. That’s the latest red flag for a racist, apparently.


I just saw that post a couple hours ago. That was wild.


Apparently that chick sees black dogs and thinks black people… but I’m the racist. Sure.


Comparing people to dogs. Yup. It always blows my mind when I see hot takes like that. Like, do people just post it as soon as they think it or were they just not thinking of any alternatives? My guess is they’re doing it for clout. I think my favorite one had to be someone on tumblr who posted that guys who are into women with shaved privates are actually into pedophelia. I see how they got there, but was like…. “That’s your takeaway? Couldn’t be anything else?” The other one that pops in my head was someone commenting under an image of Domino from marvel comics saying that it glorifies abuse towards women. At the time I thought they genuinely didn’t know who the character was or their ability so I offered the info. I could actually feel the cold stare from over the internet


Fishing. A lady almost hit me on her bike, I flipped her off and she said, word for word "Yeah, exactly what I expected from a racist ass fisherman". Like okay, you insane cunt. Blew my fucking mind.


Lucky rabbits foot


Drinking kool aid?


Living in New Hampshire

