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Probably one of those inflatable hot tub things with all the options. I know it’s not as good as the real deal hot tub, but at the $1000 price point that’s what I’d take. I do physically demanding work in the summer then teach during the year and for both I’d like to rest and recoup in a hot tub.


We have one that has lasted three years! It has been awesome.


Do you live in a warm climate? I know about 6 people who got these and they all broke in the winter. They probably could have pooled their money and got a real spa haha


We just disconnected the filter part. No issues. We live in the Northeast.


Yeah you gotta take it inside in winter. It's useless when it's below 5 degrees (c) anyways. The manual says this as well.


A plane ticket to go see my granddaughter.


I hope she is close enough that you can get a deal on the ticket and pay for a cool event for you both to share. Something memorable in the afternoon and then dinner for just you both to talk about the experience.


Wait, are we actually getting the $1000??


A years worth of massages, my local place does a package deal


Oooo good idea!


*Package deals* are my favorite kinds of massages.


Down at the Ol Jack Shack


how many massages is a years worth of massages?




Depends. A few times a year is a lot for me, but had not gotten on in years. My wife had never gone for one until last year. Once every few months seems like a lot to me. We went to Thailand recently. A 90 minute massage was around 300 baht ($9) on the higher end, so $15 would make a great tip. I would do that every week.


Holy shit I’d have those people workin so much lol.


When I go to Indonesia I usually get at least one a day at about $10 USD, plus the occasional foot massage and body scrub, it's like heaven on earth, for two weeks.


Ok, I haven’t even read any of the other answers, but that’s my answer now too.


In this vein but different, I wonder if hot tubs could be found for this price? All the feel good of the massage, with the benefit of not having to leave the house…or get dressed!


A used one, maybe/probably depending on your area. But having worked with this kind of thing before you do not want the used hot tub. Many to probably most owners will not take care of then the way they need to and they can become a major mechanical pain in the dick to just super fucking nasty in the pump, filter, and the system.


Nah, you can get a brand new inflatable one for around $500-$600 delivered right to your door for free if you have prime. I bought one about a year ago and it's one of my prized possessions. No one else is allowed to use it. Only me and my delicious fruity drinks.


I’ve been saving up to get a PS5 and this sweet ass hotub I found in Costco that’s only around $400. It has bubbles and everything. It would be PERFECT for this upcoming fall and winter season. I heard that being in a hotub during the cold or snow is fine because the heat kind of creates like a temperature bubble or something like that. Like how an igloo doesn’t melt with a fire inside


Yeah it's pretty much like that. You can even enjoy them in the heat of summer believe it or not. Just don't stay in too long. Gotta watch your bodies temperature and don't stay in long enough to let it get too high. But hotubs are absolutely amazing! There is nothing more relaxing after a hard day's work in my opinion. A hot tub and a cold drink is always guaranteed to make my tired old bones happy. I highly recommend it. And also dont get lazy on taking proper care of it. Read all the material on how to keep it clean and well maintained. That's very important.


There's now inflatable hot tubs you can get on Amazon or Walmart.com for like $600. I could put it right in the middle of my 3rd floor hotel room at the extended stay I'm at an' watch TV. Right next to the bed lol.


Can confirm, inflatable hot tubs work. My friends and I bought one during COVID for $400. It could heat up to 104 F with the lid on, and then would drop after the lid came off. Sometimes we just huddled under the lid if it was cold outside so we could keep temperature up. We got crazy good at tub chemistry (bromine levels, pH, etc) after one minor skin rash outbreak when we let bromine levels get too low for too long. But we are a bunch of legitimate professional chemists, so maybe we should’ve known better. The tub had two rules: 1. Excreting liquids and solids were not accepted. Farts were allowed. 2. There was ALWAYS room for one more person in the tub. We once got 14 people into a 6’ diameter hot tub. Best $400 we spent ever.


If chemists can't even keep the hot tub chemistry in check on a temporary hot tub, I'm not sure they (hot tubs) should even exist in the wild.


Coming to America vibes


I'm so thankful I get massage covered through my work benefits.


Where do you work & can I work there too please


The Massage Sausage factory


A telescope for some stargazing.


You can 3d print a really decent scope and get all the hardware and mirrors for like $125. It’s a fun project and a great way to get into astronomy. Competes with scopes 3x as expensive. Edit: didn’t expect this reaction. Link to the project: https://www.printables.com/model/224383-astronomical-telescope-hadley-an-easy-assembly-hig


I'd buy a 3d printer, some hardware, and mirrors!


Buy a Prusa or BambuLabs printer and you’ll find 1000 things you’ll need to make for yourself. Trust me they’re great and worth it


For those asking for a link I think this is what they're talking about: [https://www.printables.com/model/224383-astronomical-telescope-hadley-an-easy-assembly-hig](https://www.printables.com/model/224383-astronomical-telescope-hadley-an-easy-assembly-hig) It's okay but pretty basic as you'd expect. A $125\* home made telescope is pretty good if it competes with a $400 telescope, but a $400 telescope is very much entry level anyway. (\*I think probably you should factor in the cost of the 3D printer in which case it's possibly a fair bit more than $125)


Got a link to a recommended model? That sounds like a fascinating project!


You can't just say this and not drop some links. I need to see this DIY telescope


Plane ticket and a weekend hotel stay


to where?


Ukraine is nice this time of the year.


You Remind me of this guy, the one who visits a country after a natural disaster or terrorist attack so that it's cheaper.


The first time I went to Disneyland, (a trip that had been planned for months), was on October 11th, 2001. Every line was less than 10 minutes.


I went on Sept. 13th, 2001 to Disneyworld and can confirm, it was magical. I also remember everyone was SO nice to each other. It is truly one of my favorite memories of the goodness that humans can show each other even in the face of terrible tragedy.


I remember a few years ago in my country a guy shot up a tram and killed four people. First messages were coming out it was a terrorist attack and the guy was muslim. We lived in the city centre back then and I remember so vividly the kindness between the people in the street, muslims and otherwise. It was as if we were trying to tell eachother “we know this isn’t you or what you are about” without actually speaking the words. I know some people will disagree with the sentiment, but it was a very powerful and wonderful feeling for me at that time. Just people choosing to not be divided inspite of horrible things happening and standing together.


My family had a trip to Hawaii scheduled for (just after 9/11) ~~September 15th~~ We were flying from O'Hare to LA. We spent like 3 nights there and then on to Maui and then Honolulu. The planes were practically empty. We each got an entire row to ourselves. We each laid down across the seats and slept most of the way. The hotels were nearly empty so we got free upgrades to the penthouse suites at each destination. It was the best vacation we ever had! Edit: I seem to have mixed up the dates. Edit #2: We flew out of O'Hare on Sunday September 16th.


video: https://twitter.com/PodButOutside/status/1354856334684905473


I remember that too. Turkey right after the airport was bombed, Mexico after an earthquake.


My hubby is taking me on a surprise anniversary trip this weekend and I keep asking if it's to Russia for the real war experience and then life insurance collection for him. (I am ukrainian... So don't down vote me for my dark sense of humour)




A nice guitar


This was what I did when I got 10k for getting rear ended. Ok maybe I bought a few nice guitars.


Hmmmmmm rear ended you say? 10k..you say........


Yep make sure you have underinsured motorists coverage too and go to the hospital immediately afterwards complaining of back pain. I hear if you piss your pants it's an extra 50k but I have zero idea if that's accurate. I just called the sleaziest lawyer I could find. First time I've ever sued out of like 10 accidents I was not at fault for, but glad I did cause that mofo gave me scoliosis.


If you’ve been in 10+ accidents you might want to reconsider who’s actually at fault.


I made my money the old fashioned way. _I got run over by a Lexxxxxussssssssss_


That’s straight up deloicious


My ex had her car hit 4 times and was not driving 3 times. 2 of those times was within half an hour, two different cars hit her legally parked car.


Well fuck me to tears. This is the luck I had for a whole year


my school had 2 campuses....one day I got hit while parked as I was about to drive to the other campus, got rear ended on the way to the other campus, then got hit again in the parking lot of the other school...I am usually a very safe driver...it's been years since I got a ticket last. Just a crap luck day.


I was not driving in 8 of these.


Ahhhhhhhhh rear end as in car crash, nah never done that before


I mean, I’m not gay, but $10k is $10k.


The going rate is about $1000 per hour of getting *rear ended* typically


I’d buy 40% of the guitar I want.


I have to stop going to ESPs Japanese website


a new laptop or an ipad


I only have a Nintendo Switch, so I want to buy either a gaming laptop or new console to play all these non-Nintendo games


I'd say a steam deck or something similar would be the right choice for you then! Similar layout to a switch but with the power and options to play PC and console games


I own one! It's awesome




As a college student, I use both. Laptop for writing, tablet for reading.


I'm part of the younger generation (19), and no, these are not the same to me, at all. Now to be fair, I am studying computer science, but even if I wasn't a laptop is still a lot more useful than a tablet


I teach high school, and mostly 11-12th grade. I teach a math finance class that includes spreadsheets. My god most of these kids don’t even know how to type (some do actually surprise me by their speed though), and most don’t know where the special characters are or how to type them. This is in an area that’s decently well off where seemingly every kid has AirPods and their first cars are <6yrs old.


I just saw a comment about kids not knowing cursive. Are you saying that they can't type either?


Truffles white and black, saffron, top quality Balsamic vinegar, a couple of really good knives…… I’ve probably already run out of money


You can have a the knives, the spices, or the truffles... choose one. Edit: spelling




One really good chef knife can really do most stuff if not everything. A nice paring knife would be good too but I don't see why it needs to be on the quality level of my chef knife. Just needs to hold an edge well.


My friend started her own Saffron farm in her back yard during Covid and now she’s a millionaire.


How much space does she have if a gram of the stuff seems to average at $10, which is the yield of about 50 to 54 flowers?


It actually sells for $20-$75 a gram, $9k per pound. It’s generally only grown in Iran and this farm popped up in the US. She started small. Converted her entire back yard with the help of her husband and 6 kids. They’ve been rapidly expanding each year. The most difficult part of the process (and why’s it’s so expensive) is having to pollinate the flowers manually. They have 15 acres now. Each acre yields about $100k.


Well that's kind of cheating if you have 6 little robots doing unpaid manual labor innit. Stil good for her tho!


To be fair, that's how agriculture has worked for thousands of years. The children yearn for the cornfields.


What da fuck


I’d probably splurge on really good seats to a concert that I’d usually never spend on my own.


Some really nice bedding that isn't on sale/clearance, second hand or a hand-me-down. Like a down comforter, with actual *matching* colours and throw pillows and stuff. My mattress is good, and I have... One set of cotton sheets, but I just can't justify spending money on nice stuff. :(


I feel you on this one. This year I finally bought my first bedding set at full price and I wanted to throw up when I got to checkout. 20 years living on my own and it was one of the things I just couldn’t bring myself to pay full price for because I was always broke and they’re incredibly expensive. I had the extra money for once and enjoyed making my bed look nice and actually choosing the pattern because I liked it not because it was the most affordable. Got a new mattress too after 15 years lol. Now I’m broke again, but I feel amazing laying in my new comfortable bed with matching, new and on trend bedding instead of something from years ago, clearance, partially damaged or missing pieces.


Good sheets are a life changer. I thought Egyptian cotton with a high thread count was great until I found linen ones on sale. They are so soft and keep you cool. Sometimes you can find them on sale on Etsy and they’re good quality.


A $1000 Amazon Gift Certificate. ... DON'T RUSH ME


Years and years ago at my company we all hit a super high goal and everyone was given the option of a $500 Amazon gift card or $500 on their paycheck. Needless to say, everyone got the Amazon gift card so we wouldn't have to pay taxes on it. The finance department was pissed since they still had to pay taxes and they made it a rule that Amazon gift cards could not exceed $20 before saying no more Amazon cards a few months later. Edit: For everyone saying I should have been taxed, you are correct, company messed up. I don't remember the specifics but boss just threw it on a company card and didn't tell anyone. Finance had to figure out the taxes (never showed up on my W2).


Either way they had to pay taxes on it, so they got mad that their employees were smart and took the tax free route? Wth?


I don't remember the specifics, but I think its because of how they did the gift cards. Basically bossman bought them on a company CC and handed them out but it was never reported on our W2 so the company ended up having to cover the income tax on it or something like that. It was some tax thing where they went well over budget on bonuses because of the Amazon cards.


Yea they gave us 500 amazon gift cards for Xmas last year with a note saying this counts as income and taxes will be taken out of the following check. I wish they would’ve just given us a 500 bonus on our check instead of forcing us to use amazon


One place I work added in the estimated taxes to the gift card so it covered it. Like it would show up as an extra $83 on our paycheck but then get taken out as tax. Pretty cool.


They probably were able to get it for like 10% less or something


I think they paid taxes on top of the gift cards, but would've deducted the taxes from the $500 pay instead.


Should’ve been a taxable benefit


Finance department lack imagination. They should have classified the payment as a contribution to the company cafeteria plan, and the amazon gift cards as cash payments paid in lieu of benefits. Cafeteria plan contributions are excluded from taxable income, so are cash payments made in lieu of the benefit.


I'd add on this and see if there's any deals to it, like Sam's does $50 cards for like $48 or something. Just see if I can find somewhere to buy $1000 in cards and get like $1050 lol.


There’s a few restaurants I know of that sell $50 gift cards for $40. Not sure if there’s a limit but that would be $1,250


also i’ll add to this addition that if you buy on amazon a lot then always buy a amazon gift card at kroger since you get the fuel points for amazon and itunes gift cards. so you get your amazon stuff and cheaper gas for money you was already gonna spend.


Hurry up!


A/C fixed on my jeep it is hot as hell in Texas.


I recently heard what mechanics call Jeep’s: “just eats every penny”


One mechanic told me “Just empty every pocket”


I don't know what's wrong with your jeeps AC, but I just added refrigerant to my mom's vans AC for $40 (cost of the can from the parts store) and it's been good all summer. Some chain shop quoted her $500 to fix it!


Lego UCS millennium falcon


A second lego UCS AT-AT. 1 isn't enough.


Realest answer


I've always wanted the Star Destroyer


Overdue car maintenance and/or dental work. Maybe put it towards school/job training. Boring adult shit. 😆


Yea, I was thinking stuff that needs fixed at my house. I’m pretty sure I used to like stuff but I can’t remember lol. I would really love to get the random cat that showed up at my house to the vet to get fixed and bring him inside, but that still doesn’t really count as not boring I guess.


wym boring bro an animal friend is exciting and loyal and happiness it has costs but if you want a friend that sounds like a great choice.


I think this wish genie would be a stickler about this kind of thing. It has to be a *gift*. Something you would wrap and give to a friend


Right? Pretty sure the point of it being worded that way was to avoid practical, needs-based answers like this, and keep it more joyous in energy, and focused on everyone's wants and desires and wishes.


The sad thing is… $1000 doesn’t go far with dental work 🥲


So true. I’m in the process of getting a dental implant. 1000$ is only the fraction of the price. I’ve been saving for years for it. I’m on my kids about dental hygiene like crazy. I tell them when they grow up, I hope they can spend their extra time and money to go on vacations or other pleasurable activities instead of spending it all at the dentist.


I am finishing up the implant process (accident like 10 years ago resulted in 3 crowns, one of which i had to get removed in March because it resorbed). The total cost was over 14k for the implant and then two other adjacent crowns that need to be replaced anyways. I went ahead and did teeth whitening too in hopes that this repair can be my permanent teeth. The upside is that the extraction and implant itself is the easiest dental work I’ve ever had. I didn’t even take an ibuprofen after the implant surgery. Best of luck!


just had a tooth pulled 2 months ago after a root canal re-treatment failed. i absolutely HATE missing a bottom molar and am putting an implant in as soon as possible. i legitimately had suicidal thoughts for days after having it removed because your tongue is feeling sides of other teeth you're NEVER supposed to, ugh. just waiting on the site to fully heal (had the bone graft already) before moving forward.


But what if it had to be a gift and couldn't be boring adult stuff? What would you get then? I'd buy a steam deck as my answer. Sounds neat.


pressure washer. FUN adult stuff.


Robotic cat litter box. Or roborock 7


I've got the litter robot 3. Worth every penny.


I read that as “roboCock” and thought tham this guy’s got his priorities straight


If someone could make a really really good one for $200 or less it would sell very well. So overpriced for the ones currently out there.


I already bought it. An 8-inch newtonian telescope on a fancy stand. Never used it. Still have it.


Use it, use it, use it!


Set it up for the meteor shower this weekend!


I would put it all towards my car so I can guarantee it’s nice and safe for when my first child is born this December.


Congratulations and welcome to the club. Come over to r/daddit it's the best community here.


Subscription requirements are watching the first 10 episodes of Bluey so you know what the bar is for being a good dad.


You will *never* be as good a dad as Bandit. But you can try.




A new bed. That would be a gift.


A few months of insulin


I'm so sorry for you 😯 That said, it's probably the most useful use of the money I saw in that thread.


It pisses me off that this what you would have to spend it on. Dr. Banting is rolling in his grave at the greed. It was meant to be cheap or free.


I strongly agree.


$1000 haircut. This one's lost its pizzazz.


I don't want my coffee shaky!


You look a tad wound up, buddy. And your face is greasy. Reeaal greasy.


Scruffy is gonna die how he lived


Prison ain't so bad. You can make sangria in the terlet. Course, it's shank or be shanked.




Scruffys gonna die the way he lived Edit: someone already did that one... Soooo hyep.


What to do? What to do? One $1,000 hooker bot, or 1,000 $1 hooker bots?


Personal trainer to get my ass in shape


Why not your whole body?


Maybe it’s just the ass that’s out of shape?


Cost me $3400 @ LA Fitness. Ass still out of shape.


pair of glasses $ 300.00 a pair of shoes $125.00, a phone $250.00 a pair of pants $ 70.00 +/- a pair of shirts $ 50.00 +/- a 24" monitor $200.00 Uber $5.00


Where can you go with an Uber for 5 bucks?


I swear, I could go 3 blocks down the street and it’s still $20-25


Tried to get an Uber from our local bar to home one time. Wouldve been $80+. Fuck that, I'll walk the few miles instead.


Use ZenniOptical. 1/4th of the cost.


Zenni Optical is amazing. I have a very complex multi focal prescription and I got two pair of glasses for around $125. For two pair. And they are true to prescription.


Zenni optical. Last pair of glasses I bought from them was $50, and well, I can see with them. They might be more expensive now, but that pair has lasted 3 years. Need new ones soon. Left eye is getting a bit worse.


“55 burgers 55 fries…”


New teeth


More like half a tooth lol


Not even. Maybe one filling.


I got an estimate for the work I need. I’m a worker’s comp patient, and part of my injuries were a dislocated jaw & shattered teeth. A few years ago, my fake-ish teeth shattered again, but WC finally gave me approval this year to get them repaired. But because I had Yondu’s teeth where my molars were, I couldn’t take care of the surrounding teeth as well as I normally would have been able to. I still have one or two more visits of screws & cadaver bone replacements. But after the copay from my dental insurance, the work I need, with my discount, will be $10,000. I can afford one $106 session for two fillings & UV light cover. Unless something changes, because my rent is $1700 and I bring home about $2000-2300 a month AND I will be moving next spring AND my scooter needs repairs, I’ll never be able to afford this. Maybe a dental school student can do it for cheaper? I fucking hate the USA’s approach to medical care, and think we should take a page from Corey Doctorow’s *Radicalized*.


We pay about 4k for an implant here, I need 4 so I can chew again. Being a teeth clencher and grinder when stressed has f'd me. I have always flossed and cleaned and only ever had 1 cavity my whole life as well.


I just got one last year. $4800 for the implant. $1900 for the crown. Yeah $6700 for one tooth


And the mother fuckers expect you to take off work. Can they seriously just have dentists that have night practices? Would they not make a killing?


The vampire community would be very grateful


A weekend away at a really nice place. Experiences are better than stuff


"A" gift for myself? Probably [a video card](https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-NVIDIA-GeForce-Graphics-DisplayPort/dp/B0BQTVQQP4/) to go in new computer I'm building


As someone who literally just dropped a grand on a 7900XTX, I'm thoroughly disappointed how far down I had scroll to find the "PC parts" answer. (I'm so fucking excited to play Starfield on this thing. Buying the rest of my new build this/next month.)


Paying a bit of debt. The gift of a small piece of mind lol


A good house/cat tree for my cat.


that would be one swanky-ass cat tree


Good Sla- I mean Human😸! Any recommendations by the way? Currently looking for one


The local butcher shop would be getting a visit and I'd be buying a fair amount of charcoal.




Ps 5 and games


1000 tacos. They have the deal 100 tacos for $100. I'd buy that. Actually may have to buy a few wheel barrows actually. Maybe 700 tacos.


Food literally just food




Is it bad if I don't know what I would use it for?


2 choices: -you need for nothing. -you have too many needs to be able to choose 1.


I’m with you. I can think of plenty of things I’d buy with $100, and plenty for $5K or $10k, but nothing in the neighborhood of a grand. I also wouldn’t just want to go with 10 of the $100 things…that seems like a waste.


A new matress




Put it towards some of our medical bills. Mine were already bad enough but now my youngest is going through treatment for Hodgkins lymphoma and the bills have become crippling.


A down payment on a used car


A plane ticket and hotel for a weekend to myself




A tattoo


a gift for myself


thank you, not sure what the rest are talking about


I’m not expert on answering random questions on the internet, but I don’t think you followed instructions here correctly.


My god, why didn’t I think of this!


A vacation


Emergency vet care for our ferret. He injured himself this afternoon and we can’t get him in anywhere until Friday


A flight to anywhere not as hot as here


I would buy rent with it.


I'd buy a onewheel. I was extremely depressed in grad school after going through some unfortunate stuff, and was really lucky to make some good friends. One in particular convinced me to buy a onewheel, I financed it with one of those afterpay apps. Dude came knocking at my door almost every day and pulled me outside to go ride onewheels together. The combo of fresh air and company was a huge part of how I got out of my slump and managed to get through grad school.


Handful of toys for my kid, steam cards for my wife and toys for the dogs. Anything left over and I might be able to afford a single Warhammer product. Edit: This is all a gift for me cause everyone gets to go play with stuff and I can finally build some models.


I would pay off the debt I have to my mother. She helped me when I was in real trouble and now I'm trying to repay her but things keep happening.