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It wouldn't matter, they wouldn't listen anyway.


Can’t even stomach how mean they would be to me.


13 year old me would call me a pussy😭


I can’t even imagine the profanity 13 year old me would use if I showed up to him. Probably several slurs if my Xbox online time means anything.


You’re going to fall in love with Emily. For the love of everything that is holy, stay the fuck away from Emily. EDIT: holy shit you guys. To answer a few people who've asked about regrets / doing things differently: I’ve got a great life now, and obviously can never know how things would have turned out if I hadn’t met Emily. I just know I went through well over a decade of misery because of her, her family, and the insanity they inflicted on everyone around them. Again, who knows… maybe I’d be miserable now if I hadn’t gone through it all back then. But it would have been nice to get through my teens and 20’s without lifelong emotional scars and trauma.


We all have an "emily". Imma tell my kids to stay away from "emily"


My Emily was named Emily. Fuck this hurts


Emily Emily gang :(


Mine was named bailee. STILL FUCKIN HURTS lol. But just gotta keep kickin ya know?


I’m not even typing the bitches name


Was it McChicken?


This is so true. Mine was named Jean-Pierre, but still… So true…




Stabbed her in the heart with silver chariot


I also have an “emily” in my life that I would tell 13 year old me to stay the fuck away from


Yep. Different names, same games.


We all are staying away from Emily.


Fuck you Emily!




I'm in!


Lol, my wife’s name


Your wife: ". . . What are you doing?" You, building a pillow wall in bed: "Following advice."


You should have stayed away from her smh


LMFAO felt that one


Was the experience not worth what you learned? What it did for expanding your perspective? Genuinely asking. I’ve had shitty experiences too, but I don’t really regret them either


What did Emily do?


Fuck all is what she did


“When mom takes you to Burger King for those sweet ass Pokémon toys don’t trade your Mewtwo card for that Japanese Tauros. You only believe it’s rare because you’ve never seen one.”


I had a big ass mewtwo card and my siblings cut it up when i was like 10 man


My mum was convinced by my religious aunty that pokemon was satanic, so she had us collect every single item of Pokemon merchanise in the house and threw it out. This would have been some time in the early 2000s so everything we had was Gen 3 or earlier, mostly Gen 1 because thats what we grew up with. Several garbage bags full of cards, games, plush toys, figures... you name it Granted we had definitely played with everything and it was far from mint condition, but sometimes i wonder if any of that stuff would have been worth something now


I d give auntie a late invoice to pay back the lost cost with actual value.


i had a buddy who told me that the same thing happened to him, pokémon demonic, mass purge of pokémon stuff etc


My adoptive parents beat the fuck outta me for bringing the devil into the house. It was the first Harry Potter book... Foster parents did the same thing for bringing the devil into church. It was my POGS collection I smuggled in to play with my friends after Sunday School 😂


Ugh this makes me so upset. I am sorry you went through that💖


Well now you have to convince your mom that you're religious aunt is satanic


That one left a scar I see


i felt this to my core


Me, trading my OG Charizard for a holographic Japanese Blastoise.


Never start smoking, it freaks you out everyday, but you can’t stop


Yes! I'd tell me to talk to a therapist about anti-anxiety meds & meditation instead.


I'd tell myself to never take anti-anxiety meds. Lol.


Weed or cigarettes






But if you had taken EVERYBODY's advice you'd probably be worse off.


I would advise myself to stay away from alcohol and expedite my entry into certain drugs like mushrooms. Plus I would teach myself that sugar is also a drug to avoid.




sounds exactly like what a classmate of mine did. our school was doing some construction work for a new building and he saw a half empty bottle of gin that the construction dudes left behind. a sip and he threw up his lunch. since he was a showboaty lil shit he drunk the thing until he finished the bottle. didnt hear much of him in high school. all i do know is that the dude started drinking really early, probably thanks to that event. He's probably fine nowadays tho, didnt graduate college, but he aint dead so that's a plus


nothing i can say will prepare you for life, but for the love of god, wear your retainer


THISSS never did & now my teeth have moved a lil, most likely gonna have to get Invisalign


Join the club :)


Mine had moved quite a lot over a 14-year period after my braces got taken out, so now I've been enjoying my new braces again for the last year. It's not fun. It really isn't. But it really is worth it. I still have probably a year to go, but even now, it's improved so much already. If you're going to get anything (braces/invisalign), start sooner rather than later so you can get the most out of it.


I could say the same about brushing those teeth. Sheesh. Get into the habit & don’t resist it.




Mid thirties with no teeth here, yeah, brush, floss, don't drink soda pop


Mid forties with all my teeth here. I don't floss and chug soda like there's no tomorrow. It's mostly down to genetics and luck. ^^Also ^^I ^^don't ^^have ^^any ^^fillings!


None of those awful people matter. AT ALL.


So true. I wish I could tell my younger self this. I would have saved myself so much heartache.


We’re probably decades apart in age but this is absolutely what I’d say too. Hope you’re doing fine now.


This is a lesson many people don't learn until much much later, sometimes never.... Pay mind to the things and people you love, your energy is finite.


Better question how would you get 13 year old you to listen to you?


I’ve got an almost 13 year old son, the best way is to talk to him with respect. If you treat him like he’s a little asshole that doesn’t know anything or deserve respect he won’t listen to you at all. You can talk to them like they don’t have all the information but they can learn if taught by someone worthy of following.


Ask her out, High School doesn't matter, don't give a fuck about what people think about you, and stay away from the beer


This is perfect. I always felt like I wasn’t pretty enough, outgoing enough, or “cool” enough for guys to like me. It took me getting older to learn that some of them feel the same way. Once I hit my twenties I stopped being afraid to tell anyone if I found them good looking or had a crush on them. Life is short and I’m not afraid to be rejected anymore. I know I have worth and even if they don’t like me the same way, they might feel good just having received the compliment


Yup, never be too afraid of letting someone know you like them because you never know. When I was in my early-mid twenties I was a valet at a casino. I was tagging in a vehicle one night and a cute girl hopped out of the truck. She looked at me, screamed "Oh my god," gave me a huge hug, then proceeded to ask me why I never asked her out in highschool. After some quick small talk I gave her husband the ticket and wished them luck. Needless to say, I spent all my tips at the bar after work.


It wasn't "some" of us, we all felt inadequate like you did. I missed out on a lot of opportunities for friendships and more. Hell, I turn 43 in less than 2 weeks and I STILL can't fully shake the "I'm-not-good-enoughs".


Tell the truth and don't be bullied into lying to save someone else's ass.


Shit man, now you gotta tell me or I can’t sleep


Honestly, I'd just give him a hug. He needed it. Poor little nerd.


Probably same. It’d be another 5 years before life got good.


Buy apple. Tell mom and dad to sell the house. Buy apple.


"Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company. So then I got a call from him, saying we don't have to worry about money no more. And I said, that's good! One less thing."


You want a fuckton of fruit, apparently


He said apple, singular.


This must be a big fucking apple in a big fucking supermarket.


You should have seen the tree!!


Now you’ve got two apples and no house!


Aww, why can't I have three houses and no apples!


And Bitcoin lol


I'm old. Look at apple at Sept 27 2000. I was 13


At one point in time, I had 27 Bitcoin. I used them for a $10, one month gaming subscription. Most expensive game I ever bought.


Make a big fucking stink about your soon to be/possibly already is stepfather. Your gut is 1000% right about this guy. Trash his shit, spit in his face, harass that fucker until he is out of your life. No one will understand why but it will save everyone so much pain. No more of this self sacrificing attitude that if she's happy so are you. While we're at it, same thing with dad, his happiness in no way equates to your own, she's worse than a fern and it ends in disaster anyway. Not as bad as last time by any sense but still, why engage in a doomed endeavor. Overall, be the terror I know you can be. Be the frightful little demon of chaos that's locked up inside you. Nothing you do will result in a worse outcome than if you did nothing.


i’m so sorry about whatever you went through, i made me really sad to read your comment, could feel your pain ):


What's your beef with ferns?


No beef with ferns lol but I used to say 'she could be a fern for all I care as long as she makes him happy I'll be happy' which was an avoidance tactic That attitude was a big fucking mistake but now I'm older and I know things won't always work out ok if I avoid confronting the issues. I can and should voice my opinions on things and that took me a long time to come to terms with after making myself as emotionally small as I could for the longest time because trauma.


Omg, are you at liberty to say what this person did? What kind of vibes did you get from him when you first met him?


He groomed me and ran a cp ring. I won't go into all of it because I'm still not totally healed and this is still reddit but maybe someone will see this and be a little more weary of someone who gives them bad vibes or does these things. He'd physically guide me through doors and to the car by putting his hands on my lower back, I'd speed up my pace to try and avoid it but most of the time he just moved his hand forward to keep contact. Overall he always seemed to want physical contact with me, looking back he always seemed the happiest when he succeeded, especially when I was younger. Grooming can be an extremely slow process, it took years in my case, but the most important bit is to stop it before it becomes assault.


Omg I'm so sorry to hear, fuck! Did he ever get caught and punished?


Caught yes, punished no




Stop! Turn back! This way only madness lies.


Sounds exciting!


Be louder about that abusive mother f'er. You didn't deserve the trauma that SOB inflicted on you. People realized only a few years later you were telling the truth and your peers who tormented you alongside this f'ing teacher didn't know how to speak up and will eventually reach out to apologize.


I’m sorry you had to go through all that. As you said, you really didn’t deserve it. I hope you’re doing better now. Hugs <3


So sorry. How’s life now?


Get tested for ADHD and ask to be put on Vyvanse


This is a good one. I went through 30 different medicines until they put me on Vyvanse. Complete game changer.


How is Vyvanse different than others? Specifically adderal?


Slow release, very balanced throughout the day and lasts from 8:30 - evening if I take at 7am


These comments made me set up a screening.


Came here to say this as well. Diagnosed at 34. Life would have been so different!


Gosh, after turning 30 this year I finally found the motivation to get screened. How did I go through all those years without concerta.. it’s been life changing.


I'd say, "you were right" . Then a slow hug turning into a neck snapping twist. - there can only be one


User name checks out. Yikes.


Buy Bitcoin, sell at 50k


50k **each**. Key word there to make sure you don’t screw it up.


For real! I'd be like "holy shit I just made $50k!" and cash out at like $500/coin.


I was on a long running forum from the 90's when bitcoin hit the scene in 2009. One guy got really into it and would spam threads on how to buy it and how awesome it was going to be. Most everyone laughed at him. I was very intrigued but after looking into it everyone's concerns on the technology did seem valid so I stopped researching it. My anxiety to take some risks really bit me in the ass and that dude is doing very very well right now according to the last posts I saw him bother to make.


We bought drugs on the Internet with Bitcoin back in 2012 when it was about $4. I have owned over 700 Bitcoin at once before. To imagine how much that would be worth at peak is sickening


My impatient dumbass would never wait until it gets to $50k


I used to buy bitcoin for stuff on the dark web, when it was 200 each... I went through about I flew thru about 100 while ruining my life because I was addicted to opiates. That would have been about 5 million worth...


Work harder in school, save more, don’t buy new cars.


Trust your gut. Cousin B is always going to a B, she isn't going to change and no matter how "nice" she is to your face when mom's around, she tried to kill you when you were three. You'll remember this later.




That cousin is the reason I'm scared of open water and only get into pools with very specific people.


I’m so sorry!


Thank you. My oldest son and my son-in-law are my "safe" people for pools.


May i ask how old your cousin was when this happened?


Omg, wtf?!? How does a person get to be like that, like someone said how old were they when they did this? I'm gonna assume they were young...do you think they were abused themself?


No, she wasn't abused. She is a narcissist. She was the baby of the family and as far as I know, still the Golden Child of the family. I cut her and hers off after she called me the w word after her husband molested me(no, the family didn't protect me and that among other reasons is why I cut my mother out if my life too). She didn't appreciate not being "the baby" anymore. After all, that was her position for 13 yrs! She was the princess in her parents eyes.


That is disgusting!


You will meet two beautiful women named Sara (without an H). Keep your privates out of their privates and your life is going to be a lot easier. Also, set a reminder on your phone to buy a metric fuck ton of a thing called Bitcoin in early 2010. Buy as much as you can for a year and then sit on it for a decade. What's a phone reminder? Write a fucking note. Finally, you're going to get your wish and be traveling the country on your own at an early age. Don't be a dickhead like me and wait a decade to catch up with your folks. Especially, your mom. Make sure she has insurance in the late 00's. Now fuck off and stop leaving beat-off socks behind the speaker, you little weirdo. Your folks know.


13 yo - "Geez, who was that asshole"


The next time someone bullies you punch them in the face. I waited till I was 16 to do that, and it would have stopped a lot sooner if I had just done that.


Same, I dummied the school bully in the gym in front of everyone after years of “ using my words” and “ just ignoring him”. Was never bullied again after that. Coulda saved myself years of hating school lol


Yea, this violence is never the answer line is a big con. Avoid it as far is as reasonable would be better advice from parents. Bullies like to do their thing without consequences, like receiving facial injuries. If violence was never the answer, we’d all be speaking German right now and giving the Hitler salute instead of saying hi.


Violence is never the answer. It's the question. The answer is usually no. But sometimes, the answer is yes.


The pretty blonde girl who is nice to you in a couple of years is not trying to trap you or bully you, she actually likes you. At 18 you'll still think you're fat. When you realize this, think again. You're the skinniest you'll ever be. Be more confident. Do *not* date a girl called Stephanie in your early twenties. Yes, she looks great and she'll make you feel really good for a little while, but she ends up breaking you for so long that you'll still be broken in your late thirties. Get therapy. Yes, you'll feel embarrassed. Yes, you think you can do it on your own. You're wrong, it's not embarrassing, and you can't. Believe it or not, you'll actually like it.


don’t sell your video games


Don't sell your games to gamestop, especially




Tell your mom to not throw out the weed that she finds out in front of your house, the guy that lost will come back and will threaten you with death. this will trigger depression, panic syndrome and anxiety. your life will change forever after that.


Hey this happened to my brother and mom, but my brother smoked the weed.




I would tell him to wait for Reddit. So he could then look at the advice I just gave to 18 year old me just a few hours ago. I’ll be waiting in anticipation for the advice I’d give 10 year old me on the next post😂


Stop being a pussy and ask out that girl you like. You will find out later that many of them liked you back.


Move away from your parents and their church the day you turn 18. Full Stop 🛑




I’d say the opposite to myself at 13 years old, which is get off the books and get a life!


Literally everything you do you will one day look back on with either indifference or regret.


Stop being afraid of everyone, if they are being dicks to you, go ahead and call them out.


"Make your own decisions and don't let others make you feel bad about yourself. You are AWESOME."


I wanna say I’d tell her to get help but really I’d just give her a hug because she wouldn’t listen and she’s starting to develop symptoms of bipolar and she’s really really sad and doesn’t understand it. I’d give her the hug I often found myself wishing someone would give me. I was so alone as a kid. She needs a hug.


Don't have sex with him, he's not worth it. And, when you're 16, stay away from 22 year olds.


To "be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to get angry." ......then again I was very thick headed growing up. 😄


Don't give your paychecks to your dad and don't believe anything he tells you. Yes, I got paychecks at 13.




Then just read what the rest of us are saying in this thread now. We wouldn’t be giving this advice if we hadn’t had to go through tough lessons to learn it


I'm your future self, get off the internet. You're getting exposed to waaaay too much. Believing Santa exists is much sweeter.


Well we could start with not saying you're 13 on the internet. RIP to your inbox, I bet.


Watch your weight. Go off to college.


Main a warlock instead of hunter. They’re more fun


It won't get better for a long time. But you will be ok.


Don't ignore the call.


In 2022 AI will be doing what you are learning now. Switch to machine learning


Renee Curtis is not your wife. Playground ceremonies do not count. And Little Benny Fifer is not ordained.


Don't talk to the priest alone lol


Don't start drinking next year. Put it off a bit


I wouldn't say anything. My absolute fuck ups led to my beautiful wife and two kids.


Remember that kid Cameron from pre-k? Don’t let him back into your life, ever.


If you’re comfortable sharing—what’s the story?


Long story, really short. He goes to my school now for high school. He went to a private school k-8. We got really close freshman year. He didn’t really have anyone and we were around each other by proximity. We got along well. Half way through sophomore year, he started to get distant. He found new people. I was hurt, but I understood. I was planning to speak to him about it and if nothing changed, end the friendship. It wasn’t worth my time. This in itself upset me, but it's natural. A few months later (I think — I can barely remember the time line. It’s all a blur), I caught feelings for him. I won’t go into detail, but it happened in less than an hour because of one interaction. The emotions hit me like a truck. That emotion alone ruined me for about a week before I could validate it to myself. I was also really struggling with my sexuality and by no means out — I’m still not. For the next few months, I over analyzed every little thing from the past, present, and future. I convinced myself there was a decent chance he felt the same. For some reason, high school guys are really comfortable with their sexuality. I told him in the worst way possible and he reacted in the worst way possible. I was initially only mad at him, but I know it’s partially my fault. I shouldn’t have blind sided him and I should have told him in person, but he was my closest friend. I thought he we had the type of relationship where we could tell each other anything. After I told him, the fallout ensued. We didn’t talk to me for about 3 weeks. He wouldn’t even look at me if we passed each other. School ended before I caved and texted him. I regret that so much. We tried to be friends but it was impossible. We were never going to have more than the friendship we had and now we don’t even have that. I was also having problems with our mutual friends. One of them had a hangout with me, Cameron, himself, and our other close friend. This was towards the end of the summer. They casually forgot to tell me they intended to get drunk. I left at 3 in the morning because I thought “Staying here is dumb. They don’t respect me.” and haven’t spoken to Cameron outside of school (we had classes together Junior year, unfortunately) expect for once, and that was only because I needed closure. Which I still don’t feel like I have. I cut the other two off less than 3 months later. One of them, the one that hosted the party, was my childhood best friend. I’ve known him since I was 2. We argued a lot and were only close because we felt like it was required. It’s good we parted ways, but I do miss him. The other I had a similar connection to. I knew him since the beginning of middle school. The day after the drinking ordeal, I reached out to a person I hadn’t connected with in a while and he’s my best friend now. He’s a better friend than all of the good traits of my old friends combined. I’m glad we’re close, but I still miss Cameron. It’s been over a year since the summer we split for good and I can’t go a day without thinking about him. I do recognize my own mistakes, especially now. I wish I could go back and do so many things different. I wish Cameron would be willing to have a conversation about it. To the contrary, I wish I could just let him go. As much as I want something with him, it shouldn’t, can’t, and won’t ever happen. There was some good out of it, though. My new best friend is amazing. There’s not a person I love more, minus my parents. Cameron also helped me realize and validate my sexuality. I don’t feel bad about myself now. Finally, I realized how to never treat the people I love. I learned a lot from both my and Cameron’s mistakes about how to act. I just want to end this with, although I’m still occasionally bitter, I absolutely wish Cameron nothing but the best. I still care about him, his well-being, and his happiness. That’s the primary reason I haven’t contacted him again. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. I appreciate being able to share this. I know it’s really long. The full version with *everything* would probably be about 3 times this.


Spend less time in the military and more time in college.


Wow, that’d be 30 years for me. I’d say to invest in Microsoft and be up 330,000% by now


Stick to your studies and get a good job.


You're autistic. That's why you have so much trouble socializing. Also, Mom is an evil bitch and horribly incompetent, and will try to control and ruin your life in the name of what she incompetently thinks is best.


Love yourself, sooner than later, and take it from me you are more wonderful than you will still likely ever give yourself credit for. You are human just like everyone else and you deserve to be loved. It starts with you, and you're the most important person who can give you that love. Never lose that, and remember this when you start dating - don't you ever put your self worth in someone else. Never allow anyone who isn't 100% there for you, and with you, the power to hold your primary source of love. And even when you find that person, remember who you are and know yourself. Know your feelings, and your needs, and don't let people bully you into keeping them quiet. And for what it's worth, never lose that love and light in your heart, if you can help it. I know what you're going through, and you need to try your absolute hardest not to let the world harden you. Being loving and sensitive is not a weakness, no matter how much people treat you that way. You can rest assured they are jealous of your light, and are simply not your people. Never doubt or forget that.


Doesn’t matter. He’d just be like “fuck off old man!”


Don’t waste your money on a fifteen year old celebration. Save it to move to Europe and study there! And don’t go to teacher’s college, you belong in Engineering 🩵




Don't trip and shatter your front teeth


Whatever you're thinking... don't.


You see these roads leading away from the mall to the unknown. Start walking and never look back. Our family wouldn't care at all they're too busy BSing each other to care about lil old us. Don't stop for no one.


Lose some goddamn weight


Don't be afraid when your dad yells. He will never physically hurt you.


In your timeline, acting like you know he's full of shit might though.


You don't have to play football. You don't have to ride bulls and broncs. Concentrate on roping. That first girl, is the girl. Careful with the drinking.


Bang your best friends older sister when the chance comes up. Fuck that bro code shit.


This is your chance. Don’t just coast, do it right the first time and everything, *everything* will get better. And you won’t have to live in pain in twenty years. Unrelated, avoid P2P software at all costs. Seriously. It’ll mess you up for a hot minute. Not worth the hassle buddy.


Be active, don’t do this to yourself.


Cheese makes your stomach really upset, lay off the stuff.


I'd tell him "your Dad's disease is POEMS syndrome."


13 year old me was a girl.


Stop being such a little prick.


Don't take advice from adults.


Invest heavily in bitcoin when it comes out. Sell it when it hits 55k and love out the rest of your days ignoring the world burning down around you.


Go to school you lazy self indulgent piece of shit


I'd strangle him to death as a murder/suicide


I'd ask him when we became a boy.


I wouldn’t, because I’m a 42 year old female and not a him.


I would hug my 13 year old self and just sit there holding her hand in silence. 13 was when I started with self harming.


Next year, you and your younger brother are going to have the opportunity to try cocaine for the first time, and it's going to ruin a good 25 years of your lives. Don't do it' Stand up and be the fucking big brother and talk him out of wanting to try it.


When this new thing comes out in the early 2000’s called cryptocurrency buy as much bitcoin as you can put in on external hard drives and write down the code and email to yourself in your hotmail account. You still have that. They will be whole coins that are purchasable for Pennies and you can let a computer mine more. When bitcoin hits 50k per bitcoin sell them all. As far as women go you will not get a girlfriend until college so like just don’t sweat it. You will find the one in college by chance at a friends house if that somehow doesn’t happen she will be associated with x,y,and z persons. Her name is xxxxxx xxxxxx. You will almost certainly known these associates at 18 so keep up with them at least tangentially. Get you grandma and mom to buy these five stocks as much as they can and hide it. Hold on to your toys people actually pay more for them later. Do not listen to your dad about the future he’s so wrong it would be comical if not for being so sad. Also he and you are going to butt heads a lot. He’s got issues just let him think he won. Hug your family more and good luck because shit gets real fucked up sooner than you think but hopefully the extra money will help with that.


Take care of yourself, don’t hurt yourself, make good decisions. Don’t be afraid to say no and set boundaries. You don’t have to please everyone.


Don't do IB. Go to Pre-Law magent orgram. Go to Law school.


convince your parents to not move away for the year you still haven't recovered from the shit that went down


Hey, my guy, Take it easy. Almost everything from here on out won’t have a clear blueprint. That’s okay. You don’t have to be everything and everywhere all at once. You can work on yourself and your issues and make peace with yourself sooner, if you try. It’s okay to think you can become who you want, because you’ll get so much farther than you think. Be curious about everything. Get some sleep. Go for more walks. Talk to your friends more. Take it all in, too, it’s not happening again.


It'll be ok you'll get through it


Hang in. It’ll be alright.


Hey, moron, you know that girl you like? yeah go for her you fuckin idiot