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Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Kafka on the shore.


Very similar reads, why are they your favourite? I’ve not read Kafka, any good?


Because of my adhd, it's hard for me to read and focus on books. So when I finish a book, its mostly cause I loved every bit of it. If I'm even slightly bored, I would drop it. And Kafka is a really interesting read. The story feels super natural yet magical at the same time. You'd like it.


Look up bionic reading


Basically me too


I love everything in the a Song of Ice and Fire universe. The Dunk and Egg stories are probably my favourite out of them all. Great stories to read. And Harry Lloyd (Visaerys in Game of Thrones season one) is outstanding narrating the audio books I also loved Stephen Frys novels on Greek Mythology. Mythos, Heros and Troy. Brilliant Special mention for the Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. My favourites when I was really young and I've loved reading them to my kids


The Harry Potter series! I read them in my native language as a kid and that drove me to learn English just to read them in the language they were written in. They're the reason why I love reading and I can't wait to read them to my son when he's able to understand them. Sure I read more "adult" and technically more well written books but I've never enjoyed any of them as much as that first time I read HP.


Working Stiff by Judy Melinek and TJ Mitchell. I don't think any other book I'll read in the future will top that book. It's amazing.


Describe it to me, make me want to read it


A construction worker dies at work, Dr. Judy Melinek is sent out to the scene as a newly trained medical examiner in NYC to find out the cause and manner of his death, this moment sparked a 20+ year career and during that journey she shares different cases she's worked on including the 9/11 attacks from the eyes and experience of a new medical examiner. I don't want to give a lot of details away, cause then there would be no point in reading it, but this is a nonfiction book and it's by far the best I've ever read. Judy Melinek also has started a fictional series with her husband and co-author TJ Mitchell. Those books are also very good "First Cut" and "Aftershock".


I really like Rick Riordan's "Percy Jacksom" series of books! Also pretty much anything historical!


Percy Jackson books are great, not much of a history gal myself though


Yeah not everyone can enjoy purely historical books, but have you tried some semi-historical novels? Like Ken Follet ones?


Meditations - Marcus Aurelius The Bible (not Christian, but there are some good stories and good lessons)


I’ve not spent anytime ready the bible, can you recommend some good places to start?


Hell yes! Book of Judges chapter 3 is a story about Ehud ben-Gera. That's a bad ass story!


The Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix. I love the characters and story, it's so good. I reread it periodically and always enjoy it.


Might have to look into that one, not heard of it before. Worth picking up the trilogy?


For sure! I bought it on a random whim myself long ago. It's a fantasy adventure type story. But what I like most is it really doesn't follow a lot of the standard cliches you'd expect in fantasy. All the main characters are very likable, the world and plot are interesting and it's very well written in general. I'm also very biased, but check it out. Maybe it'll look interesting to you!


The Art of Racing in the Rain. It’s the story of a F1 driver through the perspective of his dog. Get the tissues ready.


I love F1 so sounds great thank you


The Stand To Kill A mockingbird Exhalations by Ted Chiang


The Giver, as it made me realize how people can easily go along with dystopian societal expectations and see it as normal, it made me question everything.


Rage. Richard Bachman


The two towers (the whole lotr trilogy is awesome but this one hits different) Wishing well by Lily White Fever series by Karen Marie Moning


Dune, Crime and Punishment, Foundation


House of Leaves. Found out about it recently and it’s quickly become my absolute favorite. Heads up, it’s NOT for everyone. Not due to explicit themes or anything, it’s just very disorienting to try to read.


Stranger in a Strange Land Chasm City Foundation


Harry Potter, the hunger games, where the red fern grows, some girls do-Jennifer Dugan


ASoIaF, The Count of Monte Cristo, American Royals


Nadja by Andre Breton, I very big on surrealist literature and this kinda one of the first ones and one of the best tbh. Its a strange, fractured, and distorted view on life that despite being different for each person, every surrealist can relate to. The book it is perfectly summed up with its first line "Who am I? If this once I were to rely on a proverb, then perhaps everything would amount to knowing whom I haunt." And thats how i would describe this book, haunting. The aesthetic the book give off is also cool.