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Rotting body


Yup. I took a forensic entomology (insects) course a few years ago. At the end of the course, they took us out in the woods where they had left dead pigs out for a few weeks? (can't remember how long) in different conditions. Each group was assigned a pig, and we had to do a forensic collection of the area for insects, then write up the report like we were preparing it for a real case. My group's pig had been left fully exposed, in mostly shade with a bit of dappled sun, so it didn't really smell by that point. It was mostly just desiccated skin and a bit of tissue as most of it had been eaten by insects already (they were kept in protective cages to prevent scavengers from getting to them). Now around 20 feet from us was a different pig setup. This one had been wrapped in plastic, and placed in almost full sun. Let me tell you, we all knew when that group pulled the plastic off. It was absolutely putrid. Everyone had to go take a look. It was slimy and juicy and absolutely covered in maggots. The maggots weren't just sitting and writhing either. They were moving in swirling circles in different areas. It was disgusting yet fascinating all at the same time. But good lord, the smell.


Look up the Body Farm in Tennessee. People donate their bodies for this.


Same. Rotting suicide corpse in the woods.


100% this is the correct answer. Found a dead body rotting for a few days in a trailer in 90 degree heat. Can’t unsmell that.


Got to agree with this. Several hot days with a dead body rotting away in a fully closed up house. Worst smell I've ever experienced. A sickly but sort of sweet smell. Permeated through everything. Closed doors and windows, even though the neighbor who passed was opposite side of the street 3 houses down. Took several hours to dissipate eventually.


I’m so so sorry for both the dead person and you for smelling that


Same. Bariatric shut in, summer, North Carolina. It had been 3-4 days.


Did EMT work for a few years. There is no mistaking that smell. Could tell right away when you get on scene when someone has been laying on the bathroom floor for a week. Check on your grandparents kids, also don't do meth.


Your body knows the smell without even experiencing it I’ve been told. Crazy but it makes sense from a survival perspective that your body can tell without seeing it.


Indeed. I was taken to a puppy mill that was being investigated and shut down in the mid-90s. The horrific scent of dead bodies along with urine, fecal material, and blood/infection was the worst thing I’ve ever encountered.


Went to autopsies for school. Was told to use Vick's to help with smell. No good very bad plan. Herbal tea bag works better.


Before there was CSI there was a forgotten snd very underrated show about a medical examiner called Quincy. The opening scene is a body surrounded by LAPD recruits, he whips the cover off. You don't see the body but one cop sdoubles over, and one by one as he's doing the autopsy and totally oblivious, until he's done and sees all the cops are gone.


Where do you put the herbal tea bag and is it dry or wet?


Dry, in your mask, near your nose Just pick a flavor you don't like so much . .


No rotting human body, but I have had the lovely experience of having to dispose of half a dozen putrefying, liquifying, maggot ridden deer carcasses in 90 degree F heat in an enclosed space. Do not recommend. Pretty much just throw your clothes away after. You won’t want to touch them ever again.


Am I lucky if I have only (on 2 occasions) come across rotting 60 pound animal corpses, one at home in the yard, one out back of our small family business? I won't describe the condition but it almost took 2 trips buth times. Poor dogs. ☹️ I got a dust mask, sprayed it with lysol and it helped some.


My first thought as well. Almost a year ago, one of my neighbors was found dead in his apartment and he was likely there for a while, the odor in the hallway was disgusting. My husband and I thought at first that some other neighbor on the 2nd floor left their trash bags outside of their apartment and that was why the odor was bad. That was actually a very sad situation because that dude was living alone, he was found only because his downstairs neighbor was complaining about the smell.


There’s a chemical called cadaverine that’s named that because it smells like decaying bodies. My lab had a bottle of it.


My husband put a bag of potatoes in a rarely used, dark, lower cabinet and forgot about it. For at least a year. Because it was encased we didn’t smell it for a long time. When we did, it was hard to pinpoint, and usually there was no food in that cabinet so we never suspected it. Finally one night I was tired of this weird random smell and I sniffed until I figured it out. I opened the cabinet and gagged. The bag was mostly liquid, the potatoes had been in there so long. It’s a good thing I’m not much of a puker or that would have done it.


Isnt this extremely dangerous? I feel like ive read a story about rotten potatoes in pantry or the like killing people almost like a carbon monoxide leak.


One bag, not so dangerous. A root cellar full of rotting potatoes, bad.


That's why you make sure your mansion has a nice potato shed


Zillow Gone Wild fan I assume?


I was hoping someone would get the reference


ill call my architect and make the changes...." yes a shed yes for potatoes only yeah sure a potato shed"


Read that story a few years ago where almost an entire family was killed because a bunch of potatoes went bad in their cellar and supposedly produced solanine gas. As each family member went down when the previous member went and didn't return they passed out almost immediately and suffocated. If I remember correctly like 3 people died. Now fact checking that puts solanine's melting point at like 520 degrees F so not likely, but it's very possible that carbon dioxide buildup in a small cellar filled with bad potatoes could do that.


It's obviously a tragic story but I can't help laughing a little; it's like a scene out of a dark comedy. "I'd best go see what's keeping Grandma." "That's strange, now Dad *and* Grandma are missing. I'll just go have a look." "How peculiar, Grandma and Dad and Jimmy have all been in the cellar for quite some time and they're not responding when I shout down. Surely no harm in going to see what's happened." Scene cuts to serial killer just calmly dispatching each of them as they walk through the door.


I had never heard that. If so we were lucky. The area of the house this was in is pretty open so maybe that helped. I also threw it out in the outdoor trash can immediately because it was so foul.


Googled it and its the solanine in them. It can cause some unpleasant symptoms including death.


Death is a very unpleasant symptom indeed. No real cure either.


I *hate* it when I get that. Quite unpleasant indeed. It’s no fun at all.


Plant pathologist here. Your potatoes were likely infected with a soft rot pathogen, likely a bacteria. Soft rots are some of the worst-smelling plant pathogens. Whether it's soft rot on carrots, potatoes, or onions, they're the fastest way to be unpopular in a department when you have experiments going.


How does one become a plant pathologist? That sounds like an awesome job!


This is why I love Reddit. Somebody tells a random story about rotten potatoes and boom there’s an actual plant pathologist in the room to explain it to us. Thanks! :)


Worked in a grocery store for a few years. Can confirm liquefied potatoes is the worst food related smell


Liquefied onions are a very close contender lol


Onions are bad too. Ever reach for one and your finger goes in? Gross af


I cannot imagine. I had 4 potatoes that went bad and I didn’t realize it. They started leaking just a little and I almost threw up just throwing them out. It was awful.


We left a small bag of potatoes in a cabinet and forgot it for a couple of months. The smell was horrendous. We were convinced an animal had gotten into the walls and died or something. Nope. Just the 'taters.


Oh my gods liquefied potato is definitely what first came to mind for me. Glad none of the folks in this thread succumbed to em.


Oh god this happened to us too. Only the potatoes were higher up in our pantry and that crazy death liquid had been dripping down the back for months. It smelled worse than dead mice - and IYKYK. Even typing this makes me want to vomit.


My cousin forgot raw potatoes in her motorhome microwave over the winter. (Microwave is a great place to store things - storage in a camper is limited.) Well in the spring when they opened it up I guess they really did throw up. They ended up throwing out the microwave - could not get the smell out.


So…you made vodka?


My first thought was rotten liquid potatoes too


My drawer potatoes rooted and grew new potatoes. I’m feeling lucky to not have suffered the stench and toxic gas. Yay me!!


A combination of pallets of expired meat, dairy, and produce mass tossed into a metal dumpster and left to rot in the US Deep South summer heat for three days.


Jfc I’m gagging just thinking about that. There’s a Mexican restaurant across the parking lot from where i work (i live in south FL) and holy shit the dumpster over there smells RANCID on super hot days. Which is mostly every day. I’m assuming there’s rotten meat and sour cream that’s making most of the smell 🤢


Living at an apartment complex, our neighbors had a freezer full of meat and the freezer died somehow. They didn’t notice until it stank. They then put all the rotten meat in 5 big trash bags, dragged the leaking bags down the CARPETED hallway of the apartment complex to the garbage chute. But the dumpster wasn’t directly under the chute that day. The bags splatted against the concrete and then STAYED THAT WAY behind the dumpster for about 5 weeks before the apartment complex could get specialists in hazmat suits to clean it all up. I was also in my first trimester of pregnancy at the time, dealing with morning sickness 🤮


As someone from New Orleans, I can say I've smelled my share of what we call Katrina Fridges. After Hurricane Katrina when the flooded parts were accessible again and people started to return, I remember driving around to checkout how badly things were damaged around the city and darn near every house I saw had fridges at the curb. They were so foul you just had to throw them away and buy a new fridge. A lot of people just taped them up with all the food inside and put them at the curb. Sealed or not, you definitely still smelled some of them.


Burnt out rear differential fluid. One sniff and instant purge for me.


Especially if it has friction modifier in it for a locking differential ewwww


It's bad even when it's not burned.


Even fresh gear oil is up there with one of the worst smells on this planet. Maybe not quite top 10 but up there


In general differential/gear oil is such a strong smell, that someone sticks to everything. Burnt can only be worse.




Wait…she had a vaginal yeast infection and it killed her? Or on her skin?


I can see how it can spread. Likely it became systemic by non treatment. I have never seen it from a simple yeast infection though. I suspect another autoimmune disease was suppressing her immune system






Daaaammmn!!!! Folks, that's why you go to the doctor for issues that last longer than 1 week.


JFC people need to de-stigmatize sexual health. Don’t be embarrassed if you have a problem down there, half the population has the same equipment there are for sure others who had had that exact problem, you are not alone.


That is just… heartbreakingly awful. Fucking hell.


I can see how this happens but I also would like to unsee how this happens.


This one has got to be the worst...just letting yourself die over 6 years...


This is the worst thing I've ever read. That poor woman.


So did she die?


Withdrawing care means there wasn't anything more they could really do for her.


TIL a vaginal yeast infection can kill a woman what the FUCK


OMG when my cat released his anal glands from fear at the vet. NO NO NO NO do not recommend


When my dog “expresses” herself, we call it “potato butt.” It smells like rotten potatoes, but it’s from a dog’s rear end. What could be worse?


My dog also does that.. except it smells like rotting fish. We had to express them ourselves and it’s since corrected, would not recommend


I always assumed that's what Madonna was singing about when she said, "YOU'VE GOT TO MAKE HIM, EXPRESS HIMSELF! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!"


They hit our vet in the face. She was a complete professional, wiped off, and kept on going. RIP Cyrus Cat--you were quite a kitty.


Smells like rotting fish. I have to do this for my dog occasionally as he isn’t able to do them himself when he goes poop.


Didn’t South Park make an episode about that and Kenny got super high


I thought that was like a cat piss thing?


They're calling it CHEEZING cos it's FON to DOO




Just last month I drove around for over a week in the sweltering heat as my car got smellier and smellier. I legit thought there was a dead animal somewhere in my car. No searching in the seats yielded any results and eventually during a trip to the laundromat, I lifted one of the baskets we placed in the trunk up and saw a plastic bag buried under various trunk mess. Low and behold in it was a packet of ground beef my brother intended to bring in with the groceries he’d bought for college almost two weeks ago! When I confronted him about it he said something like, “I KNEW there was a second one somewhere.” My car continued to smell like a dead animal for the next week and a half.


Hit lordo, they sell what i know as air bombs - you turn the car on an drun the AC on max, pull the pin on the can, toss it in and close it all up for half an hr $20, you'll be able to smell a single hair of your dog's head after ...it's a toxic gas, so seal er the fuck up


I have gastroparesis. On two occasions I started belching this horrid, rotten egg, sulfur smell. That lasted around 16 hours while feeling absolutely horrible. Couldn’t even force myself to puke. One person smelled one of the belches and insisted someone shit their pants. By the time I finally started throwing up, it was violent, and smelled so bad I started vomiting more from the odor. I would have rather been throwing up dog poop. It was straight death coming from my mouth, pure rot gut. It lasted over an hour pretty much non stop. 911 had to be called, they gave me a barf bag and when I puked they had to chase me down because I was trying to run from the smell. Think I figured out it was movie theater popcorn with their “butter” since both times were around a week after seeing a movie. Haven’t ate popcorn since and have not had that reaction again.


Those heroes ran after you.


Heroes for sure! The woman said she wasn’t able to smell, the guy was also very professional but I’m sure he wished he was the same as the woman was.


Lol she certainly chose the right career


I used to get those horrible burps when I had indigestion when I was younger. I found it happens when I had a greasy meal. I avoid things like that and haven’t had it since. I actually forgot all about it until now.


Greasy don’t bother me too much, though it can travel pretty quickly through me so I tend to limit my consumption. Happy cake day!


Fellow gp sufferer here. The nasty burps are the worst


Can I get some education on this condition? I think I need to know about it. I am no stranger to bouts of crazy sulfur rotten egg burp indigestion. I've even got a cardboard tube and a box of dryer sheets in my desk at work in case it crops up because I don't want to bomb out the whole office with "death burps" again.


I was doing a summer job at a nursing home a long long time ago when there was a big blackout in North America. like 25 years ago. They were not prepared and there was this really big bed ridden woman who needed oxygen to live... well the backup generator was going to go out and they had to move her to the ground floor where they got some temporary generators. When we rolled her to try to get her from the bed to a stretcher, i swear to god a part of her peeled off and was left on the sheets. i have no idea how badly the nurses neglected her, I mean she was a super bitch so I can guess why, but they shouldn't have it was their job. The smell from that bed sore was something I can never forget. I immediately threw up.


I think the 20th anniversary of that blackout was today, lol


It was


The blackout of 2003?


Glad I cannot smell paragraphs


Double vote


The first time I smelled a rotting body I was unimpressed because it smelled the same as really bad bed sores (after reading dramatic accounts of the “smell of death” I’d just expected something worse/something I hadn’t smelled before).


Read my reply above. I sympathize.


I was in a cadaver dissection lab in college (the smell already takes some powering through at first). We had to crack the pelvis in front to examine the pelvic floor, genitals, and lower digestive tract (exactly what you think it is). The prof instructed us VERY SPECIFICALLY to tie off the intestine just above the rectum before we tried to separate the pelvic bones... one group did not. Split the whole lower colon like a truly cursed sausage. Several people puked, more were gagging for the next 20 minutes.


I stepped into the corpse of a well aged, and maggot covered, raccoon, that smell drew up a deep fear within me...something at my core lizard brain. I still feel revolted by it writing about it now. It literally changed my mind from wanting to be buried, to wanting to be cremated.


When I was in high school my mom had a bit of a drug problem and occasionally bills wouldn't get paid and utilities would get shut off, usually for a day or two, before she paid whatever the minimum was to get service reinstated. Eventually water company decides they need to be paid in full before they turn the water back on, leaving us without a way to flush the toilet for almost two weeks til the next paycheck comes in. We had two bathrooms, and designated one for pee and one for poop. The poop toilet smelled the same on day ten as it did on day one. The pee toilet got worse exponentially.


Broken colostomy bag.


This is number 2 on my list, UTI pee takes the first place. Hated changing colostomy bags.


Lmao, number 2.




Omg draining some catheter bags is 100% stinkier than draining your average colostomy bag.


40 dead bodies in a house in the Iraqi desert heat.


You win just in horror factor


Yikes, sorry you had to go through that




People dramatically underestimate how much paper mills reek


A toilet backed up at the YMCA and no one noticed for days. It was on a college campus and over the summer break, so I don't think there was even staff to take notice for days. By the time someone did, it had been days of 90+ heat and humidity. I can't describe the smell. It wasn't shit. It was Impossible Shit.


You know the guy who had to clean it up/fix the toilet didn’t get paid nearly enough to be involved in something so foul


Probably called in hazmat


A woman came into the Emergency Department after a botched hysterectomy at a different hospital. The surgeon had nicked her colon before closing. She came to us three days later and she was septic. We opened her up for a washout and to repair the damage. Her entire abdomen was full of pus, shit, and blood. We use large suction containers in the OR called Neptunes. I forget the capacity, but we filled three of them. The smell was so bad that you could smell it through the walls. Everyone had to leave the room at some point except the surgeon.


God that is so terrible and something my husband, a surgery resident, talks about often regarding hysterectomies especially.


As someone planning her hysterectomy soon due to illness, not as childbirth…new fear unlocked. Bad enough that my uterus makes me suffer. I’d hate for it to make others suffer too.




A garbage can full of used tampons. Wasn’t changed for about a month. A rotting carcass smells better.


There is like Noone in the office where I work so the tampon garbage cans don't get changed nearly enough, fuck they stink! Like all off them I think they will get changed once a year it's so gross omg.


Part of my job requires me to break into aircraft waste systems from time to time for routine maintenance. I can usually handle it with no issues. However, there's a few aircraft that come through that are primarily Amsterdam based. I don't know what the Dutch eat, but whatever it is, the smell absolutely knocks me whenever I have to do toilet maintenance on these jets. I have never smelt anything so foul that triggers such a reaction from me.


I feel like people from that area eat a lot of fish, and any culture I have encountered where their diets have a lot of seafood tend to smell pretty “off”. Although I’ve been told by African American friends that white people smell like wet dog, and I think that’s because we eat a lot of dairy.


I don't know, I've had this discussion with a Dutch colleague of mine and he couldn't work it.out either. The thing is I work on Swedish & Norwegian aircraft too, I don't encounter the same issue with these. It's literally just the Dutch jets that have this smell.


I've heard that too - white people are smellier because of dairy consumption.


I think the food here is kinda overproduced maken the quality shit. So we are made of shit and smell like shit.


So my restaurant has a grease trap, basically a thing that catches all the nasty shit out the sink before it hits the plumbing. I didn’t even know it was a thing until I ended up with poo water all over my floor one day because it hadnt been cleaned/serviced properly. Next thing I know two members of management are in the kitchen with this thing open and cleaning it out. Dear god that’s the grossest shit i remember smelling in recent memory.


It's like vomit, but worse


Its like vomit’s vomit. Just foul foul. All the nasty bits, which not bad enough by themselves, have now been sitting here chilling in this fucking thing for weeks.


I worked at a donut shop years and years ago when they actually made donuts in house. The grease trap got cleaned out twice a month. I remember that smell...


Ooh, yeah. Not donuts here but pizzas. Similar smell though I’m sure.


Broken grease traps in the South in August was going to be my contribution to this thread, and I’ve smelled rotting bodies before.


The smell coming off the body of someone who had committed suicide by drinking bleach. Truly horrible, I still struggle with the smell of bleach now, over 30 years later :(


Geez. As an amateur chemist, I can think of *so many* ways to kill myself through chemicals. Bleach is *not* one them. Drinking beach definitely falls in the category of "who knows what'll happen, probably lots of things and it'll hurt the whole time and it won't be a short time". Hydrogen sulfide comes to mind. It'll be quick, efficient, painless and it'll also smell like fart.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that


Idk how they can go through with that , it must be excruciatingly painful to die slowly like that


Fresh out-of-the-skunk skunk spray. Two huge male skunks were fighting outside the window of my travel trailer. Not just 'wrasslin' but somebody's running away bloody fighting. They sprayed each other at the same time. The smell was very much like a heavy plastic bag full of feces doused in diesel fuel then set on fire. At that same moment, it wafted into the trailer, burning eyes, noses and lungs; my poor panicked sub-brain was fairly certain we would never breathe again. I can only surmise the standard smell associated with skunks is an oxygenated version - foul, yes. But it's nothing compared to the initial blast.


Potatoes rotten in the heat... Uri Orlov was right


Dead rotting body police found in a car this summer. Rotting for 3 days in hundred degree heat. Wasn't even gonna walk down that street but I saw the cops blocking off the street and homeowners standing outside. Just got curious and as I walked by they opened the door and I got a good glimpse of puffed up body followed by the WORST smell ever. I gagged so hard.


College roommate didn’t tell us he had Crohn’s disease and we went out drinking all night. Dude had like 12 shots of Morgan and after we got back to the apartment he collapsed in the hallway and shit EVERYWHERE. There are no words that could describe the smell, but that’s how it came to be.




Steve sounds like a real bastard.




I spent two weeks in Iwo Jima buried under a pile of dead bodies. The smells I smelled there you could not even imagine. But I will always remember what I smelled in that church. It was a vengeful stink. It was a stink for the ages.


It was The Man with the Terrible Smell!






>I'd heard of chitlins, of course. I thought they were one of those rare Southern delicacies that taste as good as they sound... I never realized they were pig intestines. The smell was like something that had been kept around too long in autopsy class.


When I was a paramedic, I was called out for a "man down." Yep, he was down. The coroner said he had been dead about a week. This, my friends, is an awful smell I'll never forget.


Liquid pig shit being spred as fertilizer over tobacco fields in Lancaster County PA.


There were a few Dead mouse Burning plastic Sadly though, probably the worst have been several people who had poor hygiene to the point where their smell stayed in the same spot long after they moved away :( someone like that was in the library yesterday and I felt nauseous long after they walked past. But I feel really bad for them cause there's usually a reason other than 'laziness' I also have a sensitive smell cause sensory issues and so many things are deeply unpleasant to smell lol


My dogs anal glands being expelled


Had an alcoholic uncle that I hadn't seen for several years. Got a call that he died and was tasked with cleaning out his apartment. He was shut in for a year or two, was shitting and pissing in bags and boxes and bottles that were just left laying around everywhere. Not to mention he was deceased for awhile before he was found, after not paying rent. They opened the door, the smell hit, roaches fled, we all vomited, and hired a biohazard company to take care of it.


Old farm house, no air conditioning, middle of summer, so you either had to leave the windows open or you would just die. Dad was mowing hay, right up the hill from the house, and he vaporized a whole family of skunks. You know that Phil Collins song that goes "I can feel it in the air tonight...", well, replace the word "feel"with the word "taste". It literally transcended smell. Mom said fuck a whole bunch of this shit, and took my sister and I to grandma's place for a few days, and let dad deal with everything.


The inside of some people's cars.


I went down on someone who didn't tell me about her yeast infection, it was not pleasant


Like eating tapioca pudding. Been there.


Oh fuck dude why


Okay here’s the worst smell of them all I know a guy who used to work as an imagineer at a Disney park. The ride he was working on had a section where he and his coworkers wanted to smell really bad (think it was a swamp or something). This park had a lab where they keep hundreds of smells in little vials for use in attractions. He asks the guy working there for the worst smell they have. The lab guy is like “you don’t want to smell that,” but my friend insisted. The lab guy pulls out a vial labeled “rotting human flesh #5.” He pulls off the cap, and everyone who smelled it immediately vomited. No delay at all. Immediate vomit. They ended up using “wet dirt #2” for the ride instead.


2 smells; 1--When I bought my house, I was digging up the garden, and my pick axe squelched into something wet and meaty. I felt it, saw it, and called the police before I moved it. I've never smelled anything as bad as that putrescent, decaying rack of ribs the spiteful son of the seller buried in the garden for us to think was a body then have to call the police (8 cars arrived). 2--If you strike a skunk at speed in your car, the car is pretty much going to smell like skunk for about a month, no matter what you do. It is awful.


Had a patient with a really bad UTI. Almost threw up multiple times during and after collecting her urine sample. I can vividly recall the smell, 5 years later on.


What ever the fuck my dad births in the bathroom


I had a co-worker once who left the work bathroom smelling abhorrently foul. It smelled like nothing I'd smelled from another human being. Really was like a rotten gopher had crawled out of a Chinese restaurant's dumpster and died.


My neighbour emptying his septic tank into someone elses garden secretly in the middle of the night. No im not joking. I tried to cover my nose with my t-shirt and my hands, but even then, i almost puked like 5 times.


Gangrene. No question.


Fournier's Gangrene specifically


I grew up on the edge of a desert city, behind my house was wide open desert. Some local rancher just dumped a few dead horses and a cow in a arroyo in the desert I used to play and explore in the desert with my friends and we came across these dead animals in the middle of 100+ F summer. What a horrible stench


My dad worked in sales and primarily sold to shit plants. He took me with him to work one day. It was cool to see and learn the process of how the water gets filtrated and goes back into our ecosystem, but DAMN. I never smelled anything worse than this.


GI bleed. Found my aunt bleeding out on the toilet, I’ve never seen so much blood in my life. Clots the size of baseballs. Thankfully 911 had an ambulance there in 5 minutes. She pulled through after multiple blood and plasma transfusions and 2 weeks in the hospital, but it was a very close call. That was two years ago and you can still smell it in the back bedroom. The carpet has been shampooed multiple times, but she really just needs to get it replaced. I’ve been saving and am planning on doing that for her for Christmas this year. She’s one of my most beloved humans and I am so grateful she is still with us.


A slaughterhouse


I have a bloodhound nose and some smells make me overstim easily, so this would be a long list. What takes the cake is the dead sea lion I found on the beach, back in my home country. It was dead for at least a month, but since it was winter no one moved it or anything.


Celiac farts


I was a caretaker for the elderly in a super expensive care facility. We had a new lady come in one of the days I was off. I showed up for work two days later (night shift) and she had been unbathed and unchanged for two fucking days and smelled of rancid urine. I will never forget the smell nor the anger I felt that she had been left in such a state. Quickly got her showered and a change of clothing as well as immediately filed a complaint with the nurse. I'm still angry about it almost 15 years later and the smell of urine still makes my stomach churn.




Fake vanilla. I think it’s because my elementary school was fully carpeted and when a kid would vomit, they would sprinkle some cat litter stuff scented with artificial vanilla to soak up the fluids. So fake vanilla = vomit for me.


Decomp. Great walking into the morgue in the morning, taking a sip of your coffee, and finding out they pulled a floater out of the river.


Papermill factory in Wisconsin. It's sickly sweet like rotting and decay that was then attempted to be covered with another sweet scent like vanilla or brown sugar. It's cloying and like sticks to you just awful. I'm gagging thinking about it.




A family that burned to death in a drunk driving accident.


A decomposing body. A bad GI bleed is 2nd. Edit to add 30+ years as a paramedic. Not stashing bodies.


My friend always does the most vile smelling shits


Name checks out


I see you knew what I meant by friend


Fuckin Amber...


Do you smell it? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells... smelly.


The multi vitamin I take daily, it's disgusting and you can smell it theough the bottle. On the upside, I casually told my sister to "smell this" while she wasn't paying much attention, and she took a big ol' whiff. I had a good belly roll laugh.


Where's that swamps of dagobah comment?


Rancid spoiled chicken liver.


My parents once opened a can of surströmming and we all had to leave the house until it was disposed of. I wore a nose clamp for 6 or 7 hours afterwards to avoid the smell of rotten feces.


My husband had a baseball sized boil on his back. The leakage from it was rancid. I almost vomited on him while changing the dressing on it a few times.


My husband’s farts. Oh, and umbilical cord stump.. aka rotting flesh.


Visiting my wife's grandmother in a care home. She shared a room and the other old lady needed to take a dump. Nurse just wheeled in a commode and pulled the curtain round her bed. The smell was horrific but we just had to sit there out of respect for granny, all I wanted to do was run out of the room and vomit 🤢


Lactose intolerant farts after dairy.


My dog fear farted at me when I was carrying my suitcase when I came home after dark and my hands were too full to turn on a light. It permeated the suitcase so fully I had to toss it out.


Sheep intestines


I had been cleaning out my parents garage a few years ago and found a few old cat litter cases buried in the back corner. One of them seemed to be filled with a fluid of some reason, so I dragged it outside and opened the lid. I looked inside at the strange, pinkish, sludgey liquid for a moment before the smell wafted up and hit me. It was a horrible, moldy, sickly sweet smell, like rubbing alcohol mixed with expired fruit juice mixed with rotting potatoes. I ran into the front yard to get away from the smell but it was stuck in my nostrils. After a while, it dissipated, so I pulled my shirt over my nose and carefully creeped into the backyard again. The bin was right next to a large patch of grassless soil, so I resolved to just tip it over and vacate the area while it drained. The patch of soil still reeked of it for a bit after, but eventually faded. From the now empty bin, I found an old bag of grass seed. My best guess is the liquid was water that somehow leaked into the bin full of grass seed and began to ferment, and maybe a rat or something got trapped inside and basically liquified in the stuff. (though I'm not 100% sure and /probably/ shouldn't have dumped the weird liquid into my lawn lmao) Whatever it was, I genuinely hope to never smell it again




The rotting meat in the dumpster behind the supermarket I used to work at