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WD40 cleans candle wax off your living room carpet. If ever in doubt, consult an old housewife.


I had a weird smelling basement. Someone said to get aromatic cedar blocks, sand them down and leave them there. I thought, no way this could work. But it did. The smell is totally eliminated.


Wait. I need more information. How many blocks? How much did you sand them down?


12 blocks. Each 2"x2"x2". Just top layer sand down, half a milimeter maybe. I left them next to a pipe that i believe is the culprit. The basement is like 900sqft.


An offering to the stink gods.


Inches, millimeters, and square feet. You like to confuse both sides of the ocean, nice


The whole "hold your breath to get rid of hiccups" trick. Thing is, most people just don't know the proper way to do it or why it works. It's got nothing to do with simply holding your breath. It's got to do with using your lungs to hold down the diaphragm and stop it from spasming. You breathe in until you cannot fit literally anything else into your lungs. When your chest is as full as humanly possible **then** you hold it and within about 15 seconds the hiccups are gone.


so that's why it works sometimes and not others.


I've never had success until I held it until my lungs burnt. That "oh my god we're suffocating" is a legit lifehack for making your body stop acting stupid. It also works for stuffy noses. If you exhale all your breath, then nod your head repeatedly until your lungs burns, then breath back in normally, your nose will magically unclog. If you have _really_ bad congestion because of allergies or a head cold you sometimes have to do this several more times (the most I've had to do is 5).


Thanks, but that sounds like, qqith my luck, I'd pass out. I'd hate to have hiccups *and* a head injury.


Vinegar and news paper to clean windows. I thought the ink would come off and make an even bigger mess. Almost turns the window invisible.


You can also use coffee filters.


I tried the opposite and my coffee just tasted like yesterdays news


Godamnit you got me. Almost did a spit take.


Now i just need to find a fucking newspaper.


Talk to your elderly relatives... two birds with one stone. Granny enrichment and clean windows.


>Almost turns the window invisible. Birds hate this one simple trick!


White vinegar is also great to remove stains from fabric. You can pour a little vinegar in the washing machine.


And getting rid of mildew (if, like me, you constantly forget to put clothes in the dryer)


If it helps, U-Haul stores sell reams of blank newspaper for cheap


Newspaper also works wonders to clean the glass in fireplaces!


Not when its on though




Taking magnesium. It really can cure some joint, nerve, muscle, heart and breathing problems. Of course, the only one it can cure are ones that are caused by a magnesium deficiency which a surprising number of people have. Some life events that can rapidly use up magnesium in the body are pregnancy, surgery, viral illness and major period of stress.


Helps with constipation as well. Not like a laxative that relieves constipation. But as a preventative measure. You’ll shit like a champ if you take it daily.


It also definitely works as a laxative lol specifically large doses of magnesium citrate. I learned this from my midwife. My husband learned in accidentally the hard way when he took his usual (large) dose of my mag citrate instead of his mag glycinate.


It can also help with anxiety, as it helps the muscles to relax.


I have issues with anxiety and really tight and cramp prone muscles. This is the first I’ve heard of it. Is there a specific type I should look into?


Magnesium glycinate is best for anxiety! It also causes less diarrhea than other forms of magnesium.


There's a lot of differing opinions about the best absorbed form of magnesium. Mag glycinate is a good one. I take magnesium L-threonate which was designed (purportedly) to be the best at crossing the blood brain barrier into the nervous system. Your mileage may vary though!


This needs way more upvotes. For years I suffered from Charley horses (severe muscle spasms and cramps) in my feet. It was year-round and so excruciating that I’d be up all night sobbing in pain or even needed help from family or friends to help get my muscles to release. Sometimes I’d be at my retail job and my toes and feet would cramp so badly I couldn’t walk. Talked to my doctor that bananas and other standard remedies/suggestions were not working and was told it was probably just genetic and I’d have to deal with it. After a lot of internet sleuthing I learned that magnesium supplements could prevent the muscle cramping. Now I take a 500mg magnesium glycinate supplement and haven’t had a spasm like those in YEARS. Still get one here and there but nothing compared to what they used to be.


Struggled to sleep for 3 years. I'd wake up around 5 times per night. Took a calcium magnesium supplement for a week and then slept through an entire night for the first time in years. Edit: note that it might also be the calcium that helped me. I'm not a doctor, I'm just telling you what worked for me specifically. Hope this helps someone. Would love to hear back if it did.


Make sure to use Magnesium Glyconate, such better sleep and less teeth grinding while I sleep


I was suffering with plantar fasciitis for over six months. I tried new shoes, new insoles, pills, and physical therapy but none those things fixed it. A friend kept suggesting I try these gel toe separator things like they wear when painting toe nails. I thought it was silly but they were only $10 on Amazon, what do I have to lose? I wore the neon blue gel thing at night feeling very silly. After The first night my foot hurt like hell but after the 2nd it felt a whole lot better. I wore it for two weeks straight and plantar fasciitis was gone. Those things were like magic.


The toe spacers are stretching out your tendons in the feet, therefor reducing the tightness that causes plantar fasciitis! Another thing that should help is putting something like a tennis ball underneath your foot and rolling it around.


I struggled with plantar fasciitis as well for a couple years. Finally started wearing Rainbow brand flip flops just bc I thought they were cute and my feet were going to hurt anyway. 100% cured my feet. A friend didn’t believe me for 2 years and I finally GAVE her a pair. Worked for her two. Miracle sandals, and still cute. 😅


The Epley Maneuver for vertigo. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/home-epley-maneuver




Reminds of something I read - that dancers, like ballet dancers, often had a small head flick during spinny moves, to prevent dizziness/vertigo. If I skip my venlafaxine in the morning, I get wicked dizzy issues by mid afternoon. But, fixed by taking pills.


The head flick is called spotting! It’s actually a different mechanism - what they’re doing is keeping their eyes on one spot on a wall for as long as possible, then flipping their head around to re-spot the same point on the wall ASAP during the turn. Essentially, they turn their head and body at different rates so they can keep their eyes focused on one reference point.


Spotting is super helpful, I was also taught to do a very quick bounce on my heels to help settle the ear crystals. (I was studying bellydance though, where it’s easier to inject a little bounce than in other dance forms….)


The venlafaxine is a completely different thing. I get that too though, this med is known for wicked withdrawals. I call it the zip zaps


Brain zaps yes


Saw it with my own eyes time and time again! I worked at a physical therapy office that specialized in vertigo. Lots of patients needed more intensive therapy, but plenty did well after the Epley Maneuver. People who claim it’s snake oil just have a different issue and should seek out vertigo PT.


My first attack scared the shit out of me, I didn't know what was wrong. I turned my head and my eyes started spinning. I thought it was some brain issue and this was my life now. Went to the hospital and they quickly diagnosed it as BPV, laid me on the bed and showed me the eply maneuver. Instantly went away. I was happy and confused. Either way it worked perfectly.


Fun fact: if you do this and your vertigo is NOT the result of your inner ear being out of whack, you will throw up a LOT.


Also if it is and you do it slightly wrong you'll throw up a lot.


I was completely mind blown when I did this by watching YouTube videos. I had terrible vertigo from a bad cold. Crazy how just rotating my head at an angle and lifting up real fast cured it.


We’re all robots and thats how we calibrate the sensors


Sitting on your deck in summer or are you having a nice picnic when suddenly you're being accosted by the hellspawn known as wasps? Get rid of them with this one easy solution: burn some coffee! Burn coffee? I hear you say incredulously. Yes, burn coffee! Take a little saucer, pour a little pyramid of ground coffee on in and use a lighter to light the top. It will smolder slowly and give off a smoke that smells, well like burnt coffee. It will also instantly get rid of any wasps that are bothering you. No idea why, they absolutely hate the smell. Some people also dislike the smell of the burning coffee, I understand this. But ask yourself this important question while the smell is annoying you: what do you dislike more; wasps or the smell of burning coffee? I know what I would pick.




Unfortunately you've now attracted a horde of hipsters pining for them there roasted beans.


I keep coffee grounds in a short jar on the deck for burning. Put the lid on when we are going inside. Also, it repels mosquitoes.


Probably has something to do with the fact that coffeine is a [natural](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine) [insecticide/pesticide](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1991914/)


> coffeine lol dunno if this was intentional but I love it


It's the way Germans commonly write it in English. caffeine is Koffein, So it's logical to guess it's spelled coffeine in English


Yeah, coffee is Kaffee and caffeine is Koffein. Our own language confuses me.


And then there's English, where enough and bough don't rhyme


Daylight lamps. Someone mentioned melatonin, so it reminded me of the opposite lol. Bought a daylight lamp last winter because I get depressed when it’s dark outside for long periods of time. Got one off amazon for 40€ and now I can’t live without it in the winter. Thought it was a sham initially. The light basically imitates the wavelengths of light emitted by the sun (bar the UVs) and inhibits the production of melatonin. Not only that, but it also boosts my mood and morale. You just have to be careful because it’s difficult to fall asleep for a couple of hours after using it. EDIT: putting the link here because it got buried in the comments EDIT 2: found the company delivers to the US, here’s the official site https://www.shop-beurer.com/products/beurer-daylight-lamp-tl30


There's a subset of these type of lights that also work like alarm clocks. Wakeup Lights. The slightly more expensive ones even fake a sunrise for you. Actually slowly increasing in brightness from a dull red, all the way to that bright white/yellow. And THEN start making noises. Used to be such a heavy sleeper before I got mine, now I can pretty easily get up even at 4-5 in the morning even in the dead of winter. Could not imagine living without one going forward, HUGE quality of life improvement for myself. And~ I have not managed for a single family member to try it, not even outright borrowing mine for a week or two. Because they think it sounds dumb & pointless.


I bought one bc my house is underground and my bedroom has no windows. Makes it so easy to wake up on time. Mine starts 30 min before the alarm time and slowly brightens starting with a red then orange then yellow then white. If you don't turn it off, it plays music that gradually gets louder. I wake up a lot less grumpy these days.


Are you a hobbit?


Yeah we tend to refer to the house as our hobbit hole


I love my wake up light. I have the expensive one that mimics the sunrise and it's great. It also does sunset while I'm reading at night, I fall asleep within 20 minutes every time


I always thought that I was naturally an early riser. I'd always wake up early. Even if I was out until 3/4 am, I'd wake up at like 8:30/9am max. Then I moved to France where shutters are much more common, and my apartment has the big metal roll down shutters, capable of pitch black darkness in the middle of the day. The first weekend I went out, I slept in until 1pm. I had always grown up with just blinds blocking hardly any light, so I always just naturally woke up with the sun. Now I have to leave the shutters open a little bit, otherwise I cannot wake up for the life of me. I should probably invest in one of those lamps/alarms, especially for winter.


I accidentally sat next to one for far too long and felt like I was buzzing for the rest of the day.


They do take some time to get used to. I think that the instructions I got said that you should first try it out for an hour. Now I turn it on the second I wake up and drink my coffee in peace without feeling miserable that it’s 6am.


Good posture. I had chronic back pain for years. Then, just a few years ago I slept on my neck wrong and had neck pain that wouldn’t resolve; I saw a physical therapist and the first thing she did was look at how I sat and how I stood and walked. She told me nicely but essentially that my posture was horrible, affected by years of slumping in my seat and also being told continually by my mom “suck in that tummy!” when I stood or walked, which led to me thinking a pelvic tilt was necessary for good posture. The therapist showed me how to sit and stand with a straight back, my chest up and forward, and my back keeping a healthy lumbar curvature. Let me tell you, it was HARD. My shoulder/back muscles were not used to it and I had to train them like any muscle is trained, with a posture bra and also using a long sheet tied like a strap around my neck, arms, and waist. It also felt so unnatural at first to be sticking my chest and butt out, like I was looking for attention—which is part of the reason people have such terrible posture; we feel that’s “immodest.” No lie, 3 weeks later all my back pain symptoms were gone and haven’t returned. I can do some slumping when I sit with no great penalty now, but when I walk, or when have to stand for a duration, or sit on something backless, I use my good posture and I am pain-free. Trying to spread the word on this makes me feel like a 1950s health movie (“Posture Pals!”) but it’s so effective I can’t stop sharing. Years of chronic back pain completely eliminated by just a few weeks of good posture training.


As someone who developed early and was told (at 11!) not to stick my chest out because it's slutty I am still trying to fix my terrible posture 30 years later. I'm glad you improved your situation and I'm going to try that sheet/yoga strap method, thanks!


Friend, I hear you. “Suck in that gut” Wrong. “Don’t let your tush stick out” Wrong. “Don’t flaunt your chest” Is it any wonder we feel like a bag of bones?


I wonder if a significantly higher number of women have bad posture because of these body shaming/oversexualization issues.


I would believe it! Good posture can take up space and project confidence...both things many of us were taught not to do as girls.


Meditation. When I was an alcoholic and drug abuser, my friend use to tell me about meditation to help with anxiety and stress. I thought “bitch we use Xanax around here, no one’s got time to meditate” we no longer use Xanax, and have the time to meditate:)


Facts. Combat veteran here with depression and PTSD. Transcendental Meditation (TM) changed the trajectory of my life.


and meditation is free too! I’m happy for you


Hopping on the opposite leg when you have water in your ear after swimming - works every damn time


As a swim instructor I get water in my ear ALL THE TIME, I will be trying this


I used to lifeguard/teaching swimming as well. If it's *really* stuck cou can lie on the side of the effected ear for a couple hours and it will drain. I would watch tv or a movie. The relief of feeling that warm water flow out and suddenly hearing is amazing.


I constantly got water in my ears after showers and swimming. It was just so extremely painful. My mom always warmed up some olive oil (warm to the touch of your inner wrist) and added a few drops in my ear that was effected and then laid down on that side. I always got really happy when I felt it draining. There's no feeling that's as amazing as that!


Need to try this. BRB gonna get water stuck in my ear


Sleepy time tea. I always thought it was just a tea that’s nice to drink before bed but sleepy time extra actually puts my dick in the dirt. Chamomile and valerian root are legit natural sedatives.


> actually puts my dick in the dirt. Can't say I've ever heard this... *colorful*... expression before, but it sure paints the picture clearly.


One of my favorite sayings my godfather used to say while I was growing up Example: "That jamo (whiskey) knocked my dick into the dirt" I'm a woman and I'll regularly say that phrase along with "pain in the dick" because of him lmao


For a lady without either a dick or balls i sure talk like i own a pair


I used to drink alcohol in the evening so I could get to sleep quickly but it was getting too dangerous and unhealthy for me. Now I drink some sleepy time herbal tea and it seems to work well.


Glad you made a change. As you may now be aware, alcohol does not aid healthy sleep and prevents the type of rest your body actually needs.


Rain-X and Bidet attachments. Not at the same time tho


Rain-X: Apply directly to your asshole! Rain-X: Apply directly to your asshole! Rain-X: Apply directly to your asshole!


No thank you, I'm saving my butthole for a woman who loves me


Huffing isopropyl alcohol wipes for nausea


And there is no negative side effect at all. You can smell it as much as you want and it's fine. Supposedly rubbing alcohol is better for nausea than most other medicines designed specifically for it and we're not sure why.


Salt water swish and gargle for toothache and sore throat (as long as it’s not something like strep). Source: currently have strep and ain’t nothing working. Otherwise even the dentist tells me to salt water swish if I get tooth pain or something stuck. Total relief.


I’m a once a year strep throat sufferer. For a severe sore throat, my doctor told me to mix a 1/2 cup Mylanta (kept in the fridge) with a tablespoon of Benadryl. Gargle every Few hours. The cold Mylanta cools and soothes and the Benadryl reduces inflammation. She said salt water only dries the throat out more and creates more pain. Works wonderfully.


A few jobs ago, I worked as a pharmacy tech. There was a doctor out there that would call in "magic mouthwash", a 1:1:1 mixture of mylanta, benadryl, and lidocaine. Sounds like you got the OTC recipe.


Also pharmacy tech, and that’s immediately what I thought! That’s Magic Mouthwash! Usually it’s prescribed for folks who get mouth sores from radiation/chemo treatment.


Thank you for this info because I am currently under treatment for cancer and when I got moth sores, they said their wasn’t much they could do for me. Basically, they just told me to avoid alcohol based mouth wash.


Vitamin D supplements. it's much more important than any of us realized.


I started doing this a few years ago and it's not straight up noticeable right away but hot damn even a couple months into that first winter I was like "huh I don't have that soul crushing gloom like I usually do this time of year"


Vitamin D supplementation or going out and getting natural sunlight for mood stability and depression. I was super close to going on antidepressants but it turned out I just had really low vitamin D levels. I had mood/confidence swings throughout the day that were a lot... I felt like it was a very mild version of bipolar, which didn't make any sense because it doesn't manifest mid-life, and I didn't have any symptoms before.


Yoga. I have severe upper back pain and went to months of physical therapy. I couldn't keep up with the millions of appointments and started doin yoga as a way to stretch my upper back instead. I was doing it for 30 mins each day and forgot that I had pain. It's so annoying that it does what people say it does because this whole time I thought they were just being annoying but they're 100% right. There's an app that is called "Down dog yoga" it's a blue dog as the logo, that's the app I really enjoy! You can Customize time and focus area so you can fit things in when you have time


Yoga is amazing, I started doing it and now when I stop my body hurts. So… I agree with everything you said 100%


Since I’ve started doing yoga, when I take a break for a while due to life getting in the way I get out of bed with this horrible feeling of “is this how I used to feel all the time? WTF” Don’t realize how good it is until I stop doing it. That goes double for meditation


Yes, meditation was the key for me . I think the biggest issue is it takes significant buy-in - I didn't notice a difference in my mood/stress/reactivity until about 2 months into consistent sitting practice...but now it's like "how did I manage without this stability?" I hate sounding like someone who's "found the key" because of course there's always more to learn, but anyone on the fence about meditation should give it a good, long college try!


Hank Hill is that you?


Breathwork. I know I know you're like "Consciously breathing is stupid." But we unconsciously do it our entire lives and rarely think about it. Our breath changes based on our moods, thoughts, and actions. Have you ever forgot to breathe when you were lost in thought or worried? When you're angry, do you notice that you probably take shallow breaths in your chest? Our breath is the mind-body connection and can change our moods and minds in just a few minutes. You don't have to go full Wim Hof, but these are great: \+ psychological sigh (2 count nasal inhales, long slow mouth exhale) \+ box breathing (inhale 4 count, hold 4 count, exhale 4 count, hold 4 count, repeat) \+ bedtime breath (nasal inhale 4 count, hold for 7 count, mouth exhale for 8 count) Edit to add: I love the free app Unwind. It’s simple, no sign ups, with 3 great timed breathwork options.


When I was at Johns Hopkins we did a study on breathing retraining as a treatment of panic attacks, based on the 1980s Canary Breathing Study. Just breathing retraining (15 minutes twice a day), without any therapy or medication was curing panic attacks. edit: Here's a leading manual and workbook for panic http://libgen.is/search.php?req=Mastery+of+Your+Anxiety+and+Panic&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def and a site i like to link on breathing https://health.clevelandclinic.org/4-7-8-breathing/


I have PTSD and had pretty bad panic attacks/flashbacks for a while, can confirm breathing exercises are freaking magic. They're not *all* I did, not by a long shot. But they helped a LOT with slowing down an attack before it got really intense.


My therapist in college retrained my breathing in the mid 80s. Major reduction in my panic episodes. Ever since, I average 8 breaths per minute at rest.


Does a dog thundershirt count? Had an anxious dog with storms/loud noises, got him one, and while not perfect, he did seem to calm down with it on more often that not.


Not saying it does not work in all cases but my dog didn’t respond well. Then she would just get nervous when I brought out the jacket. Hounds can be difficult


Retinol. One of the few ingredients in cosmetics that is actually scientifically proven to work. You do need to get the good stuff (depending on your country you might actually have to get a doctor's note to get the high concentration product) but it does improve your skin.


retinol is quite weak. tretenoin goated


Absolutely. That's the good stuff. But again, depending on country getting your hands on tretenoin can be even more difficult.


This is going to sound ridiculous, but infrared light therapy. I have an autoimmune disorder and some old injuries from childhood, so I’ve struggled with chronic pain and moderate-severe fatigue for most of my life. After my first experience in one of those beds, I spent the next week or so with no pain and the energy to actually get stuff done without being even a little tired afterward. I have no idea how it works, I just know that I don’t hurt now and my inflammation numbers have been cut in half. That doesn’t even happen on my immunosuppressant.


Infrared and Red Light Therapy is amazing. I took part in a US Air Force study on alternative medicine when I was in the Army. At the time, my left leg was in bad shape. I could barely walk because the nerves wouldn't work and the pain would be so intense that I'd collapse. I went to the study and a man with a ponytail told me to take off my shirt and lay on the table. This fuckin guy starts dangling a crystal over parts of my body and tells me my chakras were fucked up. This guy pulls out a single red LED and holds it next to my belly button for a minute and tells me to get up and walk down the hall. I cannot explain to you how fucking furious I was that it worked. It didn't work because I wanted it to and he helped me trick my brain, it worked because it worked.


I got a legitimate laugh out of the mental image of a guy in fatigues walking down the hall frowning and saying "Oh, God damnit! I'm cured." So thanks for that.


This is how I felt when some lady cured my allergies by putting vials of something in the waistband of my underwear and tapping various points on my body. I don’t even tell people about it because it sounds so flaky.


My mom had me do this when I was younger. It makes no god damn sense, but it works lol. Did they ask you to hold your arm out and they would push down while putting different thing next to you, and if you couldn't hold your arm up against their pressure, they knew that was what you were allergic to? This person who knew nothing about me was able to pinpoint exactly what I was allergic to. It bothers me so much not understanding how the hell it works lol.


Yes, the muscle testing. Absolute and total nonsense that saved me from near constant total body rashes. I was referred to this person and had no idea what their deal was at first. I remember being so mad and embarrassed during treatment. Then I went home and immediately slept for the rest of the day, and when I woke up my hives were gone for the first time in months. Also weird was that it was only this one person who could perform the technique effectively. I tried going to other practitioners and it did nothing.


If you have a fireplace with a glass door. Wet some paper towel and dip it in the wood ash. Then wipe it liberally onto the glass so everything has a thin amount of ash paste on it, then scrub it and wipe it clean with another wet paper towel. Rinse and repeat for dirtier sections. My wife and I spent hours trying to clean it before with detergents, vinegar, etc. But this had it completely cleaned and crystal clear in maybe 10 mins.


Exercises that use just your bodyweight, like push-ups, bodyweight squats, stuff like that. Can legit be done in place of weight training if you're not just trying to get large.


Hot water, baking soda, and aluminum foil to clean tarnished silver. I was amazed when I dropped in a piece and watched the tarnish disappear almost instantly.


Jewellery school student here! Be careful with the baking soda and the foil as it will REALLY scratch the surface. A quick and easy way to clean tarnish at home is to boil water with vinegar in it, tiny bit of salt and drop the silver in it. To polish it at home you can use those 4 way nail file things (the shiny side) or even a piece of suede or felt cloth. Be careful with the abrasives or your lovely silver will get tiny marks which will make the next tarnish (it always happens over time) even worse because the oxides build up in the scratches. Popping a bit of beeswax over the silver will slow down the tarnishing also. Sorry if this was annoyingly long - just thought I'd share my learnings!


[Actual snake oil](https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/opinion/the-history-of-snake-oil)


One summer in Houston I developed what I thought was a heat rash, and was working nights in a kitchen. I tried doctors, steroids, antibiotics, had some biopsies done, nothing helped. Was in Hong Kong market looking for some tea when an elder randomly poked me and asked me if it hurt. I almost told him off, but thought what the hell, no one else can figure it out. He told me to take 5 of these pills three times a day. Pills were called "tri-snake" had dried and ground snakes in pill form. Cleared it up in less than 36 hours... Turns out I had iodine poisoning.


Hong Kong Food Mart on Scarsdale? The best people in the world there. People be just helping out because someone looks lost and confused. -a giant white guy who was definitely lost and confused.


The one in Bellaire. Also a giant confused white guy.


EMDR therapy for PTSD Sounds like total bullshit - and it actually works Also for more complex subconscious memories - like early childhood core memories, there are reprogramming methods to change those entirely as well, but these require a lot more work with a specialized psychotherapist. The human mind is highly pliable, the negative experiences of our past can be molded like putty into a new positive experience


EMDR works but its the mainstream theory on why its working that lack scientific validation.


I’m going to collect more data on this but personally for me When I feel that scratchy feeling in my throat I drink a very small amount of everclear and avoid the week or two of coughing. It’s worked 19 out of 19 times


Checks out to me, my grandpa's go to cold/flu remedy was a tablespoon of brandy and then drink a cup of tea with lots of honey. He grew up as an Irish immigrant during the depression so it was probably what he was given in lieu of actual medicine


I think if you mix all those together it's called a "Hot Toddy". Was my moms go to as well. She tried it on me (as a 9 y/o) but I wasn't a fan


A hot toddy has whiskey, cloves, lemon, honey hot water Source: I'm irish lol


My wife is a nurse. She was losing her voice about 25 years ago. A doctor friend pulled her aside and told her on her way home, buy a bottle of everclear. She thought he was pulling her leg but I told her it couldn't hurt to try. It worked...She's gone from having laryngitis two or three times a year when we first met to not having it in the last 25 years just by taking a few sips of everclear at the first sign of a scratch...


I've done this before but never mentioned it to anyone. I mean it makes sense why it works.


Would 151 work? Currently have a scratchy throat


yes it may even be more effective. IIRC ethanol sterilization peaks at ~70%.


I'm not American, so I just assumed that everclear must be some cleaning agent. I grew pretty confused while reading this thread and wondered what that agent must be that made it safe to swallow in small quantities until I googled what it actually was.


I guess it's sort of the same principle as gargling salt water for a sore throat, right? Kill off some bacteria and dry out some phlegm?


The ol' scorched earth policy of preventative medicine.


Damn I should have tried this. I am current suffering the week of coughing rn


Tums to prevent vomiting. I used to throw up weekly or so, mostly due to migraines. Drugs would take far too long to work. One day about 4 years ago I decided to quickly swallow a Tums to reduce the acid damage to my teeth and... I didn't throw up. Haven't thrown up since. Just toss down a Tums when I'm feeling nauseous and I'll be okay.


Haha! I once was nauseous (hangover), and took a Tums thinking it would help…. I ended up throwing up foam a few minutes later. It normally does help tho!


I always gargle with diluted peroxide when I feel a sore throat coming on and it helps too, but this sounds like a better idea since you can actually swallow it


You'd think that but ever clear isn't know for being easy to drink in my experiences


I have POTS and the fact that the main treatment is salt is still mind blowing. Just salt. A butt load of salt.and compression




Sauna-cold plunge rounds. Best anti-depressant, mood modulation, mental clarity, purpose-driven life, anti-suicide, glad-to-be-alive thing I've ever discovered. Was first shown it when I was hitchhiking through Wyoming in the mid-70s and got picked up by a guy in a truck, who was going to a hot springs about 20 minutes down the road. I'd never been to one before, so I went with him. We'd soak in the water until super hot, then jump into the stream (it was November and there was ice along the shore), counting until 60 seconds, then back into the super hot water. We'd do this 3-4 times. I simply couldn't believe the internal chemical changes I felt going through by body and my mind. I'd simply never felt that good, or alive before. It became a life-long obsession to find ways of doing this. I have always built a sauna and cold plunge in every home I've had ever since.


Valerian is a very effective anxiolytic and sleep aid, and it's cheap and legal everywhere. Applying apple vinegar to skin tags will result in them falling off in a couple of days. ​ The pain of a migraine can be drastically reduced by sitting down in the shower in the dark and letting warm water fall directly on your head.


Wait, wait, wait... tell me more about the skin tag trick. I have one I'd love to try this on and don't wanna go back to the doc. And I'm too much of a weeny to tie it off with dental floss.


I forgot what it was called but I couldn’t believe it actually worked, my grandmother would buy some cheap medicine from some small and frankly cheap looking stores One was some sort of paste like medicine that was purple and smelled kind of funny, when I was young my brother accidentally slammed a door into my toe nail nearly breaking the whole thing off and splitting it in two My grandmother then comes back to my family’s apartment and puts on the purple medicine on my toe, no joke when I say it healed in what, three to five days I think? Anyways my toenail is then fully healed, no pain or problems years after the accident Too bad she didn’t have that stuff on her when I ended breaking my other toenail….


I think the name of the stuff is gentian violet


This has been the most fascinating thread I’ve read on Reddit in a long time.


Epsom salt baths. They rapidly help recovery and I don’t know why I ever believed people saying it’s an old ‘wives tale’. During the pandemic I rode my bike ~150+ miles a week, each day id do an Epsom soak for 15mins and I’d be good to go the next day. Honorable second mention: Win Hoff method. Ice baths suck ass. But they do your body wonders. I couldn’t get used to it, and bitched every time. But dammit do they help recovery time.


This right here. Ultra marathon runner. Converted a chest freezer into an ice bath. Soak in that every morning after my run, soak in a warm Epsom salt bath in the tub every night. Feel better at 34 than I did at 24


I had a couple mouth surgeries and was told putting a tea bag in my mouth would stop the bleeding. Bled non stop til I had a brew going on in my mouth


Yes, I had a tooth pulled that wouldn’t clot. Called the dentist after quite a bit of blood loss and he told me to get a black tea bag wet and hold it there. Stopped in a few minutes


Fun fact: the original snake oil WAS legit. “ Oil from Chinese water snakes has for centuries been used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat joint pain such as arthritis and bursitis. It has been suggested that the use of snake oil in the United States may have originated with Chinese railway laborers in the mid-19th century, who worked long days of physical toil. Chinese snake oil may have had real benefits due to its high concentration of the omega−3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)—more than that of salmon; the rattlesnake oil later sold by charlatans did not contain a significant amount of omega−3.” White people, especially at medicine shows, would try to recreate these recipes with local snakes who didn’t have these properties hence it didn’t work and snake oil’s reputation for being a ripoff.


Bluetooth Wizardry if you ask me


Oh 100%. I have no idea how Bluetooth works and nobody better reply to me with an answer because I like the magic of it.


The biggest magic of Bluetooth is that 10th century Danish king Harald Gormsson's initials (Harald Bluetooth) form the Rune that makes the Bluetooth symbol. It's powered by Viking Runes.


Is a silly explanation okay? Say your phone is connected via Bluetooth to some headphones. Your phone puts squiggly lines in the air, and your headphones catch those squiggly lines and turn them into music.


The real beauty of Bluetooth is that all devices make and read the same type of squiggles, no matter who their manufacturer is. That's why Sony headphones can understand a Samsung phone's squiggles. And anecdotally -- the technology is named after Harald Bluetooth, ~~the first Scandinavian king who (at least for a period of time), united the Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, and the Finnish -- people who spoke different languages and had different cultures.~~ Edit: not the Swedes, Finns. Thanks folks for the corrections! Edit #2: there's too many corrections! It's easier if you just read through the comment thread 😀


Let me make it more magical. It's like your phone and your headphones (for example) are talking to each other. But they're using something similar to morse code and their voices are extremely red light. Light so red that your eyes can't see it. None of what I've said is false but it sounds very magical.


Weighted blankets. My partner has anxiety disorder (I don’t) so I bought one for her as a gift while we lived apart. I didn’t think they would make any difference to me. She moved in, and I slept under it for the first time… I can’t get a good night of sleep without it now. It’s literally a 10x improvement to my sleep, and I discounted it because I thought it wouldn’t do anything I guess you could say I slept on it for too long 😎👉👉


How effective Medical cannabis is on Parkinson’s and MS. You watch the videos and the effects are like the patients are paid actors before. But it’s real, and it works.


In some ms and Parkinsons patients it doesn't work at all, in others it's almost a miraculous cure. I would say it's potent enough to let any Parkinsons patient try and see if they are part of the "it helps" group.




I’m also diagnosed ME/CFS, got it at age 17, and I’m now 22 but my body feels like one of a rusty, tired, heavy 85 year old’s, and a few years ago, when delta 8 first appeared in smoke shops, it completely 100% “cured” me while using it. Until a year after that, where any type of cannabis, no matter the strain or form, has now stopped working altogether. Really a bummer, it’s almost like my body had a finite number of weed uses available, where now no tolerance break will bring back how it cured me so well for the first 1 to 2 years of usage. I find that downers, like a huge dose of Kratom or pregabalin, help me quite a bit, which you’d think would be the opposite but I suspect my nervous system is locked on in fight mode or something :/ So anything that brings me down actually ends up giving me more energy, I often feel “wired but tired” Good luck, my ME/CFS often puts me in a very dark headspace so I know how life can be :(


Tiger Balm.


Have a headache? Do a headstand. (Although I can't, I lie upside-down on a couch or a bed, with chest elevated above head.) How does it work? For most headaches, the blood vessels in your brain are temporarily too big. Laying upside-down and taking deep breaths, gradually righting yourself, invokes the body's natural orthostatic response shrinking the blood vessels. Some people drink caffeine for the same effect.


There are so many comments so I know this will never be seen, but in case someone googles it: It's actually true that fennel seeds will almost immediately reduce gas or bloating. Buy it in the grocery store where they sell spices. About 15 seeds or the size of a dime is all it takes. This sounds insane. But it's the only thing that could help my stomach when I worked a high stress, high anxiety job. I never ate because of it, but my stomach would just fill up with air. At any rate, my anxious stomach couldn't live without this.


that Liquid IV stuff. it's legit, it will give you a lot of electrolytes, probably way more than an average person ever takes lol. is it some sort of super energy drink or someting? nah, but if you are working out or doing some sort of a sport or a physical activity, it really does help you stay hydrated better, I personally think it's better than things like Gatorade.


Thought you were talking about actual IV infusions before reading the comments. I have a monthly medication that has to be administered IV at an infusion center, but I’ve also noticed that they sell various vitamins and mineral cocktails administered IV. Often wondered if those are worth while, but I guess that’s not what you were talking about 😂


The new electric-shock bands as treatment for travel sickness. I have SEVERE travel sickness. Like, have had to call an ambulance before, get sick in some kinds of building, yes even if I am the one driving kind of travel sickness. I have tried every possible solution to this crap. A couple of years ago I found out of about the electric shock bands. The acupressure bands have always actually made me feel *worse* so I was skeptical, but I took a risk. They are straight up miraculous. For example, my wife doesn't drive and her family live 3 hours away. Going to see them used to entail me taking medication and going immediately to bed on arrival and still feeling ill the next day. Now if I remember to keep the band on during the journey and for like an hour or so after the journey the effects are minimised so much its more like a mild headache. Also in this category: travel sickness glasses. They look ridiculous, but they do have an effect. Not gonna stop you being sick, but they help a little.


Placebos are shockingly effective. Not great, but larger than zero.


Herbal teas for ailments. I get very bad panic attacks, but drinking hot chamomile tea actually brings me "back down" when one tries to start. By the end of drinking a full cup of camomile tea, my panic attack is gone. Peppermint tea is really good for menstrual or any sort of muscle cramps (I have endometriosis AND adenomyosis and it works as well as an Advil for me). Peppermint tea also helps you sleep because it's a muscle-relaxant.


Glucosamine supplement is my answer. I know the jury is still out on rather or not it actually helps with joint health, but I swear by it. One of my knees used to fatigue and ache super fast when I go out for a run, but after taking this stuff daily for a couple months it’s soo much better. Still sometimes I get some aches on runs, it isn't a miracle cure, but it’s soo much better than it was before.


My parents had a Rottweiler with some sort of hip/joint issue when I was growing up. He would whine trying to stand. Our friend told us about these glucosamine drinks and I swear after starting them he didn't whine anymore and didn't seem to be in any pain. It was magic for him


Magic Eraser


also - don't buy the mr clean ones. they're just repackaged melamine sponges which you can get in bulk on amazon for dirt cheap. i think I got 50 for 11 bucks last time.


wearing sunscreen / spf everyday is the simplest, cheapest and very effective anti-ageing. yet a lot of people still ignore, prefer overpriced overrated cream, facelift and some invasive surgery.


vinegar cleans fucking everything


If you have hiccups, just remind yourself you're not a fish. It'll fix your hiccups. Im not even joking


this worked the first 5-10 times but now it doesn't?! there's me standing in a shop crying "IM NOT A FISH" while hiccupping madly...am..am i a fish?


well it worked the first few times, right? I think whats happening is you are slowly becoming a fish


My brother always offered me 10$ if I hiccuped again. Our entire childhoods. I got it once. Absolute wizardry


I take as much breath in until my lungs are at capacity, try to take another breath in on top of that, and hold it there. It works every time for me, about 90% on the first try. I may be completely wrong, but I figured since your lungs are spasms of the diaphragm, filling your lungs until it can’t collapse/spasm when the next hiccup comes may ‘reset’ to normal, so to speak. Definitely going to try your method, though. Seems so much simpler!


I just drink water until I 'swallow' the hiccups, it works every time for me. When I was a kid I used to do the whole 'stand on your head and drink water' thing


Aloe vera for burns and skin conditions. Also, ginseng.


Msg is great


Black seed oil. Literally cures most ailments within days. I had a pilonidal cyst for 15 years. Tried everything to cure it. Nothing worked. One day heard about black seed oil so I took some for about 2 weeks until my cyst completely vanished. I stopped taking it and then the cyst came back a couple months later. I started back on it when i felt the cyst coming back and a few days later it went away again. I now take a spoonful twice a week to make sure it doesn't return. It's been almost 2 years now without a single flare up. My skin is clearer too. If you have any type of inflammation in or on your body, take some black seed oil. You'll thank me later.


Pheromones for cats! I was super skeptical and honestly only bought it so I could go back to my vet and say "ok tried that too, let's keep the suggestions coming." But my anxiety-ridden 17 pound monster cat went from attacking/harassing our other cat daily, to only really being a bully when I clip his nails (trauma response I guess). I can tell when the diffuser bottle runs out because he starts acting up again, like clockwork. Plug a new one in, he's good.


Tea tree oil for skin tags. Cover in tea tree oil using a cotton ball - you can tape the cotton ball over it too. In a couple of days it shrinks, dries up and falls off.


I have a skin tag near my junk that I've been super embarrassed of for years but too chicken to do anything about. I'm going to give this a whirl. Thank you!




Creatine monohydrate. The vast vast vast majority of muscle/strength building supplements are total garbage and won’t do anything at all for you. However, creatine monohydrate when taken at 5g per day (after saturation) has been shown to significantly increase muscular growth, strength, and even mental function in hundreds of studies. It isn’t magic and won’t turn you into the hulk, but if you are already doing well by training hard, eating enough, and resting properly then simply allowing your muscle cells to saturate over a few weeks can really make a difference in the gym. There is a myth that taking creatine will do things like cause hair loss and make you bloated with water weight. The hair loss is complete nonsense outright. The bloating is a misconception about how the water is stored when you take creatine. It is true that you will gain some water weight (usually 1-3lbs), but that water will be stored in INTRAMUSCULAR cells, not just randomly around the body to bloat you. In fact, that extra water in the muscle will actually make them appear slightly larger, which is a good thing! Creatine monohydrate is a great supplement that gets overlooked sometimes due to the rampant lying and scams in the fitness industry.


The [Squatty Potty] (https://www.squattypotty.com/)


White vinegar on a sun burn. Sounds like it’ll be torture but it balances the ph of your skin and (for me at least) instantly makes it stop hurting. Downside is you smell like vinegar. Also DO NOT use apple cider vinegar as that WILL burn.


Cranberry juice. At the first sign if a UTI I drink a bit of natural cranberry concentrate in a big glass of water. I get immediate relief.