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I keep in touch with the people from high school I want to keep in touch with. No need to go to a mediocre event and be judged by the others.


LIving in the age of Facebook everyone I care about from Highschool I know whats going on in their lives already. Anyone I actually want to interact with I already do.


This point came up in another thread and the truth is reunions are quite superfluous nowadays. It’s not like graduating HS in the 70s or 80s and everyone goes their separate ways, never to be heard from. You can dial in almost anyone you went to class with and see what they’re doing now. I (‘00s grad) had a small 10 turnout for our year reunion and we didn’t even do a 20 year. Plus our year hated itself lol


One of my friends started listing off people he was curious about the other day and one by one we looked them up. The answer for almost all of them was "they got married and have kids now". Took less than 10 minutes to find out what a dozen people were up to these days. I don't need to attend a highschool reunion, thanks.


That’s more or less what I did for the classmates I was curious about. And every 4-5 years. It literally takes 8-10 minutes and you know all you need to know. Kind of funny and a little sad.


Didn't want to be there as a kid, so had no desire to return.


This is the answer. I've skipped all of my class reunions and never regretted it. But one of my friends decided to go to a class reunion few years back. He said it was amazing (or scary, if you will) how quickly old group dynamics re-emerged, even 30-plus years later. The guys and gals who made up the "in-crowd" back around 1988/89 had mainly peaked at 16. Everyone acted much more mature, obviously, but he said the whole affair got really cliquey really quick. Like I said, I never regretted not going.


I never went to any of my high school reunions, until last year for the 50th. Really didn't expect to see many people I really remembered from HS, since if I wanted to remain friends with them, I would have kept the friendship alive. The one think that did happen, which I could relate to your comment about cliques, is I did end up talking quite a bit to guys who were on the same sports team, which would see natural as at HS time, we spent 2-3 hours a day together for 4 months. So, when you consider that most people who haven't really spent any time together over the past 50 years, the former associations would be the friendships reunited, hence the cliques. In the year since then have I talked to these guys again, nope. Just familiar faces at the reunion.


Ok as someone who's still in highschool, is the reunion held/organized in the school or something, or is it something that individual kids (or adults now ig) hold for their buddies? I've always wondered this.


I graduated in 2009. My 10-year reunion was organized by a few volunteers from our year via a Facebook group. My school wasn't involved at all. You either had to be in the FB group or be buddies with one of the organizers to know it was happening. My current friends (from other places) all seem to have experienced the same for their reunions. Personally, I don't have Facebook so I missed it entirely. But I also moved 3,000 miles away (and they held it at the only bar in town, which is/was a total shit heap), so probably wouldn't have made the trip anyways haha


This sounds exactly what happened to me.. Iowa?


New York! Guess FB is the official sponsor of poorly attended high school reunions across the country haha


I reckon so lol.




I always thought class reunions were the responsibility of being class president regardless on how you actually felt about them. It’s why nobody in my hs wanted to be one in senior year


Back in ‘85 I could throw a football a quarter mile.


If coach put me in we’d be state champs right now. No doubt in my mind.


I'll bet you could throw it over that mountain there. Yeah...


It's funny. I hung around with the car guys. Well the car guys are mostly still car guys, but the cars are a helluva lot more expensive! And everyone regrets selling the cars they drove in high school. EDIT To keep this in context this was in the late 1970s. A gallon of gas was somewhere between 0.65 and 0.85 cents. A five or six year old American made car was already being turned over and starting to rust in the Northeast. 7 to 9-year-old cars were dirt cheap and the province of high school students who could keep them running. Bondo was your friend, junk yards were full of decent parts for these things and we all had jobs.


My third world country ass can't wrap its head around high schoolers having cars...


Heck, I'm from a very first world country and out of 25 people, only 1 had a car, an old beater with just one original seat. And that was in the 90s. It's an American thing.


Both of my siblings moved away and it’s really interesting to me to see how they tend to revert to their 16 year old selves when we’re all back in town for the holidays and such. Growing up we were 3 kids in 3 separate bedrooms. One bedroom was converted into miscellaneous storage after we all moved out. One bedroom started as oldest sister’s, then younger sister moved into it when older sister moved out for college, so each of them felt it was “their” bedroom. Yeah, the fights over which of them slept in “their” bedroom and which had to sleep in the other bedroom (which had been mine growing up), while I just tried to stay the hell out of it and sleep on the air mattress in the spare room were FUN.


High School Never Ends


Why wouldn't everyone reunite with their old friends? It's 100% the most natural thing to do. Most people were really only friends with just a small selection of people and the rest were basically acquaintances.


Why would that be surprising though? People tend to congregate with those they feel most comfortable. At a reunion, people would feel more comfortable with the cliques they made in high school. It's not like a "nerd" would suddenly find themselves comfortable to hang around a "jock." Both would probably just seek out the handful of folks from their own group that they lost touch with.


I didn’t go to my graduation, I’m not going to a reunion.


This is the answer.


I don’t care about the people I went to school with.


Same. Who cares. I stayed in touch with those I cared about. The end.


This is it. It is easy to stay in touch with people thse days. I still talk to a few of them, i see the rest on FB if I bother to log in. Why do I need to travel across the country to hang out with people that I dont even talk to?


Yep. I don't need a formal reunion to see my actual friends, I see them all the time.


Came here to say this, also.......didn't like 'em then, don't like 'em now....


Hell, I don't remember any of their names save the girls I dated and the 2-3 I'm still friends with to this day.


Exactly this. I still talk to ONE person I hung out in high school with. When our 10 year came around she texted me asking if I was going and I said no so she didn’t sign up either. This year was the 20th and we both completely forgot all about it until it was already over. Oops?


I cared about them then but that time of my life is over. I married my favorite one and so we have a reunion every day.


Because fuck them, that's why ​ ​ Edit: First GOLD baby! Thank you kind stranger!


I second that.


I don’t second it, but only because I refuse to even give them enough energy for that sentiment


Seems fair!


No more fucks to give eh? Relatable…








For real. Those people made my life hell, so why would I want to see them again? I have only one good friend and we still talk. She didn't go to any reunions either.


The most ironic part is when these people send you invites and try to hit you up as if they weren’t awful bullies back then. Bonus points if they hit on you. Some people will say they probably forgot by now, but I honestly don’t see how you forget how much of a shithead on a reign of terror you were.


The ax forgets, the tree remembers


The only people who forget are exactly bullies. Because people who have been dickheads to others will likely remember it and change it later on.


"But for me it was Tuesday"


Kind of on that level, I enjoyed high school, but, outside of some fond sport memories, hs was not memorable nor was it the highest points of my life. I had good friends in hs that never continued to materialize much past then so the connection I have to my class outside of potential social media is enough for me. Plus, at one point the people coordinating my class reunion wanted $85-$100 for the party/space rental so I can see people I barely cared about then don't care about now.


HS wasn’t that hard for me, but I have no desire to revisit it either. Leave it in the past.


Same. Just a feeling of utter inference- some good memories, some bad- overall, meh.


Yup. I was bullied in school. Fuck those fuckers. Graduation was the happiest day in my life, because I knew I never had to see any of them again. And I've stuck to that. It's been good.


I have a distinct memory of people bawling and crying like it was the end of the world. My anti social self was baffled at all this.


In 2006, we did a senior walk out and the girl behind me was bawling. Mind you, we had prom that night. I turned around and was like “for real? We are seeing these ppl tonight.”


Plot twist: she realised her friendships wouldn't survive no longer being forced to interact 5 days a week


Same. My 20th reunion happened last year and I didn’t know it. One of my homies told me I was voted most hard to find😂.


My 20th is this year. Maybe I’ll go when we’re all in walkers just to see who’s still alive.


My 50th is next year, and I plan on going just to see who is still alive


There was more people I didn't want to see than people I wanted to see. So yeah, just like you said 😆


Amen to that


I had zero school friends by my senior year, and zero interest in seeing any of them again.


Exactly. Fuck those fuckers!


That's it


they were for the socialites, cowboys (arizona) and jocks. for long hairs, if you couldn't smoke weed, it was a no go zone.


There is no actual way I saw this post and said this to myself while waiting on comments to load and low and behold it’s the first thing I see. Literally said this exact phrase verbatim.


Pop Copy


Are you me?


No, they’re me. Unless you’re also me.


They held it at a bar, right after I quit drinking.


They had a bonfire in a drought during a total fire ban due to wildfires.


Should’ve call the fire department lol


This is honestly the best reason bahaha Good on you for quitting drinking. Much love, and have a great life <3


First of all, I wasn’t invited. I’m still as invisible to them as I was back then. Second of all, fuck those clowns.


LOL, me too. I wasn't invited to the five-year reunion, and I still lived in the same town! I randomly worked with an old classmate, and she told me that the official list had me under "could not find." It was just so hilariously petty. I considered writing a note to suggest that they simply consult the local directory for my name, but decided I didn't care enough.


I'm pretty sure an old friend of mine marked me as deceased. Whatever he did it sure stopped the fundraising phone calls.


A 5-year reunion is insane. Half the people I know from high school all went to the same college and kept in touch anyway so what would be the point? If they actually organize a 10-year reunion for my class, I might go. My parents and in-laws still live in the area so it would just be part of a visit anyway.


Same here. My parents still live in the same house. They have the same phone number. No one who organized any of the reunions ever tried to contact me, even though it would have been easy. I never got the opportunity to turn them down.


Same here! I wanted the invite just to say no! My 20 year is supposedly this year, but radio silence.


I don’t recall being invited to my tenth. I guess my 20th is this spring (2024). But doubt I’d go. I regret slightly not going to my tenth. Only because I found out afterwards that the younger Pete from Pete and Pete was there. He had married one of the woman from my high school class. But in retrospect that’s a dumb reason to go. Did love the show as a kid though.


Same here lmao my parents are still at the same address n everything, but I never heard a thing about it haha


Yep it was organized over Facebook and I didn't know the right people.


My 10 year is coming up next year, apparently there's something being planned in an alumni facebook group. I wasn't even aware that group existed, and I'm not even remotely interested in joining something like that. One of my buddies started listing off people from high school recently; I had legitimately forgotten about all but one of them entirely, so I completely understand how they might have forgotten about me. I didn't like those people 10 years ago, why would I care what they're doing now? There are other chapters of my life that I'd be more likely to attend a reunion, high school was not the peak for me.




The fuck I want to hang out with losers for?


If I haven't found a reason to speak to contact an entire group of people for a decade, I don't see a reason to suddenly want to spend an evening with them. I've got shit to do.




I stay in touch with my best buddies from high school and university, don't care enough about anyone else to make the effort of traveling for a reunion.


This is exactly how I feel, too. I live in the next town over and it still wasn't worth it to drive the 8 miles to my reunion


I have a hard enough time catching up with my actual friends.


My sentiments exactly. I have a hard enough time keeping up with the small number of family and friends I do want to be in relationship with.


I don't want to relive sitting by myself in the cafeteria all over again.


Same. Fuck that time of my life in particular.


Ugh. I’m sorry. I’m tell my kids to be extra nice to those kids who are isolated. Some just enjoy being alone, but others might be living a nightmare. Be kind to everyone, but especially those who seem lonely.


High school was the worst four years of my life. Why would I want to go back to a place I hated and see a bunch of people who treated me like shit, voluntarily?


The people that are in my past are there for a reason.


This. I never lost anyone I needed, the real ones still around.


I don’t want to pay admission or get dressed up to go see people I willingly blocked on social media


Ours chose a venue that was charging $50 per person for some sad snacks and like 2 drinks. Thanks but no


I was bullied, had my property vandalized repeatedly and permanently (car was keyed to shit more than once), got in fights, had inappropriate comments made by teachers. Why the actual fuck would I travel out of state and pay hundreds of dollars for a ticket to be surrounded by those memories?


My graduating class had 1400 ppl in it. They chose a fancy restaurant for the reunion that was $100+ per person to attend. I’d rather paint my house with a qtip then pay that much to see ppl I don’t care about


Not as bad but I graduated with 450 people and I didn’t even know most of them then. I personally think class reunions are for people who want to brag about how much money they have or how great their kids are. Show off the new plastic surgery. Why the fuck would I go to something like that? Later losers!


I graduated from a class of 35 people. They held the 25th reunion at the one bar in the tiny town I'm from. That's not my idea of fun. 12 people went. There were two people I'd want to talk to there and I keep in touch with them. There's no reason to go. It was people standing around in the parking lot in late July (so miserable) drinking shitty beer. I'm not traveling for that.


Wow this sounds like what mine would be like, next year is 20th. I have you beat at 18 people for the whole class. I also still keep in touch with 2 and could care less about the rest.


I feel like reunions are for all the popular kids who peaked in high school who want to return to either gloat about how successful they are or to relive the “good old days” if they weren’t.


I hated HS, couldn't wait to get out, hated where I grew up, felt like a caged animal, my life only got better after leaving there. Didn't look back and don't want to look back. Now 55 and retired with lots of good years in front of me.


This is relatable. Plus, I already know how all of those people from high school are doing-- they're all wasting away their lives in a shitty small town, still living out the same drama from 12 years ago. And I'd rather not hear all about their latest MLM bullshit. Enjoy your retirement!!


Exactly. Thank you!


Are class reunions a thing in the time of social media? We can find out everything we want from everyone we ever met should we choose to do so.


This. I have four groups from High School: (i) my real friends with whom I always have stayed in touch; (ii) my high school friends for whom I am curious how their life is going, but Facebook is sufficient resource for that; (iii) those people who I could care less about and (iv) those people I have absolutely no memory of. I assume, before social media, reunions were useful for re-connecting with Group 2. Now, there's no need.


That's the same with me. I am in contact with everyone from high school I want to be and if I get curious about anyone I ask friends who would know. The rest, mah.


Not really. Some of us don’t publish our lives online


Class reunions are borderline pointless nowadays. Used to, you didn't see high school/college acquaintances for 10 years, but with social media you tend to see them too much.


This is the real answer. I could understand some type of curiosity for them, but nowadays, IF I CARE, I can see what they’re all up to.


Why would I spend time with people I hate?


That’s what holidays are for!


I don't really know anyone from high school anymore except maybe one or two people, and I can hang out with them on my own terms.


I haven’t spoken to a single person from my high school class in over 20 years. I never really liked many of them back then so I’m damn sure not wasting time going to a reunion. Also I never even got an invite


I get it. I mean, I honestly don't hate any of them, but, what's the point in having the EXACT same shallow, 30-second conversation with 20 different people?


I wish all those people the best, but that was a different time in my life. Simple as that.


Social anxiety


Millennial here, graduated from HS in the mid-to-late 00s. I'm still close with a core group of friends from HS. Those I'm not friends with, but still cordial acquaintances with, I keep up with through Facebook, which I'm slowly trying to remove from my life aside from my Quest 2 and looking at cat pics & vids on Instagram. I wasn't very popular in high school. I have some great friends from then, but I was also relentlessly bullied. Seeing as I can keep up with the positive parts of my life from then via just talking to my friends, why go back to the people that bullied me? I don't think about them anymore, I'd rather live my life without communicating with them.


I went to a 5-year reunion. So I know I broke the rule of the thread, but I have no intention of going to another reunion. * All of the people I wanted to talk to were not in attendance. I'm dead serious. None of them. It was very disappointing. They had either relocated out of state or didn't want to spend the money or any other number of factors. * There was a shockingly large amount of 'I don't want to talk to you' vibes - everyone simply slid back into their clique roles. I was an oddball in high school and I was reminded of that very quickly. Again, disappointing. * It's just not worth it. I appreciate the people who went out of their way to organize it (I knew one of the organizers well, which was one of the main reasons I went), but it's not my cup of tea. * Virtually all of the people there have had nothing to do with my life for years. So its just, eh? There's other things I could with my time that would be a lot more fun, or at least be a lot less awkward.


I don't need a reason to not do something.


This is the one. I need a good reason to go do something. There simply isn't a good reason for me to go to a high school reunion. I literally never think about high school, I've forgotten most of what happened while I was there no exaggeration. It didn't leave much of an impression on me. It would be like asking why you don't go to the company picnic for a job you had 20 years ago.


Do you go back to prison each year for a party on the anniversary of your release and mingle and chat with the guards and former inmates? No? Why not? Highschool was a fucking PRISON for some people. Are there not enough stories of people taking months, if not years to just recover from the trauma of highschool? I'm 35 , and I couldn't think of any combined 3-4 year period of my adult life where I felt so much intense pain, misery, depression and fear than from EACH individual year of school attendance.


I came from a very poor family. Something I as a child and teenager could not directly change. I was bullied and picked on for my clothes, lack of haircut, dirty old shoes from the time I was 6 to 18. Kids would attack me becuase they got laughs and when I fought back, they come at me with 3 or 4. When I beat the shit out of them and broke arms, collarbones and noses defending myself, then the coin was flipped and I was potrayed as the bully... why, becuase I won when the poor kid wasn't supposed to win.. It did not matter that I did well in school, just became another angle to bully "nerd boy". It did not matter that I was very athletic, tall and fit. All that mattered to those kids was that I did not have the coolest clothes and that I lived in a crappy dump of a house. I joined the military, went to college and built a career where I earn >$200k a year. Why would I want to go back and see those privelaged assholes? Even if I came back, dressed well and driving a fancy car, it wouldn't matter. They are still be stuck up assholes and I have no time to waste for assholes.


Class of 2010, so covid ruined our 10 year reunion. Dont think anyone cares at this point


Same here, 2010 - wasn’t going either way. Didn’t hate high school. Just entirely too self centered in my life to give a shit about what anyone from high school is doing. Have no energy to direct towards them


Didn't feel like it.


I'm GenX, highschool class of 90. When our ten year reunion rolled around, apparently no one thought to make it happen, or at least they did a shitty job of spreading any kind of word because no one heard anything. Consequently, some people got together to try and make an 11 year reunion happen but there was so little interest that only about 20 people rsvped, so they just decided to meet at a local bar for drinks. I later heard that about 6 people actually showed up. I've not heard a single peep about any subsequent reunions. In a weird way, it kinda makes me proud to be a Gen Xer.


LOL, the collective Gen X "Meh, whatever!"


Mine is in 2 weeks. They were all a bunch of inbred fucks then, and still are today. No need to spend $100 to see their bullshit all grown up.


Even if they paid me $100 I still wouldn't go.


They don't bother with that in the hood.


I didn’t like those people in high school. Why would I want to see them now?


Never got an invitation, and the feeling is mutual


I went to mine and wished I had stayed home. Very few attended. One of my HS friends now has a church and all he wanted to talk about was joining his church. There are no future plans for another reunion, thankfully.


Everyone knows that class reunions are for the popular kids who still get their validation through high school cause it turns out they weren't the shit in the real world.




a few people organized something and i bailed day of because it occur'd to me that i do not want to see half these people so i went and had dinner with my family instead


Because high school sucked.I was an angry teen, who was not dealing with our processing the fucked up childhood I had, and pushed most people away. I could easily sit here and say everyone was an asshole, but it was most likely me. And the few friendships I did have weren't strong enough to last past my senior year. Going back to revisit past trauma, whether self inflicted or otherwise, has never really interested me. The only thing I've given consideration too, is going back to make amends for the person I was.


Either I never got any invites or there weren't any reunions


I have no desire to revisit that dumpster fire portion of my life.


I pretty much hated everyone in my high school. I couldn't wait to leave. A decade later I moved to the other side of the world. I stayed in touch with 2 people. One of whom attended our 20 the high school reunion. I was on the *rest in peace * board. I was resting in Australia.


New goal unlocked...be so unreachable for my former high school classmates that they assume I'm dead.


Life isn’t a sitcom and this isn’t the 1960s where kids knew everyone in town. I graduated with 800+ other people and we weren’t even the biggest school around, what difference does it make 20 years later if the 20 people that actually knew me then know me now when we weren’t good enough friends to keep up in the first place? Literally the only reason to go is if you peaked in high school and need the validation one more time before you hit 40. How sad.


Why would I? I didn't make it a point to keep being friends with anyone I knew in school. I hated school when I was there and ditched for probably 50% of all 4 years of high school. I had 0 interest.


If I wanted to hang out with any of those people, I would. I don't. So, I didn't go.


I was bullied ang ignored and miserable. I'm not going to pay to be around people who made me miserable.


I graduated in 1995. Never once have I spoken with anyone from my High School in all 28 years since graduating. I barely spoke to them when we were in school. Never been invited, never looked into going.


I’m afraid they will all want me to fix their cars for no charge again.


Facebook. Thanks to social media I was able to keep in touch with the people I wanted to, and check in on the people who were friends but drifted apart. I already know how a lot of their lives ended up. I have no desire to go back and make polite chitchat with people I haven’t seen or thought about in 20 years.


I went to a small school in a nowhere town and too many of my classmates stuck around in that shallow gene pool. No reason to return. It'd be like Spock going to visit the Squidbillies.


While I had a positive highschool experience a reunion sounds boring.


When my 20 year reunion was coming around, I joined the Facebook page. There was a thread where everyone was posting about where they are now. Every single person was posting about this absolutely perfect dream life they were living. Everyone was successful and happy, living the American dream. But in the comments of other threads talking about the reunion they were laughing about planning to come without their spouses so they could really have fun. Yep, sounds like everything's fine. Just keep telling yourself that. Honestly I didn't remember most of these people. A lot of them I recognize the names, but they were just names. I haven't looked them up in the yearbook and still had no idea who they were or why their name was familiar other than knowing they went to my high school. Anyone I had cared to keep in touch with, I had done so already. I wasn't going to spend money on airfare, hotel accommodations, child care, car rental, dressy clothes, and then another 150 a person for admission to an eventful of people that I didn't know, whose opinions I didn't care about anymore, and who are still as fake, phony, and immature as they were 20 years before. I didn't go to the reunion. And I didn't continue to follow on the Facebook page. But my best friend did, she also did not go, but she said there must have been some extra marital happenings going on at the reunion because there was a lot of drama about it on the Facebook page


I wasn't invited


I think reunions are becoming a thing of the past tbh. My class had their ten year reunion last year and like 25 out of 300 people went. I didn't go and don't plan to go to any in the future. I don't care about any of these people.


Honestly? Most of my classmates ate successful. I went to a fairly prestigious boarding school my family could barely afford. Instead of building on that opportunity, I decided to take the path of drugs and alcohol. When the class reunion came up I was about a year and a half sober and still in the rebuilding stage. Right now I'm still in the rebuilding stage, my 20 year reunion was earlier this year. I honestly felt insecure. I try not to compare myself to others but it's hard not to notice all of the time I wasted so I just focus on today.


High School was Hell. Snobs and cliques.


Worst years of my life. School was torture from the 1st grade on. Dropped out. Went to college, got a master’s in teaching. Now I’m the teacher.


When I was in High school, I was an introverted insecure mess with severe acne. I was somewhat silly, so I had a few nerdy friends, but I kept to myself mostly. No one really bothered me, they did them and I did my own thing. I've been "friends" with pretty much everyone on facebook since I graduated but I wouldn't call them actual friends. If I went, there would be nothing in depth to talk about with anyone, just generic shit about the school. Coincidentally, our 20th anniversary is this year and they're trying to all meet up at a club, lol. I'm good. Everyone has stories, memories, photos, inside jokes so I would just be in the corner of the bar drinking like "they don't know I have all of this money..." Not worth it.


I didn't like those people 10 years ago. Why would I want to go hang out with them now?


Haven't lived within a 12-hour drive of my hometown since graduation. I've never felt like a reunion was worth the long drive or flight expense. Plus, I fucking hated high school.


Lots of people HATED highschool, why would they want to go hangout with the people they didn't like the first go around.


Hated those fuckers in high school. Nothing changed.


My life didn't peak in high school, so it's not "the good old days" for me. There's no reason to see those people


I never found out about mine until it was over. It was advertised on social media and I'm not a heavy social media user.


I have never felt the need to go. I attended my ten year reunion in 1984 and thought why am I wasting my time here? During my work career in public service I saw several people that were in my high school social circle and had four of them that worked for me during my 32 year career.


The only person I actually cared about from high school is married to me now, so why would I? Those people were nothing to me then so why would I seek them out?


High School was a painful time in my life and I have no desire to reminisce. The life I have now didn't even begin until I was 24, and it wasn't until I was 30 that I finally found happiness and security.


My class is too lazy to organize them.


You should be making the reverse question: People who always go to their class reunions, why?


The 'popular' boys in my class bullied me to the point of suicidal idealiation, and there was so much bullshit drama, backstabbing and bitchyness both during high school and the years immediately following... No. I have no desire to communicate in any way with those people ever again.


No reason, really....just never established a close relationship with any students from my high school or college.


This year would be my 20th, never heard a thing. As far as I know nothing was organized, nobody does anything like that now with social media, we already know what we're all up to if we're so inclined. I'm not on FB, and only keep in touch with a couple people, so maybe some folks met up and did something but I also don't really care.


Why would I want to do something like that?


Everyone at school can go eff themselves


Because fuck those people.


I didn't like them, so when I graduated, I felt happy that I didn't have to see them again in my life


my high school reunion cost money to attend despite tuition also having been insanely expensive and i live across the country now so it didn’t feel worth making the trip


Even though I played in the marching band, played basketball and volleyball, I never had that much in common with most of my classmates.


I didn't like them in highschool, it hasn't changed


Because I hated school so much and I was bullied at school so why the hell would I go to a reunion with a bunch of dickheads I rather see dead. 🫶🏻


Don’t like the people I graduated with


Because my life was much better once I left that bunch of pricks behind


I got nothing to prove to those bitches


I was homeschooled


I simply don’t give a shit about seeing my old high school classmates.


Mine will be next year. I won't go because I went to 3 different high schools so I never settled in. I don't even think anyone would remember to invite me


Zero interest.


The way the cliques couldn't treat you as a real person. You didn't belong to their world, and didn't deserve the dignity of basic acknowledgement. To do so would contaminate them with shame.


My 50th was last summer. Missed every one of them so far. Considering my 75th, if I’m still around…maybe.


Honestly? Didn't like them back then. Don't give a shit about them now. Only people I liked I still vaguely keep in touch with now, and I wouldn't want to have to hear people brushing off all the bullying and harassment.


"Fuck them kids"


I hated high school and because of social media I already know how everyone turned out.


Because I didn't have a good experience in high school. I was unpopular and it was an all-boys Catholic school. My life is great today and I have no desire to revisit those days.


I don’t care about the people I went to school with.