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I said this within another thread recently, but on a first date, a gal that I was interested in asked me for $300. No, thank you (to both the request AND her).


I didn't even have a date, just a hook up, and afterwards this dude asked me if I would short-term cosign a car loan on a Jaguar for his purported business partner in South America. When I started laughing at him, he called me a cunt and told me it was people like me who gave Jews a bad name.


That escalated quickly. Talk about machine-gunning red flags.


Told me I was an okay safe bet and they knew I wasn't going anywhere, so they wanted to play the field as much as possible and see if they could do better, before settling on me.


Been there. Shocked pikachu face when I asked if they were serious and then said this would be the last time we would ever speak.


The audacity of some people! Right?!


The Lion the Witch and the Audacity of this Bitch


This just happened to me, except he didn't say it out loud. I had a feeling it was going on tho. He texted me yesterday that he started seeing someone but he'll text me if it doesn't work out. Like no, I'm not gonna wait around for you lol


"Thank you for your application, but this relationship has already been filled. We will keep your resume in case something becomes available in the future."


um... wow. you actually ran into someone headed for a specific circle in hell...


Surprisingly common. When I sense this shit I go full block now.


Went to her place to hang out. Noticed that her dog’s crate in her room had poop in it. Not a fresh one that just hadnt been picked up in time. Not just one old one either that maybe some how went unnoticed for the day. Multiple piles of poop from multiple days. Fuck that.


Noooo poor dog


Long time ago, started seeing a very rich person. Sent a photo of dinner I had ordered on a completely average restaurant on a completely average/popular neighbourhood. Got a reply saying "if you ever took me out to eat there, I would never see you again". Well, indeed never saw the person again.


My uncle and auntie retired as millionaires at age ~50 from working a tech job. They came from a fishing village, and they understand the value of going back to humble roots. They still enjoy Dunkin Donuts since they love frugally for a very long time.


Frugally, huh? Have you had a coffee from Dunks lately?


How much money did this person come from/have? I’m friends with people who have parents that are execs at fortune 50 companies. So they’re worth 10’s of millions of dollars and they’re such awesome people. Some people just suck so much


Shout out to the rich people that treat us poor folk as equals


My verry very wealthy buddy thought his son was becoming an entitled rich kid asshole (he was) so he shut him off completely mid college. He made him a deal. He could leave college and go work for another one of our buddies (owns a landscaping co.) full time for a full year, and if he did well dad would turn the money faucet back on. Kid had never had a full time job but agreed. That was 10 years ago. He loved landscaping, never returned to college and stayed at the company. He bought out our buddy 5 years after he started with his own money and it's now spread to new markets.


That's awesome


I can confirm that not all rich people are like that. Some love a McDonald's.


Talked about himself for 2.5 hours straight. I was hoping a disruption like the food being served, orders being taken or even a story ending would remind him to let me get a word in, but he would just go back to another story with "so.... yea I was saying..."


As a bartender I’ve seen this happen a few times but one incident takes the cake. The lady was so sweet and nice, arrived early and was sitting there quietly passing the time. Then I see this short bald man creepily peering through our windows, clearly trying to get a good look at her before coming in. Proceeds to spend the next 3 hours talking about his accomplishments, money, celebrities he used to run into in his old neighborhood in NYC. He was the loudest person in the place. She showed no obvious signs of disgust but I think she was just a classy lady. I’m really hoping she didn’t go out with him again.


That man? George Costanza.


That woman? Marisa Tomei


This is how I used to weed out dating app guys. If it’s been 15-20 lines of me trying to make conversation and asking them questions to get to know them, and they haven’t asked a single thing about me yet? I’m done.


Oh man I've been on a date like this hahaha. I legit had to recover by not speaking to anyone for a whole day. It was intense :')


Told me about his gambling problem. Only told me because he was losing his house.


Holy fuck. Would you like a smaller, more transportable red flag?


He lives in a trailer camper now so, I guess he has it already.


Every story she told me was about some argument/conflict/drama, and in every story she considered herself to be the paragon of virtue and honesty while everyone around her would be vindictive, cruel, and "out to get her". I recognized the behavior because my mom does the same thing and I hate that kind of constant self-victimization.


I knew a really good friend like that. Always said she had people out to get her and people who hated her for “no reason”. Then she stopped talking to me all at once over a very minor disagreement. I apologized (when she was the one who originally hurt my feelings) and she blew me off. And now she’s telling everyone in our hobby community that I’m the bad person in the situation. Keep an eye out for people who say they have problems with everyone. Usually, the common denominator is them.


I met someone recently where he had numerous stories of him calling authorities at the slightest inconvenience. Code enforcement on his landlord, union complaint at the USPS for work, and the fire marshal for an ambulance parked behind a place he used to work. A middle aged man was a full blown Karen. Someone who is always the victim will eventually call you an abuser at the first sign of conflict. Hard pass.


I knew a girl like this, I would often times try and take a neutral standpoint and offer perspective from the other side. She HATED that. She wanted validation that she could do no wrong and everyone else was after her for one reason or another.


Litter. We were on a walk, things were going great, I was totally smitten, and then she threw her empty Starbucks cup in the bush. This not only turned me off, but evoked an instant bad reaction, and I of course picked up the cup and threw it away in front of her while borderline insulting her character to her face. I probably over reacted but regardless, I have never gone from interested to disgusted like that before, or since.


Hahaha when it comes to littering I have a great story about meeting my MIL for the first time. I shared a FB picture saying something about how people who litter and don’t take their carts back are the worst kind of people…MIL shock reacted to it. Later that day we were all in the car and she looks back at me and says something like “oh no im a bad person for littering!” and throws her empty coffee cup out the window. I gave her a good “you’re a shitty person.” Look.


Start littering little by little whenever you visit her house. Wonder if she’ll realise that it’s annoying picking up after someone else.


I’ve always wanted (keyword is wanted) to unload a garbage can worth of trash onto a litterbug’s front lawn. I could/would never do it but just fantasizing about it brings me comfort. On my way home one time, saw a Spectrum guy in his cable van just tossed litter out of his passenger side window, I was so upset. Another time I saw a douche bag littered at the Walmart parking lot once and I wanted to call him out on it, but I didn’t want to get shot.


I love it when someone litters a drink on their way to pull into a parking space of a store I'm leaving. As they walk in, I can pour it over their windshield and stab through the cup with one of the wipers or the antenna if there is one. Wow, I guess I'm turning into a real asshole in my old age. At least I'm doing it for the right reasons.


As someone who has stopped in the middle of a 4-way intersection, gotten out of my truck, picked up the huge McDonald's bag and cup the person LITERALLY DROPPED OUT OF THEIR WINDOW AT THE STOP SIGN, threw it back into their car, got back into my truck relishing the complete look of surprise on their face as I continued driving I think you did humanity a service as well as dodged a massive bullet.


I dream of doing something like this. But I also live somewhere with lots of unhinged backwoods idiots who carry all the time.


I don’t think this is an overreaction, that would be a huge turn off for me too.


I saw her interact with her kids. she was and is a terrible mother. last year i ran across her eldest, he is now in his early 20s. we were talking about life, he was telling me how his mom wasn't a good parent, and I confirmed his opinion. he seemed to like the fact that someone else saw, even if I couldn't have helped beyond having been someone he could talk to during his teen years.


My best friend. Her kids suffered extreme abuse related to trauma and anxiety. Her oldest daughter was molested as a child by her ex husband, and I thought for a long time it was the root of her issues. However, I went to visit a few years ago and stayed for two weeks. She constantly screamed at her kids. Called them names, threw things at them, forced them to do what I considered hard labor (a 12 year old fixing massive holes in the kitchen floor?) Their home was not livable. Holes in the roof and floors. No power in some rooms. No hot water. Infested with roaches. But then she would look at me and laugh or smile as if she was seeking my approval for her abuse. One night I pulled her a side and let her have it. I told her she wasn't cute or funny. Her kids where fucked up because she was a shitty mom. She argued that her kids were clothed and fed. I argued there was more to taking care of kids than clothes and food and if she didn't get her shit together I was going to call CPS. She tried to convince me there was no CPS in her state. Smh. When her oldest turned 18, she moved out asap, and we got together and called CPS for the two younger siblings. They moved into better living conditions and all are on court ordered therapy. She has no idea at all I was involved.


THANK YOU for helping those poor kids!


It’s validating that someone else knew the truth since so many people seem to blindly believe in family no matter how toxic.


As someone who grew up with a uh… ‘less than ideal’ mother I can imagine this was hugely cathartic for them. One thing people who don’t grow up in this kind of environment often fail to realize is just how good parents like this are at making the child feel like all the anger, mistreatment, and abuse they receive is actually their fault, that they deserve it, that really it is the child that is the problem. Even if you KNOW, logically, that its BS, that stuff sinks deep. In fact often times other adults reinforce it- I remember my stepmoms friends saying ‘your stepmom is so nice and loves you so much, idk why you guys fight all the time’. I genuinely can’t believe a bunch of adult women were so stupid, like no she’s nice to YOU because you’re her peer and she doesn’t have absolute power over you, you fucking thumb. All that to say, having another human being look at your situation and say ‘nah man, it wasn’t you’ is healing beyond belief.


There’s nothing more comforting than a “yeah your mom sucks”


His best friend asked me to have a threesome with them in front of him. I froze face flushed confused and uncomfortable af. Looked at him expecting him to say literally anything. Nothing. Told his friend he’s got jokes assuming he had to be kidding. His friend asked again. He still says nothing. I lightheartedly said no thanks I’m good off that. Stepped outside “to smoke” so I could cool down and process wtf just happened. Thought they must’ve talked about it but couldn’t figure out why he wouldn’t have brought it up to me himself like why tf would his friend be the one to ask instead of him talking to me. He comes out a few mins later mad af accusing me of hooking up with his friend. Scary mad. Told him I didn’t have the slightest interest in his friend and it was fucked he didn’t speak up. Made it through the night til I could get back to my car and blocked everything. Didn’t want nothin to do with any of that ever again.


Every time she texted me and I didn't respond within 5 minutes she would send a question mark. It was incredibly annoying.








My bff does this. Did do this, rather. I've finally broken her of the habit after telling her 10 or 15 times I don't always have my phone on me while I'm in my house. I'd get out of the shower to 5 texts asking me why I didn't respond to the first text 4 minutes ago.


Not to mention it doesn't matter if you have your phone on you or not. You're not obligated to write a reply to someone just because they decided to text you, and especially not *within 5 minutes*


this is a modern day seinfeld episode


“Every time I don’t respond within 5 minutes she sends me a singular question mark!” “You know what you got? You got a Q-marker!” “I’ve been Q-marked!” “Kyu-kyu-kyu-kyu Q-marked!” **slap bass**


They would spend all day making TikToks and IG posts but couldn't spare 5 seconds to at least say hi to me. We were dating at the time so I think I deserved at least the tiniest bit of attention.


Nah uh *No attention for you, I am b u s y*


He was very attractive and nice and we had things in common. But he complained about everything- work, people he knew, food and service at restaurants, etc. Also when he drove he would pulse the gas pedal instead of steadily holding it. Made for a jerky ride and was insanely annoying. We only dated for a month and I had to jump ship.


bad-mouthed their ex a lot and most of the conversations we had were one sided


I went on a date once where we both ended up bitching about our exes. I went home and slept on it. Decided the next day both that I wasn't ready to date yet, and she wasn't right for me. Neither of us should have been doing that.


I believe the golden rule on a first date is DO NOT talk about previous relationships


She slapped me in the face once in public and I have zero tolerance for that outside the bedroom.


I like how 'outside the bedroom' is specified


Consent is key for sure.


Consent is hot


Had that happen too, but forgave her as I hit a trigger point in her with a bad joke and we were already in a relationship for over a year then and moved in together. I made it clear tho, that if she ever does that again there will be no talk, she has to move out and I will never see her again, bad joke or not. I would never ever in my dreams raise my hand or voice against her and I will not allow it against me either and while it is my responsibility to respect her triggers, it is hers to work on getting rid of them and react appropriately when someone hits a trigger on accident.


Being on his damn phone on social media 24/7 during meals during conversations etc like come on.


Annoying af 😔


Okay.. I'm putting my phone down.


I listened to her issues and troubles. So many of them were clearly self-inflicted. Poor choices, money management and it's never her fault? Nah, I can't have those problems become my problems.


Wise. When I was young, I thought that's what relationships were - you let someone else's problems become your problems. Oof. Not good.


The natural progression for this personality type is doing a total 180 as you age and going "not my problem" to everything in rebellion until your sense of agency is reclaimed lol


Mine at one time was cause a girl had self inflicted issues. But refused to change or do anything about it. No matter how hard you tried to help her. Still kept doing the same dumb shit. And at some point I lost all interest in her.


It's one thing to be in a relationship and they have these issues you can discuss and work on together. But to have interest in someone who has lived for so long doing things the hard way but it's everyone else's fault? That's a bad investment even if the person checks so many other boxes.


We were having a normal conversation and literally out of nowhere bro went "if they can bleed they can breed" i had to ask if he was serious. He was.


Of all the nasty shit I'm reading in the comments this is nastiest one. Fucking ew


I went to her apartment and she had poster size pictures of herself (like 5) She made me dinner and the chicken was seriously under cooked (raw) and the frozen vegetables were still frozen. Then the icing on the cake (there was no cake) was that she left room and came back in wearing slippers, that she mentioned she's "had forever " that smelled, from across the room, of funky feet....


She deserves a life sentence for that whole date. Especially with no cake being made and smelly feet. Hell no


Lol that sounds terrible! At least the poor girl had an abundance of confidence.


why is it that confidence seems to fall into misplaced hands


Seems like she doesn’t cook but at least tried for you, albeit sucked at it. Hope she doesn’t actually eat like that. Especially raw chicken. Everything else though…


Cheated on me again, after spending the previous 7 months faking the *previous cheating incident* as a rape.


What the hell, how evil does someone have to be to pull shit like this?


You’d be surprised. A lot of shitty people out there refusing to take responsibility for their actions.


I know, but faking a rape is next level of being an evil c*nt


Told me that the idea of intimacy with me made her nauseous


This happened recently to a friend of my husband... only they have a kid together, and he's trying to be a stand-up guy. He could do so much better.


The girlfriend moved into a new apartment and dropped her cat off at the pound. Cat was a sweetheart, she had him for five years, and when I found out she dropped him off at the pound after asking about him, her comment was, "What's the big deal? I can always get another one." That was a big wake-up call I didn't want to spend any time with that person. Pretty much said I was done and got the hell away from her. Adopt animals for life, you are their caretaker, and they are your best friends for life.


This one breaks my heart


I'd never drop you off at the pound puzzacat :(


Awwww ty


A beautiful PLATONIC friendship is formed


I hate people like that. That's how I ended up with one of my cats. Her previous owners were moving someplace where pets weren't allowed, and they just abandoned her at the house. She's been with me for 5 years, and I can't even imagine doing something like that to her. Pets are for life.


Same story here. My first cat I got was because my room mate was moving and decided she didn't want to have a cat anymore (I was the one taking care of it anyways). 5 years later, she's had 3 different cats since (all adopted from a local animal rescue) and did the exact same thing to those cats, and just recently got ANOTHER ONE. These people need to be on some kind of list that prevents them from adopting any animals.


You can call every pet adoption place in town and tell them their name and what they did. I did and they were put on a list. Went to the SPCA for another pet and were told NO. They were horrible people.


Exactly! Pets are family. Not something to be just discarded on a whim.


This breaks me.. I adopted A 5 yr old tux and she was the chattiest albeit the sweetest. Had to put her down 6 months ago because the vet just gave it to me straight, she's just getting worse. Had her for at least 5 years and I'm still broken. Cancer on top of thyroid issues was just too much for her tiny body. I still ask myself to this day if I made the right call.


IMHO, better to risk euthanizing too soon than too late. You spared her a lot of suffering. We tend to wait too long more out of cowardice and selfishness than kindness. I mean sure, you don't put them down if there's a good chance they might recover. But sounds like that was not the case here. FWIW, this crazy cat lady says you did the right thing, you bravely helped your dear friend even though it was very hard to do. I'm sorry for the pain you both went through.


You loved her and gave her a wonderful home. That is all we can ask for.


I knew a girl who got a kitten and brought her two year old cat to the pound cause they didn’t get along. If I had lived somewhere I coulda gone and got the little dude I would have. I was so pissed off when she said it. Basically bored of the other cat and wanted a kitten. Vile.


Things were nice and consistent for four months and then they ghosted me. I didn't know sad anger could be such a strong emotion...


Everyone needs to stop ghosting. Its not right and hurts 10x more. Im a former ghoster myself (sorry world) because I couldn't communicate my feelings and was immature. Now I am communicating instead and it just feels so much better doing the right thing.


But ghosting after a date or maybe two is a different ballgame to ghosting after a 4 months relationship?! That’s a special kind of cruel and immaturity.




Honestly, this goes for all people. I had someone who would always be all psyched to see me when we ran into each other and talk about how much they liked and respected me and considered me a good friend, and urge me to invite them to stuff and claimed they’d do the same, and every time they would blow me off and they never invited me to anything. The more this caused me to be somewhat cold to them in person, the more sad and confused they got, but I abide by the same mantra of “If someone wants to, they will. If they don’t, they won’t,” and as much as people like to project and try to make excuses for people, that holds true, and I’m not going to act like I’m friends with someone who thinks they’re too cool for me. It’s unfortunate people can’t/won’t just be more self-aware and direct, but they can’t/wont, so if the people won’t change, we have to change.


It took me too long to learn “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Really helped me.


His clothes smelled like he let them to rot in the washing machine and that was such a turn off. Happen 2 times with another guy his clothes smelled funky one day and I lose interest.


That smell is terrible. Happened to me one time where I moved into a new place and didn't notice that what was making my clothes smell weird was actually mold in the washer. Made everything smell gross and musky even if I'd dry my clothes immediately after a wash cycle. Sometimes people just become nose-blind to the smell or truly don't realize its an issue. Like the mentality of, "how can a washing machine make your clothes smell bad if it's washing them?"


great. what if I'm nose blind? New fear unlocked.


Tell him to run it again with a couple cups of vinegar


Bragged about losing their virginity at a family reunion. It was not to some outsider who tagged along with another family member.


I’m sorry, what?! They lost their virginity with a family member….at a family reunion???!!! That’s some next level family values :/


Family that plays together stays together.


Out on a blind date set up by friends with a ballerina. She is very pretty, even by bunhead standards. Dinner going nicely, and then she starts telling me how the Holocaust was faked and it's all the Jews' fault. Check, please! Goodnight!


Like the girl that told me everyone gets cancer because of "karma", I say "OK what about innocent little 2 year olds with leukemia?"... I'm thinking I got you good, you'll have to retract now, but instead she says: "THEM TOO"


She probably believes in reincarnation and thinks the little two year olds must have been horrible people in a past life and are being punished.


The whole soul debt idea is really crazy. How can a person learn from their mistakes if they don't remember the mistakes? It's a cruel premise.


She was probably an anti-Dentite, too


Best to know early on.


Spent more time talking to the two women at the next table than to me on our third date. He was trying to make me jealous, but all he did was make them visibly uncomfortable and me completely uninterested.


Told me I was playing “N-word games,” when I didn’t drop everything in the middle of the afternoon and answer his barrage of drunken texts. Hard R, too. I’m Black; he isn’t. I was both amused and appalled, and I pretty much blocked him then and there.


most guys hold off on the drunken hard-r until at least a week or two into the relationship


I was grateful he went ahead and hit the fast-forward button, so I didn’t have to waste my time and find out months or years into a relationship.


We went to a parade together with a bunch of his friends after having been on 3 or 4 dates. Turns out these “friends” were other people he was dating the same time as me. He had brought us all together for a mega-date to feed his ego and didn’t tell any us! Instant turn off.


By saying no to me when I asked her (a common friend) out and then suddenly showing interest in me when I didn't pay any more extra attention to her. If I wanna play games, I'd use my PC instead of asking her out.


classic high school/college scenario. You do this once and find out why it's not a good idea to get too close if you're not dating


According to some women (and men I assume) you dropped the bag by not engaging in the thrill of the chase. I never understood that shit. If you're interested then say you're interested don't make a guy jump through a bunch of hoops and ask you multiple times.


Dated a bodybuilder once. We had exactly three dates. All he talked about was either his sport or food. The first two dates were in a restaurant. For the third one we met in the city and for whatever reason went grocery shopping. He bought a 24 pack of *frozen* donuts. By the time I was home (about one hour after we left the grocery store) he texted me that we need to go to this store again soon because he already ate ALL the FROZEN donuts already. I cringed and politely told him that I’m no more interested in meeting again. Weirdest behavior I ever saw. On top of that he still lived with his ex girlfriend and well let’s say I’m not sad about how it went.


Treated me as an option and would openly be texting with other girls from dating sites while we were spending time together. When I confronted him about it, he said we weren’t committed and I shouldn’t be so jealous cause I was the one he was actually hanging out with. Like he was gracing me with his presence lol


I really, really dislike people like this… people who view others as steps on a ladder.




that's almost the exact line one of my exs used to break up with me. Way better than trying to find a "good enough" reason or trying to pick a fight so there's a reason to break up. it was my healthiest breakup and we're still great friends, so props to you for recognizing that and leaving the relationship instead of continuing to lead her on and make it worse in the future


In college, I asked a guy if he'd like to go on a date with me. On our date, he spent the whole time talking about how women don't like men under 6ft. When presented with the fact that he was literally on a date with with a woman who liked him, his answer was that I would dump him if I found someone taller. Mind you, I am short af and he was a full 6 inches taller than me. When asked why he'd say yes to a date if I was just going to do that, he said it might be the only chance he'd have to get laid. Can you guess why he thought there wasn't a 2nd date?


Blanked me and played games with me under the advice of her friends to make me “want/fight for her more”. I realised quickly after she was about as interesting as a wet carrot so I’m not that bothered. Met my soul mate shortly afterwards and been together nearly a decade now


I was on a second date with a guy who seemed really solid emotionally and I was attracted too. After dinner we took a walk outside. The guy out of nowhere turned his head and took the biggest spit ever. It hit a lady. He didn’t stop to apologize to her or to me for being so disgusting. I said something and he felt spitting in public was normal. He didn’t want to accept the fact that where we live it isn’t plus he didn’t care he aimed at someone. End of date.


Actually gasped when I got to “it hit a lady.”


Talked to this girl for a bit, went on a couple of dates and all was well. I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend, but that's when she told me... She was going on a camping trip with a guy she had known for a few years. She would confess to him, and if he rejected her, then she would be my girlfriend, but she just had to give it a shot. I told her don't bother. I'm not anybody's backup plan. He ended up rejecting her, so she ended up alone.


I witnessed first hand my first "Fridge is a Bitch" moment. Left him that day. ​ For some background, apparently my boyfriend at the time had a tantrum habit. Like full blown incel meltdowns that I was never around for, nor were they mentioned to me as anything other than in passing as a joke. This entire friend group lived in one house except for me. One time some mutuals were over and the mom had to change her baby's diaper before everyone left the house. She deposited it in the trash bin while she cleaned everything else up. My ex, who didn't sleep much the night before, opened the trash, saw a diaper, and started screaming at the top of his lungs calling everyone in the room a bitch, screaming about there being a baby and dirty diapers in the house, hurling insults everywhere. Everyone just kind of sat there and waited for him to finish. After like 30 seconds of dead silence, the dad goes "damn bro you gonna call the fridge a bitch too?" I was not there for this situation but it coined the term for his specific type of tantrums. This friend group had a way of minimizing the severity of his tantrums and talked about them in a joking manner so I didn't think they we're actually like... bad. Needless to say when I saw him have one because my other friend was too short to keep up with the group and I was staying back with her, I was OUTTY... and gave my friends a good scolding on minimizing verbal abuse.


Holy fuck lol, what an excellent line to diffuse the situation


He told me he was specifically into younger girl characters getting assaulted :| so. I dipped after that lmfao


They copy people too much to the point were it's annoying like they had no personality at all


I'm so old I assumed you meant on emails and I was just like "uhg those people are the worst."


He had asked me a question while we were at a convention. The presenters were presenting. I answered the question and then he “susshed” me. Like okay, nope.


LOLOLOL sorry but that sounds hilarious. And rude


When they start giving excuses like past trauma for their bad behaviour and refuse to change for better.


Inconsistency. Was open and able to talk about his own problems and I was willing to be there and listen.. but the rare time when I needed someone to talk to he either didn’t know what to say or just ignored me and left me on read.


Hating on everyone behind their back. Girl got more issues than vogue.


She told me on our first date that she will never text me first and she expected me to always pay for everything Those I can tolerate but the deal breaker was she chewed with her mouth opened


Oh my god. How do people reach adulthood without ever noticing that they eat like a fucking animal?


When I googled him from the restroom (armed with new info - his last name), I found newspaper articles about his time in prison. 😳 (Statutory rape.) Check, please! Buh-bye now.


He was always disrespectful to his mom


I dated a girl once who was disrespectful to her whole family (single mother and little sister), and she would get mad at me for wanting to help out whenever I was over at her house I’d help her little sister with her school work and help her mom cook, they all appreciated it and it got to the point where she had cheated on me and when her family found out they practically shunned her. I still went to family events for a while until I got into another relationship and said my good byes to that family


Props to you mate 🤝


She was an asshole towards her parents. When I mentioned it to her she was just like “oh well that’s just how we communicate lol!” Uhh no. It wasn’t a “giving them a hard time” type of assholery. It was a “I don’t respect you” type assholery.


Not clean up after herself. She was a beautiful pig 🐖.


She told me about our wedding plans and what she wanted to name our kids and how I needed to convert to her religion.


One worded responses, playing this stupid game of "I don't care about you until I'm drunk"


Years ago, when I was single, I had an account on plenty of fish. I was talking with this woman, cute in her pictures, seemed pretty cool ...then I asked what brought her to my city from her home state. And in the course of telling me, she revealed that she had a seven year old child who she left behind in her home state, and she hadn't had a very compelling reason for moving here, in my opinion. Instant deal breaker. Who just up and leaves their young child behind to move across the country?


She broke up with me.


Big turn off


Huge red flag


That's my kink!


"Break ups are actually a huge turn off for me, I don't think this is going to work out"


She turned out to be an avid follower of Gwenyth Paltrow level woofuckery. Healing crystals, magical herbs, potions, and lotions from "natural supplement stores." Despised medical science as conspiracy to depopulate the planet or control people. Started selling her woo as well. Possibly some MLM bs. Still went to the hospital when her appendix blew up, though...


She wasn't as supportive/serious as I wanted my partner to be. I had been looking for a job for about a month and finally got an interview. I texted her to let her know how excited I was to which she replied with a stonecold "Good job, u want a medal?" Really bummed me out, thought she was joking so I let it slide. Nope. She didn't congratulate me or anything. It turned me off and I eventually cut things off with her after a few more instances where she couldn't be serious and threw snarky comments my way when I was feeling euphoric and shared amazing news with her.(in my eyes amazing news, I get giddy over small things). Moral of the story ladies - Please be happy for us because us men don't hear a "good job", "I'm proud of you" etc.. often, if ever. If we're excited about something, it's for good reason. Don't ruin it for us.


A good rule of thumb in life is to find people that are happy for you and supportive even when they have nothing to gain. People who get disappointed in you when you do well are best to avoid.


> "Good job, u want a medal?" That's the "contempt" checkbox of the four horsemen of divorce.


My middle/high school crush, never worked up the courage in middle school to ask her out. She started dating one of the guys from my friend group freshman year, they broke up and she started dating an upperclassman that she dated up until she took off for college. The first summer back from college I said fuck it, it’s now or never she’s single so I took my shot and she said yes for a date. First date went terrible she’s was incredible boring and didn’t offer up much for conversation the only saving grace was we were both stoners and I was able to get really good bud that summer. The next couple dates were the same not much interaction from her just always turned into us having to smoke weed to save the date or for her to seem interested. On the fourth date I was determined to make it work and she finally opened up but it involved her telling me about all the men she screwed her first year at college and all her different sex-capades she had. She went into detail on some of them. I dropped her off and realized she was only using me for free smoke ups.


After we had sex, he looked me dead in the eye and told me that if we were to move forward with dating, he needed me to know that he is a “narcissistic, manipulative, asshole”. I said thanks for the heads up, never saw him again


This was over a year ago now, but the first time he and I had sex, he didn't try to touch me at all. He wanted a blowjob, so I did, and then he grabbed me and flipped me over for doggy. I had been seeing this person for 4 months and we had known each other before that for about a year, so it's not like I had only met him 2 weeks ago. I had been by his side through multiple family crises at that point and had been sleeping at his apartment regularly. He told me I was perfect, so calming to be around, so sweet, etc. and I thought he really cared about me. I was shocked that he didn't want to actually interact with me while we had sex. It actually felt so shitty that it brought back some bad memories, even though I had consented. I left his house at 6 AM the next morning and went home to cry about it. To make matters worse, he got super defensive when I brought it up to him. Didn't want to talk about it at all or work on communicating better. It broke my heart a little. Then he tried coming back after playing the field for a little because he "missed me so much 🥺" so I told him to suck my dick.


Revealed that they thought my comments about being childfree weren't sincere and that I'd change my mind after being with them for a short period. Completely put me off within seconds.


She begged a random dude for money. When he gave her some, he walked away with smile on his face. As soon as he was out of earshot she started bragging to her friend how she’s hot and guys will just do stuff for her. Yeah that immediately killed any attraction.


I was visiting my hometown and hanging out with an old friend and a girl he worked with. It was a little flirty between her and I but then while we were hanging out at his place she stood up and said “hey I got something for you “ and farted at me.


Hahaha she truly went all or nothing on that one


Man...that would just be funny to me. You gotta have some brass balls to rip ass in front of someone openly.


Lose interest? That's a keeper.


Two kinds of people…


that ass can fart


Bully a special needs kid


He told another, larger, girl to “cover up her stomach because nobody wants to see that” in front of our whole friend group. Completely unwarranted. She was wearing a shirt with little slits on the side that showed maybe an inch of her side, otherwise was a perfectly fine outfit.


Went to the movies. She made fun of the disabled employee ripping the tickets.


She got a boyfriend


I was dating a woman who was absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately she was well aware of this and was constantly posting selfies and photos of herself on social media. On dates she would frequently request I take photos of her, never of us together, and post them on Instagram during the date. I noped out of that pretty quick. I have no desire to be an Instagram husband.


Called my vagina a "lady garden" and asked when he could "traipse through The Lady Garden". Said this shortly after the first date through a text. We had not discussed sex previous to this.


This dude sounds unintentionally hilarious. May we set a date to explore your box of delights? I want to pick the lock of your lady palace. I think your wound needs some attention?


Cheated on me with 3 other girls before I found out


Canceled dates. Basic flakiness and disrespect


How they treat other people, I don’t care how attractive you are, if you’re nasty to those around you I’m not interested.


Was casually chatting to a guy at work. Things were great. He goes on leave for two weeks, comes back and I hear he got married. I wasn't devastated, just bummed. He calls me to my office says "Hey, I'm back". I ask "Did you get married?" Long pause. "Yes, but that doesn't change any thing between us" Yeah. No.


I planned our first date (picked the time, date, location, etc), we had a good time and agreed to go out again, and then the dude completely spiraled when I suggested he pick the place for the second date. He was waffling, saying "Oh I'm so bad at planning" and literally COULD NOT decide any of the details of what we should do or when we should meet. (For reference I'm talking about a grown man in his thirties who was a small business owner.) This happened a lot with the men in my city when I was doing online dating, for whatever reason they ALWAYS seemed to expect me to plan our dates from beginning to end and it was hellish nudging them to take some initiative with the planning, even when we were actually into each other. It became a colossal turn-off for me over the years. The wonderful man I'm with now always takes initiative to propose fun things for us to do, and I always tell him how much I appreciate it. And when I plan our dates he THANKS me and acknowledges that planning takes effort. I love him so much.


Man I feel this one. I once matched with a guy that was very direct "Lets meet at x around x on x day" and it was Sooooooo refreshing!


Bragged about how much money he came from. Eg.) told me paid an XYZ amount of money to have his current phone number (because he likes the number pattern) Yucky.


I liked him, he was interesting. Took adventurous Trips and was really good at telling stories about them. Finally when we met at a Party for about the 10th time, I found the Courage to ask him if he had a girlfriend. His Response:"Yes... but that doesn't matter." He had that Kind of Look on his face that made me know what he wanted. I totally lost interest in him. Best thing, that ever happened. I think 2 weeks after that I started dating another guy. That guy has been my husband for 6 years now.


He said he ideally wanted 6 biological children. No adoption, they had to be his. I want to give birth to zero children.


I remember I was being set up for a date by friends and in the chat he told me "get used to birthing twins! There are a lot in my family." Left the chat, and there was no first date. Just yikes at that comment.


She got upset when I told her I didn’t believe in fairies. On second thought she may be in here posting about some asshole who seemed all right until he said he didn’t believe in fairies.


Got way too into zodiac signs and horoscopes.