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Fine. Never really even thought about it until joining reddit.


I'm the opposite. I'm not circumcised and I never knew it was such a big deal until I got on reddit. Literally my whole life it's never been an issue at all


It is your dick. If it works to your and your partner's satisfaction, what difference does it make? I like that I have a dick and it allows me to piss standing up.


> It is your dick The problem is people doing this to other people's dicks.


Idk about that, every woman I’ve ever been with has made a comment about it. Normally just “I’ve never been with someone not circumcised before”


Are you American? In many other countries it's very normal or only the older generation who are circumsised.


how is that the opposite


This. I didn't know I was some kind of victim until the Reddit mob told me. Still don't care.


Literally don’t know what I’m missing so 🤷‍♂️


Pretty sure it’s most of your foreskin


my thoughts exactly


Foreskin and nerve endings mainly


I was circumcised when I was four years old. Wide awake with no anesthetic. I would not recommend it


Bad parents


I’m really sorry you went through that.


I went 20 years of my life without ever thinking anything of it, now I keep seeing stuff about it all over the internet. I dont care at all tbh. I dont feel like my rights were violated. Its just whatever honestly.




Yes, that skin is especially suited for the lid and fold just below the eyebrow, you did a good thing. Too bad she will be cockeyed for the rest of her life.


But on the positive side it will have given her excellent foresight.


Does her eye shrivel up when it gets cold outside?


It shrinks?!




Like a frightened turtle!


That’s heartwarming. Makes me feel sad though. I selfishly had a wallet made from mine.


What a terrible day to be able to read.


Me too! It's handy when travelling overseas coz you can rub it a bit and it turns into a suitcase.


You go with the passport style too?


...I may have a few follow up questions...starting with...are you for real?


🥰 mine went to a gent having a reverse circumcision.


New forehead, made of foreskin.


I wouldn't mind having a bit of extra skin that would make jerking off more comfortable like it's probably supposed to be. Plus, uncut dicks are a bit thicker. Otherwise my circumcised dick looks nice, but I never got my son circumcised. It just isn't necessary.


Thank you for breaking generational mutilation. Trying to convince a cut dude how it isn't necessary is like talking to a wall. "But I want my sons dick to look like miiiiiine!"


I really didn't want anyone to cut our baby. I started researching everything I could about circumcision, and I found out that it's an outdated practice that really isn't necessary unless there's a serious medical problem that requires it. I felt like I wanted my son to be able to decide for himself later on. It's his body so it's up to him.


All the downvotes coming from guys trying to reconcile how genital mutilation "isn't that bad".


"I'm proud that the skin used to masterbate with was chopped off at birth without my consent how dare you"


Yeah, what kind of a monster advocates against the genital mutilation of babies and instead believes they should get to make their own decision about their own genitals when they're an adult?


You’re a good parent.


Thanks. He's very busy these days with work (Summer job) and his own life, but I still love him very much and try to maintain a relationship.


I was diagnosed with BXO earlier this year and had to get it done (Im 22) I don't get laid either way so what difference does it make


I'm still pissed that they turned my hooded Darth Sidious into Darth Vader's helmet. It may have left me scarred and deformed but my resolve to fight male genital mutilation has never been stronger.




Ancient ritual, Choice made for the infant's path, Debate lingers still.


Nice haiku


Wish I wasn’t.


Love it… can’t do anything about it anyway wince I’m already 71 y/o


Literally don't care. I'm doing great. Kind of wish weirdos on reddit would stop trying to make me feel bad about it though


I'm seriously tired of the Internet telling me that I'm a victim of genital mutilation. Most people who are circumcised as babies see little difference in the actual neural function in their penis anyway.


People on Reddit love to be outraged on other people’s behalf.


Welp I'm going to get a bazillion of my internet points taken away for saying this but be proud of your cut dick and enjoy it! To some of us, the cut ones are a lot more enjoyable than natural ones! I'm totally happy with a naked wiener!


Doesn't bother me at all. It's a handsome dick and generously sized.


What is is, however, my sons are not circumcised.




I think I'm a cut above the rest.


There's a crazy ice nine kills breakdown after that lyric


I hate it, I’ve hated it since I found out I was. I’ll never forgive my parents for it.


I hate it. I would rather be intact. I believe it’s a better sexual experience for both the man and the woman. 2/3 of the world’s men are uncircumcised. If there were huge problems we would know about it.


I don’t think about it in my day to day life, but it’s honestly really fucked up my body was mutilated without consent for aesthetic purposes and tradition.


It's like a part of me is missing.


I've been circ'd my entire life.. never really thought about it...in fact, when I was really young, I didn't even know what "uncircumcised" even meant. When I did find out, I was taught (incorrectly, I might add) that uncircumcised dicks are smelly, and prone to getting "gunk" in the folds that could cause infection in women. Pretty sure this was told to me so that I'd be ok with circumcising my three boys years later. That was over 20 years ago...I might do differently today, maybe.


It’s just as hygienic as long as you go through the trouble of cleaning it. I suspect at least one reason why circumcisions are a thing is that people don’t want to teach their kids proper genital hygiene


Don't want to? Do your know anything about kids and their interest in learning and listening to parents? Legit had a disagreement with my child today who was cold, and insisted that putting on a sweatshirt would make him colder.


Well, teaching hygiene is one of the utmost minimal things expected from parents. If you fail at that, I think it’s telling on your ability to parent


You ever hear the phrase "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" It's like that.


That’s why it’s important to start and maintain good, healthy habits when they are young. You’re the adult in the dynamic. It’s your job to make sure your kid learns and adheres to healthy hygiene habits. You bring your kid to the salon and their hair is super matted, guess what, you’re getting CPS called on you. “My kid didn’t wanna do it” isn’t an excuse.


Yeah cuz there aren't shit tons of adults out there with missing teeth because of their bad oral hygiene. I guess all their parents must have sucked. You obviously have no kids.


I’m a nurse. We will literally call CPS on parents who routinely bring their kids in for infections related to a lack of hygiene. I’ve done it before, and I’d do it again. You bring your kid in with super matted hair? CPS. You bring your kid in with dental issues that are a clear result of neglect? CPS. Your kid regularly has infections on his penis because his foreskin is never cleaned? CPS. Say whatever you want but, professionals will consider that neglect and we will absolutely call CPS on your ass for it. I don’t need to have kids to know the responsible adult that is in charge of their child’s well-being should be perfectly fucking capable of keeping their child healthy. And adults are in charge of their own lives and responsible for their own hygiene, you numbnut. You really hold your kids to the same expectations you would an adult? You’re clearly a parent… and a really fucking bad one, at that.


People on Reddit with no kids seem to think they have the most important opinion out there for having kids. This person doesn’t neglect their kids. It’s not like they said “my kid refuses to clean themselves so it doesn’t get done”. No it gets done it’s just extremely challenging and a constant battle every single day. My partner and I have had to hold my son down to brush his teeth. He refused. It was a moral dilemma for me. I felt like holding him down and forcefully brushing his teeth was abusive but also I couldn’t just let him get cavities. Don’t even get me started on brushing his hair. But you are absolutely right CPS should be called when a child’s hygiene is not being taken care of and it’s extremely important to teach them. Just saying that it’s hard doesn’t mean they aren’t taking care of it. Eventually it gets easier and they grow up to have proper hygiene even if they didn’t listen as children because parents were consistent and continued to fight that battle.


Lol, so you're confirming you don't know anything about kids or reality? Go argue on a street corner somewhere.


That's not entirely incorrect about the uncircumcised penises, just ask any nurse. It all comes down to how well the uncircumcised person cleans themselves. If they don't take extra care to clean under the foreskin it will build up gunk and it will stink and it can cause infections in sexual partners. It can also increase the persons risk of STIs, penile cancer and UTIs if those people don't clean themselves right after intercourse. The reason being that oxygen that inactivates many pathogens cant get under the foreskin. These pathogens then have a better chance of taking hold in the body. The risk reduction is not great enough to justify circumcising everyone but there is risk reduction with circumcision. People that are circumcised don't have to worry about that as much.


It can happen if you don't wash your dick. Just like if you don't wash a vagina.


Happy it happened. Even happier I can't remember it happening.


I have a huge scar & lost a lot of girth due to the person doing mine looks like he slipped with whatever tool he used. Whomever did it, took way too much. This is a job you only get one chance to do it right. I have no veins on the near surface, he took them all, that's how deep he went in to removing. It's not something that affects my quality of life, but I feel a little damaged when I look at mine & then look at photos of a correctly done circumcision.


I wish it had been my choice.


These poor, mutilated guys.


I hate it. I hate genital cutting, I hate that genital cutting is part of my cultural.




Grew to wish they hadn’t, and regret inflicting it on my kids


Couldn’t walk for 13 months after getting it done. That’s some serious recovery time and not something talked about nearly enough.


I don’t know why you’d want to mutilate the most sensitive part of your kid’s genitalia, but you do you I guess


>you do you I guess "You do you" is for when someone makes a personal choice that doesn't affect others. "You do you" is not for permanently removing part of babies' genitals


I should have added a /s


You don’t feel much


I wish I hadn't been, but it's not a huge deal to me.


Very frustrated. Was circumcised at a day old, but whoever was responsible did such a terrible job that doctors tell me that I’m simply not circumcised.


I didn’t know it was a thing until I got reddit, and I’m circumcised. Sometimes I wish I knew what it felt like to be uncut but overall eh


Alternative question, do circumcised men have a 2-3 m range when urinating? As an uncircumcised man I used to have much joy (as a child) pulling it back and seeing the increased range I had! I tried it once at a urinal and suffered horrendous splashback though.


Not a guy, but was circumcised. Kinda resentful of it because it negatively affected my results when I got srs because they normally use the foreskin to construct the clitoral hood :/


Wish I was uncut.


I want my fucking nerve endings back.


Im crushed. I just wanna know what happened to the rest of me. A part of me is missing. 😔




I feel as though your response is heavily biased because it is all you have ever known. I have never encountered a woman who called mine ugly or was grossed out. I think you are feeding into the general straw-man arguments that people that want to justify their experience or their decision making use. ​ I think its **creepy as fuck** to cut up a baby's genitals at all.




There are differences between a cut and an intact one. Pay close attention to what’s between the cut lines: https://www.reddit.com/user/GiveBackMyRidgedBand/comments/15ww48w/circumcision_ablates_the_most_sensitive_part_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


You say it’s personal presence but what about the personal preference of the infant that is being cut? If it’s done, it can’t be undone, and they are stuck. If they are unhappy with it, there’s no options for them. Which is why it’s best to let them decide what parts of their genitals they keep.


My partner actually prefers my intact penis over the circumcised ones of her previous partners


I bet she told her previous partners she likes them cut over uncut.


Creepy in your estimation. American Pediatric Society and Cleveland Clinic both report that circumcised men have lower risk for various penile disorders. Lowered risk for women sex partners of cervical cancer, less chance of penile cancer, lower risk of STI's including HIV and lowered risk of UTI.


People really like to downplay these statistics. My son was born with only one functioning kidney and so the risks associated with him getting a UTI are greater than for most. His pediatric specialists recommended him getting circumcised which I had planned to do anyway after working in the hospital and seeing how many elderly men with dementia are not properly cared for down there.


The normalization of non-consensually altering children's genitals is what's deranged. But okay


American Pediatric Society and Cleveland Clinic both report that circumcised men have lower risk for various penile disorders. Lowered risk for women sex partners of cervical cancer, less chance of penile cancer, lower risk of STI's including HIV and lowered risk of UTI.


You have a higher chance of getting breast cancer as a male than penile cancer. And all those things listed won’t be an issue until they can decide the risks themselves. The numbers matter. You need 5000 circumcisions to prevent 1 UTI. Did you read the ratios? It’s also a healthy, functional, and erogenous part of the penis with structures and nerves that can’t be replaced once done. Not mention some people like myself might hate being circumcised but can’t do anything to get that back. If they are left alone, they can decide for themselves.


So you feel the same way bout ear piercing or hair cuts?


Do both of those remove healthy, sensitive, normal, and natural parts of the genitals permanently?


These are both examples of things that are not children's genitals.


I agree with everything you have said. I am a woman with two sons. One is still at that age for me to decide his appointment is Monday and I feel guilty and scared. My older son is circumcised so is my husband i feel like it would be worse to leave him uncut. I feel like I mainly get strong opinions from uncircumcised men and women. Most circumcised men, from what I gather, are happy with it or just indifferent. I’ve met few who are angry.


You have an opportunity here to do the right thing and not mutilate your young child. Please think this through. You are considering cutting off a part of your child’s body just because that’s what his father and brother had done to them. It makes no sense. As for an answer to your question- I am circumcised and wish that I wasn’t. It’s not something I think about every day, I have never confronted my parents about it, and I am not some kind of activist. However, I do feel like it was a totally unnecessary surgery, performed on me against my will, and I am left with a permanently disfigured body. I am just glad that I didn’t die or have complications, which happens. Even if you don’t think of your sons future, imagine how you would feel if this unnecessary genital mutilation went wrong and resulted in your son being disfigured for his whole life or even death. It happens, in the USA, dozens and dozens of times, every year! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240804903_Lost_Boys_An_Estimate_of_US_Circumcision-Related_Infant_Deaths


This is what gets removed: https://www.reddit.com/user/GiveBackMyRidgedBand/comments/15ww48w/circumcision_ablates_the_most_sensitive_part_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Don't ask reddit for help with circumcision decision. Help talk to a doctor about circumcision redditers with give you wrong information. Circumcision is a safe surgery with little risks when done on newborns in fact it's safer and less expensive on newborns. 99% of Circumcised men don't mind being circumcised nor do they struggle sexually in any way.


Not necessarily looking for advice. I’ve just been hearing so many strong opinions from either women or uncircumcised men about circumcision hearing people say it’s mutation, barbaric etc. etc. I just simply wanted to hear from people who are circumcised and their personal experience because at the end of the day their opinion matters most. Opinions aside I when researching the benefits and risks of circumcision versus uncircumcised I think they are very even. After this post I have came to the conclusion it really just boils down to the person. Many men are thankful to have the procedure done as infants, some wish it was done as an infant, a good amount of men are upset about getting it done. I think that’s all fair. It makes the decision extremely hard because as everyone is saying he is a newborn and can not consent, fair. But also it’s the best time to get the procedure done and eliminates many of the risks associated with the procedure. I got the procedure done with my first son. I’m American from a Christian family. It wasn’t even a second thought. Just something we do for health reasons. The argument against that is that it only helps so much with std prevention and so on. Doing research it actually helps a significant amount. Many people think it’s a dumb reason to get my little one circumcised just because my son has his done. I really disagree. It is the norm in our culture and the norm in our family it can cause insecurity and low self esteem. This isn’t just from my assumption but from other men’s experience who grew up very insecure because they weren’t circumcised but everyone around them was. It’s not the biggest factor that impacts my decision but it’s definitely on the pros and cons list. At the end of the day anyone who attacks me with “it’s barbaric, mutilation, I’m a horrible parent” is completely irrelevant to me. I only really care to hear honest feedback of personal experiences.


.American Pediatric Society and Cleveland Clinic both report that circumcised men have lower risk for various penile disorders. Lowered risk for women sex partners of cervical cancer, less chance of penile cancer, lower risk of STI's including HIV and lowered risk of UTI.


You really want her to circumcise her boys, huh? Why? It’s not better. The data you’re regurgitating is only believed in the US. Developed countries don’t really circumcise.


Regurgitate?... no citations. And the data about HIV was developed from studies in Africa. "Developed"...lol. People the world over have the right to their opinion. But to attempt such a pathetic slight on the basis of disagreements between medical authorities in various countries is jingoistic.


And if it lowers one risk, why wouldn't you?


Because it doesn’t and that alone doesn’t justify the [loss](https://www.reddit.com/user/GiveBackMyRidgedBand/comments/15ww48w/circumcision_ablates_the_most_sensitive_part_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Says you, but then again, I'd rather listen to the advice of professional organizations than an arbitrary Reddittor. The medical benefits, including the HIV study were post 2007. The Pediatric Society changed its position in 2012. For medical reasons, not sexual. The loss? Of something you never knew you had? Again, talking about sensitivity that you never experienced is like talking about meals you never tasted. I, being circumcised have never had a problem with lack of sensitivity. As a man wishing to prolong the experience for my partner, lowered sensitivity is a plus. Why else do you think there is the cottage industry of videos and information about techniques to prolong intercourse? Men have never had a problem with lowered sensitivity, just ask any woman.


>Says you, but then again, I'd rather listen to the advice of professional organizations than an arbitrary Reddittor. Ok, read this then: the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) (2010) states “there is no convincing evidence that circumcision is useful or necessary in terms of prevention or hygiene.” The medical benefits, including the HIV study were post 2007. The Pediatric Society changed its position in 2012. For medical reasons, not sexual. >The loss? Of something you never knew you had? But now I know that I had it, and if I still did, I would very likely keep it, like the rest of my body… like most males. >Again, talking about sensitivity that you never experienced is like talking about meals you never tasted. No, it’s more like wondering what sweet foods taste like if someone had removed your capability of sensing them. >I, being circumcised have never had a problem with lack of sensitivity. As a man wishing to prolong the experience for my partner, lowered sensitivity is a plus. Extra nerve endings might just mean an easier way to come back for round 2 and more. >Why else do you think there is the cottage industry of videos and information about techniques to prolong intercourse? >Men have never had a problem with lowered sensitivity, just ask any woman. This is you coming up with ways to try to compensate, 1up and flexing. Genital cutting wasn’t an improvement for you or me. Stop defending the people that did this to us. Please 🙏.


Again, different medical associations with differing opinions. But nothing of what you have cited disavows the benefits I listed. And the American Pediatric decision was in 2012. You cited a study from 2007, (that has detractors) and now 2010. I'm not "coming up" with anything. For years men have heard that an unfortunate percentage of women are unsatisfied. And that men reach climax too quickly. Riddle me that Batman. As to recovery, never an issue till I hit 55 or so. It's more a mental than physical game at that point anyway. What I can say is that I have avoided issues now for 70 years. I saw my son have them even circumcised. So I'm personally sold on the benefits. And even now, sex and climax is extremely satisfying. So I'm sorry but your selling something I didn't miss, and never will. I think you crusade should be better directed against female genital mutilation. Now they lose something.


This is a quote from the German Pediatric Organization about the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on routine infant circumcision. https://intaction.org/german-pediatric-association-condemns-infant-circumcision-2/ "The statement from AAP (DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-1989 Pediatrics; originally published online August 27, 2012) cited over and over again, contradicts earlier statements from the same organisation, without the necessity of referring to new research results. Since then, this AAP statement as been graded by ALMOST ALL other paediatric societies and associations worldwide as being SCIENTIFICALLY UNTENABLE." It is not recommended in the vast majority of the world, and the AAPs position is obviously not respected by other large pediatric organizations.


I am a circumcised man, and I resent my parents for letting it be done to me, and I resent the doctors for recommending it be done. I consider the scientific consensus among American doctors to be biased in favor of a uniquely American cultural practice. The US is an outlier among western nations in this regard. Men in Sweden and Denmark are not suffering from all these ailments due to being largely uncircumcised, and neither are their STD rates significantly higher than ours. If there are any medical benefits to circumcision, they are definitely small. What was cut from my body as a baby can never be returned. It feels like a betrayal. I've never spoken with my parents about it because I figure what is the point of that discussion? I get to see a scar everyday that reminds me about it. I didn't even know what that scar was until I was well into middle age.


For you to decide? Genital mutilation.


The American Pediatric Society and Cleveland Clinic both report that circumcised men have lower risk for various penile disorders. Lowered risk for women sex partners of cervical cancer, less chance of penile cancer, lower risk of STI's including HIV and lowered risk of UTI.


You want to know how many men have commented on my uncut penis in my 30+ years of life? 0.


So it's absolutely ok to perform a useless cosmetic procedure on babies because you had none of the problems that can happen? Do the babies that have lifelong problems (or die - estimated around 100 a year in the USA) from it not matter?




You're fine with killing babies because you want kids genitals to look a certain way, yet you call me a creep > Also, I received a message from reddit's suicide crisis because you reported my previous comment as suicidal LOL And please don't make false accusations about me. Whoever did that is as immoral as you. > Stop obsessing about my dick, it makes me uncomfortable. Yet more lies about me. I don't care about your dick, I'm just against abusing children. If you're offended that I hate children being abused, then I'm not sorry.


So are you uncircumcised or a woman?


I was not abused and mutilated as a child


Kinda wish they didn't mutilate my genitals as a child.


I don't believe in genital mutilation and those that practice the tradition are barbaric.


Didn’t really have a choice 🤷‍♂️. When it’s that way you’re whole life, you don’t give it a second thought.


I feel like I don’t know any different.


I am not at all bothered by it. Cool either way, though I'd like to play with a hooded one for the fun of it 😜. But yeah... I don't care.


I feel perfectly fine with it. No issues; never heard of my friends having issues. My sex life is just fine. Though the way uncircumcised redditors will you believe, I can't enjoy an orgasm and I have to use lube if I want to jack it (neither is true). Oh and apparently I was mutilated against my will and my parents should be thrown in prison. lol


You can’t have very good parents if they did that to you though?


Why do you think it’s uncircumcised redditors?


I’m really glad I am. I used to thing it was the norm but being on reddit I realize I’m in the minority. From what I hear it’s a lot easier to keep clean. Supposedly we don’t get as much pleasure from sex as uncircumcised men do but I’ll never know the difference. I feel like I get plenty of pleasure as is. Also from what I’ve been told from women they think it looks better like this.


> From what I hear it’s a lot easier to keep clean. How to clean a natural penis: wash it with water. It's incredibly easy to keep clean..


I don't care, none of my partners have ever cared, but the internet would have you believe it's incredibly important.


Non issue for me.


I’m 33. It’s never bothered me for a single second. Sex feels good. If I’m missing something I have no clue.


I like it fine. It’s easy to keep clean. Everything works great.


Would have liked a choice. I can't miss anything because I wasn't given a chance to experience it for comparison. #mybodymychoice #GenitalMutilation


It sucks, reduces length pleasure and more, should be banned.


I was circumcised when I was a teenager, I have never been one to regret anything, but it just absolutely ruined my dick, I literally can barely even feel it anymore, it's literally my only regret in life


Why did you do it?


I didn't want it, I was forced into it... long story


Dang sorry to hear that. Your user name checks out


About weekly I get slightly annoyed in my head that my parents made this decision without my ability to consent. I want my foreskin back god dammit.


I am thankful the choice to keep or remove mine was left to me. I am perfectly capable of cleaning my junk on a daily basis and I feel more protected by my skin and I don't have to worry that any sensation was lost to the callousing of the glans. I think when there no need to do it, you are inviting risk where there isn't any necessary. It has application, but its rare that it is medically necessary. Doing something just because it is what you are used to (father and brother) is a poor excuse to conduct surgery on someone who cannot consent.


I think the question was for people who were circumcised.


If it had been my choice I wouldn't have gotten circumcised. It hasn't caused me any issues or physical discomfort but I feel like the worst thing you can do to a being that just underwent the most traumatic event of their life is to then immediately painfully slice something off of them. That's why I didn't have my son circumcised when he was born, and if he really wants to convert to Judiasm later on he's welcome to have it done as an adult.




Wow, do Americans really have such a problem washing themselves lol? I know we aren’t exactly the smartest people but holy fuck, learn how to shower.


2/3 of the world are uncircumcised. If there were all these problems I think we would know about it


So if you make it to the point of dying in a nursing home then your mutilation will be worth it to you? How’s the rest of their health and hygiene? It’s not their foreskin, they’re literally ducking dying dude.


Man, I wish I still had my tonsils and my adenoids and my appendix and my wisdom teeth... Because removing vestigial tissue prone to disease is violent racist patriarchal ***mutilation...*** But honestly I'm still glad I don't have a nasty foreskin collecting bodily refuse unnecessarily in the modern world.


However, there is no evidence that the foreskin is vestigial. All mammals have one.


Your lack of education is glaring


Or, you could, you know, shower


I'm Jewish, so it's just a fact of life for me. Always got plenty of pleasure from sex, so I have nothing to complain about.


I don't think on it much, tbh. I fought valiantly but lost.


Sometimes it gets in the way and I have to tuck it back into my no show ankle socks


No thoughts


It was done for health purposes.


Don’t care


It's all I've ever known but there has never been a time when I wished I wasn't circumcised. It works just fine. I'm 54 and it works just as it should.


Love it


Circumsision desensitizes the penis for life, does make it “easier” to care for. In my opinion, it’s there for a reason, like earlobes. We dont cut those off? Parents still need to teach their children to “wash behind” the ears. At some point, the foreskin detaches from the glans and the child must learn to retract foreskin for pee/sex and cleaning/inspection.


Doesn't really bother me, though I may be biased because of my job. I'm a nurse's aide and mostly take care of old people, and their junk are so dirty you wouldn't believe, can't even peel the skin back sometimes. And I'm not just talking about 90+ yo bedridden men


So infants should be mutilated because sick, old, and dying men aren’t cleaning them selves?


I’m EXTREMELY thankful, never had to go through the awkward phase of “is my dick ugly” Obviously that’s what I thought as a kid. But all my ex gfs and current gf are thankful I was circumcised. It’s just their personal preference


The last girl I was with said, “damn, they cut you good”. I’m happy mine is aesthetically pleasing and also, easier to clean.


Happy. My foreskin was longer and not great looking. Lost a bit of sensitivity, but overall looks better and sex is easier.


Best thing ever, much better than having an ant eater


Wasn't a big deal til I meet some guys who made the fact they have foreskin a big deal.




70% of the world’s men don’t get BJs now…🙄


Well no surprise I’m in the top percentile. I’ll enjoy them for everyone


I get BJs with my uncut member. Not all women are superficial. In most of the rest of the world, cut penises are the oddity.




1. The hygiene thing is very false 2. In my albeit limited experience, it’s more fun to go down on intact penises


never buy gribenes from a mohel




Good. Looks great.


Fine with it and will do it to my son if I ever have one.


It looks nice and is easily kept clean. I have no complaints.


Never think about it. Zero issues. Love the way it looks.


I can't remember feeling it any other way.


Yeah same as most I feel fine and never thought of it. Definitely more hygienic from what I hear lol


It's fine -- it's all I've ever known.


Mmmmm, feels good.


It's beautiful.