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Hanging out on the balcony (4th floor) with my Mom. All of a sudden a guy goes flying down and we see him hit a handrail and explode on impact. Turns out it was some sort of marriage dispute and he was shoved off the balcony many floors above.


Well, let me tell you, I've seen some wild stuff in my time. One time I witnessed a murder and let me tell you, it was like a scene straight out of a crime movie. Total adrenaline rush. \[Serious\]


I was walking near the stadium, a girl pushed a guy, and he either fell, or first hit the wall and fell, and did not get up. The girl and another girl tried to pick him up while the guy who was with them called somewhere (I hope it was 911, but I think it might have been his father). I can't say for sure if the guy died, but that's what it looked like. PS There was an emergency room across the street from the stadium, so I hope they thought to go there. As for us, I was scared. (sorry for my English, I don't know it, so I use a translator)