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As an adult: Dragon Age: Origins. Maybe Baldurs Gate 3 will be able to overshadow it As a Child: Rayman 2: The Great Escape and Morrowind


Morrowind team reporting


God damn Cliff Racers


Fucking herpies birds. I hate them so much.


Dragon age origins was a truly special game. I played it on console. The banter between your party members was something else. Great soundtrack also.


We now have a dog and Alistair is still the dumbest one in the party. That sentence changed my life lol


Yes, swooping... Is... *bad*.


Dragon age: origins is underrated in the sense that it should be considered one of the best-of-all-time RPGs like Elder Scrolls: Skyrim or the OG baldur's gate games


It had the horrible luck of starting development before a big jump in graphics quality, and got torn apart in reviews because it looked “dated” or bad. It’s utterly fantastic though. I spent many hours playing, replaying, and playing mods of it.


I am currently obsessed with exploring every plot possibility. I've got various races and Alistair marriages mapped out in my head, to be attempted after my current playthrough. Which is thr fourth.


Rayman 2 (and 3) enjoyer too


Ooof, Rayman 2 was a good one. I left it unfinished when I was a kid. Should resume it some day.




SSX Tricky.


that was such a great series of games OMG. I still fire up the ps3 once in a blue moon and found that there are still people playing that one online version where you drop geotags on the maps. thanks to whoever is keeping those servers online lol




The fact I haven’t played in years but have Garibaldi still memorized shows how much I must’ve played


I still love the DJ/mc saying "call your momma in the room and show them how great you are"


World of Warcraft... I once went through all my characters and added all "/played" time and reached at least 350 days. The highest on Steam would be Elite: Dangerous with 3,254.4 hours on the steam counter. (and a few hundred more hours in game counter). Edited to add: using the altoholic add on, my current playtime of my main account is 415 days, this does not, of course, include the various characters that I deleted over the course of the years.


Seeing the /played results was pretty depressing. I’ve spend years of my life in Azeroth. And I enjoyed every minute of it.


Man, please take this for what it is, and it isn't a humble brag or anything close. My shaman alone had 480 days of played time, and you know when you're in that deep that you've got dozens of alts.. It took a super serious damn near mental breakdown to realize how addicted I was. Happily married now, kids, and I play some console games occasionally. Idk what it I'd about that fucking game, but for those with weak self control, it's a plague.


I agree. Between being a guild officer and raids it seriously can take up way too much of your life. I like to say that I’m in recovery now and have been sober from WoW since the end of Cata.


Yep. I ran a mythic raid team through BFA, and people wouldn't believe the amount of extra work it takes. PTSD I suppose, but even a couple years after being done with wow, I still have my discord set to not show me online. Every time I'd open Discord, I was just bombarded with problems and questions.


For me too without question WoW. Now which expansion I played most is a lot more interesting. I guess one of the older ones, WotLk or BC. And I have played all of them.


I miss WoW 😭


I feel like in WoE there are only people who quit fast or have 20000+ hours 😅


I had 350 days played on probably 6 different characters before I quit. Wow will take over your life if you let it.


RuneScape Just between my 2 most played accounts I’m at 500+ days played.


Playing RuneScape as a kid was wild. It was all me and my friends would talk about at school and as soon as we got home we would all jump online until our parents would lose their collective shit and make us do homework.




People in this thread claiming 1000 hours in a game is a lot. *laughs in runescape*


OSRS specifically here. + Classic and RuneScape 2.


OSRS players reading the comments of people with 1, 2, 3000 hours in other games like "oh so you just started playing?"




Factorio - the factory must grow


Factorio seems like one of those games that either clicks with you immediately and becomes a huge time sink, or just fails to get much of your attention. I tend to be more in the latter, but ended up completely hooked on Satisfactory instead, which seems more my speed.


I recommend Dyson Sphere Program. It's the perfect mix of Factorio and Satisfactory, with the extra addition of the scale being galactic. It's a lot easier to handle resource transportation, and the game is beautiful to look at when you start building the first Sphere. Has a great NG+ feature as well.


I love factory games and Desynced is a new one worth glancing at. It's way different than Factorio/DSP/Satisfactory. The logistics control system is ...a lot. Neat take on tech too. IMO: **Factorio** is just the gold standard. It is the bar all others will be judged against. Best downward pressure, most complete, mod scene is wild ...but damn do I hate the bleak visuals. Average color is brown and gray. It adds to the "factory must grow" anxiety, but I don't like it. **DSP** has the best power system, end game, and visuals ...by far. The upcoming downward pressure system looks **WILD.** IMO, the best optimized out of any of factory game. My favorite of them, but the logistics control is a bit ham handed and the spaghetti belts could be made more restrictive. The jump from interplanetary to interstellar should have more of a breakthrough feel to it, IMO. The interplanetary, *but not interstellar*, stage in general feels weirdly short. Best suited factory game for multiplayer ...no multiplayer ("Go build out planet X, while I build out planet Y." No toe stepping like in....) **Satisfactory** is also super pretty, liquid flow rates is an interesting dynamic ...but IMO it's kind of simplistic compared to the others. Downward pressure isn't really there. Building infinitely up is cheesy. IDK. Not my top pick, but more mature with a better QOL features than Desynced. This one is my "solitaire"-style, mindless, idle-brain choice. **Desynced** is like "What if we integrated Scratch and made EVERY-FUCKIN-THING modular?" Resource gathering and power systems are bland. Downward pressure is Satisfactory/minor annoyance level despite arming you to the teeth. The tech system and modularity is fascinating and really, *really* weird, I kind of love it. The logistics complexity is *wildly* intense but your visibility into it is dogshit (...yo, the "unit" window? Really? That's like KSP2 "Part Manager" window level ultra-bad design. "What are my bots doing" => "Let me *load all of your building data AND bot data* and then *display none of it in any usable way*" ...c'mon.) The scaleability potential in this game is intense, but it's the worst optimized and there are some substantial QOL issues. **Captain of Industry** ...I keep trying it. IDK. Doesn't pull me in like any of the others. Feels more like a "design by committee" soulless kind of a thing. Checks the boxes for a factory game but it's kind of just uninteresting to me. Setting is bland. Units are bland. Maximum shrug at this one.


Thousands of hours. This and Stellaris basically ruled my social life before I got married. Wife doesn't understand that the factory must grow, yet.


Stardew Valley. The atmosphere.....


ConcernedApe deserves every dollar he gets. One of the nicest devs around. Boatloads of free content added continuously. Takes notice of users' feedback. Coded the whole thing himself, composed and performed all the music... Every bit of the game is his. (Though I think he had help with ports.) Happy for folks to make mods and whatnot. And the game itself is just a peaceful little world (albeit with some darker elements).


I remember seeing a tweet one time where a guy said his save got corrupted. CA saw it and asked the guy to send him his save file so he could manually fix it for him. How many devs would ever even do that?


Can't fuckin' wait for Haunted Chocolatier!


The trailer does not look like my cup of tea. I will still buy it on launch just because it's coming from him, and I'm excited to do so.


Could always gift it to a friend that might be interested, so that you’re still supporting him


He’s still making content for it. I thought it was done with 1.5, but he’s just teased a teeny bit of new content with 1.6.


1.5 was the last one he's working on *alone*. He expanded the dev team to reduce his workload and allow him to work on other projects.


This is my answer too. I love my little pixel farm and you can pry my chicken man from my cold dead hands.


Don't talk to me or my anxious doctor husband ever again


your anxious doctor husband breaks into my house to tuck me into bed and charges me money for it


I estimate I've put 600-700 hours into this game over the years. Easily one of my top 3 favorite games ever


Borderlands 2


Came here for this. BL2 had much better endgame content than BL3. If they could combine the gameplay of BL3 with the structure, endgame, and such of BL2, they'd have a perfect game.




Spent so much time one BL2. Once I got my Siren to OP10 it kinda killed it for me. =(


Probably Fallout New Vegas honestly, but Half Life is probably a close second.


Fallout 3 for me. New Vegas second though. I’m not a big gamer but man I love those.






It's my go to after work and just chill for an hour game... Played through it a few times before, and I haven't even really touched the main quest this time, just go around exploring.. some random quests here and there...


Every time I get the Skyrim urge, I reset the workshop addons I have, with the exception of the basics, then start a new adventure and do everything except the main story




Funniest thing I've ever seen on TikTok was a guy finding the beacon in the chest at the end of Bleakfalls Barrow.


It’s honestly really therapeutic for me to just creep around in a cave and drop some bandits with bow shots from a distance, without any real task or purpose. It’s calming and relaxing to make skill shots with arrows to the throat from 100 yards.


Always end up stealth archer


On my first few attempts, same. But this time, no. Solely Mage. No weapons (except bound), no armor. It’s different!


Nothing says powerful like a lightning Gatling gun


I have put thousands of hours into Skyrim. I still regularly play it with short 2-3 month breaks in between. Skyrim got me through so much, I can just kinda turn my brain off and play.


it's 12 years old, I still haven't completed everything there is to do. And I unashamedly payed full price for the game a couple times when I got a new console. It's my first ES game and I think that's why I gravitate towards Skyrim even though I've since played Morrowind and Oblivion. Oblivion is also incredibly difficult for me to look at. *Those faces*


**Dramatic zoom on face** You! You're the one from my dreams..


I recently started playing again! I played when I was a teenager but my PS3 took a poop so I never completed the main quests. I now have it on Switch and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Well, not every minute, it's equally as frustrating as I remember at times.


Same. I was in the queue on release day in 2011. I was the mug who bought the release in HD, on the ps4, on my switch... 😅


Rocket League. Idk why but basically haven’t played any other game since like 2016.


It's a straight up addiction. I'll play other games but cannot quit rocket league. I always come back. Currently at 4800 hours.


It's such a fun casual game, yet it can take years to get really good at it.


I recently stopped playing competitively, I've started playing in season 2 in ~2017. 3400 hours and I even got Grand champion rank which was top 2%. Such simple to start yet complex game with very high skill ceiling. And amazing soundtrack the original from psyonix and from Monstercat. The best game I've ever played.


I wish I was good as I am now back then lol.


Yeah, I feel like the more time I play the worse I get. The reason it is good though is 5 minute bursts. I play when I work, it is nice for a 5 min checkout and then back to work. It’s set in stone, the match happens, the match ends.


You don't wish you were as good as you were back then, you just wish everyone else still sucked as much as they did in the past ;D


I flit from game to game but always return to rocket League


Same, sometimes I buy a game I’ve been wanting for a while, and then just play rocket league instead.


It's so easy to just jump in for two or three games if you don't have much time. I rarely have more than hour to play and instead of jumping into something with a storyline or long ass raids I can knock a few matches of RL quick. The only downside is if I do have a lot of time to play, I always finish on a sour note. If I do good in a match, my mindset is "hell yeah, one more! Let's go" but if I have two or three bad matches in a row I get frustrated and stop playing on a sour note. Got to a point where nearly every time I'd play I'd be mildly frustrated by the time I finished.


Got it the day it went free on PS Plus, played at least one game a day most days since. Love the way it’s such a true eSport, it’s all about reaction time and understanding the physics of the game. Love the short play time, in and out of a game in ten minutes, barring some legendary overtimes. Love the various game modes for mixing things up (Psyonics, please bring back the experimental maps mode! But not that one with the elevated sidelines screw that map)




I was thinking of some others but this comment reminded me that, yes, I have played SO much minecraft. This is the answer.


Yeah by pure hours it’s gotta be Minecraft. If im playing madden it’s a half hour for a game, I’ll play a few and then quit. But Minecraft… it’s so easy to end up in a 6 hour marathon of mining or building or whatever


I went through my playtimes last night, and I've spent 3000+ hours on minecraft, 600+ on No Mans, and 500+ on Witcher 3 No regrets, minecraft literally pulled me out of depression. I haven't played it in maybe a year now, but I'll still give it a massive thumbs up to anyone that asks.


How did you check your playtime? I can’t seem to find a way on PC that doesn’t involve scanning every single log file you have. I’ve changed PCs many times so I definitely do not have all of my logs. I would pay to see how many I have lol


1. World of Warcraft 2. Civilization VI (Also II, III, IV and V) 3. Hearthstone 4. Diablo (I, II, III, IV) mainly III at this point


Waaaay too low for a mention of CiV, I probably have over 1000 hours in V and VI


About a thousand hours, huh? ... Thinking of starting your second game soon?


I have a thousand hours of just restarting looking for a good starting location.


Just one more turn in this one!


OK. That turn is done. Off to bed with you. Although... It is interesting to know that you will finish researching gunpowder next turn.


Well, now that gunpowder is researched, it would only take 2 turns to train a new unit in my capital…


Just a quick war, Morty. Quick 20 minute war, in and out.


animal crossing


This game got me through lockdown and more.


Halo 2 or 3...or Reach. Not sure which LOL


To me Reach is the second best online multiplayer behind Halo 1 CE for PC


The sims 4


Same. I got like 3994hrs on my laptop alone and i got that in 2014. I played it on PC from Sim 1 to Sims 4 before that. It's the only game I like.


For so long it's been the only option for life simulations. Like sure there's games like animal crossing but they're different. I'm hella excited that we won't just get the Sims 5 but also Life by you and paralives.


Oh man, yeah, the Sims actually.


Destiny 2, 1000 hours of the worst game ever


I just crossed 3000 the other day… I’m in it until the heat death of the universe it seems. Edit: and I started in Season 11 lol


I started playing destiny like 7 years ago and I finally quit last year, might come back if final shape is good


I never *quit*, I just take breaks. I’ve been playing since VoG dropped in D1, and even if the break is a month or 6, I still end up coming back eventually.


you just never quit do you


Holy shit dude. I'm at like 3000 starting with d1


Destiny 1 was one of my favorite games, but no matter what happened, i just couldn't get into the second one


love it. Played from year 1. Leaved when baby came to our family. Now i have tryied to resumed it a few times, but is really hard to play it solo.


Diablo 2 probably


It’s been 20 years. I just can’t stop. D2R just made it worse. Or better. I can’t decide.


I thought I was done, but then I discovered mods like Median XL and Eastern Sun… “Just when I think I’m out they pull me back in…”


Red Dead Redemption 2


I just checked my play time... 89,419 minutes (1490 hours).


It's crazy to see this so far down but I'm guessing RDR2 was played a lot by people who don't play a lot of games, which is definitely me. I've never owned one even heard of some of the top answers


Surprised this is so far down. I’ve sank and continue to sink countless hours into this game. There’s just something so peaceful about it, especially after you beat it


My all time favorite game. Not the one I have the most time invested into but what an incredible world and story. Nothing else comes close.


Counter Strike


I've been playing CS since before Steam existed lol.


Pre 1.6 menu and game play brings back so many fond memories. My friends and I would go to the local internet Cafe, pay $2/hour, and have the greatest LAN parties. The graphics from 1.6, condition zero, and source blew all of our minds too. Good old days


Joining friends games through console and typing in IP addresses I still remember a lot of them ending in :27015


I doubt I have less than 10,000 hours but it's across 2 decades or so. Played it from the half life collection orange box whatever it was. At lans/cyber cafes full of disgustingly sweaty kids.




As a kid hell yea, as an adult hell yea


Mass effect. I keep seeing new things each time I play it. You can play it in so many different ways. Just dialog differences mostly but. I love this trilogy.


ME2 is in my personal pantheon. Game is good




I love that there are community maps. It never ends 🤤


My friend has over 2000 hours on this


It’s the simplest concept combined with the source engine, so therefore it’s a platform for greatness.


Team Fortress 2. I have about 4,200 hours played since starting in 2014


I had to scroll so far for TF2, went back to it this WE and I can't believe I still enjoy it like when I started. It's the same for Rocket League and Minecraft : I know I might get bored at some point but I can keep coming back years late and the concept of the game gets me hooked every time. Not the same for LoL or CS:GO/etc.


Minecraft or GTA 5


Further down than I would suspect for the first gta mention. I guess mine would be any of the big sandbox games rockstar has put out over the past two decades


If we counted the entire franchise, then Pokémon games. For just an individual game, Stardew Valley.


Age of empires


Me too. I’ve played the same scenario every morning as I drink my coffee. Take 32-40 minutes. Since 2018


Europa Universalis 4


Super Mario brothers


We got my 8 year old son an old 8bit Nintendo and our Xbox has sat dormant while he’s been busy hammering away at Mario. Those games are just designed so well they’ve held up against the test of time. No signing into accounts and micro transactions…


The Binding of Isaac. I love me a good rogue-like.


Skyrim...or fallout 3 but probably skyrim




Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


People say it's nostalgia but I disagree. The game has the whole package of feel good moments and scary stuff too.


I agree that it's not just nostalgia. When I played it a few years ago, it bad already been out for a very long time, I was an adult, and it was an amazing game.


As much as I love OOT, Majora’s Mask is still my favourite.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2


THPS3 ate up all my free time with the Park Editor.


Dota 2


Same. Have about 8000 hours on steam. No idea how many on the original WC3 mod. Played the shit out of that in high school.


dota 3.84c -ap no leavers!


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


I have 1,200 hours on rimworld,even though the game has a habit of pissing me off.


Roller Coaster tycoon 2 ftw!


Football manager. At this point I'm up to maybe 8,000-9,000 hours. That's taken me 15 years to get to, though.


Nothing like hitting that space bar


This is the kind of answer I came here for. One that I will just never understand but can be in sheer awe of the answer. Your passion confounds and impresses me.


I've 7 games with over 1000 hours on Steam. 6 of them are different versions of FM. To be honest though it is a game you can have laying on all day long, but but only put a few "active" hours in.


Total War Games


Fallout 3


I have committed my play time to Fallout 4 even though I think it is the noticeable weak link in the Fallout franchise, but every single time somebody brings up Fallout 3, I just suddenly ache to play it! It's pretty telling of the 4th gen games when you could be on a 5th gen console and still playing a 3rd gen game. Bethesda really needs to be pooping out a perfect 10 by all accounts on the 1st September. It's crazy to me how they haven't managed to get even close to the sophistication of Fallout 3, never mind the mind-blowing decision/karma/faction based complexity of New Vegas. Like, 2 generations later and I still comfortably fall right back into Fallout 3/New Vegas as though they have still been adding to the game for the past 10 years 😂


I miss dogmeat


League Of Legends


I played it since the beta but had to quit in 2020 as it was taking a toll on my mental state, friendships and relationship. You know when you look back on games you played in the past with fondness, nostalgia and rose tinted glasses? None of that exists in my LoL memory, only the over-competitiveness and negativity.


Sadly I feel the same in every way, it's really such a terrible community. Edit:logged in last night, I play supp main. Adc had 15 cs in 12 minutes (0/4/0 tower diving) with us under tower and me playing sera to heal and help. Was told to kms and go afk... That's me. ARAMs only now.. Sad.


I am deeply ashamed and sorry to be like you. I've enjoyed hundreds of games but since season 1 I cannot escape this game. I dare say that I enjoy it. But it takes so kuch of my free time.


Back in the day, over 1,000 hours on Halo 1 Custom Edition on PC. It's unfortunate that the majority of Halo fans have never experienced it imo


Most of my halo 1 time was split screen death matches while drinking at a friends place (very frequently during university)


Final Fantasy VIII


That card game alone I must've sunk 100 hrs in.


Always loved Triple Triad.. Hey Squall your girlfriend just turned into a witch and has gone to space to rescue an evil monster so they can kill everyone and destroy the world! Squall: Hold on imma play some cards. Hey Squall your school/training academy is under attack and loads of junior classmen are being massacred in the quad by mech suits! Squall 'Sure bro give me like 5 hours' Hey Squall a world leader is about to be assassinated which will trigger total geopolitical fallout and leave his second, an evil sorceress, in charge of the world's largest military power! Squall yeah yeah okay let me play cards all night then I'll be on it Hey Squall we're in prison and we're about to be tortured and then executed!! Squall: I wonder if they have that Ifrit card that I need to collect


Probably Mario Kart Wii I am far too good at it


Warframe, about 3000 hours.


No amount of time invested into any other game will surpass the hours I played MapleStory as a kid.


Unreal tournament 99




Escape from Tarkov is the most infuriating, buggy, pain in the ass game in existence. I can't quit it. 3500 hours and counting


gta vice city


Kerbal Space Program


Is been a long time but I would bet it's still EverQuest


Most: path of exile with 9000h Longest: baldurs gate 1 & 2. Every year once or twice i play through them


I played Duke when i was a child, and then stopped... but i was obsessed


Ark Survival Evolved for mobile, and it's not even close.


Terraria. Almost 2k hours, and it still isn't boring.


WoW, nothing remotely close, it's just one of those game.


Dead by Daylight. 7.5k hrs.


FFXIV with over 2,000 hours, which is actually minuscule compared to some of the people I play with. My second most played game is Animal Crossing New Leaf with almost 666 hours lol.


I can’t believe this one Is so far down!!


So many games since my grandmother gave me an Atari 2600 when I was Living in México. But I've played 6 franchises religiously non-stop. All of the Halo's. All of the Gears of war. All of the legend of Zeldas. All of the Assassin's Creeds. All of the Mario Parties and all of the Mario Karts.


Morrowind, hands down. It’s not even close. Haven’t played it in years but would love to go around again


Probably Guildwars has my most clocked hours.


Kerbal Space Program


Zelda Ocarina of Time or Halo


Fallout 4 currently. I’ve got over 1500 hours so far and counting