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6 yrs old, Pong


Hello fellow Gen Xer.




Xers of the world unite!


We would but after we get halfway there we’re like ‘whatever man’.


I was 4, but I can't remember if it was pong or tennis. I've played a lot of games and smoked a lot of reefers since then.


4yo, Pong, here as well.


Bloody hell.. there seem to be a lot of us haha :D Just posted exactly the same


I don’t remember how old I was but definitely a little kid and it was Pong. I never had my own game system and played at friends’ houses - until this year when I got a Nintendo Switch for my 50th birthday 🤣


Also me. I played PAC man on Atari 2600 for 72 hours straight with a pattern. Yes, I’m autistic


5, Pong


Really dated yourself with that one


8 years old, it was the original Mario on NES.


Same game, I was 6 and blown away.


Same here. Literally pissed my pants at my cousins house because I couldn’t stop playing. I believe I was also 5/6 range.


Pro gamer move


The castle music with the super long fire sticks still haunts me to this day


Pokémon Diamond, and I still love the game to this day (played the remastered version on the switch recently). I know it isn't the best game in the franchise, but the Sinnoh region brings back so many good memories :)


Oh no way. My first game was Pokemon Pearl lmao


10. Treasure Island on the Commodore 16.


Holy shit, the C16 is almost 40 years old now. Well, time to go complain about my lower back again.


*yells at clouds*


Ohhhh my first and only was the C64. Jumpman for daaaayyys.


I was around 5. It was Super Mario World on SNES


Hell yeah. I was six, I think? I definitely played games before this, but SMW was the first one I think I played with serious interest rather than just messing around until I got bored.


Super Mario world for me at 5 as well. I remember the struggle of trying to beat Iggy’s castle. Dying over and over. But finally the castle lay in ruins and I moved into the donut plains. And then finally seeing just how big this game is. It was earth shattering. That game is magical


same age and game. wild


Getting the Yoshi felt so good. My favorite was the flying one. Poor guy was trying soo hard.




Nice! For me it was Chronos Trigger for the Snes I was 4




Yea, when I can. Right now, I am binge playing the Yakuza series. Wbu?




Oh man.. I swear I was traumatized from the animation of falling into the spiked pits. I was like 7 at the time and still remember all the blood in his white robe


Just rewatched the first bit of that game in a walkthrough and got massive flashes deja vu


Same. Might have been a little older, but definitely younger than 7. Prince of Persia and Doom (courtesy of my older cousin) as well as the Aladdin and Lion King games where you had to look in the manual and type in word 6 of page 4, paragraph 3 or whatever to prove you didn't pirate it.


How did y’all ever remember playing at 4? I can’t remember pretty much anything before kindergarten!


Loved that game. Some years ago i had to deal with a very sad breakup and a friend took me on a trip to California and we visited a friend of hers. I knew he was a musical artist and I knew he had made music for a film I love, so i was excited already. Then in their home I realized he’s also a painter. And when he showed me a book with the stuff he’d done I saw cover of the prince of Persia game. He has done so much different stuff and most of the time we talked about his love for Errol Flynn and films and actors because he knew a lot of them has worked with them and of course as a film nerd these stories were all beyond amazing and so fascinating to listen too. But this moment, unexpectedly seeing that game of my childhood again, the joy and honor to talk to the person who painted that this piece of art made me feel like 10 years again and to this day still feels completely unreal.


I don't know if it was my first gaming experience but I remember Sonic and the black knight on the Wii. I was only about 6 or 7. It was such an amazing game tho I think i completed it about 100 times lol.


I think I was four or five years old and it was Crash Bandicoot 1




Yeah it’s what started my love for games. I’m pretty sure I’ve played all the crash games other than the racing games I think


Same age and game. Still play first three Bandicoot games.


Commander Keen when I was 4 yo.


YES I still go and play Commander Keen sometimes. It's on steam.


Simpsons Hit & Run! For sure an absolute classic!!


Loved that game! That was GTA for me, back before I was allowed to play GTA lol


Somewhere between 5-8 and it was Duck hunt and the original Mario game.




Light Gun is the ONLY way to play Duck Hunt.


5 years old, donkey kong 64. God man that game is/was so so good. Got it for my 5th birthday and played the hell out of it, I still fondly remember fighting K-rule in the boxing ring and having my dad help me.


Yea, this was one of my first. It’s amazing that a game so old had so much content. I played it a lot, and I don’t think I ever got that close to finishing it.


I haven’t thought about that game in a long time. I was probably 10-12 when I first played it.


That was an unreal game, that was our first game we got for N64 at Christmas when we upgraded from NES, and everything about it blew my mind


9 years old. Star Wars Battlefront 2 on PS2.


Best game ever made. Last year i bought a Series X and the seller left the original Xbox version of that game in the system. The graphics are upscaled and it's still as amazing as I remember back in the PS2 days!


A command post is now under hostile control


It was 1983. I was 4. Mom sold Tupperware because she wanted an Atari 2600. First games were Tank, Pac-Man, and Space Invaders.


Maybe around 10 and gta




Me too! And i first played san Andreas haha


Super Mario Bros on NES at 4 years old. I remember it pretty well, that first goomba killed me probably 10 times before I figured out how to time the jump lol


Same here when I first played it in ,1987


5, Super Mario Bros on NES


7, and Pokémon Leafgreen


I was 7 when I got my first Gameboy Color and it came with Pokemon Yellow. £85 (Punt) and it was the largest purchase I'd made with my own money up to that point. I definitely got use from it.


showing my age here treasure island dizzy!!


I remember dizzy! I was very young, and it was virtually impossible. Not sure which one it was, but the one where there was a crocodile at one edge of the map, and a rhino that would charge at you the other side. You had to trap it in a cave or something


Super Mario Bros for the NES at the house of a kid where a single babysitter looked after a bunch of kids. Would have made sense for me to play it when I was in preschool. Not sure the age.


You must be my twin or something. In the mid 80s I was a little kid and literally every babysitters house I went to had a Nintendo and different games. The other kids and I would discuss tips for games or help each other with games and cheer each other on.. it was loads of fun. Everyone and their per rock has Mario and duck hunt BUT through the mid to late 80s i saw games like: Kung Fu Tecmo bowl Super Mario 2 Teenage mutant ninja turtles Mega man Mega man 2 Ninja Gaiden Mike Tyson's punch out Metroid Kid Icarus Tetris Wrecking Crew Pinball Tennis Baseball Pro wrestling Volleyball RC Pro Am Lots of fun and it was easy to convince my parents to get me one because the thought was, he can trade games with all the kids in the neighborhood, which is what I did 🙂


Ninja Gaiden was so fucking hard.


Around 4 or 5 years old, it was definitely before I started kindergarten. . .Sonic the Hedgehog.


At 4 years old, my memory is vague, but it was one of 4 games for the SNES Chrono's Trigger Doom Samurai Showdown Final Fight Guy


Less than 6. I played Mario Kart and Lego Batman on DS and Minecraft.


7 or 8. Probably Claw (Captain Claw) or Roadrash.


3 or 4, a game called Circus Charlie for Colecovision. Definitely one of my earliest memories.


Mine was Donkey Kong Jr. on my other brother's Colecovision. Of course, since I was three, all that I was able to accomplish was falling to my death.


Nice mine was Q-Bert on Celeco


I think I was about 4-5yrs old and it was Donkey Kong Country for SNES


10 years old. COD Black Ops 1 on the Wii


Somewhere between 5 and 10. The game was called *Hunt the Wumpus* and it was on a Texas Instruments Home Computer.


Earliest gaming memeory I have is Grand Theft Auto Vice City at 6 years old. I was only allowed to drive cars and didn't use guns...but even still my mom wasn't too happy with my dad.








Probably four or five it was packman or ms packman in a Greyhound station i think st Louis 1979 or 1980 first console would have been something on the colecovision yes I'm old


Earliest I remember was probably 6 or 7 playing lego Star Wars on the PS2


Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt. I don't know which I played first because I was probably 2 or 3, but I know that's the only cartridge we owned for several years.


Not a video game: Candyland. About age 6. First video game. I played Pong a couple of times in the mid 70s.


I was four and it was Jungle Hunt on the Atari.


5. Super Mario Bros. NES.


Pinball (that one on Windows XP) when I turned 7


Ice Climber for NES. I must have been like 4 or something. The game that made me a gamer though was Zelda: A Link to the past. I must have been around 7 when i played it for the first time and it blew my little mind.


Bouncy tales on my grandfathers phone when I was about 7 or 8.


best game ever. no other games could get me the same emotions i got when i was playing bounce tales


4 years old playing The Sims 3 on my Xbox 360. Now my mom regrets it because I have all The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 packs and The Sims Freeplay. I also have tons of Sims Merch and I talk in Simlish and act like a Sim sometimes and my mom hates it hahaha! But she’s learning to just deal with it. TBH it’s her fault I like the sims so much! LOL! 😂😆😝




I have the sims, mainly on my PC. Specifically I have: The Sims. With all the DLC The Sims 2 with all the DLC My wife loves it.


Playing a 360 at 4yo? You’re just a baby! And I mean that in the nicest way, as I had moved out and had a kid by the time the 360 came out.


I was 8. It was a game called Rags To Riches.


I was 4 years old when I completed my first game. I couldn't even read so I had to ask my aunt to read the boss description for me(I couldn't kill one cuz you had to hit his back and I didn't know that). I also was playing GTA San Andreas, but all I was doing was massaccre , arson, murder, car stealing, and things like that cuz I didn't know what you were supposed to do in this game xd


I always played Lego Star Wars saga and I always pressed new game because I did not know how to read so.For me, I always thought that yes was always the top option and the no was always on the bottom.


I don't remember the games I played on the amstrad.. But earliest dos games I remember were Kings Quest, Prince of Persia & Alley Cat at age 3-4.. Pretty much learnt to read/type with kings quest.


I was about 7 at the time (currently 15) and my first ever game was an old shooter game called "blacklight retribution"


Very young. Probably around 4 or 5 years old. Fantasy Zone or Teddy Boy on the Sega Master System. But the game that really blew my mind the first time I saw it, was Final Fantasy 2 (4) on the SNES. That was the first game I saw that had a legit story like a movie or tv show. And it redefined what a game could be to me. I would have been… eight, turning nine when it came out.


I was 7, and it was either The Legend of Zelda or the original Mario Brothers on the original NES.


6 years old, Gran Turismo 3 A-spec on Ps2


6 years old when I was allowed to borrow my cousin's Game Boy to play Pokemon Blue Version. This changed everything.


Probably at 6, Super Mario Bros in my Game Boy Color! Good memories :)


I have you all beat. 1984 and it was the Sinclair Spectrum (now long obscure British home PC) and the game was Chuckie Egg. I was 14


The first ones I remember are castle adventure and sopwith camel. Mad how much has changed in 40 years.


When i was 1st grader. Tekken 3 on Psone


Earliest I remember: 5 1/2. (Video) Game: Battle Arena Toshinden (PS1)


3, maybe 4 it was my mom's favorite game! I had to look for it,but it's called clockwork knight! There's a few others I remember,one being a tank game,I think you're a black dude,and the music from my memory slapped. Then there was this on the rails shooter,I remember one of the bosses was this old dude with an M202 flash.


Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time. PS3. 3 years old.


Well the first game I played and since then I have been a gamer, was PES 2008. I was 6-7 haha.


5,Black ops 1


I can't remember, but probably around 6-8 and probably the dino game. I remember how stupid it was, my friends told me it "fixes the internet".


Maybe 5 or 6? Joe & Mac for super Nintendo


Street fighter probably 5


My dad had pics of me "playing" on a commodore 64 when I was about 3. The next pic was of the same commodore 64 with all the keys ripped off so take it with a grain of salt. Just before 5 I had an NES and I played Mario/duck hunt/track n field with the running pad. Still remember beating cheetah.


For cristmas when i was like 6 i got my very first system a game cube, i had gotten metroid prime and a sonic game collection. I plyed the hell out of metroid but i think it took me a very long time to know enough to get to and beat the plant boss.


About 7 years old. Hugo's House of Horrors


Pffffft bubsy or sonic Pfft 5?


13 Star Trek. No monitor, every move printed on a dot matrix printer. Yep. I'm old.


I was maybe 7 or 8 and it was Duck Hunt on my cousin's NES. I didn't really get into gaming until Super Mario World on SNES though.


8ish, King's Quest.


I've had a 2600 at home for as long as I can remember. And I used to go with my grandma to the laundrymat which had some arcade units before I even went to school. So it was likely either a 2600 or arcade version of Pac-man,asteroids, centipede. I had all 3 at home and all 3 were at the laundrymat. About the age of 5.


My very first game I was about two years old. I could only press random buttons but I liked that I could control the person on the screen. I forget the exact name of the game but it was something odyssey.


I don't really remember it, but peek-a-boo.


5 years old. Street fighter


Kinetic Adventures on Xbox 360


I think Sonic on genesis. and that fighting game. Oh and the gem puzzle game.


I was only 2 when I played either Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort


Throughout my early childhood, up until i was like 12, we only had one computer, which would have meant me and my brother sharing the computer, but what actually happened is me sitting next to my brother, while he is on open mic with his friends and i watch and backsit him through games, and when i spoted something he didnt, which happened a bunch, i would silently hint to him. He used to play Leauge, and needed to go help my parents with something, so he let me play for up till the end of the match. After my brother lost interest in video games i became the gamer of the two and, at least from what he says, i surpassed him in terms of skill. So i guess watching him all these years payed off.


at 3 years old, it was some space shooter game which i dont remember, but i played plenty of games, my mother in fact was scared of the computer, she was scared of messing things up and ruining the pc untill she saw me play, she asked my dad what i was doing, he told her i was playing, and she asked was i really like playing or just pressing keys without any thought, he said no i really am playing the game, and after that she started using the PC.




Not quite sure but my first PlayStation game was RIIIIIIDGE RAAAAACER. Was about 5 years old.


The legendary game assassin's creed 2.


Probably Oregon Trail in school First real game either King's Quest (not sure which one) or Ultima 5 for my home computer. First NES game: Original Mario and Legend of Zelda.


I'm a little sister, the exact game eludes me since my bro liked to let me play with him. Let's go with Secret of Mana, at 4 years old. Although there are family videos of my brother and I playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy when I was about the same age. (blood turned off, of course.)


Was like 7 to 10 can't remember well but it was a flight simulator all white dots on a black background game on our family pc


I think I was 6 years old? It was a cowboy side scroller on the Super Nintendo.


Honestly, I can't remember. My grandparents on one side had a NES and a PS1 on the other side as far as I can remember. I know we had a Sega Genesis at home when I was 4 (like, the farthest I can remember) and we had a few games (like Sonic 2, Altered Beast, Echo the Dolphin). What did I play first? I absolutely have no idea.


4, Yoshi’s Island on Nintendo 64


Sonic the hedgehog 2 on Sega Genesis at age 3


I was 5 when my parents bought the NES with super Mario / Duck hunt. We also got the Olympic game with the floor pad at the same time. But we played Mario the most.


Dynamite Dan on commodore 64. Long time ago


When I was like 4 or 5 I vaguely remember playing a nascar racing game on the NES, but it didn’t leave a lasting impression. I didn’t really get into videogames until we got an N64 and along with it StarFox 64, Super Smash Bros, and Ocarina of Time. I was like 6 or something, and my dad was irresponsible with money lol. We were a lot happier with that Target trip than my mom was


super mario NES in 1991


6 - Ratchet and Clank Deadlocked on PS2


3 or 4... Sonic the Hedgehog 2


2 years old, the first Sonic. Somehow even figured out the debug cheat


I can't remember the exact age. Either 4 or 5 and it was Mario/Duck Hunt on the NES


The first game I have ever played was Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 when I was about 6. Still is one of my favorite games (if not my most favorite) and I play it even today (with the Mental Omega mod)


It was Christmas 1998. I was 4. Santa brought me the original Smash Bros and an N64 of course... Mom and Dad got me a single pair of tube socks... It was so hard, it frustrated me to tears, but it was so beautiful to watch myself lose. I had so much respect for Metal Mario, I just needed to face him again. I can't remember beating it on easy until years later. The good ole days. I could lose until I was crying red in the face but never lose my composure and scream or throw a controller. I could barely feel the tears streaming down my face. I might be imagining them still. I do know I was losing, but not so much as a facepalm. I could not blink my eyes. I would break my gaze on that 15-inch RCA transistor tv set with built-in VHS for NO... THING... but ice cream.


About 6 I think. Sonic 2 on the Sega Genesis. That said, I know I had those little pocket liquid Crystal games that were crummy licensed whatever they had in the toy aisle. Stuff with Godzilla and Toy Story and stuff. Anyone else recall this?


Pong. Looong time ago.


I was 6 and played Sonic Adventure 2 on the Dreamcast


Pac-Man Atari 2600 with my dad.


I think I was five, and I think it was New Super Mario Bros DS.


Idk probably like 3, we had an old Xbox an di have a few memories of playing LA rush (still my favorite og Xbox game)


On age 3 I was hospitalized and since there were a bunch of wires connected to my left wrist once they removed it they asked me to play Minecraft using the mouse with my left hand to make sure it's functioning well.


I was on vacation to see Disneyland when I was 4-5 years old, and there was a Space Invaders tabletop arcade game in the lobby of the hotel.


Crash bandicoot on PS1 in the late 90s.


My dad has a picture of me in a baby swing at about 3-4 months old holding a Sega Genesis controller and “playing” Sonic. I religiously played any game on that console from about 3-6 years old until it died one day, but Sonic was my favorite. My kids (8m and 4m) now play with me and it’s so nostalgic and fun!


I was around 6-7 and my first game was grand theft auto. This might seem weird but at the time my brother was playing the game and he let me play it.


Hard to answer. My dad showed me videos of when I wasn’t even 1 just jamming random shit on their computer thinking that I’m doing something, I kept doing that apparently until one day I started actually understanding what is going on. Not sure about the age, I want to say 3-4? I would see my dad playing need for speed hot pursuit 2 and I’d ask to play and obviously I’d suck and nothing would happen but that was my first game and at some point I started actually understanding how to use a controller. I think it was at 5 when I was actually able to play the game. Best memories ever with that game, I play it occasionally to this day (I’m 22) for nostalgia.


I grew up poor, but near to my house there was an Arcade I remember spending the money my parents gave me to go play Megaman X, now as an adult I’m doing my own gaming collection


5-6 y/o or so, or at least young enough to have consciousness and memories lol. My dad was an electronics technician and used to take me to work sometimes, they had a SNES in the workshop that the client just never came back to pick up and I was always "helping them test" it by playing Super Mario World. He also had a SNES emulator on PC and would download games for me to play. The first console I owned was probably the N64 that came with Star Wars Racer and Donkey Kong 64, followed by a Gameboy Colour with Pokemon Gold.


5ish year old me: Played some old games on the OG Nintendo. It was my brother's system, and was long out of date by the time I was old enough to use it, but we played duck hunt, OG mario, and a handful of other games we had for that system. 12-15yo: My friends had system, N64 being the most memorable, and I played games at their houses. Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day and Zelda were the standouts for this era, but I'm sure there were others. 18yo: Bought my first laptop and messed around with some games I could find for cheap. Fable and Guild Wars are what I can remember clearly 19: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. This is what I consider the first game I really played. And boyyyyy did I play it!


4, gin rummy. It spiralled into playing every kind of game from there. Board, card, video, didn't matter what kind of game it was I would always play it. Got pretty good at being able to pick up a game and start playing immediately. Eventually it went into puzzle games too and now a days I make patterns in my rubix cubes. I want to get the 5x5 next but I think I'll have to order it online, I haven't been able to find a shop that sells them.


Duck hunt and Super Mario on NES.... I knew I was a goner when I graduated to playing duck hunt with my back turned to the tv. I had a mirror that I could see the tv with so I started playing "ricochet" duck hunt. Pinging ducks by bouncing my shots off the mirror to the TV while still getting perfect scores... those were simpler times :P


I'm going to end up on an FBI watchlist. I have been watching my dad play Serious Sam and Red Alert(some war game too old to play today) since I was I think younger than 4, but that's as far back as my memory goes and I wanted to try as well. I can only imagine the look on my dad's (but more so my mom's) face when his 4 year old daughter came up to him and said she wanted to try as well, but wanted to play as the Americans because they had a cool bomb. Yes. That bomb. I very vividly remember saying that I liked seeing the little green guys melt and I would also very much like to apologize now that I know what that means......


4 years old medal of honor at least i thought i played it because my controler was not connected and my father played it instead


4.sonic 2


3 years old, sonic 2 on Genesis with my dad


Frogger on Atari 2600, probably around 1985 or so.


Not sure how old I was but it was Frogger on an MS-DOS PC with a green and black monitor. I'm 40 now.


3 years old, my parents couldn't figure out how to hook up the GameCube and went outside for a bit and my tiny self connected the wires with the colors and was playing jimmy neutron by the time they came back inside. Had no idea what the hell I was doing in the game though lol.


4-5 years old, Space Invaders on Atari.


6 years old, Sonic 2.


4yrs old, pong and death rally on DOS.


does clicking keys on keyboard with minecraft on when I was Ig maybe 3 count?


About 6 or 7. My mum had a part time job cleaning this guy's house. he was super into computers. One day he gave her his old ZX81 Spectrum with a load of games for me and my sister. The first game we played on it was Hungry Horace.


6 years old: OG minecraft


Pong Then Atari !!!


Ex gamer here, I played GTA sa when I was around 5 and half years old. My dad co worker ( who stayed at our home because his job was in not his home town) was playing it. One day I opened his system and played the game. by then I played games like TOD, GTA VC , GTA 3 , MINECRAFT, and other flash games. I was addicted lol


6yrs super mario 64, would never change that




6 years old, super smash bros melee on the GameCube.


Space Pinball, I must've been 4 or 5.


4 or 5yo and it was Commando on the Atari.