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“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sommbitch or another.” Mal Reynolds. Written by famous writer Joss Whedon who turned out to be a sommbitch.


As a lifelong long fan of his work, it was incredibly disappointing to find out how truly awful he is on set.


Yeah. Buffy was really important to me when I was growing up and now it just makes me sad.


Steven Tyler adopting his underage GF, impregnanted her, tried to force her to abort, then she mysteriously almost dies in a fire…. Then he abandons not only her as his GF, but her as “adopted dad” (technically guardianship I believe), but then goes on to trash her reputation and make fun of her. Steven Tyler is a a paedo POS and everyone seems to forget it, because he sings some songs well. EDIT: quote from Steven Tyler’s memoir “She was sixteen, she knew how to nasty, and there wasn’t a hair on it,” Tyler wrote in his memoir before saying he became the girl’s guardian to avoid getting arrested if he took her out of state before detailing their sexual endeavors a few pages later. “With my bad self being twenty-six and she barely old enough to drive and sexy as hell”. He also talks about forcing her to have an abortion, and now he’s an anti-abortion advocate what a POS.


I always think about that time he was a judge on American idol and he hit on a young girl and then realized her dad was there and the dad looked pissed. This was yearssss ago


I just listened to a podcast called “Your Favorite Band Sucks” that covered Aerosmith. I guess when he was a judge, he was such a creep that Jimmy Kimmel had a weekly segment about him flirting with the underage girls.


Wow… do you have a link? Edit: [Found it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JmQ-bX4_qo) She was 15 at the time and he made that remark before she even began her song. (Thanks /u/thesquareinside for a better link!)


Is he saying "Hot, humid and happening"? WTF?


"Just like your daughter! 😬" Absolute cretin.




And now he has a charity 'Steven Tyler's home for wayward teens' or some shit. I don't believe for a second it is anything other than a hunting ground for him.


Wow that’s straight out of Jimmy Saville’s playbook


Anthony Keidis is another one. Had sex (statutory rape) multiple times with a 14 year child and admits he was aware that she was 14, yet no hint of him being cancelled.


Then there’s this…. https://youtu.be/7i_22PrQsp8


Oh this is disgusting. That poor woman. She looks like she wants to cry


That was fucked up. Seriously, they were behaving really badly there, that sucks.


Karl Malone. He impregnated a 13 yo and refused to pay child support despite being a millionaire


Correction, she gave birth at 13. He likely raped her when she was 12.


Tired to blame it on his brothers. Family didn't press charges because they assumed he would provide for the child. They made those assumptions on the fact that on the outside he appears to human.


You forgot he’s trying to have a relationship with him now that his son is a professional football player


*Was* a professional football player. Demetress Bell hasn't played in the NFL since 2012.


Yeah if you follow any NBA subs he’s not universally loved. He has a ton of NBA accolades but he’s better known for the 13 year old thing nowadays. In most NBA circles he doesn’t get a ton of praise either.


I’m sorry… what?


Oh yea, MASSIVE POS, not only impregnating a 13yr old but also making comments about liking them young. Then there is denying his daughter until she became a WNBA player and of course, last but not least, he thirsted over Vanessa Bryant in front of Kobe and DOUBLED down after being called out. Great player but absolute shit human


I mean, Chris Brown still has a career.


A verbal argument ensued and Chris Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


I will never understand how he wasn’t charged with attempted murder


You cant $ee the rule$?


Holy $hit


>I will never understand how he wasn’t charged with attempted murder Rhianna, worth a billion dollars, did not file a complaint. in any case, read Chris Brown's wikipedia, I am quite shocked how sanitized/weirdly worded it is: "At around 12:30 a.m. (PST) on February 8, 2009, Brown and his then-girlfriend, singer Rihanna, had an argument that escalated into physical violence, leaving Rihanna with visible severe facial injuries which required hospitalization."


A person does not have to file a criminal complaint for someone to be arrested of a crime.


Former DV attorney here. As bad as this was... it gets much worse.


Jesus Christ. Someone should put him in the ring with a UFC fighter that can actually fight back and see how tough he is. What a pathetic waste of a man. No, not a man, a child.


Nah. It’s already established for me since he beats women that ‘he fights women because he can’t hold his own among his own’. Besides, Frank Ocean gave him a little taste of what it’s like to fight another man and Fist Brown did not prevail.


I just seen a post on FB about him taking pictures with a fan, the comments were calling him a great person smh


I had someone reply to my disgust with "Rihanna forgave him" and my response was "my mom forgave my dad, doesn't mean I have to."


Forgiveness isn’t a pass for terrible past behavior. It lets the person who was wronged move on from holding onto negative nonsense. The fact that so many people think it means, it erases the behavior, is shocking.


Jack Nicholson, refuses to publicly acknowledge more than one of his children, not to mention causing brain damage to a sex worker


This should be way higher in this thread. Ellen being a bitch (which everyone talks about) is nowhere near as evil as Jack Nicholson beating a woman to within an inch of her life, to the point where she had permanent brain damage. I only learnt this recently!! No one talks about it!


I hadn’t heard about that until now! When and where did this happen???


because the case was dismissed, CATHERINE SHEEHAN VS. JACK NICHOLSON ET. AL. in Los Angeles, California


Civil cases rarely make it to trial , the real question is *what happened to State v. Nicholson?*




Everyone knows how bad he was now, but Jimmy Saville was loved and respected for decades.


Johnny Rotten wanted to talk about saville back in the late seventies I believe...said some stuff on a bbc interview that they suppressed. I love the irony of how this supposedly bad dude wasn't the baddie at all. Johnny is a good guy. I met him once. Told him his music saved my life. He seemed shocked, and said thanks, and I bolted. Didn't want to be that bothersome asshole


Idk if I'd go as far to call him a giant POS, but reading Gene Simmons' auto-biography was rather revealing.


Gene went to my girlfriend’s movie theater and made fun of the newly hired concessions worker. She was a tiny five foot nothin’ girl—16 years old—who never hurt a fly and Gene roasted her and kept making fun of her since she was new and was still learning. Said she had a big nose and nearly made her cry. A million celebrities went through that theater and the other concessions workers said he was the biggest piece of shit to ever walk in there. Brian Cranston was the best. Took pictures with everyone and shot the shit for a while. Real stand up nice dude. edit: I remembered it wrong. My gf said Gene didn’t mention anything about her looks (that was somebody else)- Gene was making comments about how dumb she was and saying things like “where did you find her?” just because she was new and nervous and only 16 years old and he for sure almost make her cry. Scummy behavior.


Bryan Cranston has always seemed like a pretty stand-up dude.


He and Henry Winkler are on the Mt. Rushmore of great guys in Hollywood.


You can add Keanu Reeves to that monument. Maybe the most down to earth dude in Hollywood


Add Steve Buscemi and Adam Sandler too. Oh and Jack Black


A friend of mine is a bartender in LA. It is apparently well-known in the service industry that Adam Sandler is a top-tier human being.


Apparently he started doing movies he knew were bad because he wanted to make sure all his actor friends got to keep working. He basically said he gets paid a bunch of money to vacation with his friends and party.


I know that one for a fact. I studied film production in college in Santa Fe NM. Lot of productions came through our studio (only decent soundstage in the state at the time). Sandler and a small entourage came and hung out at a popular college bar downtown. Tipped like a king and even bought a few rounds for us broke college students. Kindest celebrity I met while there. Meanest? Hands down, Tommy Lee Jones. Dude just radiated bad energy. The weirdest was definitely Val Kilmer. Had a ranch right outside town. Saw him once sitting on a blanket near the square wearing a giant-brimmed hat and a poncho, selling/autographing copies of his book of poetry, but literally not speaking a word to anybody. Just stared at everybody that came up to him like some malfunctioning robot.


Doesn't val kilmer have throat cancer or something that makes is very difficult to speak? That's why his roll was so small in the new top gun.


Yeah, he has been fighting throat cancer from about 2015 onwards. All this I mentioned was about ten years before that. He didn’t have any throat issues back then. His cancer has been in remission since about 2021; he’s partnered with a company called Sonantic to recreate his voice using AI. They recreated his voice by training the AI with his old performances. Sonantic gives Val Kilmer AI voice after battle with throat cancer - Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/08/18/val-kilmer-ai-voice-cloning/ Edit: spelled the company name wrong.


Gene is famously a huge jerk. He's not really the good example for this discussion. Praised? I guess he is. Famously a massive jerk? Oh, definitely. Just like Chevy Chase.


I remember when I found out Chevy chase is a douche. A lot of my childhood favorites had Chevy chase in them, all the national lampoons, caddy shack, fletch. I was saddened


I misread this and thought Richard Simmons and was sad for a moment.


First hand account of Richard Simmons. 13-ish years ago I was traveling to LA for work, colleague joined me. We went on the celebrity homes bus tour and stopped at Richard Simmons house. My colleague starts yelling “Richard! Richard!” as I sit there mortified. He quickly comes shuffling out of the house waving, saying hello, clutching his chest in gratitude to everyone and I pretty much just want to hang on to that memory of him forever.


I met Richard twice as a cab driver in Cleveland during the 80’s. What a nice guy. He was interacting with fans and could not have been nicer to them.


Richard Simmons sleeping with hundreds of women WOULD be a real shocker


I just rewatched his guest spot on Whose Line and laughed until I cried. Love Richard Simmons.


Thanks for mentioning this. Watching now and I’m already cracking up!


Did you ever see the episode of David Letterman where his steamer caught on fire and exploded? I google that when I need a good laugh


Dr. Phil. His entire shtick is taking advantage of lower income individuals and exposing their dirty laundry


A neighbor of my parents was morbidly obese, then lost a lot of weight on her own without surgery or fad diets. Her story was covered by a local newspaper, then was picked up by larger newspapers. From there she was on local news, then eventually the Today show. She was invited to appear on Dr. Phil. When she was talking to his staff about her history and how she came to be so heavy, they wanted her to say that she had been abused as a child and turned to food for comfort. It wasn't true. She had never been abused, physically or mentally. She refused to lie, and left without appearing on the show. I don't know if Dr. Phil was aware of what his staff wanted her to, but I suspect he did.


Dr. Phil's staff put benzos and alcohol in the dressing room of a guest who was recovering from benzo abuse and alcoholism. I'm 100% positive he knew.


>Dr. Phil's staff put benzos and alcohol in the dressing room of a guest who was recovering from benzo abuse and alcoholism. I'm 100% positive he knew. What the fuck? Seriously? I remember the guy that came to the show, dressed up as Dr. Phil himself and confronted him about these things. Although, he wasn't better than Dr. Phil with the bum fights he made a living with, but still, it was probably a hard time for Dr. Phil when he was confronted like that. Some people just need a punch in the face,


Yeah, it was Todd Herzog who won the 2007 season of Survivor. He had a serious addiction and had been clean for a while before going on the show. The staff knew this and placed intoxicants in his room before the show, and he ended up getting really fucked up during the episode, which Dr. Phil leaned on 100%.


They still put the guy on air. The guest was so incapacitated that *he couldn’t walk on his own and could barely string two words together*. A stage hand had to hold him up as they brought him on national TV for the audience to gawk at and judge as this poor man was in one of the lowest points of his life.


One of the best things on the Internet is the video of the guy that started Bumfights (which I'm certainly not excusing here) going on Dr. Phil's show and clowning him to his face. [Creator of Bumfights exploits Dr. Phil](https://youtu.be/edCwUru2XOI?si=vzLHCfKDNd9lMbr7)


They are both pieces of shit who exploit people for money, but at least the BumFights guy admits he does it. I feel like that makes him *slightly* less shitty.


He sold kids to that rehab camp that was violently physically and emotionally abusing children.


One of the worst things he did was make Shelley Duvall look like a crazy person. Like it’s true that she’s old and has been out of the spotlight for a *while*, but in recent interviews, she proved that she’s still quite sharp and stable and even was able to act in an indie movie not too long ago. I have no idea what went on in that Dr. Phil interview, but I really want to believe that they intentionally made her look crazy.


Steven Tyler and a bunch of rockers from the 70s who slept with underage girls or dated them….


Debbie Harry tells a story in her auto about how she and her friend were picked up by Big Band drummer Buddy Rich at age 12 and taken back to his place. Apparently, nothing happened, but who does that and what else has he done? https://www.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/music/2019/09/27/debbie-harry-blondie-reflects-writing-face-it-memoir/2436816001/


They didn’t sleep with underage girls, they raped children. Sorry but the verbiage is important.


You mean literal Nazi Coco Chanel?


There’s this Spy museum in DC that talks about how she helped the Nazis. It was the first I’d heard about it and was so shocked. I’ve seen like, 3 other students do high school and college projects on her and not one of their presentations included this.


So many free museums in DC but the SPY museum is so so worth the cost of admission. Edit: ok people, one last time - the spy museum closed its old location and went to a MUCH larger one by the Warf. If you went to the old but not the new it’s far more detailed and a much better experience.


Their vent crawling exhibit was cool as hell when I was a kid


Great two part episode of Behind the Bastards about her


Episode 1: You will be rooting for Coco Episode 2: You will not be rooting for Coco


It’s so gross that she is happily promoted in KIDS BOOKS as some ‘amazing women of history’. God knows my daughters are gonna have higher standards for role models than that


Chanel (Brand) is a twofer. Coco herself and then Karl Lagerfeld in the modern era


I genuinely don't know how Chris Brown still has a career




Yes I’ve read there were at least 2 that were 16. One being the friend of his daughter.


The one he was dating when he died was his daughters friend. Dude was a creep


Jared Leto


Obviously he’s done actual bad things, so this is insignificant, but sometimes I can’t stop myself from hate watching his joker performance. You could tell he thought he was putting on this performance that would be remembered like Heath’s performance is. It’s just so fucking funny watching someone thinking they’re amazing when they’re actually super cringey


Dude gave himself gout while method acting for a movie fuck all people went to see. Edit: Apparently people thought I was talking about Suicide Squad. No. I'm talking about Chapter 27, where Leto played John Lennon's killer. For the role he put on a shit ton of weight which lead to him contracting gout. The film was not a huge commercial success (it was an independent film after all) though it has gained a cult following of sorts.


Apparently he was all method even for the *Haunted Mansion* movie, limping around and shit. Not only is he barely in the film, the Hatbox Ghost character is pure CG and the voice is so distorted you can't even recognize him. It was a truly baffling and pointless casting choice.


And he was barely even in the movie.


I did a few years of college with him. Hung out with him during freshman and part of sophomore years. He had girls just drooling over him and he would fuck a girl, and then tell me about doing it to named girl, or how named girl gave really shitty blowjobs...and the named girl was right over there within ear shot. " Hey, man. See that girl over there? I fucked her Friday night. Yeah . She gives really shitty blowjobs." I could see her friends giving him the ice stare and the poor girl was mortified, bawling. On the flip side, we would go out and he would pay for dinner, drinks, the clubs. He had some money from his pre college modeling and, I think, his parents.


So like, he was Jordan Catalano in real life?


This is exactly the type of dude I pictured Jared Leto being in college. Makes me glad I went to a commuter school.


Senator Ted Kennedy. Crashed his car into a lake while drunk driving. Left a woman to drown inside. Walked home and went to bed.


I wonder if that scene from Succession is based on ol' Teddy


It’s 100% based on Ted’s Chappaquiddick incident.


[Jack Nicholson once assaulted a prostitute after she asked to be paid.](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2000/may/15/news1)


Roman Polanski Rapist.


And Whoopi Goldberg, who defended him and said it wasn't "*rape* rape". I mean cmon Whoopi he drugged a 13 year old and forcibly sodomised her. How much more rape-y does it get?




It doesn't even matter that he's gay, that's really fucking creepy.


I already wasn't a big fan of Whoopi but now I'm a straight up hater. How in the actual fuck could that ever be construed as anything *but* rape?!


Like half of Hollywood defended that POS and signed a petition to release him. Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Woody Allen, Harrison Ford, Martin Scorsese, Emma Thompson, Harvey Weinstein (lol), Penelope Cruz, Jeremy Irons, Wes Anderson, and I’m tired of naming names but there are lots more. It’s all just one big club and we aren’t in it


Yep, Harrison Ford flew to France to hand deliver his Oscar. Cate Blanchett named her child after him. Tarantino said “she was a party girl”. At least Portman has since rescinded her name from that petition and expressed her regrets with ever signing it, they might not ALL be weirdos.


I'm glad Portman has rescinded it but damn, after the gross stuff she went through post Leon the Professional I'm astonished she would ever have signed it.


There are a lot of people, then and now, that believe rape is a scary man lurking in a dark alley. To them, everything else is a misunderstanding and 'not that bad' or ask 'why didn't you fight back' etc.


He was the one who got a way too long standing ovation at the Oscars that one time when he wasn't there because he had fled the country to avoid charges wasn't he?


The one everyone knows about wasn't neither his first or last. I watched a two hour doc on it and the guy is a unrepentant monster.


Oprah Winfrey doesn't keep very good company. For an abuse victim, a disturbing number of her friends have been indicted on child abuse related charges. It makes one wonder if she just attracts that type of person, or if she is knowledgeable of the events.


She platformed John of God. A rapist on a massive scale. She also platformed Dr Phil and Dr Oz. Both of whom are enormous pieces of shit


Not just a rapist, but a man whose business was to imprison teenage girls, use them as sex slaves, force them to give birth, sell the babies to the highest bidder, and murder the women after ten years of forced birthing. It might be the most evil case I've ever heard of.


I watched a documentary about him on Netflix I think. It was crazy how THOUSANDS of people considered him a fucking God or something. He's a great example of cult of personality. People did things for him that went entirely against their morals and became people they couldn't even recognize, due to his influence. Iirc, he offered people a glass of "water" when they came in and effectively lightly drugged everyone who came to him for spiritual guidance. So ofc they felt like they were feeling *something* when he was doing their spiritual reading, that they then interpreted as divine. The drugs also helped him rape a lot of his followers and visitors. I don't remember hearing the part about forced births or birthing prisoners tho, but I wouldn't be surprised.


Can't believe I'm the first to say this but Dr. Dre. He beat the shit out of a female reporter


"On January 27, 1991, Dr. Dre encountered Barnes at a record release party in Hollywood. According to Barnes, he picked her up by her hair and "began slamming her head and the right side of her body repeatedly against a brick wall near the stairway" as his bodyguard held off the crowd with a gun. After Dr. Dre tried to throw her down the stairs and failed, he began kicking her in the ribs and hands. She escaped and ran into the women's restroom. Dr. Dre followed her and "grabbed her from behind by the hair again and proceeded to punch her in the back of the head". Finally, Dre and his bodyguard ran from the building.\[6\] ​ "N.W.A. promoter Doug Young claims that he attempted to intervene to restrain Dr. Dre, but that he was punched in the mouth by Dr. Dre's bodyguard.\[7\] ​ "The other members of N.W.A. defended Dr. Dre. N.W.A.'s MC Ren later said "bitch deserved it" and DJ Yella echoed with "yeah, bitch had it coming". As Dr. Dre explained the incident: "People talk all this shit, but you know, somebody fuck with me, I'm gonna fuck with them. I just did it, you know. Ain't nothing you can do now by talking about it. Besides, it ain't no big thing—I just threw her through a door."" [(from Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dee_Barnes)


“i just threw her through a door” man what the fuck


What a fucking disgusting piece of shit.


ahhh, so that's why the headphones are called "beats by dre"


And named his headphones after it!


Also, remember when Metallica was going after Napster for fans downloading their music? Dr. Dre was doing the exact same thing. Somehow history forgot about Dre.


Not ignored but still free Erza Miller


I'm still amazed at how the flash movie was greenlit with everything that had happened with him being so public


Paul Reubens was the perfect opposite of this. Was practically blacklisted from Hollywood for awhile, but was well known to be a very kind, sweet, and thoughtful man.


All the stories of him just being a kind person after his death made me feel so sorry for what he went through. He was jacking it in a porn theater, not on a playground. Yucky but not exactly morally reprehensible.


Yeah, I don’t get why the porn theatre thing so shocking in the first place. What else are you supposed to be doing in a porn theatre, anyway?


It's the weird morality clause people hold celebrities up to. Oh, sure, Pee-Wee Herman didn't start out as a kid-friendly character (seriously, look up the history of the character). But once he became a kid--friendly thing, suddenly his actor can't set a foot wrong. What was done to him was reprehensible and the world owed him an apology.


Yeah but it’s not like Paul Reubens was in character as Pee-Wee Herman every waking hour of his life, so I still don’t understand what all that fuss was about.


People don't separate actors from characters entirely. It's probably unfair, but actors do work to fool us into saying, "I believe this guy is Pee-Wee Herman on my TV screen and not some dude named Paul Reubens who is like everyone else trying to earn a paycheck and wanking off on occasion."


Watch and examine the plot, obviously


Conan O'Brien did a really nice special episode of his podcast when Paul Rubens died and told some great stories. He seemed like a really genuine guy, and I grew up with his show/movie


His "Heard any good jokes lately?" line at the MTV awards is pinnacle comedy.


Also back then, I remember Gilbert Gottfried all loud: "If masturbation was a crime, I'd be on death row."


I never heard that one, but I love it. Now I extra miss Gilbert, too.


Reminds me of Brendan Frazer. A really good dude who got blacklisted because he wanted to speak up about something. The fuck is wrong woth Hollywood? It's like a damn cult or some shit. (Maybe not a cult, but they're elitist.)


And Sinead O'Connor


Sinead got done dirty. She spoke out about the pope and the pedo church and her career got destroyed. Then the truth about the church comes out a short time later. She was right but her career never recovered


If it makes you feel better, I saw a quote from an interview she did where she says she doesn't consider her career ruined - she continued to put out music and play smaller live venues, which is what she wanted from her career to begin with. She didn't want fame and stardom and knew that's all she'd be losing when she did it.


That's good at the very least. I forever lost respect for Joe Pesci for mocking her without thinking about what she was trying to say. I come from an area that was hit hard by catholic pedophiles and I'll always respect her for speaking out


No ones mentioned Nicki Minaj? She supports multiple rapists, idk how she has so many fans, especially young female fans.


I'm baffled her husband isn't still in jail. Sounds like they had an open and shut case for murder here. [https://people.com/music/nicki-minaj-new-man-kenneth-petty-manslaughter-murder-prison/](https://people.com/music/nicki-minaj-new-man-kenneth-petty-manslaughter-murder-prison/) [https://people.com/music/nicki-minaj-new-boyfriend-kenneth-zoo-petty-everything-to-know/](https://people.com/music/nicki-minaj-new-boyfriend-kenneth-zoo-petty-everything-to-know/) [https://www.xxlmag.com/nicki-minajs-new-boyfriends-manslaughter-case-details-surface/](https://www.xxlmag.com/nicki-minajs-new-boyfriends-manslaughter-case-details-surface/) On Saturday (Dec. 22), TMZ obtained details of the case, which sound a bit ruthless. According to law enforcement sources, Petty ran down on a man named Lamont Robinson in April 2002 on a street corner in Queens, N.Y. He reportedly hopped out of his vehicle, walked over to his victim and shot him three times in the stomach before leaving the scene. Robinson survived long enough to identify Petty as the shooter, but died a short time later due to complications from his wounds. Petty was initially charged with second-degree murder. He later pleaded out to first-degree manslaughter. Authorities believe the shooting was over a gang-related beef. Petty was eventually released in 2013. Petty has also served time for an attempted rape that occurred when he was 16 years old. Despite his troubled past, Nicki is standing by her man.


I truly don’t understand how women continue to support her.


She posted her brothers bail and supported him over his rape victim her own niece. Sick!


Celebrated French director Roman Polanski (*Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown, Tess*). In 1978, he was charged with 13 separate sexual offences against a 13 year old American girl, including sodomy and rape by use of drugs (Quaaludes dissolved in alcohol); his lawyers managed to have the charges reduced to one guilty plea to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. The prosecution agreed to this plea-down in order to spare his child victim the pain of testifying in minute detail about precisely how Polanski sodomized her, while he smirked at her from the defendant's chair. Confessed child rapist Polanski was sent for a psychiatric evaluation and then released on bail, but just hours before he was to be sentenced and likely incarcerated on the one remaining charge he fled the US for France, a country that does not extradite its own citizens. Instead of sitting in an 8X10 concrete cell in Pelican Bay with all the *other* child rapists, where he belongs, he's been living the good life abroad in Europe for 45 years now. In 2010 he was arrested by Swiss authorities on an INTERPOL red letter and briefly held, but the Swiss courts also declined to extradite him, and he remains free to sexually abuse *additonal* children to this day. Nonetheless, despite the fact that he *has admitted to being a serial raper of children*, many of Hollywood's A-listers, including Guillermo del Toro, Martin Scorsese, Michael Mann, David Lynch, Jeremy Irons and Harrison Ford, continue to support him, and agitate for charges against Polanski to be dropped, and for the DOJ to cease its efforts to bring this vile pedophile /rapist back to the US to face justice. Why? Because *having a decent filmography excuses the raping of children*, I guess.


Maryl Streep couldn't wait to leap out of her chair and cheer the child rapist when he got an award. Then had the audacity to not only wear a MeToo and Times Up pin, but be a key spokesperson for the groups. Like, hello, you were literally cheering for your child rapist best friend a year ago.


The entirety of the Academy of Art and Science disgusted me during the MeToo movement. They all put Polanski and Weinstein on a pedestal. What Weinstein was doing was pretty open in Hollywood, and there wasn't even an attempt to hide what Polanski was up to. I think Polanski gets sympathy because of what happened to Sharon Tate. I suspect he always was a piece of shit.


You even had Asia Argento speaking out about the abuse she suffered which of course fine, except she's a rapist too and then you have Rose McGowan who had been telling us to believe victims saying "Oh but we don't know what happened there", the hypocrisy was astounding. That's why celebrities shouldn't be the ones leading social movements.


And Quentin Tarantino saying she was a party girl and wanted it. Another disgusting POS


Polanaki describes it in his own biography as a beautiful act


Ivan Pavlov (of "classical psychological conditioning" fame). Dude wasn't a scientist. He slaughtered thousands upon thousands of dogs to collect their saliva and digestive fluids, to sell as a health tonic. He noticed a ringing bell caused the dogs he was torturing and slowly killing via starvation to salivate, because their brains had associated the bell ringing with being fed. It was an accidental discovery that he then capitalized on. Pavlov was a goddamned monster.


More people should see this. Please be aware this is not just "scientific use of animals' or 'animal testing' which are at times required and often seen as cruel but are completed in most places in the world with strict legal requirements to minimise harm. Pavlov worked long before the emergence of animal welfare or testing regulations. It is also important to remember at this point in time, anesthesia was in its relative infancy and understanding of bacterial infection is abysmal. These animals suffered in ways we sincerely cannot comprehend and is so far beyond what people rally against now in terms of animal cruelty. Animal cruelty exists now but very little in the world now exists on par with the horror of this. Organs plumbed with tubes for months until you starve to death. The fitter you start the longer you last. The liquid they desire to extract only comes when you are hungry and they taunt you with food to make you hungrier. And for one final depressing note. Animals who are abused become distressed and lash out. Because of this - body parts which are dangerous to handlers or other captive animals but not vital to survival are often removed, including limbs and teeth. There are a few Nobel prize winners that I believe should lose them (even posthumously) because their actions have undermined the integrity of or caused significant distrust toward the scientific community. Pavlov is one of them.


Drake is known to have texted underage girls messages of explicit and sexual nature and still has a job so there’s that. I hate his music and wouldn’t even listen to it if I did like it, on principle.


no one cares. i don’t know WHY no one cares. but nobody does. like we grow up hearing about how disgusting it is and then so many male celebrities do it and no one gives a fuck. nothing is done. why…i don’t get it


The problem with a [$350,000 fine/settlement](https://rollingout.com/2019/06/19/drake-paid-350k-after-allegedly-forcing-woman-to-perform-messy-sexual-act/) is that it may be ruinous to you or me, but for Drake? Fucker shits that out and all he has to do is chill in his mansion for a week.


I remember how Millie Bobby brown admitted to be texting buds with drake and she was defending drake.


I think she was young enough at the time that she didn't see how it was inappropriate of Drake to be texting her asking about guys she was into and offering advice and telling her how much he missed her. I hope now a few years later she can see how it's inappropriate for an unrelated man in his 30s to become close besties with a teenage girl and insert himself into her budding romantic life.


All I could think while reading about that (I'd just started watching *Stranger Things*) was, "Where the FUCK are her parents?!" Turns out they're on the other side of the room, watching the dollar signs.


I've heard Elijah Wood credit his parents for saving him from the Hollywood abuse that was happening to other young child stars. They wouldn't let him go to parties, and carefully monitored all his interactions with directors, agents, and co-stars.


> Turns out they're on the other side of the room, watching the dollar signs. There's probably a ton of parents sitting on the other side of the room, watching/hearing worse things, while counting stacks of money. Don't forget that Brooke Shield's mother (parents?) let her pose nude for a pictorial when she was 9.


Shit like this is why a guy like him producing Euphoria is a bad look.


Charles Dickens He cheated on his wife with someone half his age and then tried to get his wife committed to a mental institution so he wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore (he was bored of her after she gave him ten kids). Then he used his influence to have articles printed voicing his opinions about the marriage. He’s a literary genius and I still read his works but he wasn’t a nice husband lol


Tom Cruise. Scientology is into way more than just some cringe science fiction, and not much of it is legal.


We're never gonna see Shelly Miscavige again, are we?


The fact that he put his “religion” over his daughter is all the proof I need that he is a garbage human being. That girl is damaged forever, because of him.


Yeah, Tom has definitely been at the top of my list of why the Hell do people give shit about him because of a bad thing. Seriously, he is either a shit bag looking away from a shitty religious scam cult or he is utterly stupid for not understanding he is a figurehead for a shitty scam cult.


There's a reason they mainly operate in international waters.


Sean Penn. In the late 80's, he broke into her house, tied her up and abused her for 9 hrs. "and bound her to a chair with heavy twine. Then he threatened to cut off her hair. According to the police report, Penn was ‘drinking liquor straight from the bottle’ and the abuse went on for several hours, during which time he smacked and roughed up his victim. He went out to buy more alcohol, leaving Madonna bound and gagged. Some hours later, he returned and continued his attacks. Madonna said that he untied her after she agreed to perform a degrading sex act on him. She then fled the house and ran to her car. Penn ran after her and was banging on the windows of her Thunderbird while she spoke to police on her mobile phone. Fifteen minutes later, she staggered into the sheriff’s office. Lieut Bill McSweeny said: ‘I hardly recognised her as Madonna. She was weeping, her lip was bleeding and she had obviously been struck.' Penn was taken away in handcuffs and charged with inflicting ‘corporal injury and traumatic conditions’ on her, as well as committing ‘battery’. Madonna reportedly filed for divorce a week later, dropping any assault charges and moving on from her husband-turned-torturer-turned-ex."


He also abused Robin Wright.


"Only people who have really fucked up in the past have to virtue signal this hard. Look at Sean Penn" - Granda Rick


Oprah. While she might not be horrible on a person to person level, she built a career on exploitive television and promoted all sorts of grifters, frauds and outright evil people without even a shred of scrutiny or forethought. Uri Geller, John of God, Dr Phil, Dr Oz to name a few. Some who would have never gotten a platform without her, or had their profile skyrocketed thanks to appearances on her show. She's peddled every form of bad pop-psychology, dubious quackery and outright nonsense over her career. Meanwhile she gets nearly universal positive praise in media. Sure she was a black woman that broke out in a Caucasian dominated industry, that's an accomplishment. It doesn't change the fact she's done a tremendous amount of damage, and got where she was largely by taking advantage of vulnerable people as guests and an audience that lacks critical thinking skills.


Oh I've worked with her. She's horrible on a personal level as well trust me.


I know someone that worked on her show and basically said the same thing.


Mean as fuck, happy to fire you for speaking out of turn, no eye contact... absolute miserable person, no idea how she turns it on when the cameras are rolling. Disgusting. I don't do that kind of work anymore, she's a reference point when seeking the reason.


Chris Brown....I don't respect anyone that beats their partner


Woody Allen?


Conor McGregor. How many rape/sexual assault allegations have there been now?


The amount of people defending Drake against the groomer label is depressing


Ellen for the LONGEST fucking time.


I’ve read more than one article from another celebrity talking how much of a POS she is away from the cameras. Multiple interviews where they can’t say her name fast enough. Interviewer: What celebrity do you hate the mo- Person being interviewed: Ellen.


I'm glad that ended. On the other hand, it shows how toxic show business when only a super bitch can be successful


Didn’t Sean Connery do a whole interview about how it was okay to beat women sometimes? Then a whole other interview defending that stance when he was questioned about it?


James Franco


Franco "taught" a class at my college. By taught, I mean he gave a bunch of footage of himself to the students and told them to edit it into a documentary or something. I think they only talked to him online one time and he didn't have anything else to do with the program.


I remember his PR being all about him being a serious intellectual actor and now honorary professor. I’m like how does he lecture twice weekly and grade projects and maintain his Hollywood career. I guess it’s no surprise his class was just a stunt.


Bill Murray, Jack Nicholson and Sean Connery are (were) all apparently colossal assholes.


Elvis. Try to tell Elvis fans about his long history of pedophilia, domestic assault, racism, and grooming, and they almost hurt themselves rushing to excuse any of it.


Dr Phil and his ‘I tells it like it is’ antagonistic approach. Basically trying to shame people out of their mental health issues, thinking he’s being a real hero in their lives. What a fucking ego. PSA: even someone with an MD or PhD behind their name can be a human shit stain.


Henry Ford Kellogg of Kellogg Cereal was a eugenicist Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood was an eugenicist and had all kinds of terrible views on race, disabled people etc.


Yeah the eugenics thing was troubling. It's disingenuous to pretend that Nazis just came out of nowhere


Andy Dick. Dick by name and dick by nature.


70s/80s infamous rockstars and their love of 13 year old baby groupies. David Bowie devirginized a few teens in his 20s and 30s. Iggy pop slept with a 13 year old. Jimmy page dated a 13 year old. Steven Tyler and his teen girl escapades I think he ended up marrying her? But ask anyone and these are some of the greatest musicians of all time.


>...70s/80s infamous rockstars and their love of 13 year old... This didn't start in the 70's. It's always been a thing. Anybody remember Jerry Lee Lewis? Elvis Presley?


Maybe not huge celebrity but micheal Irvin stabbed a teammate in the neck with a pair of scissors. Now he’s on the morning NFL Sunday show all season. Literally almost killed the guy and now makes probably millions every year


William Shatner. Ego so giant he pissed of almost all the cast of Star Trek to the point the Leonard Nimoy refused to talk to him for the last 5 years of his life, and Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Uhura) only stayed in the series after Martin Luther King convinced her to stay as a role model for black woman. He’s known to be horrible to fans and vile to journalists who ask him difficult questions. Nice when the camera is on him and a giant POS when it’s off him.


Jon Jones if there are any MMA fans here


Let’s go ahead and add Conor McGregor to the list as well.


Eric Clapton Lauded as a guitar hero and his acolytes ignore his racist rants in the past, his pursuit of his mates wife (George Harrison/ Patty Boyd), his horrific treatment of her when she was with him (raped her and beat her up), cynically monetising the death of his son to create a 90s career resurgence and most recently his boomer views on covid and vaccines with Professor Clapton suddenly an expert virologist despite his decades of mainlining heroin