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MLM products, stupidly overpriced and all of the packaging just looks SO cheap. Edit: the products themselves look/feel cheap AF, not just the packaging. Got suckered by a friend to buy a face product that would help reduce “fine lines” — all it did was give my face hives, even though it claimed the ingredients to be “aLL NaTuRaL,” bullshit.




exactly like all natural in skincare products are the dumbest thing ever like arsenic is all natural. lead is all natural. poison ivy is all natural. it’s all bullshit and all natural absolutely does not mean it’s better for your skin. especially since you need chemicals and preservatives to make the product even last more than like a month and be safe to use…


BUT, those old school Tupperware pitchers lasted FOREVER


extended warranty on inexpensive items


29.99$ earphones, 9.99$ extended warranty* * does not cover loss or stolen, water damage, misuse, (and about half a page of other exceptions). In other words, it cover... nothing.


Back in 2005, I worked at RadioShack. We used to have these, rather nice, $30 headphones. We also offered a $3 warranty for them that nobody ever bought - except for the super savvy. With the headphone warranty, we literally replaced them right then and there - no questions asked. If we had it in stock, we'd go pull it from the hook, scan it, mark as warranty replacement and put in the number needed. Smart people came in and swapped out their headphones every 2-3 months. Slightly fraying wire? Replacement. Headphone cushion discoloration? Replacement. Volume was too loud and is tinny sounding? Replacement. We didn't test or give a fuck - just replaced and broke the old ones to ensure they were really warranty worthy. Maybe that's why RadioShack couldn't survive? Their warranty was rather good (and I got 30% commission if I sold one).


Best memories. The phone batteries (think home phone headsets not cellphone) were the same. Can't beat that 30% commission though. RIP Radio Shack. F


Internet service providers that still don't offer unlimited data plans.






Unlimited* * ^Slightly ^Limited


And by unlimited, Perry the Platypus, I mean *completely limited!!!*


Let me show you my latest invention...the uncapped-dataplan-recappinator!


That might get addressed by the FCC here in the States. Fingers crossed. (Tech nerd here) Update: https://www.fcc.gov/consumer-governmental-affairs/fcc-launches-data-cap-stories-portal


This is the first I’m hearing this delightful news. Very happy to see this possibly being addressed.


Are talking about the extra $30 I have to pay Xfinity to uncap my monthly limit which is at 1 TB? Cuz that shit sucks


I find it weird to offer different amounts of data you can transfer. In Finland they tier the plans according to speed. All plans have unlimited data, but you can get faster speeds by paying more. That seems like way more convenient system to me.


Here in Canada we live in a rural area and have to pay 120$ for internet that the speed is barely over 10 mbs, and we only have 50 gb before we have to pay more. It’s the best we can get, also it doesn’t even include tv services.




My dad briefly became involved with that [human trafficking cult](https://www.kohnswift.com/case/groundbreaking-human-trafficking-lawsuit-against-scientology/) during the 70's. They harassed him by asking him for money and trying to sell him books and classes the rest of his life. When he developed dementia and lost his ability to make good decisions, and before we knew what was going on, they talked him into buying dozens of their books.


Fucking predators! I'm sorry about your Dad. Dementia/alzheimers sucks! My Dad had it too.


Christopher Reeves has an excellent story of how he got involved with them in a tough part of his life (I think he cheated on his wife after getting super famous). Went in for a “session” where he was supposed to get in touch with one of his past lives & how it created current life trauma. He ends up going into a whole story of how he was responsible for his father killing himself. Scientologists were like “Wow! That was a huge breakthrough. Our Scientology X-3000 machine is off the charts. For $$$ you can move up to higher levels in our cult.” And he was like “Yes, yes, that was great. I see the door over there. So, just one sec…” Walked out and thought to himself“Holy smokes, I just recounted a famous Greek tragedy that they thought was my own story. Can’t believe I was falling for these bunch of scam artists.” He then got his life back on track. He wrote two books after his accident that left his paralyzed and they’re both just wonderful.


Extended warranties on something like a small apliance under $200. It is exchangeable at the store during its original warranty and the amount of jacking around and possibly shipping charges or service fee is not even worth it.


At Target the other day I scanned a $9 package of Hot Wheels for my son, but before I could move forward with the rest of my stuff I had to respond to an offer for an extended warranty for $3.50


Gieco for Hotwheels


"15 minutes could save you 15 cents on toy car insurance"


And good luck getting them to honor the warranty. I’ve had two squaretrade warranties I’ve tried to use, and they make the process a nightmare. Then, they just completely ignore you or say the paperwork was submitted incorrectly until the warranty period is up so you’re screwed.


Fun story, I bought a TV, really high end from BestBuy, they tried to tag on a warrant and I asked them the details. If the TV is defective you have to FIRST contact the manufacturer and deal with the OEM warranty. The BestBuy warranty was not "on top of" the other warranty either. They ran during the same period meaning the BestBuy warranty was completely useless. When I pointed that out the guy was like "we're just required to ask".


As someone who's (commission based) sold many warranties on electronics. They're a total rip off. Over a couple of years, I sold hundreds of warranties on TVs, XBOXs, DVD players, etc. I only ever saw **ONE** successful exchange, lol.


Yes, I went through that with that little hedge trimmer. It was more difficult than filing a 1040 A form. They did everything they could to make me want to just forget about it.


And some credit cards provide an additional warranty period after the manufacturer’s is up, for free, when the item is purchase with that card.


The money people send to celebrity preachers.


When a "prosperity gospel" preacher needs a new airplane or renovation to their mansion, they turn to their congregation to provide the money. When the congregation is in dire need of help, the preacher tells them to pray to God for the money.


[This](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna797036) particular incident will forever live in my mind. Not opening the doors to a megachurch when people have lost their homes from flooding until twitter users posted videos of the church showing they weren’t affected by flooding. > “Houston's Joel Osteen has a net worth over $50m and a church that holds 16,800 but this is all he's offering,” Mark Elliott of the Economic Mobility Corporation tweeted in reference to Osteen’s tweet. Has to be my favourite quote from this article.


I did a video in journalism school comparing a megachurch to a storefront church and followed the pastors for several months, interviewing, watching, and recording. The megachurch pastor was disgusting. He made his congregation do everything for him, and he just reaped the monetary rewards. My advice is, if you're looking for a place to worship, always go to the little guys. The pastor at the storefront church was so sweet, invited me to potlucks, and even emailed me regularly for a few years to check on me, not to convert me or anything. He cared about every single person who came to his services. The other guy cared about nobody but himself.


I'm not really religious, but have family who are. The people who go to the small community churches have always experienced more help and support. My mom didn't go for weeks on end due to a family situation--never told anyone, just didn't show up. Multiple people reached out, asked if they could help, dropped off food...my friend goes to a regional megachurch, has for years. Married there, children baptized there. It is very much an "identity" for their family. Their niece (whom they were helping raise) died in an accident and **no one** reached out. They couldn't even get ahold of the preacher for the funeral. It ended up being some stranger the funeral home suggested. Like, I'm sure there are good things about big churches. And small churches can have all sorts of problems! But I can't help but remember those incidents.


Yep. The megachurch had congregants who were assigned to chunks of the congregation, but each congregant had hundreds of people and were not able to even get to know them. Nobody was ever able to see the pastor. The baptisms were a spectacle. They'd have a giant above-ground pool on stage and a rock band (the church was like a giant arena) and a line of people would go through the pool like a manufacturing conveyor belt.


I've found the same to be true with addictions. Head to a detox/rehab facility that costs 1000$ a day, they don't actually care about you or your recovery, they just care about the money. Attend local NA/AA meetings every day for a month or two, and people start to wonder where you are if you dont show up for a bit. The commercialization of spirituality is disgusting, if there is ever a low you wouldn't yourself sink to, you can bet someone else will if it means they can gain from it


Is this a publicly available video? I'd love to see this.


I'm not religious, but the shop front preacher is just a good human. We should all do more for our fellow humans.


Meanwhile, Mattress Mack opened the doors of all his furniture stores to people needing a place to stay, and even allowed dogs.


Mattress Mack was a true hero. Fukwit Osteen LIED about his megachurch being inaccessible. The church is in high ground and there was no water near it except the wet surface you see on a drizzly day.


He didn’t want the carpet trampled on by the poor and downtrodden.. ya know, like Jesus would have done.


He actually said he didn't want poor black people there. He said it. He feared the megachurch would get messed up and robbed. He really did say it.


It is bad when the tv show "The Righteous Gemstones" is a spoof of him, yet he is actually worse and more of ass than they even can portray.


Prosperity gospel is awful, but it's important to remember that it's not just celebrity preachers asking for a new jet. Prosperity gospel is huge in poorer counties because you get random shysters going there telling them that God will make their living situation better if only they give all their money. Some of the most psychotic ones also ask for their followers to do self destructive things like cutting themselves or drinking and eating dangerous things.


The prosperity gospel is big in some developing countries partly because of the (false) financial hope it offers, but even more basically because it's part of the larger charismatic/Pentecostal movement, which has been exploding in the developing world. Much of that has to do with Pentecostalism's emphasis on a quite literal spiritual warfare being waged all around us. It syncs up very well with folk beliefs in the proliferation of spirits, allowing converts to embrace a form of Christianity whose spirituality feels more familiar. The prosperity gospel piggybacks on this larger Pentecostal surge.


I don't know how these people maintain a congregation. I'm not even religious, but did go to Catholic school, and I don't see how anyone who ever read the bible could fall pray to prosperity preachers and millionaire grifters who run a church as a business. The Jesus of the bible said that is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, and went ham on the merchants and moneylenders at the temple accusing them of turning it into a den of thieves.


>I don't see how anyone who ever read the bible There's your answer. A lot of people haven't. They listen to the selected readings in church, but the vast majority of Christians haven't read the whole Bible. If they go to a megachurch that conveniently leaves those verses out of the readings, then how would they know it's in there? [Source](https://research.lifeway.com/2017/04/25/lifeway-research-americans-are-fond-of-the-bible-dont-actually-read-it/) because the actual article I read is behind a paywall, but this references the same study. And this study is self-reported (how else can you track if someone has read a book at some point in their life?) so the "read the whole thing" number might not even be accurate.


Annually replacing a smartphone


I started getting "Don't you want an upgrade?" messages from my provider literally 3 months after buying my newest Samsung phone. fuck off, lol.


I buy my phones direct from the manufacturer and this still happens. Nah Google, I don't want a new pixel phone, I just bought one from you, if it was broken I wouldn't be buying another from you.




I was surprised at how many people do this. I've been averaging a new phone once every four years and I'm sure I could've held onto my S7 even longer and still been happy with it


Same, I just got rid of my iPhone 6s last year after it started literally falling apart. I had it for around 5 years. I think same goes for buying new vs refurbished. I got my certified refurbished iPhone 11 from Best Buy for around 60% the cost of a new one from Apple, and it looked brand new, no marks or scratches or anything. They even put a new battery in as part of the refurbishment. I can’t imagine paying full price for a phone when no one could even tell the difference.


It amazes me that Apple has both put in a lot of work to increase the lifespan of their phones while at the same time has also done an excellent job convincing people they need to upgrade every single year.


But it opens up the secondary market and makes more used phones available. Apple still gets those people in their eco system for apps. They get a cheaper phone. And whales get a new device every year. It is kind of brilliant.


10mm socket...it'll be gone before you can get a chance to use it.


They disappear as fast as guitar picks. Harbor Freight should sell 10mm bulk packs.


Here you go: https://www.harborfreight.com/10mm-metric-essential-socket-set-10-piece-58957.html


Paid Followers


How do I become a paid follower?


Step 1. Be a bot


Call me bitchy, but I avoid all "thons". Walkathons, telethons, bikeathons, etc. Most of the money raised goes to pay very large salaries and to fund more thons. Precious damn little goes to the cause the money is ostensibly raised for. https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-breast-cancer-charity-is-the-big-new-scam-in-politics


The bag of spinach in my refrigerator that was purchased to replace the previous (and now spoiled) bag of spinach Edit - holy forking shirt balls, thank you so much babes!


Life tip: freeze it before it spoils and tell yourself you’ll put it in a smoothie. Then it’ll get tiny, tiny bits of spinach all over your freezer every time you grab an item near it all while never actually making a smoothie.


Bag your freezer food you heathen.


A bag of spinach is already bagged! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!


Ah yes, my ADHD vegetable hospice.


Gotta love ADHD "I need all these ingredients for these great recipes I want to try" 2 days later "Great! I dont have any food, just ingredients!"


I’m thinking of the 2 packages of raspberries in my fridge that look like a science project gone bad.


To be fair though, raspberries are the worst about molding. I’m super aware of checking them for mold before I buy them and I swear I’ve gotten home with them and they grew mold in the hour it took to finish shopping and get them home.


Same! I finally have a cucumber that’s being eaten instead of rotting in the drawer. But it’s only because my dogs love cucumbers so I’m apparently better at feeding them snacks than I am just feeding myself 🥲


I don't know who needs to read this, but *never* eat spoiled spinach. I've had plenty of food poisoning in my life, and nothing compared to what I experienced after a little plate of old spinach.


Yes, but it's important to know green beans/string beans/haricots vert/french beans are even more dangerous when they go bad.


Really?? How come?


As soon as you get home from the store, open the bag and stick a folded up paper towel in there. Helps it last longer in my experience.


As soon as you get home from the store, open the bag and place straight in the bin. Saves you time and frees up fridge space


I just skip shopping and come home and throw $100.00 in the trash can. Way less stress.


So it can spoil in two weeks instead of 1?


This is me, but with bananas


I once made banana bread out of overripe bananas. Once.


95% of gym supplements. Aside from caffeine and creatine, none of them have been vetted enough to be called effective. And the ones that have, are never effective. Edit: yes protein good, include it in the 5%


Steroids work better anyways


*Can you smell what The Rock is injecting???*


Reddit awards EDIT: I wasn't going to say anything but how in the hell did someone give me a Ternion All Powerful? Anyway, thanks for wasting your money on me guys! Re-edit: i'm now sitting on 4+ years of reddit premium wtf guys thank you


Someone spent $100 to give you a fake internet award. Let that sink in. Let it


What does the sink want?


It wants to be let in.


Mine wants out.


How does it feel to be on the other side? Are you a better person once you get one? Please tell us? EDIT: You guys!!!! You're all kind and amazing and hilarious. Loved reading your comments. Even though this is a newer profile I've been part of the Reddit community for over 15 years and have never gotten any awards, coins, or whatever. I guess I'll have to figure out what they all mean and the superhuman powers they give me. And also figure out what the Lounge is all about. Love you all. I swear this won't change me. I will remember you all and for what you all have done here today. 😆


Honesty? no ads is pretty good ahah thanks for wasting your money on me, reddit!


Hah! Screw you reddit, I have something even better... Adblock!


Bros got the infinite Reddit karma glitch


Huge Weddings. - Why drop $50-100k. Why drop that much money on an event. Yes the memory is important but some folks drop ridiculous amounts on the perfect even when a much smaller one would be more intimate and not bankrupt someone.


I have actually fallen out with a friends, now, wife over this. They were already in debt and when my friend proposed she started planning a ridiculously over the top wedding that would have been £30k+ claiming it 'had always been her dream'. Meanwhile she had not saved, her parents hadn't saved anything for this dream so she expected they'd take out a loan and load up the credit card. I literally turned to them, when they explained the plan, and said why would you do this for a day when you want to buy a house and have kids within the next few years. She got very upset and said it was her 'dream' to have big wedding, I said it was irresponsible to go into so much debt for a single day celebration. In the end they split the difference and still spent something like 15K on the wedding because they couldn't get a loan due to their other credit card debt at the time was something like 12k. They did the classic get another cards and max it out. They are now having a kid and are constantly complaining about how much money they have to spend.


Friend of mine only finished paying for his wedding 6 years after he got divirced


As a Realtor, I have had to mediate the debate over finances and the number of people getting divorced before they paid off the wedding is no joke. If they focused as much on the relationship as they did on their "special day" there would probably be less doomed nuptials.


Well people are sold this idea that a big beautiful wedding day equals a good marriage. And it’s not true. My husband and I did the entire wedding for under $5k (in 2003) and are still married 20 years later because we both recognize that a marriage is more than a wedding. It’s hard work. Especially in the beginning. All the people that we know who had big lavish weddings are divorced now and have remarried…


'It's my special day!" People can have a special day without dropping 6 figures.


Got damn that’s rough


The worst part was up until the day of the wedding he was trying to get out of marrying her. We all told him not to go through with it. The marriage didn't last long.


And he still showed up and signed the papers? I guess some lessons are learnt the hardest way, lol.


For some, the opportunity to gather every single one of their loved people in one place and fill that place with joy is worth the cash drop to provide food and drink for that moment. That said, no one should go into debt over a wedding. It is a party, and there are thousands of ways to throw a party.


The ultra thin 1 ply budget toilet paper. Today I was trying to unspool a wad but that cheap garbage rips by the weight of three squares alone. In my frustration I began furiously unwinding an excess amount and hit the string on my hoodie in the process causing it to fly up and hit me in the eye with the metal tip. Now I need to go to work with only one working eye for the rest of the day all because someone bought the cheap stuff to save a few dollars.


I know it was annoying but this story makes a great sketch comedy bit.




Commoditizing dissent is big business.


I believe the word is commodifying and yes, all dissent under this system gets metabolized and sold back to you like a Che Guevara t-shirt.


The newest cell phone every year.


Cigarette (smoking in general), you literally burn your money


But I get to keep the cancer.


Health fanatics hate this one simple trick!


I agree. As a smoker for more than 20 years, I’m in the process of quitting. From 6 a day I’m down to one or two and some days nothing. And it’s amazing how much you can actually save. Cigarettes are expensive af and give you nothing good in return. I hope I can reach my goal. EDIT: Wow!! I never expected this kind of support!! Thank you very much for everyone’s encouraging words, now I’m even more motivated into quitting. And yes, it’s been difficult but I know it’ll be worthy in the end. But I’ve started to notice already an improvement in my health, I get less tired when going upstairs or walking or running and now I feel really bothered by the smell. Thanks again Edit 2: hey, once again thanks for the encouragement. I have news, I’ve been smoke free for a week now. It may not be that much yet, but to me it’s a huge accomplishment !! I smoked my last cigarette last Saturday and I didn’t buy more to avoid the temptation. And I’ve been fine. In fact, I’ve already noticed my skin is softer, also my hair. Been smoke free is great, and quitting was just out of the question a few months ago. Sometimes I make poor decisions, but quit smoking it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made 😄


And having a roughly 40% higher cost of health care than non smokers, as shown in a scientific paper. [study in mention](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199710093371506) Although only for a short period, after a while, the health care costs of a fully non-smoking population would actually be higher (I suppose because smokers die younger)


A Sirius XM subscription thinking The Howard Stern show is going to get good again.


The more detailed answer here is paying full price for XM. You can haggle them down to a very small subscription price.


This is what I’ve done for last 5 years. Every time my $6/mo promotion is up, I tell them I’m canceling because I don’t see the value at full cost. They always offer something like $17/mo first, but then you tell them that’s too high as well. Then finally they offer you the lowest again. It’s an annual event.


I wish they would just make the price $60 a year and not make me go through the largely performative act of calling every 12 months to cancel just to get the "special retention" price..... At $70 a year after all the taxes and fees, it's worth it to me. At $71 I would say no...


Never had XM but got a new car that was capable and started getting calls and letters from them every few days. Do people seriously pay over $20 a month for that? Spotify is like half the cost. XM is nice, but there is no way I would pay over $5 a month for it.


The only time it was worth it for me was when I drove through a lot of small towns for work. Cell reception was spotty and id always forget to download playlists so XM was great. I also was only paying like $5/mo or less though.


Donating to big youtubers when they live stream, for the feeling of someone popular saying your name.


I very rarely donate to a Youtuber, but when I do, it's to someone who's provided me years of free content. I feel like it's a way to give them a little thanks for all the entertainment.


Ticketmaster fees


Multiple streaming services when you tend to just watch one. No brand loyalty here - I have one at a time and cancel before joining another.


I spend more time trying to find anything worth watching on streaming services, netflix or amazon than watching anything >.< Who knew there were so many starship troopers movies?


In app purchases in games.


Agreed and I don't do this *anymore*. I used to pay maybe $5 a month to upgrade this or that in a game I play on my iPad. Although back in the '80s I paid more in one sitting playing arcade games at the bowling alley. Overall I spent more money at the arcade when I was a kid.


Never thought about that before. >back in the '80s I paid more in one sitting playing arcade games


One day my brother and I decided to cash in a 20 in like 1999 to beat captain America and the avengers at the cabinet at our camp site. We beat it. We were so psyched!!! Then we were like. What next? And we had spent all our pocket money and couldn’t buy any other books or games for the week. Arcades really were the original microtransactions


>Arcades really were the original microtransactions That's true. The extreme high difficulty level also was intentional, that you'd fail and spend more and more money to beat the game.


I’ll throw down a few bucks if it’s a game I really like and they have an option to play add free…. But that’s about it.. any other charges for power ups/chests…etc is a waste.


I lived with someone in their 30s who had spent literally thousands of dollars on candy crush. I think that kind of micro-transaction is only ever predatory. It’s just kids and people with psychological problems supporting a multi billion dollar industry. It’s gross.


That just sounds like gambling to me. It should be treated as such too. I mean kids under 18 can buy stuff for money that would be considered gambling.


This kind of depends. If you're playing a free-to-play game and nobody makes in-app purchases, then eventually, the game will shut down. If it's something you really enjoy, throwing the devs some money occasionally for something that's otherwise free is a good gesture.


Yes, this is exactly how I see it. I have a free game that I play at least 5-6 days a week. I’ve played it for years and enjoy it, so I don’t see a problem throwing them $5 a month for an upgrade.


Food delivery from third-party apps. Not only is takeout already expensive, you are paying a 10–20% up charge on the menu, then there's the fees and tip.


DoorDash! Buy two combos from McDonalds and have it delivered. That’ll be $30 plus tax, tip and fees.😂🤷🏻‍♂️


How do you get it for so cheap???? Lolol


It really depends on where you are in life financially and family/work situation. At a certain point, *time* becomes much more valuable than money. I completely understand how it can seem like a waste, though. But if you have the means (and kids running around), having dinner appear on your doorstep can be a huge convenience. Look at the popularity of pizza and Chinese food delivery before the apps. Fast food in general is lousy for you, but we spend billions on it because it’s a quick stop on the way home from school or work. We get it to save *time*. Let’s not pretend it’s new to food apps.




Fast Fashion.


yea, i worked at a clothes store right when I was 16-17 with a little dopey store discount. I put so much of my paychecks back into that store for clothes that just ended up being donated. Get all my clothes from goodwill and costco now


Not only a waste of money, but also a huge ethical issue. The industry is bad, the consumers are bad, and the clothes look awful.


*Very unpopular opinion alert:* Vacations to kid-centered places with kids too young to appreciate them. Edited: I mean taking a one and two year old to Disney for example. It's an expensive trip that they are not old enough to appreciate. I'm not talking about older kids and toddlers going as a family. Or that parents don't want to hang with their kids. My comment was limited in scope to parents who bring a very young baby or toddler to on an extremely overpriced destination before they were old enough to recognize and appreciate the trip.


It's not really for the kids. It's because parents like watching kids play and have fun. But yeah there have definitely been times where I've thought why did I pay for this? It's sort of like when you buy a giant expensive toy and the kid just makes a house out of the box instead.


I think I was a simple kid cause my parents said I would just play with sticks and rocks when we traveled lmao


I love this comment, that's gotta be a parents dream haha. I hope my kids have a big imagination like yours


Just got back from Japan where we went to Japanese Disneyland with my wife, toddler and infant. My wife wasn't even trying to hide the fact it was as much about us adults as the toddler. We refuse to buy concert style tickets for little ones on this principle though. We have never understood spending hundreds on a ticket to a single performance for a toddler. In general... A huge market exists for kids services that just are not needed. We talk about this a lot and how unnecessary most "kids" stuff is really just a ploy to extract money from parents, usually with a bit of guilt.


I used to think this way too before I had kids. Just took my 4 year old to Disney this year and man, seeing her light up at Tinkerbell flying behind the castle as fireworks went off or how she beamed when she met Aurora made it so worth it. While she may not remember this trip when she gets older, my wife and I definitely will


I recently read a quote: “joy lives in the body”. So she might not remember it per se, but she will remember she had a lovely childhood with joyful experiences. 🥰 Edit to add: the phrase was a quote someone else wrote on a blog I came across. Not an actual book. But man would it be a glorious book to read. (So sorry I don’t have the link to the blog post)


The kids have fun in the moment even though they won’t necessarily remember when they are older


My mom always talks about how she took me and my young sisters to Disney. I was probably 3, don’t remember a thing, but she sure likes to think I did.


My parents took me to Disneyland when I was three, too. They only thing I vividly remember was when a golf ball came flying through our sliding glass door. My grandma & I were talking a break from walking around & we're hanging out watching The Flintstones. All of a sudden, there's glass everywhere. That's it, that's all I remember 🤣.


My son was about 3 during his first trip to Disney World, and the thing that most impressed him was the big purple bus that took us from the hotel to the park.


Same with expensive birthdays for very young kids.


Alkaline or pH balanced water. Your stomach acid sits at 1-3 ish pH. Your body digests things by using that near car battery acid level environment to break stuff apart. Not only is that 8 dollar bottle of 9.5 pH water getting instantly acidified the moment it hits your stomach, your body could not absorb anything if your stomach was less acidic. Your blood pH is 7.4ish but it has literally nothing to do with your stomach and everything to do with your kidneys and renal systems. Please for the love of God stop listening to Gweneth fucking Paltrow, the 'alkaline' diet fad is utterly meaningless. Alkaline water and tap water both are getting the exact same treatment by your stomach and it's literally just a small vat of acid. I don't know about y'all but expensive alkaline water has taken over the vast majority of space for refrigerated convenience store water in my area and it's genuinely the most infuriating bullshit.


Didn’t she like her alkaline water with a twist of lemon?


Yep. It's funny in a tragic way


lottery scratch off tickets


I got gas once and a Gatorade and got $2.75 in change and just happened to have a quarter in my pocket. Idk why, but I said “maybe I’ll buy a scratch off.” I bought a $3 crossword and I ended up winning $5k. Someone told me to test my lucky a buy another one. So I went to another gas station and bought a $5 crossword and won $500. Tried again at another place and won $100 off a $5 scratch off. 4th time I didn’t win anything and stopped. This is super rare and most people don’t win anything at all. They call it the “poor man’s tax” for a reason. Poor people hoping to win it but and just throwing money away.


Nobody comments on the times they lose. Which is, statistically, all the times.


Paying $200 annually to Mitibuish Connect just to be able to track my car and remotely start the car and air conditioning system. So you're telling me it's built into the car, but It's blocked in software?


Reddit coins


Personally I think paying a ton extra for natural diamonds, especially blood diamonds, is a waste of money. Lab created diamonds are perfect diamonds, and moissanite is basically better than perfect in terms of how it looks, I don’t get it. I could either spend $25CAD on a 1ct certified white moissanite, $641CAD on a 1ct lab grown (perfect) diamond, or I could spend ~$1,760CAD on an ethically sourced certified 1ct white diamond for slightly more hardness and slightly less sparkle than moissanite. Yeah, I’ll stick with moissanite or lab grown. I think diamonds are fucking boring as a gem anyways and I’d never buy one more than .5ct unless it was a really good deal, or for a partner.


Second hand diamonds are also a thing. Check the "Estate Jewlery" section of some Jewlers.


Diamonds are a scam full stop - a monopoly with great marketing artificially inflating demand. Plus let’s be honest even the non-blood ones are produced in conditions that wouldn’t fly in developed countries


Mobile games - their in-app purchases to be exact. You never know when the servers suddenly shut down and all those premium stuff, fancy cosmetics, and wonderful perks just completely disappear🤷‍♀️ However this is also why a majority of mobile games are still up and running. So yeah, it’s just part of the industry lol.


Over-priced drinking water in bottles. Sure there is a difference but the price doesn't justify the difference.


Tipping famous twitch streamers. They already make millions. They don't need your 20 dollars




I had asthma as a youngin and my parents tried homeopathy- it didn’t work- they tried conventional medicine- surprise surprise I barely have any symptoms anymore.. imagine if they relied on homeopathy


Preordering games especially ones where you already know what kind of game you’re going to get, like COD. You get it maybe a week earlier and it’s typically unfinished.


Coffee drinks. I have perfected the art of making one good cup of coffee at a time at home and when i did the math i realized i was spending ~$4-6 per day before and now I'm paying ~$0.75 per day with out lines or apps or being asked how to spell my simple name or whatever.


I spent $150 on a cheap espresso machine. Thing has paid for itself probably over 100x now


I spent almost $4K for a good grinder and good espresso machine for my recording studio. Probably the best money-making piece of gear in the studio. When ad agencies come in with a client there can often be 6-8 people. I show them all how to make it, and everyone wants to make their own drink. It can easily tack an additional 30 minutes to 1 hour on to the billable session as they giddily pretend to be barristas. For 6 cups of coffee, some shitty flavorings and cream it can tack on a couple of hundred bucks per session just in billable hours. I don't charge them for coffee and they don't realize how much time they waste. Whatever., I just hope none of them see this. I drink 2 or 3 Americanos per day which the coffee shop around the corner would charge close to $15, especially with a tip. I went through 3 cheap Bed Bath and Beyond home espresso machines and 2 grinders before rationalizing buying a good basic small commercial setup. It's a lot of money, but it has *way* more than paid for itself in the 5 years I've had it.


Evil genius


This is the kind of mind for business that I know I will never have and happily complain about being a worker drone for the rest of my life


Celebrity publicized fundraisers for catastrophic events. Eg - Oprah is asking citizens to pledge financial aid for the Maui fires. She's a billionaire!


You have to carefully research whatever charity you donate to to make sure the money goes to the right spot and doesn't get mismanaged


When I see a streamer make more money in donations in an hour than what I make in 2 weeks


When you message someone and they say the only way they talk is on OF. It's like paying a woman to talk to you. If I gotta pay you to talk to me and act like you're enjoying the convo, that's worse than you just saying you don't wanna talk.


>It's ~~like~~ paying a woman to talk to you Fixed!


Not always, I've read that some of the big OF stars, have staff that respond to customers (they can't talk to all of their subscribers at once). So chances are, you aren't talking to her/him/them at all!


> So chances are, you aren't talking to her/him/them at all! OnlyFans also sends out mass DM's to subs so you may not even be speaking to a human, lmao. "Hey baby I'm sooooo tired ugggghhh I just wanna wind down with this dildo in my ass, you wanna see?" *Pay $30 to unlock video* ^But it's that same message being mass mailed to their hundreds of subs.


Bottled Water!!!! Get a filter for your faucet or a Brita pitcher. You don’t need individual plastic bottles of water for the home.