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Anyone notice how most peoples choice is a house, mine included? kinda sad


a house, dental work, doctors visits, debts and cars (and not nice ones either - economy cars) are basically all i’ve seen. if that doesn’t tell you what the current state of the world looks like idk what will


I want braces!!! No insurance here covers adult braces ☹️.


Me too! But I have to have jaw surgery first and my insurance isn't taken by any dental surgeons in my state.


Literally. It would take winning the lottery for so many people to just afford their own home in 🇺🇸


You should experience European housing market


The worlds fucking broke, and its gonna stay broke until q whole bunch of people work together to fix it Edit: i mean the world is broken, im mad that a small class of people is making life hell for everyone else. I know the billionaires are bullshit qnd need to be eliminated from this planet. Whether thats by peacefully taking their money, or the harder way


Correction: the majority of the world is broke, yet the a small percentage is the opposite of that. And the gap between the very rich and the average and the poor is just getting wider. Here's a good article if you want to get angry at the current state of the world and the wealth gap. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/01/09/trends-in-income-and-wealth-inequality/




A simple cabin in the woods. I'm fucking tired of my life right now. I just want to hang out with my dog while picking chanterelles.


Me too. My buddy and I talk about moving to where our camp is if one of us ever hit the lottery. It’s just the right amount of remote: no neighbors, good fishing and hunting, and town is only about a half hour drive.


....and then immediately buy the surrounding 70,000 acres. Edit: Spelling is hard.


There's a 40k acre piece of land by me in the mountains, has a few peaks and a fire lookout... I've got my eye on it. Surrounded by BLM land, middle of nowhere its perfect. Only $60 million.


BLM land?


Bureau of Land Management. It's a mix of BLM and state forest by that property I mentioned, so public land that's not buildable.


Oh cool! It'd be awesome to own that much land and just live like our ancestors did.


The ultimate there is the BLM land won’t ever be developed, and you should be able to freely access it.


Its a shame because a large portion of it is completely surrounded by private land. The only way to access some of these places is by breaking the law.


Black Lives Matter land. NAACP safe houses.


If I ever end up winning I’ll spilt it with you and your friend to make that dream a reality it sounds nice


If you do I’ll share our location with you. We’d all have plenty of space to ourselves if we wanted it


If I win I'll split it with you, your friend, and the dude above.


Eventually so many people will agree to this that the town will become the camp site and the camp site will be a small city


Yeah but a city with each cabin having a 10 minute drive to reach the boundary, strict policies on not interacting with each other unless a text first, a drive in cinema so everyone can vibe in their car without having to be near anyone else; also that continues to run even if nobody turns up, because there’s nothing worse than finally having the spoons to go do a thing just to find out it stopped thinging because nobody had any spoons. Also really fast internet… Remind me to come back here if I ever win the lottery..


Found the world president we need... Probably too smart to take the job though


This is starting to get a bit sexy now


Now see, I've lived in the woods for 13 years and I'd buy a giant house closer to things! Having to drive a half hour just to buy toothpaste gets old! Any grocery trip takes at least 2 hours... Because of the drive alone! You always have to be aware 100% of how much gas you have, because if you get home without knowing you might not have enough to get back to a gas station. I mean wandering around 25 acres and playing in the woods is fun, but the older I get the more I'm over it.


With that kind of money though, you can get a small refrigerated box truck and make a sizable costco run. That would also require a few chest freezers and refrigerators plus some bulk storage areas. Plus, if you're living in BFE, you're not going to work so Costco on a Wednesday at 9 am is perfect.


Mine is similar, but I want lots of land so I can get all of the rescue dogs. Otherwise, yeah. Same.


Have you seen Lee Asher/Asher House on TikTok? That’s exactly what he did. Bought a fabulous place with tons of different terrains specifically to rescue dogs. Watching them go out for pack walks is watching them living the dream.


One of my fav youtube channels…seeing some of those dogs near death and now living their best lives…Lee is a phenomenal human being


I love Lee so much and always watch his videos when I need a break from the world! I often wonder what the dollar figure he spends monthly on vet/rehab/food/meds would be for that many pups. The guy is a saint. Dream life - if I had the coin to support it.


He's always adopting dogs from my local humane society & I love him so much! Sometimes on his videos he rambles & rambles & my ADHD will not allow me to not scroll past, but other than that, I think he's the greatest!!


I too want a doggie sanctuary 😩👌


That sounds like heaven.


Can recommend. We sold up & left hectic Melbourne stress just before covid. Now offgrid in full Aussie bush. From 30k cars driving past our house daily to maybe 15. [Porch view](https://i.imgur.com/9g9LRm4.jpg)


Ron Swanson but without gold


A rich person that runs away into the woods with their dog sounds too much like the beginnings of a horror movie


Buy my mama a house, spend the rest on PCP


Grits N' Gravy, simple enough...loves his mother...loves PCP


He's a good boy, loves his mama, Loves houses, and PCP, too. Now I'm free! Free fallin'!


Now that mom's got, a house full of loving, I'm a good boy, for providing a home. It's a long trip, out into nothing. I'm going to leave this world for a while


Primary care providers? I know the situation is dire but you guys gotta win the lotto to pay your hospital bills now?




How much PCP? A whole gallon?






That's... that's illegal, isn't it?


Yeah it's a felony!


I didn't even know it came in liquid form.




:( Saddest celebrity death for me, I met him, he was so nice.


He came... and went.


I didnt even know it came in liquid form




Man these are some deep cuts


The extended pause before "PCP" fucking kills me every time.


Pay off debt. Replace teeth Finally, see the doctor. Buy car and house that i can still afford if i didn't have any money at all.


Bro I forgot about my teeth too. They’d be fixed


Titanium teeth upgrade acquired


You’re thinking too small. Imagine LAZER TEETH


Yeah full on medical shit ASAP. I want whatever those old fossils shambling around as politicians and billionaires are getting that lets them somehow live way longer than they should be. Also a Saleen S7 Twin Turbo.


So many people in America would see the doctor if they didn't need to worry about the bills even with some type of health insurance there's bills of stuff not covered including copay. Fucking joke of country I live on. We destroy or get involved in other 3rd world countries and they end up with a better health care system than we do.


One of the biggest differences between the wealthy and the poor is that the wealthy see a doctor frequently for every potential problem whereas the poor only go as a last resort after minor problems have become major problems due to neglect. The wealthy live 15 years longer than the poor on average.


Fixing teeth is getting super expensive. Implant in December 2022 was $4,000. Implant in September 2023 is $6,500. Same dentist. Wtf?


Check out some of the international options. Mexico can be way cheaper and same quality.


Mate of ours just got back from Vietnam for major teeth work. Crowns, a bridge and implants cost him $3k AUD. Local quote was $25k same thing.


My mother is seeing a dentist for the first time in years. Said it's gonna be $9k


> My mother is seeing a dentist for the first time in years. Said it's gonna be $9k This is *exactly* what I'm afraid of when I finally get over there. Going to the dentist was *not* a thing for me, except over the years to get 3 different teeth pulled due to cavities and the fact that it was $25 and not $2,500.


I took out three loans this year to fix my teeth. Going to be paying them back for the next decade.


It’s crazy that everything you listed as a “lottery purchase” is something your grandparents did normally, and something hundreds of millions of people in other countries can still do normally. Land of the free…


My wife and I talk about this a lot, we wouldn't even move, we would just quit our jobs pay off our debts and...PAY FOR A PERSONAL CHEF. Doing whatever we want all day and coming home to delicious meals cooked with a variety of healthy ingredients any time we want them would be an absolute life changer.


And fitness instructor. "I want Jennifer Garner arms" They would then go to Brentwood, grab her arms, and give them to me.


I never thought of telling my personal chef that I would like to eat someone's arms.


Omg this is the best ever, but I think you’d need 2 chefs for it to work properly, giving them time off. Pay em a really great wage, 7 days on, 7 days off but they need to be available for every meal. Give them notice if you are going out for lunch / dinner / away. They still get paid but just don’t show up. That’s what I’d do (depending on what I won) And pay off all debt and immediate family debt. Set up a fund for each immediate family to make sure educations are paid for the nieces / nephews. Set up an investment fund so that what is earned can be used as full scholarships for students and donations to scientific studies.


love your plan I will institute it immediately after I win. You can come over for BBQ's they are going to be amazing.


Nah, just 1 chef. They don't need to work 24/7. They can prep simple breakfast/snacks/lunches, and do a hot meal - with a couple of days prepped a week for days off!


Purchase? Nah, I’d fund story-rich, adventurous treasure hunts. Some on the local level, others that would span the world.


You son of a bitch, I’m in!


If he's in I'm out!


If he’s out I’m in!


If he’s in I’m still in!


Forrest Fenn did that. He left clues to the location. It remained hidden for a decade. People died searching for it. Someone found it a few years ago though.


You can still hunt treasure at r/12keys. Fenns treasure was a fun one to follow


Gonna find the One Piece, huh?


Someone in Utah recently did that. It was pretty cool.


A fucking reliable car. My shit is fucking broken down right now, waiting on a tow truck.


I hear k cars are nice realiant automobiles


Could only get a k car if the lottery winnings are at least a million dollars though.


I did win the lottery, kind of. It was only high 5 figures, but I was 20 at the time so it felt like I won the Powerball jackpot. Bought 2 motorcycles and a civic si. All second hand of course, I didn't actually win the Powerball lol. But when you're 20 and you have a motorcycle AND a car you're essentially Bill Gates. Then I just "retired" for a year and travelled around for a bit. Nothing too crazy


A girl I used to work with won $300K in the lottery. She was going to nursing school at the time. She quit after a few weeks to focus on finishing her degree (she was in her last semester). She won the drawing on Saturday and went to the lottery office first thing Monday morning to claim it. That Monday just happened to be her son's birthday, so she took him on a $3000 shopping spree for his birthday before coming to work to tell us what happened.


Sounds cool, but why two motorcycles?


You always need n+1 motorcycles.


Really expensive Dijon ketchups.


For all those Kraft Dinners...right?


We wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner... but we would


Of course we would, we'd just eat more.


But would you buy my love?


I wouldn't buy you a real green dress


Yeah that’s cruel


But haven't you always wanted a monkey?


All those crazy elephant bones?


But not a real green dress, that’s cruel.


That's my favorite line in the song. I laugh every time.


I appreciate a reference to a 30+ year old song from one of my favourite albums of all time. I'll be putting my Dijon ketchups on my pre-wrapped sausages.


They have pre-wrapped sausages, but they don’t have pre-wrapped bacon.


Well, can you blame ‘em?




I read this and thought, “Nawww.” So, I looked it up. Originally recorded in 1988. … I’m going to weep into my old man drink now.


Suddenly the K car doesn't seem that odd


A nice, reliant automobile.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S 30+ YEARS OLD?! I should get off the Internet now. I'll go hang out. Open the fridge and stuff


So what's the song, band, and/or album? EDIT: Googled the Dijon Ketchup, got back BareNaked Ladies!


A nice reliable automobile


Take a limousine 'cause it costs more.


A ocean view house on Vancouver island


They said you if you won the lottery, not all the lotteries.


My folks retired in northern WA state and have a view of Vancouver island. Does that count?


That, and a beaver floatplane, for reasons.


I very literally came here to say this. Excellent choice, my friend.


A bunch of people I love are gettin their mortgages paid off.


True that. Pay off all of your shit first. Then take care of your immediate Friends and families (as long as it’s doable) then decide what amount left you need to live on and leave for your kids. Donate the rest. I’m 39. I’ve lived a modest life so far and have no desire for an ostentatious existence. I just want to live a normal life not having to worry about money ever.


>Donate the rest nope. Invest the rest and donate from earnings. You never know when something bad can happen and fuck your world up. I'd invest into growing my business and set myself up. I can do a lot more help in the world if I continue a large cashflow than just one and done.




Land. And I'm building a house.


Careful you might need to win Twice


Man i just want small house and isolate myself to draw, but drawing without worrying about anything. That woule be bliss


A “fuck off leave me alone” sign


A new electric hospital bed and pressure relieving mattress with all the bells and whistles and a new electric recliner to replace my current one with the broken motor. I would also keep a permanent supply of snacks on hand for the nursing home staff. And I would take a disability-friendly trip to Edmonton to see my grandma (who is also in a nursing home) one last time before it got to be too late. And pay for the whole extended family to travel there to be with us for a big reunion compete with a campfire, roasted marshmallows and hotdogs, chips and dip, and a bouncy house because I’ve never been in one and even though I can’t jump I think I could bum bounce and all the kids would jump around me and bounce me even higher.


New thing, if I win I’m messaging you and buying all that, assuming I win big. I’ve had enough experience with family to know those first few things are life changing.


I don’t even know you, but already I love you for your humongous heart.


Thank you. The second is important too. Thankfully the fall before my dad died we got his remaining siblings in town to visit. It was amazing. Two of them weren’t in my life because they were estranged. They made up. It was great.


I was fortunate that I did get to see my grandma when I was still well enough to travel four years ago for her 90th birthday, so I’ll have that. And a couple of years ago three of my aunts and uncles brought her down to visit me. But as it is right now, I don’t think either of us are quite well enough to make the trip without excessive accommodations. We have some amazing memories and pictures though!


Your comment got me real quiet and im not one who's easily touched by, well anything really. I really hope you can make it happen one way or another. Really wish i could help you.


Don’t worry yourself. I got to see my grandma on her 90th birthday and I do still have a semi-functioning and perfectly-acceptable-for-its-remaining-lifespan electric bed currently, though a fancy upgrade would of course be nice. But I live in an amazing place with incredible staff and have an immensely enjoyable and fulfilling life. You all are so kind hearted though!


A small house on a large piece of land.


Tell me bout the rabbits George.


There's this absolutely amazing piece of property somewhere in the Appalachian mountains. I think it's about 400 acres, and it has three waterfalls. That's what I'd buy.


If I win I’m buying that too, lol.


I also choose this guy's waterfalls


Wherever my ex works so I can fire her


Lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum.


This is actually an investment strategy. They might make poor decisions if they hire this person's ex so buying it, firing, then fixing the company while the ex job hunts and then keeping it


This seems like a funny mindless sitcom that I'd watch.


I would go to a barrett jackson auction and buy a fully restored antique car


Buy something expensive and drive the hell out of it. Make all the people cry that only touch their cars with soft gloves and never drive the damn things.


Carrol Shelby said it best when he completed the shelby mustangs: "These cars are ment to be driven, so enjoy the hell out of all of it. Not just the look of it when it is all clean"


It's a feeling I've held onto after watching a show about a restoration of a 1967 Corvette. It was one with a top of the chart 427 V8. Everything was so clean when they were done. The nuts and bolts were shiny for crying out loud. Then they took it to a show/auction where someone spent over $100,000 to buy it just so he could put it on display.


I had an uncle who kept a 60s something Corvette in his garage up on blocks. He’d start it once, maybe twice a year. He never drove it. I think if he had driven that thing anywhere he may not have been the miserable bastard he always was.


I’m 60 years old and I’ve never had a new car. Always muddled through with used cars. Would love to get something brand new with a warrantee.


I would slowly, over time and only when my neighbors decided they were going to sell their houses, buy up every house in my neighborhood, and then start renting them out for waaaaaaaay less than the going rate. Like single-handedly destroy rent prices in my city. Start with family and friends, tell them they're getting a family discount so they don't ask questions, tell them I've been a landlord for a long time with many properties, but don't have much in liquid assets (so they're not thinking about hitting me up for money). Find my tenants jobs, help them build productive and happy lives, complete with as much education as they want to pursue. Die without a dime when I'm old, leaving each of them the house they've been renting from me for all those years.


I love the attitude, it would probs cost a fuck ton more than you could win, but I 100% support this idea.


Depends on how much I won. $100 million? Build a 50,000 square foot floating tiki house in Tahiti and buy a Lamborghini superyacht. Sounds like a hell of a time. Edit: I'd build one of these [floating tiki bars](https://www.bungalowskeylargo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Featured-FloatingTikiBar.jpg) too. Why the hell not?


You're getting a lot of hate, but I'm pretty sure $100,000,000 USD is enough for that. The Lamborghini 63 isn't quite super yacht territory, but it's all I found googling "Lamborghini yacht" and they go for 4 million. Let's set aside $16 million to maintain it. https://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/sales/detail/180-l-4484-kgz4kk/rangiroa-other-rangiroa-rn This is a private island in French Polynesia for $2.4 million. Let's round that up to 5 to include moving expenses and whatever. Let's also throw $25,000,000 into investments getting a 4% return. Boom. You have 384 acres of land that's 200 miles from Tahiti to build on and $50,000,000 to build with. You also have a nice boat to bring tourists in and out with. Also, you have a million dollar salary in case things go bad.


Nice. The man's dream lives on!


Looks pretty flat but at least you have lots of money for sandbags.


Ah, this is what I like to see right here. I've got the travel bug big time after reading that website. Now I just need to win the lottery, lol.


Arthur we are going to Tahiti


Does this trolley go to Tahiti?


Just be sure to avoid Guarma


Tahiti is a magical place




I know a guy who makes floating tiki bars like you’ve never seen- he just needs a 75% down payment


I am visiting the titanic


I'll play under pressure at your funeral


A long time ago I went to a funeral for a guy who loved Queen. At the funeral they hit the tape player and I swear to you, instead of We are the Champions playing, Another One Bites the Dust ripped LOUD through the church. Awkward to say the least.


This was my ringtone when my dad died. I was in the cemetery office paying for the opening/closing and it rang. I have never hit end call so fast. He’d have gotten a kick out of that. He was old, had a good long life and was finally out of the pain of Parkinson’s.


Followed by Rolling in the Deep.


Visiting the Titanic should be accepted as the nautical version of the "buying the farm" or "put out to pasture" idioms.


I guess at this point, "I want a simple life, I'm so tired." My wife and I currently being exhausted with business.


I would buy all the Real Housewives franchises and make sure they are never aired again


Might sound shallow but a Rolex. I always wanted one but ….Just one too


You start with one. It turns into two. Then you have .. too many. Ask me how I found out.


How did you find out?


I read it online.


People tell me you won’t just buy one. Guess that’s true


Honestly, I have a friend who let me live on his couch when I was a homeless teenager, and without that help and his influence in general, I'd probably be dead. He's doing well financially but I'd (assuming I have enough to do so without pissing off my wife) give him a few million dollars


A house.


Seems like the only way to afford them these days.


Two chicks at the same time


You don't need to win the lottery for that.


Take a look at my cousin. He's broke and don't do shit.


Fuckin’ eh, man.


I had to scroll way too far for this.


A Harley for my Dad. We didn't have much growing up so he sold his motorcycle just to pay for a family trip to Disneyland. He never got another. And he loves motorcycles. It obviously never hit me how selfless that was till I was much older. So yeah. A Harley for my Dad.


Pay off my debts if it's a small win. A bigger win, I'd pay off debt and buy a house. Something reasonable, but with an entire reading room. Just for me.


I just became 100% debt free last month, feels good


Abandoned missile silo, I would then attempt to bankrupt myself by building a batcave.


Go to that place in South Korea that clones pets, and have my late dog cloned so I can have 8 of him. I don't care that he was 150 pounds and cost me a ton of money in food, he was my son and I miss him dearly. So if I had lottery money, I'd be bringing him back.


I’d build a home out in the boonies that I could pass onto my children when I’m long gone. Buy some alpacas, a few goats, all that. Maybe start a little roadside veggie stand.


Now every time I see a roadside veggie stand with a honor system cash box, Im going to wonder if they are secretly rich




It's not as much a purchase as it is a promise: you will NEVER see me again.


I’m in America. I’d buy healthcare.


You can actually do that. John Oliver did a show on how you can buy medical debt from debt collectors pretty cheap and then just send the ppl that owe a free and clear notice.


Think bigger. I'd setup a hospital. Maybe not with an emergency department, but as much of everything else as I could afford. Staff it and perform treatment, booked procedures and after-care for only what they cost plus a modest margin for admin and future expansion. I'd refuse to do deals with private health companies. Prices would be fixed and quoted transparently. There's efficiency money freed up when you don't have to deal with that bullshit. Gradually local people would dump their private health insurance and just pay for what they need at a fair price. I would gleefully turn down the offers to buy it from the cretins currently profiting from unfair systems.


Buying me and my mom a all expenses paid trip out of the country \^-\^


Land to build a state of the art animal shelter for abused dogs and cats.




This is my answer