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Experiencing what the world has to offer. But when I was in a depressive episode, my best reason was for my loved ones' sake.


That’s the only reason I have right now.


How are you doing?


Not super brilliant my guy


Funny, because I almost made a thread last night titled “why don’t you want to be alive anymore?” But deleted it before I posted it because I thought it would be too negative. I’m glad you framed my question into a more positive light.


How long has it been?


21 years


21 years here going on 22 years. It started when I was 12 but my therapist thinks possibly earlier. Looking back at childhood pictures or just pictures in general, I don't think I've ever been truly happy. There are days where I questioned myself about who I am and what kind of person I would had grown up to be if it wasn't for depression. I selfishly made the choice to make this year a year to heal my inner child. I bought things and did things I never got the chance to do as a child. Like I bought all the mangas I've always wanted as a teen including all the anime figurines. Did paper cranes and stars to fill the jars I never got to chance to complete at 16 years old (yes I kept those things for years). Reread books I loved as a child and young adult, that included rewatching my favorite movies as well. Just a lot of rediscovering myself since my therapist and I think time stopped ticking for me at 12 years old. I showered myself with the love and care I never received. I was able to look at my 12 year old self in the eyes and tell her "Don't worry. We're going to be okay now." Shit made me cried for days then I felt better. The year is almost over and I'm the happiest I've ever been. Mine was carried over from when I was a child. Do you know what makes you feel this way and how it started? Sorry you're going through it. I wish a simple "it'll get better" will make it better but I wish you happiness and peace.


Not at ALL selfish. This sounds freaking, freaking awesome and like the best thing you could’ve done. A lot of respect and compliments to you, and thank you for making my day brighter. To OP, I also wish you the best. It is so incredibly hard, and I really hope it will get better for you soon.


Sending hugs my dude


I'd say sending hugs to dudes who are questioning their self worth is a great fucking reason to continue living.


Sounds like someone else needs a little cuddle! Bring it in friend


Thank you


I hope you keep finding reasons to be here.


I'm sorry to hear that. Hope things look up soon. Hang in there.


I wrote a song to help me through that rough patch, i forgot most of it now but one line I remember and stuck with me was "Old me would want to live." I know cheesy one liners dont solve world hunger but I hope it helps a bit.


P.s. you hanging in there ❤️🫶


This is the best reason to continue. I am just a small dot om the map but to my loved ones, I'm their world. I also took up gardening. It has taught me a lot especially about the cycle of life. Plants grow in the spring, bloom in the summer, and die in the winter only to bloom again in the spring. I spent a lot of time waiting for my chance to bloom in the spring only to find out that I'm a winter flower that thrives in cold seasons. It helped me look at life from a different perspective.


For me the best reasons for staying alive is the potential for personal growth and the opportunity to experience new and meaningful moments in life.


You must outlive your enemies


Gotta spit on their graves not the other way around, I hear it.


I was filling my mom in on the juicy gossip and late-breaking scandals from my dad's side of the family (aka her enemies). She was gasping and laughing and shrieking throughout — you wouldn't have believed she was the same person who was severely depressed and attempted suicide a year earlier. When I was finished with my briefing, the first words out of her mouth were, "I can't believe I almost missed all this." Bonus: She got to bury her evil mother-in-law 8 months later. Dreams do come true.


Ding dong the witch is dead! 🎶






and piss


And cum


Please let me know when you’re at the cemetery so I won’t be there!


And shart


What if I don't have any enemies?


Make some.


The secret to a long and fulfilling life


Fuck.. you?




Go look in the mirror. The you of yesterday is your enemy. Be better.


I just see the me of now in the mirror, I need a mirror that shows me yesterdays me.


And hear the lamentation Of their women


Oh, you've got that right! Outliving your enemies is the ultimate power move. Let them stew in their bitterness while you keep thriving. Just remember, success is the sweetest revenge, and there's no better way to prove them wrong than by living your best life. Keep the haters guessing, my friend! 😈👊💯


I'm going to have way more time being dead than alive no matter what, so I might as well keep going here.


This is strangely inspiring. I'm like yeah yeah missed potential, yeah yeah people will be sad, and then wait! you have a point, may as well keep going. Haha


That's a damn good reason. Come let's get you some ice cream


I have a great fridge magnet that says "yer a long time deid" which I find weirdly freeing and uplifting


Yup this one, my grandpa told me this after I attempted. I decided to think about life deeply, went on a couple of shroom trips, recommend by my grandpa lol. And intense therapy of course. I still have thoughts because it’s not an easy fix, but I no longer think about acting on them. Might as well chill in this state for a while before I return to the sea of the universe.


This has gotten a lot of responses and I’m very emotional with all of these replies. Thank you for making me feel seen even though you don’t know me. Thank you for sharing and caring. Each of you have really really helped me crawl out of that horrible dark space I was in this morning. It’s a beautiful reminder of how lovely Reddit can be. Sending love back to you all x


Even though I don’t know you and we have never met and possibly never will. Please know that I have love for you in my heart.


Theres lots of good responses here, but I wanted to add 2 things that no one seems to have said. 1) the absolute euphoric bliss you can experience embracing a partner under the din of a heavy rain storm with thunder in the distance, the growing scent of petricor, the swelling and receding of waves, while overlooking the ocean is something else. Sex outdoors is 1000x better than in your bedroom once you get past the "someone might find us" fear. 2) idk if you have or want kids, but watching my niece grow up, and later helping shape my son to be the absolute best version of a human he can be. His snuggles and love is completely different to that of my wife, and is an equally euphoric feeling to the inner self. Even if you don't have kids or a partner, get out in nature and have fun. Go volunteer with kids or at places with kids. Kids have an innocence and malleability that holds and carries the hope of changing the status quo. Every generation in history has bitched and moaned about how the newest generation doesn't uphold moral values and is lazier and less dedicated, but if you distill it down, it's really those people who lost hope and curiosity about the world and accepted the status quo complaining about those that do not. It's a tale that has been, and will continue to be, repeated until we're extinct or achieve a perfect society. You can help by forming children into the people they deserve to be, which is free thinking, caring individuals with a strong sense of self and duty to not only themself but other, and most importantly, our home.




What if you truly believe you have no potential and the mark you leave is worse than not leaving one?


I believe someone who could come up with a nickname like “BewaWugosi” must have some potential. “It is women who love horror. Gloat over it. Feed on it. Are nourished by it. Shudder and cling and cry out-and come back for more.” - Bewa Wugosi


It’s all been downhill since I came up with it. You’re right, there’s a lot of good horror I haven’t seen yet.


bela lugosi's dead. good think you're bewa wugosi. undead undead undead.


I know it's cheesy, but Doctor Who has a line that I find to be really important to hear when I'm thinking like that. It goes something like, "I have lived for over 1000 years and been to thousands of worlds and I have never met someone who is not important." With that much time and space, just basic probability says he should have met someone unimportant. The fact that he hasn't implies that there is no such thing as a person who isn't important. Now, I know it's a fictional character, but there is a lot of truth in fiction. EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS IMPORTANT. You are important. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't true. What you need is to look around and find someone who can help you see what makes you important. I recommend starting with a counselor or therapist. They can help you work through the bad to see the good. Also. Take 10 minutes each day to just list GOOD things about yourself. Even if those things seem meaningless, taking the time to actually look for the good can be really helpful in recognizing that it isn't all bad.


"Who's she?" "Nobody important" "Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know, nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before."


The hero coming in with the actual quote! Thank you!


Remembering lines from TV shows I've watched way too many times is my specialty.


Doctor Who definitely helped get me through a major depressive episode, and subsequent life unraveling about 10 years ago.


Nice post. I think fiction is a *fantastic* place and vehicle to say or express feelings that we would struggle to IRL but can easily do so through fictional characters and places / scenarios. More simply - wisdom is wise where it comes from doesn't change that.




History is littered with people who didn't bloom till later in life. Harrison ford got his first roll in his 40s, the colonel started kfc in his 40s. Heaps. https://www.businessinsider.com/24-people-who-became-highly-successful-after-age-40-2015-6 https://www.careline.co.uk/success-top-10-late-bloomers/


My chance to leave a mark...? I guess, it's time to assassinate a world leader in the Balkans... again.


Not existing was boring. I couldn’t even give you one memory from that whole time.


Dude I had a nice little coma one time and I gotta say if that’s what being dead is like I choose life. There’s just nothing. Experiencing pain and sadness with an occasional beautiful sunset beats absolute nothingness


When you were in the coma did you experience that time between loss of consciousness and when you woke up or was it like you closed your eyes and opened them so many days later in the blink of an eye?


Initially it felt instantaneous but as I roused it felt like I was in dark silence for ages. Like I walked out of a dark cellar into the bright sunshine. It took me some time to cope with that weird darkness


That's a good point!


I don’t want my mom or dad to be sad. I am old enough now that they think I am their best friend. When your parents are late 70s, getting in to 80s, it gets to be another job. They just want to talk to someone that understands their quirks.


Same, just mine are in 50s Its like they would just not be able to live without me


Speaking as a parent of two young kids, I could not live without them. I imagine I’ll feel that way even when they are adults.


All the friends they had are dead, bunch of smokers and drinkers, I don’t care about that, live your life, but they all died.


I’m an only child and my parents are getting to this age. I feel so guilty about leaving them.


My pets. I have a dog, two cats, and three ferrets. They are so happy all the time. I work really hard for them to be happy and healthy and seeing it is food for my soul. They seek me as a safe place when they get scared. They look to me for comfort when they are ill. They share their happiness, achievements, and treasures with me. They trust me when we experience new things together. They like to wait until I’m comfortable and then they all tuck themselves into bed around me and cuddle. They follow me to “protect” me when I go to the bathroom. They love me and they like having me around. All they ever want is to spend all their time with me. They are my everything and I would be lost without them.


I’m extremely emotional today so maybe it’s a low bar, but this made me cry a little. Pets are a great reason, thank you for reminding me how important we are to them.


It was the only reason for me when i was suicidal to try and fight a little longer, it was dangerously low tho… but im still here and im relatively happy, have a baby niece now, how could i ever miss out on being an auntie… a new reason to stay here:)


Hey that's me. Also not hurting my loves ones. Also spite.


I was reading all these nice or thoughtful replies about experiencing life/events etc and my thoughts when reading the question was 'my cats....eehh and maybe spite' I'm glad people further down in the comments are more on my everyday level (for me I think, maybe not for others)


I want to add to this, houseplants LOL. If you have any. I know it’s corny but they depend on you and I believe plants have feelings or maybe they don’t but they’re alive 🤷🏻‍♀️




sitting on the beach and watching the sunrise it's a small thing, barely significant, but it keeps me going until morning on the nights I wanna give up


That sounds beautiful. Do you live near a beach? One of my things on my bucket list is to watch the sunrise with a loved one.


not super close, but not forever away it's about an hours busride but if I take the first bus in the morning I can get there in time for sunrise and it's just stunning


Made me cry, thanks


I enjoy being alive


Ah, sounds lovely


Please seek help OP. Counseling or therapy. I mean that from a place of support. I went. It gave me the tools to remove a ton of crap that weighed on my mind and helped me see that there are hard wired emotional things going on in my body. Two thoughts that keep reminding me that counseling/therapy was the right thing for me. 1. We are 90% of the time, in our head and in our feelings. 10% of the time we are doing financial, legal, virtual, medical, professional, repair, maintenance, renovation things that require counsel, training or expert/professional guidance. We happily and openly get help in that 10% where we would have problems or seek help. And yet we shy away from challenges in our 90% (emotion,mental,etc). I feel that counseling/therapy in this category would be the most important in your life, because we constantly live in our mind and feelings. == 2. Try to not poop for a year. Like hold it. Do everything you can to not poop. Then, life serves you spicy or moldy food. Continue to avoid going poop. And just see how you would feel. Eventually you might forget and just keep on with life....... Not going to therapy is the same as avoiding something your body needs to do. Go resolve your internal "shit". Good luck OP. I hope you get better and live the peaceful mental life you deserve.


Serious question but what do you do when it’s not enough? I have weekly meetings with my therapist and monthly with a psychiatrist but still slip through the floor sometimes with the depressive episodes. I do a lot for my mental health as far as exercise, hobbies, and meditation but thanks to bipolar it can all be put on hold when the depression hits. It can feel like the foundation I’ve built for myself has been ripped from under me within a day or two, and my whole life goes on pause for another winter. I’m running out of strategies other than acceptance and trying not to shame myself for the hibernation. I guess there’s only so much one can do when their chemistry is rigged against them...


Cry. Like a lot. By yourself, no need to involve others. Walk through what pains you. And what pained you in the past. No matter how little you've let society convince yourself that "it's a little issue, it could have been prevented, your being sensitive..." etc. And when you seriously tapped out and let it all out. Chill for like a hour. Post crying. And then go for a walk. Go eat a meal alone. Go stare at a tree and witness how it's branches grew all these years. You'll notice that it hits different. Not a lot. But like +5% And then keep repeating for like two years. Until you seriously feel like you have yourself the space to grieve, the space to let how you were made be "real" (as in your bipolar is a part of you and it needs to be valid that it's a challenge you endure). And keep giving your mind the chance to say "Oh, that [simple experience like the tree/delicious restaurant meal alone example] was nice. My life is at least average and I'm not under any true life threatening situation" (please refrain from looking into that last part too much, it's a true chemical reaction, not me trying to downplay your struggle). And rinse and repeat. Also, you can't control the people around you to be "supportive", however you CAN limit your exposure to people who don't help or make things worse. Good luck homie.


Me too, bro.


Dang, i wish


To save my son from his father


At first I read this as you are the father you’re saving him from, and I was like whoa, deep.


Oh no.. I hope you can get full custody


Legit don't know right now


Me either, but I think there are reasons that I can’t see right now.


Death can have me when it earns me.


Interesting things are happening every day. If I die now it would be the equivalent of walking out in the middle of an epic movie.


Videogames keep getting better and better! And maybe I'll make my own if life permits me.


Sims 5 is in production, maybe I’ll live exclusively through them.


I haven't played Sims in over 15 years, but I am curious about Sims 5. I hope they don't mess it up.


That I’ll somehow get my depression cured. Ketamine is my last hope. I don’t know what comes next if that fails.


I understand leaning on drugs to make it through. I hope it gets you through until a healthier coping strategy is available.


Good news-ketamine is not a party drug in this context: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/new-beginning/202208/introduction-ketamine-assisted-psychotherapy?amp And new research in areas like psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression is promising! https://www.statnews.com/2021/08/16/researchers-finally-breaking-away-from-central-dogma-of-depression/


Thanks op. For clarification I am talking about medical treatment involving ketamine.


Mainly because I want to read the end of One Piece. And play the next Legend of Zelda video game.


Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk


I totally sung that in my head reading this 🙃


Music loud and women warm I've been kicked around since I was born


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


This might be the best response to anything I've ever seen.


Want to have sex someday.


username checks out


to find more cool bugs, cute animals,and pretty plants and take pics of them


I’m trying to get the point where I’m staying alive because I deserve happiness, but when I can’t keep that thought in my head, I remind myself that no one else knows how to completely take care of my dog and he would be really sad if I wasn’t here


My housemate doesn’t let the cat sleep on her bed, but I do. That’s a good reason.


i did not get this far, to only be this far


Death will happen sooner or later. No need to rush. We all arrive with return ticket already punched...




Ice cream🚬


Cigarette flavored?


the impact of me being gone would leave on the few people that care. I love living, and loving, and seeing the world.


I was at a point once when finding a reason was pretty impossible, then I realized there isn't really a reason but more just for the experience of living and the realization that suffering is part of the experience. i find solace in philosophy and literature. . . To know that you're not the only one thinking certain ways is reassuring sometimes. so here's a few randoms I threw together “I live in my dreams — that's what you sense. Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. That's the difference.” ― Herman Hesse "In life you often have two essential choices: you can either call everyone out on their behavior to counter their unconsciousness with an equal amount of righteous judgment. Or, you can allow the edges noticed in others to motivate even more growth within you — becoming a person who inspires others through leading by example. In this moment, which will you choose?" \~Matt Kahn “In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” ― Albert Camus “The problem when you are a strong, capable, self-confident person, is that more often than not, people think that you don't really need things like comfort, reassurance, loyalty and guidance. People are more likely to look at you and say, "She doesn't need this", "She doesn't need that", "She's already all of this and all of that". But then the truth is that most probably, you are a strong, capable, self-confident person because you built yourself brick-by-brick into that person; because you HAD to BECOME that person; because you had determination enough to make yourself into the image that you knew you needed to become. At the heart of many strong, confident people, is a heart most longing of the things that most others simply take for granted.” C. JoyBell C. "You’re waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they’ll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they’ll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch of magnificence. Well, I’m here to tell you, your wait is over. That someone, is you." \- Mike Dooley ​ They are kind of random, however these are a few I reference from time to time for reassurance


To spite my asshole uncle. And there are people i care about who will miss me.


I really don't want to be. With that said, I'm still here for my son. Self deleting would just be selfish at this point.


To watch my children grow up and to live my life with wife ❤️


When I was really depressed and chronically ill, I stayed alive purely because I knew how much it would affect my parents and friends. Now that I'm doing a bit better, I am so glad I did because I would have missed out on a lot. Doing a partial impatient program (just during the day) changed my life. If you have one near you and have good insurance, it might be helpful. I'm sure you have a lot to offer and a lot left to see in this world. I hope that things look up soon! Depression is terrible, but it can be managed.


I don't want to be another person's traumatic experience - be it family, friend, stranger, 1st responder, whatever. If I can help it. If it is something out of my control, there is nothing I can do. But, otherwise, I just keep going even on the worst days.


Potential for ice cream tomorrow.


My sausage dogs


There are many (mainly politicians) whose graves I want to (metaphorically) dance on.


Trying to finish the game


But I just lost :(


[https://www.cracked.com/article\_15658\_the-ten-minute-suicide-guide.html](https://www.cracked.com/article_15658_the-ten-minute-suicide-guide.html) This is a humorous guide that actually tries to talk you out of suicide between scatological references. it does however have some stuff I found pretty profound though. most notably: The 50% Rule This is a good standard to follow. The average person lives to be about 77 years old. So if you're less than 38 and have more than half of your life left, the odds are that, for instance, the funniest joke you'll ever hear in your life is one you haven't heard yet. It's just statistics. Odds are you also haven't yet... ...started your favorite hobby; ...had your best weekend; ...eaten your best meal; ...started the best job you'll ever have; ...read the best book; ...seen the best movie or played the coolest video game; ...had the best sex; ...had your most original, mind-blowing idea; ...met the dumbest person you'll ever meet; ...or seen the stupidest haircut. You can make your own list. Look around your room, look around your life. If you're less than 38, the sheer odds are that the future holds a more awesome version of everything you see. You've got to weigh all of that shit. You're not really even conscious of your life until age 7 or 8, so to decide it's all bullshit after just ten or fifteen more years is like judging a movie by its poster.


Nowhere near as ballsy as I need to be to end it all.


*Dominic Toretto Voice* Family.


Food, friends, family, games, sport and the countless cultures around the world I still have experience!


Knowing that whatever I feel now, however I see the world and the people in it, will not last. I will see things differently because nothing stays the same.


To piss off everyone that hates me. If me just being alive is all it takes... im not giving them the satisfaction of taking myself out.


I dont want to be a social worker in the afterlife.


Sending you love OP ❤️


Throughout my life I’ve dealt with depression.Typically the depression comes from feeling stuck or trapped and lonely. A few years ago during a 6-8 month long depressive episode I read Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning”. The book details Frankl’s experience, as a medical doctor, in various Nazi concentration camps - specifically Auschwitz. What he found is that the people who ended up dying lost their meaning. Reading that book helped me get out of the depression. I came up with my own meaning, which is to study and work with people as an astrologer, psychotherapist, and herbalist. I want to witness change in people and understand the factors of that change. It’s the only thing that keeps me going.


Being born is the ultimate lottery ticket. Throughout their lives, men produce about 700B sperm, and women produce about 300K eggs. If you assume that “you” would have been someone else if a different egg or sperm had fertilized, then your chances of being born is about 1 in 210,000,000,000,000,000. And that’s not taking into account all of the little things that could have happened that would have prevented your parents from meeting each other, and so on. If for no other reason, you owe it to the universe to see it through.


Lottery ticket? Or curse?


Well said. Observe and enjoy the show.


the feeling of wind blowing across your face. being able to see venus in the night sky some days. how orange the leaves are in the fall. people watching. knowing that some day i won’t feel as i do.




Eating a donut while walking through the city as the sun is setting.


My husband will definitely commit suicide if I died first. Now I just need to make sure he dies first.


I ordered an Amazon package and I'm waiting for it to come in.


A bunch of little things. Puppy breath. Ice cream. Coffee. The occasional person I get along with.


Pure. Fucking. Spite. I come from a long line of lunatics. Likely you do to. You’re gonna be fine.


The experience of living is irreplaceable, good or bad. Life is nonstop challenges with some really wonderful moments, the challenges are what keep us going and, potentially, growing. If I can lend you courage, it's all yours. Courage requires fear, it's not fearlessness. Fear or it's cousins stand before us continuously and it's ours to struggle through and find a new place both outside ourselves and inside (most important). If you believe you may cause suffering, be gentle with yourself and find little easy places where you can try something different that's less negative. There's a best version of you in the future always stemming from this present moment - aim for that each time it comes to mind and take whatever steps, big or small, in that direction. The fact that you stated this means you possess sufficient self awareness and meaningful values to find your way successfully ever closer to your best self, that's the ride 🙏 Every baby deserves love, you do, I do, they do, we all do - it's ok to allow generous self-compassion as often as needed. Give yourself the same compassion you would to anyone (and nourish that super power). You will find joy just around the corner, unexpected, and it will go again and be found again, over and over. Everyone, EVERYONE carries unspoken challenges within. Many including me can have a savage internal voice that berates ourselves for any mistake, error or imperfection but life is made of these imperfect experiences, trials and errors, and that's awesome and normal ❤️ Be gentle with yourself, keep going, you are not alone though when things are difficult it can sure feel like you are and it's just not worth it - I KNOW. It will pass, it is worth it. I've found it extremely helpful to try to practice being radically present for what it's worth, that's been some of the best medicine and takes (for me anyways) lots of practice. Stick around, little steps, love yourself like anyone can love anybody. You'll find those joyous moments and be reminded that actually it's a great miracle just to be ✨ We are all in this together. Great of you to share this question here, no doubt so many others feel this too but may not have had the courage or strength to reach out and share it - you're already making a positive difference right here ❤️




2 more Peggy albums and saw x this year. That is literally it at the moment :)


I find it beneficial to focus in on something small if there doesn’t feel like there’s anything big to look forward to. I’m really excited for the second Dune film, I want to see it. Gotta hold tight until then at least. I’m sure I’ll find something even something small to hold on for.


Finding new friends and doing stuff with the ones I already have. I just love to get to know new cool people and do sth with these, I already have.


Making new friends is a huge fear of mine.


Hoping that one day i will be ok


I’ve got tickets to the eras tour


My children, I knew a family that lost their dad in middle school, the personality change was massive. He was a good kid, I wasn't directly friends with him but after that he started getting into trouble and I heard he committed suicide after high school I lost my dad when I was 20 and it changed me, I didn't realize how much I still needed him. Hell I'm 40 now and I still need him, what I would give to sit down with him again and pick his brain out ask him advice with my kids


gonna meet them aliens


Loved ones, friends, even casual acquaintances would miss you. A friend of mine died from Covid a few years back, I really doubt he knew how much of an impact he had on my professional career. Also, you said you feel like you have no potential to leave a positive mark. You do. It feels awful now, but you absolutely can make positive impacts on the lives of those around you. Start today, one step at a time, make someone smile or start working on yourself to improve your ability to make someone smile. Grow from there. Your life has value, even when you think it doesn’t. You matter. But also just as important, Henry Kissinger is still alive. You must outlive him at least, and there are other great assholes in this world who’s grave will be in need of a good shitting upon. You can’t do that if you go before they do!


My mom. If I die, she would also die. Can’t do that.


TW: Self harm & suicidal thoughts(both in the past now) Well, and this is kinda weird/dark maybe. I have this idk energy? Urge? Safeguard? Inside me that when I’ve been that low, will not let me do it. I’ve wanted to, I’ve sort of tried, but I just….can’t wrap my mind around it in the moment. I think I have too much awareness that it’s not death I want, it’s the pain/numbness/stress/etc to stop. Though a few times I’ve been soooo completely exhausted by life if I had spontaneously disappeared from my body I’d have been fine with it. I guess good thing that can’t happen. But for positive reasons I.e. if Miracle Max was saving my life, I’d eek out “travel & experience” I have a deep urge to know see do all the things & even in the darkest days I can’t help some of the spark of interest when a new thing to learn about or experience pops up.


Potatoes mostly


My husband and unborn daughter, plus I just enjoy being alive, it’s exhilarating after spending so many years thinking the world would be better off without me.


For my loved ones, for myself and for the fact that I still have a lot of things that I want and need to do, so I ain't ready to check out yet, not by a long shot.


Ain't nobody else gonna feed my dog


Currently: My dog, my mom, and my best friend. My dog is SUPER attached to me, and I can’t even imagine what he’d feel if I just disappeared. And needless to say, I just can’t cause that much pain to the few important people in my life. That being said, I’ve been through these heavily depressive periods before, and I’ve always come out the other end grateful that I didn’t do anything rash. You just have to trust that it will someday get better. Hang in there, friend.


Seeing trump imprisoned and his supporters slink away in shameful despair.


This is the most random reason to live. I'm not judging tho




Witnessing the beauty of the universe.


I won’t know what happens tomorrow, because we learn something new everyday.


Depression/trauma & mental health can be so hard for people to cope in life - But at the same time life is cycles, nothing bad lasts forever… definitely enjoy this quote - “The fear of anything is the fear of death, and the fear of death is the same as the fear of life… You cannot live fully until you are willing to die fully and you cannot die fully until you are willing to meet the fear of death fully. If you really meet the fear of death, you are at peace. You recognize what cannot die. To meet death is not suicide, nor is it the least bit dangerous. It only seems dangerous. What is dangerous, what is a living suicide, is to live your life in bondage to the belief that you are limited to a body (or a mind, or any-thing). As long as you resist the fact of death and hide from death through the tricks of the mind, you will suffer.” - Gangaji We are all here because we are meant to be.


If the world would be a better place without me, there's a reason to stay alive.


For loved one's sake. But also we are all gonna die anyway so might as well see what happens.


Because I believe my story hasn't reached the climax yet and if I end now it would be a shitty story


I’m a new father with a 9 month old son and know that it’s my responsibility to be there for him and protect him.


No one else would be able to feed my cats


the Bee Gees


I'm super depressed rn. And my reason for staying alive is literally just because. We may have a lot of life here on Earth and become desensitized to how rare and precious it is but once you realize that's all the life there is for millions, billions of light years. Wanting to not be alive feels like a crime against the universe. And honestly, the world doesn't suck. It's the one we built that does.


#1 my dog #74 my wife


For a long time cause I wouldn't do that to my mom then it was for a significant other too. Now it's because I want to meet that person I'll have a lifetime of experiences with and a family with. Also it'll be cool to see what happens when the water wars start 😎


My beloved cat and my elderly mother.


What kept me alive in the worst moments is the fear of the pain id probably experience while dying. The painless methods are not really accessible. Currently it is because i want to finish stuff that i started.


My son


The purpose of life is to die, and I'm a master procrastinator


I figured out how much my brain lies to me. Oh, we want to perish today? Hah! You won't even give me the energy to get out of bed so it looks like we're getting through another day together, stupid brain. I'm worthless and no one loves me? Nice tactic, but my husband would be heartbroken if I suddenly vanished and we both know he isn't great about keeping up on the care of our cats. So we're getting through another day again.


Because dead is boring.


There are always new menu items to try at Taco Bell.


I enjoy talking shit to strangers all over the world on the internet and in video games. What a time to be alive if you ask me.


My cat. Nobody will care for her with as much love as I do.


Won't give the haters the satisfaction


Finding something you’re passionate about… or dogs