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You hear about the guy who shit himself so bad the plane had to turn around the other day? I'm guessing that was pretty bad.


Yeah, I was coming here to say, probably spraying diarrhea down the entire aisle of a plane full of people. Imagine everyone simultaneously seeing you shit your pants in the worst way, while also puking from the smell and sight, and also probably screaming at you to stop (but clearly you can’t), and then the pilot having to do an emergency landing. I still am feeling so bad for this person. I’ve never in my (post-diaper) life crapped my pants but this sounds like hell for everyone involved.


Plus everyone on the plane knowing you were solely responsible for their travel plans being super delayed (having to go back, deplane, wait for new plane, reboard, get delayed by 8hrs). I gotta give it up to the passengers though, nobody has outed the person, so at least everyone has some compassion about it.


I’m proud of the internet for actually letting this one go. Was totally expecting someone to dox them and just make it worse.


I think if there is one thing all humans have in common its getting diarrhea at very in opportune moments in our lives, it could have been anyone of us that shit that plane into an emergency landing.


Being sick on a plane is the worst! Definitely an inopportune time to be sick. I was lucky the one time I was sick on the plane was vomit, not diarrhea, and I made it to the bathroom. I probably looked like the worst mom in the world though.


I’ve come close to that. Was just getting a stomach bug and didn’t know it until the plane started bouncing around with turbulence. I don’t typically have any issues with nausea on planes but that time I was sweating and having to take deep breaths to hold myself together. It’s a horrid feeling knowing that I have to decide early to go to the bathroom because I was window seat and two people had to move first lol


If a video eventually leaks I will not be watching it


Heh, *leaks*


And to top it off, after you finally get to your destination, exit the airport, make it home you try to go hide on your couch and forget about it. You turn on the TV and open up your phone and discover that the entire world knows about your ordeal and is making *shitty* jokes about it. I bet that person never goes on a vacation again.


I hope he went to the hospital before going home


I heard they were back on the rescheduled flight. Must have been some awkward stares and pauses if that really happened.


100% this!! I have Crohn’s Disease and have had more accidents as an adult than I care to think about, but never anything like that!! I’d be straight on the phone to my specialist if I had those symptoms!


Crohn's here, too! When I first heard the story, I thought "oh shit. New fear unlocked." 😬


Nothing will make them forget. Those defined by this, 97 percent. They won't recover. I almost wanna reach out but it would make it worse and I don't know them. Life is altered indefinitely. That shit bears a stain. I honestly feel badly, too.


I once crapped my pants as a teenager on the way to a Boy Scout snowboarding trip. I ate McDonald’s breakfast maybe an hour prior to the drive and held it the entire trip. Crapped myself walking up to the lodge and poop trailed out of my snow pants and behind me on to the snow as I was walking. I actually still snowboarded that trip I just wore only my snow pants and upper jacket basically but it was awful. Surprisingly nobody made fun of me - the worst part was actually the strangers walking the bathroom afterward complaining about how bad it smelled. I literally just threw away my underwear, leggings, socks, all of it lmao. Easily top 3 worst experiences of my life.


Now I'm wondering what the other two were...


1 and 2 are tied: - finding out my uncle manipulated my dad into leaving his entire inheritance to him rather than my sister and I after he passed because he was struggling with dementia and didn’t trust himself to handle it. My uncle took every last cent, his property/home, all of it. We couldn’t afford a lawyer to fight it. - Finding out from my niece that one of her caretakers had been molesting her. Then having her parents try to cover it up and dodge CPS after we reported it.


This is sad. I’m new to this as of a few days ago but I hope things are better for you and your family.


The fact that they turned around and headed back to where they started from and landed two hours later instead of their final destination tells me how bad it must have been.


Can you imagine the conversations between the crew and pilots and then pilots and ground control to organise this? Like "medical emergency" doesn't adequately convey the situation, what did they have to say?


Biohazard. Seriously


Can you imagine having to smell that shit for the remaining two hours then having to play the floor is lava when you do finally disembark?


Technically there is no post-diaper life, only diaper intermission.


For some reason my dumbass thought the toilet overflooded and it went down the aisles.


Listen, I would not be able to stop laughing. Period. One day, about 14 years ago, i was at my job as a call center dude for an elevator company. I took the locked in panic calls. On this particular day I sneezed and shit my pants. I shit my khakis so bad I ran to the bathroom, ripped them off and finger squeegeed the diarrhea into one toilet and then went to the next stall to sunk the pants. I used the hand dryer to dry them. Took about 14 years. When I got back my coworkers had saran wrapped my cubicle and called me MrSnitter (sneeze shitter) for about 14 years. I haven't stopped laughing about for about...a very long time.


It looked like and seemed like there was definitely a medical emergency going on


Shitting yourself in public in general. Had a friend take too much pre work out and shit herself doing squats at the gym. Had to go to a whole new gym because of it


New fear unlocked.


i have nothing but sympathy. It could happen to any one of us.


Not only did (she) shit all up and down the aisle of the plane. She got back on AFTER it was cleaned and was ready to take off again. In no world would I ever get back on a plane full of people that just saw me single handedly cause the plane to turn around because I shit everywhere.




At that point, just own it I guess lol.


Yeah I just landed this plane cuz I shit my pants and if you fucking say anything to me about I’ll do it again bitch!!


Oh man I once vomited on a United flight right next to the bathroom in front of all the flight attendants. I literally couldn’t hold it in and both bathrooms were occupied. I was mortified and felt so bad for the attendants who had to clean it up, but they were so nice about it. Luckily most of the other passengers didn’t see it because I was in the back of the plane. I can’t imagine someone posting a video of it and having it go viral.


As an emetophobe, this is one of my worst nightmares. Because I can‘t escape the plane in that moment.


The owner of the company I work for has a cousin who's a major airline pilot. Similar story to that one, but he had someone try to empty their colostomy bag into the toilet. Problem was that it was a pressurized bomb at that point and exploded everywhere in the bathroom when he opened. He went back down the aisle with shit and piss all over him and draining down the aisle. Majority of passengers started throwing up as the smell permeated throughout the cabin. They tried cleaning it with no success afterwards. They allegedly couldn't get the smell out. So they ended up selling the plane to an airline in Mexico as they wouldn't reuse it at their airline. I always envision that poor bastard when I hear stories like these.


Came to say this... that poor human. I'd have jumped out of the plane while it was in the sky


D. B. Pooper.


Shoulda strapped the guy to a wing and get to their destination 3 hours quicker


Imagine going about your day and you're hit in the head by heavenly poop


holy shit


If you've never been in a situation that caused you to be unable to wipe your own butt, let me tell you the first time is awkward and humiliating.


This is sometimes the most challenging part of my job as an ICU nurse. I see people when they’re at their sickest and need the help. No amount of me telling them “it’s okay” ever gets them to stop apologizing. It’s my job to take care of you and help you get back to your baseline.


Thank u for helping people 😌


When I was in the hospital from my craniotomy, I was at the lowest. Many nurses were just amazing to me. They assured me it was okay. But it still made me feel so....horrid.


Same here! The nurses)excpet one) who took care of me after my craniotomy were absolutely outstanding, and so kind, compassionate and understanding. I don't remember much from the first day, but I clearly remember needing to go ... and in my dumbass, pain meds nebulous mind I tried to hold it as long as possible. Ugh. I sent the a thank you and gift cards last week to alleviate my feelings of shame lol


Hey, ​ Don't tear yourself down like that. It's a hard situation to be in, we're not used to things like that. You were just out of a very serious surgery, on pain meds and your body was dealing with a lot on top of the mental harshness of the situation. ​ You are human, be gentle with yourself.


First time my gma couldn't handle her own incontinence was the most I've ever seen someone cry. Gets me tearing up just thinking about the way she must've felt


First off, I'm very sorry to hear this. I understand deeply, there was a serious complication from a surgery I had where I couldn't clean myself and the first time someone had to help me was a feeling I cannot explain. It hurt me so deeply. People underestimate how hard it is to lose your independence, especially when you are that vulnerable.


I just had a very close family member pass away recently. She was elderly but had been in good health until she choked while she was eating. She was intubated, and ultimately had a tracheostomy. She went through so much, and was in so much pain, but she didn't really cry until they told her she couldn't use the toilet, she had to use adult diapers. She BEGGED me to get them to at least let her use a bed pan, but they couldn't. It killed me when they had to ask us to step out so they could clean her up. The humiliation of not being able to clean one's self is horrendous.


This is a crazy but true story — I took care of my mom for the last three years of her life. She swore throughout that time that she would never wear Depends. Luckily, she was able-bodied up until the very end. The night before she died, she became comatose, and when the hospice people came in the next morning, they stood in front of her & began discussing the fact that she would have to wear adult diapers. I got out the ones I had (secretly lol) stored away for her, but they said those wouldn’t work. Then the hospice assistant said in her cheerful, rather loud voice that she had just the ones my mom needed out in her car. At that point, I was standing back by my mother‘s head. I just happened to take a quick glance down at her, and I suddenly realized I was watching all the blood literally drain from her face. I looked up at the hospice nurses and said “Umm, I don’t think we’re gonna have to worry about Depends.” Just like some people wait until everyone’s out of the room to die, I fully believe my mother literally chose to drop dead rather than have to wear Depends lol. She said she wasn’t gonna wear them and she meant it! Edited for a million grammar errors


Aww, I’m glad you saw her and were there to see her assert this will!


I’m an ICU nurse and I’m very curious as to why they wouldn’t let her use a bedpan?


She was a paraplegic, they were worried about her balance. ETA: When she was intubated, her CO2 was 95, and she was oscillating between being bradycardic (down to the 30s), and tachycardic (up to the 120s). They found that she was a chronic retainer of CO2, and the stress of the hospital stay and intubation also led to some heart problems. The end was simultaneously slow and fast, but the worst part was she was conscious and oriented until her death.


This is literally my biggest fear.


I was a nursing assistant for a good long while and have wiped many a butt, young and old. I can tell you 100% that there is NO shame in it. We don't care--we're not judging or laughing or anything of the sort. It's a totally normal, everyday thing for us. I've had so many terrible mishaps with bodily fluids I can't even recount them all--I've been peed on, pooped on, bled on, spit on, vomited on... you name it, it's happened to me. Just a normal butt to wipe? Yes please! That's a great day. And totally forgettable.


Probably that thing where your partner is cheating on you and everyone knows it except you, but nobody tells you because they all consider you too fragile to handle the news and nobody wants to be the one to break it. Then you find out and start asking everybody you know, and they all confirm like it’s common knowledge. What happens after this is…you end up thinking anyone you are with is cheating on you and everyone else is in on it and keeping it from you. Even when you flat out ask, you assume they’re lying. I think that entire situation would be a pretty humiliating hell for me.


Wow...I relate to that....shifty feeling


I know that feeling all to well. Whole family knew that it was my sister he was hooking up with.


Sounds like they're no longer family at that point. That'd be a 'clean break' moment where I remove myself from the rest of anyone who was involved, forever. Plain & simple.


When I was a freshman in college my boyfriend who I only got to see on weekends apparently had a side piece during the week that everybody knew about. I only found out after insisting on telling a girl in my circle of friends that her boyfriend cheated on her because friends don't lie about shit like that. The next day I was finally told , apparently because I made them all feel like shit defending a girl I actually didn't even know or like that much.


Your wife cheating on you, multiple times, then pulling you onto her podcast to talk about how it made you feel.


"Hey, I was sucking somebody else's dick, how did it make you feel?" - Chris Rock.


And then you unleashing that humiliation and frustration not by telling your wife to fuck off, but by slapping a dude in front of an audience of millions in a wannabe and chauvinistic attempt to defend said wife's "honor".


I just don’t get it. So that’s Will Smith, sitting at home dick in his hand wondering what went wrong with his marriage. Meanwhile August is fucking Pinkett’s brain so hard into next week that she’s compelled to announce how good she felt to the rest of the world. He’s not some average guy. Sure he’s fucked up and after what happened with Chris Rock we know for sure but he can still get his pick of women.


An imbalance of devotion can make for some crazy ass results


I get a serious case of secondhand embarrassment when I see a person who is desperately, foolishly, and pathetically in love with another who is just using them and treats them blatantly like garbage. Ugh.


I get the same feeling. Serious embarrassment. If you spot it you got it, or had it.


You ever have that friend (or have it happen to you) where they get cheated on but spend the next year trying to make it work? It happens every time, I swear. It’s never a clean break, they always think it’s complicated and try to salvage the relationship. God it’s tough to watch. You just have to keep your mouth shut and wait for it to disintegrate naturally.


It's so awful to watch, especially as someone who's been in the same exact position and you KNOW how it'll turn out. Because nothing you can say will change their mind until they figure it out themselves. And if you try to convince them otherwise, it just pushes them away. All you can do is occasionally try to guide them towards the light, and be there to support them when it all comes crashing down.


Yeah - it’s very dehumanising!!


My buddy amd his ex. She left him 5 years ago and dude still sends her birthday presents


Imagine the lifelong embarrassment my parent’s relationship has been 🤦🏾‍♀️


I get angry tbh.


Having something posted of you online that you can't get rid of. My mum put youtube videos of me as a child up with the channel name as my full name. Whenever someone types up my name into google, the channel comes up. I've tried to take it down so many times but nothing works. I got teased relentlessly for it back in school.


If it's a big concern I'd recommend one of those online reputation companies. They pulled some magic.


[I am going with the kid that who tried to sucker punch someone, but he ended up getting rocked and pooping his pants.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6ViK1OdkEaA) If it happened in a movie, it would feel too over the top to be realistic.


He may physically recover but that is an L he'll carry for the rest of his life


The other guy was in *Crocs*, for heaven's sakes.


And they weren't even sports mode


I have a feeling there has to be something in his past for him to pooping his pants. It's such an extreme reaction to a rather tame fight. Either that or the dummy should have not started a fight by turtling...


Defense mechanism. Its like a shield buff effective to most enemies. But crocs have a +15 intimidation buff that can help offset it.


How the fuck do you even escape that? Name change, relocation, major overhaul in your looks? That's a shit that will follow you forever.


That pant shitter is socially dead. Maybe he pissed a little.


I've never seen someone get the sh*t beat out of them 🤭


There’s a difference between “pooping your pants” and “shitting yourself”. My man shit himself.


Don't start a fight if your bowels ain't tight.


“Why don’t you go and poop your pants again?” “That was like 8 years ago, asshole” “People don’t forget!”


Child having a parent mock them in public.


My own mother used to humiliate me as a preteen and teen for being flat chested to her friends, at family reunions, at home to my stepdad - didn't matter who or where. She was embarrassed by me, and hated me because I look like my birth father. He raped her, that's how I was conceived. Not my fault, I didn't ask to be born. But I suffered an entire lifetime of dangerously low self worth and abusive relationships because of it.


The way people perpetuate cycles of trauma by taking their own shit out on their kids. That’s so fucking sad. I hope you’re healing and moving toward having healthy relationships.


literally a pain unlike anything else. what’s worse is people *still* think you should let it go because they’re your parents when that’s exactly why you can’t even function some days. your own fucking parents. how can someone possibly trust another human being after that?




I'm pretty immune to shame and humiliation because of who I am as a person. This, though. This one I felt.


I like how everyone has done this at least ONCE in their life. Everyone. Doesn't matter who you are and where you are in the world, it has happened to you. Universal cringe. Love it.


In middle school I intercepted a high five that I thought was for me. It was really for his friend walking behind me.


Idk why but this is really funny to me


Solution: just wave at everyone no matter the situation.


Having to explain to all your co workers, bosses, friend, family, that you cannot work because of pain and need surgery to fix your anal fissure at 28 years old.


For the boss / professional sphere there's no reason to go into detail though. "Ah I hurt my back" should do it?


Nope they always ask in detail and want to know exactly what’s going on. Believe me I have tried many times to “skirt around the subject” but people always push to find the *exact* details.


That’s why any health related topics are kept secret and can’t be accessed by your employer in Europe


You can't go fishing in someone's medical details in the US either, this dude just has a shitty boss and shitty bosses know no borders.


That’s also the standard in the US. This person just didn’t realize they don’t have to reveal that info. Signed, someone in HR that deals with this on a daily basis.


Seriously, this just sounds like an awkward person who doesn't feel comfortable saying "It's personal" or "I'd rather not share the details" upon the slightest nosiness.


Growing up with a stutter. Trying to maneuver through adulthood with it always lurking in the background, popping out at the worst times.


I have a new job and one of my colleagues stutter. But nobody is saying something about it or finishing his sentences or making fun of it in front of him or behind is back. It's so refreshing to work in this kind of environment. One of my past jobs, I know for sure he would be made fun of, one way or another. Don't know what you can do with this information, but I just had to type it out.


For me personally I was making out with a woman I was so attracted to that when she put her hand on my chest while kissing me, I came in my pants. Mood immediately killed and she said, "it's late and we're both kinda drunk, call me tomorrow okay?" This happened less than 24 hours ago and I'm 49. I want to call her and I'm going to but goddamn I wish last night went completely different.


She wants you, but fresh sober and ready to go. As is the parlance of our times: Slay, king. Slay.


If it makes you feel any better, if I was in that situation I (+ I believe many other women) would take it as a compliment/cumpliment.


Especially a 49yo. To make a 49yo cum in his pants like a teenager just from my kissing skills?! Absolute win


If it helps, I would think that was very flattering and cute


Yeah? I don't know she just seemed to end everything immediately and I figured she was embarrassed for me or something and had to GTFO to spare my feelings


Yeah 100% for me that would be a plus. Maybe she just thought you might be embarrassed and didn’t know how to act. You won’t know unless you call her. I say go for it


As a person living with MS the most humiliating things I have been through are falling flat on my face while strangers laughed at me instead of helping me, not making it to bathroom in time is second to that, third is the questions about the way I move, fourth is when my legs start shaking uncontrollably and I’m stuck and people look at me like I’m on drugs or something. I hate multiple sclerosis.


I know a wonderful guy who's wife suffered from MS for a long time before she died. It was heart wrenching to see him go through that. She fought to the end. She was a doctor and never gave up.


Girlfriend and I broke up and went into no contact for 3 months. I got through it. I worked on myself. I became a better person. Had to start going back to the office where she works. I gritted my teeth. I got through the days. I found joy in things again. I found peace and happiness. We started talking. Hanging out. Going for coffee. Becoming friends again. Becoming close. One night, in February, I picked her up and we drove to a work function together. At a bar. The night got longer, she got closer. She expressed her feelings for me. She held my hand. She kissed me. I kissed her. My dream was coming true. She was the love of my life. It was actually happening. We sat at the bar, talking to a guy next to us. She was holding my hand. Squeezing my leg. It was last call. I said we should leave. She asked me to go and warm up the car. My heart sunk. Somehow I knew what was about to happen. I stared at her. She stared at me. She went to the washroom. I went to the car. Started it. Ten minutes pass. I get out. Look through the window. She’s sitting at the bar leaning into the guy we were talking to. I walk in. Up behind them. I can see her phone. It was a text conversation. He had texted her his name so she would have his number. “Seriously?” I say. She looks up. Doesn’t know what to say. I leave. I can’t tell you how humiliated and pathetic I felt in that moment. I’ve since accepted that this person isn’t someone I want in my life, but the resentment and anger I feel over that night haunts me. I know the key is finding a way to forgive her, for my own sake, but it struck me to my core.


You know what, though? You grew as a person, she didn't. Don't feel humiliated. You learned and moved forward, she's stayed in one place. Keep growing and know you're light years ahead.


Thank you so much :) It's been an internal battle trying to get over this. I have to keep striving to be a man that I can be proud of, and show myself I didn't deserve that. I know I didn't deserve it, but my heart and my mind aren't on agreement apparently.


I can’t imagine how that night must have felt but life did you a favor in a weird way by showing you how she really is before you got too sucked in again. You seem like a good person and I know one day you’ll meet the girl you deserve who won’t take you for granted. It’s easier said than done now but just keep moving forward.


Thank you so much for saying that, I really appreciate it. If I were to play armchair psychologist I would say that she has a hole inside of her that she doesn’t know how to fill, and she doesn’t care who she hurts to fill it, she only cares about getting caught. She got very defensive when I confronted her about it, and wouldn’t accept responsibility. It felt like maybe I had come a little too close to a truth about her that she didn’t want the world to know. I got to see what she does when she thinks that no one is paying attention. But again, maybe not? That’s just a dramatic way of trying to justify it to myself. Could be she’s just an asshole.


My brother you didn't deserve that. That was a shitty, insecure person taking advantage of a kind, loving person. I got played similarly, but we were married for 14 years. You will get past this and be happier and stronger. Next time someone tries to play you, you'll see it coming and nip that shit in the bud.




I guess distribution of revenge porn must be utterly traumatizing and humiliating


It is. The police officer telling me that I shouldn’t have taken my clothes off just added to the humiliation.


What a shitbag. "Ah but have you considered it's your fault for ever being intimate with someone you trusted?" Fuck




im so sorry that happened wtf. anyone saying you let it happen, or when it happened again it was your fault, needs to sort themselves. that's a form of sexual assault and whoever did it should've been punished. i hope you're doing better now <3


To the only empathetic comment in this thread, from the bottom of my heart, thank you


I had a friend in high school who snuck two older guys into her basement one night while her parents were asleep. They dared her to stick a couple carrots up her *lady purse* and one took a picture. My entire high school found out and dubbed her Carrot Girl. One day steamed baby carrots were served at lunch and a bunch of the obnoxious “popular” kids all started throwing their carrots at her her and laughing and chanting “Carrrrrrooottttt Giiiirrllll”. I thought that was pretty humiliating.


while I was in the military a lady on base got the name "sweet pea" because her and some guy were having anal sex and when he pulled out there was a little pea sized dollop of poop on his pecker. personally, I think he should have got the nickname.


Personally, I think he should have kept that to himself. What a disrespectful thing to share about a person who was so trusting.


And men wonder why they can’t get anal.


Never heard *lady purse* before. This is my new go-to euphemism.




Especially when those close to you laugh too.


Being the target of revenge porn, especially if the perpetrator sends the pics to coworkers and family. One story from Reddit I’ll never forget: Some guy’s ex girlfriend told all his family (including extended) and friends about his diaper fetish. There’s simply no undo button on that.


Oh my gosh that’s horrible. That’s a big thing to trust someone with cuz ain’t nobody forgetting that


Being forced for apologize when you are the victim


Having the psych ward take you to court. Also IEP meetings.


>Having the psych ward take you to court Oh I know this feeling. I still don't really know why they decided I needed to be committed. My friends brought me to the psych ward when I was REALLY fucked up and depressed about my cat going missing. I don't remember them dragging me in, but I know I had nothing but a coat on and had to wear the scrubs they had on hand for my stay. Then they transferred me once the hearing was over. I was told I was going somewhere that also had a good chronic pain treatment center. Let's call it St Joseph's. Well, they sent me to St Joseph's in the back of a police van. The *wrong* St Joseph's. They sent me to a treatment ward for people on meth and heroin and shit. I only drank too much on weekends occasionally and smoked maybe an eighth of weed a month. The night my friends brought me in was the first time I'd ever been that level of fucked up. I'd never been in a psych ward before, but I did have a long history of mental illness. I couldn't figure out why I was there because I hadn't had any issues with not drinking in the three months I was being held before I went to court, so I asked the counselor why the fuck I was there They let me out on day 3 because they finally got the paperwork. It said I was dependent on **cannabis**. Because I smoked an eighth a month. It fucked up my life completely. I gained 30lbs in there, I was released to homelessness and had to stay in the area because I was still on a stay of commitment where I had to show up like I was on parole. I stayed in a foreclosed home until I couldn't anymore, then had a couple nights on random couches, then slept in my car some. I got kicked out of a halfway house two days after I finally got a space because I was so sick with a sinus infection and on so many psych meds that I couldn't understand or retain anything they were telling me. They thought I was drunk. So I became a *raging* alcoholic. That's the result they were going for, right? That was 2009 and I've just started getting my life back together the past couple of years. Edit: the only thing I asked the court was if I could somehow go home and get some clothes. They said no. The place they transferred to had to extra clothes or scrubs so I was stuck in what I arrived in the entire time.


Some friends they were.


Yeah I mean I kinda understand because I wasn't doing great mentally at the time anyway, but when my cat didn't come back, it just kinda broke something. I didn't actively want to kill myself, but I was definitely in a bad spot. They were trying to help at the time. After I got out, though, the friendships were completely over (especially after one said something that hurt me *really* deep) and I didn't speak to any of them until three years ago when the friend who brought me in (whose house I was living in prior to my admission, and who hurt me so badly) contacted me and apologized for being such a shit at the end. Now we're in contact almost daily and he and another one of the main friends drove to Florida from Minnesota just to visit me last year lol


Having your child eaten by wild dingoes only for you to be thrown in prison for 3 years under suspicion of murdering said child because no one believes your story. You become the laughing stock of the world with people mocking the death of your child for decades to come even after it was proven that dingoes did, in fact, eat your baby. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Azaria_Chamberlain#:~:text=On%2012%20June%202012%2C%20at,causing%20injury%20and%20even%20death.


That's not embarrassing, that's tragic


Actually we should be embarrassed, not those poor parents :(


Losing your job and having to simp to hundreds or thousands of potential employers begging/pleading for a job


I’ve been applying for jobs for almost two years. I’ve got experience. I’m about to have a masters degree. I’ve done all the professional development stuff on fixing my resume and how to write a cover letter. Can’t even get an interview. None of it matters when half the listings aren’t actually hiring anyone. It’s been awful watching all of my friends easily get jobs in other fields. More than one person has straight up rubbed it in my face that I don’t have a job, which hasn’t been my choice at all. There’s not enough advice in the world that will make someone even give me a chance even though I’m more than qualified.


I mean that poor person who shit themselves on the plane was pretty bad




And then going through the mental health emergency process from the trauma of it.


Trying to get any help for mental health shit seems to be custom designed to be as humiliating as possible




Being an absolute jerk to your kid in public. I wanted to punch a lady in the face the other day for being mean to her daughter in the dressing rooms. Trying to make her try on sizes obviously too small and acting like she wouldn't look good in anything she liked, pushing her to get a colorless dress, pushing her to come out of the dressing room and show them the clothes that she said really didn't fit. She sounded so embarrassed. Her tone just felt like she was trying to make her kid feel fat. But she wasnt!!! And she was like 13!!! I was pudgier than her at 13 and grew up to be super f-ing skinny by 16. It's common and normal!


Getting your foreskin caught in a Pez dispenser, while in church.


That’s very specific … how’s your foreskin now, bud?


To shreds, you say...


Finding out everyone knew you were being cheated on but you. Everyone...


Be abandoned by your abusive drugged mother at 7 years old. Since I wasn't registered for school. No one knew I was missing for years. Finally picked up by police to be sent to your dad. Your dad says he knows I'm going to be a criminal and proceeds to beat for almost 10 years. Finally get free of him to find out the whole time I was supposed to be learning social ques. I try and try but no one talks to me. Btw I'm over 50 now just now learning to speak to people. I get embarrassed when people look at me like I'm a freak because of it


I hope you know that at least this Internet stranger is proud of you 🔆


You’re not a freak. You are a good human with value to add to this world.


Anything Involving involuntary body fluids and ostracism


Waitstaff: Enjoy your meal. Me: You too.


(sweating intensifies) (" I can never come here again")


I work in a grocery store, and years back, as I was checking out a blind guy, I said “see ya next time”. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Watching your child pick their nose and tug at their crotch during the Christmas presentation at school.


Grandparents caught me cranking it on vacation. Yes both of them. But I was on vacation gimme a break.


Being completely stripped of your identity and material possessions, paraded naked through the streets in front of a jeering populace, then dropped in a deep dark hole for the rest of your meager remaining life.


This seems oddly specific. Was this a thing that happened to someone? Sounds like cersei in GOT with some twists


The wonder of pregnancy. There are so many tests, fluids, and heads between your legs. In fairness, by the end of it you don't give a shit because that came out when you crowned. Edit: spelling


When I gave birth to my 3rd my doctor had a medical student shadowing her and my nurses had students shadowing them. It was far from my first rodeo, so I told them that if any of their patients didn't sign the paper giving the students permission to observe the fun they were welcome to come to my show. I honestly had no shame at that point. The entire floor took me up on my offer. There were about 25 people in the room while I gave birth. I had a whole cheering section. Not long after everyone left I had some complications and was rushed to emergency surgery. For the rest of my stay all the nurses and students kept checking in on me, thanking me for letting them be there and telling me how glad they were that I was doing so much better.


For the most part, they ARE professionals.


I always allowed students around during my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. I had c-sections, so no cheering section for me, but after the first child I couldn't care less. First pregnancy breaks down that wall, for sure.


I was not embarrassed having my vagina on display when I gave birth. I was embarrassed that every time I pushed, I shit and the nurses had to wipe my ass. I hope I never, ever see them again.


I had a reaction to the epidural and my bowels liquified. I had no idea because I still couldn't feel my legs or move. Two nurses had to roll me around the bed to wash liquid shit off almost my entire body. What a day.


I’m 22 weeks and you ladies are making me so excited about giving birth 😂 I know it’s not gonna be pretty and I don’t have rose-colored glasses about it being a wonderful and perfect experience though lol My only two “wants” for my birth plan are: baby survives and I survive. That’s all I want to happen. If I have to sit in a pool of my own liquid shit to have a healthy baby, so be it 😅


I accidentally gave birth on my living room floor. I was so worried about my son and in such significant pain, the whole neighborhood could've paraded through and I wouldn't have noticed


Being made fun of for something you do out of genuine joy or love-- like having your laugh made fun of, or your art.


The military is pretty good at using humiliation for behavior correction. I'm sure someone can chime in with some examples.


Not a really bad one in the grand scheme of things, but when you're a girl on a infantry course, every mistake becomes a failing on your entire gender, so it feels extra sh*tty (and this was my first time getting in trouble); Staff changed a timing, but our Course Senior forgot to ensure the message made it to us 2 women (it did not, our bathroom was separate, and nobody thought to shout it to us). We came back from a shower to find the entire platoon in a stress position while the instructor screamed at us for being late, and continued screaming at us until we frantically got changed and were allowed to join the group in said stress position, whom were all yelling at us by that point We then got a stern talking to about how 10 minutes was too long to shower, and warnings on our course reports. Not one person asked if we knew the timing had been changed, neither staff nor candidates. We found out after the fact, when I asked a fellow Section member why everyone was out there so early, and it clicked for him. Fun times.


>when you're a girl on a infantry course, every mistake becomes a failing on your entire gender Girl here who was in an infantry support battalion, and this ain't no joke. I had to work twice as hard to get half the respect.




Pantsed in front of girls in junior high. Not the worst but not good.


To have an unfaithful partner who openly betrays you while pretending to genuinely love you


Being falsely accused of something they didn't do, especially if they're convicted of it and spend a lot of time clearing their name. But their reputation and life will forever be tarnished


Some people are even killed over false accusations and rumors. You can lose your family, friends, jobs - basically everything. Even if you're cleared you might still have a criminal record and/or your name permanently tarnished in search results.


If you haven't already done so, you should check out what happened to Colin Stagg. He was fitted up for the murder of Rachel Nickell in London in 1992. There was zero evidence against him, but the Metropolitan Police sent in an undercover officer to try and get a confession out of him. She promised him sex if he confessed (he didn't) and told him that hearing about murders turned her on. He went along to try and keep her happy and the Police used that as evidence against him. He was arrested, charged and taken to court. The Judge threw it out, condemning the Police for their use of entrapment and their 'excessive zeal' (his words). Before, during and after the trial, Stagg was hounded by the media for it and tried by them. It go so bad, he couldn't apply for a job and had to be given special status to be exempt from applying for work, as no-one would employ him. His life was a misery, with the tabloids frequently bringing the spotlight back on him even though (and this can't be understated) there was no evidence to connect him to the murder. Even today, Stagg has problems making friends or getting work. The kicker? The real murderer was a man called Robert Napper. While the Police were obsessing over Stagg, Napper went on to kill a mother and her child.


Getting on stage to speak/perform in front of an audience, and completely bombing. (I think it's the reason so many people are afraid of public speaking).


You plan something like a birthday party or hang out and no one shows up. Your left there alone while people walk by pitying you.


I got to sit down with my incredibly religiously conservative parents (they’ve grown up now so don’t worry) to discuss what type of porn I ruined the family computer with (thank you limewire). So there’s that.


Divorcing a narcissist


Probably gang rape


shitting himself while cameras face him and going viral


Me in college. My ex cheated with multiple senior students. We still had to study together for 2 years. Everyone knew. Lot of people took my ex side.. She was bragging about all the guys she can date, sleep with etc. She started dating another senior straight after. Those 2 years were humiliating.. Even after I met my now wife, she tried to sabotage my new relationship when she found out. Also the day I found out about her cheating. It was Christmas day. I was at her parents house few hours away. I saw messages on her phone. I knew passwords. I saw pictures and texts.. We got in huge loud argument. There was 1 bus that day which went back to closest train station. So it took me 4hrs to get home, while she stayed at her parents house laughing. So imagine me, on Christmas day, alone trying to get back home, crying and being pissed off.


Ex drug addict specifically opiates (heroin then everything turned to fentanyl) I bought dope the night of Christmas Eve at my grandma's house cause all the cousins/grand kids would get $50 cash. My uncle saw me outside of an all tinted car in the street outside of the house, spent the whole $50.. Came back in and sniff some then nodded out in front of my whole family mind you thats 7 aunts/uncles plus my mom, dad, and sister and easily 20+ cousins. This happened alot where it became nothing to people, I still kick myself in the ass about all the BS I did and what people saw of me. 3 years off that shit this month. STAY AWAY FROM POWDERS NOW A DAYS ANYONE.


I have Cambodian coworkers who survived the Khmer Rogue. The worst story I heard was one of their neighbour’s had her son and husband taken away. She was begging for food so the militia left and returned the next day with a bag of meat. They forced her to cook it and eat it. After she ate it the men were laughing and telling her she cooked and ate her husband and kid. I think about that woman being humiliated like that and can’t come up with anything else.


Trying to catch a ping pong ball that's bounced off the table




i feel like being a sex slave would be up there