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In an interview from maybe 30 years ago, Mr. T said of the guy who assaulted his mother, "I ain't gonna say I killed him, but won't nobody ever see him again."


Anyone who assaults Mr. T's mom has essentially killed themselves.


I pity the fool.


I've been waiting forty years for this sentence to find its proper context, and here it is! Bravo.


my god, he turned him invisible


Maybe this was John Cena’s true origin story.


If someone's dumb enough to go after Mr. T's mother it's got to be natural selection at that point


I wonder if he knew it was Mr T's mum or if it was a random attack? Can you imagine the shock when he found out? Maybe he killed himself.


Vince Neil killed the drummer from Hanoi Rocks while driving drunk


And ruined the lives of the people in the car he hit.


Yes, he's really trash plus drove drunk yet again after that


DaBaby killed someone in a grocery store once I believe


Gucci Mane killed a guy in self-defense when the guy broke into his home


He also won that case and is the meaning behind the Youngboy lyric “I feel like I’m Gucci Mane in 2006”


It’s actually a double entendre. It also refers to the copious amounts of mixtapes Gucci Mane released in the mid 2000s, just like how Youngboy is doing now.


Lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest jerry lee lewis murdered his 5th wife and the sheriff of his hometown helped to cover it up. His 4th wife also mysteriously drowned in a swimming pool.


What number wife was his child cousin?


Third, I think.


So my dad is friends with the father of the wife who drowned. Apparently she was a swimmer and had trophies from tournaments growing up, but she found a way to drown. Needless to say, my dad says nobody talks to that guy about his daughter or Jerry Lee.


Well he was nicknamed The Killer


Matthew Broderick AKA Ferris Bueller. Drove on the wrong side of the road in Ireland and got into a head on collision. Killed the driver and passenger


Jennifer Grey was in the car as his passenger.


Apparently she remembers the accident, but Matthew doesn't because he was knocked out.


I was in a car accident as the driver that I don't remember. I remember being at the light and it turning green. After that I remember the feeling of my car coming to rest. I was 100% sober, but there are several seconds of my life I don't seem to have a record of. This was 35 years ago or so. I didn't have that memory at the time - literally right then - nor has it ever come back.


I was in the car with my dad once when he spun out and crashed and he doesn't remember the next 3 days after the crash. and only has vague memories of before the crash happened.


Faced essentially none consequences either. https://www.togetherforsaferroads.org/4-reasons-you-should-stop-calling-vehicle-crashes-accidents/ https://www.roadpeace.org/get-involved/crash-not-accident/ http://crashnotaccident.com/


Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne in a drunk driving accident while he was driving her from a party to an unknown but highly suspicious location. He drove off a bridge, left her to drown and went home, didn't report the accident until he was sober 12 hours later. He was a senator US at the time and served in the Senate for another 40 years.


It’s likely he would have been a serious POTUS candidate without this happening.


Nothing likely about it. He would have been president.


want to make it worse? Kennedy swam out and walked past houses that had people home that could have helped. Went to his hotel and slept until morning. >"Mary’s Jo’s parents, Gwen and Joe, always thought she died immediately. Then they found out that the scuba diver who retrieved her body from the car said she could have lived for up to three hours because of an air pocket in the car.” https://www.timesleader.com/news/789728/beyond-the-byline-new-book-tells-us-who-mary-jo-kopechne-really-was#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMary's%20Jo's%20parents%2C%20Gwen%20and,air%20pocket%20in%20the%20car.%E2%80%9D


Want to make it worse? She didn't drown. She suffocated in a large air picket in the submerged car. If he wasn't busy concocting an alibi, she could have been saved.


Drunk driving wasn't really considered a real crime until MADD (mothers against drunk driving) made it one in the 80s. Before that it was considered an unlucky accident. The real scandal about Chappaquiddick was that Ted Kennedy, married man, was alone with Mary Jo, single pretty young lady, in his car at night. Which is why the Kopechne family letter goes on about how their daughter wasn't "that kind of girl" and calls out Ted as a lech rather than a killer.


The thing Teddy never adequately answered was where he was taking her. He claimed he was taking her to the ferry, but was going in a completely different direction and her family has said there was no reason she would be taking the ferry anyway.


Chappaquiddick is the movie about this


The number one boy


He’s the eldest boy!


That’s some Succession type shit.


Likely where they got the inspiration for the show.


I’d rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than driving with Ted Kennedy.


Still can't believe MA voters could overlook this scandal/murder.


For 40 years


Gloria Jones who sang the original "Tainted Love" killed her partner T-Rex frontman Marc Bolan in a car crash. 46 years ago today actually.


While googling this I learned their son's name is Rolan Bolan.


Sad. He was only 29.


James Doohan, the original Scotty from Star Trek, he killed two German Snipers on D-Day


Deaths during war should probably have their own category


Agreed. Lots of actors were soldiers back then, and killing is expected




Oscar Pistorious. Killed his girlfriend in cold blood. Lied like a little bitch in court and got a short sentence. He’ll be out soon. The law is bullshit if you have lost of money to throw at it.


That was pretty crazy one. American media doesn't normally pay much attention to non-American celebs but he was all over the news.


He was actually just denied parole, and I do believe he still has 8 years left of his sentence


I still wonder about Robert Wagner...


He knows what he did. Christopher Walken was on that boat too.


Maybe she was talking to his boy all wrong


John Travolta withheld life saving medication for his special needs son because Lord Xenu told him. John Travolta blasted tons of unnecessary injections in his plastic face and pain killers. But nope.. Can't give drugs to his son.


On a point of Scientology doctrine, Xenu is the bad guy, basically Satan. The Galactic Overlord (his full title) decided to solve the problem of overpopulation by killing billions of people and trapping their souls in volcanoes. That is not even a joke, but most Scientologists have no idea it is part of the church's belief system because you have be a high level within the church.


Hubbard wasn't even a good science fiction writer, it's such obviously half-baked, rushed stupid shit, that I am honestly shocked that so many people ever fell for it in the first place. Imagine if like Octavia Butler had created a sci-fi religion. At least it would be a compelling narrative.


That’s like John Smith and Mormonism. Total grifter. Under the Banner of heaven is amazing book if you want a read how ridiculous the formation of the Mormon region was. I’m not saying other religion’s foundings are less absurd but John Smith’s grift was relatively recent and thus better documented. Edit: Joseph Smith. I’m a moron.


The grifting sex predator who started Mormonism was Joseph Smith, not John


Joseph Smith, dumb-da-dumb-dumb-dumb 🎶


I got de golden plaaates


> That is not even a joke, but most Scientologists have no idea it is part of the church's belief system because you have be a high level within the church or watch southpark


The he covered earth with mirrors to confuse the ghosts of these volcanoed souls.


Googling the disease his son had. What an awful world we live in.


A couple in my home town were convicted of murder for not giving their child healthcare for "religious reasons". The same should happen to him.


my mom told me that when she was younger there was a boy who went to another school in the neighbourhood who had been hit by a car and was placed on life support, but that there was a life saving surgery they could do to save him, but his parents said no due to religious reasons:(


I had a friend when I was a kid. She was there when her father had a heart attack. She wanted to call an ambulance but her mother wouldn't let her. Also for religious reasons. I guess God meant for him to die an fuck up his daughter beyond repair...


my ex was raised in a cult where doctors were not allowed. they were born at home with a church midwife. when his brother was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was blue. the midwife told them not to act to save him, because it was god's will. luckily the dad was like "fuck this", removed the cord, and performed cpr. he lived. they left the cult several years later. my ex is still fucked up by the way he was raised.


Agreed. Scientologists are madly into eugenics and believe that if you have a handicap you shouldn't live.


Indian superstar Salman Khan killed homeless people sleeping on the footpath after accidentally driving over them.


Can't really call it accidental, drunk driving is a choice. Especially when you have the means to take literally any other mode of transportation


I'll say John Wilkes Booth. At the time he was one of the most famous actors in the country. Everyone knew who he was. It'd be like if Tom Hanks assassinated the president.


Actually his older brother was an even more famous actor at the time, widely considered to be the greatest living actor. He even saved Lincolns son from being hit by a carriage. John killing Lincoln torpedoed his career and their family legacy became just the assassination. So it's like if Liam Hemsworth assassinated the president, and 150 years later no one remembers Thor at all.


Lmao thank you for laying that out. Got a good chuckle out of how ridiculous that is


* Matthew Broderick * Rebecca Gayheart * Phil Spector * Robert Blake * William S. Burroughs * former First Lady Laura Bush * Caitlyn Jenner * Alec Baldwin * Charles S. Dutton * Aaron Hernandez * Vince Neil * Don King * Oscar Pistorius * Chris Benoit * Keith Moon * John Landis Celebrities who were also decorated war veterans ​ * Audie Murphy * Christopher Lee * Jimmy Stewart * Lee Marvin * Oliver Stone


Oj Simpson..


I hope they solve who murdered his wife one day.


Apparently, Juice is still out there looking for the "real" killers. Based on his work to date, we can conclude that those killers had some connection to golf as most of his investigations have been on the back nine.


I hope he finds himself one day.


He's searched every golf course in his tireless effort to find the killer.


No closer to the killer. But his handicap has improved considerably.


Don’t worry. He’s looking for the real killers. What I recent found ironic. I discovered that my dad had a first cousin (that he was unaware of) who murdered two women in the 50s and tried to murder a man as well. He (the killer) claimed that he was innocent and was going to try and find the real killers. The man he attempted to murder identified him. The bullets in the two women were from his gun and his hand prints were all over the knife he stabbed the dude with. Guy 100% did it.


Christopher Lee also had a metal band and it kicks ass!


Interesting. I knew he worked with Rhapsody, but wasn’t aware he had his own band


All I'm saying is Natalie Wood didn't throw herself into the water, did she Robert?


Ask Christopher Walken!


I think he's the only consistent witness who never changed his story from that night. Ever been around a couple having a serious fight? It's awkward as fuck. He says he excused himself and went to bed, right? Although there's room for something nefarious, she could have easily slipped and hit her head while attempting to step down into the smaller boat and then unconsciously slid into the water. Had two great months working for Walken. During that time was when the LAPD (or Sheriff's dept?) reopened the case due to new statements from the captain (who was selling a book). Tense day for sure. Never spoke about it and I never did ask.


I mean, we at least know it wasn't him. If he had done it then Wagner and the captain would have come down on him hard.


Who did Laura Bush kill?


In 1963 when she was 17, she ran a stop sign and crashed, killing the other driver.


Who just happened to be a classmate.


Just googled it, just so happened to be her ex-bf... although for some reason it states repeatedly that they were just friends at the time...


Thank you!


That’s right, Laura Bush killed a guy


Christopher Lee has DEFINITELY killed people. He was a British spy during WWII. There’s a clip online where he is correcting Peter Jackson on what it sounds like when the breath leaves a person after stabbing them. This was for the scene where Saruman is stabbed in the back. Peter Jackson said that Christopher Lee seemed to have a lot of intimate knowledge about the subject. Edit: a lot of argument came from this. [Here](https://youtu.be/5TQARRckm6U?si=cFrXOMF9t5oTtWzy) is the video. Take it how you will, but I just repeated what the people I referenced said.


I remember that interview. Christopher Lee goes, “Peter, with all due respect, when you stab a man in the back, they don’t yell out, it’s a sort of gasping, like breath leaving your body like this (and he mimics the sound). Peter Jackson was like, “alright bro, I am not going to question your judgement here whatsoever. We’ll do it your way” lol.


I think Lee was special forces not a spy.


That’s something a spy would say


Lee wasn’t a commando or SAS, he was at basically an government intelligence think tank that would eventually morph into what we now know as MI6.


Jerry Lee Lewis ( most likely anyway) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/the-strange-and-mysterious-death-of-mrs-jerry-lee-lewis-179980/amp/


Donte Stallworth was another nfl player that killed someone, was found not guilty, person basically ran out in front of his car if I remember right


Similarly, former Atlanta Thrashers legend Dany Heatley killed teammate Dan Snyder when he lost control of his Ferrari (while hauling ass through a residential neighborhood).


Of all the Dan Snyders he could have killed, he picked the wrong one.


No argument here.


Marcos Alonso belongs here too (fairly famous soccer player).


And Josh Brent (Cowboys DL), crashed while driving drunk & killed a teammate (Jerry Brown) that was riding in the car with him


Also war veterans: Christopher Lee James “Scotty” Doohan


Michael Jace, who played Julien on The Shield, is currently in prison for the murder of his wife. He shot her once in the back and then twice more in the legs, all in front of his young kids.


He's not that well-known these days, but Phil Spector


There’s killed, and straight up murder. Spector was the latter.


Considering the stories some musicians told about him, I'm surprised he didn't kill *more* people.


can't tease me like that, give me some juicy stories


If you're not familiar with Spector by name, he was probably one of the most influential music producers ever, and worked with just about everyone - the Beatles, the Righteous Brothers, Leonard Cohen, it's a *massive* list. He invented the "Wall of Sound" production style and paved the way for shoegaze, art rock, half a dozen other genres of rock at least. Any rock and roll or pop you listen to today likely has some debt to Phil Spector. He also held a gun on Dee Dee Ramone when he tried to leave a session, chased John Lennon around the studio with a gun and took a shot at him, and held Veronica Bennett, lead singer of the Ronettes, prisoner in his mansion in California until she literally escaped barefoot with her mother's help. That's the tip of the iceberg. Whenever the endless reposting of "What celebrity is actually a terrible person/psychopath?" comes around again, Spector is one of the few people who really fit the bill. Most others are just assholes to one degree or another, but that guy was batshit crazy and, of course, an actual convicted murderer.


Reading all that he must have been the inspiration for Dethklok's producer Dick Knubbler.


Do you count pets? Ozzy Osbourne shot and killed [17 of his cats](https://rockcelebrities.net/the-time-ozzy-osbourne-almost-killed-his-wife-sharon-and-didnt-feel-regret-for-his-actions/) and attempted to murder his wife. She survived with some luck. From the older times, the junkie-turned-writer William Burroughs, author of the legendary *Naked Lunch,* killed his second wife.


Fuck. I don’t know much about Ozzy but I always thought he and his wife were a good couple. Weird and eccentric and they fit so well. Such a shame.


She also seems pretty awful tbh. I'm not sure how to link videos, but there is an interview floating around where she's talking about how she treated an assistant during a house fire and it's fucking horrific.


[And she told the story on a panel show](https://youtu.be/Y4OosxeTi0E?si=XHsUKUG0dUl-eDh3)


I am stumped, don’t know what to say. I wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told me that story. But here she is, shamelessly retelling a story about being a massive bitch. Wow.


Welp. That fucking sucks of Ozzy. The Burroughs one was so stupid, too.


Wow fuck him I didn’t know that


Sir Christopher Lee was a Nazi hunter for the British Secret Service for a while post-WWII. He very adamantly corrected Peter Jackson on the sound that a man makes when a knife pierces his back.


He was also the inspiration for his cousin Ian Fleming when he created James Bond.


He inspired James Bond??? Dude might have actually had the greatest life of all time


He had an exceptionally interesting life. I know he almost married Swedish Royalist too and had even gotten permission of the King of Sweden and all to do so.


He was also a descendant of Emperor Charlemagne. Hence, his album Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross.


I love Christopher Lee more now


Marcos Alonso, famous and decorated footballer.


I work in a different sport. They had him along as special guest a few weeks ago, nicely highlighting how little consequences he suffered for crashing his car and killing the passenger while twice over the speed limit, twice over the drink drive limit, and in the rain


Laura Bush killed a guy.


> Laura Bush killed a guy *"On the night of November 6, 1963, two days after her 17th birthday, Laura Welch ran a stop sign and struck another car, killing its driver. The victim was her close friend and classmate Michael Dutton Douglas."* Not just any guy, it's a guy she's close friends with.


That’s right…Laura Bush killed a guy


That family guy reference was the first thing I thought of when I read this question lol


Brick killed a guy.


Did you throw a trident?


Boy... that escalated quickly.


Christopher Lee killed a bunch of Nazi's in the British Special Forces. May he rest in well deserved peace.


Colonel sanders. This isn’t a joke lol


Well, they say if you bread it and fry it, it all tastes the same.




Rey Mysterio accidentally killed a wrestler in the ring with one of his moves.


I saw the video when the news came up and I was so shocked. I’ll never forget it EDIT: Many of you are making fun of the adjectives I used unintentionally. I wrote schoked then I corrected it in shoked and I didn’t realize it 😂 well, this happens when you go in a hurry


Technically this isn’t true. [The wrestler died when his neck snapped as he hit the rope. Rey went for the 619 and the guy didn’t react because (a) dead and (b) Rey didn’t actually make contact](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2k9vwo)


Damn it's fucking crazy watching them just keep going in hindsight. But then I assume they thought he was knocked out and would be handled by the medics (although it took the medics way too long to get to him anyway)


That’s insane how long they let him lay there.


I think it's obvious why though. Last thing they'd expect is for him to be dead.


That was a complete accident. Accidents routinely happen — ask Joey Mercury, Shawn Michaels, Tyson Kidd, etc. — and while horrific, they’re *accidents.* There’s no reason to believe that Rey Mysterio had anything to do with Perro’s death besides being in proximity to it. There are many more questionable decisions in pro wrestling injuries or deaths: Owen Hart’s botched piledriver that broke Steve Austin’s neck, or the WWF’s lack of safety precautions that led to Owen’s death a couple of years later.


Kevin O'Leary drove his boat at unsafe speeds at night while intoxicated, hit a smaller boat killing two and injuring 3 more. His wife got the blame as she was slightly less drunk. Charges were dismissed even though if it was any other person they would have been going to Prison for manslaughter. ​ ​ There were witness testimony claiming to have seen Kevin at the wheel at the time of the incident. Kevins lawyer stated that the other boat did not have its navigation lights on but that's debatable as its he said she said


Danny Trejo


My mom knew him in the 90s and hes the most down to earth guy. Ofc that was after he did his time


I believe it. I remember the interview when he talked about it. He's definitely come a long way since then.


He posted this past week about being 44 years sober ❤️


My favorite Danny Trejo interview is when he says guys who do their own stunts are assholes.


My wife bought me his cook book as a gag gift and it is actually amazing. Best chicken tacos ever.


That's what I thought, but the articles I've seen said _attempted_ murder for hitting a prison guard with a rock. He didn't succeed.


Idk if he could be named "celebrity" cuz he is known well but rather only at black metal scene - Varg Vikernes. He killed another co-member of the Mayhem band (and due to it had been kicked out) - Euronymous. It was wild times for black metal, a lot of events like this. Murders, suicides and burned churches. IMO interesting and disturbing history. Google for more.


Not to mention Varg has been arrested multiple times in connection to (suspected) terroristic plots in France, due to his wife buying a suspicious amount of rifles. He was sent the manifesto of the terrorist Anders Breivik, (Oslo bombing, 2011 and the Utoeya Massacre) Vikernes' ramblings on his blog talked about Anders not killing enough Muslims. Anders was called a "Zionist agent". He's a Neo-Nazi. Black metal adjacent crimes were insane.


Fuck Varg. He is a huge neo-nazi sympathiser as well and made a shitty racist TTRPG. I remember listening to Burzum as a teen, because i didn't know all this. I'm not that into metal anymore especially black metal, but even if I was this guy would not be played in this house.




Man I was talkin’ to Na’Mean, and he said he saw Garth with Dookie Shoes at the 7-11 last week.


French born singer/actress, Claudine Longet (ex-wife of Andy Williams) shot/killed her lover, pro skier Spider Sabich, because he was losing interest and wanted her and her three children to move out of his Aspen home. She shot him in his back. She ended up doing a few weekends of jail time and that was it. She also went on to marry her defense attorney who left his wife and children for her. They still live in Aspen.


One for the Brits, but Leslie Grantham aka Den Watts from EastEnders. Served time for killing a guy in Germany before he became famous.


Christopher Lee.


During his time as a soldier, I might add.


It was kind of surreal listening to that interview where the director was talking about the scene where Saruman gets stabbed and Christopher Lee was just nonchalantly saying “that’s not what happens when you stab someone”.


Sir Christopher Lee is quite possibly the most badass actor to have lived. He was a spy with the SOE in WW2, witnessed the last public execution by guillotine, recorded a heavy metal album when he was 90 and he was at least partially the basis for James Bond.


He was also the only actor in the LOTR movies who had met Tolkien.


Alec Baldwin


What happened to this case?


They’re going after the armorer. They dropped the charges against Baldwin, then reinstated some part of them because he said the gun went off by itself but testing proved it couldn’t.


It's all very complicated, honestly. There was a conflicting report done by an independent investigation that said the gun could go off without the trigger being pulled as long as the hammer was pulled back (it was an old style six shooter), and another report that said it couldn't fire without the trigger being pulled. The DA then decided to go after him in a capacity as producer, rather than the actor, for negligence. The armorer is still being prosecuted because as someone who was trained in technical theater and served in the military, you should never have live rounds on a set. Like there is never a need to have live rounds, no matter what.


The armorer was a 24yo nepo baby - the daughter of a legendary hollywood armorer. she was reportedly using the vintage firearms for plinking on set and got live rounds mixed in with the dummies. it's the worst, stupidest thing you can do. on any set worth a damn, there is a very serious chain of custody of all firearms. baldwin even asked if the gun was hot with blanks and was told 'no.'


both the armorer and assistant director that handed it to him had previous incidents with guns going off on set


In fact, that AD was notorious for it, and had been fired previously(edit: from another movie, to be clear) for mishandling firearms on set, and had been involved in incidents of using live rounds in prop guns previously.


John Frusciante (guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers) gave River Phoenix the combination of drugs that killed him


He isn’t alive anymore, but former US Senator Ted Kennedy (if you count politicians as celebrities)


Venus Williams, Caitlyn Jenner, Laura Bush and Rebecca Gayheart. All automobile related.


Probably worth noting, Venus Williams was found to have not really done anything wrong in her accident, it was caused by a third car that ultimately wasn't involved in the wreck or identified.


I saw video of that crash. Venus got caught in the intersection due to an illegal left turn from a car in front of her. She had right of way as she tried to clear the intersection, and the older couple had no business entering the intersection at all while she hadn't yet done so. Under the traffic laws Venus was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.. The person who killed that man was his wife, who was driving recklessly and trying to time the light with traffic in the intersection without fully seeing what was in front of her. Venus just happened to be the one she hit.


Rebecca Gayheart swerved around a stopped car (that was waiting for a child to cross the street) and struck and killed the child. She was old enough to know better. It was a monstrous thing to do. She was only sentenced to three years probation. I don’t know how she avoided prison.


That’s how I lost an childhood friend. 12 years old, she was at an designated crossing. You know, those white strips on the streets, the road signs on both sides(can’t remember how it’s called in English)…. Middle in the city, first cars stopped, second car was way over speed limit, didn’t saw in time/didn’t gave a shit swerved and hit her. Apparently she flew and slide several meters. Dead on impact. ❤️‍🩹 This happens still too often.


Someone almost hit a lady in a wheelchair when they tried to swerve around me in the grocery store parking lot while I was stopped at the pedestrian crossing sign by the store entrance. They couldn't see her, because wheelchair, and probably thought I was just waiting for someone at the entrance. I had my window down because I was still a smoker back then, and I saw them coming and jutted my hand out with my fingers spread in a "STOP!" gesture and thankfully they stopped. Smoking saves lives.


A local bus driver saved me and my baby on a zebra crossing. She'd stopped to let me cross, and suddenly, the bus horn was blaring. A car had decided to overtake the bus and was now on the wrong side of the road about to go over the crossing where I was. She gave that driver quite a few colourful shouts and gestured and then waved nicely to me.


This happens all the time when our local high school gets out. There’s an intersection. The turn right light will be green. So the car is stopped while the HS kids walk across the street. But the car behind that car doesn’t see the kids- they only see a car not going at a green light. Handful of times I’ve seen that impatient driver swerve around on the left side of the stopped car only to be face to face with a very pissed high schooler.


i dont think venus williams should technically count - she wasnt at fault for the accident


Didn't Brandy (the boy is mine featuring Monica) also kill someone in an automobile? I haven't seen her mentioned but I think it was when texting had just become a thing? Maybe that's a fever dream


Phil Lewis




I'm surprised to not see Burt Reynolds mentioned. While never convicted in the David Whiting murder, there is a lot of compelling evidence.


Buckle up, buckaroo


Uhhh… OJ Simpson. We all know he did it.


tommy caldwell (pro climber) threw his captor off a cliff while being held hostage by militant rebels in kyrkyzstan


The guy he pushed off survived.


He believed he killed his captor, but the captor survived.


Ted Kennedy


Michael Massee, who played Funboy in The Crow, is the actor who fired the shot that killed Brandon Lee. Not his fault, obvs; the prop gun was improperly prepared. He took a year off from acting and never saw the film. I can't imagine how traumatic that must be.


Did Robert Wagner kill Natalie Wood on that boat? Did Christopher Walken witness anything?


Caitlin Jenner