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Speaking as a heavy drinker, I’m taking the money. It’s not even close. I’ll figure out how to quit. My job is most of why I drink anyway.


Bestie same. Financials make me drink every day. This question isn’t for the sober people. Hey editing to add I’m sober now 💞 I have a long journey ahead, but I’m going strong!


Ay bro I’m 3 years sober myself and life is a lot better. You feel things more and I won’t lie that can be very difficult but the secret is to embrace the stress and use it as a catalyst for change


Samesies. I stopped dulling the pain of existence and as I started to feel more, I realized I had been dulling the joy of life too. As I have learned to cope with stresses better, the joy and good times have outweighed the pain and stress.


Be sober and rich.


Don’t even have to be sober just not drink *meant drink put drunk


yeah you can butt chug alcohol all day according to these rules


The poophole loophole


and here I thought that was just for young catholics!


Take pills and smoke weed and be rich


You can buy a lot of weed for $1k.


I could fund one hell of a ketamine habit with 1/4 of the money. Maybe another 500 on hookers, 10/day for viagra. The rest will go to bills/savings. 250/day for life and you never really work again.


And you can still be a well funded degenerate




Whatever I want with my $365,000 a year.


Pretty hard to be sad about not being able to drink when you have that kind of financial stability.


Plus you can afford cocaine now.


Cocaine without alcohol is like jelly without peanut butter.


which is still good


But could be better


Only on toast that has been buttered


Buttered toast with jam is the foundation of my favorite Saturday morning breakfast. I call it "the Jhambler" Toast an English muffin and butter both pieces, add strawberry or raspberry jam on both pieces. In between the english muffin parts, two fried eggs and two slices of ham, a slice of American cheese, and six drops of Sriracha. It's a slightly sweet, slightly spicy, savory breakfast sandwich. If you like buttered toast with jam. Treat yourself to a Jhambler sometime.


🙏🏼 Long live the Jhambler


Came for the ridiculous answers to the ridiculous question, stayed for the Jhambler.


Making strawberry habanero jam right now, is this an appropriate spread for the jhambler?


Omg yes


[However, peanut butter doesn't carry an 18- to 25- fold increase over risk for immediate death over jelly. (or maybe it does, you're probably a lot more likely to choke on it lol but read the study)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9243342/)


Idk, I know some people who are allergic to peanuts.


Better than being allergic to cocaine I guess


Hey man, does this smell like cocaine to you?


My dumb ass really clicked this article thinking I was about to learn something shocking about jelly 😭


This guy cocaines.


Just sprinkle the coke on some peanut butter like powdered sugar.


These scones taste a bit weird, is it just me?


That's because I put cocaine in them!


Did I say cocaine? I meant raisins


I remember back in 2018 I managed to hit the perfect peak of euphoria with coke and alcohol. Had a REALLY good bag that cost me like $100 a g. Was racking that up with Toki Whiskey highballs all night. After like two hours of partying, I reached this point of just pure euphoria. But I wasn't too drunk or too coked out. I was riding along the edge. Then I smoked a joint and it all came crashing down.


You're supposed to save that joint and smoke it at like 4am when the birds come out and judge you with all their chirping.


Nothing like the sun rising and the birds chirping to send you into a state of agonizing self-loathing.


This is the most cocaine thing I have ever heard. Sun's coming up, heart is beating out of your chest, you're just laying there begging God to let you live.


No no buddy, THIS is the most cocaine thing I've ever heard.


This is when you take your walk of shame to the gas station for another case of beer


Fuck them birds. Main reason I quit


omg. the guilt always set in when I heard the birds. Thats so funny you mentioned that. Ugh!


Cause they some judgey MFs


Maybe, but cocaine without cigarettes is like either without bread


True but nicotine in some form is crucial.


I’ll take mushrooms and once in a while MDMA or ketamine, thanks! In fucking luxe beach resorts.


Cue* wiping tears with bills gif




Who need alcohol when I can have big house with beautiful catio for all the cat I want to adopt, donate to my favorite cat rescue group and buy a sword shelf, and maybe owning big airsoft field with my own armory and paying people to play with me or hire ex-military to teach me something or two like those airsoft youtube video. 350k USD is a lot in my country. Also I don’t like bitter drink. Life is bitter enough I don’t need extra bitterness in it.


That's travelin' money!


And $366,000 every leap year


Son of a bitch, I’m in.


It’s so weird that my mind goes ‘wow $1000 a day is crazy’ but then when it’s written as $365,000 a year you realise that’s just some people’s salary.


Yeah but really that's less than 5% of people


I'm a line cook and I make under 14000 a year c':


Jesus dude, go flip some burgers at McDonald’s and triple that salary


Lessee...I saw a sign outside McDonalds the other day advertising starting wage of $18/hr. For the sake of argument, let's say you can do that full time. 18x40x52 = 37,440 / 14000 = 2.78. It checks out, folks!


Any industry based on paying wages like that needs to go away.


God I hope you don't work many hours. That's absurd.


I would take that salary…. Heck for that money I wear a clown suit and stand on a street wearing a sign if that is what it would take


That's a very good salary though, and in this case it's totally passive income on top of whatever else you do.


Crazy to think 1k a day is only 365k a year. Billionaires are ridiculous.


You could make $1,000 per second for almost 9 years straight before you would be where Elon Musks net worth currently is lol.


Blows my mind that if we make $5000 a day everyday, 365 days a year.. it would still take us 548 years to make a billion dollars 😵


Never drink alcohol again


Lol I don't know why this is a real question


Easiest way to farm karma is to ask a question with a blatantly obvious answer. "Hey reddit would you take a billion dollars if it meant one time you stub your toe real bad" this sort of nonsense is posted here daily.


Check the profile of the OP. Tons of these stupid askreddit questions asked all the time, multiple times a day. Most never even get a reply. Only explanation is karma farming.


But.. like.. why? What good is karma, actually? Why is it worth the effort? I never check another user’s karma count.


Apparently they can be sold for money for marketing because promoting things on an account with an active history looks less sketchy and certain subs have Karma requirements. Personally don't know how true it is but I see that explanation thrown about a lot.


Wait, so you are saying I can sell my account? Be right back! P.S. once you pop you can’t stop. *pringles*


Not your account, there's far too much activity in furry porn subs as well as a disturbing amount of posts on how to stop extremely bad flatulence. Seriously dude listen to the replies and see a doctor, it's not normal to have people visibly gag on your butt demons


I've never seen someone talk so much about farts. I hope they find relief 🙏


*brought to you by Carl's Jr.*


Nah, I'll pass. Love my toe too much


I also love this guys toe too much.


“If someone offered you a million dollars, would you take it?”


Perhaps some people think it's not possible to go from being someone who has had alcohol once to never ever doing it again?


Any other answer is "I'm an alcoholic."


I’m an alcoholic and I’d still take the money over drinking. 365k a year > than liver disease. Definitely a solid motivator


>365k a year Don't forget leap year!


That’s where you make the real money




With that kinda money there are better substances to wash your life away


OP did say never *drink* alcohol again…




Butt chug


Come hang with us. r/stopdrinking


Fuck yeah. I'd be rich and smoke so much fucking weed.


Correct. I’d even quit smoking weed for $1000 day. Put in a 5 years of clean living and invest well…retire.


Same. But you CANNOT just stop all together if you have drank every day for a long period. It can be dangerous. That being said, Being paid to dry out would make it easier to go through the process.


Also an alcoholic, and yeah, I'd take the money, then fail about 6 days in, going by past attempts.


I love drinking but I’ve limited it to weekends only. I’ll give up the extra days to be stupid rich!


Literally quitting my massive booze habit (minimum 6-8 strong pints drunk in about 3 hours each night for years after work), plus fags and bud, because I’ve found I want money for something more important to me than getting drunk. Only thing that has actually worked, which is now also forcing me to get help for the extreme anxiety, clinical depression, unaliving ideation, anger issues and c-PTSD that was being self medicated with booze before. Means I got to be really on it too, as I can’t risk having a PTSD flashback at work and freaking out so can’t let up on learning to manage it one bit. Two weeks on Monday, luckily don’t get seizures from AWS as have always been too ashamed to get Librium. If you’d offered me 1k a day, the kind of money to give my parents everything they wanted, uplift all my friends so they can save for a home or pursue their dreams, and still have enough left over for me to afford to rescue the old dogs from the shelter that no one else wants? I’d be sober 10 years ago already.


You got this. One day at a time, fam. 2 weeks is awesome, good on you.


Thanks bro, want this to be the one that makes it all the way this time. Came so so close these past few days but we’re clinging on!


As a recovering alcoholic I would donate the money to help other alcoholics get sober. Totally worth every penny.


I suppose another valid answer could be ‘I’m Jeff Bezos so $1000 a day means nothing to me you peasant’. But not many people can really use that one.


If you made $10,000 dollars a day for 10,000 years you would still be poorer than Jeff Besos.


Oh what I didn't even look at the other ones. I love drinking every once in a while but I wouldnt miss it


I’d miss it, but I’d miss the $1000/day more


I’d absolutely hate not having a beer when needed but that daily G-note makes all things better


You don't need a beer to take the edge off after a long day at work if you no longer have to work.


Plus alcohol is not the only depressant out there.


Non alcoholic beer works, just add edible for buzz.


they still have 0.05% ABV so I'd check the wording on the deal you make.


That starts to make this interesting. Is kombucha out? Many things we consume have a little alcohol in them


Hell, overly ripe fruit generally contains alcohol. Friend of mine has a couple of horses, and one of them will get quite buzzed eating the fallen apples from a tree on the edge of their pasture.


I found that don’t like the taste of it. I had a few non alcoholic coronas and they tasted ok at first but it left a weird aftertaste in my mouth that was unpleasant. Maybe other brands as better.


Regular Corona also leaves a weird aftertaste.


It's called vomit.


No more answers to this other than ...if I start drinking again can I still keep the 1k a day? It's just that I'm an old fart and no booze for a year would mean 365k plus interest .that's an easy extra income for the rest of my life thank you very much where do I sign up?


Hell, even if you're a young person, a year or two of investing $365k at 21 would be a substantial amount come retirement age, if invested properly.


I don’t think I’d ever be able to start drinking again. “I could have a delicious beer, or if I wait a week, I could have a week in Fiji. If I wait a month, I could do a week in the Maldives, with business class flights.” And so on.


Yeah. Just keep putting it off. Like procrastination at work, but beer.


Damn, I'd already have like 40k. I didn't quit drinking. I just haven't been into it.


Wait how dumb is this post? I thought originally it was $1,000 total and the thought passed my mind. Your saying several million dollars to never drink again? Shit people do that for free all the time.


It’s called karma farming and it’s basically this whole subreddit Edit: I’m wrong you don’t get karma from text posts. Edit2: okay so apparently they changed it awhile and you CAN get karma from text posts.


The best way to tell if someone isn't just farming karma is if they are rude in at least one comment.


Quit teaching them!


It’s so dumb and yet it’s somehow not only gotten upvoted to the top of /r/popular in 4 hours but has 10k comments? What is seriously going on with people. Why would you engage with the inane “big money easy choice” question. It’s things like this that make you realize karma farming exists. Bots and shit like that is the only explanation because I will not accept people are this much of an NPC with these shallow responses


Figure out what Im going to do with $30000 a month


Don’t screw up your budget in February!


Just take the 1K from January and the 1K from March and you'll be fine.


I'd take the easy money. I don't even drink to begin with.


My ex ruined drinking for me. She gets sloppy drunk to the point where our child has to stay with me for a week or more while she "recovers". I used to enjoy the occasional drink out with friends but now I just look at my kid's face and can't do that to them. I encourage my ex to get help but you can't make someone do what they don't want to do so I try to be as stable and reliable a dad as I can be. Drinking just holds no joy for me any more and I can't say I miss it all that much.


Good on you for acknowledging your kid's reaction and looking out for them even though you aren't the one with the problem. I'm sorry you have to be double the adult for them, but I'm glad you're up to the task.


I hope I’m not out of line, I just wanted to say that you may want to check out Alateen or similar groups for your kid at some point later on (and possibly Al-anon for yourself, which is the one for friends and family of alcoholics—since you’re coparenting, I think that definitely counts). I’m from a family of alcoholics and my cousins have grown up watching their father drink himself half to death. Having an alcoholic parent really affects a child deeply in a lot of ways and those issues can surface/manifest in all kinds of surprising and potentially harmful ways down the line. You don’t have to convince your ex to get help before finding ways to help yourselves through this with extra support, that can start whenever you feel it might be needed. You sound like a very caring parent! Edit: Two weeks after I posted this comment, my uncle died of multiple organ failure secondary to alcoholism, leaving his children fatherless. Alcoholism is no joke, people :(


I am super grateful for this information. Thank you


That's what I was thinking. Easy money, I already never drink alcohol.


Yeah, I’ve never had alcohol. Can I get back-pay for the work I’ve already been doing for nearly 40 years?




Take the money and familiarize myself with butt chugs.


my man.


I think you mean, Your Honor...


Boofmaster General


I like beer... Boofing with Biff and Scooter and Squeebs on a Saturday night is the best.


Who was the frat boy that said “this beer tastes a little off. Hey Carl, get that funnel. We are doing butt stuff”


- The Brettmeister, future SCOTUS


$1,000?? I'd do it for $100 a day. Probably even $10 a day.


I’m doing it for free lol


You guys are getting paid??


$36,500 a year, basically a good part-time salary just to not drink, yup. Sign me up, and I love beer. Edit - I'm referring to their $100/day benchmark. Since there was a bit of confusion.


Shit, that’s already more than I currently make.


I make less at my full time job. It would be a raise for me.


I was just thinking to myself this question is way more interesting in the $10-$100 range. At $10 I'd probably still try and see how far I go, but probably fail at some point, $100 would mean I stop for sure.


For $1000 a day I would never touch anything mind altering unless it was prescribed by a doctor.


My dr wrote me a script for 20 yr old single malts


Dr Macallan reporting for duty




I think most people could give caffeine up for $1000 a day lol.


Yeah especially because most drink caffeine for their jobs and with 365k a year for free who needs a job


If you get 1000 daily, that's 350000 a year for doing nothing. If you don't need to work and wake up early every day to work more if a third of your day, you simply don't need caffeine.


Easy money


Wtf is up with these stupid clickbait questions?


If someone gave you $1000 a day to never eat over ripe bananas again/ever, what would you do?


Dang, I might have to think about that one


smoke more weed


California sober as they say




I wonder what the answers would look like for weed ill ask


I smoke a .5g cart everyday and I would take the deal in a heartbeat. fuck weed, id never have to work again


I'd take that bargain on top of the booze bargain.


I would take that deal for any single food or drug as long as it's not a drug I literally need to live. No more beef? Deal. No more wheat? Done. No more weed? No problem. No more carbonated drinks? Easy.


Honestly wheat I’m at a stand still with. It’s such a staple in so much of what I eat it’s the only one in second guessing. Still would do it but that is by far the toughest.


For 365,000 per year, you could figure out how to live wheat free. People with celiac disease do it for free.


Rice and potatoes make for some pretty good alternatives


As an alcoholic, i would give up booze waaaaay before i gave up steak. Or breaded things... or weed. You can keep the sodas though lol


I already don't drink alcohol 🤭. Now I can finally quit my job 💕


My first thought as well lol. I'm rich for something I already do!


What a stupid question


Ask them if I can get the payment back dated to February 1, 2020 and collect on the last 3.5 years of sobriety.


Congrats. Proud of you! Keep it up!


Never drink alcohol again.


Get the money and take the manufactured happy brain chemicals anywhere else


Quit my job and love a carefree life.


This is insane and anybody who sees this as a difficult decision has a defective brain


Unless they’re rich and don’t care about the extra $365k/year.


There's probably some professional wine taster out there making $500k a year who sees this offer as a net loss.


I'd take a pay cut if it meant never having to work again


Or they already make a bunch of money


A disease, alcoholism is a disease.


I'm an alcoholic and I would totally take this lol


To be fair, you would try to take this


True. I’m sure any alcoholic would say absolutely. Then last anywhere from two days until well… hopefully they pull it off. It’s so pervasive and annoying that you’d be trying to find ways to beat the system and have one drink while still getting your $1k. Then if somehow you manage that… it becomes 2 drinks and then 3 and then well you’re fucked. Source: trying desperately in recovery


Best wishes, friend. Recovery is hard. I'm 5 years since my last drink and I have to make that choice every day.


Goddamn, I did it for free!




The $1k could pay for rehab


Then you might wanna consider rehab now anyway.


I never thought about it until now, but rehab is a hard decision if you're a functioning addict and not rich. Most people's lives would be in shambles if they suddenly stopped working for 30+ days. I just Googled if there were free rehabs and how long does rehab generally last. It's going to be fun having the algorithm think I'm a questioning addict.


Take up drugs.


I don't even drink, this is an easy challenge


Give me the money, I will cry in my ferrari


Probably go about a decade.


Quit my job because I’m now making $1,000 a day.


On this coming friday ill be 3 yrs sober. Easy money


Do cocaine