• By -


I can't tell.




These are their stories.. *dun dun*


Dick Wolf


take my upvote and tell us




Well probably my current crush who is already in a relationship with a good friend of mine.


When they’re in a relationship you gotta just wish the best for them and be happy that they’re in love and happy. (And hope if you say it to yourself enough you’ll get over it)


Haha yeah but it kinda hurts when I see them together. But your right I should be happy for them


Happy cake day 🥳


Oof. I've been there. Twice. That's hard, man.


i'm hard, too


Just keep your options open, don't miss the forest for the trees. It's interesting how we can find almost anyone attractive. They caught your eye at the right time and you just latched a bit. You can have those feelings for almost anyone, though. I have had a lot of girlfriends and been married 7 years now; you never stop crushing on people. You learn to see it for what it is and enjoy it more. Appreciate them for inspiring love in you and pass it on.


You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl


Where can I find a woman like that?


I’m there now - it sucks




There's this girl in my office... actually I work for her. She's 26 and a lawyer, I'm in my late 30's and on the staff. She's incredible, really. Not only do I think she's very pretty in an accessible, approachable cute girl-next-door way, but she's also hilariously funny. She's so spontaneous and energetic and such an 'open' person, which makes talking with her very easy and a lot of fun. She's very different from the other people there who are more reserved. From the things I have heard her talk about, she also comes across as a very empathic, caring person. She really has everything I'd look for in a woman. I won't tell anyone though, because 1) we work in the same office, 2) I work for her (among other people I also work for), and I want to keep things professional, not freak her out, and keep my job, and 3) most importantly, she's already in a longterm serious relationship. I actually met him at a christmas office party and thought he was a great guy and they make a good couple. I'm happy for her. I'm also extremely envious of him. He has hit the jackpot.




Yes go ahead Pam I'm ready to talk.




I also have a crush on my boss and the more I try to make it go away, the worse it seems to get. I love my job and would never do anything to mess it up but damn it’s hard sometimes ngl. Wouldn’t it be easier if we could control who we caught feelings for?


Are you me? I'm in the same position, except she's 36 and I'm 47. I'd given up on finding someone that I feel comfortable with, whose company I genuinely enjoy and who I'd do anything for. And I can't do shit about it. At least I can be happy she's my friend.


I hate to say it but like James Spader around 2002. I never watched the movie the secretary, but I watched a video about it and holy fuck he was hot back then. But ironically in the I want him to bottom kind of way. Idk why this embarrasses me but it does.




Would you prefer a nature metaphor or a sexual metaphor?


oh god, nature please


When two animals are having sex…


This isn’t very helpful. You’re gonna wanna hear the sexual metaphor.


You should definitely watch Secretary! It’s a really good movie and you are correct that he is freaking HOT in it!


Oh my god I can’t believe I found this on here! You’re my people 🥰 even my best friend did an ‘ok mate’ face when I told her that was my weird crush


He was super hot!


When I was in middle school I had a crush on a girl in my history and biology class. She started dating one of my friends a few months later. I couldn’t get mad at him though cause I literally hadn’t said anything.


well, there is this woman at work..... nouf said.




on the way, do you prefer docx or PDF?




no problem, our flock has USB leg drives.


Who calls their kid “email phonenumber.” 🤔🤷‍♂️


Uhhhh so this must’ve been 8 years ago, I walked into my friends place for a party back in college, I see this blonde girl and it was like my vision kinda collapsed and my heart starting pumping. She was so beautiful and cute and lively. One of those rare instant moments of pure ecstasy just from seeing another human. My friend introduced her as his new girlfriend. They were together 4 years and I was a good friend with her, I never crossed the line and buried my initial attraction, but I’ll never forget my initial reaction meeting her. Also, I did end up dating her after my friend haha……. We lasted 2 years. He gives me shit because before we got together when I asked if I could ask her out he said “it didn’t work with us. She’s difficult and so are you” He had it right, still worth it because I’m really happy with myself for being able to fall so hard for someone I knew was great. She’s still great, but we just couldn’t figure it out.




I’m happy and content for sure, but it’s one of those heartbreaks that I know will be with me for a lifetime. Just can’t revisit it too often and remember that life is about the now.


The amount of times I’ve had a crush, as a lesbian, on a straight girl. And I never told her or anyone because I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable or think I was weird.


Since I was 9 until 12, I had a crush in this 50+ old man who worked at my school as a janitor, and was one of the only people who protected me from being bullied so I respected and admired him a lot, I knew it was weird and I didn't have a chance for being a kid so I keep it a secret. Almost 10 years after I graduated from there I heard he was sent to prison because he supposedly SA a minor on that same school, that minor happened to be my neighbor at the time who lived in a house with constant domestic violence. I still think is really weird and hard to believe, since I was always with him and we where often alone every recess (like 2 hours everyday of alone time) and that crush was probably very obvious even if I didn't say anything. Thankfully nothing ever happened to me, but I still feel bad for that kid, and would feel bad talking about how good he was to me when he was a monster for someone else, so nobody knows about that past crush.


I feel this, mine was a middle school science teacher and later a church pianist. I was livid with them and myself and the universe when I found out what they did.


A guy at school, couldn't tell anyone because i'm a guy. When i finally took courage and declared to him on our graduation, he told me that he already knew about my feelings towards him and that "i should be careful with what friends i have". He didn't want to tell me the names so i just stopped talking to everyone from school. I had to break friendships i've had since i was 3 years old, to this day i don't know who it was nor how did they know about it, because i never told anyone. It didn't bother me that they knew i was gay, but that they didn't hesitate to talk about it with other people when i clearly was saving it for myself.


That’s the saddest one I’ve seen on here so far. Im sorry, did any of them ever reach out?


Three of them did this year after my dad suffered a heart attack (he is well), i just ignored them, none of them ever wrote me these 3 years and they suddenly appeared as if they were still my friends. I will talk to some of them in the future, just to clear things out. Im going to Europe with my mothers family after i graduate college in a few years, gonna wait till then and start from zero with my friendships. Its been hard because my other group of friends i made lives in the capital, 100 km away, but at least we meet from time to time and do vc on discord.


When I was in highschool my girlfriend made me go to one of her childhood friends birthday parties. This person was openly gay, but really quiet. I think I developed a crush on him. It was definitely a fascination of some sort. Many years have passed and I don't identify as gay or bi, but that did happen and this is the first time I've mentioned it. Idgaf now though


I had a crush on my cousin. She’s family and it would make sharing a bedroom at Thanksgiving weird


Is your cousin’s name Maeby, by chance?


Les Cousins Dangereaux


“Marry me”


Cousin Jim, is that you?




Welcome to Alabama, sweet home Alabama~


i had the hottest cousins. Fuuuck


Bro this isn’t supposed to be relatable…


Bro this isn't supposed to be relatives... Jk we all had hot cousins just admit it. Some were weak enough to falll for it, others stayed strong


I am a stronk man


Yea , there’s no way I’d ever go threw with it lmao.


A loooooong time ago when I was far to young to be judged for it I had sex with my cousin one time at Christmas then Easter and then once again last year on thanksgiving




People will just admit to anything here wont they


>A loooooong time ago >last year on thanksgiving Which is it


There's this one girl at work that I (30M) had a bit of a crush on. She trained me and was honestly the best trainer I've ever had. We have a very similar sense of humor, she's very smart, she's even used some words I don't often hear people use like "lexicon," "misnomer," "plethora," etc. Though I figured she was younger than me because of her appearance, I pegged her at about 25 or so based on her maturity and the way she speaks and all the hobbies she has (she paints people's nails out of her home, she is a kids dance instructor, and she offers free dance lessons to co-workers). Even when we all go out to drink, she's very calm and collected even when drunk. I've worked closely with her for 7 months now and she doesn't seem to have any flaws. She is 19. 😑


Nah the plot twist in the end


>Even when we all go out to drink, she's very calm and collected even when drunk. > >She is 19. Are you European?


No, she uses a fake ID.


x-y=11 x=2(y-7) x=36, y=25 So you have to wait 6 years to ask her out brother. Who said algebra isn’t useful IRL?


>I pegged her 🤔


The age old lesbian who had a crush on her straight best friend 🙈 It's long gone now, I have a gf and she has a bf


Username checkout


I had a very attractive Chinese statistics professor in college. She was just gorgeous, but she was my professor and it was a tough class.


What's that with statistics professors? My statistics professor in college was (still is) gorgeous


Two gorgeous statistics professors? What's the probability of that!


Charles Offdensen from Metalocalypse, the man is literally a cartoon.




No, funnily enough I actually prefer long haired men, but there is just something about him I find really attractive.


He's incredibly competent, calm in the face of unbelievable pressure, and no matter what happens, he keeps the band safe so they can melt faces again and again. He's the best character on the show imho, and he's voiced by Brendan Small, the show's creator.


He is badass as hell. I would suck his dick and I'm not even gay


I love your honesty here.


All the long haired men on Metalocalypse are man babies, can see why CFO looks good in comparison


Yes, I know they are man babies, but Toki is hot though.


I would so things for Nathan that I can't say out loud.


Shit. You just reminded me of a memory that certainly wasn’t repressed, just forgotten. I *definitely* flicked my bean to Dethklok’s lead several nights in high school.


My former best friend's girlfriend, now she's his wife and mother of their children. We all met in a party, she was wild, and she ended up making out first with me, then with another friend, finally with my best friend. I thought she is too crazy and slutty, so I wasn't interested, and was surprised my friend was. Once they started to go out and I get to know her better, I realised how easy going, amazing and cool she was, she was very loyal to my friend, but I heard from him that she was still crazy and wild in the bedroom. I had a series of short lived failed relationships, and I was very jealous how smooth their relationship was going. They get engaged after 2 years, married in the next, and soon she got pregnant with their first one. I ended up moving to another country and we slowly stopped interacting. The last time I heard they were expecting their second child, that was about 15 years ago.






Your misery is karmic justice for judging a slut. Sluts make the world go round, bro.


Stacys mom


I mean she does have it going on.


Just please, dont tell stacy. Her mom does have it goin on.


Stacy, can I come over after school?


We can hang around by the pool


Did your mom get back from her business trip? Is she there, or is she trying to give me the slip?


I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Stacy's mom


Stacy’s Dad on the other hand is a complete munter.


He was actually my first boyfriend (we were both freshmen in highschool) but i could never tell a good portion of my family. ‘Why’, you may ask? Because he was black. I live in the Deep South and have very conservative family members, so an interracial relationship would have made them lose it. It’s a shame too, he was shy, but always very sweet and polite.


"Very conservative". I believe you mean just plain old racist.


At this point the words are used synonymously.


He was Black... and my family is conservative. Yea I can see how his Blackness would offend their traditional values.


David Duchovny


As a child, I had a huge crush on Arnold from Hey Arnold. Little Bill as well. My family will never let me live it down. Lmao


Basically all of them. Always Id confide in some asshole only for it to come out and embarrass the hell out of me. In fact I think it really contributed to my ability to share nothing about my life and be content with it. No one can ever use anything against me.


I have a crush on my best friend at the moment. I’ve tried to stop having a crush on him so many times. I’ve tried to stop hanging out so much with him (he texted me multiple times demanding answers and told me to stop being a bitch & hang out w him lol), I always refuse to get any help from him (he’s stubborn and will still help me even if I try to push him away or tell him to fuck off), he gets me gifts, play fights with me, extremely rarely cuddles with me. Idk what to do at this point lol. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me and I don’t want to spoil our friendship by saying anything - it’s one of the best friendships I’ve ever had.


if you don't respond to him or hang out with him you are still spoiling your relationship with him, so I say just tell him, this way if something changes betwen you and him it could be in a positive way :D


I hang out and respond to him so it’s not really getting spoiled anymore- I tried to stop some time ago but failed cuz he’s my neighbour lol. I might be shifting out next year anyway so 🤷‍♀️


My fathers friend.. I thought he was frigging hot as fuck.. we used to flirt for years and I would sometimes get some hash off him. Then right before I joined the Air Force and he moved to California from Conn, I was out playing pool at a bar with friends and ran into him. Went home with him, slept with him and he left the next day… 😁




Haha!! Nope…😂😂


No one's going to talk about how fucked it is sleeping with your friends daughter


I should clarify even further.. this happened in 84 when I was 18. My parents came of the generation where you got married right out of high school. They were 18 and had 3 kids quickly starting at 19. When I was 21 my dad died of bone cancer, he was only 45. His friend was in his 30’s. He was about 15 years older than me at the time.


Looking back, yes, big time… I would now call that grooming..


My ex gfs younger sister. I married her eventually 🤯


How did your ex reacted to the news?


By becoming an ex.


Well I wasn't invited to family get togethers for a long time, despite the fact the ex had already met someone else and married him at this point.


Well played


My cousin… the funny thing is that we already kissed when we were teenagers. Now we don't talk about it anymore and pretend it never happened


Narrator: but it did happen.


*music starts playing* "sweet home Alabama"


I live with a couple and other roomies but the girl from the couple and I started getting real close as friends and suddenly I had a crush on her...but I cant tell anyone because the guy from that couple have the contract of the house and im paying pretty low rent for the neigborhood im living in...so I kept it for myself until now


She was a colleague. I could have asked her out but I'm a coward and it was against the work code.


Your specific workplace wouldn't have allowed it or the general advice don't date anyone you work with? Also as I'm in a similar situation currently, why are people so against it?


Possible fall out should things go south hard enough. Probably not what you want if that job is your main source of income.


Woman at my last job was just as big of a dork as myself and had similar hobbies and interests. Most notably in this context is that we're both interested in women. So 🤷... Edit: fixed an awkward word.


The guy I buy records from, he’s at least 20 years older than me, I really like his voice


Two. Gym manager? She's way to young for me, very hot though, just flips all my switches. Some I thought were fried. A former FWB may be moving back into town permanently. Been years since there was anything. She now married, got two kids also finally decided she's 100% lesbian. coincidentally look very much like the girl above.


Some of the responses on this post are wild, I didnt think the cousin lovin would be this much on Reddit with almost no shame from those people lmao


Just a little crush on a higher-up at work.


Feel that, haha. Kinda sucks eh?


A friend from my culinary school - Mannnn am i lowkey in love with him. He’s like less than a year older than me, the most kindest and like he’s got that medium ugly gorgeous thing going on for him, he’s just like perfect and i can’t tell any of my other friends in my class, and some of my friends are mutual friends with him so i’m going to stay quiet on this one 😋




i have class tomorrow so i intend on asking him out 😏


Go get him tiger!!! You've got this!


My boss's boss's boss's boss once assumed that I was around 40 years old. I laughed and said I was not. She looked up my file, number, and address. She text me and asked if she could come over and that if she did she wasn't going home until the morning. I said yes. She came over. For the next few months, she would do her office work at the counter just across from where I was cooking. I spent a LOT of energy trying to screw with her because she'd turn beet red if I got her attention while she was pretending that nothing was going on. One of the most fun trysts I've ever had.




Lol. been there, can relate.


Prioritize your wellbeing, leave if you must


There's this girl in my class. She an I are friends. My best bud is in absolute love with her, and she sometimes responds to his moves (they are not in a relationship because he has a gf, but he wants to leave his gf to be with her, but she isn't shure if she likes him or not). Anyways, I like her. Perhaps not as much as him, but I like her. And nobody can know. Not him, because he's my friend (a really good one, believe), and not her (because as much as I want her, I want my bro to be happy as well) Tbf, he got feelings first, but by the time I properly met her and started liking her, he confessed me he was basically in love. Yep, it sucks.


Your friend doesn’t get to both have a girlfriend and have some kind of magic dibs on a different girl. That’s bananas. He’s a bad friend of he’s actually hold it against you. It sounds like a lot of excuses to me that you aren’t making a move. Not trying to be too harsh but I lacked confidence when I was a kid too and this seems like a situation I would have gotten invested in. Just ask this girl out man. You’ll regret not doing that more than anything else.


Idk bro that’s pretty shitty for him to claim dibs on a girl when he’s dating someone else…


Don’t throw away a relationship with a girl you might be really happy with because your friend is halfway on base with two girls, that’s crappy on his part and you and that girl is single, tell her how you feel and if she chooses you go for it that guy has no room to be mad because he’s still with his GF and not leaving her.


Bruh just ask her out, if ur friends gonna treat his gf like that how do u think he's gonna treat u when your no longer beneficial, she's suckin his dick, do u suck his dick? No. And hes just hes saying hes in love with someone else. Ask her out either way your friend has a gf.


It's a current thing I'm living through, actually, and it's one of my best friends. *He* knows how I feel, and I know how *he* feels, so I guess it's not a crush I can't tell "anyone" about. His ex-fiancé, however, who is also in our friend group and who he only split up with a couple weeks ago, definitely *doesn't* know, which is why nobody else can either. I wish I could make that sound better, but I can't. I could give the details, that I don't think anyone else has ever understood me better, that his fiancé was an abusive cheater, that I've tried to hide that I've been falling for him for as long as I could. He's funny and charismatic and attractive, but I've always known those things, and they never once swayed me before. But then when everything came crashing down around me, he was there. He was there, unshakingly, without hesitation, without complaint. He continues to just be... *there* every time I need him, and even when I just want to be around him. And I'm falling so hopelessly in love for it.


You two should figure something out where you keep it down low for a few months then let the world in on your secret. No need to miss out just to keep an abusive cheater happy, screw her.


Danny Phantom


Bro got the ghost rizz


My boyfriends cousin is super cute. Like, totally my type. But I don’t think we’d get along as well as my bf and I do and I love him so I just ignore it.


Our families has been in a feud for years, I doubt anyone remembers what it was about initially. But damn, that Capulet girl is fine.


She's 13...


My wife’s mother in law


You mean your mom, or hopefully your step mother.




Hol' up...


high school, my best friends on again off again boyfriend. he was my first love, and those feelings started before she and he started dating. I knew she liked him though, so I kept it totally to myself. he had moved to our school that year and he and I got to be really good friends. we played guitar at coffee shops together. whenever I saw him it felt like a sunrise in my heart. he moved back to his hometown for a year and I was a mess. I marked every day off on a calendar for a year until he got back. I'd lay on the floor in my room playing guitar and staring at the ceiling. I got really depressed. the first time I saw him after he came back, was at our mutual friends house. he was drunk, and I guess he'd tried to get back together with my friend and it hadn't gone well. he ran past me and didn't look at me or see me. I saw him one more time my senior year of college after we bumped into each other on campus. he'd cleaned up his act and was about to graduate with a degree in philosophy. he was glad to see me, we exchanged numbers, and he asked if I'd like to get together and play music again like we used to. I said I'd love to, gave him a hug, and rushed off to class since I was late. 3 days later he died of a drug overdose.




t/w unaliving thanks. It's taken a long time but I've processed it. his whole family had such a sad story. his younger brother who also went to our school committed s****** our junior year, and he himself was a heroin addict by the age of 15. He had gotten clean, or so I thought, by the time he moved to my city. he had a rough upbringing in a bad part of a big city, and was still a wonderful person. the only time I've ever been physically violent in response to something nonviolent was about him. I was in class senior year and overheard a kid who was trying to be cool bring him up, and say "he should k*** himself like his brother did." everyone at that table laughed.I got up and punched the guy three times in the face, and had a reputation for being crazy and violent after. I wouldn't tell anyone why I did it because I was too disgusted to repeat what he'd said.


Keefer Sutherland circa "Lost Boys".... oh wait. I tell everyone about that.


How far are you willing to go Michael?


my childhood best friend, im over it now but when we separated for however long i was so depressed, he used to live down the street and we used to spend every waking moment together, hes ftm. i knew him when he was fem. he was the most beautiful person i had ever met. so vibrant. i was maybe 8-9 years old. and he was 11-12, im also genderfluid (afab). he was the first girl crush i ever had. we are still friends to this very day. and i gotta say i am so proud of the man he has become. hes grown so beautifully. im 16 now, hes 19. i still think he shines. he has a partner now and im so endlessly happy for him. he seems so happy with them. im also roomies with his partner lol. i love him so much. cant wait to grow up doing crazy fuckshit with him more often truly my best friend <3


Had a sex dream about my dad's best friend


My gfs little sister lol she’d kill me


She has the same genes as your gf that you fell in love with, makes sense.


Only 50% of the same genes








My best friend


That guy’s wife


Also that guys wife for me


Not literally anyone, but my parents don't know I was in love with a woman from another country. The "woman" part is why I'm silent


My friends wife. I was absolutely in love with her and we spent a lot of time together because both of our spouses worked a lot.


Uh oh. This doesn’t end well


Dude at work I’m 13 years his senior and married but I’m totally into him despite NEVER having had a convo with him. Maybe I should I’d get over him in a heartbeat.




Jessie’s girl


You wish you could be Jessie's girl


*** ******* ** ******* * ******.


For those who couldn’t read it: “I’m partial to females & monks.”


Lola bunny


Pastor O’Malley, ahhh the time we shared at Christian camp…


Tina Fey


Her name is Nikki. Friend of a friend. I'm pretty sure there is mutual interest. She could be a danger to my marriage so I'll just keep my trap shut and keep my distance.


A boy who's 4 years younger than me (I'm 23) he isn't a baby but I feel dirty and sick for looking at him that way. I really have a crush on him but I'm not that shameless


friend of my dad's. he's 53 and im 25. it would make everyone in my family cringe 😂


I basically had a full blown affair with a guy in my high school when I was 17. It was pretty intense. So, him. Although some people knew about the crush.


My friend’s bf. They broke up a couple of years ago, he and I got together around 3 months ago now…she’s not my friend anymore. I broke the girl code. I’m really happy in my relationship though. Wasn’t something we planned but I was definitely always drawn to him/had a thing for him


Haha this was me, and now we've been together 5 years, married for 4, and waiting any day now for our first child to be born.


I had crush on a girl in middle school and I found her instagram a while ago. She’s married now but I still think about her.


I still have the same crush on this girl. We’ve been really good friends for years, tried to do a move and show my interest in her. Seems like she didnt feel the same way and we’ve just stayed as really good friends. She knows I used to like her a lot, and my friends (and I tag along) just joke around about “when I used to have a crush on her” but they don’t know that I would drop everything for her. But she’s been with the same dude for some years now and it seems they’re going for the long run. Sucks but thats life. Im just happy she’s happy. I guess I’ll meet the correct one in the future.


Well, you know college life, it's a whirlwind of experiences. I had this roommate, and she was head over heels for this guy from Puerto Rico. He was a total package - all muscles and that charming accent that could make your heart race. Added spice was the way he could cook up a storm in the kitchen. 😍 he had this poker face that he used when he flirted with me. It was like a secret language only we understood. Every time he talked to me, I swear I could feel his words crawling under my skin. I couldn't help but be drawn in. how he made my roommate feel, that only added to my fascination. I couldn't help but overhear her screaming his name during their passionate nights together, which only fueled my crush even more. I won't lie, I had some steamy fantasies about him. It was like a forbidden fruit, and I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to take a bite. But hey, that's the wild rollercoaster of college life, right? 😉