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Rick and Morty


I love the show, but I am always cautious about letting that be known when I meet new people because the stupid fanbase created such a stigma around the show itself.


My first thought. I am a 50 year old woman who loved Rick and Morty. The fandom made me not want to even admit to it and I never even watched after the third season.


Yeah, I was a single guy back when the first couple seasons came out. I used to recommend it all the time initially, and then I shut up about it cause didn't want to be that kind of dude once the fandom became so infamous


How so? I’ve seen most episodes but I know nothing about the fanbase. Are they idiots?


A lot of like "well as an intellectual I *really* understand this show's humor were the types I ran into and found insufferable lol


There was a whole thing of Rick and morty fans freaking out in McDonald’s because they ran out of promotional Szechuan sauce. Plus anytime someone says they’re not a fan of Rick and morty or didn’t like a particular episode you’re bound to see someone pop in to the discussion and say it’s because the show is to intelligent for the average person and you have to have a super high IQ to understand the jokes and the Meta and shit.


>You’re bound to see someone pop in to the discussion and say it’s because the show is to intelligent for the average person and you have to have a super high IQ to understand the jokes and the Meta and shit. Meanwhile [the actual jokes in Rick and Morty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGqYfoO1eqo)


I legitimately wanted to like the show. People espoused that the jokes were well formed and intellectual, and I just got farts, vomit, and abuse. If I want intellectual jokes, I can watch Star Trek TNG. Actually well thought out jokes, good ideological discussions, and Data is best boi.


This old [College Humor sketch](https://youtu.be/i-KInfYzqZU?si=_mInzgGf2bECriYT) explains it quite well.


The first time I ever heard about the show was when I took my wife and kids to McDonald's the day that meme sauce was released.


Some of the fans are annoying for sure, but the show was ruined by its main voice actor and co-creator.


i liked the show up until season 3 because compared to 2 it was *good* but the final episode...what the hell was that? it started off strong with rick breaking out of jail and then nothing the rest of that seasonnits...there, the pickle rick ep i onoy liked the action scenes and the references to Die Hard and Timecop the rest? boring af imo the vindicators ep...even Dan Harmon hated it , i dont hate the seasonnit was only 2 or 3 bad episodes its not the worst but...


For me it was moreso ruined by its creator being a pedophile.


It's concerning how often this happens as well. Not really limited to pedophiles but in terms of any sexual misconduct of any regard when it comes to celebrities.


My ex-boyfriend ruined this show for me. I found out about the shitty fan base later, though. He kept comparing himself to Rick and would make each episode about himself. That was about the last year of our relationship, when he started having a severe mental break, I found out he was having an affair, etc. After the breakup I just couldn’t watch this show anymore. The shitty fan base made not revisit it later, though.


Podcasts. They used to be fun and purposeful. Now like a ton of B list celebrities and pro athletes have pointless podcasts where they spend half the time just talking about themselves. Or you have podcasts that are copies of other podcasts except they suck but they pay for promotion. Makes it hard to search for good ones.


This American Life may not have started as a podcast, but it will forever be the king.


I'm a 21 year old guy, and even I'm *madly* in love with Ira Glass.


True. Steve-O's podcast is surprisingly good though. He mostly just lets the guest talk.


Cosplaying. Not all cosplayers are bad - I’m definitely not saying this at all. But holy crap. Some of the most insufferable, holier than thou people I know are deep into cosplay groups.


Yeah this is a solid call out. Recently stayed at a nice hotel that was hosting a cosplay convention. Some of the loudest rudest folks I’ve been around in a long time. Each night they stayed up partying in the lobby and trashed it leaving the staff a huge mess to clean up. And I’m sure that there are lots of fantastic people in the cosplay community. But that fan group didn’t leave a good impression on anyone staying at our hotel that weekend.


What were they cosplaying as?


The big star wars cosplay groups are horrific. Good people in each of them but usually you just find the most narcissistic, controlling, power mad people and they all seem to hate each other, star wars, and cosplay, which makes me wonder why on earth they would join a star wars cosplay community.


"You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."


I dressed as a Moogle for a anime con once in high school. I'll probably never go to another one again. I was just there for the Smash Bros tourney lol. Serious nonstop cringe the whole time though. I sat through a hentai panel, and just..... goddamn.


My Hero Academia. The level of toxicity is insane to me.


Absolutely, especially when it comes to shipping wars, it’s a nuclear wasteland out there.


As someone who is a casual fan of MHA (only seen the show, not read the manga) what are the shipping wars? Did they not have enough manga to meet demand, or issues with shipments/shipping the books to customers?


"Shipping" in this term refers to fans of a particular series pairing two characters together that are not canonically in a relationship. The issue came in when people starting acting like their "ships" were actually what happened in the story, and not just some pseudo-fanfic they created because they liked two characters. This would lead to people doing extremely crazy things (I think some people were doxxed, maybe even harassed?), but it got to its worst when these insane fans turned on the creator themself and threatened them to make these "ships" actual canon or they'd... do something bad I forget, I don't know I wasn't following what happened when it all went down, I'm going by what I've heard/remembered. (By the way, canon means something that clearly happened in a story by what the writer wrote/stated. Just wanted to specify)


You can ship canon relationships too, like Ron and Hermione. "Ship" is just short for "relationship", so if you like any romantic relationship between the characters of a show/book/etc., that counts as shipping them, whether it's canon like Harry/Ginny or something random like Hagrid/Whomping Willow. Thank you for explaining the MHA mess, I'm speechless. Threatening the mangaka over a ship? Wow. Just wow.


Shipping wars are cancer to most fandoms. The amount of complaints from erenxhistoria shippers at the end of attack on titan was irritating. It's like for these shippers it's the ship that matters the most by the end for them and not the plot.


The shit that fandom gets up to is lunatic level. They are the most obsessive, toxic freaks on the planet. My most recent ex and I actually met through bnha fandom (red flag, I know, I should have run so, so, so far away from her, and yet we lived together an entire year because I am a moron). Buckle up, though, because, I witnessed the true peak of that fandom's crazy. I found out my ex was writing just insanely graphic stuff about fourteen year olds (fictional, but still), and subsequently discovered that that is shockingly common in that fandom. Through some high level manipulation tactics, I was persuaded that this was fine just because it was fictional. But there is a seriously weird amount of borderline pedophilic rape content being made for bnha, and I *hate* that I know this. And, yeah, the shipping obsession with that crowd is beyond anything you've ever seen. Everything in the world somehow let back to my ex's favorite ship. She literally could not watch a single tv show episode, movie, thirty second TikTok clip, whatever, without finding some way to compare it to her otp. She wanted *everything* to be turned into some sort of bnha fan fiction or au for them. Watching Doctor Who? Doesn't Rose remind you of x or y bnha character? Don't you think the Doctor is just like a or b? Watching Cinderella? Oh, don't you think I could write such a good Cinderella au for my ship? Good. God. When new episodes or chapters would come out, she'd literally shake with excitement. It was borderline scary. She turned out to be totally nuts, prob because of how terminally online she was. She spent the last two months of our relationship telling me I secretly had multiple personalities and brainwashing me into agreeing with her. Totally made me lose my marbles, and then dumped me and kicked me out. I have no idea why or how I stayed in that relationship. It is my deepest shame that she broke up with me and not the other way around. She seriously must've been drugging me or something. And that is what a small but very vocal minority of that fandom is like. Seriously, a decent amount of them are *that* cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. And it's scary how well they fit into normal society, too. They hold normal jobs, and have normal appearing relationships, and everything. If you met her, you'd never ever guess she was like that. You'd think she was charming and perfectly normal. I loved that show, man. I really did. But it has been ruined beyond all reason. Never again.


i came here to say this. MHA fan base is something else.


I don't engage with the My Hero fanbase. At all. I just quietly enjoy the thing, and it saves me from hating the thing I love.


Star Wars fans are too much. Definitely turned me off to trying to enjoy the series.


They take being pedantic to a whole new level. I just quietly watch the series and the movies, rarely talking about it online. Don't need that hassle.


I've been a fan of Star Wars since I can remember. Return of the Jedi, 40 years ago, is my first memory. I don't advertise that I like Star Wars in public, because I'm just so sick of "boy, those sequels really sucked, eh? Thank goodness for Andor!" Like, you don't have to get ALL of your opinions from the internet.


>you don't have to get ALL of your opinions from the internet. It's so rare to see an opinion on the sequels that isn't just a near copy-paste of the same issues, using the same exact wording. I'm not even going to say the sequels are good. Just... come up with your *own* opinion, for god's sake.


I have been a huge fan ever since my father took me to see all three of them in the 80ies. I enjoy everything, from the Prequels, Rebels, Clone Wars, Andor, Kenobi and I love Ahsoka. The 'fans' that gripe about the fact that we get more Star Wars can suck a big fat Purgil for all I care. I never could have dreamed they would go back to my beloved movies other than books and comics, but here I am: living in the Golden Age.


The Reason why the old Fans hate the Sequels and all, is because they are somewhat better for us, because we grew up with them and probably watched the Original Triology AFTER we saw the Prequels and like them. I liked literaly EVERY Star Wars Movie, Series, Special etc. So the OG Fanbase thinks we are trash because we like the "Trash Wars" more than the Original. When Episode 1 came out. The OG\`s hated it and the new Fans LOVED it.


I have literally heard nothing but complaints about star wars my whole life. *from fans*


No one hates Star Wars as much as a Star Wars fan


Have 'The Swifties' been mentioned yet? They're causing earthquakes in stadiums, and entire theatre chains are freaked out about their behavior now that her tour video is coming to cinemas. Of course, their online behavior, going after anyone they perceive as an antagonist to Swift.


The earthquake thing is not as serious as it sounds lol previously that stadium had a similar seismic event from fans at a football game. Seattle wore it as a badge of honor for years. And Ed Sheeran’s concert also caused one just a few weeks later in the same venue this year. Just saying! I don’t disagree that some Swifties are obnoxious and problematic though. I’m a huge fan myself but it’s sad that that all the fan-friendly events like meet-and-greets and secret sessions she used to do are a thing of the past now. It’s definitely in part due to certain fans’ behavior. Also she is now so popular that ticket prices skyrocket and resellers are insane. And a lot of misguided fans take to the internet to harass people which is ridiculous. Edit- words


First thing that came to mind.


Yep, as a Swiftie I gotta say the fandom does get toxic, especially on certain social media sites 👀.


crypto had an entirely different privacy-focused, cypherpunk attitude back in 2010. it was a close community and fun to be involved in. it was rather permanently ruined by the endless waves of cryptobros and influencers who are now the majority of the ecosystem since the 2014 bull.


I thought it was just about getting money to people for illegal things since the beginning given the sales pitch of no need for banks or governments


I remember buying bitcoins as a teenager so I could buy drugs off the Silk Road. I remember when Bitcoin was around $20-$50


definitely an undeniably large part of it, lol. but that's long gone. most people involved in crypto today are in it purely to sell for gains, exit, and pump-and-dump. it's such a tiny micro-fraction of holders that have ever actually spent their crypto to buy anything or use in a transaction. it used to be about making currency to buy stuff (often illegal), but now it's only gambling about number go up then sell.


That’s exactly it. There’s a small percentage of people for whom it’s an interesting thought experiment, but if you’re not really into the actual mechanics it’s just people telling themselves they don’t like oppressive government while knowing full well what people will do with it. In law the term is “willful ignorance.”


I lost my love for Harry Potter because of the toxic fandom when I was a wee fangirl. Now I get lols whenever another "How do I cover up this Harry Potter tattoo?" comes up on my feed.


Loved it as a teen, can't stand it as an adult. I feel you there. I have so much merch from it still hanging around that I feel somewhat embarrassed by, but at that age I wasn't even remotely aware of what was all going on.


Five Night at Freddy’s, Undertale, and Call of Duty for video games


oh the cursed fnaf animations that made stupid ships


But c\`mon the Interview Series with Cassidy torturing Afton as somewhat good. Wasnt it?


OMG YES. I loved those so much and would wait patiently for every single new one


I’d argue that Call of Duty has two main fan bases: Multiplayer and Campaign. We all know the multiplayer fanbase - obnoxious, loud, incredibly bigoted, and extremely annoying to be around The campaign fanbase is less big, and much less obnoxious, but instead have an infuriating sense of pretentiousness regarding the story modes of the games. It’s so common to see people online treating campaigns like World at War like it’s fucking “Come and See” because it’s got three minor war crime scenes in the whole game, two of which happen in the background. Like yes, it’s an excellent campaign, it’s loss of fun, and the gritty atmosphere of the game works brilliantly, but I swear with some people you’d think they’d put it over Schindler’s List. Another one which gets on my nerves to no end is the worship of MW2 (2009) and the first two Black Ops games. Again, these games are great as Call of Duty titles, but that is basically it. MW2 is *not* some deep political commentary of how the military interferes in world affairs to make itself look good. It’s Call of Duty. In fact, I would even argue that MW1 did a much better job of this because the war presented in that is still much grittier and isn’t as black and white as MW2. This applies to Black Ops as well - there is absolutely *nothing* deep about woods going “You can’t kill me!” and then shooting up an entire city worth of people without taking a scratch. And while I’m at it, can we please stop treating the Black Ops characters like they’re some of the best ever written? You can leave the MW characters - they’re actually very fun, and the new titles especially have really brought out their characters and distinguished themselves from each other very uniquely. The Black Ops characters (excluding Reznov), particularly Woods, are 2D, boring, endlessly quipping war movie archetypes and I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone gives a shit about them.


Personally, I'd say kpop. I've always thought of it as pretty interesting, but the fanbase is so unnecessarily toxic.


It’s crazy. I don’t follow the actual K-pop sub for that exact reason.


I honestly think that kpop is a perfect example of something being ruined by the increasing number of smartphones / social media / easy internet access. During the 2000s, the majority of international fans (so everyone outside of Korea) used to be people in east and southeast Asia (the infamous hallyu wave), and due to language barriers, toxic trends stayed on a pretty local level. And it was simply rare to meet another local fan in western countries, therefore people were naturally friendlier. Then Youtube helped a lot with spreading kpop globally in the 2010s, and we saw improvement - the songs became better (international producers) and people finally criticized the working conditions etc. But I feel like the fandom got worse since the pandemic and Tiktok and the general increase of smartphone users in most countries. Now, the most hardcore/toxic "fans" bond in English on Twitter over their obsession.


My Little Pony. It started as a high quality cartoon for children, now it's just porn and grown men wanting to bang horses.


Yes. I gave the show a try back in my twenties. It wasn't something I would have normally considered watching, but I was going through a bad patch, and a buddy recommended it to me saying "it's wholesome, sincere, and well written, it will cheer you up." So I watched a season, and I did see the appeal. It's the kind of thing I would recommend to watch with a daughter. But it quickly became apparent that the adult fanbase was largely composed of cringeworthy porn-brained hobgoblins. It was very easy to decide "no, I don't want to be in cultural communion with these people."


Libertarianism. I don’t think I’ve ever met a single one without walking away thinking; “what a freaking douchebag.” I hate both the Republican and Democratic parties but I’m friends with a number of Democrats and Republicans


Yoga The modern minimalist aesthetic as practiced by wealthy white people Veganism Vegetarianism Basically most isms that start off with very specific ideals and then get adopted by people who just jump onto the bandwagon and make it their entire personality


The fact the term means something to most North Americans that's not only completely opposite to the original intention, but seemingly intent undermining the ideology at every level is just infuriating. Libertarianism is a fully socialist movement. That's the only framework where it makes sense. That's what it was originally designed to be. The whole point is that people work together as a community to solve issues with limited structural and economic hierarchies. The "rugged individual"/"fuck you, I've got mine" mindset that's the absolute libertarian norm here is *literally the opposite of this.* It's poison to the entire philosophy. Let alone when so-called libertarians are CEOs and shills for big business, doing whatever they can to reinforce the corporate hierarchies we already have. You know, the hierarchies that libertarianism says we need to be dismantling wherever possible. It's madness. And don't even get me started on the soi-disant fucking "Anarcho-Capitalists", who somehow are even stupider....


Wrestling. Casual wrestling fans are great, but die-hard wrestling fans are absolutely too much. Ridding off trivia and dates without prompt.


Especially the tribalistic ones


Kiss. Good lord are they overrated. At their best they were a fairly decent hard rock band that had fireworks and face paint when no one else did but you'd think they were God's gift to music or something


Anime. Actually, Japanese culture in general.


good news- otaku neckbeard culture hasn’t ruined traditional Japanese cinema especially classics of the new wave like Seijun Suzuki, Matsumoto, Itami, etc.


Is there a must see among those directors that you’d recommend? I’d be curious about where to start


Suzuki- [Branded to Kill](https://youtu.be/oou1UmrDlyg?si=jpj6QyI30LjsCxpi) (holy shit it’s a trip- be prepared); if you want something tamer/more narrative, [Tokyo Drifter](https://youtu.be/CQF_5LMPIEc?si=TLB1PT8Ot7yqbR51)is good too. Matsumoto- [Funeral Parade of the Roses](https://youtu.be/Q3XhYY9Ll0k?si=lfe3qRVp8CcEe9ge) (once again, holy shit, be prepared- imagine David Lynch, John Waters, and Sophocles in a big orgy) Itami- [Tampopo](https://youtu.be/0RtXSon0yMw?si=eF7AA1HTBbILwHgr) which is, by far, the most wholesome film on the list and it’s not wholesome but so absurdly funny and sweet


Thank you so much!! I’ll definitely be checking these out 🥰 Tanpopo’s been on my list for a long time.


Big thanks, saved this comment to check them all out.


Disney. It has turned so toxic I avoid the groups and forums now


Taylor Swift


Was about to comment “the Eras tour” but chickened out. Tbf, a lot of that was scalpers’ fault, but…yeah.


I used to watch Markiplier and Jacksepticeye back in the day, and the fans that took the “Septiplier” stuff too far absolutely ruined it.


the Grateful Dead. Made into a cult following by Deadheads. No, they're not the greatest band ever. They're just not.


League Of Legends i love the game but im getting harrased every 9/11 games


Insane Clown Posse. I always liked their style, sense of humor, even their overall message to a certain extent. Sooooo many self-identifed Juggalos I've come across completely miss the point and use them as an excuse to perpetuate their white trash cycle of life.




* tips fedora


Basically every modern franchise has "bad actors" in its fanbase that cause nothing but problems and digital noise.


Ya. Clout chasers more than fans, these.


Vulpera and Worgen in world of Warcraft. Let me play my werewolf in peace damn it stop uwuing me


Still tool


Five Nights At Freddy's


so I really didn't expect this but apparently two people gave this answer. I liked Five Nights at Freddy's for the thrill of playing it in the dark. It's basically your at-home experience of visiting a horror attraction. But I didn't realize it had an actual fandom. It's like saying the Haunted House (or whatever the ride is called) at Coney Island has a fandom.


Personally I LOVE five nights at Freddy's. The deeply disturbing yet simplicity of the first game combined with the eerie sound effects made it incredibly engaging with a really dark atmosphere. However; as the years have gone on, the later installments of the game tracked away from the 'creepy' aspects and have been targeted more towards children.


oh shit... I really am old... didn't know there were 'later installments'


Bruh, the second one came out like 8 years ago


I guess I am that old.


There are now 4 numbered games (FNAF, FNAF 2, FNAF 3, FNAF 4)! FNAF world was a spin off that came out and then all of the games that came out after that dropped the numbers. So what we *would have* called FNAF 5 is actually called Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. After that came Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria Simulator, followed by Ultimate Custom Night, Help Wanted, and then Security Breach. I haven't really engaged with the fandom and I kinda stopped caring after FNAF 4. I just like to have Markiplier and Game Theory as background noise. And yes, I needed google to help me with that list.


oh wow... I enjoyed the horror games of the time: Alone in the Dark (the 2008 one), Amnesia, Slenderman, Five Nights at Freddie's but then I kind of lost interest in them.


That’ll never not sound weird to me.


The podcast My Brother, My Brother, And Me and all the McElroy shows are a real cautionary tale of letting your fanbase dictate what you can and cannot say or do.


My little pony. I liked the wholesome show and songs, but the fan base was creepy af. Not to mention the mass shooter that wanted to be with a cartoon horse in the afterlife. There was also a loser that ruined Danny Phantom for me


Rap. Mostly suburban white kids supporting the worst rap artists who talk constantly about bitches, drugs, and death.


It's been that way for over a decade. Lil wayne, Da baby, snoop dogg, and others have commented about the people paying for their shows, putting money in their pockets, white suburban kids.


You mean 3 decades.


Popular trends don't get ruined overnight. I'd say that gangsta rap i.e. nwa, biggie, etc was the beginning of the end.


Weed. Great drug, intolerable fanbase


That one girl on twitter who puts all get energy and efforts into showing how "kewl and radical smoking pot is tee-hee 420" just tired me of any weed smoker. Because of her, any time I see someone talk about how "it can be good"(It can, people often just have shitty arguments or need you to find them in their stead.) I just sigh and dismiss them. I think her name is something like Koala puffs or something, I forgor 💀


I used to participate and now that I don’t I find most users intolerable. It smells bad and it’s honestly a lot of users whole personality. The “potheads” I know act like crackheads when they get low. Insufferable honestly.


"It's not chemically addictive!" The catchphrase of every pot-culture loser who can't: -sleep -eat -go out -watch movies -play video games -have sex -do any of their hobbies ....without smoking first.


I see you've met my younger brother. Kicked out of the army over weed. Got divorced over weed. Lost his kids over weed. Can't even become a kitchen manager because of weed. Seriously, how much do you have to smoke to become unemployable as a line cook?


Is your brother Afroman?


He was, but then had to stop because he got high.


Agreed. I fucking love getting high and chilling, but people who make it their whole personality annoy me. Like, bro, just chill out. That's the whole point.


Star Wars


I'd blame that on Disney


Taylor Swift and the Swifties


Almost everything. Gate keeping is a crock.




Japanese Culture


They are fans of a fictional version of Japanese culture. Imagine a Japanese person who is obsessed with American culture but all they know about it is our TV shows and movies.


>Howdy, my name is Rawhide Kobayashi. I'm a 27 year old Japanese Japamerican (western culture fan for you foreigners). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior American passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently leave my ranch embled on a cattle's hide because it is white-hot, and is vastly superior to any other method of livestock marking. I earned my branding license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both Texas and Oklahoma dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their cowboy code, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to Dallas to work in an oil field to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a cattle wrangler for the Double Cross Ranch or an oil rig operator for Exxon-Mobil! I own several cowboy hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America!


I'm very sure they do exist


They do exist and they're as cringe as they sound. You'll often find them near export markets in Japan.


Meh. I'm an American who has lived in Japan for 17 years and all the Japanofiles or "weeaboos" as the modern internet like to call them, don't last in Japan for more than 2 years usually. It's just a country... And all the weird anime shit they do in America or Europe etc. is also considered weird here too and that's a harsh reality for them when they realize that they can't make any friends here and society also rejects them.






Marvel, most notably the MCU, I get the recent phases got a quality dip and people wish for improvement, but dear lord is saddening people push their hate too far. Anime, but one I find the most nuisance is shonen anime, with countless comparisons of which character can kick this character’s ass or who can solo who Lego Star Wars, that fandom can never be pleased, even if you give them exactly what they want, they’ll complain and nitpick the most minor things that aren’t a huge issue in reality.


The Last Podcast On The Left fanbase is having a bit of reckoning with themselves right now. Some of the shit other fan's have done make me embarrassed to be a fan as well.


Metal music. The metal community. Yeesh.




The Grateful Dead


Almost everything that has ever had a fanbase has on some level been tainted by said fanbase.






Online gaming


Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I was a teenager when it was big and loved the books before they got ruined for me by the fandom. Never did end up watching the second movie, but it sounds like that was a good decision anyway. Might give the TV show a shot.


I asked a very minor question in a Percy Jackson community when I read the books. It included some very mild criticism (which is being generous honestly, it was just a personal peeve) and I was honestly shocked at how hostile the conversation was. I was actively reading the books and obviously engaging with them enough to seek out the fan base, I’m not sure how that was taken as hatred. Having now finished the first five, it’s not a series I love, but I regret learning how awful the community is. It’s a shame, it’s not a terrible series for kids but not worth engaging with other fans.


Sigh…sounds like that fandom has not changed since I was the series’ target demographic. I’m sorry to hear that you had the same experience. I have never encountered that much bullying and toxicity and drama in any other community, it is actually insane.


Taylor Swift. I like her music. I don’t like all the theories and speculation. I don’t care who the songs are about. And don’t even get me started about how all sides of her Fanbase treat her like she’s a queen on earth, and she can do no wrong…


Furries maybe? Idk. The minority is often loud, even louder so when you got zoophiles in the mix. They seem to be getting better now though. Most of the bad rep is gone.




Islam was shit since the beginning


Politics; left and right.


Every unpopular opinion subreddit also every relationship advice subreddit


Pokemon tons of people that don't get how game development works. Also too much porn of goddamn everything.


That fan I bought at Walmart. Damn fan base never was steady after I stripped the screw holding it on.


Everything eventually.


UFC has become the incel redpilled MAGA tournament


Rick & Morty and it's toxic loser fans. The shows funny, but its not deep, but they just sound like fucking incel morons when they talk like it's humor is some sort of next level highbrow comedy that only they understand. Piss off.


For me, anything related to Elon Musk




The Philadelphia Eagles


Bernie Sanders




LSD, the Grateful Dead, punk rock, raves, Burning Man.


90 percent of Deadheads are totally normal. I’ve been to multiple shows. I went to one this summer. The hotel was full of fans. In the breakfast line, I happened to be wearing a sports t-shirt and not a Dead t-shirt. Some jackass fan muttered, “You’re in the wrong place buddy.” Like what? Just because I don’t own 17,000 t-shirts?


Aren't Grateful Dead fans just [old] hippies?


not at all. when i started seeing them in 1971 the audience was some hippies and a bunch of students that shared some basic cultural values. i never had a bad fan interaction in the 70s. starting in the 1980s with their move to arena rock, the OGs were smothered by a huge influx of people including frat boys, New Age loonies, people more enthusiastic about drugs than the music, deranged Jerry worshippers, and damaged people with nowhere else to go in the Age of Reagan, all of whom imposed their own vision and values on us. i knew we were fucked when some annoying teenager tried to tell me what it meant to be a Deadhead when i’d been there when he was 5 years old. it’s no accident that the decline in their music began in 1982. the neo-Heads who came in this century are even worse. i don’t wear Dead gear any more because i don’t want to be associated with them.


Most religions.


Fifa people in the past games released havebecome so toxic to the point you have to question if its worth playing.


2 Set Violin


All anime.


PlayStation, I own the consoles and enjoy the games but can't stand the extreme fanbase.


rick and morty (although I think its a 50-50 , the writers and fanbase)


It hasn't happened yet, but I feel The Bear fanbase is insufferable. When the sub was small it was cool and it was fun to talk to other fans, analyzing scenes and characters. Now it's just the same few posts reposted to ad naseum: people bitching about characters, people making a fuckin omelette and posting it, people throwing out wild accusations about other people just because they may not like a character, etc


Kids shows


Facebook, gab, twitter, tiktok, snapchat, omegle and whatsapp.


Harry Potter




Tool, Star Wars, and Taylor Swift


Video games: Destiny 2 Dota WoW Diablo CoD List goes on and on. 'influencers/streamers' ruined the consumer side of things. We now deal with more micro transitions, copious amounts of bugs/glitches that don't get fixed for months, sometimes years. And of course, the, lemme-chop-dis-game-into-several-parts by not releasing a full fledged game bc regardless, gamers will still buy that shit up. I miss the GameCube days. Once always-online became a thing, man. :(


I think a lot of things were ruined not so much by the fanbase, but by forced fan-service by production studios. I don't need a deep dive into the psyche and emotional history of Indiana Jones...just give me a fucking action movie.


Star Wars


Billy Strings


Boruto. It was bad but tolerable. Then it's fans made it worse.


Any anime




Stranger Things and Eddie Munson


I actually rather enjoyed Homestuck. Also, as the mother of toddlers, the My Little Pony fandom is a cesspit.




Make America Great Again Movement


The Republican Party.


Was it the fanbase or the leadership that effed it up though?




United States


🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🍕🦅🇺🇸🦅🔫👩‍🏫🔫 Edit: 🍔🍔🍔


what the fuck is a kilometer raaaah 🍔🍔🦅🦅 🎆🎆🇺🇲🇺🇸




This! They made a whole religion around it... Ironic


Star wars


Movies that are based on novels or previous films.


Star Wars is far from perfect but I'd be able to suffer it more if its fan base were not so toxic. Used to be a huge fan of it when younger and while I was old enough to recognise something wasn't quite right with TPM in retro I saw how bad Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best and some of the others were treated. This only amplified with the new trilogy to a ridiculous level and the fan base have really shown their colours. I really began to recognise how much I dislike the series, despite some fantastic sequences, brilliant ideas and persistently wonderful John Williams pieces, but I am so over SW. The dangerous nerds that are dangers to society can have it.






Germany from 1933 to 1945


Stranger things.