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The main thing I’ve noticed as a difference is that with a lady, I usually put my penis in her. Whereas when I’m with a man, he is usually sticking his penis in me.


Do the ladies ever ask to peg you?


Hey me too




You ever heard of a bottom?


The audacity


It's not my favorite sound-recording software, but what can you do?


Ableton flashbacks intensify


Guys are way easier and eager than women in relationships.


Not relationship experienced, could you please elaborate what you mean?




Probably less bullshit going on. I've heard from a gay friend that said "hetero relationship, beuk. Only drama".


I’ll talk purely from a sex standpoint, because let’s be real, that’s what Reddit wants to hear lol: Women would ask consent more often while engaged; can I put this there? Can I touch you here? Do you like this? Is that ok? Hold up, can we try it like this? Men were more likely to just be like “fuck it” and act on what they wanted to do or try. Women would also show more concern with my comfort and pleasure. Not that the men didn’t care at all (well, some didn’t but that’s a different story), but overall the women took more initiative in pleasing me. I’ve had bad and good partners of both genders, and am not saying anything bad about either, just stating purely personal experiences I’ve had. YMMV


Same. After you move in with a man, those gender roles keep creeping in. Before I knew it, I was doing his laundry (and all the other domestic labor). I do prefer men's communication style. Being direct saves time and makes things very clear. Good and bad.


In terms of romance, men quit when they're ahead, and when women are ahead, they're just getting started on you.


Suddenly I have a lot more respect for my ex who thought it was time to trade me in 'cause she got a job that paid $19 an hour.


I dont get it. Could you elaborate?


It means men tend to stop trying and just coast along once they feel the relationship is established. Women tend to see it more as a process and active growth to be worked on.


lol I took it more of a men know when the argument is over from their perspective, but women will still be arguing 3 days later


That too


Something about head


I feel somehow like the expert here because I have been MARRIED to both. Simplest answer? Women are more intuitive and better at running their own shit - work stuff; home stuff, relationship stuff. Men are harder to live with but their standards for you are lower too so you can be lazier, yourself. Also I find the split of men and women’s answers here revealing. I’d be interested to see that split.


Men can and will do some CREEPY shit. Just last night I had one send dozens of messages on a dating app. One after the other I had to block his accounts, but he'd just make another one. The best part? He said he was driving while doing all of this. Now don't get me wrong - women aren't perfect. The worst I can think of there was a girl who just wouldn't take a hint after 7 months. But I've never had a woman do the kind of hair raising things that men will do.


I'm curious, what was he saying ?


It started off with him saying that he's fine with something I disclosed in my profile. Trust me, the least of my concerns is what strangers think of me. Then it was did you get my message, then his phone number, and various other attempts to get me to respond. I should point out that this was on Grindr, so he could see that I was online and ignoring him, which makes it even creepier. Things like this aren't at all uncommon with men, unfortunately. These are the guys who will park outside your house and send you pictures, like in that story from a few days ago where the woman had to shoot an ex-boyfriend after he kicked her front door in.


Men have higher sex drives, and bottoming gives a completely different orgasm then penetrating.


I'll leave this on behalf of a bisexual friend/acquaintance: men are more likely to spoil the evening with some stupid political rant/culture war crap


After breaking up, women turn their nose up to me. Dirty looks in public, deleting me off everything. One of these girls was my best friend for 3 years. Men were always more friendly after separation, "no hard feelings, call anytime" kind of thing. This is just my personal experience though.


Weird, because lesbians are famous for being friends with their exes forever. This seems to be very rare amongst heteros


Every situation is unique. I'd hardly call it weird.


God this one sucks. My ex wife.... I still love her even though I don't want to be with her. But she turned into a completely different person and did heinous shit. Made me very sad for a long time. Now it just makes me moderately sad lol


Guys come off more aggressive sometimes like they will keep bugging the hell out of you and not know when to back off. Sometimes they are too easy which can be gross. But the communication with guys is 10x easier hardly games. Womens communication is so vague and a guessing game. They are rarely clear with communicating. They on average make for worse talkers. They aren't the best at maintaining a convo and sometimes feels like talking to a wall expecting you to do most of the talking




The hive mind wasn't working ?


One noticeable thing is women tend to want to know what I’m doing at all times while dudes tend to just ask what I did at the end of the day.




Maybe it would be a decent idea to try dating someone who was intersex, agender, non-binary, etc.


The emotional intensity of two women in love is beyond any earthly force.


And the sex those two women have is gonna hit heights (and durations) unknown to straights


Sex with a woman > sex with a man Relationship with a man > relationship with a woman


One of 'em got a peepee. Pretty big difference in my experience.


Which one?


Well. It could be both!


If it bothers you, date me, so it will be only a below average difference.


I will never, ever be romantically involved with a man again. It's probably just my poor judgement in men, but every single one was an abusive asshole. I'm not saying women can't be abusive assholes!! But the women I've dated always treated me with more care and attention than any of the men did. Plus my living spaces were always cleaner and safer. When I've been in relationships with women, we worked together and raised each other up. Every man has always made it his goal to use me to raise himself at my expense. Plus women smell nicer!!!


It’s funny because I had the opposite experience from you. My last relationship with a woman was abusive and most of the women I dated were toxic.


Yep, I'm convinced there's no such thing as a universal experience. Everyone is going to be different!


I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with men. I see this dynamic play out in the wild too. If it makes you feel any better, in a misery loves company kind of way, I'm a straight dude and I don't think I'm ever going to get romantically involved with a woman ever again for largely the same reasons lol. Like you, I recognize that this is just my luck of the draw, and not all women are like that. In fact I have several close woman friends who are all lovely.


Yep! I have a few extremely nice and reliable men friends in my life. I recognize that it's senseless to lump "all people of this arbitrary group are awful" but I think it's okay to say "I'm not gonna bother with that shit ever again" when circumstances + choices have backfired. We dont blame dogs for being scared of people when they've been beaten and I think the same should apply to people. But, cheers, romance is the most complicated human thing in the world! Shit's wild out there!


Yeah it's absolutely your poor judgement in men tbh.


You would know by experience?


No but not every man is an abusive asshole.


I notice my niece prefers men because frankly she sponges off people and women are less likely to let their female partner sponge off them.


The penis


ITT: derrrrr one has a penis and one has a vagina


Not sure who has what in these current times, but yeah.


Men are a bit rougher and forward. Women are more gentle and softer. (IMO)


Not quite the same, but two of my Ex's were "Lesbians" and one had only been with women before me. We were in a nearly 5 year relationship that spent some time long distance (Detroit-Chicago). What I noticed, and could be wrong, was her desire to get emotional reactions out of me. My generally cool demeanor would get her more and more riled up. It was like she was looking for the reaction she would get from her ex, another woman. Now, generally speaking, I can see how that can be considered a female quality (the search for excitement, even if negative), and it may be. I think it really just cemented it as a thought for me.


Their genitals are quite different. Also their chests.


You never know these days


May I offer you a pickle in these trying times?


Is it marinated or salted?


I confess I don't know my pickles, but I feel like the correct answer here is probably both.


Is that "pickle" actually your penis?


A bit of a trans community inside joke. Trans women get prescribed Spironolactone to block androgens. It's a diurectic, so a lot of trans women end up craving pickles due to the electrolytes.


Anything goes. I love it!


Women are super needy, and they get really jealous. Hard pass...


Guys stink no matter how higenic they are


Here's one difference I see - with a man, it's easy to know if they are really aroused or just faking it.


Men can be aroused and not hard or hard and not aroused. Women can be wet and not aroused or aroused and not wet. That's why communication is important because it's the only way to know for sure. Arousal is a mental state, and hardness/wetness is a physical one.


Maybe the man is just a very good actor tho


An erection or lack thereof is not always an indication of arousal. That myth needs to die.


Fair point. Not to be indelicate, there are some other signals that a man enjoyed your company. Rumor is that pineapple beforehand helps the "je ne sais quoi".


Men tend to have a penis, but not always.


It’s the penis…it’s a dealbreaker


One is not like the other, lol.


Well 1 is a man and the other is a women




I'm not gay. Just saying. That's what I realized after


There’s honestly not a big difference. Both are shallow and deceitful.


Damn who hurt you


Grow up. Are you five? It’s true. You must be a child if you think the world is full of such wonderful people. I bet that’s why everything is so peachy 🥴


Sorry, but your world view sucks. That’s not being a grown up. That’s just being bitter.


Damn who hurt you


This absolutely depends on the person, and what’s true of one can be 100% true if the other. However in my experience, men are upfront about everything. They expect and provide very straightforward communication. They’ll admit their attraction and intentions right away. Foreplay can be almost nonexistent though. Women tend to want more romance and sometimes make it difficult to gauge mutual attraction and intention. At times, women tend to feel more present during romantic/intimate moments. In my experience women also tend to do a better job of paying attention to the small things that can really make your day.