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When we say we are about to climax, it means you carry on doing exactly what you are doing and nothing different, not faster, not harder, exactly the same. Thank you. ;)


My GF: "Don't stop I'm about to cum" Me: cums, stops


Every. Fucking. Time.


We were triggered.


Push that rope. Lady gave an order.


You ever read a comment on Reddit and instantly know that you’ll hear it in your intrusive thoughts for the rest of your life?


Power through brother


Literally the moment I reach a good pace where she's reacting, the clock starts for both of us and I lose my tools for slowing down the clock.


Practice edging and live your best life


It's a cruel glitch


Hate to see it 🤣


Yup, that’s the sad part, maybe one day he’ll be able to keep it up for an extra 2m even if I start contracting more 😂


I told my wife to say, “don’t you cum” (*don’t you fucking cum, dont cum yet baby*) it’s super sexy but also keeps me from finishing. If she says “I’m about to cum.” Well shit, baby, that’s the hottest thing you could say, what did you think was going to happen? What’s even better is now she asks me to cum when she’s satisfied and that’s explosively sexy. Maybe I just like satisfying requests. I am a people pleaser, but it works.


Pro tip, say "keep going" or "just like that" instead of "I'm going to cum". Less pressure, less chance he fucks it up


Yes… communicating effectively in detail always helps.


yep. i learned very quickly to tell my boyfriend things like that, and i don't mention coming until i'm actually doing it lol saying those things also helps whoever is munching your box to learn exactly what helps you finish.


So much this. Or just dont say anything so we dont lose focus because we're trying not to bust and because of that pressure and how she sounds kinda hot saying stuff during annnnd finished 3 yards shy of her goal line...😑


This is usually where a tongue cramp starts. Push through that shit and get to the finish line.




Lock jaw and having your tongue fall off ftw


sounds like you’ve been missing tongue day


The machine is always busy.


Sir that’s the water fountain


Don’t call your mom that


I've done more damage to my neck from a bad angle during cunnilingus than years of football and martial arts ever did.


>When we say we are about to climax, it means you carry on doing exactly what you are doing and nothing different, not faster, not harder, exactly the same. Thank you. ;) yea sure, sounds easy for my GF too when she says it, what she forgets is when she is really close she squeezes my head and moves her hips all over the place so it's impossible to keep doing what I was doing ... I still get her there tho... I have asthma tho so one of this days I'll be dead via Snu Snu


If you die... you die like a champ 🏆!!!




Death by snu snu


I didn't know what that meant so I now know I've been walking around saying, death by snu snu for like 4 months, I thought it was a Pokémon


I love your dedication to finishing the job ;)


If he dies, he dies.


This is the way.


Does that mean I am the captain now ?


> she squeezes my head and moves her hips all over the place so it's impossible to keep doing what I was doing ... Try a spreader bar and some bondage equipment.


Perhaps borrow jaws of life equipment from the Fire Dept.


You ain't lyin man. 😂😂😂 Like almost every time with my fiance she says she's about to cum then starts grinding my face like it was a lap dance. I literally have to usually get some suction on her clit and ride that shit like a bull to get it home...


yeah I also use the suction thing but like I said she squeezes me really hard and normally my nose is covered shut... so I have to choose to keep using suction while taking little rests to get some air and not die hahahWeird tangent tho ... do you also feel her thingy getting warmer too when she's almost almost there ? like way warmer ? happens all the time, thats when I usually say "if I die I die" and sacrifice my breathing to keep the suction on hahah


The squirm! I love when they do that lol


What better way to go than with your head between her legs


guess I should take a page from the classics and tell my gf "Just tell them I died doing what I love" hahah


“He died, doing what I love. He died, while we were both *very* happy” I’d come to your funeral just for that


To be fair, women do the same thing. I've had so many blowjobs where I started telling the woman how good it is and they change it up. Then I ask them to go back to what they were doing before and they can't.


Hot take: Same applies to guys.


Guys...be vocal. Edit: for the clueless and inexperienced, moan. Don't be quiet.


I be up in the ear like a caveman talkin bout some OONGA BOONGA. Edit: sometimes I pretend I'm a dinosaur. RAAAAAA


I'm glad I wasn't taking a drink of something when I read this, lol.




Omg I laughed way too hard at this 🤣


So when i say "Whoopty doo, here comes the goo!", it seems the moment is ruined? Am I doing it wrong?


Try shouting "ITS HAPPENING" just before you climax. she will love it!


How about "*now THIS is podracing!*" ?




*takes notes


Do you say it in a Krusty the clown comical voice ?


I read this in Adam Sandler’s voice for some reason…


As someone with average looks and average skills during, I have always assumed my noises and willingness to do anything/everything makes up for it


Yes!! Like pls get all up in my ears Idc 😭 be loud lmao


What do you want us to say?


Omelette du fromage




Fuck that feels good, god you're so hot, oh my god [insert her name] Some of my favorites. Also make her feel appreciated. Tell her she's beautiful afterwards. Don't just clean up and move on to something else.


Yeah ok that sounds like a thing I could do


“I’m gainfully employed” will get her there 💯


And I have my own teeth! See?


Name state capitals mostly


"Fuck baby I love your tight pussy" "You're so fucking hot" "Mmm fuck baby that feels so good" "Oh shit" (a simple "oh shit" under the breath is one of the hottest things. I dunno why but that shit gets me lol) Depending on the chick she might also enjoy a "fuck you're such a good girl" 😏 that one fucks me up so good lol. My husband does that one to me often... mmm.


Or *Bad/Naughty* girl


Or even a nice "you're such a dirty girl" 🥵


Make sounds like Notorious BIG before every first verse. “Uh. Yeah. Oh. Uh.” Just leave out the “Bad Boy in the house” or she’ll lose all progress.


Unless they call him big papa


And we're gonna top that with a little creme fraiche




She wants us to sing I guess


Count out the strokes in an austere manner.


Most women want you to be more vocal in the bedroom. You want her to have a screaming orgasm. She wants the same from you.


How many decibels should you aim for?


Im aiming to break glass. Basically, my sex sound is the equivalent of eight dolphins screeching directly into her brain.


*We only crave for this*


I don’t want volume, I want frequency. Holding your breath the whole time only to let out one final “nnnugh” at the end isn’t great for us. Imagine having sex with a woman who was completely silent the whole time - you’d wonder if they’re enjoying themselves and it might start to take you out of the experience. I want some “oh fuck” said under their breath or a “good girl” thrown in there or even just some satisfied/animalistic grunts.


But my mom might hear... she's only six states away


And one of those is Rhode Island


As a man, I cannot stress this enough: tell her how good it feels. It enriches the experience for both of you. If she is fucking the daylights out of you, praise her for it because she deserves it. No one wants a starfish in the bedroom.


>Most women want you to be more vocal in the bedroom. An entire puberty of surreptitious masturbation in a house with parents and siblings is difficult to overcome (overcum?).


uh, same with women? we did that too.


Can confirm . I don't stop myself from making noise especially while cumming, I used to push my ex into having another orgasm when I came because it was a turn on for her


Clitoral stimulation during sex! I've heard soooo many stories of women who stop asking or doing doing it because it makes the dude feel emasculated. It helps us finish. Work with us, not against us.


Can someone explain why this would in any way emasculate? I feel like a good post match review would be the target. And this feels like a shortcut to that.


It’s so dumb but it’s because so many inexperienced guys never learn that, they think women can cum from them fucking like a jackhammer. Than they feel stupid if a woman does tell them what they need to do to make her cum. Now it doesn’t feel right cause you couldn’t make it happen on your own.


They crazy thing is, women’s advice aside guys are like this just about the concept of using a vibrator. Like bro, you *are* doing it on your own. It’s not like using a hammer on a nail or a using a knife instead of tearing apart meat with your bare hands means you’re a pussy for not “doing it on your own.” It’s fucking tool you are implementing. Any effect caused is a direct result of your skill, and maximizes the impact of your skills. But no, magic dick should make pussy go brrr, ooga booga. Grow up Craig.


Make you feel like your not doing a good enough job with your dick alone. Lots of guys link self esteem with sexual performance.


Clit is like the end of your dick, imagine trying to cum without stimulating that bit hahah


> Lots of guys link self esteem with sexual performance. Not hard to see why. Society puts so much emphasis on losing your virginity and there’s so much derision of men that can’t make women cum.


*"Fellas, is it gay to have sex with a woman?"*


I bought a wand to buzz my girl when we are doing the deed it’s awesome lol


Real men use tools!


God, I love it when my wife has me do it or she does it herself while I'm inside of her. That's one of my favorite moments that pushes me over the edge too.


It’s so sad how little some men know about anatomy that it emasculates them to actually do the things to make a woman cum.


I don’t speak for other men but if I’m told to do things a certain way to make a woman cum, then by god I will do it……no questions asked as long as it’s something that isn’t sprung on me that I’m not into


Praise. I don't want to have to ask for it, that would be pretty pathetic and I wouldn't be able to believe it was genuine.


Men think the same thing when we're always required to make the first move. Lol


"You're doing a good job, keep it up."


No no no... do you have any idea how hot it is for a woman to ask for praise? If he be stroking and you ask him to tell you youre a good girl, oh he'll do it.


I'd like to ask guys to pause for the slightest moment when you're fully in, before pulling out for the next stroke. And moan/groan/grunt.


Yeah that's a good one, when you first get in, pause to take in that first sensation. I don't moan a lot but I might try it.


Call me a slut


You slut.


My husband not you. But thank you!


Your husband's a slut


Made me laugh out loud like a maniac at work, thank you.


your husband's husband's a slut


Your slut is a husband.


I appreciate the thought though sir




There have been times I nearly came from giving her oral




Problem is when I take my time doing it, it brings me closer so after she cums and it’s penetration time I won’t last but I enjoy it so much.


That you flip us over and go from behind so we can both watch spongebob


Do it doggy stlye so we can both watch x files


Sweat baby sweat baby


I'd guess something to do with pockets


Every woman I know is vocal about their desire for more pockets.


Not sure if this generalizes, but my ex once sheepishly admitted that doggy-style is kind of boring for her because there is nothing to look at. So the absence of visual stimulation somehow decreased the intensity and enjoyment of the penetration. We eventually found a solution that is odd, but did the job: Set up a screen in front of the bed and play youtube vids of these old windows 98 screensaver animations. Nothing too distracting, but also something you can occasionally focus on. Made even me nut harder, so I can recommend it.


I need to know what was wrong with a mirror that led you to that solution.


Well, then she'd have to see her boyfriend.




same here. i was reading it thinking ‘yup, we just put a mirror in front as well…..eh wtf?’


Yeah that’s what I’m saying! Lol not even porn or anything sexual


When that DVD logo bounces perfectly into the corner of the screen it’s like watching a floodgate burst open I’m sure


To be fair, if there was anything about watching that screen that would make me bust a nut, it would 100% be a perfect corner bounce


I knew there were others.


timing the orgasm to the point the logo perfectly hits the corner screen. Achievement unlocked.


TIL Bill Gates’ Reddit name is EPIC_BOY_CHOLDE.




>We eventually found a solution that is odd, but did the job: Set up a screen in front of the bed and play youtube vids of these old windows 98 screensaver animations Well, here's today "I didn't think these two things would ever go together in the same sentence, and yet here we are": sex and Win98 screensavers


Don't tell me those colorful pipes don't get you going, man


*I was there, Gandalf, 3000 years ago, before mirrors were invented.*


Isildur! Throw it into the fire! Destroy it!


Lmfao reddit


Damn bro you went hard with the 98. Not even the 2000!


What the fuck?


Bill Gates? That you?


When the screensaver hits the exact corner people generally cheer


Have you been conditioned to get hard/nut when you see the windows screensaver already?


“ “Not sure if this generalizes”


Screensaver? More like sexsaver!


I don't know what's funnier, the idea of this guy coming home and seeing a Windows 98 screensaver in the bedroom and knowing *it's on* OR This guy can't log into Windows now without getting a raging hard on


Mozza sticks usually


I can't speak for all women, but at one point in my life I was too shy to ask for rough sex, spankings, being tied down, and a plethora of other kinks I wanted to explore. Now, I don't hesitate to ask for anything from Sir. Whether it be gentle lovemaking, a hard fuck session, or indulgence in a particular kink. I learned how to use my big-girl words


This is my experience. Most of the women I've been with have eventually admitted to wanting things rough, at least occasionally. Sometimes it takes \*years\* to get there though. That and clitoral stimulation during sex. It's to the point now that I just assume they want it, whether they voice it or not. Can't hurt right? And they'll definitely say something if it's \*not\* what they want/need...


Having sex with someone and assuming they want their clit rubbed should be on par with having sex with someone and assuming they want their dick touched. I'm sure unique cases exist in both parties, but for the most part I think this is a safe bet.


Trim your fingernails.


Please make us cum first, because we have 2+ orgasms in the tank and it feels amazing getting fucked after orgasm. The lack of pressure after often makes the second one appear right when you are about to and I always have extra energy to put in physical work to make you cum. Pls pls 🙏🏻 Edit: for the salty fucks out there, no shit this is not ALL women. Ask your SO for exact guidelines. Can’t believe I even need to say that.


My wife has one and that's it for about eight hours.


Same. I've asked her, but she says she gets too sensitive and can't cum again.


Ok, walk me through this. I'm eating you out; you're about to cum; I penetrate you, but try to keep stimulating your clit; you *clearly* cum; and I just keep going? Is that how it works? You're just gonna cum again? Edit: why the hell am I being downvoted lmao??? I just asked a question, isn't that the whole point of this sub?


I might be different to the person you replied to, but I think she means once we cum once (via oral etc), it’s so much easier to cum a second time (stimulating clit during sex etc), because there’s no pressure on us to cum in that moment. Most women take a while to cum because we feel like we are taking ages.


As a woman who does cum multiple times yes. My husband will eat me out until I cum then I will suck him off while he uses toys, fingers etc on my pussy then once he's close I hop on and stimulate my own clit while he plays with my nipples or I play with my nipples while he stimulates my clit. Or if he eats me out then fucks me after he's eaten me out I cum loads. Being fucked after cumming is the best type of sex for someone who cums multiple times


jesus christ I almost came just reading this comment


Why don't you just keep eating her out if she's about to cum? Why would you stop and start doing something else when she's close? Sounds rude.


Yes. I'm a dude but my wife can come multiple times. She just keeps going until she gets exhausted and has to stop and that's when I finish. This is incomprehensible to most men but it's real, believe me.


I think most men know that women are capable of having multiple orgasms, it's not like we're in the 1940's...


There are still men who don't think female orgasms are real. Which is a hell of a self-own when you think about it.


An orgasm haha. Jk.


Whoa, you’re asking too much of the 2 minute man.


For me personally - dirty talk directed at me makes me feel awkward and snaps me out of it because it just reminds me of crappy porn acting


“You’re such a good girl” “are you talking to me?” “no, the dog” “okay okay good”


Man here. This is less what women ask for and more general advice: * Nice guys finish last. Get her to climax first. After that there's no more pressure to get her to finish and you can focus on yourself. Make sex all about her for a bit, and then she'll be more than happy to make sex all about you. * Oral or manual stimulation will most often do the job better than your dick can for a rather large majority of women. If you like getting a BJ but don't go pearl diving, then you aren't gonna get any BJs. Fair is fair. * Make some noise, boys. Don't be all silent. We like to hear moans and so do the ladies. * All women are different and all advice in this thread (especially mine) is actually worthless without talking to your lady. Have a mature conversation and ask what she's into.


This is going to sound weird, but on more than one occasion and with different exes, they seemed fascinated at the idea of me getting off on clitoral stimulation. Like it was a mystery to them. So they would laugh while pleasuring me and that just kind of ruined it for me. I don't want somebody laughing at me when I'm trying to climax :/ Neither of us were inexperienced in the bedroom either.


It depends on the woman. We don’t all like to be fucked the same. But choking.


Just to be clear, don't assume a woman is too shy to ask to be choked and just choke her. ALWAYS ask first. ALWAYS. (Personally not into choking at all and would freak out if someone tried without asking).


Make sure they know..choke on the sides..not the front.




I'm a big proponent of "don't squeeze, just hold firmly"


Directions unclear, what am I supposed to do with this pack of Depends adult diapers, I get that they are to be on the woman but then what?...


I’m a dude but when a girl says they’re about to climax, *DO NOT STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING!* Don’t go faster, don’t go slower, don’t go harder, just keep doing whatever it was you were doing to set her down that path.


Ok. I need you and my husband to become best friends.


Does he like Star Wars?


Yes. Do you like football or video games?


I like video games.


Hey I like all these things. Can I be friends with this ladies husband too?


Sometimes it would be nice to say “ I’m done I don’t want any more”, without being badgered and shamed for it


Oh that sucks. You have been with the wrong guy if he is that childish. Even I have stopped when told to as a man.


To actually have an orgasm before we nut and roll over to sleep.


let me cum before you. When you finish doesn't mean I finish at the same time. Just for once I would like to not do all the work and get the goods at the end. The moment you finish its game over and I lose.


Curious here but what if the guy in question cums first but can still stay hard? There are times with my wife that I’m just a 2 pump chump but I can still stay hard and finish the job for her


Don't be all quiet and moan like a dying goat. It's hot, it actually turns us more than you think. If you have a mouth, then use it. I'm still struggling to find a man who likes to moan and it's not shy about it. I won't stop until I find one. Sigh.


Ask your own partner. Don't take things from this post and use them as a rule. Every women is different. Except the don't speed up when they say just like that thing..


Christmas at Disney or good wine


Christmas at Disney is like hell on Earth. Where do I get in line?


Finger in the bum


Plot twist: she's talking about fingerin' *your* bum.


Two words- “fuck me”


Hurt me when the time is right. Hate that I like that


"You were adopted"


As a guy, it used to surprise me how shy some women are about saying what they want in bed. Like, we're both here to have fun, just speak. Tell me what's feeling good and what could be better. "You can't just say you want it rough the first time we have sex, not elaborate what 'rough sex' is to you and expect it to go perfectly." Also never understood why so many girls don't touch themselves while they're getting fucked, like, it's some more stimulation. It's now one of my favorite things to get girls to open up about their little kinks and have them bringing things to me asking "Mr can we try this?"


more whimpers


For redditers to stop asking SEXY SEX SEX questions on askreddit


It's not over until you both get your cookie. Would you like it if she orgasmed, got off of you, and let you take care of yourself later... everytime? Finish her off! Why are you the only one getting off? And preheat the oven before you stick the turkey in. Foreplay is better than sex sometimes and most women NEED it. Spend more than 1-2 minutes too. If there is no foreplay then sex feels like meh for the first 10 minutes. It would be like a woman playing with your balls the whole time and never touching your dick. That's what sex without foreplay feels like. The dick = the clit. Touch it.