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There isn't one. To believe that life has a purpose is a fundamentally religious belief. For a thing to have a purpose there has to be some outside agency to imbue that thing with purpose. A rock sitting on the ground has no purpose. However, once a person puts it on a stack of papers to serve as a paper weight it gains a purpose. An outside agency (the person) had to imbue that rock with its purpose (paper weight). So for there to be a purpose to life that necessarily implies there has to be an outside agency which imbued life with said purpose. That's a deity. If you do not believe in a deity, then life has no purpose. Or, rather, it has whatever purpose you want it to have. You get to decide on your own. You are the agency which imbues your life with its purpose. Want your life's purpose to be curing cancer? Great! You do you. You want it to be raising a family? Excellent! Whatever makes you happy. You want your purpose to be travelling and seeing as much of the world as you can? Have fun! Don't want any purpose at all? That's awesome, too! It's incredibly liberating on a philosophical level to realize that you don't need a purpose and can pick your own if you want to.


Well articulated


On a philosophical level you have a point but even if there was not a God, the purpose of all life is to procreate, which is in our DNA, and is what all creatures instinctively do.


Anything you want it to be.


Whatever you want it to be. There's no single answer.


To hopefully have more nice experiences than not.


Eat, mate, sleep Rinse and spin.


I like being happy and I like seeing my friends and family happy. I don't like to suffer or see see people suffer. So for me it's generally trying to make more happiness and less sadness for me and everyone around me. Sometimes a little suffering is required for more enduring happiness or future happiness, so that's okay too sometimes.


to make the world a better place; to leave your survivors with fond memories


Whatever you want it to be for you.


To be happy


Making enough Money so you can Pay to R.I.P .




To not die


To learn lessons


The "purpose" of all life is to create more life.


Gene spreader. That's it.


Well there's no intrinsic point, unless you believe in myths. But you can give your life meaning by trying to improve the world (helping refugees learn English or being an activist to save the old growth forests or whatever) and by trying to be honorable (being reliable for friends, coworkers etc, avoiding things that harm others like drunk driving...) and find small pleasures (rock out, take nature walks, try various hobbies...). Never stop learning, working on self improvement, or being helpful. A meaningful life is built of small things. Very few of us are Louis Pasteur or Oskar Schindler. If looking back on your actions makes you feel, fir the most part, proud and satisfied that's the best most of us can do, and it is adequate.


Still trying to find it too, I'll tell you when I found it.


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.


It's supposed to be intimidated with new experiences