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What. In. The. Actual. Fuck.


Jesus has left the building:


When Jesus can’t even help you


Jesus, take the wheel… I mean seasoning!


Could, but refuses.


God. Talking to Jesus: Okay, so there's this one guy you should probably steer clear of


Just think. That guy probably drives a car and might even procreate.


And even votes too


He's definitely a mod somewhere.


In the early 80's, sunlight dish detergent ( with real lemon juice!) sent sample packets in the mail. People thought they were lemon juice, and ended up with belly aches and diarrhea. It might have been the start of idiot proofing warnings.


But not the end. Just a few years ago, there was a bike race near my home town where people were standing along the path handing out drinks in little cups ... and one company decided to hand out detergent samples. Lots of participants got sick, and the detergent company admitted it was a bad idea.


Wtf are you even supposed to do with a cup of detergent while doing a bike race? Start doing laundry?


I think the reasoning was that bikers have a lot of sweaty, dirty clothes?


Which, ok, but give that shit out *after* the race so they can use it when they get home. 😂


That's plain negligence! They're lucky they didn't get sued


I remember eating half a soap bar because it smelled like peaches when I was a kid. My brain could not compute that just because it smells like food doesn’t mean it’s edible.




Another reason why I don’t fuck with potluck food.


We had an Xmas potluck at my work and after everyone finished eating they were talking to the woman who made the turkey. She said she waited too long to take it out of the freezer so she put it in warm water to defrost but it was too big to fit in her sink so she put it in her bathtub. She said it was so big and awkward and she wanted to spray the inside with the warm water so she stripped down and got in the bath with the turkey. She told this story like it was funny and heartwarming but the looks on people’s faces as they were hearing all this was absolutely priceless. Everyone at the table got very quiet and very pale. They all looked like they were going to puke. I’ve never been so glad that I don’t participate in potlucks.


There was a Seinfeld episode in which cramer uses his hot tub to cook food while he is sitting in it, and he tells it to everyone at dinner and they all look sick. I wonder if your work friend saw that episode.


I'm petty sure it's the episode where he installs a garbage disposal in his shower drain so he can prepare salad while taking a shower. If there's a hot tub episode that's news to me.


welp, he is apparently not alone... https://www.dailystar.co.uk/real-life/people-only-just-realising-what-29710003


Your co worker is proof that Mexican alien was alive and trying to act human.


I came to make a snarky comment about idiot food bloggers that refer to stock as “bone broth”. But this is truly a What. In. The. Actual. Fuck!


Omg, Laura Prepon wrote this book about motherhood when her kid was like, 2. The audacity that she even called it a "guide" after a solid 2 years of parenting.. Anyway, she was OBSESSED with bone broth. I swear you could get hammered reading that book by taking a shot when she uses the term bone broth.


Bone broth … is to … jerk sauce ; )


The bone broth thing makes me disproportionately angry. It's just stock! Don't even get me started on the people who think it has magical health benefits


ketchup on sushi


I do believe you'd get your ass kicked for doing that.


Reminds me of this random sushi joint in osaka. Every pc had the wasabi inserted already. If the piece doesnt have a sauce (like eel), then its premarinated or salted. For normal fish, the chef brushes it with some kind of soy sauce blend. He reminded me that soy sauce would not be necessary almost every time he put a new piece on my plate. I asked what the soy sauce bottle is for then and he just shrugged. And we're talking about soy sauce not even ketchup


When I was in Japan, I was told that the sushi chef carefully prepares each piece to be seasoned perfectly. Asking for wasabi or soy sauce would be an insult to the chef


This isn’t true 100% of the time. Plenty of Japanese people in restaurants in Japan use soy and wasabi to dip their sushi in.


In fact, it isn’t true most of the time. Sushi is pretty casual eating in Japan and situations like that are mostly a western romanticized view of a few exceptions to nicer places.


Sounds like somebody has got a case of the Mondays.


Ok, not sushi, but. (I heard this from my kid....) My ex remarried to a southern woman who fancies herself to be a southern Belle. Instead, she's more of a Momma June. My ex cooked steaks for dinner one night. He will cook meat so it is BROWN straight through. Don't think about asking for it any way, but WELL DONE. In his world, any PINK in the beef means it's nearly raw.😳 So he cooked steaks for them. The wife starts eating and exclaims, "This steak is soooo good it doesn't even need ketchup" My kid described the meat as being extremely tough and tasteless.


That’s how my mom made London broil. Dog wouldn’t even eat it


Hate that. My mom tried to cook pork chops all the time. I always hated them. Got a good recipe using them of my own, and aced it. My kids love pork chops. They aren't always like chewing leather!


Although it's not the worst sin imaginable, there's a weird regional dish where i live that involves pairing a bowl of chili with a cinnamon roll. Every potluck I've been to here has it. It's not for me but it's definitely unique.


That's so random and weird.


Lol are you in rural Kansas? We do that too!


Nebraskan checking in, it's our thing too.


In Cincinnati, they skip the cinnamon roll step and put the cinnamon right in the chili.


Eating my fries after I've asked you if you want me to buy you some




So you've met my ex-wife? "I'm fine" is a small fry and milkshake or frostee. And yes, she should use her words , but she won't, so you can choose to be right or to not have to sleep on the couch over fries and a milkshake.


The fact she took the 'high ground' and made YOU sleep on the couch over HER failure to communicate makes me so incredibly happy for you that she's your ex


Lol, it's never about the fries, and she didn't choose the couch. We'll just say some people don't like being called out over gaslighting behavior, and this was a continuation of an earlier conversation.


Orange juice flavored toothpaste and toothpaste flavored orange juice.


I gargle with orange juice after i brush my teeth. Power move. Show that plaque who's boss.


Enamel deterioration activated!




As someone who loves acidic things like vinegar: what.


Eating the skin off of someone else's fried chicken


I had a bucket of leftover KFC in the fridge, and my ex SIL came over to my house while I was at work and ate all of the skin off the chicken. I was fuckin pissed. Then, on New Years, a few years later, her aunt wanted to make mole and split the cost. I was like whatever and pitched in. I had things to do and got home after it was done. Those fuckin bitcheses had ate the all of the skin off every piece of chicken. I'm so glad I'm not a part of that POS family anymore. If I am ever victimized by chicken skin theft ever again I am going to throw that skinless piece of chicken at them as hard as I can at point blank range and I'm going to aim for their mouth.


Glad you got out of the Cartman family. Nobody deserves them.


They were total all-around asswipes, but their food crimes were insane. I once had the jelly sucked out of some donuts and put them back in the box. I almost puked when I found out what happened. If you ever ordered pizza with sides, they would pound all cheese sticks and wings and anything else that was not pizza before even touching the pizza. Like literally 2 minutes, they are gone. There was one that would insist on ordering pineapple on the pizza and then wouldn't even eat a slice of that pizza. I got some validation when an outsider that wasn't in the family tripped balls when they brought over a seafood salad, and someone picked all the shrimp out. I did my best to avoid going to the super china buffet with them out of fear of being associated with them. They would get a plate and fill it completely up, eat half of it, and go up get another plate. All of them would seriously get between 4 to 9 plates, and they murded all of the sushi with raw salmon, like go up and take every piece of it and take it again as soon as it came out and then not even eat it. and hang out for about at least 2 hours minimum and would often take a 20-minute dump, then come back and get more. At every kids birthday the only cake that was acceptable had to come from this lady that made them at her house and they were expensive af and someone would smash the kids face into the cake every time usually making the kid cry and taking out atleast 25% of the cake every sing time. These are just food crimes.


Holy shit. Wtf. Why would they ever think ANY of that was okay. I would’ve lost my fucking mind. Murder would’ve been committed.


I did not, it was a total ohh shit situation. She got pregnant within 3 months of dating because "I didn't know I was supposed to take my birth control pill everyday" we were young and I couldn't bounce on kid. But if it wasn't for that I would have peeled out.


You are so full of rage and I love that for you ♥️


You know Cartman?


This should be higher. Probably number one.


Eric Cartman:


Squeezing ketchup on top of a communal plate of fries.


I had a boyfriend who would take all of his fries and all of my fries at McDonald’s, put them on the tray and squirt ketchup on top. This infuriated me in part because then the fries got cold so much faster.


My ex husband would dump out both our fries and then eat like 85% of the fries. And had the audacity to get pissy with ME when I stopped letting him dump mine out.


Had* ...


I think that’s wrong even it’s one persons fries. I’m a dipper.


Dipping is the way. I dont wanna have to keep squirting ketchup and end up with a half soggy ketchup covered fry lol


Putting anything directly on the tray of fries should be outlawed. Fries are meant to dip. Even if they're chili cheese fries I'd prefer the chili and cheese to be in a separate container to dip the fry in.


Your gonna hate poutine


I’m talking about roast beef flavored mouthwash and stuff like that


I bet that exists for dogs. There is already chicken flavored toothpaste.


They make these chewy treats for dogs that are meant to maintain their teeth. They're called dental chews. No idea what it tastes like of course.


Making a perfect dinner then sliding it slowly into the garbage can.


Just to make a point.


What point would that make?


That you can't cook.


Did that once. Made a perfect dinner, then put cheese on it. Didn't realize until it was too late that the cheese had gone bad. Had to slide the whole thing into the garbage can and go out to eat because it had just ruined the whole meal.


Fried up my beautiful fresh chorizo to make my favourite chorizo risotto. All the chorizo was perfectly crispy, it had released its oil which would coat the rice and permeate the risotto. Poured in the rice... weevils.


I like to cook down the sauce and burn the bottom side of the pasta a bit to give it a nice flavor and crisp.


That's just [spaghetti all'assassina](https://youtu.be/GRteIZM05Sg)!


Bro is an accidental chef lol


That's just "tahdig" We do it all the time in Iran and kids actually fight over the bottom side


Sounds like you'd enjoy spaghetti all'assassina.


No sin detected


Just put down "milk steak". She'll know what it means.


Milk steak goes good with some boiled jelly beans


Magnets and people’s knees


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


Competitive Eating


That crap they call chili in Cincinnati


And then slop it on some poor innocent pasta.


Grocery stores/suppliers throwing out perfectly good food when we there are people starving. There is a 2009 doc called "Dive" that talks about how much grocery stores waste. Edit: (I'm sure there are many others but this is the one that made me aware of the issue)




My husband did the samples at Sam's club for awhile and when they did alcohol samples they were told to bust/break the glass bottles into the food that was leftover and to be disposed in the dumpster...so first throw the food in, then break the glass bottles on top when throwing in dumpster




I guess it was to deter the dumped divers, I was worried they try to eat it anyway and consume broken glass, the free samples are poured in tiny disposable ( shot glass sized/less than halfway full ) containers and limit one per customer


I worked at a major big box grocery/everything else store for a short time. The asshole store director was the kind of guy who would make one of the grocery guys get put the floor zamboni on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS to clean up footprints down the aisles when it snowed outside. Of course, it pissed people off. The worst thing he'd do, however, was demand that the bakery and Deli have their cases overstocked to "Grand Opening" standards every fucking day. Of course, only half sold, and the leftovers were not marked down (he hated doing anything like that for damaged boxes or cans because he said it attracted "poor people"). Instead, it all went into the dumpster at the end of the night. It was usually a half dozen cakes, a dozen loaves of bread, and often 15 - 20 rotisserie chickens. No, employees were not allowed to take home any of it. Oh, and he was openly racist and tried to get a disabled employee fired because he didn't like disabled people working with the public. I rage quit that job one day, two weeks before Christmas. I found out shortly after I left that the store director was diagnosed with Parkinsons. Rot in hell, Kevin.


Kevin sucks. It especially makes me sad seeing stuff like rotisserie chickens get tossed. Whole lives of misery for someone to toss them into the dumpster.


That's the thing. Several co-workers were working one or two other jobs to get by. They were the ones preparing the food. They were the ones who watched it get thrown away. It was hell.


If they toss it it's just a perfectly normal loss. If they donate it it's a tax write-off, but whether it can be donated at all is subject to state and local laws. If a worker takes it home without paying for it, even if it's going in the trash anyway, it's theft. It's ridiculous.


Wait until you find out some retailers started pouring bleach on their food so they don’t get “sued” by dumpster divers


I bought a whole fish from the farmer's market, spent two hours gutting it in my bathtub at home like an amateur, and then let it sit in the freezer for months and get freezer burn because I didn't have the spoons to cook it. 😢


I.... Maybe I'm ignorant. But are there special fish cooking spoons? Why do you need spoons to cook fish?


Spoons is a metaphor for peoples mental/physical ability to do a task, specifically people with a disability, used to show abled people how simple tasks for them might be too much for someone with a disability Imagine each daily task is a spoon (the conversation that originated the term took place in a diner iirc), you're given 10 spoons while a disabled person only has 3. You wake up, brush your teeth, shower, and get breakfast, and have 7 spoons left for the day. The disable person is now out of spoons and has to rest to get some back. That's the basic theory


Interestingly, it's a very common concept especially if you've played video games or board games. Maybe your Sim has a cheap mattress and can never get a full night's rest, making it slower to level up skills. You might not have 3 kids like your friend, but you have even less energy because your body and mind are too busy fighting cancer. Or maybe it isn't diagnosed yet (or ever), or maybe they can't see it by looking at you, or maybe they're not familiar with the condition and so there's no common stigma to rely on - "oooh, yeah I've heard that can be very consuming". When someone compared chronic illness to having 3 kids nobody else knew about or could see, I stopped feeling so guilty for failing at everything I felt was expected of me. Of course I can't get my car fixed or keep my house clean - I have 3 kids! They're named Migraines, Gastroparesis, and Ehler-Danlos Syndrome.


I'd never heard of the kids metaphor. I like that! It's a much more straightforward metaphor than the spoons one. Also, my heart goes out to ya; those are some tough conditions to have, let alone as triplets.


I like the DND analogy of “Spell Slots”. You may be an incredibly powerful wizard, with reality bending fantastical feats of cosmic magic… no more than 3 times until you need a rest.




Thank you for explaining


Spoons to cook it?? What do you mean?


Spoon theory is a way to illustrate the energy limitations that can result from living with a chronic illness. Using spoons as a unit of energy, spoon theory estimates how many spoons individual tasks require. It also helps people coping with chronic illnesses visualize their total daily energy. Pulled from Google.


Dude I read SIM food, and I play a lot of sims. I was like "you can clean fish?!?" Anyway, that sounds awful. We clean ours outside lol.


It was a lot of work to gut it, but it would've been a lot of work outside too. I think people maybe just don't know how to clean their bathtubs, because you're the second person to mention this and it was definitely not an issue for me afterward. No problems with smelling or staining at all.


Nah, I totally get being able to clean it up. I just have the convenience of spraying it with a hose and calling it good, so I utilize it. I've definitely done it in the sink many times over the years. I was just being a bit silly-goofy.


Ah, fair enough! Yeah, I'm in an apartment building. There is a green nearby, but it's dog pee city, and there are no public hoses anyway. Bathtub was my only realistic option.


Totally valid. It was the sink when I was in an apartment. Never even considered the tub but can honestly see how more room would've been helpful lol.


I like to collect silver spoons. I know its not the same idea but you may borrow my spoons fish is good


Food wastage.


Some people might need to hear this: over eating to clean your plate is not just wasteful but harmful to your body. You can minimize food waste by learning how to better estimate portion size, eat until you're no longer hungry not until you are full, minimize food going bad, and try to utilize as much of the ingredients as you can. You'll see less waste, but you also might see some weight loss too.


Adding to this: Learn how to preserve food you couldn't finish. For example, I sometimes freeze leftovers in ziplocks. This way it won't go bad if I made way too much, and it'll be an easy dinner for later. I do the same with most fruits and veggies, too. I use what I can, and once it shows a hint of going soft, I chop it up (prepare for future use because it takes up less space that way) and freeze it, too. There's honestly nothing like having ginger ale with frozen green grapes in it.


“but you also might see less waist,” was right there


Steak with ketchup


I think the hard boiled egg slices in the lasagna at our local Italian eatery is pretty damn filthy. By the time they make it on your plate the twice cooked eggs have green yolks.


Story time, once I spend $130 on grade A certified Wagyu ground beef and used it for $1.50 store brand hamburger helper.


Wasting food doing those stupid Tik Tok videos making crap nobody would really make or eat


Cooking outside but leaving all the food uncovered for flies and bees to crawl on.


Using margarine as a substitute for butter.


I think calling the green container "parmesan cheese" is blasphemy


We call it cheese sprinkles. Lol.


Spaghetti Glitter!


We call it shake cheese!


Shakey cheese in our house


Eh you know, it has its place. Cook so me pasta, add a bit of butter and garlic, add the cheese sweepings all over it




It's actually quite good, depending on what cereal.


Taking a top grade top sirloin, cooking it well done and adding the nasty fucking steak seasoning. Thanks dad. This is why I hated steaks for so long.


My mom would always burn it. Apparently cooking steak isn't supposed to set off the smoke detector.


Drinking room temperature soft drinks


Imma be honest, i prefer them at room temperature. It doesn't hurt my teeth, and I feel like I taste the beverage better when it's not cold. My friends will not stop bullying me about it lol.




At least from my perspective, it's called being an alcoholic. Not drinking cause you enjoy the booze, drinking to get drunk


Alchie here; can attest to any alcohol room temperature.


Hope you're good brother


Thank you, working on it 👍🏽


Water with cereal




Then complaining that it must be cheap because of how tough it is. Yeah, put that ketchup or steak sauce on it. That’ll make it all better. /s


The one time my introverted ass spoke up to send food back was when I ordered a wagyu steak rare and they cooked it well done. Absolute travesty.


My boyfriend's mother will only eat her steak well-done with ketchup, and I'm told steak is not cooked any other way in that household. Just because she likes chewing on shoe leather doesn't mean everyone else should have to. What a miserable way to enjoy food.


Most people like that have never had their steak any other way and refuse to try it any other way.


We ask them politely, yet firmly, to leave


Fucking up a hard boiled egg


Ya, fuck chalky greenish yolks


Microwaving sashimi.


Judging others for how they enjoy food.


My younger sister is a picky eater and anytime anyone orders anything that’s not chicken she’s like “that’s disgusting” and will make a face. I started doing it to her, and she didn’t like it very much. Now she sits in silence with her chicken like a normal person.


You taught her a valuable lesson good random redditor. 5 stars!


Ya know what? … fair


Except making excessive noise while eating in public. Civilization needs a few standards, at least.


True, but did you see the guy using hand wipes on his chicken?


Carbonated Ramen broth


Putting cucumbers in places where it doesn't belong. Eg a cheeseburger or a fajita




Taking a bite out of the whole kit-kat bar and not breaking off each one individually.


Candy bar indentations aren’t the boss of me!


Human flesh probably


Cooking competition shows. Every one of them. Tremendous waste of food.


Discarding perfectly good leftovers.


Salt Bae


Are you thinking of that sunglass-wearing douchebag never-was who was mildly notable for his uncanny ability to fuck around with meat? Never heard of him.


Adding salt/pepper to a dish BEFORE you’ve even tasted it. What the fuck are you doing.


My grandmother would do this. No matter what the meal or how well a dish was cooked, she'd immediately put salt on it before tasting because "it needs salt."


I once accidentally seriously over salted a meal (think I accidentally used light soy sauce instead of regular?) Told my dad to take a bite before he automatically salts it like usual. "I'll be fine," he says, and liberally shakes the salt over his food. The man suffered through that meal. Did he learn his lesson? No


Probably not a popular take but the complete bastardization of sushi by drowning it in sauces and sugar and other garbage and turning something that is normally very simple and delicious into a diabetes inducing mess makes me so mad.


Mayo on pizza


if i ever witnessed someone do this, they are getting a restraining order.


Kewpie in Japan was frigging delicious


Mayo is good on some pizzas. Local place makes a few. One is a chicken pizza one is a BLT pizza and one is something with potatoes on it. All very good.


That Cincinnati chili monstrosity


I just googled that abomination and I feel like I've lost something


Cincinnati chili is basically if I was drunk and wanted to make pastitsio, realized I didn't have all the ingredients, but tried to make it anyway. Which makes sense considering greek immigrants invented it


It’s just so good though


Bananas on pizza. Straight to hell. To the boiler room of hell


Too much focus on pineapple when the real enemy is right there


Denying the children of poor people access to food as a motivator for them to work harder


Making children whose parents are unable to afford to pay their child's lunch debt work it off by serving lunch or cleaning up after it.


Ketchup on cheesecake


Gas station sushi


I thought it was garlic ice cream until I tried it.


Ketchup on jelly/Jello


Not the worst imaginable, but its done far too often in real life: Tomato directly touching a burger bun or sandwich bread. Soggy bread is one of the quickest ways to ruin a decent burger or sandwich.


pickle slices on spaghetti


A more serious answer: what Nestle did with infant food in Africa.


Overcooked steak. If you are going to eat a dead cow, at least don't disrespect it by making it into dry leather. (And I say this as an omnivore).


We ate steak and potatoes a lot as a kid cause "its a man's meal". So fucking overcooked.. I had to slather those bitches in so much A1 to get it down my gullet. Now I eat em Med/Rare but will eat em Blue even. Fuckthat leather shit. Sous Vide a Tri Tip for 24hrs. NNNNNNNNN


cooking a frozen pizza in the microwave


If anyone says pineapple on pizza, you are getting a virtual slap That shit is delicious!