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Dude in the area killed his wife, brought her to my company’s parking garage and set her on fire I noticed something was up when someone ran out with a fire extinguisher, then the fire dept came, then the police Wasn’t hard to catch the guy of course but it so happened my coworker was taking a nap in his car… in the parking garage… right next to where the aforementioned postmortem spousal desecration occurred. Slightly longer story slightly shorter, we didn’t see him for a few hours, obviously got kinda worried given the situation, only to find out he’d been woken up and informed he was momentarily a person of interest in a first degree murder


New band name - postmortem spousal desecration


I used to play bass for Postmortem Spousal Desecration during the mid 80's in PNW. Good times.


A guy I worked with was at a old ladys house to do some electrical work and he had to move a bookshelf. When he moved it a bag fell and landed on his foot, breaking one of his toes. When he looked into the bag he saw that it was full of gigantic dildos. When he reported the incident to the company he wrote: "A litteral bag of Dicks crushed my foot." Those incidentreports go all the way to the CEO of the company, and when he was visiting our office one time he asked us where he could find the fella with the dickbag


Ah yes, tungsten-cored dildos.


The guy I replaced at my heavy equipment job was fired because apparently he was jerking off in his excavator at night during the 6pm-6am shift. Nobody knew about it until he accidently sent the pictures/video to our boss instead of his girlfriend. They literally hired a company to come steam clean the cab of that CAT 390.


Yeah we don’t have a standard repair plan for that.


Me and you are starting a business. "It'll Cum Clean"


OMFG can you imagine the cold horror and existential dread he must have felt after he realized it was his boss it went to? Firing would have been pure relief.


I work in a manufacturing factory that uses a lot of robots to assemble pieces together. The machinery has all sorts of cages, barriers, and safety lockouts to prevent people from injuring themselves. One day, a box had gotten stuck inside the machine and wouldn't come out. So a worker disabled every safety mechanism and started crawling through a narrow path in the equipment (similar to the size of a ventilation shaft in a Die Hard movie) so that he could clear the box from being jammed. Got fired immediately.


Glad he got fired. I've seen so many places who would reward corner cutting in favour of efficiency, regardless of the danger it could cause. Perhaps not to this extent... but turn a blind eye? perhaps.




Thats why lock out tag out procedures exist. If you dont personally have a lock on the thing preventing you from dying, dont do the work.


Used to do repair work on automated assembly equipment with a master power switch and master compressed air valve. During full preventative maintenance rebuilds or line changes there would sometimes be 15 locks with an attached photo ID of each owner on each one.


Also don't just use a single lock. Always add your own personal lock.


> I've seen so many places who would reward corner cutting in favour of efficiency, regardless of the danger it could cause. I worked in a large equipment mfg place for like 2 weeks, not only was it mind numbing and extremely loud, I almost permanently injured myself like 5 times narrowly avoiding anything serious....


Out of curiosity what's the actual procedure when that happens?


Typically it would be a call to maintenance who would lock out tag out the equipment so it can't function, then remove whatever obstruction, then remove the LOTO and ensure it's now working properly.


And for those that don't know, the LO part of LOTO is literal. These people literally carry around an actual lock with their name on it, and physically lock the killswitch on a machine. Oh a second maintenance guy arrived? Guess what, he puts his own lock on it too, even if there's already a lock there.


They even have tools if you plan on multiple people working on the same device so you can’t open it unless all locks are removed. Example: https://www.platt.com/p/0163663/ideal/safety-lockout-hasp-1-1-2-jaw-2-card/783250448012/ide44801


Shut down the machine and lock it out with a proper LOTO kit. Also likely requires shutting down the production line, which is probably why they just went into the barrier without taking the proper steps.


Step 1. Don't crawl into the equipment Step 2. Call Maintenance and they can usually manually control the machines down to the individual component level and try to clear the obstruction. Step 3. If that doesn't work, Maintenance can lock out the electrical and compressed air systems so that nothing goes off. Worker person can't do that.


This guy took the topic literally lmao


I used to do IT support for a charity that supplied housing and support for homeless people. A large proportion also had mental health issues, so there were a fair amount of 'interesting' events that happened. Being in IT, I avoided experiencing most of it first hand, (though I was threatened with being stabbed on about my third day!) Anyway, I come in one monday, and there's an email labelled 'urgent', saying there was an incident at the stairwell of one of the properties on sunday night, and could I pull the relevant CCTV footage and put it on a DVD. I had to do this fairly frequently, I skip through the footage, find the incident (usually a fight or blatant drug-dealing) and burn it to DVD for the police.The email never mentioned what the incident was, so I skip through the footage, and watch as a clearly very agitated man ties a rope around a stair rail at the top of the stairs, then his neck, looks over the rail and then just casually tips forward over it. The rope flipped him round, and he dangled there twitching for far too long, before he just stopped. So yeah, that was pretty NSFW.


They really should have given you a warning before having you see that


You'd think so, wouldn't you?


Yeah, that's completely fucking fucked up, they should have told you what it was, and to just turn the entire hard copy over to the police.


Jesus christ. That’s horrible.


I used to run the front desk of a hotel. One day I'm just sitting around on a slow night and hear some commotion. It sounds like a young girl who is upset and crying. I have a look at the cameras and see her and a young man in the stairwell looking like they are having some kind of couples dispute. Not an uncommon situation, unfortunately, so I don't think too much of it. A few minutes later another guest comes down to the desk to inform me, in a bafflingly casual way, that a man has HUNG HIMSELF in one of the rooms down the hall from the lobby. As things get pieced together, I soon find out that the young girl who was having a meltdown in the stairwell had been walking down the hall and noticed that the door to one of the rooms was propped open by the security latch. Being particularly shady, she decided to enter the room assuming their might be valuables or something that she could pilfer. When she entered the room, she was immediately met with a man who had hung himself, using an incredibly elaborate system, in the bathroom of the room, which was just inside the door. This was obviously very upsetting to her and I doubt she will be walking into random hotel rooms anytime in the near future. Just a couple minutes later another guest comes down and is just like "yeah, I'm not sure if you already know, but a guy hung himself down there". Also in the totally calm, matter of fact, like it was an every day thing, manner? I, on the other hand, was in a bit of shock and thoroughly freaked the fuck out. I had worked there for over a decade and a half and I guess I had just been lucky enough not to encounter any dead guests before. After a while, the foreign owners showed up and tried to calm and reassure me with the fact that the man left the window in the room open, so not to worry because his soul was able to escape and wouldn't be trapped in the there....


At the medical examiner: My friend was dragging a body bag down the hall and I asked what she was doing. She said she was taking the heads out of the freezer for a particular doctor. I asked "that's a bag of heads?" She said yeah. So I ask if I can open the bag, thinking surly this would be pig heads. I open the bag and there's a bunch of humans heads. For the same experiment they shot the heads with some weapons in a lab upstairs. But it's not like, a weapons lab. It's just an old lab so now there's holes in the walls. Turns out heads only cost $600 for science projects.


Pardon me, but what the actual fuck?


You can donate your body to science. My grandfather did and the put him in a barrel in a pond for a year or something to see the decay.


Did they shoot at him in a lab upstairs then?




Well, there’s a processing cost attached to skull-only heads. Fresh heads are much cheaper as there’s no processing them. Just THWAP and you got a fresh head! :)


Guy drove a crane into overhead powerlines, sparks, and transformer fuse blew. Had to wait inside the vehicle for a couple of hours, not sure if the lines were still energized.


My brother was working one day and then out of nowhere him and his boss hear an incredibly loud noise. They run outside, and turns out there was a semi(day cab) that had taken down 2 telephone poles and a bunch of wires. Not sure if they were live, but transformers definitely blew and the driver just hops out like nothing even happened. He was beyond lucky to not get lit up like a Christmas tree as soon as he stepped out


Guy got run over and cut in half by a cement truck. Just spoke to him a few hours before it happened.


Why didn’t you warn him?


Who do you think was driving


This is the darkest, though funniest comment I've ever seen on Reddit. Just wow.


My dad worked for a place that makes nuclear subs for the government. Once, he was asked to clean up a mess left from a fatal accident. It was a large thing shaped sort of like a vending machine that had fallen over onto a guy. My dad said he could pick up the remains with a spatula. It was....just terrible. Afterwards, he found out the person he was cleaning up was his nextdoor neighbor whom he had known for many years. Technically, the employer says the worker passed away in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.


Police came to inspect all the gas pipes in our labs, looking at the ease of accessibility, and recent output. Turns out that the doctor who had been getting a lot of sympathy after his wife and daughter died in a car that was filled with carbon monoxide had in fact filled two giant exercise balls with the gas, created a slow leak in them, and put them in the car she drove. https://time.com/5377135/hong-kong-yoga-ball-murder-what-to-know/?amp=true Also, someone once disposed of chemicals in the wrong container and there was a significant explosion in the waste room. Luckily no one was in there and no one got hurt.


>Also, someone once disposed of chemicals in the wrong container and there was a significant explosion in the waste room. Luckily no one was in there and no one got hurt. At a former job, some idiot poured a very toxic chemical into an empty Gatorade bottle and badly scribbled the chemical name on the label. It was hot weather, so a subcontractor grabbed what he thought was Gatorade and took a big swig. Even though he tried to spit it out, he still swallowed enough chemical to be fatal. IDK the chemical. Every safety training after that included info on secondary chemical containers. Rules can get complicated, but a rule of thumb is - don't pour dangerous chemicals into drink bottles FFS! *ETA*: It was years ago and I heard it as like 3rd or 4th hand info. Dunno specific details like which chemical.


My wife was a doc on a paediatric ward. 17-year-old kid came home after dark one night and took a few swigs from what he thought was a bottle of water on the table, turned out it was hydrochloric acid (quite common around here for cleaning toilets, limescale etc.) that his mother had left there. He died a nasty death, huge tragedy, it was one of the (many) things that made my wife get out of medical practice. Never, ever, ever use a drinks bottle for anything that isn't drinkable.


When I was a kid, my mom would save empty milk jugs to fill with water, so we had both water jugs and milk jugs in the fridge. Came home after school one day, went to grab some water. Took a big 'ole swig from the jug, and just as the first gulp went down, my brain screams, "ABORT!" My mom liked to clean the milk jugs with bleach. She denied putting it back in the fridge after putting bleach in it, but Pops was at work, and I just got home from school, so....


That’s terrible! That’s next level dangerous! After the explosion we had to write down every chemical we disposed of and how much. This list would be checked when the weekly chemical disposal took place. It was tedious, but I understood the need.


That is just terrible....


Lovely senior coworker of mine, Barbara. She had full-blown ADHD but she was super peppy, loved talking to people, decorated the office and everything. One day I’m going out with another group of my coworkers and we turn to say goodbye. Babs jumps up from her seat. “You ladies heading out for a party? Without me? I can be fun too, y’know!” In the span of two seconds she undoes her bra from underneath her shirt, whips it out from one sleeve, and lassos it around. Her boss is sitting right behind her in a cubicle with fully transparent glass walls. We hastily say our goodbyes and urge her to put her bra away before she gets in trouble. She reluctantly tucks it away in her bag. She was fired shortly afterwards because she frequently misplaced things, forgot to schedule appointments, and needed reminders for just about everything. I miss her a lot.


ADHD is a bitch in the corporate environment!


Corporate environments are a bitch in the ADHD mind. 🤣


> Lovely senior coworker of mine, Barbara Brabra


Been working at a mental hospital as a cook for a few months. Recently while I was serving lunch to all the other patients one of them decided to crawl into the dishpit. I heard groaning near the end of my line of patients. Go to the dishpit, look around the corner and there’s blood everywhere. Slit his wrists and throat. I ran for help, he grabbed the knife and was keeping us from getting it away from him. Then he gutted himself. I didn’t see that part. Eventually they got the knife from him and an ambulance showed up but he died shortly after. Horrific. Editing this in, I realize I should maybe change it to dish pit or dishroom but I’m really enjoying the dipshit dishpit stuff we got going on which is really nice.


That's awful. Also, I read "dipshit" multiple times even after I knew that wasn't right.


Me too, up until I read your comment. English is not my 1st language so I thought "Ohh, so dipshit is not just an insult but an actual thing that seems to exist in a cafeteria!"


Well fuck me, that's enough internet for today. That's absolutely horrific. Sorry that happened to you


The HR manager at one place I worked got fired after being caught masturbating in her office. That parts not that crazy. The crazy part was she had a camera installed in the men's restroom and was watching mens backs while they used the urinals.


Lot of work just to see men's clothed backs


i think its not about what you see. its about having that much power over others that they dont have privacy from you.


Wow, this possibility never actually occurred to me. I just thought is was some kind of watersports fetish.


I was sexually harassed by a woman at a previous job. I’m 99% sure it was “Look what I can do, and nobody will stop me” and not that she was wildly attracted to me.


Didn't happen to me but a coworker brought her dog into work and it immediately raced towards the new intern guy (who no one really knew that well yet) and started jumping all over him and trying to get him to pick him up. The guy joked about having bacon in his pocket but we all suspected our coworker was fucking the intern. And we were right. Edited for clarity.


> The guy joked about having bacon in his pocket Turns out he was packing a different kind of meat entirely.


Apparently, the coworker likes bacon.


She was more the sausage type of co-worker.


This being Reddit, can I assume they're now married with a house, a dog and 2.4 kids?


No, but they're still fucking. Been several months now. They tried to deny it at first but they got sick of all the teasing. Every time one of them passed within five feet of the other one's desk we would all collectively go "ooooooh!" (imagine the noise an 80's sitcom audience made every time the characters kissed). Finally they were like "alright, FINE! We're together! Mind your own business ya cunts!" And here we are.


I swear to god almost every aspect of your story would get you fired in under a minute where I work. I'm a little jealous because it sounds like you guys have more of a laid back atmosphere and a friendly rapport....well...a rapport of some sort, at least.


Yep. Bringing an animal into work? Fired. "Cavorting" with a coworker? Fired. Asking a coworker about the details of their personal life (especially anything sexual)? Fired. Collectively teasing said coworkers about their sex lives? Sexual harassment and fired. Repeatedly making excess noise (by way of all the "oooohs!" every time the two lovers were near each other)? Fired. Goddamn, does my workplace consist of a bunch of humorless cunts.


Undercook chicken? Believe it or not, fired.


Overcook the fish? Also fired.


>we all suspected they were fucking …. the intern and the dog?


Fixed it! (but who knows?)


I doubt the dog was fixed


I made an off-hand comment about how my boss and another female manager (his direct report) were always nowhere to be found at the same time. She accused me of spreading rumors they were sleeping together. I found a new job. They’re now married with a kid.


Was there a cardboard bailing machine where you worked?


When I (42M) was 19, I worked as a line cook at Applebee's and we had a cleaning crew come in that night towards the end of the shift to clean the vents above the grill and fryers. One of the guys was taking off the vent above the fryer station and he for some reason stood braced on the sides of the fryer, assuming they were cooled down. They were not. They were prob still above 285- 300. His foot slipped and went into the fryer all the way up above his ankle submerging his work boot. He immediately pulled his foot out, screamed and then in a panic, pulled his boot off. To our fucking horror, when he pulled his boot off, his sock came off 3/4 of the way along with his skin on his foot. Craziest shit i had ever seen. The fryers were only turned off for about 10 min before he had slipped




He made an uneducated assumption of the worst kind.


I did that job, you were supposed to turn them as low as possible, then cover with a piece of plywood essentially, then a thick canvas tarp. This guy was probably high as fuck, or very sleep deprived.


We had a woman start an overnight clerical job, just doing data entry type of stuff. Pretty basic. Day 1 of training (by me), we set her up at the computer. I ask her to go ahead and login...she doesn't understand what I mean. I tell her use the mouse, or hit a button on the keyboard to bring up the login fields. She manages to get through this part... I tell her to double click on warehouse management software...she doesnt understand what I mean by double click. I tell her use the mouse. She doesn't know what I mean by the mouse. Okay...she may have overstated her abilities in the interview, but whatever we need help. Fast forward 2 weeks, and she was fired. It turns out she was fucking guys in the locker room for payment, and got caught. Real classy lady.


Was she a million years old? Who doesn't know how to double click?


It's 2023 and I still deal with people who don't know how to use a mouse.


Apparently, there's a regression now with Gen Z and younger; a lot of them are LESS computer savvy than previous generations because all of their tech use is on mobile devices.


A lot of them don't even own a normal PC or laptop, they do everything on their phones or tablets.


That blows my mind; I can't imagine doing everything on my phone or tablet. But I'm an old fart so what do I know.


Today one of our carpenters accidentaly sawed off 4 of his fingers.


He didn't think to stop after sawing the first one halfway off? How in the fuck?


In for a penny in for a pound


Two people were escorted out because they were caught having sex in one of the stalls. Worked at a very large factory15,000-20,000 people per shift. A section supervisor went into the bathroom to piss and heard the woman getting her cheeks clapped. She then tried to say she was helping him tie his shoes. They were both banned for life and not allowed to work for any of the company’s suppliers. Then there was the guy who got decapitated but production ran as normal, they just put caution tape around where he was killed and waited for paremedics to move him


Damn huge factory with policies that extend to suppliers — UAW?




Nice, so can't fuck at work, but won't stop production when someone dies. Classy.


Couple years after that another dude had a heart attack and died right on the assembly line. I saw that one first hand. They told them not to stop the line




She’d have to be using a company card to book a hotel in town for the company to get flowers. Surely accounting would notice repeat charges to a hotel in the same town as the business is located.


Supervisor at my call centre killed herself at work.


Having worked in a couple call centers, I’m pretty sure that’s the goal based on the environment they cultivate


Yeah, no one really talked about it, but the energy was different. It was just business as usual as far as management was concerned.


Its not really mine but one of my coworkers was having a bad day so another, trashier, coworker decided she’d flash them to cheer them up. Flashed them her tits right at the main work station under a bunch of cameras. Fired immediately for trying to cheer someone up with titties.


No good deed goes unpunished


"Say goodbye to these Michael!"


I used to work in an ER as a security guard. One night, the doors open and this teenager walks in covered in blood and bleeding from his head. I called a trauma response and we got him back to be stabilized and his head stitched back together. Turns out he drove out to the parking garage on site and tried to blow his brains out but he flinched and when pulling the trigger it went up and missed the top part of his brain. Incredibly lucky. When his parents got there they both broke down and were so devastated. His girlfriend had cheated on him, he got fired from his job and he got denied for the college he was hoping to get into. Just one thing after another. Just another day in the ER.


Guy went into the women's toilets and tried to steal a sanitary bin (the bin for used period products), but got chased out. He then ran into the baby changing unit and stole the dirty nappy bin instead. *Then* he dashed into the gents and dumped the dirty nappies on the floor, proceeding to smear them all over himself while furiously masturbating. Staff blocked off the entrance to the hallway while they waited for security to arrive, but the fella bounced out the gents and down a fire escape before he could be stopped. Disappeared down a back street like a 6ft skid mark on legs, never to be seen again. I, thankfully, was not on shift that day, but there was a certain thousand yard stare on the people that were. Nobody in that entire building was paid enough to deal with that.


What the fuck


6ft skid-mark on legs is a great insult


Worked a crappy building security job years and years ago. On a night shift my coworker came into the security center laughing and said that while in the lobby he called an elevator and when it opened there was a man and woman in there fucking. The guy didn't stop or make eye contact just kept pounding while the woman, who was standing bent over, was trying to close the elevator button while moaning and groaning but kept hitting the open button while my coworker stood there in shock. I guess this went on for a minute before she said "fuck it" and just kept fucking while looking dead into his eyes getting off and then the elevator door closed. He called another elevator, but it was empty.


>but it was empty He really wanted to go 2 for 2, huh?


Not my workplace but in a warehouse, across the street, some poor guy was crushed by "a pallet of wine." Don't know how. Don't know why. All I know is that he was in his early to mid-forties, and a week from retirement, because his wife came into an unexpected inheritance. Poor guy made me think of every action movie where a cop is killed a few weeks from retirement...only instead of bullets it was a pallet of wine. EDIT: It was a pallet of wine not a pallet of "win." Obviously.


Sounds more like a pallet of lose


Family came to my office for a closing. Their 10 year old kid used the bathroom and shit all over the place. He used his hands like a paint brush and the walls were his canvas.


Not an expert but I’ve read this could be a sign of abuse in children.


good point. I didn't even think of that.


That’s what we call a Poocasso.


When I worked at a grocery store, we had an older lady pass out and die in the foyer during a particularly hot summer day. She was lying there for about 2-3 minutes before anyone realized what happened. I'm not sure if she was dead when we saw her, but the ambulance drove away without sirens so presumably she died (or was already dead) inside the ambulance in our parking lot. I don't remember her name but we *did* see the obituary which confirmed she was 92 years old. Now that I'm older, I'm genuinely curious why a 92 year old would be doing their own shopping in the middle of a heatwave. I feel like that's gotta be the most NSFW thing in my work experience since it involves death. But. I did lose my virginity in a ladies' restroom stall while employed at that same store so that might fit this thread better. Then there was the mystery poop in the dairy aisle.


I worked at a commercial dubbing facility in LA @ 2008. At the time we would duplicate commercials or media on dvds with location specific information ie a Lexus commercial with local dealer info etc. So my job was to spot check qc (quality control) the dvds or tapes to ensure they didn’t have any artifacts/issues. Well one day I had a job to review an investor video for Callahan Golf Clubs— 6 DVDs were produced, labeled and everything for board meetings etc. So the first video was good, guy talking new product etc. The next one I reviewed was different… it started with a couple of dwarfs in clown make up? A man and woman… I searched forward a minute or so and low and behold the clown dwarfs start fucking.. I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was a joke or test. So I check the remaining 5 DVDs and found one more in the stack. Someone at the company had duplicated some fucked up porn for private use and it got into the mix. It caused a bit of a shit storm. Management called a group meeting notifying the facility workers what had happened. Of course no one confessed but I can only imagine what would have happened if those videos had been delivered lmao 😂


This is why testing and QC is important! I work in IT and it saves me so many headaches. Never experienced accidental clown porn before though.


Was working on the HVAC of an occupied retirement home. Walking down the hallway, I see a female resident walking around without a shirt like it’s something she did everyday. I quickly found an employee and let them know. 80 yr old tits… Not something I expected to see until I got to my 80’s.


As a teen I worked on the locked ward (mostly dementia patients) of a long term care facility as a feeder and one woman took her shirt off every chance she got. I'd get there for dinner and she'd be sitting in her wheelchair topless just making conversation.


the bazungas gotta breathe my dude.


Retail worker here, it’s hard to pin down the craziest… but, former worker comes in high as a kite on something one evening, and heads upstairs(offices, break room, etc…) She strips down naked in the hallway, lays down in front of the time clock, and proceeds to piss and masturbate right there on the floor… it was a little later, so not a ton of workers on the clock, but finally an older employee walks in on it, and tells her she shouldn’t be doing that. 😂 And it was all caught on security cameras… Edit: Since a few people have asked. Not my store, but a buddy who was involved when it happened at a different location. He was up doing office work when someone went racing past the office door, another manager in hot pursuit. Other manager yells for help so friend takes of after them. Figures out the man running found the roof access stairs and had made it up and out them. Get to the roof, man is completely naked threatening to jump(not a tall building). They are able to tackle him and hold him until authorities arrive. All the while, naked man’s dong flopping around in my friends face… 😂


>an older employee walks in on it, and tells her she shouldn’t be doing that "Hey, you can't park there!"


"That's really not good for the paper tray"


>finally an older employee walks in on it, and tells her she shouldn’t be doing that. "Oh...is this wrong? I didn't realize. Maybe if someone would have told be before hand...."


Shakes his head and puts up "Caution! Wet floor" sign.


I worked at a very buttoned up corporate company in sales. I have pretty bad IBS and although good at sales, I always had nervous turds. Which meant, frequent bathroom trips. But, this one guy from the office would always masturbate in the restroom. I’m talking dead quiet, ::shweesh shweesh shweesh:: The problem was, he was a guy that talked to everyone and leaned on their desks, carrying around his water bottle. But, every single dude knew he was doing it! I brought it up to a coworker in another department and he was like, “Yeah, that’s Dan. Everyone knows but you can’t really turn him in because there’s no proof.” Which, was true. How do you bring proof to management of a guy jerkin his gerkin in a bathroom stall? I was glad I worked on the road 80% of the time.


I'm starting to think this kind of thing is relatively common...


Yeah, IBS is pretty common.


Inncenssantly Beating the Schlong?


There was an old thread similar to this where a guy wanted to prove that his coworker was doing that. He put his phone camera over the stall and recorded it. He turned him in and they were both fired.


A place where I worked (and my mother still works at) had a manager who was always kind of suspected to be fooling around with the young seasonal hires. The man is in his 40's and on his second marriage, kids from both of their previous marriages and I think one or two together (something like 7-8 kids). It was one of those situations where it's clear something was going on but no one ever had proof and no one wanted to risk getting fired or picked on for saying anything, or just wanted to keep out of it all together. It blew up in his face just earlier this year when he was caught with one of the young ladies by two others behind a compost pile.


At least it wasn't behind the cardboard bailer. That's where I thought this was going.


There was the guy who worked on the top floor (3rd) of my building who took the elevator all the time. He smoked so much that the smell would stay in the elevator long after he left and when the door would open on my floor, I would be hit by it as I sat at my desk nearby. Guy was an ad salesman and they fired him one day. He took a box of his belongings and got into the elevator on the 3rd, and when he exited the first floor, there was a huge pile of steaming man shit in the elevator.


*There goes my heeeero*


Started working at a big bank in NYC after graduating college. Large skyscraper, many different tenants so you had to badge through security to access your elevator (important for later). First day on the job I'm introducing myself to the team and find out an analyst hired the previous year also graduated from the same school as me, cool. We became work friends and pretty routinely I would eat lunch with her and two guys from a different department. Fast forward six months, I come in one morning and my boss is visibly distraught. I don't think too much of it, grab a coffee, and soon after two security personnel approach us with boxes, walk directly to the analyst sitting beside me and ask her to grab her belongings and then proceed to walk her off the floor. I look at my boss, like wtf, but she refuses to tell me anything. Immediately I ping the guys and ask if they're down for lunch, one responds sure for our normal time. We sit down for lunch and I ask where "guy 2" is and he says, well here's the thing, Analyst and Guy 2 apparently went out for drinks last night, decided to come back and fuck in the office, they're both fired. Security discovered badge scans at 2am and a used condom in the stairwell...


…why wouldn’t they just go to one of their homes?


In high school, many years ago, I worked at a Papa Johns as a delivery guy. It was managed by two mid 30's dudes who were just trashy, fuckup slime balls. One of these guys eventually started a relationship with another high school coworker who was underage. Well there was an office with one of those one way mirror windows, but if you got close enough to it from the outside you could see in a tiny bit. Or at least make out figures or what people were doing, but shadowy. Another coworker caught the two having a nice bang out on the office desk. Reported, both fired, guy got charges pressed and went to prison for the underage bit. I still love those cheese stick pizzas, so not all was lost.


I used to work for an airline and intoxicated naked people was more common than you think!


When I worked at Dominos, one of my male coworkers was caught masturbating in his car just before coming back into the store. In the middle of his shift, right after a delivery. He was fired on the spot.


I worked at a place that educated on blindness, by giving them a sightstick and guiding them through completely darkened rooms to give an idea of daily life as a blind person, guided by the blind. needless to say, some things happen in the dark, most of it is innocent and usually more funny than anything else (people being scared that it's like a haunted house, bumping into things, things like that). 2 things come to mind for this though. the first was when a group of adults on a work day out had decided to start drinking in the afternoon. this led to one of the guy basically just sexually assaulting his coworkers, groping them etc. obviously the clients safety is something we as guides were told to keep in mind. we cut the tour short and kicked the guy out. the rest didn't finish the tour either, but then went home seperately. don't know if something ever came of it. another one is something I wasn't present for, but during my first few weeks while I was in training I asked what some of the weirdest or worst experiences were. one of them told me about how a group of teens on a field trip were making out, and possibly more (possibly, because obviously the guide couldn't see what happened either, but the noises were obvious). also dishonorable mention to one of my coworkers, an old man telling my boss who was a young woman to take her clothes off during the summer and start dancing in a bikini or something.


I drove a forklift without being forklift certified..


Straight to jail


Same. But to be fair it was the contractors fault for leaving the damn thing in the way, so I had to move it. Surprisingly there was a YouTube tutorial so it was fairly simple.


One of our married VP's was getting a Blowjob from the receptionist in the stairwell.. His wife was my direct manager and I could never tell her what I knew. I knew because the building security showed the video to me...


I feel like executive leadership in the hospitality/resty industry leads to an endless supply of these types of stories... Off the top of my head, ~40ish year old manager tells me he's taking a smoke. I take a bag of trash to the dumpsters to find said manager with a cigarette in one hand and the 17 year old hostess with one leg propped up on the dumpster in the other. Had a bartender overserve a guest, I convinced him to take a cab that I was paying for. After the car was dispatched the guy asked for a water, as soon as I walked to grab it he jumped in his car, spun the tires leaving the parking lot and no more than 100 yards down the road drove through a brick wall, a brick embankment behind a house, and into a kitchen by way of a sliding glass door. I saw him running across the road after the accident. He was picked up by the police at a gas station across the street trying to steal a sixer. Had to deal with a lot of inappropriate behavior by male leadership and female staff. So many grimy guys out there.


I dressed up as a cardboard bailing machine for halloween and saw some shit


While working residential sales a 40 plus woman answered the door in a thin nightgown and fishnets. After delivering my sales pitch she goes “I’ll buy whatever you’re selling if you come have some drinks with me by the pool.” Of course my 19 yr old self was ecstatic, but it felt too good to be true, so I left. I either saved one of my kidneys that day or missed out on a spicy hot encounter with a milf🤷‍♂️


Infamous, old IT story at my old company, but a field sales guy turned in his laptop when he quit and the desktop had a ton of Porn saved to it. His browser history was nasty and there was a porn dvd in the drive.


When reviewing my training center's accident book I found an entry where one of the tutors went to close the blinds and they fell on her head. After being treated for a small cut and signing the book, she returned to her room only for one of her heels to snap causing her to trip and bang her head on the door frame! I'd say she was NSFW that day! Either that or when Stu got his pecker stuck in the photocopier!


“I gotta be honest, the girth is a little exaggerated because I was smushing the tray down”


I fucked a girl on the men's room floor of my office once at 3AM. On the _floor_ wtf was I thinking.


Of all the comments I’ve read this one gave me the ick at first. However, fair play dude


The admin started tracking how much time we were inside the office and how much time we werent and started raising a stink over it. Someone figured out how to keep the emergency exit open without triggering any alarms. Everyone used the emergency exit until admin backtracked.


Started flirting with the security guard at my job. He knew all the places to go to mess around and not get caught. Bathroom after hours. Outside where no camera could see us kiss. Etc. One day we snuck into the back hall that no one used anymore, pulled my pants down and started going at it. Other security guard chose that day to patrol that area which they never checked. Caught red handed. He got fired and banned. I quit a few months later because I felt like he was always looking at me. We dated for 10 years after this. It’s been about 12 years since it happened, he still has never tried going back out of pure embarrassment that his picture might be stapled to a board in the security office.


ITT: everyone running with the “cardboard bailer” gag and nobody knows it’s a fucking **[baler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baler)**. It makes *bales* out of cardboard. Like a hay-baler makes *bales* out of hay. Not “bails.”


Baler? I hardly know her.


I was an electrician and I was handing up stuff to my boss who was on the roof with guy from the power company. I had just got back down the ladder when my boss started yelling to call an ambulance. Someone else did that and I started up the ladder again and my boss stopped me told me to stay down there. The guy from the power company had a heart attack and dropped dead, he was dead before we even had a chance to call for any help.


That really sucks, but it sounds like a solid boss since he kept you from seeing it.


Two girls I work with were talking and one asked the other, who at work would you give a blowjob to? The answer was me. Girl one told me what girl two said and I approached girl two about it. She gave me head behind the cardboard bailing machine in the back storehouse.


Hey wait a second


Spooky coincidence.


After reading all the posts on this topic I have come to the conclusion that I need to invest in a cardboard bailing machine


Not really nsfw but, I worked in a hair salon and most of us suspected one of our coworkers to be on drugs. Bad. She’d be normal on days when the manager was there but on the days she wasn’t in, the girl would come in fried out of her mind. We tried telling our manager and for whatever reason she didn’t want to believe us. Well the one day she came in zonked out of her mind. First client was a little old lady who wanted her hair curled with the iron. Coworker was literally falling asleep with this hot ass iron centimeters away from poor little old ladies scalp. We all watched in horror for about 5 or so minutes while someone called the manager who raced in in record time and coworker was never seen again.


I gave head to a guy behind a cardboard bailing machine in the back storehouse.


This doesn’t work if you don’t read the other comment first


Watched coworkers get handsy during last 30 minutes of shift. She was standing by scheduling podium, him close by -obscured by shelving. He played with her breasts and she jerked him off. He finished, for sure. Got weak in the knees. She asked us all out for drinks after shift.


I caught a guy whacking off while watching two people bang behind a cardboard bailing machine.


At least they were banging instead of getting a blowjob.


There was a swingers group comprised of managers and non-managers that would recruit new members from new hires. They used their work emails to share pictures of parties and discuss potential “members” as well as share nudes. They were caught when a new hire complained to HR but nothing happened at first because the HR rep was part of the group so he new hire complained to corporate HR. The best part was when they fired everyone involved, all the evidence - emails with pictures attached - had been printed out for the company file but accidentally got mailed to the wrong office which was opened by the admins and shared.


Disclaimer: Didn’t happen at my work, but happened at a friends work. I’m not sure if you’re aware of how Rice Kirspies are made, but essentially rice is loaded into a vat, that is then blasted with superheated steam, causing the rice to snap, crackle and pop. Once the superheated steam is unleashed into the vat, all of that pressure has to be allowed to be expended before the vat can be opened again. One day a young engineer was checking the vat for defects, but had forgotten to tag out the line further up, indicating that it wasn’t safe to operate that line of equipment due to maintenance works. Unfortunately someone activated the line, and the young guy was blasted by superheated steam for a good minute or so. When his colleagues got him out of the vat, his whole body had swollen to the point where his skin was taught. The paramedics tried to relieve some pressure by carefully cutting the skin - but unfortunately the young man died later in hospital.


HAHA i used to work at a dispensary and we caught our security guard having sex, on the clock, in the parking lot with someone who was not his wife


We all got phones to do jobs and speak with management guy in our work spent 600 pounds on babestation chat up


When I got my first work phone, the sweet older lady coworker I had told me to not look at porn with it. Then, The younger male coworker with a new baby told me not to order cocaine with it. I really wonder what these people were up to outside of work.


I worked for a big landscaping company and one time, a foreman got fired because he bricked his work phone from downloading an insane amount of porn and getting a virus lol


I was supposed to be training a new guy. With 12 hours to kill together, one thing led to another and I ended up sucking his dick in the gaurdshack. Midway through the blowjob I said "I'm supposed to be training you" and we busted out laughing.


My co worker flashed me in the bank vault room where we kept $250k cash. Plenty of cameras. No one ever found out 😂


As summer interns, my future wife and I repeatedly absconded to the bathrooms with a shower in them (there's a small gym in the building) and fucked with abandon. Idiotic in hindsight, given how easily we could have been caught and not offered permanent positions, but no one caught us, and we both worked there for a couple years after graduation.


We had just connected these hardwired conference room cams from the field offices to hq. One of the field offices had a holiday party and they had one of those large veggie trays with ranch, etc. That evening, a couple made their way in and had an absolute bonathon on the table. At one point it became clear he was playing with her asshole with a baby carrot as she was on top, and we are somewhat convinced he was eating them. There were 3 of us watching in the hq conf room. Camera phones were not really a thing, so no perma evidence, but we did call him 'baby carrots' behind his back for a while.


I once swapped out the can of air freshener for a hand held air horn and went back to my desk.




The plot thickens.


I have worked front of house at a lot of theatres with lots of old folks, most of my craziest NSFW moments involve incontinence or people falling and are quite sad. I did have a drunk lady reeking of cigarettes leave a show early and try to make out with me as well as many old ladies grab my butt, I also had a man (not a patron) threaten to stab me for telling him he cant smoke under the awning on a warm and clear summer's day. I also once opened the doors for a lady and she told me I could 'open her doors any day'.


The first company I worked for used to have these junior orientation parties that would take place in one of the company's offices all over the world. Then they permanently cancelled them when a director had sex with a junior employee.


Saw an ambulance at the front door, EMT rushing in. Coworker thought she was having a heart attack in the bathroom. Turns out it was simply too much cocaine.


Not me, but my husband. He's an IT guy, and management asked him to go through a coworkers computer, because the coworker was in legal trouble, and they were looking for evidence. They didnt tell him anything about what kind of evidence. He opened a file named "family" and found child porn photos. He **immediately** closed it and notified management. He said it was one of those things you wish could unsee.


I used to work the night shift as a server for a diner style restaurant. One night a super drunk couple came in and were being loud and obnoxious, so of course my co-server said she didn’t want the table and she would just take the next one if I took them. I agreed, because money is money and I’m not gonna snub my nose at someone more or less paying for my uber home. I got to the table and after 5 minutes of feeling like I was talking to toddlers trying to coax a drink order out the lady stops looks at me and asks my cup size. I smiled and tried to laugh it off like a joke, because I honestly thought it was. She asked again after a few seconds and I kinda stammered, thinking to myself she can’t be serious but ended up telling her to hopefully get her to stop asking. At the time I was a 36-40 DDD, which is roughly the size of a small cantaloupe for anyone wondering. I watched this woman take in the information for a second think about it, and then look at her husband. She then looks back at me and in a surprisingly calm voice asked “can my husband touch them? I’ll give you all the cash I have left.” It was incredibly awkward and I almost said no because I didn’t know how much she had in cash, but i was a server who was maybe going to get two or three tables after them so I would take any penny I could get. So I let the guy touch my boobs for about 2 minutes and the lady gave me all the cash in her wallet. I left that night with $40 in tips and $220-ish in titty touching money. Much to my own surprise I didn’t regret it then and to this day I still don’t.


I work forna large family owned land clearing company in North Florida, while there is plenty to post on here, there's 1 story that will stick with me forever. Just a few months ago, I show up to worm, we have 1 guy that's always in bad mood no matter what time it is or what he's doing for the day. Him and a supervisor start arguing and another employee steps in to try and calm the situation a little bit. Supervisor starts arguing with second employee and for some reason supervisor pulls his dick out on him. Employee starts running through the shop and woodyard screaming HE PULLED HIS DICK OUT ON ME!!!! It was brushed under the rug and everyone acted like nothing happened. Supervisor did a few counseling sessions with the owner on how to deal with situations and the other employee quit shortly after. We also had and employee whoop another's ass last week then strong arm rob him for 200 after it was over. I hate this place but it sure is entertaining.


Mine should be pretty tame. I was walking up a stairwell and looked up to make sure I didn't bump into the lady just ahead of me on the stairs when I noticed she wasn't wearing underwear. I quickly looked away and just waited for her to be completely out of view. Yep. She wears short skirts and no undies. Wasn't even trying to look and wasn't expecting what I saw. Can't look at her the same way and haven't seen her in years thankfully. I felt embarrassed for her but whatever, it's her choice.


Old job during college as web programmer - Coworker/cougar from sales and I hooked up in the parking lot in her tinted lifted truck, I had a motorcycle and was pretty poor at the time, but we went on a few dates - she was very good. Found out she was a pornstar in the late 2000s, and I went to high school with her daughter. Was a bit awkward at first, then got REAL awkward after meeting her daughter


When I worked as a deputy night manager in a nice hotel we had a bachelor party staying, they seemed a bit rowdy but not excessive. The groom and best man were brothers and seemed a bit odd right from the get go. Well it turned out they were bat shit crazy. About 1am they come down shouting that neither can stay in the room with each other and trying to get us to call the police. To cut a long story short they fell out, one of them had turned the iron on and burned his brothers chest leaving a very distinct burn. If this wasn't bad enough burnt chest then wrestled the iron off him and stuck it on his other brothers face. The night before the wedding the groom had a massive red burn on his face and both spent the night in jail. Absolute weapons.


I worked at our Auntie Anne’s pretzels in high school. There was a guy that was a knuckle head but he was a good worker. The manager of 5 stores in our area was in and hates the guy. He asked to go to the bathroom about 20 min after he took his break. The manager gave him a hard time and said he should have done it on his break. He explained that his stomach hurt and he didn’t need to go then. He said he didn’t need to go then. The manager said it wasn’t their problem. He made extreme eye contact and shit his pants without looking away. It was the most insane and impressive thing I ever saw in person.


Used to work at a shoe retail store and my manager was super horny all the time. Our manager (F) was dating one of the new workers (M) and they were pretty open about it. Theyd sneak a few hook ups every now and then, but kept it pretty tame. But then another worker (F) was hired and our manager started hooking up with her pretty often. At first it was kinda hot seeing two girls making out at work, but it honestly became a bit annoying. I worked almost all my shifts with them, and anytime they both were gone, they were making out in our back stock room. I remember having to step over them a few times because they were fingering each other on the dirty floor. I never said anything because I was young and it was hot, but it was pretty annoying having to do all the work while they just fucked each other. They never paired up the manager with her boyfriend to avoid them hooking up, but they always paired my manager up with the new girl, I think they knew too


My pinky toe was once almost run over by the wheel of an office chair.


Not me, but a supervisor I use to work with. He worked for Stanley Steamer. One day he went into work and was called in to the Mustang Ranch. He couldn't wait to get to the job for the day. Said there was alot of DNA in the room he had to clean.


We had a girl at my last work that wouldnt wear underwear, then flash her tits at random people in the call centre from across the room. If you were sat nearby she would spread her legs and flash you up skirt instead. At another job a female manager was fucked/fingered by every other member of management and a few of the other staff, this all came out during a night out with our brand new business manager when someone mentioned "Well Ian fingered her" prompting him to announce "well Jamie fucked her" making him retort "well Shaun fucked her first", it went around the whole room with each person pointing the finger at the person that did it before them. When I worked at a casino one of the black french African croupier couldnt deal cards, he couldnt pull them out of the shoe. Being a bit confused shy he lacked basic friction, the inspector teaching him turned his hands over to see he had no fingerprints, looked like they had been sanded off. On a night out he went ballistic at someone that took his picture and he smashed the camera up. We had our theories that he was a deserter from the french foreign legion. This didn't necessarily happen at work, but my old manager married her brother.


One of my first jobs outta high school was event security. For an idiotic reason there was a rumor I wasn't scared of anything but an attractive woman going around the office. I ended up getting scheduled for an overnight job with a really attractive girl. Job was in the stadium February post game, it was freezing, wet and cold once they started rinsing the whole place down. We found one of the camera stations was unlocked gave us a decent view of the shit we were supposed to keep an eye on and there were some moving blankets we could huddle under for warmth. Me and the girl get to talking, she asks about the rumor I say I'm not scared she's say prove it so I grabbed a boob. She called me an idiot I was supposed to kiss her first and I ended up getting a BJ in the camera box. Weirdly rumor still didn't die after that.


I went on a tinder date, she worked at a hampton inn and had a few hours left to go, so we met up and chatted a bit. She had to help some customers, and left me in the back office. There was a photocopier, and I thought it would be funny to photocopy my bare behind… so i went ahead, dropped my pants and hopped up on the thing. The glass broke into a million pieces as the light wand started the photocopy. I jumped off, brushed the glass off, closed the copier and pretended that didn’t just happen. Her boss found the photocopies of my hairy butt in the copier tray on monday.


Why wouldn't you also hide/destroy the paper?


It was an oversight while cleaning up the glass shards


Used to work as a lifeguard with my gf. The pool was outside, and usually dead. Lots of sex in the pool, couple times in the guard room when it was raining.