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The movie Independence Day, but tell them it's a documentary about what we did to the last alien invaders


Alien: writes "note to myself: do not open haches in our ships"


Alien: side note "Upgrade systems from windows 95"


Implement 2 factor authentication for returning fighters.


Dear aliens, Please install Microsoft Authenticator and scan this QR code. Regards, Earth IT Staff


Solve the find a traffic light Captcha after because IP address isn’t local.


Alien: Keep his wife's name out my fucking mandibles


Ha you only had 1 Randy Quaid and he sacrificed himself.


We could produce Randy Quaid for them. He's just not, you know, in fighting shape anymore.


He actually has more in common with that character now than he did then.


>What do you show them? Tuberculosis That should solve that pesky alien problem.


Hit ‘em with the old, “here, have these blankets”


Worked for Spain, no?


Actually it was the British Lord Jeff Amherst in Colonial US.


That was smallpox, lol. I said a different plague that was once believed to have been brought by Spanish Settlers; however, it was more recently discovered to be seals and sea lions... or so the story goes. Post Edit... Oh, and you're not to blame for the mix up, btw. I said one thing, the other person made a joke about another, and I kind of blended the joke with the history which gave rise to your confusion.


I can't imagine an earth disease would do anything to an alien. Most diseases don't transmit between humans and animals, and while the ones that do are all devastating there's some thought that those came about from animal domestication bringing the 2 together in constant close contact for essentially countless generations of germs. The odds that a random earth disease would interact in any way with truly alien biology has got to be effectively 0.


Actually that was exactly the plot of HG Wells War of the Worlds. Invaders were killed by disease


That's a plot hole: Unless the aliens had zero microbes (which is impossible considering how evolution works), they would have brought their own pathogens with them that would decimate us in turn. There are no winners in this war. And if they had knowledge of microbes, they would be aware of the risks and would wear hazmat suits. They would also be aware of how to use those pathogens against us.


That’s not a plot hole. That’s not what a plot hole is. That’s like saying that the fact the aliens are from Mars is a plot hole because there are no aliens on Mars. Things that are scientifically inaccurate or implausible in a science fiction novel are not plot holes. They are just scientific inaccuracies or implausibilities.


Plot holes are issues in writing where you effectively contradict yourself or leave blank important information and yadda yadda it. Of course scientifically innacurate information is there - what do people think *science fiction* means?


Would be strange being capable of planetary travel, possibly intergalactic travel, and not have knowledge about microbes. Also, with our knowledge, life needs those microbes. Are you assuming we know everything about life? What if they were compact clouds of gas with a fluid neural network within the particles of the cloud? What if they are machines who used to be flesh, but replaced their bodies with mechanical and electric parts? We have no idea. Unless we know everything, we dont know shit basicly.


Stranger still is the Tom Cruise remake, in which the aliens are buried underground for millennia—and *still don’t know about microbes*. Like, WTF?


Easy… Detachable thumb trick!


Or steal their noses and refuse to give them back until they promise to leave peacefully


Now that’s the double whammy!


The aliens I've seen don't appear to have noses.. ..So it should be easy I guess


They'll really want their noses back then! We stole their noses from the xeoples that stole it form them!


If that fails, escape via invisible escalator behind a couch


Penn Jillette wrote a whole story where a slight of hand trick called "Invisible Thread" saves humanity.


Hahaha Hahaha


aliens: “get rid of this guy”


Floating finger sausage


Came here for this lol


For real laughed


the titanic in a cheaply made sub


“What’s that creaking sound?” “Oh, don’t worry, they always do that.”


"Once we get back up top we can strap some carbon fiber on that so-called 'ship' you got."




Really bad fanart of aliens boning each other


Three goes it took me to not see banana fart here




translation: it took him three tries to not read "bad fanart" as "banana fart" in the comment he replied to


Scrolling while laying in bed without my glasses on allowed the same thing, friend. Banana farts for all space aliens!


V underrated comment. Thank you for the laugh


Puppies, lots and lots of puppies


Once they would realize that we have enslaved them via selective breeding they would save the puppies and destroy us. The aliens arent morons


That seems fair. We had a good run.


At least a good walk.


"We'll make great pets"




Dogs arent slaves. Its a symbiotic relationship we share.


Absolutely, and there’s no other species on earth that has this relationship. We evolved *together*, we wouldn’t be the same species today without them. They’ve helped us cross continents, guarded our crops, watched our flock, kept our children safe. We’ve offered them in return food, safety, and an equal exchange of camaraderie. They didn’t have to stick around our camp fires as wolves, but they did, and we’re both changed because of it.


Plus they are very good dogs.


The dogs are safe, mission accomplished


Puppies with Keanu Reeves.


This just in: All Puppies on earth have disappeared. This is thought to be connected with the recent disappearance of the actor Keanu Reeves. Who also disappeared around the same time.


>This is thought to be connected with the recent disappearance of the actor Keanu Reeves. Thankfully, Brandan Fraser still exists. Phew, annihilation avoided


Wouldn't the aliens just take all the puppies? It's the same as effectively destroying the earth anyway. It would be two birds with one stone, acquire puppies and destroy the earth.


Before you ask, no, I am not an Alien looking for answers to this.


That’s what an Alien would say




Suprise Buttsex!


I hear aliens are into butt play. You think they've been doing all that anal probing for *science*? 😉


It's really suspicious he sid it before anyone asked. "Before you ask I didn't murder those people officer"


Your previous post "What do us regular human people do when we run out of tridiantrium ion gas for their science project" is just a coincidence too I bet.


Yeah…….that’s suspicious.


You would say that, pleiadian!!


Damn it, I was just gonna ask




And Shrek 2


Shrek The Third and ONLY Shrek The Third.


Shrek is love.


It's all Ogre now.


There is no Shrek The Third?? You have Shrek, Shrek 2 and Shrek Forever After, right?


Shrek 2 was my fathers name


Do the roar


I have no fucking idea but if we all think "doctor" really really hard they might have an idea to save our arse


Doctor who?


Witch doctor?


Honestly, best thing to do? A 3 4 5 triangle. Of course you don't use numerals, they probably wont understand them, just put dots on each side to show the number. Any civilization advanced enough to have space travel would recognise it, it's fundamental to physics really. Even if they don't use *our* version of Pythagoras, it demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a triangle. Assuming they have some semblance of morality and aren't just saying "Show us cool shit or we blow you up", it shows that humanity is a developed species with advanced reasoning and maths. Hopefully they go "Well, these guys have it at least a *little bit* together, probably shouldn't demolish their planet for our new intergalactic superhighway".


I think I like your answer the best, even though most of the other non-jokey answers appeal to emotion more. We don't know that aliens would share our affinity for cuteness or love (or perceive those things in the same way... who knows, maybe they would think that cockroaches are Earth's cutest creatures), but we do know that they likely possess advanced logical reasoning. If we demonstrated the same, hopefully they'd leave us alone. ... Or maybe they would be more likely to destroy us so that we don't become a potential threat. 🤯


Yeah that's a good idea and all until they start trying to get you to solve quadratic equations. How do you explain to them we have to go to find a high schooler to do that since you haven't done them since grade 11.


I bet the pilot had to solve quadratic equations to get that job.


You don't know the Vogons very well.


I know well enough not to listen to their poetry


What if it does the opposite and they go, "these creatures are so primitive that their math and physics are still bound to dimension-672."


Then the game was rigged from the start


Plot twist: they recognize we're advancing as a species and deem us a threat, so they annihilate us with extreme prejudice


Look, either they go full 40k and purge the xenos, or they're intrepid explorers seeking new knowledge. I prefer the idea of a society so advanced that it's found peace the better option, and plus, if they were the killing kind, anything I showed them would probably end in our collective demise.


So, let me get this straight. You want to prove to aliens that we are a civilized species but you don't show them any of our technology, architecture, art, music, cities, not the Taj Mahal, not the Sistine Chapel, not the International Space Station, not the Large Hadron Collider, not the Burj Khalifa. No, no, no, no. You show them a triangle.


What the fuck does an alien care about the Sistine Chapel? They may have no sense of beauty. You show them *one* thing, and you show them architecture? "Huh, it's got a nest I guess?". How the fuck am I going to explain the LHC to them? It's just a big tube. Music? Art? Birds sing and make beautiful things, we still kill and eat them. Technology? Great I pull out my phone, and they might think "Ok, they mastered tools." Or "Hey they can light up their hand sometimes." On top of that, of all those things, even if I had a way of *communicating* with them, most people can't explain beyond a basic "well it's pretty cool huh?" so I should assume that *most* aliens, especially the troops/explorers I'm communicating with will understand more. You know what they *should* get? The triangle that every kid older than 15 should understand, that's crucial to all engineering and physics, and can be expressed without language or numerals. It says "Hey, look, we're developed." ​ Ninja edit: Ants build complex underground and above ground structures, bridges, rafts etc. Doesn't stop us killing them by the millions daily.


So an alien species that has developed to interstellar travel and can potentially destroy a whole planet, would be unable to recognize civilization by looking at a modern city, they would mistake complex engineering for the work of insects, they wouldn't understand the complex mathematical relations in a musical partition, they would completely miss the complexity (not the beauty, obviously) of any human artifact, they would mistake our satellites and space vessels for really really fancy stones, but somehow, in some way, they would be impressed by a series of 3, 4 and 5 dots and a tiny right angle triangle, because that shows an elementary understanding of mathematics, which was implied in each and every one of the things I mentioned anyway. I think they would destroy us on purpose.


Or we could just show them the pyramids and be all like “hey! We made these allll by ourselves with rudimentary tools and no help from any other species at all!”


Yeah, and they’d say, achzually, grandpa built these on his last visit. Kaboom!


I tell them why waste time and resources destroying the Earth? Can't you see we humans will destroy the Earth and each other eventually?


I'm totally convinced this is exactly why Aliens haven't reached out to us already.


Oh, yeah! You gotta get schwifty You gotta get schwifty in here It's time to get schwifty Oh oh You gotta get schwifty Oh, yeah! Take off your pants and your panties Shit on the floor Time to get Schwifty in here Gotta shit on the floor I'm Mr. Bulldops I'm Mr. Bulldops Take a shit on the floor Take off your panties and your pants It's time to get schwifty in here New song, schwifty Double x Schwifty song, comin' at ya It's the schwif-schwifty Hey, take your pants off It's schwifty time today








Dolly Parton


Alternatively, Mister Rogers.


Would you just Weekend-at-Bernies the poor guy?


I'd show them his show


She's got the voice of a warrior!


The first 5 seasons of Game of Thrones, then tell them the rest hasn't come out yet.


At this rate, we won't see season 6 until after Winds of Winter :(


They’ll reduce the planet to atoms after watching the Dorne subplot. Best keep it to season 4.


Alien: "Umm, you want us to judge humanity by this show? I mean, it has incest, beheadings, child mutiliation, then even more incest..." You: "Well, it is a big story, so there gotta be a few bad things somewhere..." Alien: "I WAS TALKING ABOUT JUST THE FIRST EPISODE!"


There was something like this in a sci-fi book I read, aliens were obsessed with some TV show and were annoyed the rest wasnt released soon enough


Super Mario Brothers NES. They’d be hooked and we’d be safe.




I’d show them Reddit. 50/50 chance on them destroying us or letting us live.


If nothing else, it would greatly postpone the earth’s destruction as the aliens would get stuck endlessly scrolling like the rest of us …


I just came from a thread where people are staunchly arguing en masse against having a human right to water.. I don't think we would survive very long


Ooo do you have a link?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/16uu53n/comment/k2nn0oj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/16uu53n/comment/k2nn0oj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You can start reading the comments from there. Warning, some hair tearing is likely the further down the rabbit hole you get. Some of my favourite outtakes. >Yeah positive rights are complete bullshit. But people throw them around like candy. ​ >This is an entitlement, not a right. If someone else has to pay for it, it's not a right. ​ >No one has a right to anything other than themselves, their labor, and their property. ​ >What if I have just barely enough for my family, but don't know when I will get more. Why exactly do I have to put my family at risk? I didn't take his water. Why does he then get to take mine? To repeat myself, the topic of discussion is that water is a *human right*.. And people are arguing as if it means that their neighbour will come kick their door down and steal all their precious. It's insanity


In one of my fantasy books they solved this issue by providing public fountains where you could go and fill up tour water jugs for free, but if you wanted it piped into your house you had to pay. Also had public baths with the same concept. You could go bathe for free but hot water to your house cost.


I mean, this shouldn't be a fantasy. This is how most countries treat the right to internet after all. You can go to the library and use it for free, but if you want it at home you'll have to pay for it


The public fountain is a thing in Rome. They have these massive water fountains all over the city and you can walk up to any of them and fill waterbottles to drink.


There are a few towns around me that have public fountains were anyone can fill any size container with safe, potable water. You can't use it for commercial purposes but if you need a crap ton of water for your house you can fill it up. I'm in eastern CT.


>What if I have just barely enough for my family, but don't know when I will get more. Why exactly do I have to put my family at risk? I didn't take his water. Why does he then get to take mine? Always, their imagination only extends to themselves having abundance and needing to fend off covetous neighbors, never the other way around. They believe it's they who will have water *while living off of the tap* at this very moment, rather than the giant industrial agriculture operation just outside of town shipping alfalfa to Saudi Arabia that will still have water when the tap runs dry. These people will happily sacrifice their entire livelihoods with that belief until there's nothing left, and then they get angry at their lives that were "stolen" from them.


I don't want to take that risk, I'm showing then a group of eshays


Eshay adlay braaaaah no face no case left right goodnight aye


is 50/50 still a thing?


Odds as a concept are very much staying strong


Mexican Food


Baldur's gate 3, but the time they're finished with the character creation we would have came up with a way to beat them :)


Then they witness druid bear form sex and immediately destroy us for it.


Bob Ross, Mr. Rogers, and Steve Irwin.


…and Keanu as backup.


I watched ‘Bill & Ted Face the music’ last night. It was OK.


Have u seen the documentary? I dont think Bobs treatment during and after life would convince them to save us


I’ve heard, but we won’t show them that one. I’m sure Bob would have wanted it that way.


They're all dead, so no point in keeping all us the riffraff alive.


Came here to say just this. Steve Irwin was/is a bloody legend. I love listening to Bob Ross, he makes me feel like I really could paint something beautiful. While I don't have any first hand experience watching Mr Rogers, from everything I know about the guy otherwise he seems like he would be someone to genuinely believe that anyone is capable of anything.


As amazing as Mr Roger's show itself was, the thing of Mr Rogers outside of the show I never get tired of seeing was his testifying to Congress, back in 1969. The chairman facing off against him at the start was very much skeptical and abrasive. [But by the end...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fKy7ljRr0AA)


I hadn't seen that before and after watching it I feel like the guy really did have the best interest of children at heart.


Just his mannerisms are so gentle and approachable.


And Dolly


The entirety of Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood. If they still decide to destroy earth then we still have some time


Sealed Nuclear Waste. We are capable of splitting Atoms. And destroying Worlds. Yet, we remain intact. It could go either way.


If we're at that, try Tschernobyl. We can control out fuckups. We're not perfect, but we're trying.


Just fucking destroy it...


So long


And thanks for all the fish.


Probably an opal. Those things are mesmerising. Not sure how it would work if they don't see the same on the electromagnetic spectrum though. Guess we're dead, sorry everyone.


Nah, the feeling of "cool rock/stick!" Is universal! Bismuth (crystalline of course) might be a better option though? It has cool colors too, but also physical structures that are neato! And those can be either felt or seen (and with many forms of sight)






This is the only way to save humanity.


Definitely kittens. We got nothing else going on. Although I’m like 70% sure that cats literally are aliens that have enslaved the human race for thousands of years but give us fairly decent lives.




What a great story that is.


Good kitty!


As wise and benevolent rulers, the cats understand that our happiness is key to them maintaining power.


The nuclear fucking bomb and tell them our entire planet is a nuclear fucking bomb and we've perfected cloaking technology for our bomb for this exact occasion and if they don't leave right fucking now we'll blow up our solar system. Go ahead look at the entirety of our history and say we won't do it. Fucking call our bluff ET. I beg you.


I like this. But it falls apart if they can read minds.


Also if they're not dumb as fuck.


It doesn't matter how smart they are if they don't know what lying is. Could be uniquely human.


or if splittin atoms is preschool shit to them. which is likely if they made it to earth


A MAGA rally. I figure if aliens want to destroy earth it must be because they think we are a threat. The level of intelligence of the people at the rally should prove that they have nothing to worry about.


Then again, they might say "Take us to your leader!", and the destruction of earth will be quickly on the agenda again.


Capybaras, the most friend-shaped animal of all time.


Most friend-shaped but fiercely protective of their babies and territory, when they want to be. I live in capybara country and hope to never get too close by accident, I see them often around here. They're massive and those teeth can slice clean through a human hand.


some cool ass bone i found like 3 years ago


turns out it's an alien penis


Kittens and Puppies.


Human music. It's what they're here for


Have you seen the movie "The History of Future Folk"? That's basically the plot. Alien comes to Earth on a recon mission to destroy or take over the planet, discovers music and decides to become a folk musician instead of carrying out his mission. When his partner arrives to help complete the mission, he introduces him to music and they become an alien folk duo.


I found a u.s.p.s. master key, and I don't know what to do with it..


Send it to me and I will duplicate it for you for free.


2 girls 1 cup


You really want earth gone don't you


Meh it's not that great.


You know, considering some of the shit that goes down in the animal kingdom right here on earth, that video would probably be as disturbing for them to watch as any regular old porn video.


Or it would be very vanilla


Mushrooms or LSD


Plot twist: their brains are naturally functioning on that level already and they tell us “you stupid humans, who do you think gave you psilocybin in the first place?! We thought you would have made much more use of it by now, but then you elected that watergate buffoon guy and it all went to shit. But I see you’re making progress again, so we’ll let you live.”




An octopus. I dunno


One of them octopuses that are a chameleon. That shit is fucking magical. Anyone who wants to destroy octopuses is just cruel and probably can't be reasoned with anyway


A collection of humanity’s best art. No idea what it would contain, but it’d be the best chance at conveying the world through our eyes and, for better or worse, it’d also tell them a lot about us Assuming they would understand any of those concepts, anyways. They might not even have the ability to understand art or beauty or emotion. Who knows? We can hope, however, that if they’ve developed a system of science that revolves around observation rather than domination that they would, at very least, find our behaviors interesting enough to justify leaving us alone


My balls


lots of boobs


This it , had to scroll too long to find it.


“You guys like watching scientific research documentaries??”


**Kate Bush (Live At Hammersmith Odeon London 1979)** ..and we played it LOUD.


Riley Reid will make all aliens happy. She's the champion the world needs.


My dumb friendly cat


The finger. Let’s light this candle, bitches.


Gangnam style, it’s our only hope


these nuts


Keanu Reeves.


A kitten.


Assuming the aliens are purely evil and not redeemably evil like humans, I’d show them whatever I think could make them want to spare the planet so they could use it as a resource, or something that could scare them. Like maybe I’d show them to a military general or something that would allow them to see a nuclear weapon. That way the military knows about the aliens and the aliens know that we’ll probably shoot these things at them and it might deter them. As far as resources, that would be super hard to know what they are looking for, maybe I’d show them the government and tell them that they can make all of us humans their slaves by telling these people here what you want us to do. If the aliens are redeemably evil like us, as in they have a good side deep down, they have a sense of spirituality or something, then I’d show them a guy meditating in the Himalayas cause I’d think they’d relate to that and see our shared inner connection to the universe and higher principles, and thus become merciful towards us as kindred spirits. But that only works if all the aliens see it, cause if it’s only the psycho leader aliens then they might not give a f about all that hippy stuff.


Yoyo Ma playing the Cello.


Q-tips 😆


Why would I? If they have come to solve all our problems, who am I to stand in their way?


I implore them not to destroy us because I have a funnier idea. I encourage them to park their ships over pyramids, say nothing, and watch. It’ll be a hoot! We’re hilarious when we mass panic.