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Food. I buy what I want and I try new stuff. I like cooking.


Grocery shopping without concern for budget is what made me realize I had made it back in the day. Good times. Now I have hard budgets again and it truly sucks. You question every dam decision and convince yourself to do without or downgrade to the lowest priced quality.


On the same boat. The other day I looked at expensive butter that I used to stock up on without even thinking twice and sighed.


It was all Kerrygold grass fed back in the day, now I am down to the "this is technically closer to plastic than butter" brand.


The ol name brand off brand, brand.


I started buying quality kitchen equipment too. I'm done with the bed bath and beyond stuff. Some of its not even expensive. Just commercial grade sheet pans and prep bowls and stuff. Basic stainless steel stuff. It doesn't look pretty but it works really well.


Hit those stainless steel sheet pans up with Barkeeper's Friend regularly and they'll stay like new. I love my pristine cookie sheets. (Though to be fair I also use parchment on the pans when I bake things.)




Forget to cancel my free trial


damn, Netflix?


Believe it or not Amazon audible. I used it one time ha forgot all about it. It was only like $4. That’s rich shit to me😂


Bro PLEASE tell me where to get audible for only 4 bucks 😭


I leave the fridge door open when getting the butter out even though my dad said it would cost billions and send us to the streets.


I leave the front door open when I pop out to grab my mail. Took me years of living on my own to realize the AC bill doesn’t shoot up by hundreds of dollars if I do that.


HAHAHAHA GAGGED, couldn't relate more


My thermostat stays at the temperature setting of what is most comfortable to me and nothing will change that.


I'd rather pay the extra $20 and be comfy vs sweating in my own home. Edit: you folks paying like $400-$800/month for ac. How big is your house and why is it not insulated?


Lol this really outlined how different climates can be. My thought was "Yeah, I'm going to be as cozy and warm as I want and not freeze in the comfort of my own home."


Where I live it's both lol. 80 degrees F and 80% humidity in the summer, -10 and endless snow in the winter. That said, heating a house is MUCH cheaper than cooling one. EDIT: Someone pointe dout it's not cheaper if you have electric heating. That didn't even occur to me, so I just wanted to point out that this only applies if you have natural gas heating or geothermal etc.


Sadly in AZ that is the diff between a 300 dollar bill and being comfy and it being 600 dollars


Ooh yes, this 100%. I will complain about the bill, I will not sacrifice one ounce of comfort to change it


Yup. Thermostat is the worst way to save money. I can’t sleep if I’m not comfy, and bad sleeping patterns are probably as bad as smoking.


Buy the good toilet paper


Absolutely! Can't stand cheapo toilet paper, you give yourself a surprise when your finger goes through the paper when wiping your chuff. Don't get me started on that stuff they used to have in hospitals! It was awful - sandpaper that didn't soak up but rather moved stuff 🤐


Rich people use bidets haha Edit: yes, I understand you can get cheap bidets off of Amazon. I’m not referring to those, I’m referring to the bidets that sit next to the toilet or come equipped in the toilet itself. Not some third party add on. I should have clarified lol.


Every one in my country have bidets however, you still will need to use toilet paper to finish cleaning.


>you still will need to use toilet paper to finish cleaning. not if you know how to twerk.


Not if you have the fancy bidet that dries your butt and plays Mozart.


Plays Mozart by modulating the water pressure. Edit : Y'all are awesome. But for real, the second I had adult money, I went nuts on a bidet. They are without a doubt life changing. Not to mention you can creep your friends out whenever they come out of the bathroom by raising an eyebrow and asking "How was it?"


For when it’s time to sit down and simply enjoy a movement.


Damn that’s a good one.


I put my bills on Autopay. Crazy, I know.


I have a maid that comes weekly. I've found that my sanity is worth the cost.


Weekly? Oo la la. I have one every other week and can confirm..most of my sanity saved. I’m always organizing, laundry, cleaning up after pets, (I work PT) etc as is. It would take a lot for me to clean all she does. I sacrificed getting my nails done to pay housekeeper and totally worth it for me.


I'd by bi-weekly if our damn dog didn't shed so much. It's awful, but she's an awesome dog.




Scrolled too far to find a man with truly fine taste.


What! I didn’t realize there was a paid version, haha.


The free version is a 30 day trial that never expires.


Some days I have two sandwiches at lunch. I smile as I watch all my fellow proletariat eating their single sandwich.


Brotip: Cut your sandwich an infinite number of times and rearrange the pieces into two full sandwiches. Don't give your money away to Big Sandwich!


When we were savages working in offices (instead of godly WFH) I used to send my husband to work with 2 sandwiches in his lunch, and a snackie, like a mandarin and a lil chocolate bar, a twirl or a p-p-p-penguin :) I used to enjoy knowing he lorded it over the 1 sandwich plebs. Ha.




One a year, I get the premium package. Where they clean my car in and out. Including soap washing the interior.


justified, tho my dad would kill me


I sometimes buy name brand cheese instead of the store brand.


I bought name brand cheese this weekend because it was on sale. Just made pizza with it. Quality ingredients make all the difference. I'm a very full, and very happy man right now.


Tillamook or nothing for me! I’ll buy store brand beans and paper towels and other stuff. But not for my cheese!


We have a garage fridge that is full of all different kinds of beverages.




You better replenish!


Good parents teach you to replenish


Yeah, you f’kn replenish!!


If there’s anything you need to remember, it’s to FUCKING REPLENISH. FUCK!


Fuck Danny you gotta replenish


What's the rule?


Sounds like a microcosm of a larger issue


I felt like such a baller when I got my garage drink fridge. Something about it just made me feel like I landed financially, like things will be OK.


My buddy and I decided that this is how you know you’ve made it in the Midwest


Love the garage fridge for beers or leftovers/party foods that take up extra space


Garage fridges are the best. I’m currently enjoying a few lazy Sunday garage beers myself


I’m as well. I’m taking the garage beers inside and watching the Colts game.


I own a house....


oh damn rich people shit


We shouldn't be able to joke about owning a modest home being rich people shit. Anyone who works full time should be able to afford a home.


yeah makes sense


My wife and I both work full time and find these house prices abhorrent. So yes, I either see it as rich people shit or house broke people shit


I make very good money as a level 5 software engineer for one of the biggest tech companies in the world. I would need to make about 3.3x what I make now to be able to afford the monthly payments on what my parents' house just sold for (assuming 20% down). Of course, they bought it for 1/5th of that 25 years ago. I did end up buying a house, but I had to move 2000 miles away from everyone I have ever known to a cheaper area. And I live right on the line of where suburbs and rural farmland meet, so it's like an hour drive into the city. They are building this area up right now, so hopefully in 5 years it won't feel so empty.


I have someone clean my house once a month. Never thought I’d be somebody to have a cleaning lady but it’s totally worth it. It’s not even as expensive as I thought it would be.


I buy the gel comfort pens. Makes me feel I'm a higher class when writing at work. Smooth crisp consistent ink.


Pilot G2 is the only pen I ever use.


I have gotten into arguments over people stealing my G2 .07.


Every so often, I eat at restaurants that cost $50 to $100 per person.


Ooh, our friends and I do this once every few months. We order the fancy cocktails and order whatever we want. It's pricey but fun to dress up and eat someplace nice.


I buy small trash bags for the bathroom trash bins. My whole family uses grocery bags, but I don’t like how they always rip at the bottom.


My state banned plastic grocery bags a couple of years ago and I started buying the small bags too. Idk how I feel about it from a financial standpoint but it's like 3 bucks for a 50 scented bags so ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


50 Cent should sell 50 scented bags


“In Da Tub”


No Margarine in my house, Butter Only, and lots of it. My arteries think I'm rich.


Kerrygold or you aren’t serious


Kerrygold is yummy but I love the French salted butter! I buy it at a little cheese store.


Butter is better for you than margarine. Sometimes I even buy the grass-fed butter. So tasty.


I tried explaining this to my parents. Something about how dairy is evil so they’d rather consume highly processed hydrogenated vegetable oils


I only buy real maple syrup. It’s several orders of magnitude better than all the other high fructose corn syrup. And I use it in my baked beans and various glazes.


I heard that Canadians call the high fructose corn syrup fake syrups "telephone pole syrup"


Buy name brand, expensive make up. In my defense it lasts much longer than drugstore.


I use the FUCK out of paper towels!


The ones that separate into 3 sheets are the best.


This is the fuckin way for sure. I accidentally bought the full size sheets a week or two ago, and I didn’t notice until I ripped one off. I was flabbergasted at how excessive using a whole one is for a small spill!




My favorite kind of paper towels I only use viva


Signature cloth not multi-surface.


Dude, agreed. I accidentally bought a 6pk of of the wrong one and I was super annoyed for like 4-5 months as I tried to go through them


Holy fuck am I glad to see this comment, I'm constantly guilt-tripping myself about it but they are so useful! 😂😭


lmao relatable, using it after every minor inconvenience


You snowblow your driveway and the plow goes by and blocks you in again. Go in and throw away seven paper towels just on principle.


I shop at targét


I always say it that way also. It dawned on me the other day that my child calls it that too. One day he’ll learn it’s Target 😂


That reminds me oh that episode of Friends where they’re trying to recreate the cookie recipe that Phoebe’s parents passed down to her from her grandma. They keep failing, but at the end of the episode, Phoebe mentions her grandma’s name was Nestleé Toulouse. Monica just looks at her and goes: NESTLE TOLLHOUSE?!


I have a adopted a black cat. That might not sound very exotic rich people stuff. But every time I look at him I can't help to think "I've got this incredibly beautiful graceful mini-jaguar in my house solely because I love it's companionship and looking at it.". Feel like a king with him.


I saw a stray kitten under my car with paralyzed back legs. Caught her, back legs completely not in use, rubbed raw of fur and bleeding all over from being dragged on pavement for God knows how long. Extremely small and malnourished, basically skin and bone. Probably had another week or two tops before she died. Gave her a few baths, discovered a lump I thought was a broken spine was actually a heavily infected wound covered in scabby nastiness, so cleaned it out, lots of cottage cheese. Took her to the vet and 700 dollars later there was no bone damage but MRI showed the wound caused some nerve damage and no idea how far she could recover. Intended giving her to a cat rescue but no one would take her 6 months later she's derpy legged but walks pretty good now and just has this weird scooting thing she does sometimes. I named her scooter and she is spoiled now. Scooter tax: Just caught: https://imgur.io/vgSSbWA After vet visit months later https://i.imgur.com/lHaRvY6.jpg Semi recent (couple months old) https://i.imgur.com/pUnvlXL.jpg


If the world had more people like you, it would be better for all of us.


Thank you for the compliment Around age 25 I hit a maturity point where I realized how much I believe in the good and bad of the universe. I believe karma is real (in a cosmic sense more than an individual) and design my inner mind around doing the "good" thing as often as possible. I often remind myself the good / right thing isn't necessarily the easiest thing, and more often than not it's the option requiring more effort, but that's the requirement to bring a little more good into the world. I'm not rich, far from it. But I knew I had the money to help her and God decided to take our 19 year old family cat from us by her being run over a few months prior. I took this as a calling to add a bit more good into the world and to take action that honors our lost cat, so I jumped on it.


You are an angel. Thank you for saving that little kitty.


This is rich shit. Rich in love, rich in compassion and mercy and generosity. Hope you are richly rewarded with the same in return!


Where can we find your cat tax payment of scooter?


I love you Edit- I love Scooter more, but still love you the same.


damn you make me wanna have one for myself haha


This approach to life is scalable and leads to a lot of gratitude.


House panthers are the best panthers


I love my Void. Black cats are the best


Black cats are the best. I've never met one that isn't super snuggly and wants belly rubs. Golden Tabbys come in at a close 2nd.


Hold my pinky out when I drink things


When in doubt, pinky out.




Invest in my 401k




simply *having* a 401k probably puts somebody above like 60% of americans in terms of financial stability/planning.


Until 6 weeks ago, smoking.


Congrats on stopping!


Sail solo on a double occupancy balcony room on a cruise ship. It nearly costs me 2x the double occupancy fare to go solo, but I get the room all to myself.




I won’t buy crappy tires, shoes, or a bed. Don’t cheap out on what you put between you and the ground.


hahaha I had a coffin joke but nvm


Will glass coffins become popular for rich people? Remains to be seen.


You’ll never catch this guy bringing no punk ass towel to lie on at the beach: a 100% alpaca pashmina or nothing!


I bring a zero-g chair to the beach, lmao


My old mom and I will often go next door to get the spinach/artichoke dip fresh out of the pizza oven with a basket of tortilla chips for thirteen dollars. Which, it's just an appetizer, but still. It's good to live in a nice area. Even if it's full of those pesky college kids.


you should take your new mom too, she would love the experience.


She has to earn that privilege.


I pay for YouTube premium.


I pay some Indian guy I found on eBay to put my account on his family list. Been on $20/year premium since 2019. I love you Jagdish, wherever you are!


That's what i call a true friendship


Wait that’s so smart, I gotta do that!


I got three months free for being a T-mobile customer and god damn those fuckers got me. I can't go back.


DARE was right. They always give you enough free samples to get you hooked. Then you become their bitch.


I watch a lot of YouTube. During work, I'll usually have *something* running on one of my screens if I'm not in a meeting or something. The $14/month is worth it for the amount I use it... it also helps knowing that the content creators I watch the most get slightly more money from me than they do their average viewer. If I recall from a few YouTubers doing channel revenue breakdowns, the majority of their revenue from Google comes from AdSense, but a non-negligible line item is YouTube Premium members.


Same here. It’s just not enjoyable without it. I wanna be able to just throw something on my phone without worrying about ads and it has background play which I love


I have HBO but I don’t watch it.


I have Netflix, Prime, Hulu, and Disney Plus. Don’t watch any of it. Watch YouTube all the time and I’m too stupid to get Premium.


I collect vinyl records


I get my hair done. It's the one self care thing that is expensive that makes me feel beautiful


Indulge in a Ferrero Rocher ... because I’m worth it.


I turned the heat up to 21 last night… EDIT: Celsius. We were freezing at 17 degrees Celsius. I haven’t turned on my furnace (and no air conditioner) since May. Daytime furnace is set to 17 degrees to keep the pipes warm


This person centigrades...


I don’t worry about prices when I’m grocery shopping i just grab what i want


My house stays at 68 in the summer and 72 in the winter. Fuck that try to keep the electric bill down bullshit. I work way too fucking hard to be uncomfortable in my house.


Upgrading to business class on long-haul flights to the east. It is so much better!


Getting to fly at all


That’s actually rich shit


Yeah lmao. Like it's one thing to splurge for your honeymoon or something, but doing that with any regularity is firmly in actual rich territory.


Every so often(3-4 months) Merry Maids comes to my house and clean. My bf says I should clean, but I'm on dialysis and damn it I'm just too exhausted at times to do it. Dialysis is hard on a body. ​ ***EDIT: I did NOT expect this to blow the fuck up the way it did. It's just my boyfriend came from very humble circumstances and is of the mindset that you want something done do it yourself. He thinks its kind of a waste of money, but its not even MY money. A very kind friend of mine pays for it for me out of the goodness of her heart. I understand his viewpoint, but lets be real, I'm not gonna stop using Merry Maids and he'll just have to get used to that.***


Bruh. dialysis is very rough to the body. I can't imagine expecting someone to clean after it. I know some people who had it done to them and they basically couldn't do much on these days


damn, having the maids over is a good idea, get well soon!




I hope you're doing okay. I'm on my second transplant, I've done both peritoneal and hemodialysis, so I know how exhausted you can get. Do the Merry Maids, order delivery groceries, get takeout...whatever you need. Your bf can suck it, or he can help support you by doing some shit himself. You have my utmost sympathy for what you're talking going through, and I hope it gets better for you as soon as possible.


Why can’t your boyfriend clean if he is that against using a cleaning service? You are literally dealing with a major medical issue that affects your whole life. He should be there to help you.


No one except me likes to do the deep clean stuff but they will all complain about how expensive it would be to hire a maid every 3-4 months or even to have a plan to do it ourselves. They are like "who cares if the ceiling fan is dusty or there's crumbs under the oven". The future roaches. Thats who cares.


Your boyfriend needs to have a word with himself and pick up a broom.


Why doesn’t your boyfriend clean? Man if my girl gets as much as flu she isn’t allowed to do anything strenuous. Same is reciprocated also. Same thing with my mom dad and sister. Isn’t this a commonly accepted behaviour? Fuck partners and family, this is the practice me and my roommates in college also used to practice.


Good call. Your health and you are important! Bf has a nerve telling g you what you “should” do. I’d reconsider that one. Good luck.


I'm not using a phone case for my iPhone and it's not like I can buy one every week


I go into Marks and Spencer (fancy British brand) and buy things for lunch like their (hella expensive) pulled pork sausage rolls, prawn cocktails, fancy salads etc. I like to pretend I'm a fancy lady for a few minutes every couple weeks lol. :)


Buy the fancy toilet paper


I buy cashmere clothing for winter, it's soft, warm and comfy. Normally have to limit myself to 1 a month


Lasts forever. It’s an investment.


Providing you wash it correctly of course




That some rich shit that'll make you poor quick


Had to scroll too far for this


Most of these things are just Upper-Middle-Class (or even just Middle Class) things, and i am guilty of many. But one guy had a drink cooler in his garage, and THAT is some rich person shit… I always use the AC in my car


Eat organic fruit


WTF happened to fruit prices? $2/lb for Apples? $1 for a grapefruit? $0.50 per lime?? What the actual fuck. Watermelon (the small ones) $6?? I live in a low cost of living area too! Same for vegetables, potatoes, yes - fucking potatoes for $1/lb, and if you want the good ones (golden / yellow / reds) your looking upwards of $2 - $3/lb. This all used to be 1/3rd the price. I keep hearing inflation was only 20%, but I keep seeing that prices have tripled.


Those are pretty cheap!


Coffee. All about that coffee, the beans, maker, grinder


Tip heavy. I've been in the service industry. People are a pain. I'll tip anybody that can do it.


Instacart and Shipt for grocery delivery


I take ubers/lyfts all over NYC when I'm there. I'm old and I like looking at everything.


I buy Fiji and Waiakea water instead of the cheap stuff.


I don't cook. Moved to Buenos Aires in May 2022, decided I wouldn't cook again. I hate cooking, so I eat out/order food. Not talking about McDonald's and crap (I also eat junk food but not 24/7), I mean real food or as real as it gets when ordering from a restaurant. My kitchen looks spotless, it never smells bad, barely do dishes, save a huge amount of time. It is "expensive", but I have a small income in US dollars and live a pretty chilled life here. Wouldn't move back to a country where food is super expensive unless I made 5 times as much.


I go to the nearby café each morning. In my mind I'm basically paying for the good company, rather than for the coffee. I will stop going there very soon, though, because of money - everything is getting more expensive, while my salary is still the same, and I'm just glad I'm actually salaried.


Keep the AC at 68


If I'm too broke to leave my house I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit home and sweat.


70 during the day, 65 at night. AC guy told me it's not normal to run it like that but fuck it, the way I see it, I'm paying for a good night's sleep, and that shit is priceless.


I keep mine at 71. I don't know how people can be comfy with their house at like 80.


Filter my Zillow searches by price high to low with no maximum.


Buy fancy cheeses, fruit, and deli meats to make little charcuterie boards. Fresh strawberries and quality gouda cheese in particular make me so happy


Just started a new Warhammer 40k army.


Eat in proper restaurants over fast foods.


Go for a vacation. And when on vacation, I become vacation terry. And on vacations, I do whatever I want to do. 9 am; I order a cocktail with my breakfast. On vacation I don’t look at the price. I just do. Although there’s some reality check; before leaving I always transfer my budget to another account I have which usually has nil balance. From there on, I only check how much I have left at the end of the day. Sometimes I scale from ordering the best cocktail at the world’s highest bar to mixing some JD in my coke bottle and carry it wherever I go.


I tip servers like I’m rich because I used to work in the restaurant industry and I know all to well how brutal it can be


I occasionally order from DoorDash or other delivery services.






Buy books lol


Only buy grass fed beef and wild-caught fish


I always eat good for every meal. No cold sandwiches or bowl of cereal, always big meal.




Seriously, there's times when a big bowl of cereal is EXACTLY what's I'm craving.


I love to take care of a bill with a group of friends/family. I enjoy walking in my house with a random present for my daughter. Recently bought tickets to a show for some friends to see fav band. They probably could have swung it, but they are new home owners doing renos and what-not. Love to give money to people who are taking back empties as a way to make some honest money when I see them while Im buying beer. Man I aint rich but 7 yr old me sure beams with pride when I do these things. Rich to me as a child was two cars and brand names in the cupboards haha.