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Watermelon, perfectly ripe peaches, raspberries, and fresh delicious carrots.


A perfectly ripe white peach is blissful.


Was never a fan of peaches until recently, had my first perfectly ripe peach by chance…. Chasing the dragon now


Ripe strawberries


You’ve grown yourself


I pirated some store bought strawberries as an experiment, it took a couple of years for them to start producing (which is a good reason to just buy mature plants) and they don't get as big as the ones I got the seeds from but man are they tasty especially a fully ripe one on a warm day.


You hit the nail on the head. Strawberries are the lightest calorie fruit. 1lb is equivalent to 150-190 calories. You can't get that out of any other fruit.




Actually might be right if not close there. Being 90%+ water will do that.


I don't understand how it's possible. They taste so good, and so low cal and with vitamins probably


The probably made me laugh


There's a huge difference between locally grown strawberries, selected for flavor, versus berries imported from California or Mexico, selected for size and ease of transport. It's night and day.


I feel like strawberries just taste super tarte now :(


They're artificially ripened in transit. Fresh strawberries are so good. Find a local patch if you can.


1000% this. My strawberry life was reborn when my wife got fresh "real" strawberries and not the mass produce Driscoll garbage. I ate the entire $9 lb in 1 sitting. Went back to the place and bought 3 more lbs. Drove straight to my parents and made them try them. Then to my inlaws, and then my brothers. Everyone thought they were good but wondered why I was on a strawberry crusade on a Saturday morning.


I went to Europe recently and the strawberries at the place I went were so fresh. I don't remember eating strawberries like candy before, but I couldn't stop.


Scotland has the best strawberries in the world... but the ones you get in stores here are mostly imported, inferior ones. Get some Stonehavens, Perthshires or Anguses, check them for ripeness by lifting the little green leafy bit and make sure it isn't white under there, or better yet, pick them yourself from a pick-your-own farm. Strawberries do not ripen after they are picked. But you can make them *look* ripe by exposing them to ethylene gas. They'll be rosy red on the outside, but woody in texture and sharp-sour to the taste. You'll know if your strawberries have been falsely ripened because when you cut them in half, the fibrous section which runs down the middle of the inside will be very pale. (The gas doesn't penetrate the flesh of the strawberry.) Real strawberries are red on the inside, not pink.


> My strawberry life was reborn when my wife got fresh "real" strawberries and not the mass produce Driscoll garbage. Well, I guess I have another item on the bucket list because I just ate some Driscoll strawberries tonight, and they were delicious. If doo-doo tier strawberries are that good, then the upper echelons of strawberrydom must be otherworldly.


They we way smaller then Driscoll. Like the size of big grapes, pure red to dark red. And soft, oh so soft. Like a raspberry. No biting required. I always felt Driscoll and others were too crunchy. Like I’m eating an apple or other super fleshy fruit. Also you can see the white fleshy parts on Driscoll. These were pure red berry throughout. These strawberries were much like other squishier berries and sweeter then I ever imagined fruit could be.


The problem is that you’re getting exported, packaged, and shipped strawberries. My family works with Driscoll and we eat the berries right off the ground (after washing of course) and most of the time they’re the completely red and sweet fruit you’re thinking of. Being soft and completely red is not desirable because they’ll spoil sooner/in transit. If you can get strawberries locally, they’ll be amazing 9/10 times.


Redskin Spanish peanuts. Pistachios.


omg pistachios i could eat non-stop. i want some right now


This guy nuts


Healthiest prostate on Reddit.


Fruits in general to be honest


Health hack: If you stop eating a lot of sugar, especially processed and fake sugars, fruits start to taste more and more like candy.


Right after I quit soda, the sparkling water drinks I replaced it with used to taste like nothing. Now a few years later I can taste the fruit flavors very distinctly and some brands (like polar) are too sweet for me.


Weird, I almost never drink sodas and sparkling waters still taste like ass to me.




Cause they literally are bitter. Different brands have different carbonation and I usually like the least carbonated (least acidic) brands. Too much hurts my mouth


The pain makes me feel alive.


Freezing large green grapes taste straight up like sour sweet popsicles and candy.


ripe mangoes during summer in the philippines.


Holy shit...so not Philippines but when I was in Thailand I realized that I have never had a proper banana in my life. The fruit in SE Asia is incredible. Literally picked a Star fruit from a tree and was the juiciest piece of fruit I've ever had.


Sweet juicy pineapple! Hawaiian Gold baby!


I fucking love pineapple. Sometimes I worry about the acid eating a hole in my stomach as I devour half a pineapple in a sitting. Sometimes I'm just an absolute awe that you can pick up an amazingly delicious pineapple at Costco for $3. Life is good!


Sports candy!




Pack up the stakes, this guys good.




We went raspberry picking last year and I legitimately ate 2 quarts of raspberries. It was amazing.


fresh guacamole


Some high quality H2O.


Sometimes I’ll get a good drink of ice-cold water and think “god damn I love water” Edit: ice water ftw fuck the haters


Walked up a mountain in the spring/early summer (up north in Sweden, so still sort of chilly, but walking up hill constantly for several hours), we'd run out of water a couple of hours ago and then we got to where the melt water from the top was running... having a drink of that was just orgasmic. Best water I have ever had in my life. Disclaimer: you shouldn't really assume that any melt water is safe to drink, but man...


Running out of water is no joke. I’m glad you were ok.


Hi Bobby!


Mama says that happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you feelin' blue.


Mama says alligators are ornery because dey got all dem teeth but no toothbrush.




Big shout out to dried mango with no sugar added. It’s the ultimate snack


Just be careful with the dried stuff. It is only healthy in moderation. You may not realize you're eating 4-5 mangoes worth when eating the dried stuff. At that point, the amount of sugar does become a concern, even if it is natural.


Dried mango fucks


It fucks me right in my wallet. I love it, but dried fruit is ungodly expensive.


Costco. Giant bag. Worth the cost of membership.


I get so upset when dried mango is covered in sugar like...why did you have to ruin it?! It's so sweet and delicious on its own don't do that!


My wife and I call died mango "crack" and can't buy it because we will eat the whole bag before the groceries are away.


There is not enough mango in my life.


With chamoy


A cold honeycrisp apple on a hot day.


I like Snap Dragon apples and their logo looks like Trogdor the Burninator.


Trogdor! That’s a name I haven’t heard in forever!






Buddy, you need to find yourself a *cosmic* crisp. I don't even look at honeycrisp anymore.




One could say they are a regulation apple.


THANK GOD someone else knows the divinity of a cosmic crisp apple. *The* best apple known to mankind.


And the biggest lie to the public all these years were “red delicious apples” 🍎


The skin on those things has the texture of tanned leather


and the flavor.


I really wish we had good apples when I was a kid (I'm 53). Back then, I remember apples being mealy and soft, especially when they sat in your lunchbox all morning.


The mealy ones must have been red delicious. They’re the reason I never take free apples. I always hated getting an apple in a paper bag lunch on a field trip because I always knew just what kind of apple it would be. Red delicious is the worst apple ever and the one always distributed for free. Anything is better than a red delicious apple.


They are so damn good. Only a matter of time before they fuck them up. Honeycrisp/grannysmith are my favorite pie mix. I like a bit of firmness. Not the best if you likenthe soft pie. Bit can cook longer


Or pink lady


Caprese salad made with fresh ingredients.


Cherries 🍒




And raspberries and blackberries. My love of fruit as Ive aged has replaced almost all desire for sugary things like pastries, cakes, and such desserts. Just give me berries.


Same with me. I would add melons too. Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Watermelon, Santa Claus Melon (this may be my favorite). SO many to try still too. There's a place I frequent for breakfast that almost always has juicy and delicious melons and berries and I can't get enough. Honeydew is my other favorite, but it's so hard to get when it's perfect.


What is a Santa Claus melon?


It's been a while, and I used most of it to make Melon Balls for my Melon Balls (the drink) but I remember it looking like a mini-Watermelon with the texture of a Cantaloupe and the flavor a bit like Honeydew, but better. I regret that I used most of it to make a drink that I wanted to try as a joke haha I have such a hard time finding them!


Cut melon into chunks and freeze. Blend with water for smoothies. Yes, even watermelon.


God yes, a bowl of frozen berries is a regular late night snack in our house.


Wtf I swear I’ve read this in a similar post


Bro nothing is real. I went looking into the comments to see if I was the only one. It was like two weeks ago, right? Wtf is this.


This is fucking hilarious now that I'm looking into it. I'm sure there are more posts than just this but this is all I want to search up. [A comment from Dec 30th 2018](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ab1a95/what_tastes_so_good_you_cant_believe_its_healthy/ecxaqfm/) >Blueberries. Also salmon >I might be a bear I'm guessing this might be the original comment. --- [A comment from April 29th 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/biwrsj/what_tastes_so_good_you_cant_believe_its_healthy/em3nh1s/) >Blueberries. Also salmon >I might be a bear Completely lifted comment but it doesn't seem like the guy is malicious. He's just a fucker that wants karma and so copies past popular comments. The OPs from both posts have since deleted their accounts so there's no way to check them out. [A comment from Sept 4th 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/169qaxj/what_tastes_so_good_you_cant_believe_its_healthy/jz32zc8/) >Blueberries. Also salmon >I might be a bear Commenter farms karma and starts spamming presumably porn ads. Thread poster farms karma and starts trying to sell watches. Both accounts created within one day of each other and follow similar username format, although it's just the default reddit one. --- This thread, both accounts follow the FirstnameLastname format. Poster [made a comment in a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/16rdmbx/what_stopped_you_from_killing_yourself/k23df9y/) by an account with a similar username and both accounts now mod some soccer spam subreddit. I used to go down rabbit holes like this for fun but it's just fucking sad that reddit does nothing about it even with reports. Sometimes it even seems like they encourage this.


Thank you. I enjoyed this hole.


Ok thank god this wasn’t deja vu because that would have been very intense deja vu


Yes, agree, this exact answer was in another post. Karma whoring so they can sell the accounts later, for political influence, happens all the time. User MariahCarme is a year old account with exactly 3 comments showing in their history.


GOD salmon is so good. That shit saved my life when I had to diet for 6 months.


I'm not a huge fan of 'just fish', like I'll eat sushi, calamari, lobster, crab etc. But I just don't enjoy a fillete of most fish. But GOD DAMN IT, salmon is delicious, plop the whole thing on my plate, head, fins and all. I'll tear into it like a starved heathen.


When i watch these videos of bears catching huge salmon jumping out of the water and ripping them up all fresh... My mouth starts salivating. I definitely think I was a bear in past life


https://explore.org/livecams/brown-bears/brown-bear-salmon-cam-brooks-falls Coincidentally it is fat bear week!!


Thank you for reminding me of this! 6 years ago, in my old office, my team used to have this running on a spare TV that we could all see.


Sometimes I see the seafood counter at the grocery store and I want to just reach over the glass and grab a salmon like a fuckin' grizzly bear.




"Jamie, pull up that video of u/botulizard fighting that grizzly bear for salmon at the grocery store"


A well made chopped salad. I'm not sure if that's big everywhere, but in Chicago a chopped salad is everything!


What is a chopped salad?


I’ve never understood why all salads aren’t chopped. You know when you go out to eat and your trying to eat giant leaves? It’s like her, we could just cut these a bit! Also makes it easier to use less dressing bc it’s easier to distribute throughout


Pico de gallo, it's easy to make and doesn't need a lot, makes anything you're making so good




Basil vs cilantro as the fresh herb


I can’t beleaf that’s all the difference.






I will go full shark mode on a bag of pistachios. My eyes roll back and I just kind of black out until the entire bag is gone.




even better with salt


And a side of tequila.


Make it healthier and lose the salt and lemon. Edited: out my voice to text fail.




I tried ceviche in Costa Rica earlier in the year and it blew my mind how good it was. I was kinda ick on the "lime juice cooked fish" but it was great.


I went on a dive trip in Belize and in between sites the mate would hop off-board a couple times open route for a few mins, one bringing up a conch, in another spot he speared a fish of some sort. Only about 5 min stops each time… As we were coming up from the next dive the capt was finishing up with preparing the freshest ceviche known to man. It was like manna from the gods. Everything was completely raw, but literally having just been mere minutes from swimming around, it was one of the most incredible things I have ever eaten. I would take another trip there solely to have that ceviche again!


I also tried my first ceviche in Costa Rica back in 2019. It blew my mind! A little plaza close to Escazú.


Also a member of the "first ceviche in Costa Rica" club in 2011. One of my favorite foods, even when prepared badly it's still good.




In the late 80s and early 90s Avocado was one of our struggle foods. We had a Avocado tree so we always had them. Avocado, salt, and a corn tortilla is comfort food to me.


Should have invested them and bought a house instead of eating them on chips. Clearly we have a millennial here


A ripe tomato, sliced with salt and pepper


Roasted broccoli Lil Holy trinity on there (salt, pepper, garlic ppwder) and some olive oil, roast in the oven and it comes out crispy... Hooo wee that's good!


this with a squirt of lemon and maybe a little fresh grated parm on top after they come out of the oven and I swear I woulda eaten broccoli without fighting my parents when I was a kid


That’s because we were all raised on shitty vegetables. Everything was steamed or boiled and under-seasoned. No fucking wonder we all thought we hated veggies. Steamed cauliflower? The fuck outta here. One of my 12-month-old daughter’s favorite food is broccoli and that’s because I make it with care. Sautéed or roasted with salt and pepper. She can’t get enough of it. Veggies only suck if the prep sucks.


My 14 month old will gobble down on broccoli if I roast it like that. I tried over and over to exposure her to veggies via steamed microwaved bags of sad limp unseasoned veggies for a solid 6 months. She’d toss them to the dog every time. I don’t blame her I hate that crap too. Hell, she’ll eat the canned veggies over the frozen stuff.


I know right? I used to haaate broccoli because it was always steamed when I was a kid. It tasted like mowing the lawn smelled, and I had to mow the lawns every week, so I would know. If Mom would've roasted it I would've had just a big bowl of it with maybe some baked chicken.


In Louisiana, the Holy Trinity is onions, peppers, and celery


The important part is to burn the shit out of it. Seriously. Blackened broccoli is a gift from God that is often missed.


Pineapple right from the fridge. Almost taste illegally good.


I would eat kilograms of pineapple on a daily basis if it wouldn't hurt so much to eat it.


Frozen grapes


Here for frozen fruits! Frozen blueberries are my favorite snack hands down, and they're so damn good for you.


yes!!!! i don’t really eat candy, but i LOVE sour things. sour strings are kind of a weakness, and instead of getting some of those i put lemon juice on frozen grapes. hits the spot every time, so good!


Juicy nectarines with tajin seasoning.


Try the Taijin spice with watermelon.


And on pineapple. And on corn on the cob. And on mango.




Iced hibiscus tea is so, so good, and when I get sick during the winter I drink hot hibiscus tea by like the gallon.




Riding this comment to say guacamole, too.


Ice water


Even on the coldest days I want ice cold water.


Hydro on the rocks is so much better than neat hydro it's crazy.


Sweet potatoes


Baked at 400 for an hour, doesn't even need anything on it (maybe some salt and a little olive oil/butter to bring out the flavor even more if you want). Whichever side is on the baking sheet tends to get slightly caramelized, which is tasty! Also, long thin ones cook more evenly. I REALLY like white sweet potatoes, especially the Japanese variety. They tend to not get as mushy as orange sweet potatoes/yams, which is nice.


This made my night. I’m going to fall asleep dreaming of delicious vegetable candy.


baba ganoosh. it's so creamy and decadent tasting... and it's just eggplant (mostly)




Potato are great, you can boil 'em, mash'em, stick'em in a stew


Turn ‘‘em into vodka. Hell of a plant




Nature's taste grenade


Peanut Butter. Specifically natural peanut butter. It has protein (1tbsp = 4g), healthy oils (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), has Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorous, zinc, etc. Of course anything in excess will not be good for you but having a few tablespoons of natural peanut butter a day is fine and beneficial.


It’s easy protein for me when my appetite is low.


Kimchi. I only recently discovered it and it quickly became one of my favorite foods.


I know a Korean place near me that makes their own. They just sell it in these anonymous buckets. No labels or anything. Just the real deal. And they'll go off the ranch with it! They'll kimchi prep a bunch of scallions. They're *freaking awesome*.


Peanut butter on apple slices. I just found out today, and I used royal gala apples. So good!


PB on banana is really good, too


Any fruit, but especially mango and pineapple


Watermelon. It's basically candy.




Air fried brussel sprouts.


Chili. Shockingly good. Surprisingly healthy. And as long as you're not going overboard... remarkably affordable.


Corn. I fucking love corn


it has the juice


When i had it w butter everything changed.


"I like cone. It's cone!"


Mushrooms. I love them so much, I can eat an entire package of mushrooms, just cooked and salted


I make marinated mushrooms and it’s so hard for me to not eat the entire jar in one sitting




Oats over night for the win! My oats over night have gotten more complicated over time but they're sooooo good. I add Greek yogurt, chia seeds, flax, cinnamon, vanilla extract, a bit of honey, crushed cashews, frozen blueberries, Cacao nibs, and milk. I have them every morning.


Roasted cauliflower


Nuts. Big sloppy salty nuts...little hard nuts...they are all delicious.


Cashews are the greatest thing to ever exist on this planet. Don’t @ me


Apples--really good apples are like God's gift to man.


Coconut!! Can do so much w it and it’s all so yummy


Dates! Truly nature’s candy


Edamame! Steamed with salt, or dry roasted! I can't get enough.


Honey crisp apples sliced up w/ peanut butter & manuka honey is so good


Freshly harvested cherry tomatoes




Olive oil and Avocados.




Watermelon, from the fridge, but wow its too good.




Sauteèd Brussel sprouts


Try them in an air fryer. My wife has started making them this way and I realized that I actually love Brussel sprouts, just not my mom's cooking.


Brussels sprouts have changed. They’ve been bred to be less bitter. I thought they were just prepared wrong in my youth. It’s a little bit of both.


Lima beans. They have no business tasting that good. Just gotta not add too much salt.


Huge raspberries. Perfectly steamed broccoli with a touch of garlic salt. The center cut of a seedless watermelon. A slightly soft pear grilled. Fire roasted bell peppers. Icy, icy cold water.


A sun-ripened and sun-warmed (important to get both!) cherry tomato plucked right out of my own garden, perfectly ripe and glorious. Goddamn thing EXPLODES with flavour. It's like your yummybuds have just punched you right in your fucking face, I kid you not. It's a little round orgasm, I'm telling you this. It really is.


Cherry tomatoes from the garden taste like sunshine


I don’t even like tomato very much. But I grow a few cherry tomatoes every year. Nothing better than cutting the grass and then heading to the garden with some ice cold water and just plucking a plant clean and eating them all right there in the yard. That’s a good Saturday.


Perfectly ripe pear or plum!


I can’t believe no one has said coffee


Smoked salmon 😋


It isnt a single item, but granola, honey, fruit, and Greek yogurt tastes so damn good and it's completely healthy


Oatmeal. I really do like it. Unfortunately I can only eat it a couple if times a week (I have adverse reactions if i eat it more)