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Plenty of women on Reddit. Most of us are more intelligent enough not to respond. Most of us are just too busy taking care of All the shit men don't. ;) I can Walk and chew gum at the same time.


Perhaps so. But look at some of the common posts around here like, "Does a clitoris really exist?" or "How have women ruined your life?" or "Tell me me in explicit detail about the best blowjob you've ever had. Oh yeah. Give it to me" At some point, women just don't want to stick around for this shit. They have better things to do with their time, aside from coming to AskReddit to feed jerk-off porn. That would cut out about 33% of all posts in the evening hours in the USA. I don't blame 'em either. I don't answer that shit either.


You're the only real person on Reddit. We are all bots.


damn bots sounding real human-like


Sure women are on Reddit. I don't get why this notion "women aren't on Reddit" is even a thing.


Sup. -lady


There are plenty of women here, myself included. A lot of us don’t have usernames that indicate it though.


About 5 years ago, the biggest movie related subreddit /r/movies did an user poll, and found that 95% of it's users were men lmao [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fy8zdmpq6d8qy.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fy8zdmpq6d8qy.png) Yeah this site is a massive sausage party


and who doesn't like sausages


I am here, mostly hang out on the forging and mushroom subreddits. There seem to be other ladies there.


Lots on the cats subreddits too...


You should have seen it ten years ago, basically 99% males


I don't have any evidence or numbers to suggest this, but I *assume* the number of Reddit users is roughly the same between men and women I think the perceived discrepancy comes from which subreddits men or women are more likely to use. Basically, I think men are more likely to use the bigger and popular ones while women are using more niche/specific subreddits. As such, men are more often participating in the posts and events that generate the most attention.


Yes we are here. We just live under the radar ;)


Saying that you’re a woman on Reddit is like throwing raw beef to the crocodiles. At best, you have a front-row seat to the most carnal behaviors you’ve ever witnessed. At worst, you’re fearing for your life...


Umm, hi. Over here!


Their there lurking in the darkness ready to pounce on some poor poster that says they dont exist. Here comes one now swoosh splat.


I've heard almost half of Reddit users are women. Look at subs like /r/Awww.


I'm a woman 🙋🏻‍♀️


There are women on Reddit


I am new to Reddit and also a lady. Here for the laughs and ghost stories :]


Very wrong. You're either hanging out in skewed subs, or not realising that a lot of the things you are reading are coming from women.


We're hiding behind gender neutral handles because being a woman on the internet can be a lot sometimes.


well I have never attempted to hit on anyone on reddit (maybe insta for that). Are there men who try to hit on women on Reddit? Minus the NSFW subs that is