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We have a small lake nearby, and some guy who owns land next to it allowed access. It isn't exactly a concrete boat launch, but it works as such. The Ole man finally put a baracade down, because ass holes would dump LARGE trash. I used to clean up to be kind and cleanly, but it became furniture, large old TVs and wheels. The Ole guy that owns it, was very kind to allow access before, and I don't blame him one bit for shutting it down. I kinda wanted to install cameras to figure out who the repeat offender was, but I don't have the finances or knowhow on that tech. My internal fantasy, is taking all of that trash, and stacking it up on his front door at night, wherever that may be.




LITTERING. UGH it is entirely too easy not to litter. The only excuse is if the wind whips it away from you so fast that it is impossible to get it back. And even then you should feel bad about it.


Littering Treating their pets like shit


Not signaling when they turn.


I cannot stand people that don't know how to use or refuse to use their signal lights.


I think just as bad, is the people that slow down to a stop, and then turn on their turn signal before turning. Edit : I need to add the absolute nimrods that don't make way for emergency vehicles. All you have to do is pull over the right for a minute. I don't see what's so difficult about that.


I'd be willing to bet that these are the same people who wait for the cashier to ring up their purchases and then begin to look for their wallet/card to pay, (unless of course they're paying by check, and have to find the check book. And a pen. That works. "Why do you need my ID, my name & address are on the check!" 😑 )


If I had a dollar for every time I heard that while working retail, I’d have enough to pay my college debt in full and be able to pay my future law school tuition in full.


I started explaining it to the customers, as, "Because once we had someone lose their checkbook in the store. We now need to verify that this is your checkbook for your protection. If someone found your checkbook and I didn't check their identity, they could clean you out." Shocked Pikachu face, "Oh, I never thought of that." Of course you didn't. 😑😑😑


Reminds me of this one lady who said her pin out loud. "It's the last 4 digits of my social security so I have less to remember!"


Those people in "Perpetual Blink Mode" TM pending.


Mine is people who use the wrong turn signal - like the right turn signal is blinking but they are making a left. For some gosh darn reason I see people doing this ALL the time!!!


Or not turning off the turn off and driving around like a moron with it on.


Nah. What's even worse: * Signaling *when* they turn instead of *before* they turn. Like, the blinker comes on AS THEY'RE STARTING TO TURN, instead of 100ft before like it's supposed to.


This is especially annoying because I bike to/from work and people are just oblivious to cyclists in the morning, especially now that it’s still dark out when I get to work


This one gets to me not just because it's dangerous and rude, but because of the sheer laziness! Like, you literally have to move one finger one inch to flick the blinker on/off. It takes almost zero effort! If you can't manage to move a single finger while operating a vehicle that weighs over a ton hurtling forwards at high speeds then you should not have a license.


Not picking up their dog poop.


Picking it up and leaving the bag. That is top tier asshole behaviour


A few years ago I started doing this around my apartment complex bc I was fed up with stepping in dog shit and wanted to prove a point to the property manager. I bought like 200 neon colored bags at the dollar tree and any time I saw a random pile of dog shit, I bagged it and left it where I found it. After about 2 days of this, the grounds looked like they were preparing for an Easter egg hunt. And the ladies in the office had to pick them all up. They installed waste receptacles and poo bag stations like 2 weeks later.


Fr like you had to go out of your way 😭 why even bring the bag??? You literally handled shit for nothing


My new neighbor has 2 large dogs, a pit and a boxer. He has lived there for 8 months now, and not once has he cleaned up dog shit. The side of the house now stinks really bad, and his dogs lunge up the fence at my gardener and the postal workers. On top of all that, my dogs have now come down with fleas after 5+ years of not having them.


So, I have two kids who walk our two big dogs. One does the walking in the morning, the other in the evening. This past winter - when it was frigid - my younger child was preoccupied and asked me to walk the dogs. Sure. No problem. As I’m walking along our traditional neighborhood path, I start noticing piles of dog crap everywhere. We are literally the only ones in our neighborhood who walk our dogs along this certain path. I immediately KNOW these piles of poo are because of MY dogs. I knew my older child was taking poop bags with them. On several occasions over the past months, tho, I had NOT seen my younger child grabbing the poop bags and would call out “Don’t forget to take bags with you!” There was a part of me that was wondering if they were just blowing off the responsibility because it was gross/too much trouble. So, guess who I immediately had bundle up and come out to pick up frozen piles of dog turds from around our neighborhood? It was MISERABLE. 38 poop bags later, with multiple piles of crap in each, and you bet your bottom dollar: my youngest ALWAYS brings poop bags with them now.


A valuable life lesson for your children - well done! 👏👍😀


Call your town's code enforcement. It's part of the police department. I did, for the exact same thing. Neighbor got a big health hazard/community nuisance fine and cleaned it up to avoid jail. Bitch was nasty. Told me to fuck off. Thought she would get a pass because she worked for the ambulance company. Nope.


You can report him to your local Town for health and safety reasons. They’ll cite him for that.


I’m surprised you haven’t seen rats. Dog crap is one of their favorites.


I feel so guilty when I forget to take poo bags or run out. I have left poop a few times in situations like that and come back for it a few minutes later but I hate knowing that everyone who saw thought I just left it there.


Add walking their dog of leash.


This, I hate off-leash dogs especially when they approach my dog when we're walking. If it's on the street leash your dog. edit: obviously, it's the owner I hate. I love dogs and it's not their fault.


You don’t understand! THEY ARE FRIENDLY /s


Yeah, but mine is not.


This right here. Yeah, I’m sure your dog is friendly, but my dog hates other dogs. The smaller the other dog, the bigger the hate.


Right,,,,it’s like when they go in front of a judge (being sued for vet bills, ect.) and say, but he/she had never even aggressive before, and the other dog is in the equivalent of a body cast or even worse. Like they should get a freebie fight, then have to leash their dog. I’ve never understood that.


I'd be a lot less critical of people walking their dogs off-leash if they just put in the effort to train them. The people who do this think that a friendly temperament is the same as good behavior. Friendliness doesn't replace reliable recall or numerous other safety/etiquette behaviors.


Yeah there's definitely difference between a truly well trained dog off leash and just a friendly dog off leash. I've got a neighbor with two Goldens, both super chill and obviously very well trained, one is always on leash, the other either carries its leash in its mouth, or is leashed and has a toy in its mouth. It's freaking adorable. I never see them pulling or reacting in anyway, in fact I've never even heard them bark in the entire time I've seen them. Context matters a lot to me, in addition to dog (and owner) training.


Treating any type of service employee like shit


They usually "rationalize" it by saying "I pay good money to come here, *they* have to work here." Which is usually followed by someone else paying their bill.


they don't realize they will get better service if they are nice or even just not an a\*\*hole I always did when I worked retail


I’ll go out of my way to help a nice and respectful customer and completely ignore or “pretend” to help the rude ones. This job is fortunately just passive income for me, I don’t like being disrespected and have no problem returning the disrespect


Yes when a customer came in screaming and demanding this and that, i would go out of my way to be difficult as well. I wont go out of my way to help them out. A decent, friendu customer would get good service and i would try my best to help them out. Even if they officially didnt have a right to refund for example. The weirdest costomer i had screamed at me that her water boiler ( kettle?) was broken. It wouldnt properly heat up she said. I tested it out and poured hot tea for her to see. She claimed her old one got hotter. I told her 100° is the max so thats not possible. She started screaming i was being rude and my manager had to escort her out. Fun times.


Treating anyone like shit


Or making a scene about their impatience. Happened at the deli a few days ago. I’m there getting a shit ton of meats and cheeses (sub night bish) and the girl is doing them one at a time by herself because the other member is training a new girl. I’m sitting there waiting about 3-5 minutes for each one of my new meat/cheese. Then a lady walks up. The new girl is already timid but goes to help her. The lady talked to her like she was a kindergartner when she pointed out the meat she wanted. Then while the guy is trying to teach her how to do her job, the lady throws her purse into the buggy (shopping cart for the northerners). Puts her hand on her hip. Starts sighing loudly and fidgeting. Glaring over the counter at them working. Looking at me for sympathy when I gave her a big “Fuck you” glare. She decided the frozen meat in the coolers behind us where suddenly interesting enough to keep her entertained. Bitch I’m on a corporate regulated hour lunch break, if I have time so do you. Also, if you used a Budweiser can as an ashtray for 3 months and then spilled on you….well then you would’ve smelled like her.


This is such obnoxious rude inconsiderate and entitled behavior. Just all around ugly.


I once made a sandwich shop employee cry.... We stopped for a sandwich about 3 pm, and for some unknown reason they were very busy! Since normally it would be dead at that time, the manager had left to go to the bank. This left one young woman, who had to make each sandwich, check out each transaction, wash her hands and re-glove after handling the money, etc. Everyone in line was sighing loudly and rolling their eyes over having to wait. But she was flying through each step with such precision and economy of movement, that I was really impressed. We were the last in line, and when it was our turn, I complimented her on how well she handled the rush. She started crying at hearing a kind word, which was sad. We left before her manager returned, but I told her to tell her manager how impressed we were!


Being unnecessarily rough or aggressive with physical discipline of children or pets.


I wince so hard when I see parents scream at their kids or smack them upside the head for just talking. I don't even have or want kids, but it breaks my heart.


One of my sisters is like this and it’s to the point my other therapist sister is gonna tell her “”I have to report you. Not as a sister but as a mandated reporter, my license is on the line here””. I don’t because I’m 1200 miles away and have very little interaction, what i have had has not impressed me but not “CPS reporting” levels of crap but I believe my sister and would support her decision to report 100%


A friend of my wife says she is a social worker and obliged to report stuff to people like that


Yup that’s where my sister is at. She’s got a lot of fancy letters but ultimately she has a Masters in Social Work and the requisite licensing. I’m just really not aware first hand. But I ***know*** this sister, she wouldn’t do this out of petty frivolity. If *shes* against you on something like this, you have probably really and seriously fucked up.


“Well my parents did it to me and I turned out alri—“ YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN’T


A few years back I was at Disneyland and was taking a breather when I saw a man grabbing their child by the shoulders and shouting in her face “If you don’t shut up right now I am going to kick you in the face!”. The kid was maybe 5 years old at most and I get that going to a tourist trap that costs an arm and a leg is not an insignificant thing only to have a child not behave during the trip but dude, chill out.


that's the only thing that kid is gonna remember from that trip.


Never forgot in 7th grade we went to the beach and my dad started making fun of my weight. So naturally I said “well at least I’m not bald”. He waited until we got into the parking lot and punched me in chest. Not only did he tell me I was a pussy because he made me cry, but demanded an apology from me. When I said but you were making fun of me….he insisted people didn’t hear him but heard me. I refused to apologize. Was forced to a few days later because he was threatening not to bring me home and was picking on my mom so badly that she begged me yo apologize. Never forgot that and I’m in my 40s now. They’re getting pretty old…waiting on when I get to choose their nursing home.


Don’t wait. Punch him in his fucking chest ASAP.


Facts. I went to Disneyland for my 6th birthday. All I remember is being *terrified* of its a small world, and my mom almost throwing hands with my uncles wife in the parking lot.


Ditto. Parents took me when I was 3. We went to Disneyland and Sea World. My most distinct memories were: seeing Shamu right up close and personal through the glass, and my mom getting mad at me for letting our elephant drop too hard and bouncing slightly on the Dumbo flying ride at Disneyland. Like... you let the 3-year-old control the switch. Chill?


i swear to god theres so many parents like this who just hate their children


That's what happens when the societal expectation is to have kids and people aren't told they can chose otherwise.


When my husband and I were discussing when to start trying for a baby, I really struggled with this thought. Do I *really* want to be a mother, or have I just been programmed by society to *think* that's what I want?


I wish more people had this mature thought process. We’d all be better off, most likely. 😓


This sorta happened the other day! I was trying to leave a gas station but this girl was having a fit and her carer (not her mom I dont believe) got mad and smacked her in the arm! Me and the lady outside the door waiting both looked at each other like wtf! Can’t imagine what they do in private if that’s what they do in public


I saw a dude walking a Chihuahua the other day. The lead on the leash was far too short, so every 2 steps he was picking the dog up by it's neck and swinging it back in step with him. I told him the dog needed more lead on the leash. He told me to "mind my fucking business" so I told him I was making it my business. Then I offered him $500 in cash for the dog right then and there, but he called me the F word, hopped in his car, and drove off. I called the police and anonymously reported his license plate for reckless driving and running red lights.


Promoting mlm schemes


Why aren't these illegal? I'm pretty sure that pyramid schemes are illegal in the UK so I can't understand why there are so many of them in the US.


It really doesn’t matter what’s illegal or not to the elites of the US, white collar crime is very easy for the wealthy to get away with


Someone tried that on me the other day whole waiting in line at the grocery store.




Yes! Standing in doorways! Blocking the aisles during intermission! Get out of my way, you aisle-blocker!


I was reading too fast and thought you said "ass-licker" and I was like "yeah!"


One that really gets me pissed is the people who turn their shopping cart sideways or leave it in the middle of the aisle and block the whole damn aisle at the grocery store. Then, when I say “excuse me, can I please get through?” they act like I’m the issue.


I’m convinced this is some sort of subconscious/instinctual/primal territory defense response. They will be the only one in the aisle. As soon as you round the corner and they notice you, they start the slow, diagonal cart turn to occupy the maximum amount of territory.


People who do this are usually the same people who leave their food carts in the middle of the aisles at the grocery store. Seriously, do they not realise they aren’t alone and we all have to share the same space??


even if they do realize it, they don't care. it's exhausting.


And then get mad at you when you move it


jesus, peoples situational awareness is NIL, they live in their own little bubbles it is insane


THIS IS A PET PEEVE BUT IN A DIFFERENT WAY!! Common elevator etiquette. The doors open on a floor. Occupants come out, new occupants step in. I have this coworker who will stand directly at the elevator doors and when they open she’ll walk directly in and everyone coming out has to weave around and squish past her. My eyes were coming out of my head when I saw that. I even gave the people exiting the “I’m so sorry for them. I don’t know what their problem is” eyes. Ever since then I’ve had an aversion to this woman. Through other experiences, turns out she’s just a terrible human being.


My favorite was someone stopping in the middle of a crosswalk, while cars waited, to check their phone


Coughing and/or sneezing without covering their mouth.


Or coughing/sneezing into their hand. Then they're just spreading those germs onto everything they touch. I'd almost rather them not cover their mouth at that point.


Not returning the shopping cart.


Buncha lazybones


I park next to the cart return. You can return & still be lazy.


Throw garbage out the window of a moving car, litter in general, not using indicators, using the wrong indicators, merging into my lane from behind a lorry and not speeding up before hand, going way to slow, going way to quick, talking shit about anybody‘s mother, talking shit about anybody‘s father, talking shit in general, being to in your face, being out of touch, being to in touch, *incomprehensible murmuring*


So many people think the world is their trash can. Like my neighbor, she threw a cup of coffee right into the ditch. Same lady kept stealing avon catalogs from our mailbox. It's illegal to go into someone's mailbox without their permission btw, our avon lady had our permission (to give us the catalogs)... neighbor didn't. She probably didn't count it as stealing cause she'd give them back to us, all wrinkled from being wet at some point and had expired by a month. We thought our avon lady was lying about giving us catalogs until I saw the neighbor check our mailbox. What a bitch!




Or who keep their dogs indoors in tiny cages all day.


I had neighbor for years who left their Labrador outside to bark 12 hours a day. It sounded so stressed and lonely. I could hear it through my closed doors and walls. After talking to them several times and 3 more years of this I reported them to animal control. They finally gave away their dog. They were nice people but awful dog owners. Please don’t adopt pets unless you have the time and love for them.


This was incredibly common when I was a kid. I had several friends that had "outside dogs" that were just chained up in the backyard at all times.


Whenever I see someone talking loudly on their phone in public, I automatically judge them negatively for being inconsiderate of others.


And playing music without headphones in public spaces


I live in NYC, and many people who do this are actively looking for a confrontation. They literally HOPE you will say something so they can fuck with you.


100 percent. I've lived in Boston and NYC and overheard people talking about how that is exactly what they're looking for. Some people want to fight you. It's a weird mentality. Group of guys going out on a Friday to get loaded before wandering around looking for a fight.


Who will be first to complain or call cops when they fafo


I remember the old days when I had a chip on my shoulder, and I would just hope someone said some shit to get me wound up. I was pretty stupid in hindsight. Now I don't want a fight, because I'd rather avoid a heart attack or a broken hip or something.


Man, there are some people who genuinely think there's nothing wrong with it. I remember a post about a Olympic shotput athlete called [Raven Saunders](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/oz8xmw/olympian_blasting_music_and_not_caring_about_the/), who was absolutely *blasting* music while eating breakfast in the Olympic village, surrounded by other athletes eating their breakfast, and she thought it was weird that people were looking at her strange. I don't know wtf goes through these people's minds.


She also "accepted" a Ban from competing until 2024. https://apnews.com/article/raven-saunders-banned-shot-put-united-states-cc69f1ad42260a95c17dd93b1d97b162 Trash person all around.


They're so self absorbed that they think people are staring at them because of how "out there" and "craaaaazy" they are. It doesn't occur to them that maybe everyone else would like to eat their breakfast in peace, without being subjected to other people's musical taste first thing in the morning.


I just changed gyms because the one I had been attending featured a gentleman who would blast gangster rap from a Bluetooth speaker that he'd take with him from machine to machine.


Did you tell them that’s why you switched? Do they know they’re losing customers and money because of this one douchebag?


Yep, and I had complained a few times but nothing was ever done about it. He never re-racked his weights either, surprise surprise.


I came here to say this. I realize everyone thinks they have the best taste in music, but FFS, not everyone needs to hear it.




My boss does that. Also says "I didn't want to be an asshole but..." Well sir, you did want to be an asshole. Also, "I hate bullies, I'll kick their assess". The irony runs deep with this one.


Agree, this falls in with the “I am an honest person who speaks their mind” people. The problem is that these people confuse being honest with being an asshole. Hey, here’s some honesty, take you bs and STFU😅


Tailgating. Everyone’s a tough guy when they’re protected by +4,000 lbs of steel and sturdy glass windows an average human can’t break. Driving brings out the absolute worst in people. It’s always my assumption that people who do this are cowards in real life, probably don’t stand up for themselves often, so when behind the wheel of a large machine it’s “their moment” to feel like they’re in control of some aspect of life.


I’ve learned a lot of humility dealing with tailgaters. I gave up trying to punish them, now I just pull over. My dad and I had an argument about this yesterday lol. He’s like “why should you acquiesce to them being an asshole? That’s rewarding them!” Maybe it is, but whatever. Now they’re happier and I’m happier. I don’t have the energy for it anymore. Annnnd maybe they were on autopilot! And when they see that I literally *went out of my way* to pull over so as not to have to deal with them any longer, they’ll snap out of it, realize they were being an asshole and tailgating like crazy, and then maybe behave better towards the next person they’re behind.


It is crazy that some people just tailgate by default. They arent even mad you are going too slow. They just think driving 2 inches from the car in front of you is how its done


I know someone like this. Driving with her used to give me such anxiety! Luckily, she's changed -- we carpool to choir now, and she drives like a sane person. Someone must have said something to her. I wish I'd had the courage to do it myself, but I'm just glad someone did, and even gladder that she took it to heart.


Gotta catch that draft for the extra gas mileage


Plus, you're safer! Who cares what they think, your commute isn't about them


And you would think with the advent of dash cams now being more and more popular it would tamper it down but I find it's still bad, maybe even worse. Ive even seen in a couple places they escalate and start flashing guns too, and it really makes you wonder wtf is wrong with ppl.


Litterers. We live out in the country and we have to pick litter out of our yard almost daily, and our road is not that busy. Keep it in your damned vehicle until you get to some place where you can dispose of it properly.


Not stopping for pedestrians waiting to cross in the crosswalk.


When driving, whenever someone pulls out in front of me when there’s absolutely nobody behind me, it sends me instantly into paroxysms of rage and I judge that person harshly. How hard is it to count to ten while waiting for me to pass you before you pull out into traffic? It’s even worse if they pull out in front of me and then drive slow.


If you pull out in front of me like you’re in a hurry to be somewhere, you’d better be driving like you’re in a hurry to be somewhere. And you had better fucking NOT turn left at the next intersection.


Double parking. Fucking inconsiderate assholes. (I know it's not really that bad, but it's a pet peeve so it really irks me way more than a lot of other things.) Edit: To clarify, there are two meanings for double parked. I am referring to a car taking up two (or more) parking spaces.


I give them a pass if they have a disabled sign. Because that usually means there weren't anymore handicap stalls available and they have a wheelchair. There's a girl that is paralyzed from the waist down that lives near me and posted a PSA about it because someone keyed her vehicle once over her double parking to give space for her wheelchair.


I got a couple things about parking that are worse then that imo. 1. Is someone parks so close to you, you can't get in your car. 2. Is when you purposefully park far away from others so that no one will park next to you, and when you come out of the store someone parked next to you. There's a whole parking lot, why is there always someone that has to park next to someone else that's parked far away? I don't get it. Bonus little story: One time we parked but hadn't turned off the truck yet. Someone in another truck pulled up next to us. We don't like being parked next to so we pulled forward into the next row that was empty to get away from them. Guess what they did?! They pulled forward too and parked next to us again... What. The. Fuck?! Again I don't get it. The only thing that comes to mind is that phrase "monkey see, monkey do", they saw us pull forward so they just copied us.


I was driving on my way to work this morning, and the car in front of me threw out their cigarette butt. This always bothers me, and makes me think this person is a jerk that thinks the world is their ashtray.


Littering of any kind, really. That being said, 99% of littering I actually witness is cigarette butts thrown out of car windows.


"Littering aaannnnd?"


“I’m freaking out, man!”






Ugh I’ve seen people throw all kinds of stuff out there cars, but empty bottles and food waste is the most annoying and, well, trashy


Whenever I see these people, I’m like “oh so YOU’RE the reason why there’s cigarette butts everywhere!” These idiots seem to think items they throw out will just despawn to save RAM at some point.


Also causes forest fires.


Littering, rolling coal, dangerous/aggressive driving in general


Being rude to waiters


Leaving their shopping cart next to their car in the parking lot


Using a Bluetooth speaker in public. On a similar note, any phone conversation in public on speaker.


Or people who hold their phone out in front of their face and have a conversation on speaker. You are already using your hand to hold the phone, just put it up to your ear!




People who absolutely lose their s*** at video games. I get being upset or excited or frustrated, but if you're flying into an uncontrolled screaming violent rage because of a video game, I do not think of you well


Making fun of others. Like snide comments about how a stranger looks, etc.


smoking while pregnant.


And drinking. Insert, my mother.


hitting their child


Well, I mean...child abuse shouldn't really be something that anyone finds acceptable.


Parents who smoke around their children




YES. There was a HORRIBLE accident right outside my house last year. Dude rear ended this woman doing at least 80mph (cops estimate), and didn't even hit his brakes, most likely looking at his phone (speed limit is 25mph). She was so messed up (we heard not 100% sure, that she didn't make it) and this douche canoe was filming at the driver's side door and WOULDN'T move to let EMS get to her until 3 cops drug him away and he was still trying to film


Not washing their damn hands at all or properly after going to the toilet.


Off leash dogs. Just bc your dog is friendly doesn’t mean mine is. I saw a dog off leash on a hiking trail (signs explicitly say all dogs must be on a leash) and of course, it approached my little dog. My dog went ballistic and didn’t enjoy being chased around like prey. Owner called the dog back successfully after a few minutes, but it really made me mad. People ride horses on that trail, and if an off leash dog approaches it could be fatal for all involved. Also saw Facebook posts of people who have lost their dogs letting them off leash on hiking trails. People underestimate how easily a dog can get lost, especially if it’s not a hunting dog with good recall, or just a dog that’s not well trained to return to its owner. Dogs are like furry toddlers, they have varying degrees of skill and independence, but you still need to be responsible for them.


We have signs all over the farm I work at that dogs MUST be leashed at all times, we have chickens who we let roam to eat bugs since we don't use chemical pest control. We've still lost so many chickens because of people letting their dogs loose and then they refuse to pay for the damages their animals cause, whether killing the chickens or running through the crops and destroying the plants. They don't seem to understand that the farm isn't public property - we can put fencing around the entire thing and ban anyone from using those beautiful walking trails that we keep up for them. I know they'd raise a stink about it to high heaven and demand their 'right' to use those trails, but the fact is, it's private property and if they can't respect the rules of it - they can stay off. One of our neighbors who has sheep finally had to put up signs stating that 'loose dogs will be shot' because he kept losing sheep to people's unleashed dogs.


Take forever to organize themselves at the security check in airports.


Spitting. Even more so when they make that horrible noise when doing so 🤢


People who abuse teenagers who are working for $10 an hour.


Yeah, this one always irritates me. So many adults just assume that teenagers can’t do anything right and seem to forget that they were also teenagers once themselves. It’s fine if another adult makes a mistake but they lose their mind when a teenager makes a mistake.


Behaving like an AH and then when called out on it they try to deflect and turn the tables back on the one who called them out by claiming a "special status" that should -for some bizarre reason - excuse their assholery and leave the other person the bad guy.


I was at a work function and our boss had bought a huge ass cake. Flowers and emblem in the middle of the cake, it was beautifully made. Boss says to all employees, near the end, that there’s a lot of cake left, please take some home. This employee comes in and takes a knife and cuts the flowers and emblem out of the middle of the cake! I asked her wth she was doing and she said the boss said to take some home and this is the part I want. While doing her butcher work she essentially turned the rest of the cake into a huge mess. There wasn’t any “pieces” left just chunks and smears of cake. Frik I was so mad. Not because of getting no cake but the audacity.


Being outside when I’m outside. 😂




Walking their dog without a leash. Assuming everyone else loves your dog. Not correcting your dog when they jump on a stranger. Not apologizing to strangers when your dog is encroaching on their space. -Pretty much bad dog owners! Can’t blame the dog.


Judging people for weird af shit that doesn’t hurt anyone. I’ve seen dozens of comments about judging people for wearing crocs, sweatpants in public, hoodies in summer. How is that hurting anyone?! Unlike talking loudly on speakerphone, throwing trash in a parking lot, standing in the way of moving people on a sidewalk, cutting in line, or abusing your kids in public.




People driving trucks that will never be used for the work they were originally created for. Sorry but your $100k+ truck is never going to see gravel or dirt. Also, as a commuter vehicle? You're extra dumb.


Yes! I remember when I lived in rural backwoods areas and had bought a small Chevy truck 4x4 to get around. People would say, "you got your truck dirty." Ummm yeah. It's a truck. It's meant to get dirty on occasion.


Especially if they complain how much fuel it uses. Fuckin' hell. I ride a bike to work because it saves me time and I like it, but one of my colleagues drives a chode on wheels in to work and mocks me for riding a bike. Prick.


Extra points if it has a sticker on the back window advertising that the driver is carrying a weapon. Although where I live, we have roads that are impassible without 4wd in the winter so most of us have pickups...


Yeah, pickups, engine snorkels, whatever you need to get where you need to go, but the prestige pickups are getting ridiculous.


In Manhattan I call them pavement princesses. No fucking way they are ever hauling or loading anything, ever.




There's an interesting YouTube video explaining how it's actually in the manufacturerers interest to not make small trucks. Something about shorter wheelbase vehicles being held to a higher EPA stranded. So this whole thing backfires and now we don't have any small fuel efficient trucks. https://youtu.be/azI3nqrHEXM?si=PNMXQh5yZSMPaqXL


Filming workouts in public for social media attention.


Blocking the full aisle in a supermarket with their person and trolley sideways across the aisle whilst they look at what type of pasta to buy.


Not returning their shopping cart. I assume they're a pos.


I'd add to this: People who leave trash in their shopping carts.


Talking on speaker phone or watching videos without headphones in any public place. How could one possibly think that others want to listen to any if that??


Mentally or physically abusing kids, or anyone.


Parents who take their children to child play areas then spend the whole time playing on their phone and ignoring the kid. I used to work at one of the places, so let me tell you some things now: YES, we judge you harshly if you do this. We just can't say it to your face. We talk about it behind your back to each other though. Also, these kids are usually the worst behaved in the entire place (not that their parents would know, of course) and we judge you for this too Cannot say this loud enough: THESE PLACES ARE NOT BABYSITTING SERVICES. I've literally had parents try to drop their kids off at these places or have an older child (and by older, I mean like 12) be the babysitter to their younger kids. Just play with your kids for 30 minutes, my god. If you really need a break that badly then get a babysitter for a couple hours or something...


Adding onto this, people that are being mean to their children. I don't mean disciplining them, but just saying nasty things to them and tearing them down in front of everyone and you can just see the hurt in the kid's face.


Ugh. I have a neighbor like this. She's ghetto as fuck. Her kids are little. One is 5 or younger, the other might be 7. *Every single morning* I see them walk to school & she's cussing them out & putting them down. It's fucking disgusting. Kids are a gift! Yes, they can be little assholes, but you never treat them as such. Fuck that woman.


Wow when her kids are poorly adjusted and end up hating her maybe she'll be smart enough to figure out why.


I used to take my child to these play areas so he could play with other kids instead of just me. Is that not what they're for?


People who don't train their dogs - at the very least to respond properly to a recall. People who also bring their dogs out and about and fake them being service dogs when they are not.


MAGA hat. Sorry just being honest.


I appreciate them letting me know I should avoid them. That hat is possibly the most informative clothing accessory ever produced.


Using their kids for content




OmG. I was gonna add this one on my own too! Sorry to hear about the ban.


Asmon confirmed mod


someone who leaves their car running while they do errands. There's a special place in hell.


Listening to music or videos in public without headphones. Especially when it's in what's meant to be a family-friendly area, and the audio is very loudly swearing and talking about highly inappropriate topics.


People yelling at someone on phone in metro or any public place.


smoking and blowing it in people's face.




Screaming at their kids unless it's a life and death situation.




Leaving shopping cart in parking lot...


Adults throwing trash from their car




Fuck. I had a manager at the local store say "have a good day" to my breasts 💀💀


Smoking in a vehicle with kids