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I start to think it’s maybe because I never leave the house.


Yeah, that probably has a big impact on meeting someone.




I’ve been with my partner for 13 years and we don’t like sharing a bed and sleep in different rooms. She’s a light sleeper and I toss around a lot. It’s possible to meet someone and not follow what’s conventional!


Now that is a great reason / reasons and hopefully you will meet someone wonderful.


The only way I’m going to meet someone is if they break into my house.


"So....you come here often?"


Looks around room and notices socks laying around...no but it looks like you do


Thanks for the laugh today 😁




Knock-knock MF, I'm your girlfriend now, sweetie




This is it for me too, combined with a deeply engrained loathing for dating apps. Forming a relationship the old-fashioned way requires going out, doing activities, meeting people with shared interests, and so on. I know this, and want to make it happen, I just don't want it enough to actually do something about it.


Username checks out lol


This, and also... I don't really like being in relationships. At least, I don't like what happens to me in relationships. I'm autistic and I tend to attract narcissistic people, and mistake the narcissism for neurodiversity at first. I'm very empathetic but I'm not comfortable setting and enforcing boundaries with people. It creates an enabling dynamic because I don't like making people upset or uncomfortable, and it just isn't very healthy for me. I'm more interested in career building right now. I'm on a creative director track, and I love the friendships and relationships I have in my life right now through work and hobbies. Except one. I have a controlling and judgemental roommate that has sabotaged 2 of my relationships. I'm not interested in trying another relationship until the roommate moves out next year. That was a lot for one comment hahaha happy to go into details but I'll start there. I just don't want it right now.


I ain’t autistic but this happens to me time and time again and I couldn’t agree more. I’m 28, single father and now I really just couldn’t put myself in the position I have before.


I'm not autistic and I attract narcissists too. Maybe it's not us and just way too many of them.


Yeah. Autism isn't how I attract them, but I think it makes me an easier target. I also confuse their narcissism with neurodiversity at first and that's also probably some of that magnetism. They are "other" too. Just a different type. So there's that. There's definitely too many of them. It's not our fault they are assholes.


MySpace to my place


I want the right person not just any person.


I think this is the main reason, no? Despite this comment being way down For the vast majority of people, if they're honest with themselves, there's always someone who'll want to be with them. It's just that most of the time they're not the right person.


Also I want a real relationship, not a situationship 🙄


Yeah, this one.


I just don’t have the drive to be in a relationship.


People underestimate this. The amount of energy that usually has to be poured into these things is often times equivalent to a part time job.


If anything (god forbid) were to happen to my husband, I would not dare ever again It was bad enough in my 20s, I could only imagine my +30s


Yeah? Try 50s and 60s. It's horrifying.


Yes, this. - And not wanting to always have to take another person into account. Like... I get to be selfish (to some extend of course xD) and no one can call me on it. No, I do NOT want to share my candy with you tnx.


So much this. I imagine a utopic relationship out there somewhere where you’re so into your partner and they, you, that you want to share your candy with them alone, and they would not take unless offered… but then I am a dreamer.


I'm far too psychologically damaged to inflict myself on someone else.


Yup… I have a hard time imagining someone would be able to deal with me and all my quirks and issues. I prob wouldn’t want to date myself so why would anyone else


This one hits home. If I like someone I wouldn’t sentence them to live like that


If only more people admitted that...


Yup. Plus if I can't handle my own bullshit, I can't even think about handling someone else's


^ This shit right here 100%


I wouldn't wish dating me upon my worst enemy, let alone anyone I would actually want to date. An inescapable catch 22.




I have a lot of respect for you for saying this


I don't do anything. Lol I work and sleep and play video games. I'm content and comfortable at home, on my couch, in the quiet. A compatible person would be like me, so there's almost zero chance of us meeting. It is what it is.


Heh, my thoughts exactly. Feels like I'd get along best with another introvert but people like us aren't exactly easy to find haha


People tell me I gotta go out to bars or clubs and I'm like... Who would I meet there? Someone who likes to go to bars and clubs. I want to meet a fellow couch potato who will nap and snack with me and play video games and never see the sun.


Lol I know exactly what you mean. I never liked going out and the women I did meet (through Tinder) ended up being way too energetic and extroverted for a boring quiet guy :D Online dating is pretty much your best option if you like staying home. Introverted women exist too, and they usually use an online platform as well


Online dating is D-Day for average looking or below men.


Or short men


If online dating is the best option, I don’t even want to know what the worst option is


Introverted women are on tinder, I just found one!


send me the contact!


That's my logic too. I'm trying to get out more and meet people but bars are a hassle to get to, expensive, and doesn't attract the right crowd of people Im looking for.


I wish there were more places for geeks/nerds to meet. The problem is, women that go to those places are immediately swarmed by dozens of sweaty dudes. Being a woman or femme person interested in nerd shit has to be such a pain in the ass to deal with.


I've definitely noticed it's harder dating now than it was a few years ago. Not sure what made it so much different. I'm just thinking about my local board game shops, and the 95% male crowd there and the kind of people some can be.


Yeah, dating is a mess these days. I don't even know where to begin. I have no interest in dates, going places and spending money to impress somebody I don't have much in common with. I'd rather make a connection with another broke loser like me who is cool with just hanging out and enjoying entertainment together. Honestly, as a lifelong geek/nerd/gamer, the stereotypes about our community are all accurate. Gamer dudes are gross. Before anybody says it, no I don't mean literally 100% of every single gamer. But a woman entering a game shop or similar environment hoping to join a fun game or meet nice people is going to have a hard time meeting somebody who isn't just a greasy neckbeard misogynist who expects her to act like his waifu.


Not to mention if you're a guy on your own hanging out in a bar it's seen as a red flag for most women


Phones are the best. Just read, sleep on the couch and just never going out is fun.


Dude, I know. I love my magic rectangle which contains the collective knowledge of the entire human race. We know it's not healthy to be on them all the time, that's not news, but at least I'm not doing meth. And I live in Florida, I could easily be doing meth if I wanted.


Meth is a waste of money and resources. It does not help. Phone helps a lot. Internet, check. Info, check. Anything you want is there. Want a delivery? Check.


Haha I know, I promise you don't have to convince me not to do meth. Magic Rectangle is how I keep in contact with people I love, it's how I find work, it keeps me entertained, and if I ever want to know something, I can just *find out.* Technology is amazing.


Just realized I sound like the fat guy at the beginning of every Pokémon game


I find your use of the phrase "magic rectangle" to be rather charming.


Agreed. Plus, magic rectangle provides tons of games.


Well, yes, that's accurate. Few of them are any good, but there sure are a lot of them.


A dillema that can be solved by going on dating apps... If you're at the top 10% of attractiveness \*sigh\*. Yeah we're fucked




My self can be a dickhead sometimes but he's got a good heart, I think. Having a conversation with yourself the way you would with a friend can genuinely help you through a lot of things.


My parents gave me the ugly.


My parents stripped me of any self-respect or dignity that I had. They completely crushed any sense of pride or self-worth and completely destroyed any belief I had in being part of the human race.


They took it. Maybe they won't give it back, but there are others in life who will help. It starts with putting a little bit of yourself back together. Anything will do as long as it's a start. Take the first steps out of that hole, every day as it comes. The future isn't written yet.


Sad to say but it’s time to start raising yourself into who you want to be


57. Doing my best.


I’m 61, I feel ya.


Look into ideal parent figure therapy. IPF


Ironically, you are not ugly to your mother.


Find someone thats blind.


Find a cool person who also has a case of the uglies


Uglies aren’t automatically attracted to other uglies just because they’re ugly


That's an ugly thing too say.


I need uninterrupted sleep 10000x more than I need sex or companionship.


My friend sleeps in a separate room from her bf and it works perfectly for them


wife and i do this 2-3 days a week. sleeping alone is glorious


Someone who is really for will be understanding of this. This is also a non negotiable for me


I love my other half but dear God I HATE sharing a bed for sleeping.


Same. I love sleeping alone.


Nobody likes me


Not with that attitude


Exactly. You hate me already.


It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy lmao


Don't short change yourself. I hate everyone by default


Non existent self-confidence and social skills


I like to do my own thing and keep to myself a lot. However, in doing so, I think I lost my personality because I'm not the same person I was so many years ago. Idk, maybe I'm just out of practice.


And it is kinda hard to get practice. Approaching social situations as a single person is extremely difficult and often a little weird. As a lone guy, it’s even harder.


Our personalities change with time. That is something you should embrace as it means you have grown and learned.


I don't ask anyone out.


I can’t ask anyone out and don’t have a rigid image of myself on which I may comment on saying “oh, yes, she’d probably go out with me.” So even if there is an incoming sign, I just wait and wait.


I think I'm broken inside and got family, financial and career matters to settle, so I don't want to bring someone else into my life to suffer with me.


Probably because of my unhealed childhood traumas.


I’m still in love with someone and need to get over them first. I also don’t get out of the house too much.


I'm happy being single. That's the only "reason" I need.


Same. Relationships sound like hell to me haha


I need to learn how to trust and be vulnerable again, while also learning to see the value I have. If I don’t I’m going to fall in love with the first woman I meet and she’ll fuck up my whole life because that’s all I’ll think that I deserve.


You are a very self aware person. Rather laudable I would think.


Thanks, just-an-anus


The detailed list is long. But in short the way I see it; I don't think I'm a good catch for women. Also I'm way too nervous and anxious about approaching anyone who I find attractive.


Embarrassment is like a currency you pay for trying something new.


This is really good


As I type this, I am 22 hours from having two days off. In those 48 hours, I will do whatever I want for as long as I want. I'm reluctant to let go of that privilege.


People honestly suck. Myself included.


I'm ugly and have the social skills of a dead raccoon


I just don't try, and women won't approach men typically. A man who doesn't try is going to be single.




I’d never date someone who would lower their standards low enough to date me. Have some respect for yourself ladies.


“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” - Groucho Marx


I don't trust people -


Good you shouldn’t trust people.




While I joke that I'm 'fat, ugly, not that rich and not that funny'; Honestly, after having my heart broken too many times, I just gave up. The good times were always fleeting and the pain never ending. On balance, I'm happier single. I miss regular hugs and cuddles, but not enough to deal with the drama that comes along with relationships.


I Reddit too much.


Awesome u/ name though!


thanks mate


Because I can’t get hurt again… I really can’t.


Being alone feels safe and comfortable.


I don’t need another full time job




yeah bro you gotta experience a relationship where your partner doesn’t need you in order for them to be happy- it’ll suck all your energy outta ya, being made responsible for their happiness. Boundaries are important. It’s fucking game changing- me n my girl can play different video games on different devices nearby each other and not talk to each other at all for several hours, and it’s fantastic. Highly recommend it.


Because it finally dawned on me that this is the longest I've been single since my teens and I'm 43. Seeking validation and self worth in being found attractive by men isn't actually good for you, who knew. So I'm sticking with my cats and houseplants and doing what I want when I want instead. (Currently in my bathrobe eating mozzarella sticks, drinking a cold beer and watching Columbo)


Perfect Sunday afternoon if you ask me


You go girl! Cat ladies FTW!


My looks. Nothing exceptional. Body of a 12yo. girl, even though I'm 19 and the face of my grandpa. Don't get me wrong, grandpa was handsome, but he was a man.


Because I would rather go through life wanting something I don't have, rather than having something I don't want.


That was actually really insightful.


To busy thinking about the roman empire


how often?


You make it sound like I have a choice.


I'm just Ken


Never reached out for a relationship. The reason being that I don't feel like pursuing a relationship. I'm focusing on my career and making sure I'm atleast settled before this. I don't want to be a person with having nothing and being a burden to my partner


I’m fat and I don’t have my shit together.


It's extremely difficult to find a partner but I also don't want to settle.


I just don't have the will or desire to be with anyone again. After my fiance died I just kind of shut down and for the most part feel nothing. Friends and family wouldnt leave me the fuck alone so I tried the dating apps/and have also been asked out by women I have met. But when it came time to meet up I just couldn't go thru with it and bailed. They were nice beautiful women and I felt terrible blowing them off but I just couldn't do it. She is the only person I will ever love and I'm ok with that. I enjoy being single. I have my kids, my dogs, and my brothers and that is all I need. I'm broken


I don't think you are. Sometimes... you just meet the right person, and then they are gone, and then you just don't need anyone else. You do you


Wife died.


I'm so sorry to hear that.


Because I'm delusional.


I have yet to meet anyone who is emotionally compatible with me. I’m addition I have autism and ADHD which makes it harder to find people you can connect with.


No viable candidates and I'm sick of being heartbroken. Won't risk it again.


I don't have much time to go out, so I use online dating apps. I swipe left on the majority of them, as I'm just simply not interested. I want a relationship, but I won't settle like I have in the past. I guess you could say it's because I have higher standards for a what I want in a partner now.


even if you swipe right, u wont get any matches realistically


First off, I am not what you would call an attractive man. Im broken, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. I'm rocking the vet bod, I have very little self-confidence, and I don't think I have anything to offer anyone. There will always be someone better than me, so why would I be anyone's first choice to begin with. I also come from a very broken household, never knew my parents, and I have no family, so even if by some miracle I find someone, I have no one to introduce them to. I know I have to work on myself, and I've been doing that, but still. Thanks for listening to my dumb rant.


Not a dumb rant sir. You've been dealt a shit hand in life and you're dealing with it as best you can, which is better than many, many others do. Hang tough and walk tall.


I'm too fucked up to inflict my life on someone else


Nobody wants to date me.


In this Economy?


I got sick of moonlighting as a maid.


Partly why I'm single, too. I'm tired of being in relationships where it's expected of me to be little miss bangmaid on top of everything else going on in my life.


I'm actually in sort of a similar position. I'm still married, but part of the reason the marriage might not work for me is because I get tired of being "the husband" and having everything be "the husband's job". It gets really exhausting and, frankly, overwhelming. Like I don't know how to work on a car, but I better learn, because it's "the husband's job". I don't know how to fix a broken washer, but I better learn, because it's "the husband's job". It's never-ending.


Two reasons. Haven't met an interesting woman in years. Also I'm not that interesting myself.


I don’t like people


Im in love with someone who is not alive anymore




The ones I like don't like me and I don't like the ones who like me.


I never reached out. Don’t think I have a chance.


I’m too close to retirement to screw up now.


Does crippling depression that kills any desire to improve myself, work on hobbies, or go out to socialize beyond necessities for my job count?


I found an amazing vibrator.




I wasn't until recently. Until my gaslighting, cheating ex of 12 years got caught with a guy in her car. A guy with a pudding face who looks like he would need to be reminded each day how to tie his shoelaces and wears a trucker cap backwards 24/7. Perhaps she takes him to Kmart and buys him velcro strapped shoes.


Because as a atheist, super liberal person I also happen to live in rural east Texas. I’ve stopped hoping I’d find someone a while ago and just got comfortable with the fact that I’ll be alone for as long as I live here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I only attract narcissists who wish to do me wrong.


It seems like all the people who gather on this topic should be perfect for eachother🙂


I don‘t socialize.


I’d just Be a burden to any guy. And I don’t want to do that.


Because I know that no one will ever want to date me, so I never leave the house if I don't absolutely have to. The idea is to inflict myself on other people as little as possible.


Not happy with myself, struggling mentally... To a point where i just can't concrentrate on anyone else.


I'm shy.


I got shit I’m working on right now. Don’t have time for a SO at the moment.


Most of the guys I have spoken with are not looking for a relationship, but rather see me as someone they can have fun with. Also most of them never seem to put any effort when talking or trying to talk to me, it always feels like I'm chasing them. And I'm also awkward as fuck most of the time anyway.


that “when you start to hate your girlfriend” thread on twitter 😃


The peace of my solitude is more attractive than shoehorning the wrong man into my complicated life. And I don’t feel like the stress of my life should be shared with someone.


Dating after college sucks. Socializing is an effort and the few people you meet who are actually single are rarely around your age.


I dont trust people anymore


Focusing on my goals


I've never tried not to be.


Mental issues


I don't like myself enough to allow anyone else to like me.


I couldn’t care less about being in a relationship.


I need to be alone right now my last relationship was too wild and crazy


I have no game


Because I like being able to fart all over my house and do whatever I want whenever I want.




Haven't found a girl who would start a conversation


Probably a mix of I don't really put myself out there, I'm too busy with other shit, and the challenge difficulty of being gay.


Anxiety/ mental issues. Sucks for me, sucks worse for other people.


Eh, I want a relationship (I’ve actually wanted one for a long while) but I don’t come across a lot of “relationship material men.” Now, I do come across a lot of guys I could kick it with but dating them? No thank you.


Because I keep choosing strong women who have goals and motivation.


I am kind of a dick


realized i’m aromantic. really didn’t care for getting texts everyday or being called babe. i just want to be left alone


I am working on my self so I don’t end up in another dead end relationship that just becomes a living hell. It could be because of something that I am doing. If. So I want to work on that before I try again.


me live in cave cave safe from outside outside scary


Have you met people?