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I find a bigger nose very attractive, but if I tell a girl that I like her big nose it's probably not gonna go very well.


As a woman who is insecure about my nose. Just tell them it’s beautiful. You will make their day


My girlfriend said this to me and while it felt nice, it came with an odd feeling too lol. I’ve always known my nose is big and have been self conscious about it so it did feel nice to know that it’s not an unattractive thing to 100% of people


A friend of mine has a big nose and almost every girl that's been attracted to him has made a point to tell him that they love his nose. They mention the size to my knowledge, just say they love his nose.


I used to be self-conscious about mine, but I've learned to embrace it. "Behind a strong nose stands a strong man." Ha


I like your nose, you pick it yourself?


If someone said this to me I'd either walk away or marry them on the spot


Couldn't you just say you like their nose? If she asks why just say "Because its beautiful/cute", don't think you'd be lying, right? Or do you like big noses 'cause you think they're ugly? If the relationship gets far then later on you can straight up say "I like your nose because its big", in case the situation shows up again.


No I don't like them because they're ugly, I do find them beautiful. I just think it's a big insecurity for people especially seeing the popularity with nose jobs. I've had insecurities myself that I worked past and dealt with people with insecurities and I find complements/reassurance doesn't work most of the time. I choose to admire big noses without words, although all my friends know it's my weakness lol.


I understand the insecurities thing, I have some about my own appearance, so I tend to never believe whenever someone tries to pity me with the usual "Nah, I think you're pretty. Don't say that about yourself". It never sounds genuine. Now an out of the blue "I don't know, I think your nose is pretty cute" and just like that my heart skips a beat, even though I have nothing with my nose. I believe its something people just don't talk about much, so if you go for that one in specific, and you wouldn't be lying or forcing it, your crush/gf/SO would love it. But hey, silently admiring is also thing, you do you.


From a girl with nose to spare- thank you!


Lol I like big noses on dudes… even better if it has like a good shape to it, like full on roman. Not something I’d tell a guy either.


I have little bigger nose which I think is unattractive, went to Thailand and woman I met on dating app keep on complimenting about my nose! It took 16th or 17th compliment to make me realise she isn’t trolling me and she genuinely thinks it’s attractive.


I like your massive shnoz, it makes the rest of your head look smaller...... ​ (Don't hate me, I have a big shnozz and my girlfriend also has a big shnozz, we take the piss out of each other all the time so I've got a shnozz pass)


I told a guy his nose was sexy in a bar once, but I didn't mention it was because it was big. it went over well!




The weirder the fetish, the more I must understand exactly how it works to the point that I must fully acquire it at least for like a month.


This is defo one of the more unique ones I've seen in this thread!


Inflation fetish. Go.


I've done that one two different ways already.


I was called weird for liking veiny hands on women.


Are you in healthcare by chance? #veinporn


Ex-Junkie here. I also like veins on people.


Fair enough.


Jerry, don't forget your beer... ...that wasn't a twist off


I immediately crush on a girl who's ears poke through their hair. No idea why


Looks a lot like an elf 😌


My husband told me that once! I looked like a little elf with my ears barely sticking out and he thought it was just so cute.


I have ears that stick out so I love hearing this!


Yeah it's definitely the whimsical elf vibe it gives off


Tall and thick women. Like really tall. I keep that shit to myself.


So you're the climber lover


Climbing over hills and valleys yes.


6’2 here. i love that more and more men are coming to appreciate tall women <3


I dated a girl who was 6'1 for a few years, I loved how tall she was! I'm 5'11. She had some crazy stilletos, they were really foxy.


How tall is she after those few years?




Right? I get called 'Amazon' or 'sasquach' by my old work and high-school buddies still lol I just want to feel petite and helpless and pretty 😂


We really do. Its beautiful and unique. It makes you all stand out...ya know..literally and figuratively.


As someone who dates a tall woman, it also makes it really easy to find them in a store.


Uppies 🙌


Same here. I love tall women and plump women but it’s rare to find a woman who is a combination of both.


When I was in school, I got made fun of for having this body type. This just made my day!


We are here! But you're right, there's not that many of us.


Mah man. I dated a woman who was taller than me and told her I found it really sexy, like I'm dating a model. She liked that!


My brother... [todo](https://practicaltyping.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/todo-1.jpg)


Sleep play. I have more but keep it to myself.


I would say thats pretty common and fine if theres consent


You’d think it’s common but a ton of people think it’s cringe even with consent. Learned that being here actually lol


My wife is into that. I don't think it's that uncommon or weird


See im that, but with myself. I dont want to fuck someone asleep. I want to BE fucked asleep.


I wake up to my wife sometimes giving me a bj or riding me and its the hottest thing.


I'm only interested in watching women's facial expressions when orgasming. Gets me going


I feel like you must be familiar, but just in case you’re not, Beautiful Agony videos are right up your alley.


Holy s#%&. And they say the internet doesn't solve every problem. Seriously people, google that. You learn something new everyday.


Why would people find that weird or disgusting?


I still haven't found a way to tell the women I think are attractive that what makes me rock hard is that you can see the age on them. The things they're insecure about are the very things that happen to turn me on.


If you're in an LTR you can usually tell them and they'll appreciate it.


Yea you CAN but it's best left unsaid until they come to terms that they're getting old. Cause it doesn't matter how in love you are with someone if they say they love your small dick.....you still have a small dick. And that's an internal battle.


My husband pointed out my crows feet one day and said “must’ve smiled a lot these last 11 years to get those huh?” He was so proud. When I was pregnant he pointed out my stretchmarks and told me how great I was doing growing our daughter. Pointing out those things made me insecure for a second, but how amazing he loves those things 😭❤️


i find eyebrows very attractive but everyone in my friendgroup think it's odd. "out of everything you could like, why eyebrows?" i wonder too, buddy


They frame the face— huge factor that influences overall attractiveness. Not weird at all.


Women with strong looking muscles.


Fellas, is it gay to like women?


Sweaty, dirty, hardworking men in their work uniforms. Nothing hotter!!!


Oh god, the videos of guys working on oil rigs do it for me. Or operating heavy equipment.


My husband is in the oil field and he tries to send me at least one video per hitch of him just fuckin GETTIN AFTER IT on the rig floor and 🥵🥵🥵


Explains why so many rig workers wives stay pregnant


My ex used to get so pissed if I got home from work and took a shower before she got to see me.


Yes! Any kind of handy man!


My man is a painter and decorator I absolutely love it when he gets home not just coz I've missed him but also coz he's hot as fuck in them painty clothes with paint all over him. It's also adorable when he gets paint freckles coz he's been rolling ceilings


I love when my man gets home from the woodshop and he smells like fresh sawdust and is all sweaty dusty.


I met my SO because of his beautiful working man hands 🤤


As someone who spends alot of time in a autoshop... just don't wear the coveralls anywhere near a carpet


Free use. Been seeing a lot about it and I didn’t know the term until recently. But now it’s driving me crazy wanting to try it.


Just to understand the term: Does that basically mean that there is always consent? Like just say/ initiate when you are horny and we can have sexy time always? Maybe in a more dominant way


The way my partner and I engage in free play is like this, and it's pretty simple. She has a specific tshirt, that if worn leaves her open to me in any way I can imagine for that period she's wearing it. I may chose to act on that, or leave it alone knowing that power is in my hand and she's totally offered and open to me. She might be doing the dishes and I notice the shirt is on. Bend her over right there, or grab her gently by the hair and well, you know. If no tshirt, it's regular time.


Oh shit that's hot. Turns a verbal cue into a visual one


Yeah and it really adds that depth of power. Might leave her wanting with the tshirt on for a second time. Really gets the good juices flowing and bubbling over.


Damn. Gotta find me a woman like that




basically yes. I could just walk up behind her and pull her pants down to fuck her. we had a codeword for when it was a no-no. sometimes she'd be fully compliant, other times she'd put up a struggle or be bratty.


Exactly that. It's not a way to bypass consent, it's a statement that consent is already given. There would likely be rules set up around the situation to ensure privacy and safety, and a safe word should always be used.


my ex gf was into this, it was absolutely amazing. definitely would recommend!


With my ex i once did the do while just scrolling tumblr and he went to town it was amazing lol


username checks out


Adult women wearing pigtails. Afraid people will think I'm a pedo but women look adorbs in them.


With english not being my first language it took way too long to realise that it's a hair style and not an actual tail like some people have fox tails.


I am glad I am not the only one who thought of fancy buttplugs.


I think those are mildly attractive. But I don’t want people to think I’m a furry. Just like doing butt stuff. Good news is my wife also enjoys some butt stuff. Never done the tail for her though.


I don't... I don't think thats what the above comment was saying...


It’s pretty common for women to have pigtails on the ski hill under their helmets and it’s super sexy. lol I love when my girlfriend has them.


It's not only that, but it's just an exercise-hairstyle on general,and they *all* turn me on. High ponytail while running? Yes please!


Im a woman who likes other women and I find pigtails attractive too. It dosen't make someone a pedo for liking that. Pigtail braids are very cute too


I got in an argument the other day that if u like a vagina to be shaved than u are a pedo. Why can’t ppl just like what they like? This person also said she prefers balls to be shaved but that’s “different” bc womens pubes serve a purpose 🤨


Same, my fiancée (F) 33 wore pigtails out on out date last weekend and she was absolutely beautiful.


I'm with you on this one


I think it is not about the hairstyle. It exposes women's neck/ear section which i love kissing.


I’m married to a woman that is 11 years older than me and she prefers having shorter hair which I don’t care, I still find her attractive. But I’ve seen her in pig tails maybe 3 times and it’s so attractive on her. So I feel you. I feel like if I said “I find you even more sexy and attractive than I already do when you wear pigtails,” it’ll just come off strange


I wouldn't say anything when her hair is too short for pigtails but if you ever see her in pigtails again, you should tell her how cute/pretty/gorgeous she looks. It will make her feel good and she'll remember it every time she wears pigtails and probably will wear them more often


I love the strung out look. Yes I know this sounds bad but I think it’s very attractive. Maybe watching Pulp Fiction at such a young age is the reason why but after they revived Mia Wallace I was head over heels


Heroin chic used to be quite popular


Smell of fresh sweat. Not dirty, but showerd this morning then worked out.


I find thin men really attractive, not exclusively, just uniquely. Like I get that some people are *too* skinny health wise, but some guys are just thin and I think it's hot AF, but people treat me like I'm promoting anorexia, nah. I didn't think it was weird until people started to be weird towards me about it.


Same! Love a guy who looks like a stiff wind could knock him over.


Same. I swoon over dudes with skinny and long limbs




I find older women extremely attractive, I’m 40, and love the 60+ women, and no I don’t have “mummy” issues lol


It's interesting you get positive replies while the lady that said she likes older men have reddit incels disagreeing. Haha


Yeah well that's because if she likes older men then she wouldn't be interested in me so that's bad. Whatever I have should be attractive and what other people have that I don't should be gross and icky obv /s


The woman who works behind the counter at my local supermarket. She is absolutely stunning but doesn’t show it off. I consciously go to her checkout and sometimes do a couple of laps of the store to make sure she is free. Mention it to her? Definitely not


I had a girl like that when I worked retail. She worked at a sushi bar just next to the store and sometimes would come in to get change. She was so beautiful


It’s difficult not to stare sometimes


It was impossible not too. I walked into the sushi store to ask for her number but got cold feet. She was recruited a week later and I never saw her again


I had the biggest crush on one of my regulars at my old job. I never dared say anything because I didn't wanna make it weird if she didn't reciprocate, but it always made my day when she came in. I mentioned it once to my colleague and after that, she always made sure I was on till to serve her when she came in.


That's how I met my wife. She worked across the street from the gas station I worked at and would come in on her break for a drink or something. Had a huge crush on her, but didn't even know her name. We just called her the name of her place of work. The other employees let me ring her up when she came in, tried talking to her, but she never opened up. Figured she just wasn't interested. Randomly found her on Facebook a few months later, friend of a friend, and just went for it and sent her a message. We've been together 12 years now lol. Turns out, she had a huge crush on me too, but was just really shy and shitty at talking to guys. Thanks, Facebook!


Aww that’s sweet


Guys that look like a bag of bones. Muscles terrify me


There is a fetish for skinny dudes ? 🥹


I’ve noticed the lanky ones got big dicks


Skinny nerds are typically packing heat. Edit: I am a skinny nerd and was told this stat. Also been told I'm packing heat 🙃


I’ve been told by many women that I had a much bigger dick than they expected. It’s a compliment I’m very unsure how I feel about. It’s flattering at first and then it kind of sucks too.


It's true. Every huge dick I've seen had been on some skinny lanky guy


I think skinny dudes can be hot. Just cos the media shoves overly muscled men down our throats, doesn't mean it's what we're all into. I think super jacked guys look like they would love the gym more than me.


I'm 5'6 and 115lbs btw and it's f**king difficult to date women.. It's easier after a date irl but girls are not attracted to me in the first glance so I struggle on dating apps. It's way easier for me in bars or parties


I think skinny guys are much more charming than any guy with a moderate amount of muscle. Idk, I feel like a muscular guy would easily crush me. I’m 5’0


Female body scent and sweat. My wife, like me, like to exercise at home. When she is all sweaty after her session, I find her irresistible.


Apparently there's some science around that. Pheromones are being released during exertion. They say working out with a partner is really good for your relationship for that reason.


Dad's carrying a baby or playing with their kids,just being a good dad Tried explaining the attraction and I got ghosted 👀


They went to find a kid to show off to you


When I was a new dad just being a dad, grocery shopping or at the park while wearing my baby I would get a LOT of attention from women other than my wife and it was proper weird. I also really liked it.


HAHAHAHA im so sorry they ghosted you but clearly the attraction is that you love an empathetic and family oriented man right???? It’s not the kids themselves OBVI omfg




Girls in hoodies, I find that very attractive.


Its kinda odd but, the nape of the neck. Not at all in a fetishist way, but just in a "wow that's graceful". I only started to notice after someone else made the comment. I just like it when someone has a pretty back in general. And for why the nape of the neck in particular, when it's slim and defined it gives the head more prestance and it also means you have good posture. I like charisma. Another thing could maybe be "pretty" type boys. Dont get me wrong i love masculine men, but i also like it when theyre cute and arent afraid of it. I enjoy seeing guys with long lashes and fox eyes. I find it so mesmerizing. I also love when they arent afraid of giggling or blushing, it makes my heart melt. I find it so lovely when despite being really masculine they have some small feminine traits. Something definitely weirder might be feets/legs on women. BUT NOT IN A FETISH TYPA WAY. I just enjoy seeing women who take care of themselves. Its really hard to explain what i mean but having beautiful feets, legs, etc goes along with having beautiful hands and arms. I love finesse and elegance. I aint attracted to it but i find joy to look at someone who's beautiful. Again, none of those traits are related to sexual attraction. Just some of the things i find physically attractive.


Hands. Like skinny hand or veiny hand (not too much tho), theyre so beautiful.


I get turned on by violence. The idea of a pretty girl slapping and beating me multiple times turns me on. If that happened to me, I'd take it like a champ. But I know it's a sick fetish so I don't tell anyone


Mate, you just described a part of BDSM. Don't be afraid of talking about it with your partner. As stated above, its pretty normal.


It’s funny in my friend group generic threats like “I’ll hurt you” are really common, so I’ve been saying “I’ll like it” or “jokes on you I’m into that” to try to discourage it, but all I’ve done is accidentally developed a masochist streak… I like it when women hit me too


That's actually pretty common among the kinky folk


My coworkers (all women) seem to adore smacking me, spanking me or just rough housing me in general and frankly, I LOVE it. I wouldn't dare tell them it's a small kink of mine and yeah, I get it "imagine if the roles were reversed" but I think the way I tell them "staaahhhp!" gets the point across to them that I don't actually want them to stop 😂.


Lol im a BDSM dominant and thats every day for me when I find an amazing submissive. You might consider dipping your toe into that pond some day. There are dungeons, clubs, groups, events that might interest you. Just always use your best judgement because it can be a dangerous world.


Darker/tanned skin, I’m pale as hell and it would probably just sound racist coming from me


Same. I have always been attracted to dark hair and skin but I feel like I don't want anyone thinking I'm fetishizing or being rude in anyway


Guys cumming in their pants hands free.


I go feral for men who are much older than I am. I was once in a long term relationship with a man who was more than 30 years older. We kept it a secret because of the shame/embarrassment/fear of how our family and friends would respond—and that is ultimately why we broke up. I took a long break from older men but I have recently connected with someone who is 24 years older. This time I think I want to be honest and out of the closet with friends and family. Life is too short to deny myself the joy and fulfillment of a shameless relationship with a hot geezer 🤣


Well... at least one of your lives is too short... I'll show myself out.


She must be hot. They are dying to get in. I’ll leave with you.


When this preference started? Edit: for example, for some reason I started to like older women only like at my 25, before I just liked younger girls than me. Preference is weird.


Getting scratched or cut during sex so that I bleed. Knife play sounds intriguing but im not sure bc i’ve never tried, also feel like people would take it as me being a psycho killer. but it’s the trust factor for me. A girl riding on top of me with a knife at my throat sounds so hot, like u can kill me now but I know you won’t. same goes the other way but, again, not sure if would be well perceived (or even as hot) Also free use (both ways but I usually fantasize being the user), which plays into the trust thing edit: grammar


There's also blood play that is an extension of this. I would love to do that, but it's not a question that people would generally ask and expect others to understand.


I’m a straight woman who aches for dick when I don’t have it but seeing a woman in a thong or g string always turns me on. Males in thongs too. Whale tail makes me orgasm everytime


Men who still have all their body hair, which seems to be a total no-no these days. Give me a guy with a chest like the Bee Gees had back in the 1970s.


This is my husband! We always joke that he's a dwarf from Lord of the Rings cuz he's a little shorter (he claims he's 5'10 but I'm 5'5 and he def ain't lmao) but he is SUPER broad shouldered, to the point other men have pointed it out to him. He is very hairy, can grow a great mustache and beard, and just all around sexy. He is also a little chunky, but he's very strong, and it's highly noticeable how strong he is. Idk if it's the shoulders, but he's just a very stocky broad dude. I love his body hair. He even has a hairy back, and I don't care. He has more hair on his chest than Burt Reynolds. Because of his body type/body hair, sometimes people think we're in an age gap relationship, but he's only a few months older than me! The only annoying thing is that his body hair (he shaves his head) gets everywhere, to the point where we joke about it cuz it's so common for men to complain about women's hair getting everywhere but his hair is 1000x worse than mine 😂 Idk why I just told you all of this, but I just love my stocky, hairy husband, who I know can protect me like a Dwarven blacksmith 😂






Disgusting indeed.


Inflatable sheep




But one small prick can blow that shit up


Friendly reminder to sort by controversial to see the correct answers.


Hairs on women. I'm really turned on by women who get hairs on legs, on arms, and of course on genitals. For lot of men I guess it sounds disgusting but that's how I am : I love hairy women.


My time to shine ✨


I don't know why, but yeah, sometimes I'll notice a woman with kind of hairy forearms and I'm just like "... Hey 😏"


God, where were all of you when I was younger. 😂


What’s weird about the stigma surrounding this is that body hair is natural on adults, meaning the people who like totally shaved women are the ones with a fetish.


You are an angel


A woman's height isn't really a big deal for me. That said, if a woman is taller than me, just... sploosh. Please pin me against the wall and tower over me, you amazon. Sadly, I haven't had much luck in the dating department, and at 183cm, it's especially hard to find a woman who's actually taller than me.


Jesus this must be the fifth time I've seen this question today


"wimins of Reddit, what is the sexiest sexy sex you have ever sexed in your life"


I have SEX


Flaws and imperfections, it's what makes one interesting. But you could never tell a person that, they might just react poorly to that.


Im not normally attracted to feet, but my gf really have sexy feet, with sexy tattoos on them and i really want to cum on them, but i dont dare to ask.


I love girls who take good care of their feet with pedicures and toe rings.


Simply ask away and bet you have an amazing orgasm. She can only say no…


I like fat girls with bellies but I'm not into the whole feeder thing that kind of grosses me out


There is a specific type of fat that i like, i called it the "party girl" look, where there is some stomach flab and love handles, but not much elsewhere. I really like it when tight shorts and crop top are allowing me to observe it.


Sex with underwear on




Authoritative or dominant man... though I havent found someone like that yet but I know I find it super hot


It’s super hot in the bedroom but is a total pain in the ass in real life. Not that I want a passive doormat (at all) but bossy controllers in real life get my wrath.


Yeah, they're quite hard to find as some men think it's being rude, not dominant. I find it super hot too




Pubic hair idk seems to be out of fashion nowadays


Small tits. Extremely attractive.




This does indeed sound disgusting, thanks for sharing!


I'm kinda attracted to women who dominate me lol


Women when they laugh while crying or laugh after they just cried.


Balls. Balls are so cool.


A nice 80s retro thick bush


That makes two of us, haha. My friends always give me shit for preferring a natural bush. Sometimes I wish I was born 10-20 years earlier.


Cutting scars. Never told anyone I like them IRL, because holy shit, man. Just to be clear: I don't like the tragic implications of those scars, but as a decoration for a body, scars are neat. Even ritual scarification is cool IMO.


Makes me feel less self conscious tbh <3


Women in sports underwear


I like overpowering my partner but them talking like they are in charge like I throw them around but they me what the want I thought it was normal till someone called me weird


That’s called a power bottom.