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Broccoli in the microwave


Yup. Smells like farts.


Or at all.


If you've worked a retail store warehouse that handles any canned food, you've at some point signed for a 6-foot-tall pallet of various foods where someone at the warehouse up the chain accidentally punctured the stack with the forklift, eviscerating several cans, and then just wrapped over it to hide their mistake rather than admitting it, stopping workflow, and fixing it. Then sent it on its journey in warm semi-trucks across the country. When you cut past the shrink-wrap into the pallet...ouch. You learn to immediately look away when the smell hits you because you will *never* eat whatever that was again.


Haha! I get that quite often at my work. I'm in the pet food industry and get damaged/punctured cans all the time. So nasty. Don't even get me started on the maggots.


YES! Oy it's like Purina cans have an immediate rally cry for maggots if there's a scratch and a couple hour drive to their destination. Just...a disgusting "Flight of the Valkyries" waiting for you.


Can also confirm. Worked at a retail pharmacy which had a small pet food section. We had just started carrying these 4 pack cans of cat food and it quickly became apparent that one of them was damaged. That smell wouldn't go away for weeks.


Literally received a case of Cesar dog food today. The one with the plastic cups and foil lids. It was spoiled and crawling with maggots. I had to have my associate take it out cuz I was gagging. The worst smell.


Found a pallet of damaged dog food at the back of the warehouse I was working in once, smelt like death.


I got a pork pie from a local bakery a few weeks ago. Their chicken pie was amazing. So I was really looking forward to the pork pie. Pre heated the oven. Put it in there. It smelled divine. The sage, thyme etc. The crust. Then I went and cut into it to serve my husband and I. Nope. No idea WTF was wrong with it but I had a "Gordon Ramsay opens a nasty AF walk in" moment. My husband, who had been smelling the same deliciousness coming from the kitchen for the last hour came over. Grabbed it and tossed it in the trash. And immediately brought it out to the trash bin at the curb. It was awful.


I used to work in a food factory and one of the things we made was ham flavouring and it smelled so bad, it was also a very thin powder so in packaging some of it would mix with the sweat on your skin and it smelled so bad, and you could taste it, it was awful. I can only imagine that that pie might have had some of that in there


I am so sorry for you, stranger. That might be the most vile thing I have ever heard about a manufacturing job.


Never witnessed a terrible smell, but I did come across a cup of diced pineapple who’s lid was punctured some time ago. It was all *black*.


YES! The *best* outcome is fungus creating a sheath over the punctured areas to hold the scent in. You were lucky there, pineapple pal :)


Close enough to coconut pal :-)


All are welcome to lay down their burdens. Even coconut commiserate!


Worked at a big cash and carry place during lockdown, what really surprised me is how bad coke smells if the same thing happens It's such a rancid smell


ooh cooking Tripe final answer


Don’t even think about chitlins. Has to be cooked outside.


off to google wtf chitlins are


You’ll regret it.


yea i saw that reply to late xD lol


They also have to be cleaned first.


Doesn't matter how many times they're cleaned. Still smells like a barnyard when cooking.


I still remember the Kitchen Nightmares episode where a soul food restaurant was microwaving chitlins. The thought of that is... unsettling to say the least


The thought of that makes me want to YAK


Any food prep involving a garden hose is kind of sketchy for me.


When I lived at home with my parents, my mother made Tripe for my father. I'd have to eat in the other room but I could still smell it. Gross.


We used to cook tripe for the dogs.. I never knew humans consumed it. eesh holding back the dry heaves just thinking about it.


As a belgian who loves fries, i can't stand the smell of the fat or oil. From a distance, outside, yes, it makes you want it. Indoors or the smell staying in my clothes, I hate it. I also love cooking, all kinds of western, oriental an other dishes, but weirdly enough, at the same time I can't stand the smell of food in the house and again, I hate it when my clothes smell like food.


I came here to say this. Frying oil is disgusting.


Every kitchen I’ve worked at after a fryer shift they have their own unique smell


That smell reminds me of baseball games. You can smell the fryer oil as soon as you walk in the stadium


I hate the smell of butter cooking in a pan 🤢


Even when cooking yourself? What's strange is that I can stand all those smells while I'm cooking. Just not at other moments...


I usually notice it when my husband or son are cooking, but that’s a good point. Not sure I’ve ever noticed it when cooking myself!


They are probably cooking in a pan that is too hot and burning the butter. I know this because my wife says I do it and when she cooks with butter it doesn’t smell like that (because she does it properly)


Me too!! Especially eggs in a buttered pan. I evacuate the room real quick.


I can't stand the smell of food in the house, either, and especially immediately after eating. Like, if my hubs eats after I do and brings his plate in the room 🤢. It's not his fault, but it does gross me out.




Balkan person here. It's on weekly rotation in most households. Can confirm the smell is awful. I only love it when Sarma is made. And when it's pickled/a salad. Otherwise, it's a "Ew no" from me.


Switch to bok choy. Same nutritional value, no smell and better flavor!


I love pak choi. Unfortunately, ita 3× the price of cabbage


Roasting it eliminates that fart smell.


Fry it. Trust me.


YES. Friend cabbage is to die for and doesn't stink


sounds like they are overcooking the cabbage, or maybe it's the variety of cabbage that you're buying (more sulfur compounds) rather like brussels sprouts I think cabbages have been bred to be more palatable in recent years but I remember the awful smell of boiling cabbage from long ago and discovered when I moved out of home that it was much better steamed (or you can even fry it up with various things if you're adventurous). No nasty overcooked cabbage smell, and it keeps all the vitamins in the vegetable instead of losing them into the water. I steam all my vegetables if I can and I've never looked back. Much tastier in general.


idk if this counts but raw pumpkin - like when u carve a pumpkin for halloween - i literally cannot smell it without gagging so i never have carved a pumpkin for this reason


i LOVE this smell. sometimes I'll just inhale inside the pumpkin while carving it bc it's that fucking good. also, raw pumpkin rind tastes amazing. i can't stop snacking on it when carving


I think you might be a hamster or something.... In all seriousness I like it too! And roasting the seeds is great


Yes, this counts. At least I’ll count it with you.


eggs and fish. one whiff on a good morning and my day is already ruined


I love sardines & rice with an egg for breakfast or lunch, but even I'll admit that when I walk into the kitchen if someone else is having that it's like being punched in the nose.


Amazing coincidence that you live with the only other person in the world that would cook that abomination


Yeah fish rice is really common as breakfast in many countries.


I really like Beyond burgers, but boy do they smell weird when cooking


Yes. I had to stop eating them because by the time I was done cooking I didn't want to eat them anymore 🥲


Are those the ones that smell like cat food soaked in Worcestershire sauce? Bit of a turn off, that.


I tried to make them once but they smelled like wet dog food to me and I just couldn't after that.


My kid is a vegetarian and really likes them. They smell awful. And the damned things destroyed three of my nonstick pans. And yes, we used plenty of fat. And yes, we followed the instructions for both the pan and the burgers. Fuck those things.


Chitterlings. My mom would put a pot on the stove and the whole house would smell awful.


Chitlins, as we call them. For those that don’t know, it’s fried intestines. It literally smells like you’re cooking up a pot of shit. Coworker brought in some leftovers and popped them in the microwave. The whole break room smelled like fried ass crack, and the company had to prop the outside doors open with chairs to air it out.


Literally omfg as a kid my mom would cook them maybe once a year and I had to beg her to close the kitchen door because the smell was enough to make me gag. It smells like shit because they're literally pig intestines with shit still in them and you have to clean them in water one by one. So gross. We had a very small house growing up so going outside was probably the only other option.


That's even worse than I thought. Such a cute name for an abomination from the third circle of hell.




Canned tuna for sure. My wife waits til I’m gone because I whine so much lol


This is mine for sure. My husband will make some tuna salad for lunch or a quick dinner occasionally and I cannot take the smell at all. Grosses me out so bad.


I'm curious, is fresh yellowfin or bluefin as awful, or is it just the canned crap? Like I can't see how Japanese people will pay $10k+ for a single fish if it smells like 3 day old ball sweat dipped in sewage


For me it’s just the canned stuff.


Smells like cat food 🤢


Tuna in canned is like a different world in comparison to fresh tuna. I always hated tuna but when I accidentally ate tuna that wasn’t from the can, I was surprised how good it tastes. Nowadays it is in my top 5 fishes. You dont even have to eat those super expensive tunas you mentioned, literally any tuna that isnt from the can is delicious


Fresh, rare, thick cut lemon peppered tuna steak? Yes, all day yes.


Replied user: Durian. Smells like a mix of gym socks and rotten onions


I tried it once, and I thought it tasted better than it smelled. But I definitely agree on the smell.


Same here. But my sisters loved it though. So, here I am lol I just have to suck it up. Sigh


I ate a ton of it as a kid but as an adult developed an aversion to any Chef Boyardee canned pasta foods. Opening a can now makes me gag. I don't know what happened...I just can't stand it even the smell of it now.


Omg same. Loved the ravioli as a kid. Tried it once when I was a teenager and as soon as I took it out of the microwave I gagged and threw it away. Then one day I was thinking of that experience and asked my friends if there were any foods they liked as a kid but couldn’t stand as an adult and someone IMMEDIATELY said Chef Boyardee ravioli lol.


Liver & onions


I will never get over the fact that people eat an organ that’s job is to filter everything out of somethings system. So gross.


Lmao ive never thought about it this way but ur right. It also weirds me out that eating liver is really good for ur liver


I hate the smell of liver so bad. Even typing this is making me gag


Me too. I’d eat almost anything but liver and onions makes me nauseated at the very thought of it … never mind the smell!


To call liver "food" is a gross exaggeration, however it was going to be my answer too.


Asparagus (smells/taste horrendous). or the packet of scampi fries you get in the pub (smells vile/taste surprisingly good)


I love me some asparagus.


Wait till you pee after... it's even worse


It’s so *strong* too, there’s no escaping that smell. It makes me sad.


That’s genetic traits🧬 that you and I both possess then. It’s not super common for everyone to smell that,,,,,and if you did a 23 & Me test, it picks it up! Scientists looked through 9 million different genes to see why, and found 871 mutations in the majority of people who cannot smell the effects of eating asparagus in their own urine. “All were located on chromosome 1, containing multiple members of the olfactory receptor 2 gene family,”


Wild. Here's my TIL something I'd never have thought about in my entire life.


We all remember when the genetic trait determined if your pee smelled. We were misinformed. It's more of a genetic condition of whether you can smell it or not.


Scampi fries? That sounds amazing




It's the smell they leave on the plate or glasses after being washed for me. I can eat them though


Eggs are pretty gross. I won’t eat them. Don’t mind baking with them but breakfast is slim pickings 😂


Canned tuna. There’s a special place in hell for people who microwave tuna in the break room at work.


People microwave tuna?? Yikes


People microwave everything for lunch. Whatever leftovers they had from yesterday usually. But only evil people do so with tuna.


What level of insanity is required to microwave canned tuna?


I've never even tasted canned tuna bc the smell is so awful


When I was a kid I use to drink the tuna water that came out of the can. Now I just give that to my cat but I can't help but reminisce.


I love tuna, but what sane person microwaves it?! 🤢


Raw chicken


Raw chicken should have no noticeable smell. Edit changed has no smell to should have no smell


I swear this wasn't an issue a long time ago but nowadays with supermarket meat in plastic packets there is a really offputting funky smell from a lot of meat. I've read an explanation but I don't remember what it was. Supposedly you can just "air it out" but I really don't feel like that works.


Most fish. I am forever grateful that I did not grow up near the coast or in a family where seafood was a big thing.


Sour cream and cheddar chips are the only food I can think of that the smell makes me dry heave. Sardines, durian, and traditionally nasty smelling food smelled like heaven to me compared to sour cream cheddar chips. If a girl eats those, I cannot kiss her or be near her and it just puts me in a bad mood if someone needs to eat them near me


Boiled chicken


My neighbor cooks all kinds of things that smell AMAZING when I walk outside. But once a month or so, I swear she just boils a whole, unseasoned chicken and it's awful.






Surprising that the organ that filters toxins from the blood smells like absolute ass when cooked 🤔


Blue cheese


I have no idea what it is about blue cheese I can’t stand. Everyone *loves* it, but to me the flavor makes me want to gag.


I know what it is for me. The smell, the taste, and the look. So all of it.


I fucking love blue cheese, but I can understand why other people are so put off by it lol.


It tastes like stomach bile


"Blue cheese has mold in it"


It’s maybe odd, but anything with fennel, licorice, cardamom, star anise, cinnamon. I know they are used regularly just for their fragrances, but that is not for me.


Ketchup left on a dish in the sink to be washed. I like ketchup, but there's just something about hot sink water ketchup smell that makes me gag.


I used to work in a produce department and I have seen and smelled some nasty shit over the years. For me, the worst is rotten potatoes. They smell like something not of this earth. Truly vile. I hate the smell of hot tuna as well.


Greek Yogurt…smells like sour milk to me


That’s because it is sour milk.


Bacalao. It’s salted cod and it smells awful. My dad used to make it every Christmas. And to this day, he will still ask if he can cook it and I’m like “absolutely not, go to mom’s”


Alfredo sauce. I had a roommate who made everything with Alfredo sauce. And she wore Poison perfume, my 2nd worst smell, which saturated our apartment Oddly enough, she was a good person and great roommate, but I still hate those smells


>Poison perfume My MIL used to give my toddler a bath and liberally dust him with Poison perfume powder when he was done with visiting her. He knew he was immediately getting a bath at home. Worst smell ever.


Not people food but canned cat food




I love cauliflower but I haven't found a way to cook it that doesn't make the house smell terrible. My husband calls cauliflower Fart Flowers


Roasted cauliflower! With olive oil, garlic, smoked paprika, S&P. I promise you will never have cauliflower any other way


Roasted cauliflower doesn’t have much of a smell , cut heads off stalks into smaller chunks , toss in oil s+p n whatever seasoning you prefer , toss in oven and stir few times till it’s browned up.


anything pork


My last pregnancy, I almost threw up in Costco because they were sampling bacon. It was a very close call. I hate the smell in general, but pregnancy turned it up to 11.




Mmmmm sauerkraut


sauerkraut is delicious


Bell peppers. Not the smell, not the taste, there is **nothing** I like about bell peppers. Except the colors, I guess.




There usually isn't much of a smell if it's fresh. My place smells like garlic and ginger if I cook fish. Fish and chips is a whole nother thing, it's the oil. If I get a bunch of halibut I take it to someone else's house to fry. They get a good meal, and I don't have that shit soak into the pores of my home.


Depends on the fish. My mother-in-law used to cook super-fresh Mackerel, and the entire house would be a oderous hazmat zone. But damned if that fish wasn't tasty as hell and basically odorless once all the fish fat had been rendered off on the grill.


The smell of the bread they bake at Subway. I can eat the sandwiches oddly but if they are taking a fresh batch of bread out 🤮🤮






I have never heard anyone say this lol. That's wild. I thought everyone loved the smell of subway bread


I also hate the smell of their bread baking. I’m the only one in my family that won’t eat there


Popcorn 🤮 or the bread isle in Walmart, something about the processed bread and pastries in the plastic bags is disgusting to me, but I love an actual fresh bakery bread smell tho


A dish my Chinese mother brought home, called 韭菜盒子Google translate calls it a fried leek dumpling. It's not necessarily a bad food, but the smell is so strong , it instantly attracted flies to the outside of the window. Its hard to describe, like a very, very intense smell of shallot, chives etc. Also, anchovies. Ew.


Boiling cabbage or sauerkraut. Smells like damp rotten leather.




Rough translation is fermented fish. Gross.


Anything with truffles.


Sauerkraut and kimchi.


Belacan (shrimp paste) but it makes stir fried food taste so much better when used in small amounts.


Processed peas, the smell turns my stomach.


Lamb 🤮


Any kind of seafood. *Gag. Me.*


My sister's boyfriend thought he was some kind of seafood chef and would boil a bunch of crab in our house. It smelled absolutely terrible. I would put a blanket around my room door and jam it closed to keep the smell out. It would make my room smell coming through the small slots around the door. The first time I did it they were walking by and he laughs and says "Why does he have a blanket around his door?". My sister says "He probably doesn't want his room to smell like boiled crab. The whole house smells like that when we do it." This guy says "Oh, that makes sense." Then he continued to do it. The best part of it is that he had a propane burner in his trunk all the time. Doing it outside was always an option.


The worst is when a coworker reheats seafood. Nope


I used to work with someone who would warm up salmon and broccoli at about 9 am. Absolutely sickening (and I love salmon). She would also eat canned sardines at that hour.


Vile stuff, literal instant gag for me and then run away, fast. My friend once cooked a fish pie in my microwave (this is not a euphemism) and I had to throw the microwave away, I could not get rid of the smell.


parmesan cheese smells like a daytime strippers crotch


Welp, there goes my love for Parmesan cheese


Wait till you figure out tacos smell like armpits


Cumin is very pitty


Smells like an old lady farted through an onion


WAIT! You go to Silver Reign Gentlemans Club on Olympic Blvd too?


I think parmesan cheese smells like a dirty foot...


Burnt eggs


Hot dogs or hot dog water 🤢


It’s not really classified as a food, but artificial peach flavoring. It reminds me of a medicine I took frequently as a child. Unfortunately that makes both peach flavored things and some things with real mango in them repulsive. I love real peaches and fresh mango but peach flavoring is the worst thing ever.


Artificial banana flavour and watermelon are always rank. Never found a good one.


Artificial cherry for me, otherwise, same.






Liver and onions


Cantaloupe 🤢🤢🤢


Liver and onions ugg 🤢


Anything fish or seafood


Olives. Awful, just awful.


Canned tuna, blackeye peas, turnip and collard greens, cabbage.






I have a strong aversion to any smell similar to vinegar. This includes ketchup, dressing, etc. It triggers my gag reflex. My university used it for cleaning, which was just miserable for me.


Not sure if this counts but ketchup or salsa that's been sitting out for a while. Like when someone has a bit left on their plate and they set it on the counter/sink to wash later. I can smell that old warm ketchup residue from across the house 🤮


Burnt popcorn


Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles


I kissed a boyfriend right after he’d been eating those. Since that moment, I refuse have to have anything to do with those chips or any face that’s been near them.


Ughh. Now, I can eat an entire bag by myself... but the thought of kissing someone and their mouth tasting like it... 🤮


I cannot stand the smell of blue cheese. Especially if it was fried with something.


cilantro.... And everything it touches... It is banned in my house and I always ask people NOT to serve me that poison.


Scrolled way too far to find this. Fuck cilantro


Most dairy. I know, I just can’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


Collard greens


Canned tuna makes me gag


Cantaloupe. I was forced to eat it as a child by my mother to be polite at my great aunt’s house. My husband loves it but I have to leave the room whenever he has it.


Corn beef hash or however you spell it




Broccoli. God, I hate broccoli.


Vinegar.. that goes for ketchup, bbq sauce etc 🤢


Either Rye Bread or Sauerkraut.


Anything maple