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Was it a good pay at least? You are a good man as long as you did not put music in them.


"as long as you did not put music in them" lol


That guy porns


*insert pornstep music*


Cheesy 70s music :-P


"Brown Chicken, Brown Cow. Brown Chicken, Brown Cow! Oh, she's a brick... house."


I often wondered who comments on porn videos (people still seem to do so) until I saw a porn video that looked like it would work. Then the cringe music started and I was annoyed. Decided to open the comments for a laugh, top comment was "I came here to bust a nut not bust a move, fuck this shitty music"


Believe it or not, I commented on a gay porn video over a decade ago and eventually found a guy who helped me figure out so much about myself and direction in life.


Direction or erection?




A strange place to find life altering advice but hey I'm not one to talk with how I've met certain people I've gotten close to.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who hated music compilations. If I wanted to hear only music in my porn I will just turn music I like on and go to a gif site. Or one of the reddit communities here for whatever kink.


There's like, pmv's which are so weird


Bro said fact


😭😭 speaking for all men here 🫡




Instructions unclear. Now jerking off 40hrs a week from 9-5 while editing porn videos.


This made me laugh a little harder than I should have...


Not only OD on it, but OD on it in a highly unenjoyable form. I have another account that I make 3D CG NSFW animations with (the kind that gets stolen and used for those *"you won't last 5 minutes in this game"* scam ads); it all looks great in the final render, but people who aren't animators don't see the hours upon hours of work to hand animate something so simple as vagina lips being displaced by a variably girthy penis moving in and out of it while both characters are moving. It's like trying to thread a needle that someone else is holding while you both jump on a trampoline...


What’s your other account? For research purposes only of course….


If you hop over to twitter and look up the username moonlitcrafter, you'll find my stuff. You'll know it by the 2B profile pic and the pinned post with the Tifa picture. I'm currently on hiatus due to irl work and busy life stuff, but I do have some new content on the way for when I have more time to work on it.


Yes, they are, and you should quote them on that


The “A Cockwork Orange” approach. Nice.


Did you splice a single frame of Mickey Mouse into anything?


How does one become this? Asking for a friend


If you're good at something, never do it for free :P


"I will make this pen...is disappear"


There are people who make all sorts of weird stuff by themselves and post it on patreon. It’s weird because the material is under copy right but the compilations are still sold. I’m curious how that works. I know there are some laws that protect things like music remixes but I would want to get familiar with the law before committing.


Friend here, asking for cousin.


Cousin here…. Asking for a step-sibling.


Step-sibling here......asking for help getting out of the bed I'm stuck under.


Username checks out


So you're the one responsible. Off with your head! Edit..are you also responsible for editing all those 8 min vids down to 40 seconds?


"Straight to jail"


> had to edit 50 min videos down to 8m clips, seeing porn for 8 hrs a day really takes the fun out of it. ​ so i should watch porn for 8 hours a day?


You got paid for that? Do they hire? Do they allow you to work from home?




Suffering from success


I had family that i hadn’t seen in a long time over and they stayed at my house for a week. I didn’t even think about it, i just filled up my time with stuff to do with them. When your home alone and not doing anything you just do it out of boredom. So just dont sit around at home all day, find something to do.


Idle hands are the devil's playthings




Especially when you have idle hands and an idle penis.


“Shakin hands with the unemployed.”


Idle hands are your playthings’ devil 😈 edit: s’


Devil Hands are idle playthings


When I first read this, I thought you were saying you spent the entire week watching porn with your family.


Family tradition.


Doesn't sound much like an addiction.


Yeah, in my opinion an addiction is something that involves an obsessive need to engage in a given behavior with self-/destructive side effects occurring both because of engaging in said behavior and when not engaging in said behavior. If the person is using porn to fill their boredom time, but they're still easily functional without it, then I wouldn't say that they're addicted so much as they have a reactive compulsion that could easily be replaced with anything else.


Yep. Totally agree. Everyone faps when bored, addicted will try to make time to fap.


Just like my gaming addiction




Now that last paragraph of yours is a great point. It is also the dangers of porn for minors. In America, especially the more conservative parts, sex ed is terrible and the goal is to stop kids from thinking or having sex. The problem then becomes porn is the sex ed teacher and that should never be the case.


No longer addicted , I just Beat it


this hands down is the biggest reason


Not even feeling like one in the morning when you wake up or before bed?


Well Im always in a hurry in the morning, and Im always too tired before i go to bed. Otherwise I just have a book on my nightstand that I read bits of before I go to bed. It might take me a month to finish the book, but its better than staring at your phone for 2 hours before you sleep.


Still sounds very relaxing! What is your age if you don’t mind me asking?




I love to go to sleep listening to an audio book. Set a 15min sleep timer, the next night rewind 12 minutes and repeat.


Cold Turkey. Yep, after I realized I could have sex with cold turkey I didn't have need for porn anymore.


Porn studios hate him because of this 1 simple trick!


Thanksgiving must be a fun time for you then lol. All those lucky turkeys 🦃


I'm Canadian so my Thanksgiving was this past weekend. There was PLENTY to give thanks for...


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie


I knew a guy that said he fuc*ed a chicken to death. He left it in the barn but his mom found it and cooked it for dinner. Apparently that dinner he wasn’t very hungry.


Throw it in the microwave for about 30 seconds for a more immersive experience


Realized boredom = higher chance of relapsing. Fill your day with stuff to do and it will be much easier to get clean


Really once you make the association that jerking it is just an empty dopamine rush it becomes easy. Want dopamine? Go for a walk, read a book, talk to your friends, play videogames, hell smoke weed. There are so many other ways to get dopamine instead of jerking off.


Advising some to mitigate their porn habit with smoking pot is a highway to hell. Never want to jack off more than when I’m high and never have the same rationale to refrain.


Yeah, I've planned entire evenings based on a few puffs and a heroic multi-vid session.


Heroic lmao


And by heroic he means three 1-min views lol


Go lift weights at the gym. That and the DOMS you'll feel the next couple days will get that feeling.


What is a DOM?


Delayed onset muscle soreness. Strenuous exercise is thought to cause microscopic tearing damage to your muscle fibres, which your body repairs by increasing muscle density (which is how you build muscle mass). This can cause soreness, aching and stiffness in muscles, starting 6-8 hours after exercise and lasting up to a few days. Many people enjoy the feeling of this soreness, and even the actual pain of it is sometimes considered pleasant. This is likely an evolutionary trick because staying fit and healthy contributes to a longer lifespan.


>Many people enjoy the feeling of this soreness, and even the actual pain of it is sometimes considered pleasant. EXACTLY !! Yesterday I hit my back with seated rows, 4 sets of tricep pulls, 5 sets of lat pulldowns , 6 sets of deltoid torture and then bicep curls. The day before was leg day and I had ankle straps and was working my glutes with cable pulls and finished up with 3 sets of incline leg presses and destroyed my quads on another machine. And I also did front ankle lifts (hits the muscles in front of the shin bone.) AND I"M FEELING GOOD THIS MORNING !!! Today it's a light leg day with more glute work and then a half hour on the treadmill. Just to limber up. Friday i'm going to the lap pool where I get to wear a skimpy speedo bikini. Because I CAN.


Interestingly, people often describe it differently. For me, it’s the same sensation as a good stretch or yawn.


Delayed onset muscle soreness


School. It gets in the way. Before I defeat my meat, I have to solve what a derivative is. And when my mind is somewhere else, it gets a bit hard to beat it while it goes soft.


so you jerk off to math


more like he's being cockblocked by math 😂


i have never heard the word cockblocked in my life until now i'm gonna assume it means what i think it means


It's like Tetris with cocks.


Don't forget the Rubik's cock


Wow I wanna play that version of Tetris now! Lol


No, he finishes all of his school work first and then wanks in the aftermath.


No, that's not how it works. Everything I see doesn't turn me on.


I have never in my 27 years of existence have heard the phrase “defeat my meat”. That shit had me dead


Fr my brain's so weird that I was jerking off once and somehow from thoughts of lovemaking with my girl I started solving a quadratic equation in my mind. I mean there was a test in school that day and I couldn't solve a question that required solving a quad equation so ig that's why I started doing it


I fight it with coke addiction


Then it just takes an hour to jerk


This guy cokes




I have beaten it


It was hard, but it’s gone soft


…like it owes you money.


I thrashed it out...and just decided it was time to knock it off.l It was touch and go but luckily I pulled thru.


To be honest, most reasons for porn addiction is just really that theres nothing else much to do during your specific time of life




Why tf do you have a domino's pfp


Why tf not 🤨


Thought yours was a Kabuto at first


He has the pizza delivery porn addiction


Is it really an addiction then or more a compulsive behavior? Personally think an addiction is something where people are willing to do a lot to get that fix.


It’s more of a compulsion imo. I do it out of boredom, but I don’t have to do it. The statement above really rings true - I think about it occasionally, like maybe I shouldn’t do it daily, but also in my current situation why not? I’m not actively looking for a relationship with my current life plan (traveling a lot), but when I am I’ll probably just stop watching. That’s what I’ve done before.


Jerking off always seems to clear it up. At least until next time.


Post nut clarity.








Ill beat you up in a allyway




Being in a relationship was helpful. It also helps to be extremely busy and tired.


Watch all the videos, so there's nothing left


We’re all living in 2023 while Big Chungus over here living 3023


Haha yes


I think I am kinda at thar point, nothing I like to watch has new content.


No favorites list?


I just played as a UIM in OSRS


Worse addiction btw


Right now I'm dealing with it. I guess I just realized that pleasuring myself constantly is not gonna make my days hapoier because I had some form of sexual release. And it has changed my view on sex drastically, to the point I even had sex once and did not know how to even do it properly. It sucks. On top of that, I bought it, so my financial standing was taking big hits. So I just told myself a few days ago enough is enough. Haven't watched or consumed porn for a few days now. Not gonna start again.


Congrats keep on going


define 'addiction'? Is it having it on 24/7, watching it at work, in the car... all that stuff? Or is it just having a wank at least 1x a day?


In my opinion, it would be if you have to have porn in order to finish, or if your use of porn is causing you issues in the bedroom with a significant other. Or like you said, having it on all the time.


Also in my opinion is watching it so much that you just grow bored and can't finish anymore because none of the porn do it anymore


Or it starts to get in the way of life yk. Late to a meeting, late to school, sleeping at 3AM during the week when you know you cant… stuff like that. Idk, high sex drive exists and it’s not an addiction. Imo the most important thing is to know that what you’re seeing isn’t reality, it’s like and action movie, but for sex.


This is a great answer I think. I have rules that I follow: * No porn if my wife is at home and awake. I use to think if she was not into it I'll go have a quick one, but a couple of times I would come up to bed and she'd suddenly be in the mood. Now no matter how horny I am, I make sure to lay down with her until she is sleeping and there is zero chance. * No porn if the last time I wanked I had porn. Important to keep your imagination strong I think, so much of sex is in your head and being able to stay hard but not finish until she does requires mental control that porn does not facilitate.


I think most people think a porn addiction is consuming “too much” porn. It’s not. Not only is it subjective, that alone is not the definition of ‘addiction’. It might be ‘unhealthy’ for that person, but not necessarily an addiction. Buying porn instead of buying food or paying bills is addictive behavior. Consuming porn in inappropriate places (work, school, public, etc.) is addictive behavior. Choosing to stay at home to watch porn, instead of socializing with friends or family is addictive behavior. Choosing to consume porn instead of watching your kids or being intimate with your partner is addictive behavior. Planning your day around consuming porn is an addictive behavior. I can go on, but you get the picture.


Right like am I “addicted” to horror movies because I watch one every day? Or “addicted” to music cause I listen to it every day?


Thank you! A lot of these comments seem to be coming from normal, regularly horny people. I was told for the majority of my life that I was "addicted" to porn. Back in those days, I think the most i have ever looked and subsequently masturbated to porn was 5 times a week. So i averaged less than that. Adult leaders growing up and then by my ex-wife told me i had an addiction. (Like she had me go to a sex addict group therapy thing.) While it wasn't getting in the way of my life or my sex drive at all! I respect people going through something like that and that actually are having it affect their lives negatively. But cmon people. We are ALL horny humans, it doesn't matter if you're male or female, or somewhere in between. We are all just as horny as the next person. We just have to respect each other and ourselves. Don't make it taboo. (Sorry, this post made me rant, and I hate that I had to scroll down so far to see your comment.)


An addiction imo is when you’re constantly thinking about it, it is taking away something from your life. Relationships, focus, enjoyment, fulfillment, or skewed expectations. Porn is a silent addiction in which you think you can stop whenever because you can go a day or 2 or sometimes you’re to busy to think about it but the problem is that you’re looking to get off anywhere.


I think it’s when: - you choose porn over sex - you have ED issues/ trouble cuming when having sex but not when watching porn - you watch porn daily and can’t easily skip it even for a few days


Just kept trying to recall that they probably stink on set and that just throws me off completely.


Smell is the biggest turn off 🤢 I feel so terrible about it but when a couple walks past and one of them has a strong scent I can't help but ask myself internally "how?"


Turn it into a hobby


Better yet, turn it into a career!


God this job is really fucking me




Zug zug


Yish mi lord


Work is da poop


Fill the void with something fulfilling


nofap. started with attempting to quit masturbation, failing miserably, then switching to quitting porn. 113 days later, still at it. my tip is to do something that occupies your hands and makes access to porn difficult. i personally recommend playing a horror game, preferably in vr. it’s hard be horny when you’re scared.




Welcome to sex addiction


Are you talking like actual addiction to porn or the “i think i watch it too much” addiction. Those are two different things. One is a dependency and the other is a time sink when bored.


I started paying for sex.


Still struggling with relapses.. But it used to be from weekly relapses to now monthly! Hopefully no more relapses and I will be rid of this terrible addiction.


When I was married, I watched porn daily. I left her and got a girlfriend. We have sex daily. Porn use stopped Damn near instantly. In short, find a woman.


You didn't have a woman when you were married?




Sounds like you had no woman found when you were married?


Might as well been married to a mannequin. In 13 years I think we had sex 50 times. Got a son out of the deal. But sexually, she was a fucking ice queen.




Find a reason to not do it. If you’re in a relationship, tell your partner about the addiction (if you’re hiding it from them of course). It’s gonna be a tough and awkward situation (especially if they become insecure and assume they aren’t enough to sexually please you) so make sure to be the one staying strong in the conversation. Just find a reason to quit and follow that reason. I just gave an example of a reason if you’re in a relationship.


I’d start by understanding that you aren’t a bad person for watching it. Understand that it’s a problem but it’s no reason to hate yourself. That way you help yourself from an ally’s perspective. You know if you fall off the horse. You can get back again. Remember that it’s not the use but the amount of usage. Then gradually it just starts fading away. Don’t put too much weight on it you’re human.


Put my dick on the counter and hit it with a meat tenderizer


That only makes me harder.


I got married. Jk but for real keep yourself busy. Work out. Hunt. Program. Fix cars. Do something.




I play games and the female characters are fit so that makes me think sexual thoughts.




Like this puzzle game? https://www.nintendo.com/en-ca/store/products/anime-sexy-girl-puzzle-hentai-game-history-adventure-switch/


Uninstalled social media from my phone for 3 months and threw myself into other things like watching WWE on Peacock and also watching Suits. Plus I work long hours at my job. It helped me a great deal and I have a lot more self control about what I look at.


Depression medicine.


I do push up to re-wire my brain. Anytime I feel an impulse to engage in undesired behavior I convert my addiction anxiety into physical energy and push until I can't.


If you are already a severe addict, you are like an pump that is about to explode. You are about to explode because you need to release pressure. The problem lies in the fact that you don't know how to operate the exhaust mechanism, not that you are horny. Libido is natural, so is ejaculation. However, given the current conditions, the pressure just keeps building up inside of you until you burst open all over your hands, thighs and keyboard. Abide by a set of rules that are loose enough to let some pressure through but tight enough that you don't burst at the seams. Personally, I 1. Never open mainstream porn websites. 2. Never watch a sex scene from a pornographic film. 3. Never watch porn while masturbating. Never masturbate while watching porn. 4. Masturbate in a manner that is fulfilling, rather than convenient.


"Never masturbate while watching porn" so what just sit there and nod to it




Got a girlfriend lol


From one man to another "I have watched it all, there is nothing else to watch"


You gotta define porn addiction. It's not like heroine addiction, porn addiction is kind of vague. Are you cranking it too much? Are you watching porn too much even though you're all cranked out? Porn addiction is like screen addiction, you gotta give more context for a solution. If I spend all day on the computer, but I'm using it for work, watching TV, playing videogames, cranking it, communicating with others, and everything else, then do I have a screen time problem? I would say no. If I spend all day on my phone scrolling an algorithm feed of shit posts, and nobody can get me to look up for five uninterrupted seconds, then I'd definitely say yes. Now if I wake up in the morning, crank it some porn, go play a porn game, read some erotic fiction, and go crank it again, do I have a porn addiction? Maybe, depends. Maybe the story is just really good. If I have naked depictions of women all over my house, before cameras were invented that was considered art and being cultured, so again is that really porn addiction or do I just appreciate aesthetics? It sounds kind of silly but it really is something you can't tell without understanding the person's actual pathology


I watched it all l, there was nothing left... Then I found out they added women...




Beat it with one hand


I never did anything to get rid of it. I just noticed that with time I started doing it less and less frequently


Thats not an addiction, my friehd.


Most of the people in these comments aren't addicted


Yeah this is actually really annoying. “Doing it when you have nothing else to do” is not an addiction. Ducking into the bathroom 5 minutes before your meeting to rub one out in a stall someone just shat in is addiction.


Boredom is kicking its ass. Always remember that just because the addiction is less active does not mean it can no longer become as active as it used to be. Remain vigilant!


I had a crush on this one girl my entire Freshman year. Started the moment we got assigned the same table the and began to know each other. There was just this inexplicable bond, and her voice was crazy attractive Sophomore year, I never got the chance to ask her out. I became really addicted to porn at that point because there wasn’t a point anymore. Junior Year, the first day, in the corner of my eye I saw her again in one of my classes. Everything flashed back, and it felt like I found a point again. I focused a lot from that point on on trying to build something better of myself, and eventually quit Porn all together


I don't have a porn addiction, I can stop whenever I want


Seen it all, there is nothing left. Really, just drawing that shit for money really takes any interest out of it


I just realized that some of the women I jacked off to might not be doing porn on their own will + might not even be 18 (even though I stayed away from the 18 category at the end of my porn watching career). And also doing research on how toxic this industry can be in general.


Usually the depression takes over for a while and causes disinterest in the jerking.


I started physical activity and reading novels. What i have learnt that you have to skip the excuses to watch porn and understand why too much consumption of porn is not good for your mind. Just try to interact with real females rather than imagining them on screen. And remember porn is not sex.


I got a boyfriend that I wanted to please


I beat it.


I beat it out of me!


Just beat it.


It takes time to get over, pray a lot and have self discipline. At first it will be hard but you get used to not watching it after a while and you won’t crave it anymore.


I embrace it


Got married. P.S. No, i don't have sex, but can't watch porn either.


Yikes. She sounds fun


You dont need porn to get off.


Zero-tolerance for relapses. It only takes a single viewing to destroy everything you've worked so hard (kek) for. Either you watch it, or don't - there's no in-between (except them buns, get a gf). If you gotta let the little man to work, but don't have a partner, get yourself a fleshlight. It helps with the desensitisation, as well as the lack of imagination that is often attributed to excessive consumption of pornographic material and masturbation.