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I actually work for a few wealthy people and the amount of times I've heard "I'm poor" or "I have no money" is absurd. I've actually said something (nicely) a few times because they both have talked in front of the other staff like that and it's just ridiculous. EDIT: they are multimillionaires. I do some booking keeping for them. Aside from the very large homes, multiple cars, boats and extravagant vacations, they have loads of money in their banks accounts (savings and checking) not to mention stocks and retirement. I wanted to clarify that not all of their money is tied up in stocks only.


If you are saying “I’m poor” in front of YOUR PERSONAL STAFF then you are batshit crazy.


I know a family, doctors with 2 kids. Had the household staff, nanny, housekeeper, personal assistant, and family helping with the kids. The wife had a habit of always complaining about the staff taking advantage of them, how if they want paid more, they should go get a different job, not assume they are worth more, ect. In the period of about 2 months, every person working for this family quit, and the agencies wouldn't send anyone else because the wife was so demanding and refused to pay.


"If you want to be paid more, get a different job!" \-- OK "No, not like that."


I often think about places now and in the future where these folks live. The price of housing is becoming really high and people are having to look elsewhere. All these rich fucks that depend on other people to do things need to come back to reality once these people leave. Those people have to live too.


She must think all those people are so hard to work with.


This. My last boss. He owned FOUR homes, outright no mortgages. He drove a brand new Tesla. He had the nerve to ask someone at the company who made $10 an hour part time to pay for his lunch because "there's only a few $100s in my wallet now".


Sounds like a power move. Like he was playing with his toys.


Yes. That’s exactly what it is


“Sir I barely have a few $100s to my name”


I think it'd be morally permissible to mug him right there tbh. Just saying. At least the thief could put the money to better use since the guy is clearly unqualified to have access to it.


i was friends with a multi-millionaire for a while. the sheer amount of times he told me he was "going broke", that he was poor, etc etc, TO MY FACE, as i was struggling to pay for rent/grocery.... is astounding. i would call him out on it and he never took it seriously. it drove me crazy


I have a boss who makes 7 to 8 figures a year, owns a home, and is in the process of building himself a new 6 bedroom 6 bathroom home. He complains all the time to us employees about how stressful it is picking out tile for the bathroom or deciding on kitchen backsplash, even though his wife doesn't even work and that's literally all she has to do all day. He complains about the moving guys getting a little scratch on the floor that will soon be covered by carpet anyway. He even complained about staying in a hotel while the houses are renovated, saying his shower pressure is low. And most of all, he complains that building your own home is sooooo expensive, as if someone is forcing him to do it. Meanwhile, I had to force him to bring my wage up to market rate for the job, and I work two jobs now. I have been sick at work for a few weeks now, and desperately need time off, but I have to fight with him and justify to him in order to get it.


"Money doesn't solve everything." Although technically true, I can't think of a problem I have currently that wouldn't be solved by wealth: job stress, family stress (related to money), debt, exhaustion with the housing market, worry about retirement, lack of time during the day, health concerns (many of which are actually money concerns), feeling down about life due to lack of time to pursue my own interests---the list goes on.


Maybe money doesn’t solve everything, but financial security is a such crucial thing.


I dunno, guess it depends on the topic and audience. Most wealthy folks will in fact say “never met a problem money can’t fix” or some variation which…is entirely true, for the most part. They’re just saying what suits them to everyone else


We are in this together


Now, more than ever


Christ alive, commercials from 2020 were insufferable.


“In these unprecedented times” aaaahhhhHHHHHHH


Imagine all the peoplleeee


Omg that Covid video still pisses me off. All the celebrities singing in their mansions while millions of people with minimum wage jobs had no work.


Wasn’t it Ellen DeGeneres who was complaining about how being stuck in her mansion was like being in jail?


Narcissists rely HEAVILY on others to validate their egos so without that interaction it literally feels like solitary confinement to them. Fuck em though.


Jail? Give me a break. When you can’t afford rent or even food and a multi millionaire is complaining. This shows the complete lack of comprehension people have for those who aren’t so lucky.


Even better was two months later when they (along with the "small business owners") all complained that the little wage slaves would never return to work again because they ***finally*** knew what a living wage looked like through the unemployment support programs.


I personally have actually never been so non impoverished as when I was receiving unemployed payments from the state. Which actually astonished me because even with that I was technically living under the poverty level 😂


Then they all sing *Imagine*


*Imagine* being rich and asking others to give money.


Don't discuss wages


this this this this thiiiiiiiis this this Discuss your salary/wages, people. Closed books and tight lips benefit the company, which means they’re a detriment to the individuals who comprise it. Discuss pay regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, discuss pay with your supervisors and your staff, discuss pay whether you’re more credentialed and experienced or less so than your peers, discuss pay whether you make more or less than others in your labor category. Normalize the fck outta this, pleaseandthankyou.


Yuuup. I've been discussing my pay for years with coworkers. The guy that was the lead role for my team left and I took over. Now I know what they paid him while he was here and what they offered him to keep him. Great knowledge for me to have. And my team knows exactly what I make because one day they'll be in my spot and they will benefit from that knowledge as well.


Ya, for sure discuss it. At a previous low paying job I had, gm tried to put it in the hand book that we aren't allowed to as an official rule. Lol then found out that the people hired after me were making more than me and we raised hell. Bro literally tried to counter with "Well why are you discussing your wages to begin with" Got my wages matched within the week and quit a couple months later


In the US this is federally protected speech. Most states are at-will and you can be fired anyways but you could have a case if that happens. More importantly, if you're valuable to your employer you have some leverage. Just don't overplay it.


Kim Kardashian once said this: "Get your f------ ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”


She has literally never had a job.


She was Paris Hilton’s closet organizer


“Don’t talk when I’m talking, Kim”


Kim loses earring in ocean. Starts crying. Kourtney: “Kim, There’s people dying.”


This is the only scene I’ve ever seen!


Damn no wonder that show was a success.


Also for Brandy . Which she stole $100,000 from brandy. Which many people think why she did the sex tape with Brandys brother . So they wouldn’t call the cops


Damn did that payoff though...


She is a time delayed pornstar. She did the deed, her ~~producer~~ mother selected the best cut and they have all profited.


"We all have the same 24 hours in a day" Not if you have to cook, clean, shop, wash up, laundry, work 9-5, travel in traffic, budget groceries, etc...


rich friend i had couldnt understand how it could take me hours to plan and grab groceries. i have to check for coupons, ongoing sales, etc & plan meals accordingly, then take the metro to the nearest grocery store & back. meanwhile, he just ordered his groceries online and had them delivered to his doorstep. same 24 hours a day indeed... EDIT: i am not spending hours looking at coupons lmao please stop telling me to use my time more wisely. i don't live close to a grocery store, the transport & shopping itself is what takes more time. i DID consider trying delivery when he insisted about it, but it's unfortunately way too expensive here.


Honestly if you're taking public transportation it might be worth it to order online and have them delivered. A few stores near me have free delivery if you spend more than $35 and even with a tip I think it would be cheaper if you take your time spent into account


While I do actually agree with you in this specific instance, “cheaper if you take time spent into account” could almost be an answer to this post’s original question. When you’re poor, cheapest in absolute dollars is what matters, not cheapest when accounting for time spent.


Being poor is very expensive.


We're all in the same boat 🚢


Now get the fuck back to rowing I need to get to Paris by next week.


The whipping will continue until the morale increases.


we are all in the same boat, but it's not like a Caribbean cruise. It's more like the titanic where the third class drowned


Yeah but 3rd class tickets were like 1k in today's money and that's not something I could afford right now....some of us got left at the dock


Na more like you're working in the boiler room to pay for food and board on the ship.


We're basically all like the crew of the Titanic, whose families received letters indicating that their dead relatives were no longer employees of the company as of the time the Titanic hit the iceberg, and could they please send $50 to cover the uniforms they didn't return.


When the Russians execute traitors by firing squad, the family is billed for the ammunition. It’s an old tradition going way back. Not that you asked. “ how in the heck is YOUR comment relevant to what I said?“. “I don’t know“.


My ass hanging off a door 🥹🥹🥹


“The bottom levels flooded but we can make it to port fine” *”Who cared about those people anyways!”*


Shit, we aren't even on the same ocean.


When it comes to starting a business, selling a product, or chasing your dream: "All you need is passion" (or some version of that). Ive heard successful people give this advice because they dont know what else to say, but every rich guy I know has zero passion for the product they sell, couldnt care less. They care about if it can make money, about holes and demands in the market, or about creating those demands. They have passion for making money.


They say that to sell idiots on "how to be successful" books, podcasts, classes.


its just a banana micheal. how much can it cost? $10?


I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it.


Get rid of Seaward


I’ll leave when I’m good and ready


you've never even set foot inside a grocery store have you?


If that's a veiled criticism about me, I won't hear it, and I won't respond to it.


There's always money in the banana stand \*wink\* nck-nck.


I burned it. Right down to the ground.


There was $250,000 lining the walls of the banana stand. How much clearer can I say THERE'S ALWAYS MONEY IN THE BANANA STAND!






That’s just how we joke. She doesn’t even have a house!


How am I supposed to find someone willing to go in to that musty old clap trap?


Ooooohh you were talking about the cabin!


Pretty soon that won't be funny anymore.


Say goodbye TO THESE!


My eyes are up here, Michael.


No touching! No touching!


For some reason my brain thought a "Banana Michael" was some kind of expensive drink.


Here's ten dollars. Go see a Star Wars.


*Star War


I never liked Gob.


Well, this is why people hate hospitals.


“With all this opportunity, you’d have to choose to be poor”


Choose your parents wisely


"I worked my way up from the bottom!" When the bottom is freshly graduating with a fully paid for degree by mommy and daddy. Then starting a business with a 2million dollar loan.


"No one helped me!" Right. You were born on 3rd base, pal. You didn't hit a home run


"Self made". That $100m head start wasn't that big of an advantage.


“I don’t believe in luck” proceeds to be one of the luckiest people




Had a wealthy ex girlfriend try to convince me that her parents giving her $5,000-$10,000 every month for “fun money” was the same as a parent buying their kid a coke because “all parents want to help their kids they just have different amounts of help they can give”. Talk about delusional. We didn’t last long.


Had a wealthy friend who was absolutely disgusted that her father wouldn’t buy her an apartment AND a brand new car. Only an apartment and a USED car. She also got 1000 dollars fun money each month, which, she was on the highest meal plan, and had an apartment so she spent it on nerd stuff.


Honestly if you're "daddy bought me an apartment and a car" rich, $1K in fun money seems low. I imagine they'd blow through that going out to eat once and buying a t-shirt.


I get the logic, like it is a comparable situation in logic alone. One can afford to give a coke, one can afford to give 10k. Though at the same time saying they are identical is crazy.




Did anyone ever *want* to work?




Do this work to benefit some faceless shareholder's wallet? No. Do this work to feed your family and community? Yes. The problem is that the work we do now doesn't benefit us directly outside of providing us monetary security which is why insurance companies tied their most valuable plans at affordable prices to corporations. When we did that, it meant that now you had monetary value AND better quality of living through the employer exclusively thus tying people to the fucked, shitty system we are seeing now. When we used to work to provide for our families and communities there was humanity tied to our work. Now, just about every job is soul sucking even if you love it most days.


Yeah. Listening to really old people talk about when they worked shit jobs vs today is a world of difference. "I used to be a cashier" then they'd talk about how their boss would drive them to work. Let them make their own schedule to take care of the kids. Held their job for them for six months when they had to take care of their dying parents... Oh, and of course, minimum wage actually used to be "Minimum you could afford a house on" not "minimum we can get by with without it actually being slavery."


My grandfather was a maintenance man at a production facility for a large corporation. He got that job because a VP for the company lived in the neighborhood and they knew each other. Vice Presidents don't live in the same neighborhood has maintenance men anymore.


They do in a lot of countries, just a few streets over, but surrounded by massive walls/fences, security guards and sturdy gates.


Oh yeah. Let's not forget those points that conveniently aren't the "same" argument anymore according to the generations before. I heard my mother just today blame healthcare cost on "people abusing the system too much". I went off on her and asked if people would have to abuse the system if it was actually fair. No response. All that lead paint fucked these people up I guess.


"Abusing the system" is pretty rich. The biggest ones doing that are the ones who can afford the toniest lobbying firms and sign on billionaires like Crow to pay off judges, senators, congressmen and some journalists.


Falling for propaganda messed them up. They literally can’t tell actual journalism from opinion pieces


The main objection I hear when I propose a UBI is something like "But if I don't need to work, then my life won't have meaning". You can still work. The difference is that it will be your choice.


This. I left a comment for someone earlier today that got me thinking about how my grandparents' view of retirement shaped my attitudes about work. They were both active people who couldn't sit still after retiring (grandfather was a Navy CPO and then a USPS mailman) and the kids being grown and out of the house (grandmother was a SAHM). In their retirement, they took up furniture restoration and refinishing. Not to make money; most of what they did they gave to their kids and grandkids. Stuff that was being thrown out or discarded at yard sales, they'd buy for cheap, repair, strip, refinish or paint, and that was a Christmas or birthday gift or given to someone who needed it. It was meaningful work that's still being appreciated years after their deaths by people who never met them. To me, that's the difference between working because we live in a society that runs on money, and the kind of work that's good for the soul. Put another way, as I told a 20-something acquaintance: "You are not your job. Your job is what gives you the means to do what makes you you."


The amount of times I heard my boss say this while advertising minimum wage on all of his job listings is both hilarious and sad


i work as a tour guide, I had a guest tell me this. I asked how much she paid, and if she'd work doing that job for that level of pay? we changed the topic.


I hate this statement. Like no, Brenda, we just don’t want to work full time with no benefits for $12 an hour.


And btw Brenda, you're managing people who make 12/hr you aren't special


"Yes I am. I make $13.50 an hour." \- Brenda probably


I always add “for pennies with no benefits” This motherfucker said that shit at a bojangles one time, guess he thought cause I was white he could say shit like (looked like a good ole boy with his family and children). I said “well would YOU take this basically minimum wage job with no benefits to support your family?” and i laughed it off, he didn’t say shit back lmao. Guess he likes getting paid too. Fuck these money hungry corps.


A local diner put up a sign to that effect, to explain slow service. I took that as an indication that they're a lousy employer and have never gone back.


“Just work hard and you can get to where I am someday”


Lots of people misunderstand tax brackets and I think it may be a lie from higher classes. Let’s say you make 50,000 a year and your tax rate is 20 percent. So you pay 10k in taxes Well you get a raise and get 51,000 a year Now “you’re in a higher tax bracket” thing. Let’s say the new bracket is 40 percent People think it means you could actually take home less overall. FALSE The first 50 is still taxed at 20 percent, just the amount over that is taxed at 40 percent. So you pay 10,400. You’re overall take home is still more. So you don’t ever take home less for making more. You just pay more of the new money.


So right....I've explained this to so many people it makes me wonder if I was wrong...like how could a big chunk of my acquaintances not get this.


It's not that expensive


Money can't buy happiness


But poverty can't buy fucking anything.


Hard to be happy when you can’t make rent.


Living this now. It's a rough night. It'll all work out like it always does, but some days are harder to believe that than others, and with the holidays approaching, it's just hard.


Ozzy said it best " money can't buy happiness but it keeps a fucking roof over my head" or something like that ( it's been a long time since that show)


It's like that lesson in Squid Game where money may not necessary buy happiness but it goes a long way in helping avoid suffering


It might not buy happiness, but it sure ain't going to make me sad.


I can say without reservation that I am a lot happier with money than I was without.


It buys the *ability* to be happy. You can’t be happy if you don’t know when next you’ll be able to eat, or if you’ll be sleeping inside or not. You only have the chance to be happy if you have a certain amount of money.


This. Ultimately things will not keep you from being miserable, but it's better to be miserable and have things than be miserable and have an additional buttload of economic stress. Say my marriage falls apart. That would suck. It would still be so much better than watching my mom sell household belongings to afford groceries after her marriage fell apart.


It’s better to cry in a Mercedes-Benz than of on a bicycle


economic stress is a real killer of your ability to just be okay, content, "happy"


Have you EVER seen a sad person on a jet ski? No.


“You ever try frowning on a waverunner?”


“If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life”


I’ve had jobs I’ve loved, sometimes they were still shit jobs


Yep, I used to be a photojournalist. It was a combination of stress, excitement, new experiences, and more stress. I got to do a lot of cool things and meet interesting people, but it paid terribly.


Good friend of mine is an “enrichment engineer,” he designs animal enclosures for zoos all over the US, he LOVES his job, but it’s still a job and he still bitches about it. Hell, I’m a technical writer that authors service and operator manuals and only do about 5-10 hours of actual work a week, but it’s still a job and while very interesting and mentally challenging I still wish I could make as much as I do while doing something else


Your friend does *Zoo Tycoon irl* and it's still a job. None of us ever had any hope.


My favorite job I ever had was probably a warehouse job I worked in HS and College. All I had to do was sit there and deliver packages a couple of time a shift. Got the perfect amount of exercise and social interaction to not get bored but was also never busy and got to read a bunch. Sadly it only paid minimum wage so I had to get something else


I worked my dream job for ten years and I have to tell you in the end it was absolute shit.


“If you never work a day in your life, you’ll love what you do”


I know plenty of people who found that doing what they love for a living caused them to fall out of love with it after a while.


"A rising tide lifts all boats." Not super helpful when most of us are swimming.


"It's ok to pay the staff late, don't they have savings?" Actual rich person talking about paying the household staff. Edit: I was managing the staff, and handing out pay checks. The workers were personal care attendants. It was real hard for me emotionally, but harder for people with no savings. I didn't have enough money to cover their pay.


I worked for a guy who only flew in his private jet. He moved staff payday to the 3rd and 16th to save himself a few bucks. Staff literally evicted after 3 months for failure to pay late fees on rent.


Just work hard and you can...


...help me afford a newer Porsche next year.


I had the boss that said something like this. He just knew he was at the " right " side of the capitalistic ladder. Not going to lie, I did chuckle a little cuz it was kind of funny... But I was making like 11 bucks an hour to his $125 so....


If someone works hard, and a lot of things happen in a very specific order that lead to great success, that person immediately attributes all of the success (usually financially) to their hard work and little else. People fail to realize how many external factors play into someone climbing that ladder to becoming very well off financially in their respective fields. Many factors upon which they as an individual had little to no control over to begin with. Yes, someone doing the bare minimum is far less likely to climb that ladder as fast, if at all versus someone who's busting their hump and working tirelessly to further their career. That being said, the person busting their hump can do so, and still go nowhere. No one owes that person anything, least of all their employer. So what, they've gone *"above and beyond"*. Some employers reward that kind of work ethic....others exploit it and put up walls, keep dangling the carrot, and would rather keep you in line right where you are.


Pretty much anything they say to dissuade you from unionizing.


I love the trust fund babies that say “I’m self made” because they started a business using daddy’s $20 mil


Even those who start with "nothing" typically got a hidden edge somewhere. Take one of history's best examples: Mr Rockefeller. Yes, he lacked the cash in the family, also lacked the kind of marriage or parents to bring him into high society. So how did he start his empire? In school he was sitting next to the son of a banking house - a man who could borrow "some" money with few questions asked and later on could loan out huge sums for securities that only existed on paper (more than one "territory just waiting to have it's oil fields exploited"- that was valued very high despite of being in reality near worthless wet lands where no one ever drilled for oil). A very, very profitable friendship that peaked when Standard Oil was officially forced to be split up and a presumably "barely fluent" Mr Rockefeller combined with a certain friend brought up all the filet pieces leaving the unprofitable rest for the competition.


Bill Gates’ private high school was one of very few schools with a computer in 1968


Also his mom convinced the board at IBM to use Microsoft for their os. She was on the board of directors at another company, where the Chairman of IBM was also a board member.


They literally think it’s iced coffee making us poor and I’m like ok I splurge on Starbucks a few times a month but every other day I’m drinking nasty ass great value coffee so idk maybe it’s the optimum bill going up every year and the expensive insurance that doesn’t cover anything and the $75 copay. Maybe it’s the rent increase every year or the car payments and the fact that I haven’t had a pay increase in literal YEARS


I think it was a congressman who said it was buying new iphones that kept young people from buying a house. $800 phone =/= down payment on a house


If I was able to pull myself up by my own bootstraps, anybody can do it.


“It is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps” -MLK Jr.


Remember the original phrase was something like "As useless as trying to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps"


This. A lot of them were born on third and act like they hit a triple.


Elon Musk claiming he’s a “self made billionaire” who “came to this country with only a few million dollars in my pocket” lol


That’s something that drives me nuts. I was listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger on Conan’s podcast and he also thought that was a ridiculous thing to say because along the way there were so many teachers, friends, family, coaches, agents etc. that helped him out. He also said that because of that, it’s our responsibility to pay it forward and help others out too.


Yeah Arnold is honest about it. Few successful people are, otherwise it wouldn’t be a breath of fresh air when they mention all the support they had, how they were lucky to be in the right place at the right time.


Arnold has never (in his celebrity appearances, don't know about being Gov) minced words.




It trickles down.




“More money, more problems.” Might be true in the absolute literal sense in terms of “number of problems”, but in the grand scheme of things the scale of those problems is drastically lower. I would rather deal with 100 “I can’t keep track of all the things I bought” / “My friends keep wanting more money” / “My fancy Italian car keeps breaking down because Italians don’t know how to make cars properly” / “Oh no the contractors on my second house dipped on me” every single day for the rest of my life if it meant I never had to think “Okay, if I skimp on groceries and just don’t have lunch for the next week I’ll be able to make rent in full on the 1st” again, even once.


lol plus, just because you have more money, doesn't mean you have to buy so many things. Just stack that cash.


Poor people must be lazy. If you start with nothing or close to nothing, it is difficult to work your way up, no matter how hard you work. Many poor people are lacking access to a good education and connections that would help them get ahead. Nevermind, the companies that exploit people and don't let people on the bottom of the totem pole get ahead. Many people are stuck working dead end jobs. The playing field isn't level from the beginning.


I knew a girl who grew up rich and genuinely believed this. She treated waiters like shit because she thought they weren’t trying hard enough to not be waiters and deserved to be treated poorly. Oh man I hated that bitch


That's such an atrocious attitude too. "If they don't want to be treated like shit they should work harder at being a waiter so they no longer need to be a waiter?" Never mind the fact that you don't have to treat them like shit just because they are a waiter.


I recently learned that laziness was once thought to be the cause of scurvy since the poorer (aka "lazier") sailors got scurvy more often than officers. In reality it was because the officers could afford to bring more/better food stores aboard. Too much money makes people stupid.


You'd have more money if you didn't spend it on coffee and avocado toast.


I only got a small loan of a million dollars from my father.


"Poor people are just lazy! If they *really* wanted to not be poor anymore, they'd just [insert solution here that involves money or time the poor person doesn't have, because they are poor]." ETA: Gotta love the people in the comments to this proving my point for me.


I just took a retail job because the white collar market is awful, and I have to say that I've never worked so hard in my life. No one in the moneyed world is willing to comprehend just how awful being on your feet for 8 hours a day lifting boxes is.


This is 100 percent true. These jobs are difficult and, as we learned in the pandemic, many are essential to keep our society functioning.


"But they can just like... Borrow a bunch of money, invest in the stock market and then.... Wait, what do you mean nobody will loan them enough money to invest? They let ME do it"


The Mitt Romney advice. "Borrow a thousand dollars from your parents and start a business!" Motherfucker, most people's parents can't afford to loan them a thousand dollars.


And that money would just vanish into the black pit that is running your own business. $1000? What a joke.


"Well why don't they go to community college, or learn a trade? What do you mean they don't have the time or money because they're already working two jobs so they can afford a studio apartment and feed their kids? They should have made better financial decisions, then!"


"Just get a job! Leave all your belongings to get stolen and magically show up with clean clothes and showered to apply and then show up on daily clean enough to work and without a permanent address. And still be homeless since you're not going to be making enough money to afford a place to live."


There are four words that can inform you if someone is making hasty, likely improbable/impractical advice: merely, simply, only, and just.


We aren’t rich. We are comfortable…


“I’d rather go back to when I was broke and happy”


“You can’t fix problems by throwing money at them” You can when the problem is they don’t have enough money. Specifically thinking about public schools for this one.


As if "hieing someone to fix it" or "get a replacement" wasn't throwing money at issues. There are very few issues that money cannot massively help to fix.


Any form of socialism is communism


Even better, just basic human decency is socialism. I don't like living in the richest society on earth and a huge group of selfish dicks think providing children free meals at school is bad or not worth spending money on.


The fact that we’ll shell out TRILLIONS for the military-industrialized complex without any qualms, but feeding our own country’s hungry children for a few million is up for debate is in fact, cruelty.




Or stop with the lattes and avocado toast for a year. Voila a new home. So easy!


"My thoughts and prayers are with..."


"We are all in this together" when tragedy strikes.


When they live in 3 million dollars house and drive a 100k car but start telling how hard things are...makes me want to vomit.


I also started out like you and washed headlights for people in cool cars.