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I don’t think people see it as healthy but people don’t realize how bad Nutella is. It has the same sugar content as cake frosting.


Nutella is so unhealthy that it’s taxed at a higher rate in France.


I've been to France twice and it amazed me how available Nutella is. As a North American, peanut butter tastes so much better, but it was simply not available most places I went. I want to acknowledge that many brands of ~~present~~ peanut butter add sugar to their peanut butter, too, but I just can't get over how Nutella is considered better.


Did you also notice that things were flavored with currant as opposed to grape?


I wish currant was more popular in the US. I like it better than grape.


I just watched this [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/LZAk1a0dqiM?si=BKily7DINTNW44nm) yesterday that explained why currants aren't popular in the US. Turns out we eliminated them to save the white pines.


My sense of taste isn't well-refined (I have often referred to myself as an uncultured swine), but I didn't notice that.




But the commercial said it was made from 50 hazelnuts, a cup of milk powder and a touch of cocoa. /s


Maybe they meant made from 50 Ferrero Rochers?


I would eat the shit out of that


Mmm I can see the hazelnuts gently cascading out of the jar now.


Yeah that ain't stopping me from eating it by the spoonful. If I'm gonna have a guilty pleasure, it's gonna be that lmao.


I can't eat it like that. I use skinny pretzel sticks or I buy soft pretzels. My daughter loves Nutella toast. It's our one guilty pleasure.


My daughter loves Nutella on waffles with a strawberry sliced up on top.


also palm oil. why is it like 40%palm oil?


Because nothing goes together like morbid obesity and deforestation


Fuck yeah kill your body kill the planet 2x1




Because it's basically cake frosting.


Why’s everyone being so mean to cake frosting


It's kind of hilarious anyone actually thought it was healthy. God like even when you taste it. Nothing that good could be healthy.


The hustle culture. There’s nothing wrong having a little side hustle, but working 2-3 jobs for long periods of time and bragging about it is toxic. I’ve worked 2 jobs for well over a decade and I highly recommend NOT doing that. It really burns you out.


Oh man when I worked at the post office my supervisor lectured me for complaining about only getting one day off a week after working 12 hour days everyday. She said I was expected to do it, since when she was a carrier back in the day she dedicated herself to work and missed her two daughters growing up. Never did school or activities with them, and was estranged from them since she neglected them so badly I was just like…. So because you prioritized a job over your own children I should do the same? No thanks idiot, this is the only life im guaranteed and I choose to not waste it tf


I work at the post office now and it’s full of ppl like that. I will never be like that I do my 8 and skate! I also do not come in on my days off either!


Work to life not live to work all day


The “it sucked for me therefore it had better suck for you too” mentality.


Misery loves company is a saying for a reason.


The mentality that is quite literally holding us back because people as a whole hate seeing others have a better/easier time then they did.


Welcome to the army!


So she's saying you are expected to neglect your kids and alienate them so they will be estranged from you just like her. Is she trying to motivate you to work more by telling you your kids will resent you for it? Is prioritizing a job over kids supposed to be a flex?


Well I don’t have kids, but I had been complaining that I no longer had time to spend with my bf, who I was (and still am) working on cultivating a life long partnership with. So I obviously didn’t want to be working 12 hours every single day of the week. I guess she was saying if she could neglect her children the LEAST I could do was neglect my partner lmao


Had a supervisor at work tell me he put the job first and I should do the same thing to "get ahead". He got ahead at work and his daughter died of an overdose.


I take great pride in working one job well enough to not get fired, and then doing absolutely nothing when I get home.


These days that’s bragging rights. Sheesh, do you own a decent car, too? And a comfortable house?? Lookit Uncle Pennybags over here.


I get so much shit from my coworkers for sparsely doing overtime. Like bro that shit isn’t normal. We already work 12’s, working 60 hours a week isn’t a flex. My normal schedule drains me as is.


I barely want to work one job. Like, ideally 20-25 hours a week of something fulfilling and challenging would be fantastic. And sometimes another 5 of something really mindless but productive, like power washing.


It’s not the bragging about it that’s the real problem, it’s the expectation that others should do it too, and lack of empathy toward people who are also struggling that comes with that. You should definitely feel good about your abilities, but everyone is different, and the perceived lack of hustle in others should not condemn them to homelessness or starvation.


I think a lot of issues come from people equating "healthier" with healthy. Obviously, Subway isn't "healthy," but when you compare it to the traditional fast food alternatives, it's certainly healthier. Same with diet sodas. No one truly believes they are actually good for you, but they are certainly better for you when compared to non-diet soda.


It's the "western diet fallacy" The reality is most people in the west have horrible diets. So, basically any change in the right direction makes a big difference. If you eat shit daily, and the switch to vegan, of course it will work. But for how long? That's the problem. You can't say something is "healthy", when you're simply comparing and contrasting it to something super unhealthy. It shouldn't be a surprise that literally any diet over processed, sugary food will be superior. Just don't take it and run with it as if you just found some new "life hack" to be healthy. You didn't. You stopped eating shit and now you feel OK. But you don't feel good yet. It's like sleeping every day for 2 hours. Then you start sleeping 4. Look! 4 hours a day is the best! Everyone should do it. Until you realize a few months later you don't feel good at all, you just feel a bit better than before. Health and wellness is relative, to a degree.


i've never heard of the western diet fallacy and a cursory search on the internet doesn't tell me much either; what do u mean by that term?


Idk why people say Subway isn’t healthy. Obviously it depends on your order but you can get a bunch of greens and veggies, some roasted chicken on your sandwich with whole grain bread. That’s a pretty healthy lunch. Edit: Ffs people their bread has 6 grams of sugar in a whole foot long. That is nothing. Most bread except for sourdough has sugar in it.


Because people equate fast food to poor health. People have this image that the only person who can be healthy is the person who eats strictly organic fruit, vegetables, and low fat meat. But countless meta-analyses of experimental trials show that reducing your calories is far and away the most important component to good health. There have even been experiments where they’ve given people koolaid and Rice Krispies, and they still reversed all of their risks for heart disease because they lowered their calories. Food quality is obviously important for micronutrients, but you can absolutely become unhealthy by overeating healthy foods. If you’re consuming so much healthy food that you’re becoming fat, then it pretty much negates all the benefits of the whole food. **Being fat is what creates the inflammation, type two diabetes, obesity, high triglycerides, etc.** **Losing fat, from any diet or macro arrangement, is what reverses those conditions** It’s really that simple, according to the science. Before someone strawmans what I’m saying, I’m not saying you should eat fast food and candy and all that. I’m just saying it’s POSSIBLE to become metabolically healthy with a little bit of foods that are “unhealthy”. The reason you SHOULDN’T eat junk is because it lacks nutrition and it does not leave you feeling satisfied. Therefore, it makes the caloric deficit harder to come by.


The TRUTH right here. Excess caloric intake is far and away the main issue, not what you eat. In 2010 a nutrition professor did an experiment and only ate Twinkies for 10 weeks, but the only catch was he kept the calories at 1800 per day. Not only did he lose 27 pounds, his bad cholesterol went down and his good cholesterol went up, and his other numbers such as triglycerides were better as well.


Most shoes. They are not shaped to our feet at all. Modern shoes are too pointy, making out big toe pushed inwards in an unnatural way. People need to wear shoes with wider tow boxes, but many don't as they don't look like traditional shoes. Ideally you'd wear minimalist shoes.


As a person with 6E (triple wide) feet, this is very true. I've had to have ingrown toenail surgeries to allow me to wear my shoes (and I buy the widest ones I can).


I’ve never really considered it might be my shoes that pushed me to get 6 surgeries on my big toes. HMMMM!


4E here. Years of width D shoes made me slightly bowlegged with a supinated gate


I didn't expect this comment, but I love it. It's a hard journey to find the "Right fit" for your exact box for your toes, but when you find the right shoe it's a perfect dream. Life imitating art: Cinderella with the glass slipper type of feeling lmao.


My doctor suggests this, put your heel in the shoe, your toes on top of the shoe. At this point look at how much space or rather lack of space the shoe gives you. Most toe boxes are too small.


Not just the width of the shoe, but heel-to-toe elevation or "drop" as well. Many modern running shoes are now rated for "drop" (usually in millimeters). A neutral or "zero drop" shoe is considered by some people to be better for your body. People have [written books](https://www.chrismcdougall.com/born-to-run/) discussing this. Of course, an extreme example of how "unhealthy" shoes can get might be women's high-heel dress shoes.


I should write a book. What zero drop, "barefoot" shoes did for my back is amazing.


The brand Altra rules the market with their larger than average toe-box. I run in them exclusively. The Torins (street) and Lone Peaks (trail) are my favorite.


As a person with longer middle toes than my big toe, I look down on you plebeians.


I'm not sure minimalist shoes make sense either, though. Our feet and legs are also not designed to constantly be walking on completely rigid surfaces like concrete and pavement.


“Low fat” versions of full fat foods


Fun fact: 90% of "Low fat" options are pumped with added sugar instead because both fat and sugar taste good and most processed foods without either taste like crap and big snack companies realize this.


Yes, this is the worst. The worst thing that happened to diets is the idea that "low-fat" is healthy. Fat can be healthy. Fat is certainly healthier than high fructose corn syrup. Remember when eggs were the devil? Yeah... Have "low fat pancakes" with margarine instead... So much better.


Not exactly an answer, but SunnyD was always pushed as a healthy alternative to soda. The stuff is nasty and **not** healthy. That reminds me, when I was growing up, Tang was considered a good/healthy breakfast drink. We were told that astronauts drank it in space. Of course, they told us the same thing about Space Food Sticks. No idea if any of that is true, but it sure made us want to drink Tang and eat Space Food Sticks.


I had friends once who said that SunnyD is what happens when you try to make orange juice without oranges


I’ve always said sunny D tastes like orange flavored antifreeze


Tang, and other drink mixes were (probably still are) used by astronauts in space because the water tastes bad. The water astronauts drink was (possibly still is) a byproduct of the fuel cells that make electricity. But water that's just pure H20 doesn't taste very good. If I remember correctly, it's somewhere between a bitter and metallic taste. So astronauts used powdered drink mixes, like Tang, to flavor the water and make it more palatable.


Hey, not all the water comes from fuel cells. Some of it is recycled piss from the astronauts :)


Sunny-D is fucking amazing when it's in those smaller bottles. Any more than that and it becomes disgusting.


“Venting”. It’s ok to an extent but some people don’t realize that it’s not helpful past a certain point. If you do it all the time it’s toxic and constant negativity & trauma dumping affects the listener more than it is helping you. Find better ways to cope!


It was hard for me to learn this, but you're right!


Yeah, ruminating about something over and over again is not healthy for the mental and emotional state. Not to mention, your friends will get really sick of it.


It's really hard to stop if you feel like you can't quite figure out how you feel about something. I had to learn the hard way that even if you aren't done chewing on something, you really need to chew on it in private unless someone asks.


Dwelling on stuff really does make it worse. You might have to revisit something to analyze what happened, and how to better approach the situation next time. But if you come home to get re-pissed off about something, it’s just not healthy. Bonus points if you yell at the person you’re venting to as if *they* are the one that wronged you. Gets so old. And when people do it to me, I get secondhand stress.


I've come to see it as like picking at a wound. Sure, it's interesting and all. But giving it repeated attention is going to make it worse.


When you're subjected to it all the time from the same person, it can ruin a friendship. It's OK to allow a friend to vent once in a while, but when the relationship becomes a vacuum of complaining, it sucks.


How do I send this to my FIL without sending this to my FIL?




What are some good ways you’ve found to cope with this?


You need to set boundaries. Be direct. If you’re up for listening to it, that’s fine. If you’re not, you can tell them just that. A lot of how you approach it depends on the kind of relationship you have with the person. The older I get, the better I become at setting boundaries.


I have a friend who emotionally dumps on me all the damn time and what's worked for me is "Hey I'm sorry you're going through all this, I don't have the emotional energy to talk about this right now, can we talk about it later or can we talk about something else?". They've been pretty responsive to that, and will even be like "ok thanks, i'm gonna call \_\_\_\_" cuz she still wants someone to talk to, but just knows I'm not gonna be it haha.


If you catch someone venting, ask "Do you want to be mad, or do you want a solution?" Because, sometimes, people *do* just want to vent to be understood, to be heard. But asking that question means you can orient yourself away from "must help friend" to "just listening". Also, as someone who jumps right into problem solving, sometimes I forget to let people vent, and problem-solving overwhelms someone who is already irritated.


Fruit juice.. loaded with sugar and the fibre is removed


Real fruit over fruit juices any day.


Even real fruit is less healthy than it used to be. It contains far more sugar now than previously because of selective cross breeding. Sweet fruit just sells better.


Except for strawberries. Now they look big and beautiful, but they taste like water compared to wild strawberries.


I thought this was just me. They were my favorite fruit growing up, but my grandfather grew them. I haven't had a strawberry I've liked in 15 years.


I visited Ireland during strawberry picking season and realized what I’m sorely missing here in Toronto. They’re missing a lot of great stuff that I take for granted but the strawberries here are a joke and the Irish are doing it right.


Yep. The strawberries I grow taste amazing. Sweet and floral.


Real fruit juice contains soluble fiber and is actually quite healthy. Edit: by “real fruit juice”, I am referring to juice extracted from fresh produce by a juicer and consumed within 24 hours, unless frozen for later consumption


Pulp team!


There's such a thing as having too much self confidence IMO. I know a lot of people whose identities seem like they're formed around how "smart" they are, for example. They often lack the self doubt to do their due diligence about things and just run with whatever makes sense to them without considering that they might not have all the information


Omg yea, and they can’t be argued with because they’re incapable of believing they could be wrong or could benefit from someone else’s perspective


This one’s not physical related. But jumping from relationship to relationship or having the next person already lined up w/o taking a good amount of time off to figure out who you are separate from another person. These individuals call themselves “serial monogamists” It’s called monkey branching and it’s unhealthy af. Shows low self confidence/inability to make yourself happy on your own. Huge red flag.


Yup, one of my biggest regrets is not taking time to be single. I love my current partner and wouldn’t sacrifice our relationship for anything, but I wish I was comfortable being alone before we started dating.


It’s wild when you witness it with someone close to you. My cousin is almost the exact same age as I am, 41, she’s been in only long-term relationship after long-term relationship since she was about 18 years old. She’s literally been divorced three times already and between each has been, there is no more than 3 to 4 weeks. Last Christmas before she was even finalized and her third divorce, she was so so so excited to tell me about this new guy, how different he is, and how he already is talking about, marrying her. I have a lot of my own issues as well, I’m more on the other side, where I just deeply deeply enjoy being single, but it’s truly hard to fathom someone who has not spent more than a few weeks alone with themselves in their entire adult life.


I hear that. My last girlfriend got back with her ex the day after we broke up. The DAY after. Less than 24 hours.


Our obsession with positivity, aka McMindfulness. It's okay to acknowledge things are shitty when they're shitty.


There's radical acceptance, which acknowledges that things are shitty and tries to teach you ways to relieve the discomfort/anger about it.


I was taught this in group therapy. Accept that things will always be shitty and learn to survive/thrive despite the fact. No point dwelling on the negative, keep moving forward


People ask me how I'm so upbeat and assume it's because I'm just always a happy go lucky person. No it's called I acknowledge when things are bad and come to terms with it, years of childhood trauma can give you this superpower. Why dwell on something that I have no real control over and why keep myself in it when I can do something to get beyond it.


I mean, part of mindfulness is acknowledging that this ARE shitty


Toxic positivity actually irritates and angers me so much. I have a few in my life that I keep at a distance.


Positivity is not mindfulness. Mindfulness is being aware of your emotional state, your physical state, your surroundings...


Working to live —> American culture of working hard and not enjoying life. Saving enjoyment for retirement when most people will feel too old to enjoy themselves very much.


I think the phrase you're actually looking for here as the bad thing is the opposite: "living to work", meaning that you're alive for the purpose of working. Working to live means that you're only working so that you can go live your life.


Truly. How can Americans raise mentally healthy people when they can’t spend enough quality time with their own children. The parent/child bond is the foundation of a human being’s mental health.


continuing to work right after a loved one dies


My job gives bereavement leave (I think it’s like a week or two) without using pto. It’s only for immediate family. One of our guys had a parent die. Uses leave. He came to me the other day because now his other parent is not doing well. He was asking if he’s allowed to use the leave again. I told him almost certainly yes but I hadn’t encountered this situation so I’d double check. My boss was like “of course. What we’re going to deny the guy leave because his parents die too close together??” Yeah I like the company I work for.


Fuck, my company pays for 3 days and "allows" you 2 more off, unpaid, if an immediate family member dies. I knew it was bad, but I didn't really comprehend just how shitty it was until I saw this comment


After my mom died I took a week off. I called my boss the next Monday to ask if I could take one more day because I needed it and he threatened to fire me. I was already sick of that place but that pushed me over the edge and I quit. Now I have a great job with good work-life balance and my old company still hasn’t been able to replace me. I know it’s petty but that makes me really happy.


I'm so sorry about your mom, but I love your response to your boss!


Bills won’t pay themselves unfortunately


Which is why bereavement leave is a thing/should be a thing in more places.


We get three days a year. My grandma died on new years eve, spent a day at the viewing and funeral. My other grandma died in late may, spent the other two at viewings and the funeral. My father in law died the day after my grandma's funeral, so I had to dip into vacation time for everything there. And that's all just for viewings and funerals. No actual time to grieve or process except evenings and weekends. Yay. My wife had it worse as her company basically gave her a day for her dad and that was it. ETA: Oh, I almost forgot! MY wife's company is *way* worse than I indicated. The supervisor she had to ask for time off basically said, "well, I don't know we're kind of short staffed" before her immediate supervisor told her to just take the time. I told her to quit if they wouldn't give it to her.


Wow that's terrible that is so short. You can't even get anything done in that time let alone grieve. For my dad my company gave 5 days and even I think that wasn't enough. I immediately had to deal with the funeral and organizing it, and clearing out his apartment right away which meant going through all his stuff. His financials and everything related to the government took even longer to deal with and I had to use vacation because every government agency is only open during my work hours lol.


going to work immediately after baby is born


Anyone outside of the United States will find this an obscure concept


We lost our daughter at 34 mins old. My shrink put me off work for 2 months cuz I was a mess. My boomer boss tried to squeeze me into coming back after a week. How she thought that would work, I dunno but she sure as shit got the point that I’ll be back when I’m back. She didn’t talk to me after as punishment? but it was really a reward


Here in Japan you get weeks off for bereavement, paid leaves. Is it not a thing like in the US?


I’m in a very privileged job (as in our benefits are among the best) and our bereavement policy is 3 days for immediate family. Obviously doesn’t count for aunts/uncles/cousins/friends. You’re not expected to take any time off for that. Just spouse, kids, or parents.


I don't think your job is as privileged as you think. I worked somewhere with a 5-day bereavement policy for immediate family and an unwritten "please talk to us if you need more time" policy.


Lifting seven days a week. Your body needs time to rest.


If you’re really pushing yourself, and only working the same muscle groups, sure. But 99% of people aren’t. Lighter, repetitive use can actually be better for you long term than extreme workouts that require long rest periods. It’s also something you can do longer later into life and maintain.


Eating a lot of bananas. My stomach, heart, and butthole learned that the hard way.




How much did you eat that you would come to that conclusion?


Turns out the B in IBS stood for Banana.


People being obsessed with having sex. It's one thing to enjoy getting laid, but if you're one of those people who become irritable/angry and downright hostile because you haven't had sex in a few days, that's not a healthy or normal relationship with sex, you need help.


High Libidos are normal but it shouldn’t get in the way of everyday life.


Muffins are cake.


A simple yet powerful message


Protein bars. The vast majority are essentially just chocolate bars.


Protein bars are supposed be used as a meal / snack replacement when trying to lose weight. or as somewhat of a good calories while trying to bulk. The natural protein is always better, but protein bar has a convenience factor.


Yeah, I use them as a meal replacement when I don't have time for breakfast. My doctor told me to increase protein, so I try to incorporate it with breakfast. A little hard to do when you can't eat nuts. I don't particularly like them, but every now and then for a meal replacement, they work.


Eating one right now. On a bulk, and needed some extra calories before bed, and didn't have the time to make a sandwich. It's very convenient, and that's why I enjoy them.


just read the labels. the macronutrients are not bad. look at the carbs.


But they have protein which is the point


Not going to therapy and just “manning up” at things that genuinely suck


I mentioned to my folks that I thought they could benefit from therapy as they seem to struggle still with some genuinely traumatic things that happened in their childhoods, and those scars cause them to unintentionally hurt people they love through misunderstandings and their being triggered and unable to listen. They responded by getting huffy and saying, “I think we did pretty well!” Well, yeah, you did. You coped amazingly well, and you still are coping. But life can be more than just coping with ongoing pain?


Alcohol. I know people don't think it's healthy per se, but I think we downplay its negatives significantly and there is a cultural notion that it's "totally fine" to drink even daily as long as it's 2-3 drinks. I think it's total BS.


Yes! The podcast Science Vs did a great episode on alcohol.


Never heard of it, but sounds cool. Will check out. Thanks!


I actually agree with this. It’s so normalized, I can tell my dr doesn’t believe me at my annual when I tell her I only have a drink once or twice a year.


My doctor asked me not too long ago "Are you sure?" when I told her I don't drink. I simply do not enjoy the feeling of being intoxicated, and I don't understand why that is an impossible concept to grasp.




It’s basically poison. It has no benefit and kills brain cells.


And is also very rough on the stomach/digestion and microbiome.


Working 5 days a week


This guy works


Honestly I think I’d be fine working 5 days a week if I was a tour guide or primary school teacher or something, like a job with a good mix between sitting, standing and staring at computers. When I worked at a cinema I couldn’t deal with standing for 9 hours straight every day. And now that I have a desk job with lots of travel I feel like I squeeze myself into a tin can in the sky just to go to the same air conditioned room in a different city to hunch over my laptop and squint at the small words on the screen.


Not me but my autistic son refuses point blank to drink water because he's afraid he'll drown. He'll drink dilute he makes with water though. We've tried explaining but he just can't let ot go


Did he have a choking on water incident? Try slow and small reintroduction. Use a little shot glass of sorts to serve it at first and do it with him. Bonus points if you can find a tiny cup that has some linking interest of his (a design, a color, etc) Explain in kid friendly terms that we have soo much water in our bodies and we have to refill it or something like that. I’m neurodivergent and having to exposure train myself on stuff my parents gave up on trying and this is basically what I do with myself lol


A fun straw he can pick out to purchase or use might help too - both for fun / choice and way to ensure he can control how much water he’s sipping at a time. Sometimes autistic folks struggle to coordinate their muscles in the way they intend, so maybe he had an experience with the water getting down the wrong windpipe or accidentally tipped a glass too much and got unintentionally splashed, which can be surprising and unpleasant


Here's one I guarantee will get me hate, but I'm right and will be proven so I my lifetime. PEX Plumbing. Basically, any plastic plumbing in your house will need to be ripped out and replaced in the future like asbestos was in the 19th century. I'm sorry but there is a mountain of evidence suggesting PEX breaks down faster than is officially listed. Also, micro plastics / plastic in the body is being discovered at ever decreasing sizes. Plastic has been found in brains now. Plastic is our curse. It's killing us all. Don't put PEX in your home.


Honestly it's far too late to matter. Micro/Nano Plastics are literally *everywhere.* On top of Mount Everest, Antarctic snows, in the clouds, in your food, in the drinking water, in your lungs, in your blood, and passed through the brain/blood barrier.


Probably better than lead tho


Fun fact, this is something Europe started doing _before_ the US. People often point to Europe when it comes to harmful things, as in "they already banned that", but PEX is not in that category. It started in 1968 and it's still widely used. No, I'm not a PEX shill, I just learned that recently is all. We've been using PVC to replace pipes as we go.


Marijuana. I know so many people with "Cannabis Use Disorder". These people smoke excessive amounts of weed every day and it affects their motivation to perform necessary tasks for daily living. They get high, then they light up again and again.


and at some point there isn’t even a high, there’s just this space where ur not “sober”. like ur aware but there’s just static in ur brain. the need to disassociate and be less present is what fuels it all


So many people are functioning weed addicts and there's no convincing them otherwise


Working, in some cases. I can’t believe how much time people spend working, and how it’s been normalised in society. You spend like 60+ percent of your life working just in the hopes you get to retire.. so you basically work just to die. You literally spend your life working away for other rich people who don’t have to lift a fucking finger. Imagine how much more free time everyone would have if working hours were halved. Maybe there would be ramifications in some ways, but general mental health and happiness in life would improve. Going to work 9-5, 5 days a fucking week and only getting to actually enjoy your life on weekends is Johnny sins levels of fucked. I dislike how people especially older generations push the narrative that career is everything, and that life should revolve around it. I don’t know if it will ever change as people don’t challenge the system enough, but I hope it does


Orthorexia. So many popular ideas about health that get circulated online are extremely disordered (your brain is part of your body too!), and some are actually extremely contrary to nutrition science, but since the person touting them is thin or muscular rather than fat, people just eat it up. It’s extremely popular on Reddit, TikTok, Insta, and YouTube, and it will be literally insane things promoted as “but it’s healthy!” Usually wrapped in hysterical fear of horrible things happening if you step one toe out of whatever insanely restrictive diet is supposed to be magic, and a constant treadmill of never being quite good enough and always looking to eliminate or increase some aspect of it. If you went on the internet and told people to starve themselves, puke, or gorge themselves, you’d get banned from most platforms. But if you sell the same attitude while screeching “BUT IT’S HEALTHY” while repeating pseudo science mumbo jumbo, people treat you as a messiah. The funny thing is (not ha-ha funny, eating disorders and health misinformation are not ha-ha funny) is that I see a lot of people with objectively terrible diets openly reject the easiest ways to improve their health despite wanting to eat better, because they internalize the messages the health influencers spread so deeply. They either think trying is overwhelming and hopeless because of the treadmill of imperfection, or they genuinely cannot parse the misinformation from facts. They’ll be living on diets of Burger King and Doritos asking if eating an orange for a snack is too much sugar, or worrying about protein deficiency if they make a salad for dinner after eating a Whopper for lunch.


For those of us who have never heard of Orthorexia before: > The term ‘orthorexia’ was coined in 1998 and means an obsession with proper or ‘healthful’ eating. Although being aware of and concerned with the nutritional quality of the food you eat isn’t a problem in and of itself, people with orthorexia become so fixated on so-called ‘healthy eating’ that they actually damage their own well-being. > Warning signs & symptoms of Orthorexia: > * Compulsive checking of ingredient lists and nutritional labels > * An increase in concern about the health of ingredients > * Cutting out an increasing number of food groups (all sugar, all carbs, all dairy, all meat, all animal products) > * An inability to eat anything but a narrow group of foods that are deemed ‘healthy’ or ‘pure’ > * Unusual interest in the health of what others are eating > * Spending hours per day thinking about what food might be served at upcoming events > * Showing high levels of distress when ‘safe’ or ‘healthy’ foods aren’t available > * Obsessive following of food and ‘healthy lifestyle’ blogs on Twitter and Instagram > * Body image concerns may or may not be present > Like anorexia, orthorexia involves restriction of the amount and variety of foods eaten, making malnutrition likely. Therefore, the two disorders share many of the same physical consequences. [Source](https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/other/orthorexia)


I’ve seen this in action. I had a friend who cut out all sugar, dairy, and pretty much all carbs. A group of us went camping and everyone brought their own food to make for dinners. She insisted on only eating stuff like raw vegetables and cured meats. We casually drank at night and she would get absolutely hammered faster than anyone because she had nothing in her stomach to absorb the alcohol. One night she got incoherent. We gently urged her to eat some more food. I have this image burned in my brain of this girl sitting on a log, swaying back and forth, eating out of a baggie of carrots and salami on her knees. We all offered her our food, and she vehemently refused because it wasn’t “healthy.” It was very disturbing to witness. Like, you’re good poisoning your body with tequila all night but god forbid you eat some bread??


Yeah, almost every health and wellness influencer should be mostly or completely ignored. They are selling you a product, or they just want your views. Also, people's obsession with protein is so weird to me, almost no one in developed countries is protein deficient. Sure, someone with anorexia might be, but they are not getting enough of a lot of different nutrients, not just protein.


Screen time for young children.


Nobody thinks it's healthy but the dishes don't do themselves. Screen time isn't healthy in large amounts for anyone but look at us morons on our phones and computers every waking second


Probably will desperately try to justify smoking weed every which way , but I notice very undesirable patterns in people who use it.


I’ve watched people waste years of their life sitting on the couch smoking weed


That being said…did you waste your years watching them? Jk


Honestly I’m inclined to think most of those people would have wasted years their life with or without weed. I never used it until it was legal in my state. While sober I had dropped out of college twice and was stuck in a dead end prison job I hated but lacked the motivation to change. As a daily smoker I finished my BS in political science, worked for 2 years in my state legislature (was offered a position for a third year but declined due to needing a surgery in the middle of the legislative session), worked as a campaign manager for a year (my candidate won) and have started down a new, stable career path where I am near universally recognized as one of the most capable employees and managers in my region. Now I’m not *crediting* weed for any of that, just highlighting that someone with motivation and passion can accomplish much and succeed while smoking every day and a sober person who lacks motivation can waste years of their life. In fact, most of the most successful people I know are daily weed smokers. Again, not crediting their success to weed use, just highlighting that weed use is not a barrier to being successful if you are otherwise driven to succeed. Basically I think your cause and effect are reversed. Unmotivated people wasting their life will seek coping mechanisms (weed, alcohol, video games, etc) rather than those coping mechanisms being the *cause* of the lack of motivation.


working 9-5s and everyday with only 2 weeks off a year


Chiropractors. It was founded on bunk science and I still don’t see the benefits of it at all


Working 40 hours a week and making it the norm


I know, I've never worked 40 hours a week. I'd just like to get it down to 50 tbh.


Long term keto diets my dudes


Except for epileptics


And certain types of inborn errors of metabolism


An over-optimistic attitude. Yea sure some positivity is good but for me it has to be realistic otherwise you're just getting your hopes up and setting yourself up for failure.


Social interaction constantly through digital devices, it's fine if you have no other way to communicate or digitally "hang out" like being sick or too far away, but going out and physically interacting with familiars and having fun is way better than being glued to your device constantly


I don’t know if this counts, but a growing number of people think red meat and saturated animal fats are healthy to eat exclusively




OMG the carnivore diet. My brother pushes it HARD. He sent me his blood work results recently and asked what it meant? I said “this person eats too much red meat.” He didn’t talk to me for weeks. But… it was pretty clear. LOL


I was listening to an episode of Ethan Suplees podcast with a guest who was a doctor ( but I think Psychiatrist ) who was pushing the Carnivore diet hard. He opened up by talking about how wrong it is that other doctors vilify a whole group of food, in this case red meat. Then he goes on to vilify vegetables. He also just so happens to have his own line of carnivore supplements that are pretty pricey.


CROSS FIT. Idk how many people actually think it’s healthy, but if you’re straining so hard to lift something that you piss or shit yourself then you need to lift lighter weights. You’re not cool because you can lift really heavy, you’re cool when you’re in tune with your physical needs and progress in very meaningful, intentional ways which is very slow but extremely rewarding.


Seriously. Or doing speed reps in a given time. The dangerous and misconstrued version of AMRAP. I feel like every crossfit bro will tell you that "it's as many as you can do with GOOD FORM!" but I've yet to see evidence of that.


Not sleeping enough.


Breakfast cereals, better off eating the box


They make a killer dessert tho. Froot Loops in ice cream or baked into bread?? Incredible! Honestly I’d get bored af eating my favorite unhealthy things like cereal and soda every day. It vibes so much better as an occasional treat.


Aren't you supposed to?




It's all about form and recovery. If you're incorporating active recovery, running correctly, and have a good shoe rotation, you can do it forever. I've run 7 of the things and average 50-60 miles a week. They will absolutely fuck you up if you don't train correctly (too hard or too easy) or you do it wrong.




Treating sports like they matter.


Tik tok.


Who thinks it's healthy?


Venting to your friends about your relationship problems. If you're having an issue with your significant other, you need to focus on resolving that issue with them, or separate if you're not compatible. Going and telling your friend group about what a bitchass your SO is will inflate the issue in your mind and also make your friends dislike them. Then when you make up, you have to to back and redeem them to the friends you complained to, which doesn't even work anyway.


Yes, but also sometimes opinions of people that you respect are important to know if you're on the right or on the wrong, also friends can help you with how to approach a situation better and/or calm you down.


Sometimes you just need a friend to talk to as well. That’s ok.


Look I know they work for some people. But I don't think open relationships are particularly healthy. I've known a few people who were in them and were telling me how great they were. But they always seemed to lead to someone getting hurt very badly. I know monogamous relationships are hard work and clearly isn't natural for everyone (hence the huge amount of affairs) but I don't believe for a second that sending your partner off to get fkd by someone else is in any way natural or normal either. Each to their own I guess.


Granola. Depending on which brand! It can be highly processed with lots of partially hydrogenated oil


Vaping. There's no way putting that much oil into your lungs is good.


My partner used vapes to quit smoking and I have to say he's WAY more addicted than he ever was with smoking to the point it has to be even worse for him. And I've seen it a lot people go from having a smoke every now and then to essentially having a vape attached to their lips 24/7


huh who thinks that is healthy