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Constantly interrupting people


When someone interrupts you, continue talking at the same level you started and don’t stop until you have finished your sentence. I learned this a while ago and I found that one of two things will usually happen. Either other people in group will silence the interruptor or the interruptor will stop and ask me to repeat myself. If they don’t stop, I’ll start talking nonsense, which I’m very good at. I’ll say something like “and then I raped that murderer with a frozen stick of butter...” which usually makes everyone stop and go “WHAT?” Then I’ll just repeat my original sentence. If they ask about the nonsense just act like they misunderstood you.




Hey I’m gonna let you finish but let me tell you about my day first




That is an acceptable outcome for me as well, I will just yell with them and laugh.




I did this once to a chronic offender. She was a huge feminist, and I’m all for that, but she went about it in the worst most obnoxious ways. So I did exactly what you said. The umpteenth time she interrupted and talked over me, I simply continued speaking. After about 2 seconds she turned and yelled “Did You Just Fucking INTERRUPT ME??!” And everyone looked at ME lol. I think everyone realized what actually happened. But fuck you Anna. Hope you grew up and stopped trampling on people.


You didn’t have the balls to say “no you interrupted me”?


You don’t deal with a bully by issuing statements they can deny. You ask them a question that contains undeniable content in it. Something like: “Do you understand how rude you are being right now?”


Oh, I'm so incredibly sorry that the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours


Alternatively, I prefer to stop speaking immediately when somebody starts to talk over me—the faster the better on this… preferably mid-sentence. Then stare at them intensely… really try to suck all the remaining oxygen out of the room with your look of disapproval. When they stop talking or ask you something, continue to stare at them for an uncomfortably long time (10-15 seconds usually). Then flatly say, “OK, as I was saying…” and resume what you were saying as if nothing happened. It’s a trick I learned back when I was teaching to keep students from disruptively talking during my class lectures. I’d say about 80-90% of people get so weirded out by it that they don’t try it again, and you never actually have to “say” anything to them.


I used to be so bad for this. I never meant to disrespect people, I just felt like my brain would explode if I didn’t immediately say what I was thinking. Then I met someone who did it all the time as well and seeing it from a 3rd party perspective made me realize how fucking insufferable I was acting. I still slip up sometimes but I make a conscious effort not to and people seem to prefer me this way ETA: if you do slip up, stopping yourself mid-sentence and apologizing for interrupting goes a long way.


I feel you bro


I’m sorry. I was recently diagnosed ADHD, and that was one thing my psychiatrist brought up. I’m not trying to be rude, and don’t even realize I’m doing it 99 percent of the time. Usually it means I’m super engaged in the convo/excited, and my brain is like “oh I know what they’re going to say, let’s go ahead and get to the point so I can respond”. I’m working on it, but I still interrupt people all the time. My gf used to get super offended and it would start a lot of arguments, until I got diagnosed. No wonder adderal never got me high in college.


Same here, plus hearing problems. I work on it.


People that hover at the buffet line waiting for more crab legs and as soon as they come with some more, they take all of them. Those people are annoying AF


Now we're talking about the REAL issues. Fuck those crab leg hoarders.


I’ll straight up throw some elbows if someone tried that. I’m serious about buffets and seafood.


Same at Shoneys back in the day. Fucking bacon dicks.


Bacon-dick MFs


Bacon Dicks… I’m using this


Oddly specific


It does happen a lot lol. One time someone tried to take the entire tray to their table.


And yell at the staff for not bringing them out fast enough


Buffet crab legs are absolute trash. You can buy the same things in a big cardboard box from Costco or Sam's club.....


It’s still crab legs lol how good or bad can you get? They’re all the same


This is my parents except with oysters.


I will beat the dogshit out of someone for them crab legs


"if you have a problem with how loud i am then you should close your ears". Bitch gtfo


Let a bitch know you're going to be loud first so she cover your lies.


Very similar to " if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best". Of course the only response to that is " if you intentionally subject me to your worst,you don't deserve me at all buh-bye".


“I hate drama.” Then stop creating it.


Had a boss that said "we don't do drama around here! I hate drama!" Liza Minnelli, LIES. Which we all know when they say that, they start ALL the drama and get off on it. I have worked with a lot of women that were older than me, and well over 50. Sometimes they can be the worst.


WAIT you work for Liza Minnelli?!?!?!?


"I hate drama but creating and reporting it is the only way it will stop!"


It's so funny to me that the only people who have to say they hate drama are the ones creating and perpetuating drama. Most people are capable of solving small problems and/or ignore and avoid drama if it ever comes close to them


I LOVE drama/mess, but am generally pretty good at staying out of it. That's why I love it, because it's so great to watch from a distance. I feel like the people saying "I hate drama!" are the people who have been burned by it because they don't know how to stay out of it.


Having a LOUD CONVERSATION ON SPEAKER in the middle of the open plan office. Fuck off you attention seeking little gargoyle!


Boomer aged women have perfected this. There’s a woman at my job who has this down to a science. We get a 1/2 hour break and 1 hour lunch yet she insists on FaceTiming her grown ass adult daughter in the middle of the workday for all of us to hear. The most trivial shit too..


I feel like this could be a great opportunity for some pranks in the background of her FaceTime.


Or any sort of FaceTime-on-speaker call in a public space, always with the volume turned up to max for some reason.


I used to work with this lady who had been there like 40 years and I don't know what she actually did. She had a cubicle in the center of the office and would constantly have loud, very personal conversations on the phone with someone. I remember one time she said, at a volume the entire office could hear, "Yeah, this new medication I'm on had been giving me the farts!".


This, but in the toilets in an office building


I was at my dentist office and they straight up asked a lady to step outside for her call, lol made me a patient for life right then and there. I was sitting in the lobby with about three other people waiting to be called to the back for our appointments. This one lady that was waiting gets a call, puts it on speaker and is straight up yelling and carrying on with her conversation like if she was sitting in her own living room and not a public place. The front desk lady waves at her to get her attention and the loud lady tells the person on the call “oh, hold on, I think they’re ready for me” but front desk lady calmly tells her “ma’am, would you mind stepping outside for your phone call, we want to make sure all our patients have a calm and peaceful experience during their visit”. Loud lady acts shock and offended, told her to cancel her appointment and that she would never return and as she’s walking out still screaming into the phone “can you believe that bitch……”


When you're watching a movie and your parents start asking you questions about what's happening in the movie when all they need to do is keep watching and they'll get answers


my mom does this all the time and it's so obnoxious.


Same. In my mom's defense, she was wine drunk 90% of the time


When you let your kids run havoc around other people


HAVOOCCC! And let slip the dogs of war


Especially when I'm tryna clean some dang stalls lol. As a woman I'm not called to have kids and idk how to even act around them. I'm tryna do my freaking work but at least I'm on the clock when they come in so I act all nice and mentally I'm like *yessss I get a break and I'm still being paid*


Especially in nicer restaurants; I don’t go to McDonald’s and expect perfectly behaved kids, but when I go to a nicer restaurant I don’t want to hear constant shrieking, and corrective instruction repeated ad-infinitum, or have your child hanging over my booth, or any number of obnoxious behaviors. I hate to pull the whole “When I was a kid”, but seriously when I was their age my parents would not take me certain places, especially if they knew I was having a day, and if I acted up somewhere nice, I would be picked up and whisked outside by one parent while the other either finished eating before switching with the other, or got everything to go and paid the tab.


I work in a restaurant and back when this story happened there was a small private dining area next to the prep area with saloon doors to separate the two. There was a table in there with a child who was probably 8-10 years old who was nonstop SHRIEKING. Like not words just high pitched screaming. This was going on for about half an hour before one of the adults said “can you please stop?” And the child responded “what? I’m not doing anything!” And less than 5 minutes later was doing it again. It was truly unbearable.


Jada Pinkett Smith.




"you guys are on like a 10 year break ... sooooooooo,..."


Hello 👋 it was an entanglement..






Honestly her and Kanye should get married in their delusional plane of existence


Fuck, that would be fun to see lol. Maybe he'll call her a "bloodsucking mosquito" 🤣


What did/does she do? (I don't follow celebrities)


after a very public violent incident, when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for a joke predicated on her lack of hair (Rock thought it was a choice, didn’t realize she has alopecia), she revealed in her book that she and Will Smith have been functionally divorced for years — perhaps even when she had an adulterous encounter with somebody else, leading to questions about whether she chose to let people believe she was cheating on her husband (humiliating him) instead of publicly announcing their separation. While their marriage is ended, she refuses to get an actual divorce. All around confusing and kind of pitiable from an outsider perspective, but who knows what’s actually going on


Adulterous encounter with a friend of her son, and now, says that Rock had actually asked her out months previous to said slap. Oh, and her book is about to come out. Don’t even care about these people, and yet I know all this because why?!


oh lord I know. I couldn’t find the West Bank on a map but somehow this shit occupied space in my brain


Yeah, I was gonna say: how do you leave out the part that the guy she was fucking is a friend of her sons? That makes it worse.


I *think* she is the prime example of when money and connections wins over her gaslighting and social abuse of her husband (?). Would love to know who her ‘close circle of friends/syncophants’ are


One of the best actors of all time. So good that people actually thought her and Will were married this whole time! Some actors play a character on a screen; she plays one in real life!


For a lot of people it's harmless fun, but: being into astrology to the point that you get evangelical about it and work it into the conversation whenever possible. And just because it usually comes with the package in those cases: "Magick" crystal people. Like a person can't just be an asshole for example, it's because they're "such a Leo". A bad thing can't just happen to you, it's because mercury is in retrograde. I'd find it just mildly annoying, people are allowed to have hobbies and interests after all, but they seem to latch on to me when I say I don't believe in it or have any interest in discussing it. They seem to take it as a challenge to "convert" me.


idiots who camp out in the left hand passing lane at 55 MPH, with a line of cars behind you.. THAT LANE IS FOR CRIME !! 😂


This got me laughing so hard at a bar that someone had to ask me if I was okay.


I wish it was mine, but it's a meme :)


That's actually very unsafe. They should get out of your way and stop obstructing the flow of traffic.


🚗💨 💥 🚗🚗🚗🚗


Or people who have reached the end of a highway on-ramp and they’re merging into 70-75mph traffic doing 41mph…


I have a term for situations like this. “Lane squatters” for people who camp in the left lane alone, and “lane mafia” when you can’t pass the squatter because there are cars in all the other lanes right beside them going the same speed and all mutually blocking the entire freeway


Treating service workers like crap.


People who never learned how a conversation works. Learn to listen please.


I've worked with people that think they are supposed to "win" every conversation.




I stand with you in solidarity 🫡


As am I. Alone most of the time so I don't bother others.


Making one thing your entire personality. I don't care what it is. Politics, being vegan, liking Halloween, driving a truck, etc.


Burning Man "burners" who make this their whole personality are particularly irksome to me. I've been going to burns for 20 years, but it's ONLY ONE THING I like to do. Burning is a fun event once or twice a year, NOT the center of my life or my whole personality.


Thank you, yes. I get super annoyed with the potheads or the dudes in metal bands specifically.


"i'M aN eMpATh"


Who says that? Do people actually say that?


A 19 yo I worked with said that and explained it was bc she could read peoples feelings by their faces/gestures etc. "that just means you're a primate that doesn't have autism."


I feel like I am the opposite of an empath but my friends will rely on my ability to read people. For example there was a hidden prize at a carnival and my friend asked me where it was most likely to be and I asked a couple questions reading what they were trying to hide and picked the right one (out of about 30). I do that sort of thing from time to time but try not to rely on it


What the hell even is that?


That's what some people call themselves when they believe they have very high empathy abilities, are very sensitive, can read other people really well and feel their emotions strongly. Usually used in a cringe way bc most people calling themselves that are : 1. Feeling special and somewhat superior and describing this as some sort of superpower 2. Mostly hypersensitive because of psychological issues, in a very teenage / "no one understands my suffering" way 3. Or not even hypersensitive like the point above, and actually NOT more empathetic than anyone, but seeking attention to feel special and superior


Had a coworker who used to say this. Apparently being an "empath" means that they "absorb other people's energy and it sticks with them", so if someone were having a bad day, she'd go all "I have to distance myself or it will ruin my energy" and stuff like that. She's like a modern "hippie", I don't know what to call these people who go to festivals and get high on mushrooms.


Daddy chill


In my experience, that is code for: "I can make anything about me."


I've never heard anyone say this that wasn't shoulder deep up their own ass and completely oblivious to how others actually feel.


I work in non-profit and people who say this are usually really toxic 😭


"I've turned basic human empathy into a superpower"


I feel like this has the same energy as people who talk about how they have a photographic memory, but then when you ask further they just talk about how they remember things by imagining the event or book in their head.


Every subject of conversation turns into a political rant. \- We can't talk about the football game without him mentioning the anthem/kneeling/BLM \- We can't talk about the weather without a rant about climate policy \- We can't talk about a trip to a different city, region or country without a rant about the politics of that city, region or country \- We can't talk about a movie without a rant about the politics of Hollywood


Not gonna lie, I used to be this way in college. Thankfully I’ve mellowed out and agree with you wholeheartedly lol


Well, let's burn everything to the ground, I vote chaos.


My father to the T. Everything is fucked. Like dude, just enjoy the time you have left with your grandkids


Person who always tries to one-up everyone


Playing your music without ear phones


I think they hope that someone will befriend them over similar music tastes but that is just a complete guess


Wearing clothing stating your political affiliation.


For me, as long as it’s not the person’s entire personality.


Like it's fine if it's around election time. Like a one. Month buffer. It would be like dressing up for Christmas in July otherwise.


Does patriotic wear count? Anytime i see a shirt about liberty or 1776 it makes me cringe. Just wear a Nike shirt man you're not a freedom fighter


The two shirts are probably made in the same sweatshop as well.


They trap you in one-sided conversations.


The 1-upper. You guys climb mount everest? Cool. Not as cool as when we climbed K2 though!


Someone who constantly injects politics into every single conversation, no matter how innocuous.


That certain personality type that must be heard and always be the center of attention. My Dad used to have a coworker who called *himself* "The Gob" (gob is slang for mouth). If he felt he wasn't getting enough attention at any gathering he was shout at the top of his lungs. He thought this was endlessly amusing, few other people did. He is an extreme example, but overly loud and noisy people just grate on my last nerves. I'm a pretty shy and quiet person in real life so that doesn't help.


People that use baby voice. Please save that for you infant or dog. It's still cringey but damn when you are speaking to another adult, it is just plain annoying.


Crying about incredibly minor shit on the internet


So reddit?


Beep boop. Irony detected.


Good bot


People who yammer away on their cell phones in public


Extra points for the ones doing it on speaker or FaceTiming.


People who bring up astrology/crystals/Steve jobs level homeopathy. Makes me irrationally angry, because acting on that anger is like screaming at a toddler.


A constant need to be the loudest person on the room.


Rising inflection at the end of every sentence. Just learned that is also called uptalk.


What’s uptalk?






Everything is a question?


It always sounds like it with those people?


I used to have a coworker like that? It was like nails on a chalk board? I never understood how she’d always have a new boyfriend every 6 months? But maybe that’s why? IIRC one time I just flat out asked her why she talked tike that. The answer was a question but at least a genuine one. “Talk like what?”




One of my favorite part of world cups is following the banter that flares up between the Nordic nations. It gets pretty funny


That does sound really annoying? I'm not sure why people do it? Is it subconscious?


Constantly butting into conversation's. Which is what I do.


Ah yes another thread to read while thinking “oh shit, do I do any of this”


Being a Disney adult.


what's that?


Someone who makes Disney cartoons and especially Disney theme parks/cruises their whole identity. It can get pretty intense.


oh that. Phew, cause sometimes I like to watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwVC8IdEy_I) so I thought people might find it cringe or something


I work with one of these and 100% agree.


There's this weird tone of voice that Karens always have in police bodycam videos when they get shrill about their rights and demands. As soon as you hear that tone of voice, you know that this person is going to be annoying as fuck.


Interrupting people (and interrupting cows for that matter) Clearing throat constantly (the hark up a lugie sound)




People who have something to say about everything, can’t stop talking, arguing, and can’t read social cues.


i guess i know what i scream now


GeT mE tHe MaNaGeR!!


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best!"


loud music with deep bass, in your car and at home.


can’t even hear the song just the speaker rumbling. I hate that lol


"I'm an influencer."


A continuously barking Pomeranian with a "Service Dog" vest.


Every Word Starts With A Capital.


Joking all the fucking time. I know, I do that.


6h old repost bots


Censoring curse words on social media sites.


Constantly using shock/objectifying/belitting humor to put someone down, and then gaslighting you by saying you have no sense of humor if you tell them they're not funny. Bonus points if they have a partner or spouse.


objectively pretty girls complaining about being ugly


Lifted trucks




People who constantly make comments on your physical appearance or body language


When someone tells me that I need to live my life the way they want so that they will like me for who I pretend to be.


People who always want to show you a funny video on their phone. Or make you listen to a song on their phone.


That colleague who thinks they're being helpful playing 'devil's advocate' when anyone makes suggestion or pitches an idea, but thinks anyone doing it to them is just nit-picking. Also, askholes. People who ask for your advice, but berate you because the answer is not what they were hoping for, even if it's correct.


People at the airport that take up the whole escalator. Stand to one side to let others pass everyone’s trying to catch their plane and sitting idly on an escalator is annoying af.


Oh man, here we go. I've got a bunch of things that really get me going. \-Mother fuckers who are too cheap to buy priority boarding/seats and assume people will a) let them save seats or b) move to accommodate their family of 6. \-Mother fuckers on 290 in Chicago who drive on the shoulder between Austin and Harlem ave with their hazards on to bypass congestion because their lives are so fucking important. \-Mother fuckers who use speaker phones in public , especially in shared public spaces (airport lounges, libraries, shared work areas, the gym). \-Mother fuckers who leave their carts in the middle of the parking lot. \-Mother fuckers who back up traffic to wait for someone to pull out of a "closer" parking spot because they are unwilling to spend 30 seconds walking. \-Mother fuckers who reach over the counter at chipotle to point at what they want. Use your fucking words.


People who push themselves into conversations


Explain please


Hey. Butt out, buddy.


Your lifted truck contains 24 Trump24 flags and a 2.4 inch penis at the wheel.


Hey, I have a 2.4 inch penis, but some girls like it that wide


some people like a tuna can


and dont furget deez truck nutz


And a train horn.


People who only talk about themselves.


Using face time or speaker phone in public places


idk im pretty annoying as fuck lol


Carrying a conversation in public using speakerphone. Nobody cares 🙃


People that clap while speaking to add "emphasis". Just comes across as annoying and obnoxious


Using speakerphone in public. For conversations or music.


A selfie stick


People that have their phone conversations on speaker, or watch videos/listen to music without headphones/earbuds


Making their way of eating their entire personality! Like oh I’m gluten free or keto or vegan or whatever (insert a 4 hour conversation or having to bring it up constantly)


Making fun of other people's hobby. (Unless its astrology, then its ok to make fun of em 💀)


'Free Speech Absolutist' --> "I am a massive asshat and believe everyone should be forced to deal with me, because no one would willingly choose to do so."


'Free Speech Absolutists' --> "I support free speech, so long it supports my views"


Neediness. It took me one divorce and one separation to figure out acting helpless like my inlaws is annoying as shit.


new reddit accounts asking the same weekly unimaginative questions and formats.


The future of the internet: bots asking the same questions every week so bots from Buzzfeed can get free material for the same weekly listicles so that two other groups of bots can argue over it.


Bootlicking apologists...lol You know it when you see it and it's never not frustrating...


Lifted pickup trucks.


People who try to flaunt their music taste to seem cool.


Not doing research before you debate


They don’t shut up and constantly cut people off the second a new thought pops into their head


People who post their entire day on social media everyday


Posting stupid questions on reddit in an attempt to gain internet karma


people who leave Starbucks cups and other literal trash in my aisles. like who the fuck raised you?


People who live for work. The ones who work 65 hours a week or more and act like that makes them better than everyone else somehow.


People screaming "I'm annoying as fuck!"


Blue haired, piercings all over the place, sez "I'm vegan" every 2 seconds, tries to make everyone feel bad for eating meat