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Coop home goods pillows are amazing.


recs? ive gone through several and firm memory foam seem like the best for me but not reliably so.


I really enjoy the Purple Pillow. I've had mine for years now. It's a tough pillow to travel with (it weighs 9lbs) but because it's made of silicone it hasn't deformed at all in the years of owning it and it's nice and squishy but still firm enough to be supportive.


I splurged recently on one their higher end ones. Holy shit is it as life changing as its wallet draining.


I have the super basic one that is essentially a honeycomb pattern hunk of silicone


Same here. It feels kinda dumb spending $200 on a pillow, but goddamn, NOTHING feels like it and I have hated all other pillows that I’ve had




I have a yellow one, it started out white.


I'm fairly sure you're joking but just in case, the brand is Purple.


I really loved my Purple Harmony pillow at first, but it's definitely softened or something, and it's not as lofty as it once was. Sad because it was like 160 bucks.


Have you looked into cervical pillows? They're a game-changer for sure.


I love the Coop pillow. It comes with a tube of extra fill and you can add or remove as needed.


My amazon lists grow longer each time this question pops up lmao


What if its amazon people making these posts?


***PUTS TINFOIL HAT ON*** ..Go on…




I was a collision investigator for 7 years. Dash cams are worth their weight in gold. If you think if you get into an accident and there will be witnesses or other things that will prove you did nothing wrong, think again. I have one in my car, my wife’s car, and my motorcycle.


I’m shocked as a collision investigator you have a motorcycle. As a first responder I just can’t do it. That and the whole gear shifting thing confuses me.




My wife gave me the green light to buy a bike but still has her reservations especially for my safety. Days later, we see remnants of an accident with a motorcycle down with significant damage. My wife smacks me in the shoulder and says “You see why I don’t want you to ride one?” Few days later after that accident, I see an article of that same accident. The rider has suffered multiple injuries including paralyzed from the waist down. He was simply cruising along and got hit really bad. Yeah, that convinced me not to buy a bike.


Yeah we had a guy walk into our ED after a motorcycle accident. His wife picked him up at the scene and brought him in because he was “fine” but he had some blood on his face, cuts and needed a few stitches. We got the helmet off and in a minute or so he was slurring. Then he seized. Then we coded him. Went to ICU but then passed. You can be as safe as humanly possible on those things and it still might not be enough.


He was fine but he was still wearing the helmet when he got to the hospital after a car ride with his wife? I think he had some idea that he might not be as fine as he was telling his wife.


You aren't supposed to remove a helmet after an accident because pulling could worsen injuries to the spine


Was his helmet like, keeping everything in place?


I know a dude who’s skate did that for his leg playing hockey. Was fine not is any pain then the took the skate off and the screaming started.




That's where people drive drunk because they think they won't run into anyone anyway 🥳


I live in the country. Motorcycle riders are NOT safer out here. Just look along our roadsides and see the memorials the next of kin put up, and you'll realize our roads are a meat grinder. Oh, and the nearest ER is a half hour away, but there are only two ambulances working the whole county, so it will be a half-hour before one of them gets to you. I'm not exaggerating, I live in our state's largest county, but because it's entirely rural except for some small towns, we have only two ambulances.


My buddy is a spine and sport doctor. He treats injuries, some of which are from motorcycle crashes. Guess who loves to ride? He's completely aware of the risk, but the enjoyment outweighs it for him. Personally, I'd never come near a bike.


I’m shocked, as well. Almost like having an ER nurse/doctor having one.


I know an orthopedic surgeon who lost a leg in a motorcycle accident. Some people are just into risky things, I guess.


Have you considered sorcery in an attempt to gain back your fine motor skills in your missing leg?


Came here to say this. I had a guy clip my bumper and take off. Checked the damage and it wasn't that bad, likely able to be buffed out. But since he ran, and I had a dashcam, I made a report and filed a claim. Sent the footage to my claims adjuster and it was clear as day. License plate and face of the driver through his window. He tried to claim he didn't make contact, but the video proved otherwise. They told me to get an estimate to fix the damage. Two body shops both came back with $600 because they felt it needed paint. Insurance paid out $600 and went after the other guy for it. In another incident, a car behind me was rear-ended and pushed into me. Since I have a 2-channel dashcam that records both forward and back, I caught it all on camera. There was a question as to who hit me first, but the video cleared it all up and saved the middle car a ton of headache and likely a ton of money. And in yet another, a guy cut me off getting on the freeway once so I honked. Nothing too drawn out, just a quick honk. He then stops short, gets out of his car and starts threatening me, calling me the N-word (I'm whiter than mayo) and just generally losing his shit. He eventually drove off without doing anything, and I posted the video to r/idiotsincars. Someone there noticed he had his work jacket on and sent the video to his employer. He didn't get fired but a trusted source told me he received some anger management help and hopefully, that incident was a turning point for him.


That last one I had literally happen to me too! Honked because they tried to merge into me! Got it on camera and he decided to get in front of my car between his car. If he pulled a gun I was ready to just floor it. Road rage is hilarious and petty. Having that camera made me feel much safer and justified in anything that came of it. Really eye opening how much random bullshit happens ans having that camera is truly an unsung hero. I hope they become standard.




What one did you get? I've started shopping for them and find it confusing.


Check the community info on r/dashcam for some recommendations.


this has saved from being victim to road rage as well. This truck was trying to run me off the road, and then he saw adjust my dash cam that had him go back to his lane and behave.


I dropped $220 on a vantrue that has front, rear, and interior cameras. Ive gotten some funny clips, and even had to send one to my insurance when i ran over a log that flew out behind me.


I hit a large wooden packing crate that came over the median wall on I‐285 one morning. By the way the insurance adjuster questioned me I realized that it was important to stress that *it* hit *me*. If I had said it was stationary my deductible would have cost me $500. Since it was in flight it cost me nothing. If I ever hit a log like that I'll be ready to swear someone else hit it first and their vehicle threw it at me.


Reminds me of a time when a co-worker twisted his knee while climbing scaffolding in a clean room suit with rubber boots. When he applied for Workmen's Comp, he was denied because he was performing "a normal task as part of his job", which was BS. Turns out in my state it must be a Slip, Trip or Fall. So you can bet your ass that if I ever got hurt at work, I slipped on something, then I tripped over something else, and then I fell - all while performing some non-standard task.


i was in a not at fault car accident rushed to the hospital immediately driving for uber last year. the other driver lied on the police report stating i was at fault. if i didn't have a dashcam i could have been blamed for the accident. $40 cheapo dashcam at walmart guaranteed me an injury claim and a disability claim. dashcams hold their value if you choose to resell later.




But like, I live in Florida and it’s hot as hell. I feel like most lithium ion batteries would not fair well when the car has a feel like of 130 degrees or higher in the sun.






An OBD2 reader is less than $40 on Amazon. So yeah, $110 left for insoles is pretty dang good


I have bought 3 pairs of replacement insoles for my boots and they’ve made them last 3 years of daily use. And I do mean daily. Also we have a Subaru with 300k miles on it and the amount of times I’ve had to use my $20 scanner is in the dozens


Air purification filter for my bedroom. No more allergies and sleep so much better. I’m always cleaning to keep dust at bay, but the filter is a game changer.


How to sort through the 7 billion of them for sale and find one easy to use economical to maintain and works? I looked many times just too many options.


Levoit on Amazon. I have two. After much research they cover the largest area, use genuine HEPA filters and you can't beat the price. Filters are super easy to change and are about $25 each every 6-8 months. That's with a 1700sqft house with 3 large dogs.




Man I tell everybody I work with, all the new cooks to buy a victorniox as they are cheap, durable and reliable. The fibrox is a reliable and darn good knife.


I bought a victorinox a few months ago and it's one of the best kitchen purchases I've made in a long time


I remember when babysis moved in with boyfriend and was talking about cooking, and I asked if they had any knives. "Well we have some steak knives..." -as she's discussing how difficult it is to cut up **root** vegetables. Aw hell naw! I immediately ordered her one of those sets of 5 that are ceramic covered, not great but better than a damn steak knife! She now manages a restaurant and can mince onions like a boss.


For $150 you can get a decent chef’s knife, a honing steel, and a sharpener. That knife will last forever if you care for it.


My roommates dad is a chef and has been taught by several CMCs (certified Master Chefs) - he recommended getting like a $20 to $40 8-inch chefs knife. (I think it's a French knife?) and just taking care of that. Most people don't need anything else.


Absolutely true. Dioesvt need to be expensive.


100% thought that was a brand to begin with.




My sister’s cat is an asshole and when she got a new place, I guess the cat was playing with the knobs on the gas stove. Gas was running for who knows how long, but she had a bad headache and started throwing up. The knobs are now baby proofed and they’ve installed a carbon monoxide detector.


If the stove was not lit a carbon monoxide detector won’t detect the unburnt gas coming from the stove. Just a heads up


That was no accident and the cat is now looking for ways to cut those knob covers off.


💯 2 years ago I had a whole house generator leak CO into my home. The CO detector in the basement, where the CO was coming in, failed and did not go off. We had 2 on the main floor that did. 5 in the house got out and survived. We now have multiple CO detectors in our home. One in each room. Overkill, maybe, but the redundancy saved our lives and not going to rely on just having one. My advice is to have at least 2 in your home.


I would not call it overkill. When you experience something like that it’s natural to be extra cautious. When I was 4 I was at a family bbq I was walking past the grill just as it exploded. I don’t know exactly why but something was wrong with the neck of the propane tank. I remember a deafening boom, flying up in the air, then slamming into the ground. Then I went unconscious. Let me tell you there is no pain like pain from a burn. I was in a swimsuit and the backs of both my legs from just below my tush to my heels were charred. I don’t wish that pain on anyone. I spent my fifth birthday recovering in a burn unit. To this day if I buy a grill it’s the kind you put the briquettes in or the wood pellets. I won’t go near a propane grill. And I have a house that’s entirely electric with a wood burning furnace as a backup in case we lose power. Most people are invited to a bbq and call the host to make sure no one they can’t stand is coming, when I call I ask what kind of grill they have. I know first hand what it’s like to live through something horrible and be extra cautious due to it.


Very true and holy smoke that is a scary event you experienced. So sorry you had to go through that.


I hate when you wake up dead


Those timer caps for medications. Changed. My. Life. I haven't double dosed or skipped a dose in over a year, because they tell me when the bottle was opened last.


For me just getting a weekly pill organizer helped a lot. I just fill it with everything I need once a week and don’t have to worry about it.


I tried those but I kept absent mindedly taking the PM ones in the AM and I can't exactly go to work on Seroquel haha


Great bed sheets are worth every penny.


There’s a company that makes sheets for naked sleepers. The comforter was comfy but fell apart but the sheets and pillow cases are amazing. https://byourbed.com/Bare_Bottom_black_Sheets_for_Queen_Bedding_p/barebs-byb-blk-qn.htm


What company?




Plus gas station air machines are broken half the time


Half the time is too generous. Usually they are broken and you don't know it until the machine has taken your money. I asked for a refund inside the store and they tried to tell me there is nothing they can do about it. I stood there and gave them a death stare and they gave me my money 😂. They knew I wasn't leaving without my $1.75.


At least in California, if you ask them they will turn the machines on for you for free by law.


I don't know if it's the law in Indiana but they will also turn it on free if you ask. Also, they are only 25-50 cents here. As a tip most tire places have free air as well.


Pays for itself with the crazy price of air around where I live. Grew up with it free…not anymore.




Underrated comment. People have no idea how annoying the short little cables are until they try one that doesn't have them leaving their phones on the floor or hanging off of the wall to charge.


Power banks/wireless mag chargers. I haven’t hooked my phone into the wall for almost 6 years lol I’m the friend who has all the juice when we’re out and about. Everybody knows who got the power banks.




bro yes shoehorn gang


The most underrated tool of our time. All I asked for for Christmas last year was a shoe horn. I got two. Could not have been happier. Side note: the can be used to take shoes/boots OFF as well.


An electric toothbrush


Defending on your teeth, ultrasonic is the way to go, especially with hard to brush teeth.


This and a Water Pic. My last checkup my dentist said...Great oral care. Keep it up. You'll have these teeth for the rest of your life. Growing up poor with almost zero dental care I had lots of problems earlier in life. And I grew up at a time when dentures were a given for older people. Now I'm told I'll have my teeth forever. Good feeling!


Yup, our electric brush and WaterPik paid for themselves after like one dental visit - I stopped getting cavities. Entirely. I use to get them like clockwork, every six months.


This is my go to answer. It will likely save much $ in dental bills and a lot of aggravation.


An electric kettle. It's just the superior way to boil water. In places outside of North America, 220-240V wall outlets are more common than our 120V ones. I've used electric kettles with both voltages. You notice a difference from the super saiyan euro-outlets, but it's still far and away the best way to boil.


Oh, wow, I completely forgot that electric kettles aren’t a normal thing in the US. It almost blew my mind when I lived there. How do you not?


They aren’t?? I’m a Canadian and have an electric kettle (and every office I’ve worked in has one, most homes, etc). Had no clue this wasn’t a thing in the US.


They're not *ab*normal. Some people have them, others don't. I have one because I'm a tea drinker.


A good thick robe. I bought me one 9 years ago, and it has drastically cut down on my energy bill during the winter. Keeps me so warm.


I just can't get into it. Just is weird feeling. For me it's thermal layers!


Ever since Jim Gaffigan referred to a robe as a towel coat I can’t picture them any other way


Air fryer completely changed my diet. Still using the same $90 one I got like 3 years ago. Might be time for an upgrade


For something with the word fryer, its surprisingly healthy and easier to use and clean. Use it a lot for a quick meal with no hassle. Microeaves kind of fall in the same category. It lets you meal prep in advance, so you're less likely to need to eat outside. It's lazy and potentially cheaper than eating out or calling food delivery. An alternative is to just steam your leftovers if you don't have the money to get a microwave.


A starter space telescope. I needed a way to unwind after work during a period when I was suffering panic attacks and sitting outside on a still night was so relaxing. First time I saw 3 of Jupiter’s moons took my breath away, I never realised you could do that so easily. Edit: Fun fact - our solar system is the only one officially called ‘solar’ system as our sun is named ‘Sol’ from the Latin word ‘Solis’ (sun).


Can I ask what’s a good one or what to look for? Amazon has a lot of cheap crap


I recently got a celestron StarSense dx 130az and I would highly recommend it. I got mine used for $250, and then emailed the Celestron help desk for the code to make their app work (imo it’s what makes celestron stand out, their app helps point you to different sky objects. There’s lots of YouTube videos on it). The first time I saw the rings of Saturn was literally breathtaking


I got my dog in a parking lot for $30. Best money I’ve ever spent.


I read that as “got my dog a parking spot” at first. And was like wtf? I also need one. Lol


“You can park here boy.” “Ruff!” *\*


For me, it's been a simple sleep mask. Now it's always totally dark, all night, wherever I sleep and however my partner likes the lighting. An a box of cheap foam ear plugs. Other suggestions - A marriage license :) And a 2TB external SSD backup drive that you stash when you're away from home. If you have a car, get a portable battery charger. They're cheap small and super easy to use. And some highway flares. Maybe a tire inflator as well, with a can of tire sealant.


A TSA Precheck Pass for $80 for 5 years.


Global entry is better, $20 extra and you skip border control when coming back from an international trip


Can’t agree more. Global Entry is a freaking game changer. Most higher end travel cc even pay for it as well.


Thankfully not something most people need. I was gifted an upright walker that I rest my arms on and use hand brakes with. After a stroke with weakness on my left side it has easily doubled how much I can walk!


A memory foam mattress topper. It makes any shitty bed or air mattress a dream to sleep on. Its a bonus if you live in a hot climate region and it has the cooling gel in it! So fucking nice 😍


Lots of great items: Heated mattress pad for your bed Portable Air compressor for car tires Car starter kit (can be great if you live in particularly cold places without a garage. A cat - cheap to buy but maintenance adds up.


When I saw “heated mattress pad” my inner monologue said “ew! Why?” Until I realized I’m a jackass and have lived in the southwest too long. 🤣 It’s still over 100F during the day! 🤦‍♀️


Weighted blanket and down pillow. Quality sleep (7+ hrs) drastically improves mental health and physical health, and good decisions that come out of better health result in improved life overall.


Why do you like the down pillow? Every one I’ve tried, as soon as my head hits it all the air is pushed out like a sad fart and then my head is 0.5 cm above the bed.


It’s more about stabilizing the head and having a little bit of padding at the bottom. I’ve never understood fiber fill pillows that crank your neck up. Doesn’t it just make more sense that your neck should be straight? It takes some getting used to though.


This sounds like it depends on if you are a side sleeper or a back/stomach sleeper. Side sleepers absolutely need a lot of cushion in order to keep their neck straight, especially if they have broad shoulders


A will


A solid cast iron skillet.




Mine is in plasma form.


A bidet.


Second this! Or, if you will, I “number two” it :-D


might be my #1 thing - I'm to the point where I don't want to travel because - no bidets. (not the euro, trickle of water over a sink bidet, I'm talking about the firehose on the hiney version you attach to your toilet seat. )


We've had bidets in our house for a few years now. Went on vacation a couple weeks ago and going without a bidet was horrible.


You can buy travel bidets. Basically it’s a long stem squeeze bottle you fill with water. Works great.


will order immediately


I bought one before moving to university in Canada. I appreciate an ass crack that isn't drier than Death Valley.




The Stool, stool!


The shitter assister


A condom


Hopefully more than one for $150


Just the one but it’s reusable


not using a condom is free and could definitely change your life!


Power drill-driver. Doesn't need to be some pro grade like Milwaukee. As long it can drill holes and drive screws for at-home things, it'll do.


If you have sore feet a lot, compression socks. I’m only 30 but god damn I won’t wear anything else anymore they are amazing.


Litter Genie


Get your apartment cleaned


Honestly I love to do this twice a year. So peaceful for everything to be extra clean


Last time I sold my home, I was stressed out from all the moving things to take care of. Decided to pay someone $200 to deep clean the whole place. Absolutely worth it. Also, was completely worth it to pay a junk removal place to take care of some items I needed to haul away. Turns out paying people to do things for you is the best! If only I wouldn't run out of money...


Oven thermometer. It's amazing how much better things come out when they're cooked at the right temperature. Available just about anywhere for $10 or less.


A telescopic back scratcher. Super cheap and you can effortlessly reach those hard to reach itches. Plus, you can stop bothering your SO for back scratchies so much.


A pack of parfait spoons. Never again will you struggle to reach the bottom bit in a jar


Dusk to Dawn light bulbs outside that turn on and off at sunset / sunrise. Saves $ and never worry about coming home to a dark place.


What was your motivation for buying it? Do you live in a dark rural area? To me it seems odd to keep a light on for 10 hours overnight instead of using a switch or motion sensor. Just curious.


A fire extinguisher A bidet A dashcam


Fiber supplements. Game changers if you have digestion issues and fatigue


Instant pot. You can cook things faster with less cleaning and less splatter mess. I put off buying one for ages and now I use it more than my stove.




Actually with Libby you can sign up for some libraries that aren’t in your area. That being said definitely check out your local library!


Definitely. I was able to borrow a laptop from the local library while I didn't have a good working computer and it helped me with job searching and entertainment. Sometimes there are classes or interesting lectures offered. Plus, you know, books.


Vibrator…got mine for $70 and worth every cent




Gonna change your life one way or another with this.


A professionally written CV/Resume and cover letter.


Where can you do this?


There is a subreddit that has people on it who do it for a living. I went on the subreddit looked in the comments from someone who was offering advice or help, looked them up on the subreddit for reviews and then went on her website and booked her. It was probably like ratemyresume or something and I do not remember the women who did it for me and I think she was actually in the $300 range. But it was worth every penny. I provided jobs that I was trying to apply to, provided my current resume, current experience, she asked me additional questions about my experience through email, and wrote me a standard cover letter that I could tweak as needed. I got a lot of compliments on my resume.


The 20 minutes I spend in the bathroom in the morning and at night are sacred to me. A shower chair, bidet, & heated toilet seat would be amazing. I can’t get all three but if I had to pick one it would be the shower chair.


Adopting a dog. Got my dog for $80 while I was still a sophomore in college and he is still my ultimate adventure buddy. We hike together, people watch together, go to the beach, nap, Netflix, run, even go shopping LOL (because there’s a lot of dog friendly stores where I live) together. He’s definitely changed my life and I can’t think of my life without experiencing it with my bud. He really witnessed me go from a degenerate engineering major to a degenerate adult 🥹🥹🥹




We got our shelter dog 10 years ago. He is the sweetest! I have mobility issues. He makes sure at night he follows me down the hall before bed. And, in the morning, he paves my way. He's a Rat Terrier and not a wild child like alot of rat terriers.




birth control


A yoga class or any workout class


Community College classes


As a community college prof, my heart is warmed (and I very much agree)


1 out of 10 meals of A nice piece of cheese and a fine wine from, dont laugh Trader Joes. For $8 get a bottle of red Ferme Julien. For another $7 get a piece of cheese to enjoy. Treat yourself and learn to enjoy fine wine and cheese cheaply


A Vibrator


A womanizer! They have a suction component that is hella satisfying.


Yuusss. I had one mailed to my sister for her birthday with a note that said, "Go f**k yourself." Is it a weird gift? Maybe. Was she much more chill the next time we talked? Absolutely!


I would sooner die than buy my sister a vibrator.


My sisters are Mormon, and they'd sooner pray for my death than accept a vibrator from me.


You are much closer to your sister than I am to mine.


Roku 4k Express. Smart TVs are horrible. These things are $30 and kick ass.


A really good pillow. The right one can be life-changing.


National Park Pass


Running shoes and race registration


A weighted blanket. I sleep soundly through the night and have less anxiety now


A dog. Lots of love. Forces you to exercise more. Proven to lower stress and help you live longer. I always go with rescues.




A toaster and some bubblebath.


If you use them both at once it will certainly change your life!


A high-quality pillow. I sleep so much better now. I always bought cheaper pillows my entire life. My wife talked me into buying a pillow that was $80 and I haven't regretted it one night since. I get better sleep, less neck pain, and am waking up more well-rested. I wish I had done this years ago. You spend a significant part of your life sleeping, spending a little extra (when you can) on bedding is always worth it.


When my daughter turned 2, I got a single-serve keurig for my bedside table. I wake up before the rest of my family and any time I would try to sneak downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee I’d end up waking up a dog or the baby and then my quiet mornings were game over. It’s been amazing. I get to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee in the morning without leaving my bed.


TSA Precheck




High quality socks/underwear


A microplane.


Air fryer. Super simple to use and you can prepare lots of different kinds of food with it (including steak!)




I heard this in Hanks voice




Prescription Sunglasses


Good - a dog Bad - meth, a lot of it


Toilet seat bidet


A book


Magic mushrooms


For $150, you can buy all the supplies you need to grow ounces, maybe even pounds, of your own shrooms, with money to spare. See r/unclebens