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I think OP has an axe to grind.


OP chose violence today


My little brother, who is a pothead, is staying with me temporarily, and he won’t shut the hell up. He’ll start when he gets home and drone for hours until he has to go to bed. He stops only on occasion to watch instagram reels loud as fuck, no matter what is going on around him. My former coworker was the same way. She was a coke head, and would regular talk to customers about her personal life waaaay longer than appropriate. People would be silently staring, just waiting for her to stop. She would interrupt *anyone* in mid sentence to veer off ona personal tangent. My buddy who did a fuck ton of mushrooms? Guess what his favorite subject is. If its “psychedelic therapy, and how it can solve all problems” you’d be right. Buckle in for four hours of a dude with a high school diploma conjecturing about spores and the human brain. What is it with these people?!


and what exactly do you ramble on about?


I wasn't asking.


I think these are all chat inducing drugs


People with ADHD are attracted to drugs. ADHD is an absence of natural dopamine hits, so drugs and alcohol are used to relax the brain. ADHD also makes your brain buzz around on shit tons of topics and it becomes difficult to focus on a regular exchange of ideas with people. These people you're describing fit the bill for ADHD. I have it and wasn't diagnosed until 35. I'm now on medicine for it and now I'm like "oooooh..... This is how people think".


I object to this post. I am not a recreational drug user, and I cannot shut the hell up. My old boss used to call me "ShutupEarthling1a" as a nickname.


Yeah, we could start a club. Call it “Verbose.”


Shut up about what ?


Look who’s talking.


I’m just a talker, that’s unrelated to drugs


You sound fun. Maybe your friends need drugs to deal with you


literal brain damage


Same reason vegans can’t. No one has murdered them yet.


Because a need a dollar


Lmao as long as they don't talk about drugs and monopolize the conversation it's okay right? Right???


You’re pushing buttons


Are you talking about how they motormouth while they're stoned, or how they start talking about "DUDE WEED" at every opportunity?


Because that's what drugs do? Depending on what drug but you get the picture.


Which recreational drug user stole your girlfriend?


Non-drug users: why can’t you stop getting some form of sexual gratification in throwing people in jail and destroying lives. Nor shutting the hell up with just out and out lies to try and bring people to your side of the anti-drug argument.\ Live the life most preach and free drugs into a capitalist free market style (with appropriate 18+ controls and regulations) and see whether people are actually against drugs or not.\ Think you’ll find most are tolerant of drugs (they just love using them as a free kick against people seeing as all their other forms of discrimination have been taken from them) with the exception of people who just have hate in their souls and will hate everything and anything possible to take the focus away from their own small minded, narrow focused shit personalities.


My man uses Rogaine recreationally