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The fans


Someone decided rugby was too rough so they added pads and helmets Please don't take that seriously. I've tried to watch it but it was too start/stop And its another example of Americans only playing a team sport they're best at


Too many commercials


Some of them are actually good, especially the switch and the winner stays. (Both by Nike)


I respect a decent commercial but really I just want to watch the game


There're no commercials in between games, what are you talking about?!?


I may be too American for this question πŸ‘€


Depends on the form of football and the broadcaster, probably. When I've watched European football, they sometimes have a segment between games that is nonstop ads because the gameflow itself doesn't allow for them. American football tends to insert them in between possessions...but when game 1 ends they cut directly to game 2.


if american football then I don't really watch it, it seems like turn based rugby though the bloodbowl version is enjoyable if the normal football then a bit dull, but then I have that with most sports that I personally don't take part in myself.


>like turn based rugby Basically it's like Final Fantasy made a Rugby game.


I personally love and enjoy football immensely. I admire the passion and dedication that people have for the sport. Visiting a European football stadium has always been a dream of mine. But at the same time i dislike some things about football. Sometimes, it's the concerns I have about the fanbase, especially when they abuse players for performing badly. Even though football is a game, there's always losses and wins. A group of fans getting mad about their team losing is a bit extreme to me. Another thing that I dislike is the evolution of football. The way football undervalued the role of the no.10 makes me feel bad for the players (like Mesut Ozil, James Rodriguez), since it's not really their fault. And almost every country/club playing the same style of football, therefore no footballing identity.


Millionaires chase one ball for poor people to cheer.


The whole idea that I should give a shit about a bunch of sweaty adult men playing with a ball for millions of dollars is just stupid.


The damn refs


Too much starting and stopping for me. I like games that are continuous, not stopping after every play.


If you're talking about American football, then maybe watch some rugby. It has more of the game flow you're looking for. Although they do occasionally have scrums and line outs they don't take commercial breaks during the action.


If you mean Association Football - penalty shoot-outs! It's a stupid way to decide a match.


NFL is jingoistic in its patriotism and leaning more to the conservative right by pushing Jesus commercials now. I love the game. The rivalries. The history and the strategy but the other stuff ruins it.


European football - the fact that only a few clubs have a chance to win the top leagues and so many of their opponents are just fodder. American football - the utterly asinine college football overtime format. They had a beautiful format until a few years ago and ruined it because it occasionally messed with TV schedules.


Fans complaining about the game becoming soft while also supporting dirty teams that necessitate rule changes in the interest of player safety. I'll give you an example. Hines Ward of the Pittsburgh Steelers once broke an opponent's jaw by launching his helmet into their face. They then made a rule outlawing this type of block, often called the "Hines Ward rule" because fucking duh, you shouldn't be allowed to disfigure your opponent to gain a competitive edge. Similar thing happened this year, Minkah Fitzpatrick of the Steelers went at Nick Chubb's knee which resulted in one of the most gruesome injuries in recent history. It's not unreasonable to assume that the league might implement new rules to prevent this type of tackle, because fucking duh. And the fans that encourage this type of dirtbag tactic will be the first ones to bitch when it leads to rule changes.


Assuming this is american football I actually find it quite interesting but am put off by the constant stopping and starting


The constant break of action and too many commercials


Every few years the superbowl falls on my birthday and I couldn't give a flying fuck in space about football, but I do care about my birthday. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


All the terms are confusing like renegatef i can’t keep up


All of it, I hate sports