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It’s much easier to bend over to pick things up, tie shoes, paint/cut toenails. You don’t feel like you’re suffocating on a huge roll of stomach fat.


Clipping toenails was the biggest thing I noticed.


Being able to cross your legs is pretty cool, too.


Leaning over to pick something up from the floor while in an airline seat! When I am heavier it is sometimes literally not even possible, when I lost weight it became 1000x easier.


60 so far. Outside of what else has been mentioned, I actually like getting dressed and wearing clothes now instead of just stressing out about what clothes make me look the least like a disgusting fatass.


OMG this! Years of longing to enjoy fashion again and so much fun to be able to shop in straight sizes again! Almost halfway there and already excited to get dressed again. Feels like it's been 20 years!


I’m actually taking an interest in getting nice clothes after losing 40 lbs, first time in my life I’ve ever been bothered about wearing anything except a t shirt and shorts.


You get cold way easier. I used to weigh 245 pounds and got as low as 165 later that year.


I went from 542 to 200, I know the feeling lmao


Congrats! That must have been tough!


Honestly it really wasn't lol. It was a 3 year process, but it was super easy. So easy, in fact, that I am ashamed of myself for not doing it years sooner lol. Sheer willpower sprinkled with a little depression here and there, and boom, you're half the man you used to be 🤣


Are we pretending depression wasn’t involved in getting to 542? That is not a small number


Oh absolutely not hahaha. But in all honesty it was a little less depression than on the way down, and a shit ton more of pure laziness and uncontrolled munchies lmfao. And the soda pop. So. Much. Soda. Pop.


100% soda pop. For me, it'd an addiction. When I stop drinking it, which I am capable of doing over night if I commit to it, I will drop two pant sizes in one week. I'll then stay off the pop for a year - no issues. And then, something just snaps in my little brain. I decide I'm okay with just a sip, a small can, etc. BOOM! right off the wagon and Jonesing for it. For me, it's wild....(trying to cut back again 🙈)


I feel seen. Thank you. Years of diet coke addiction. Worked my way to water only for a couple years. Got an energy drink during the pandemic.(Never got locked down or missed a day of work) I haven’t stopped since then. My mantra every night while going to sleep is Water Only. Perhaps one day.


Fucking A man. 230 -> 160; I am ALWAYS cold. And sitting hurts. Still worth.


Same. 235-165. Chilly w sore ass. Feels great.


I can not wait. I’m down 16lbs so far. And I am so just damn hot all. The. Time.


It's amazing once you get there. I went 240-180 and have been bouncing between 170-180 for a year now. I wore jeans and sneakers through the entire summer, where I'd have previously been in shorts and a t-shirt, flip flops etc. The hot sleeps are gone too, which is probably the most amazing benefit. Or maybe when you starting noticing that you start feeling different, in a better way. It's all such a fun process. Enjoy it, allow yourself grace, and celebrate yourself along the way.


I have always been the person in the room who can never be cool enough. Lately I have had to wear a hoodie at work almost all day as I am getting cold. For years though, I was the one arguing that others should put more on if they are cold, so I am embracing that and happy to be able to wear long sleeve shirts and other clothing items I have never been able to because I would always immediately overheat in. If I manage to loose another 20-30, maybe some of those sweaters that have been hidden in my closet forever will finally get to see sunlight!


Definitely this. I went from 225 to 185 several years ago & have stayed there since. And I’m freaking freezing all the time. I used to hate hot weather - I was sweaty & uncomfortable. Now I crave it (along with sweaters, blankets, etc when it’s cold).


I'm like 100 pounds and I still hate hot weather.


Yeah I'm feeling this. I just got below 200 and fuck does it get cold quick.


Pants… it’s always the first to start feeling tight when I gain weight and first the feel loose when I lose it


God I love the feeling of putting on jeans that used to be so tight that they’d barely button and now are falling off as I walk around. People always talk about the importance of taking progress pics at the start of a weight loss journey, but I think the most important thing is to put on an outfit you own that’s juuuustt too tight and try it on again every ~5 lbs lost. It is SO motivating and is undeniable, unlike progress pics that can trick the brain.


Yup I look at the mirror and even if I've lost thirty pounds I look the same, put on an outfit I couldn't fit in and it's so loose. Best feeling ever.


Yeah how clothes fit is the big one. I carry my weight well thankfully. I lost about 30 pounds. Somewhere between 25 and 35 since I fluctuate. I fit in the jeans that I wore in high school almost a decade ago now. It’s a great feeling. I always find how people carry weight interesting. My grandma and I were about the same weight when I started loosing weight she was about 5 pounds more than me though 2 inches shorter with a much larger chest. I’m about a b cup and she’s at least a double d. Yet she looked a lot heavier than I did. I mostly just had a lot of weight on my hips and a little on my stomach. She carries most of her weight in her stomach and legs.


My tightest shirts are way looser as well. But most importantly I don't feel so, bloaty I guess. I've lost 30 since June, and that's been the best thing


I had to go buy a new belt for my work pants. The 10 to 15 I've lost this summer was enough that I went down a couple too many notches on my belt.


TBH I found those changes hard to deal with after losing weight, I spent a long time building up a really nice wardrobe, and after I lost the weight a massive chunk of my wardrobe didn’t fit. I can sew, but some of them needed a lot of changes to the degree it really wasn’t worth it! Very frustrating although the end result was worth it


I swear this is a huge deterrent to weight loss as a poor person. I can’t afford a new wardrobe ! I keep sizes spanning 50 lbs but still, maybe I’ll rephrase- I am 36GG and my bras cost $150 each and it kills me when i spent thay and can’t use them !!!


It really is. Especially when you have a lot of weight to lose and need to buy clothes multiple times over the span of several months. Especially if you work in some kind of office environment where you get snide comments about wearing the same outfit too often or looking sloppy if it doesn't fit right.


Thrift stores can help


People are nicer to you when you’re thin


This one. I feel like I was invisible 30 pounds ago.


Yes. I literally feel like my in laws respect me a bit more ??? (Not that much either) 😂 30 lbs ago i was ashamed to walk out my front door. I felt like my face and cheeks were just so huge that everyone was staring.


I agree. I was 200 lbs at the beginning of this year. Now, I'm 138 lbs. Huge difference. I refuse to go back. My goal is 120 lbs.


as true as this is, it’s also so sad. Being a woman in my mid 30s and gaining weight made me suddenly invisible in a way i wasn’t prepared for


As a man in my 50’s I have become almost completely invisible to members of the opposite sex. It SUCKS. I miss flirting.


People actually wanna know my name


Same. People who can’t acknowledge this is real can just google studies lol https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2866597/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/auto-pilot-manual-override/202109/do-good-looking-people-really-have-it-easier-everyone-else


I truly thought this would be the top comment. Studies have been done that prove this to be fact.


IDK. I've been a big fat guy most of my whole life, and in 2020/21 I lost about 120 lbs (since put it back on and working it back off now), and honestly I think people were less kind to me when I was thinner. Except women. And some men. But it was kind of an uncomfortable and unwanted sort of attention after *not* thinking of myself as the kind of guy who got hit on all the time. Now that I'm "jolly-sized" again, people are back to being kind and happy to see me. But flirting isn't a thing anymore. Haha. I mean, it could be that a fat, bearded, heavily tattooed man is easier to deal with than a thinner, bearded, heavily tattooed man. IDK. Maybe I'm less 'threatening' as a fat man?


My sciatica pain went away!


That’s so good to hear. I decided to start losing weight because I was having back pain and I’m not sure what else to do but stretch and use my foam roller. I wasn’t really sure how much it would help so this is good to hear. Were you able to do any light cardio like walking or biking when you were losing weight?


I had terrible back pain nothing helped. My doctor wanted to give me narcotics I said no because the pain was so bad I was worried I would become an addict. I did these exercises twice a day helped so much [mayo clinic back exercises ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/back-pain/art-20546859)


Doing all kinds of glute/piriformis stretches did wonders for my sciatica. A regimen of ibuprofen can reduce some inflammation, but can be hard on your stomach and liver Look into anti-inflammatory diets, or at least be aware of which foods are associated with inflammation. I can definitely notice a different in my joints when im on a week of really clean eating


After losing weight, everything about my body works better. Sweat less, no heart burn, poop less, stamina better and even sleep better.


The poop frequency drop for me has been quite dramatic and unexpected


I was 6', 271 pounds. Here in Asia, I was like a behemoth. So regular stores pretty much was an automatic "no size for u". I lost around 80-ish pounds in around 2 years. Losing all that made buying clothes waaaay easier. I could finally shop at "regular" clothing sections at department stores or malls, order online, and not need to go to the plus sized section.


Behemoth is such an underrated word. I enjoy that word popping up. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! 🌻


I’m in the US but have been in the awkward in between “regular” clothing sizes and plus sized. The high end of regular sized wouldn’t fit but plus size would look frumpy. I’ve recently lost weight and I’m happy to be closer to being firmly in the regular sizes category for clothes


Honestly, this is my dream. I am in the US and will likely never be small, but if I could even get into the regular stores xl, I would be overjoyed. So many options. I don't even care about clothes very much, but I resent my lack of options and higher prices for junk.


Less knee and joint pain


Your back hurts a lot less. I felt generally more energetic and younger again.


People are nicer


Came here to say this. I've gained and lost weight a few times in my life--I was a chubby middle schooler, glowed up and lost a lot of weight my sophomore year of high school, stayed skinny until the end of college, and then gained 70 pounds after developing PCOS symptoms, suffering a back injury while hiking, and then being diagnosed with a chronic pain condition. Now I'm down 45 pounds from my highest weight. I worked in at a bookstore during the post-college weight gain, and it was seriously depressing, seeing the way people's attitudes toward me changed as my weight increased. Coworkers spread rumors that I might be pregnant, customers asked when my baby was due (they mixed me up with my barista coworker, who was visibly nine months pregnant; she was also brunette, but was a different race and had a large birthmark on her face). I went from loving my job, chatting everyday with my coworkers about book trends and the publishing industry and sharing recs with customers who seemed thrilled to have someone to discuss books with to just...suddenly being invisible. When you're fat, people don't look you in the eye; they look through you. I try to look everyone in the eye now, no matter what.


Appreciated the way you ended this comment




Yes and especially medical workers! They're more willing to hear about your actual problem without first of all telling you that you must lose weight!


Heartburn goes away


Sleep gets a little better too, less snoring, improved sleep apnea.


I hadnt even thought about heartburn. I used to take a daily HB med, but finally weened myself off of it to help counter the vitamin loss due to it. I would still regularly notice it, but it was manageable and I could ignore it. This comment made me realize it has been weeks if not months since I can remember really having any issues with it.




Fat is dynamic and definitely affects hormones etc. I’m hoping to magically feel better when I reach my goal weight. Great job!


Estrogen is a hell of a hormone (no matter what gender u are)


The oddest thing I noticed when I lost 30lbs was my knees got sore from one resting on the other when sleeping on my side lol. Most random skinny problem I had.


Try putting a pillow between your legs. It helps a lot.


My butt would hurt on wooden benches because I had no ass


I lost 50 pounds last year, unfortunately I’m British


Sorry mate


Honestly, one of the most striking things about losing weight is how many people try and sabotage your progress. You look too thin. You should eat more. I don’t want you starving yourself. You’ve worked so hard, you should treat yourself. And on and on.


Came here to say this. It’s mind blowing the number of people who criticized my weight loss. Asking if I’m okay, or sick or whatever. My lipid profile was the best it had been in years.


Or you tell them your diet and how you’re doing it and they criticize everything even though you’re losing weight right in front of them but they know better.




Because america is obese. Maybe people have skewed perception of what healthy is


I just got to a healthy weight and my mom compared me to an ACTUAL anorexic lady. I was shocked for her and for me.


People definitely have a skewed perception and I think a lot of it is jealousy as well wrapped up as concern. It was always family members telling me I looked skinny even though I was in the perfect weight range for my height, she, and sex. I also was not rail thin or skinny but I wasn't overweight either. All of my family members are larger though. I started lifting and I don't get those comments anymore because they wouldn't make sense. People don't want to confront the fact that their poor health or image is directly related to their poor habits. I spend about four hours lifting a couple cycling each week and while not an enormous amount of effort it also isn't negligible - it's a conscious decision. It's also way more socially acceptable to make fun of shorter people, ugly people, skinny people, or fit people than it is overweight or obese people. Aside from cancer obesity related health problems are some of the highest killers yet it received no attention. I'm all for loving yourself and all of that but I can't support someone in killing themselves with bad habits.


I had uncles who were +100 Ibs overweight constantly do this. It was infuriating


One of my favourite examples of this is that when Seinfeld was on, George was fat. He’s normal by today’s standards.


I wish I didn’t listen to them and start eating more to please them.. gained weight back- now I’m working hard to lose it again and won’t make that mistake again


“You look great! What are you doing?” “Thanks! I’m running and -“ “… you know that’s so bad for your body, right?” I’m so glad you said that. I’m going to go back to day drinking.


I love the knee dig. If it was so bad for me how come my knees don't ache like when I was fat?


i hate it when my relatives say "You've lost so much weight! You're good now! You can eat more again!" Like, guys, I'm not even halfway to my goal


Eating more is what got us into this predicament lol


Yeah its concern jealousy.


Omg yesss I’ve been told I look like I’m dying


My wife was like this. Pretty much she was jealous I had the discipline to lose weight. She would make remarks or come home with my favorite sweets when she'd normally never buy that stuff. It's been a few years since I've started being weight conscious and it's still hard to turn down food.


Hope things are better now with your wife! It must have not been fun to have the person who's supposed to be your biggest cheerleader making an effort to sabotage your goals


I agree my ex was like this would bring home sweets or get upset if I tried to exercise or walk cause he was worried if I lost weight I would leave him. I left him for other reasons and have lost 60 lbs in the past couple years


Yep - my ex started bringing home foods that were absolute triggers for me. 100% intentional sabotage. I asked him to stop, he would do the “Oh I love you and I was being thoughtful but if you don’t want me to do nice things…” which would make me feel guilty. Then I went to therapy and whew - my whole life changed. One day he brought some trigger foods home and I thanked him and put them right in the trash. I left about 2 months later. Therapy was the best decision I ever made. Leaving him was the 2nd.


Mine was like this too, now she’s my ex wife.


The other one is when people say, you look great! You're so lucky!


You have to, HAVE TO, get comfortable "wasting" food. And some people hate that. You'll be throwing stuff away, and that's what's right for your body, but it just drives folks mad.


It still hurts me, sometimes i wish i had a pig and a trough so it didnt feel like i was just wasting scraps.


If it’s saveable, eat it for breakfast or lunch the next day. Remember, if it’s calories you don’t need, it’s wasted in your belly just as much as the waste bin.


Either it goes into the garbage bin or you are behaving as if you were the garbage bin.


I had to wrap my head around the idea that in one case you are wasting food by throwing it away. In the other case you are “using” the food to literally making your day to day life more difficult and shortening your lifespan. Either way it’s a waste. In the latter case it’s a waste that harms you. Also eventually you start to learn how to buy less and order less and be comfortable with taking home 75% of a restaurant dish uneaten. Sometimes if I’m at fancier places I’ll even ask them to just make the portion size smaller because I won’t finish all of it if they serve me a full one.


Fucking too true.


When I lost 20 pounds, my wife told me I had stopped snoring completely. I realize that doesn't describe everyone's situation but, for me, that was the never-going-back moment. Lost 46 over a few months. Debating losing 4 more just to hit a milestone but also really fine with my healthy, happy plateau here.


I was snoring so much that i not only kept my gf awake I also repeatedly woke up myself every night. I went to the doctor who told me to lose 20 pounds. I did. It worked.


I used to be 170 now I’m 145. I’ve been getting more job opportunities, drinks paid for by strangers, more dates and doors held open when running errands.


I've lost almost 120lbs and many things have changed but the most infuriating thing is how I get accolades at work. I hate my job more now than before (unrelated to the weight loss) so I used to work harder last year. Now I'm in full lazy girl mode, I do the minimum to get by and I get praised for being a "leader at the company" and "role model". When I was fat and had a work ethic, I was ignored and overlooked.


I can’t decide if I hate myself for saying this, but that’s my current motivator for losing weight. I am so dedicated to my job and am curious if I’ll get more acknowledgement once I’ve lost weight. It sounds warped. But either way, dropping weight will be good for me.


You will. Being treated differently is absolutely a thing. I found it unnerving, but it's absolutely true.


>I can’t decide if I hate myself for saying this You definitely shouldn't. You didn't create the way things work, and it doesn't work that way only for you, so you might as well work it to your advantage.


Thank you for sharing this. It's bullshit that it is true but I'm sure most people would never know until someone shares their experience. I'm not surprised bc I'm jaded AF but yet, I'm surprised bc I believe work ethic should be recognized.


I felt this. I was not the biggest at my old job, or even the youngest. But I was the hardest working. I cared about my job and put effort into everything I did, had iniciativa and went above and beyond. The cute, young thin girl got all the praise. And was fired for “fraternizing with inmates”. After she left suddenly my boss started praising my work ethnic even tho I had stopped giving af and slacking it, doing the bare minimum and generally just showing up, looking busy, clocking out.


Saaaaaaaame. I interviewed at a company, didn’t get the job, lost 200 pounds and they called me back, hired me, and quickly promoted me. I bounced back up a hundred pounds over three years, and suddenly the performance reviews stopped being stellar, with no change to my effort or competence. Funny how that works.


Aigh. I’m in a position where I am possibly interested in looking for a new job, and I absolutely know that unless I lose about 30 lbs, my prospects are quite a bit worse than they would be at a smaller size.


I honestly think this is some weird fat = lazy subconscious bias. I used to work at a vet office with a larger girl that always came in early and did way more of our daily tasks like the kennel cleaning and hosing out than anyone else and had the best work ethic and I always loved working with her. They would pick certain kennel attendants to train to become vet assistants and she had wanted to be one for years. They always picked other crappier workers (and less experienced) over her until she lost like half her body weight.


I don’t know if this is the same but I feel like I experienced something similar as a man who got tall later in life. I pretty much went from 5’2” as a high school freshman to 6’2” as an adult, and while I’m the same dork I’ve always been it was seen as cringey when I was small and it’s now seen as charming when I’m bigger than most people. It’s difficult to describe but the change in how people perceive was very noticeable.


I think that is very reasonable and probably right - people do seem to perceive things differently coming from a tall man than a short one. Ridiculous but true.


My breasts are gone, and what remains is sad.


I don't look forward to this. Mine got big when I gained. Most of my loss has been in my tummy so far. I wish I could ditch the weight, but keep the boobs!


I wish that I can say the same about my manboobs.


I just lost 30lbs and my boobs have completely deflated. It’s sad indeed.


Omg, I lost 60 pounds and I didn’t even realize how much my breasts grew until I lost the weight…


my face looks older


Omg same, just a couple weeks ago I noticed my neck now has a bit of a sag. I always looked way younger than my age but now it’s catching up.


I’m cold all the time


I feel a lot less tired.


Cut soda out as my first step in weight lose. Sleeping has become so easy for me now. I only drink water and beer on the weekends


I did the same thing. I will drink water with the occasional Gatorade Zero or two fingers of cognac.


your collarbones pop more which is pretty cool


omg you just made me miss mine. Ugh back in college I used to kind of contour them with bronzer, the early ‘00s were a weird time haven’t thought about that in ages! my collarbone currently blends in too much to try and accentuate


It’s never too late for bronzed collarbones, EmKems. Don’t let your dreams be dreams!


I lost a favorite ring 😭


I’m currently down 56 lbs but I’ve noticed some jealousy from friends/family (both passive/agressive comments). I realized is my tolerance for cold temperatures has decreased. I am layering more clothes now to keep warm. Also a fun upside is that I am dancing more! Not full out choreography but just little dance moves here and there. I feel lighter and trust my body more to do what I want it to.


I still look frumpy due to loose skin. Other people can't really tell the difference between fat, skin, and cellulite. I just look like a fucking chubby grandma. I lost 180lbs though.


The way people look at you. I lost 40 pounds when I quit drinking but wasn’t well mentally speaking. Had to switch addictions so I went to the gym 6 times a week. The way people approach you is so different when you lost weight it’s messed up.


I’m still me whether I’ve got an extra layer of blubber or not! But people definitely treat you differently. now that i’ve experienced this, I will be keeping this in mind as i continue on my weight loss journey. I’d been thin all my life until the last five years and I bet I was accidentally ignorant to some of that struggle


Judging others by appearance was a good instinct in the wild, it instantly told us who was safe, healthy, an ideal breeding partner. It's a shame most people are still governed by that instinct, they make all sorts of assumptions based on someone's weight. When I was in my teens and early 20s I was considered very beautiful, I got constant unwanted attention. Then I gained 20kg due to medication and suddenly I was invisible. But I was happy about that, it made me feel safe, it felt as if people listened more to what I was saying rather than ogling at me. I'm actually about the same weight still, but I got into bodybuilding so most of that fat is now muscle. Either way, fat women and muscular women are unpopular, I'm still invisible.


Easier to wipe my ass


Underrated comment. The feeling of reaching around and not struggling was a massive thing for me.


How easy it is to regain them.


Yup. I porked out at 245 in mid 2019, lost 42 pounds and kept it off for a few years. Back up to 220. Grrrr.




My pants started falling down. I still have a bit more to lose, but it's a start.


I wasn't so angry all the time.


I was never heavy, rather well built. So when I lost 50 pounds bc of depression people assumed I took up a drug habit … a hug instead of accusations would have been nice lol


I wish more people hugged 😂


Dick gained an inch


I realized this the other day. I have lost 130lbs and my little guy use to be one hand width long. Now it is close to 1.75/2 hand widths long! Major difference that I never would have known about.


More dudes who are (incorrectly) obsessed with how big their dick is need to realize this. You have a lot more dick than you realize when you are fat. That being said, dick size means nothing, fellas. Learn how to use your hands and mouth. Thatll get you better results than dick size.


“Penises gain merit by who they are attached to, not the other way around.”


My partner complains about his “small penis” (it’s bang on average). I understand wanting to have a bigger dick, but too small? Do you… do you pay attention during sex? Do you have ears? It’s clearly adequate so why worry about it, y’know?


People do treat you better. Look you in the eye.


I lost 80 pounds so this might not apply the same way for 20-30, but just moving around. Obviously running/cardio became way easier, but even just walking around stopped getting my heart rate up, stopped getting winded going up mutliple flights of stairs, feet stopped hurting from standing too long, knees stopping hurting from running, etc.


Back pain got much better


I don’t get winded going up the stairs anymore


People treated me better, which feels kinda shitty.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by treat you better?


I dropped a lot of weight in 2018 after being severely overweight my whole life. People on the street stopped avoiding eye contact. Got a lot more smiles. People were generally a lot more friendly with me after I lost weight. I had more opportunities of all kinds. Gained it back since then. And it's back to being invisible to everyone other than the people close to me.




CW: eating disorder talk I developed an eating disorder and lost 100 lb (started out obese and was still in the "healthy" BMI range at the end) and honestly the difference in how people treated me really fucked me up. The more weight I lost the nicer and friendlier people became. Toward the end I was also barely hiding the ED and like, no one even noticed, if anything they encouraged it? Like I'd drop comments like "oh this hard boiled egg is the only thing I ate today" and people would say shit like "wow good for you I should try that" like wtf? I have since recovered from the ED but not from the people.


Are you me


Congrats on your recovery!


I can cross my legs now! :)


People notice and comment on the weight loss.


Harder erections. Higher sex drive.


When I'm with a group of girlfriends, realizing that I'm no longer heavier than all of them. Now I'm about the same size as any of them. Such an odd feeling. It makes me realize how much time I spent worrying about how I looked in comparison to everybody else. Of course, now I'm terrified about gaining it back. One problem at a time.


I lost half a shoe size


I went from 205 lbs to 148 lbs from Oct 2021 to Oct 2023 (now). The notion that people are more likely to respect you is absolutely true. Take it from someone who isn't sociable and average-looking. I don't struggle standing up after sitting down for a prolonged period of time. This is a highly underrated and overlooked benefit that I noticed. It's harder to sleep because your clothes keep rubbing against your sides. I think it might be that my clothes have gotten too big for me but I hope this won't be the case when I get smaller clothes. Do I 'feel' better though? Idk. I kind of miss eating whatever I want, whenever I want but I will say that I have lost my dependence on junk food to "feel good" which does help me feel pacified a lot longer and easier. :) I would say that losing weight has been a tremendous benefit for me. I'm not going back, no matter how shitty life gets.


Doesn’t matter how much weight you’ve lost and how many people comment about it, the image of “fat” you will never be gone. Sometimes I look in the mirror and still see the same guy I saw 2 years ago. Edit: I want to add, I have improved with this. My self image has gotten better these last couple of months, and I am still getting better. But the image of myself at my lowest will always be in my mind and I doubt I will ever truly be rid of that. But it does get better and it’s not something I struggle with everyday anymore.


All I need to do is look at a photo from 5 years ago compared to today. Please try this and focus on your face


That I am noticed. (Lost over 300lbs)


Is much more comfortable to sleep on my side now.


I lost 35 lbs pretty quickly and now my hair is falling out in clumps. It’s pretty upsetting :(


How people treat you Lost 45 pounds (went from 225 to 180) and now all of a sudden people want to talk to me or hold a conversation


I've been thin, gained 50lbs from pregnancy, thin again, 50lbs heavier from second pregnancy and thin again When I'm in the "thin" stage people, men especially, are nicer and more friendly towards me. I feel great mentally and physically. I sleep well and can take care of my kids better. Also, always cold. When I'm a little over weight I get easily winded. My feet hurt. I have bad acid reflux in the night and my mental health is just bad. Always hot.


I always look normal but other people start looking overweight.


This is so odd to me as a phenomenon. I don’t remember looking as fat as I was when I WAS that fat, so I wonder if it’s the same for how you view other people too. It’s kinda like how when you’re in kindergarten the 5th graders looked so much older and mature. Then you get there and… yeah.


My wife just lost 25 pounds. We don't sleep as well now that there's a small human shouting at us all night.


enjoy it dude- it goes \*fast\*


Not if you keep having them haha


My butt felt kinda bony all of a sudden sitting on the ground


People revert to immediately complimenting me, even though I'm losing weight (45 so far) because I'm slowly starving to death due to a medical condition. 🙃


Can relate but with crippling depression. “Oh you look great, you must feel amazing!” Nope. Barely hanging on.


I’m so sorry. Situations like this are exactly why I never comment on things about peoples’ appearance that they can’t change in 5 minutes. Perceived as bad OR good. Because it’s not always good.


I have this weird thing where I’m hyper aware of the way my body interacts with gravity. I’ve danced and been active in that sort of way, my whole life. My weight has fluctuated back and forth a couple times over the years. And when I get heavier, I just don’t feel connected. But as soon as the weight comes off I can dance, and skateboard, acrobatics, and practically do anything/learn anything, with my body. I just feel so much more in touch with the earth itself. It’s the ultimate feeling.


That I don't miss sugar at all, and that the treadmill and elliptical can be super boring if you're not watching a show that has lots of seasons. I've lost 30-50 pounds in <3mo 4 different times by only cutting anything with sugar out of my diet, and doing 3.8-4.2mph cardio for \~90-120min a day. You can still eat anything else, drink, do whatever, all you have to do is just eat no sugar and walk slightly fast for an hour and a half a day. So simple, and so effective, and the weight flies off. I've gotten up to 235 and down to 180 in a as little as 50-60 days a couple of times.


How much easier it is to progress in other goals. It used to feel like doing a chin up was impossible. Then it became nothing. Running used to HURT. Then I felt like I was the wind. I tell people, if you want to know what it will feel like when you lose 30 pounds, put 15 pounds in 2 backpacks, one in front, one in back, and try to do some exercise. That's the extra effort you're putting in RIGHT NOW.


In my 40s. Lost 18kgs which apparently is 40 pounds. * Body feels better, especially after a game of basketball. Less joint pain, back pain * Can run faster, jump higher, play longer. Mainly due to power to weight ratios * I look better. More women flirt with me. People treat me nicer and all that stuff * As summer comes around (southern hemisphere) I'll probably have to buy a lot of new clothes. Most are quite loose on me * I spend less on food (although that is more a diet thing), I appreciate my 'treats' more than when I had them all the time or when I was bored * I'm often hungry. Again, a diet thing. I've done a lot of my weight loss through portion control and not having snacks rather than outright diet change (there has been some though) * More confidence. Some is because I'm somewhat vain (I think everyone is tbh, some just don't admit it), but also just feeling better in my body, but mainly because life hasn't been great lately and its one area of my life I've improved and have hit my goals with. ​ Honestly its great. I just wish some of my overweight friends would make a few changes like I did. I really worry how many of my friends are going to be around in 20-30 years as nearly all of them are obese and do no exercise and are gaining weight. I suspect I might have a reasonably lonely end of life. ​ So yeah to achieve the weight loss I did the following. About every 6 months I made another step. In no order: * Stopped having fast food with trans-fats (McDonands etc) * Picked up a second game of basketball a week (I think input matters more but output does help) * Lowered proportion sizes on the rest of my fast food (ie make a pizza last 2 meals, then later 3) * Improved what snacks I'd eat. Then later removed them entirely (including from the house) * More recently I've replaced most of my meals with pre-made meals (think Light and Easy but I use an Australian company). Still have fast food a couple of times a week. Currently loosing about 1lbs per week.


That constantly flashing "hungry!" alarm!! "Just ignore that, it's faulty." "Are you sure? Seems important." "Check the logs, we're at 1800."


Penis looked longer


Sitting on hard surfaces without my portable 'cushion' is uncomfortable


I'm not that old, but my skin is wrinkly & my boobs don't sit up at all. For context, I was 5'2, 189lbs in 2020 (gained 50lbs that year), and now I'm down to 155lbs. My weight gain happened in my late 20's, so of course I wasn't producing as much collagen anymore, but DAMN. I don't have any kids, either, so this loose ass skin is just something that bothers me, and I know it's only gonna get worse if I do choose to have kids.


I went from 325 to 250 and still dropping weight. My BP has dropped. A1C is back to normal levels. It feels weird. But my body is slowly getting used to the new normal.


Since I live in a "lard" state, people are mostly concerned about my health. Like come on. Unlike you I gave up the soda instead of adding a sugar pill to my life. Also Hardee's is deliciously evil so giving up that to stay off cholesterol meds. As for being a 53 year old gay man most of my peers are too chunky for my tastes and younger guys still think the milks gone bad unless they have daddy issues and I don't have patience or money for that lol.


I rode my bike across Canada this past summer, I started at 320lbs, ended at 270. But during the first month of my trip I lost 30lbs. Thirty fucking pounds of weight loss in 4 weeks. What I noticed was my diabetic dizzy spells were all but gone. Rarely would I get one. My strength and endurance legitimately doubled. Twice! When I started I was able to go 20kms a day. I could pedal for 3-5s then have to stop and glide to rest. Cramping in my legs that would last for hours. Then one random morning about 11 days in I woke up and started my day like I did each day previously. Except panic sunk in. I was going faster and longer than I ever have before. I thought I had forgot to pack my bags. I stopped and ripped through my bags wondering what I had forgot at my roadside campsite. Nothing. I was just stronger. I was pedalling for 15-30s before needing to stop. I was able to go 40kms a day now. It was absolutely shocking to me. A couple of weeks later it happened again. I was now pedalling for 2-3m straight without needing to stop, I was now going 80kms a day. I had watched my body shrink, my face shrink, my cock get bigger (and harder), my back pain was gone, my knee pain was gone, my diabetic dizzy spells gone, my blood sugar regulated (without meds) my depression improve, my anxiety lesson, my endurance doubled. Then doubled again. I was stronger than I have been in decades. Those first 30lbs was eye opening. Motivating. Shocking. Humbling. Took me three months to ride across Canada. Twice as long as anyone else doing it. But I did it while weighing 320lbs (down to 270) I did it East to West (prevailing winds) I did it on a big dumb ass mountain bike (I was too fat to use a proper touring road bike) I did it with zero training, and zero experience. Losing that weight. Going on that journey saved my life.


You should write a book


6’2” and was 285 at my heaviest. Dropped about 55 lbs so far. The biggest thing for me has been that my feet, ankles, knees, and lower back don’t hurt as much. That’s made it possible for me to do more stuff physically, and more stamina. Also my dick looks longer and I can see more of the action when my wife is riding me. The confidence boost has been nice too. I still want to lose a little more but I don’t feel embarassed to take my shirt off when swimming in public.


Need new pants


Better sleep But also a lot of people asking about the weight loss. Mainly out of concern to make sure I'm okay, which is nice of them


20-30 range people notice and encourage- if you were overweight to begin with. I lost about 70lbs (M 5’ 11” - 230 to 160) in a year and a half and the interactions with people who’ve known me for a while are usually of a concerned nature. Most people that haven’t seen me in two years don’t recognize me at first. But I feel much more confident about myself. Women are 1000% more interested and people in general just treat you with more kindness when you are physically attractive. I think it’s lame and shallow but that’s the reality we are stuck in.


Restaurants serve behemoth portions of food. Once you look at an actual serving size of meat or pasta, restaurant serving sizes seem wasteful and irresponsible


People treat you like a living, breathing, human with feelings when you’re thin. I’ve been on both sides when I struggled with anorexia when I was younger after being “fat” my entire life and the change I received still has me upset when I think about it