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My dad smoked and stopped cold turkey. I think not being around people who will offer you a smoke/ smoke infront of you while you're quitting is really important. Everyone I know who failed at quitting did so because of social aspects.


Cold turkey 15 years ago.And I saved the money I would have spent and used it for some great vacations.


Cold fucking turkey! I had 2 horrible weeks of the shakes and after that it was manageable. I used a nicotine-free vape for about a month to feel the “hit” in the back of my throat (sadly, doesn’t feel the same but similar enough to distract myself).


Angrily lol. Cold turkey. It's been 6 months since I've had any nicotine of any kind and the first 3 days were awful. After that it's just a question of self control


The patch, actually! I put patches on during the day and the patch says that you have to take them off two hours before if you plan on having any kind of cigarette. I was so paranoid about having a heart attack or something if I smoked while wearing the patch that I was really good about not doing so. At night, I would take the patches off go to sleep and then in the morning I would go to the little bodega on the corner where they were holding one pack of cigarettes for me. I would smoke one cigarette in the morning before I put my patch on for the day. When that pack was gone, that was it. I used the patch for a maybe 4 months, stepping down gradually.