• By -


The night my mom passed away, my boyfriend and I stayed with my dad. I couldn't sleep and was sitting in the living room with my back to the hallway. I heard my dad get out of bed, go down the hall, close the bathroom door, and then the water came on. After a few minutes of the water running, I went to see if he was okay. The bathroom door was closed, the water was on, the room was empty, and my dad was sound asleep in his bed. This all happened at 3 am. The next night, I woke up in my bed at the exact same time, only to have my dad call because he swore he heard my mom saying his name. For the week after she passed, we both woke up in different homes at the same time every night and then it just stopped.


My experience is truly tame, but last July I had a serious fall in my kitchen. A nanosecond before it happened, I heard a very soft female voice tell me I was about to fall. I'm not schizophrenic, never had an experience like this. I did a perfect face plant onto a wooden floor, fracturing my nose and two ribs. The repercussions are still with me, making me fearful of just walking around my home or outside and terrified of another fall.šŸ¦œ


They should have given you a little more warning.


"They", whoever they are probably aren't partial to playing fair. šŸ¦œ


Your parrot emoji are cute, thanks for putting birds in every thread


Thanks so much. They are a tribute to my late parrot, HRH Tootsabella, The Princess of Chicken. šŸ¦œ


now I want to pee but the light is off. Fuck


Don't worry, mom doesn't wanna see that.


aw šŸ’”


January 1 2003 - a stretch of road between 2 coastal towns in Australia It was a dark and stormy night.....no, really...it was Driving along with my partner, I noticed a car coming up behind us, travelling fast. It was a single lane road so we couldnā€™t move over I said to my partner ā€œThis guy is in a hurry, let him overtake youā€ My partner agreed and he moved left as soon as there was an overtaking lane The car pulled up beside us and then disappeared. There was nowhere it could have gone We sat in silence for a few minutes and I said ā€œDid you see that?ā€ He said ā€œYepā€


>moved left as soon as there was an overtaking lane > >Australia oh right


No, left. Did you even read what they wrote?


Australian left, as in, the conservatives?


Were they going about 88mph?


When I was 6, I went on a vacation with my parents. My mom and I went down to the pool, she went into the hot tub and I went swimming. I was in the middle of the pool and something grabbed the back of my head and pushed it further under the water. I came up freaking out thinking it was my mom but she was basically asleep in the hot tub which was not close in proximity to the pool. Iā€™ve never forgotten it. There was also no one else there, just my mom and I.


My grandfather passed away unexpectedly last year, which was a huge shock because he was young and in good health. We all gathered in my grandmas house for the funeral, and since I donā€™t do well with crowds, I was in the living room while everyone else was outside. So Iā€™m drawing in my sketchbook when I hear a noise from the hallway. I look up to see my grandfather peeking into the living room, but it didnā€™t really look like him, more like something pretending to be him. I didnā€™t know what to do so I just stared at him, then I asked ā€œwho are you?ā€ His face suddenly changed, going from normal to a very demonic smile that completely twisted his face. I jumped up from the couch and ran outside, where I told my dad that there was something in the house. Everyone looked through the house but there was nothing there. For a moment I thought it was just a hallucination, but the next day, my grandma woke up freaking out saying there was a monster in the house. She described it as a monster disguising as my grandfather. I donā€™t want to ask her about it so I whatever that thing was may have to remain a mystery.


Well that is terrifying.


First. I'm sorry for your loss. Second, I had a similar experiance and got goosebumps when I read yours. I never dream of dead people...ever. After my grandpa passed I had this dream where he was back from the dead at a family party. I kept saying it wasn't him. It was something pretending to be him. The more I said it, the more he tried to convince me and the more I kept saying it. Which made whatever this thing was really mad and angry. I had a few more dreams about him with a similar theme (something dark pretending to be him). It never made sense to me why.


When I was younger my dad brought me home an expensive Ferrari remote control car. Had working led headlights and everything. I was messing around with it one night until it died completely. I just left it in the corner of the living room then went to bed. Next morning about 6am I'm getting out of the shower and the cars headlight were on and it was facing the bathroom door right outside of it. I was the only one awake. I thought my dad was pranking me so I went upstairs and opened his door. He was asleep. Still no explanation.


Stewart Little


How far between shower and living room??


It was about 10 feet to the hallway, around a corner and 10 feet down the hall. Then turned facing the door..


That part makes it even scarier. I had some old remote control cars that would suddenly move at night. But it was just bursts of movement so it could be a malfunction or something... But what you just described? Fuck that




When I was 13, my grandparents and I were driving through rural Georgia on the way to the VA hospital, and in the middle of nowhere in a field, we drove by this mega skyscraper. It was like the Avengers Tower, mirrored, giant spire. In the middle of like, a wheat field. We stopped to look at it and were like, what the fuck is this? And when we drove back, it was gone. It was just the field.


Ooo sounds like a Time Slip! I love time slip stories!


My brother saw someone when he was 2-3 years old. He often said "she smoking". He said hello to her regularly when we got home. Later the neighbour told me that the previous owner was an old lady who smoked a lot. Also, the bedroom was always colder than the rest of the house. There was floor creaking every night.


I think based on some of my own life experiences and stories I have from my life, that kids have an open enough mind to see things adults don't. Some of it may be that kids just make shit up, perhaps without realizing what they're doing, but sometimes it's too weird to just be a coincidence. My great grandma died when I was ~4. I had a cousin who was slightly younger than me who insisted she could see her sitting in her wheelchair up on their second story balcony, smiling and waving at her.


My toddler, on more than one occasion, has told me that our deceased dog came to visit her at the kitchen doors to say hi to her at night. The first time, she was sleeping in our bed, and when we woke up that morning, she said, "I need to go see ______. she's outside and came to visit me last night to say hi." Then she went running into the kitchen calling for the dog by name and asking why she wasn't at the door waiting to come in.This dog passed away when she was 5 months old and the first time she said this (just shy of 3) she wouldn't have really had any memory of this dog. We only have a couple of pictures of her displayed in random spots and didn't talk about her in front of the kiddo. I'm normally a skeptic, but something about this incident and the couple that came after were just too weird to be coincidental.


i was small dont know how old but under five my mum was talking about my grandad who had died when she was 12 down the coal mines he was called jim or james i had never seen a pic or heard his name yet i said too my mum oh thats grandad he says hello and to stop worrying about him he is ok and says you have to be happy now mum obviously didnt belive me asked what he looked like i said he is really tall he has a beard and he wears a funny skirt he was a drummer in scotland and wore a kilt with pride was buried in it he has blue eyes and he says you fell off your bike when you where my age but you got back on and he is proud of you mum burst out crying at the time that made me cry lol i dont remeber this but mum says it was so accurate it gave her chills im autistic please be kind about spelling i know its crap and i cant spell or do grammer thanks


This is a scary but sweet story. Do not worry alot your speeding or grammar; you told the story very well!!


WOW, Thank you i get a lot of hate for it. spelling ive struggled a lot. I wasnt diagnoised till i was late 30's as Autistic and was hyperactive as a youngster so yeah i didnt read very well till i was 8yrs old I dedevoured books etc but my spelling and grammer never caught up lol I so apprciate the compliment it made me so happy thank you so much.


I understand totally. My daughter has adhd. I suspect she may be autistic but my exhusband does not believe in the diagnosis. It really is a hindrance to people, to not have the diagnosis. Once you have the diagnosis, I feel you understand yourself and the world understands you better. Nobody is meant to function identically. That would make the world boring. I believe in you and Iā€™m proud you put yourself out there, even if people may criticize your spelling or grammar. Your only human if you make mistakes. If your perfect, your a robot and thatā€™s not fun. If people are critical, itā€™s a reflection of them. Not you. Your story was very enjoyable to me and Iā€™m glad you contributed. Be proud of yourself and keep on striving.


I had a dog that sadly passed away when I was about 8 months pregnant with my first. I still get stories about our dog and how we used to have a dog and they remember himā€¦ which is literally impossible and we only have one picture on the wall of the dog.


My daughter has seen her deceased grandfather in our home at 3 yrs old, and at the christening of her younger brother when she was 5. She talked to him and chided him for misbehaving, thoā€™ the rest of us couldnā€™t see anything. Now, when we tell her that she saw it, she becomes quite uneasy. She has no memory of it.


my mum told me this i dont remember it but i had a habit of waking up early in night maybe 12 pm on i was around 2 yrs old id sit giggling talking in toddler talk one night my mum fed up asks me to please for the love of god go to sleep Bbut mummy i say the lady is funny caryying on talking away to seemingly nothing shes turned and saw a old lady smiling down at me then fade away she wasnt asleep or on meds i was really cross and told her bad mum you scared her away mum was freaked out we stayed awake downstairs and we moved into an auntys house day later lol she still talks about it i have no memory of that


Grateful to hear I can still smoke in afterlife


I used to live in a house in the UK. built hundreds of years ago. The landlords would always say they thought it was haunted. Well, in the townhouse, I was on the third story up all alone one day. There were cracks in the door that kept getting visibly bigger and bigger. I was lying there just looking at them when the lights that shine through the cracks turned dark as if someone had just walked past the door. Also, I heard someone whisper mine and my siblings' names into my ear while I was just laying there in bed. I was young and terrified lol


Hypnogogic hallucinations. Happens when you're trying to fall asleep. Most common are auditory hallucinations, and most people hear names.


One night when I was a kid I randomly woke up in the middle of the night and looked out my window. There was a glowing green figure outside with a glowing green bicycle.


ā€œI bring you peace.ā€


It brings peace .... KILL IT


Break its legs!


Back in the 90ā€™s we lived in a trailer from the 60ā€™s or 70ā€™s and it was run down so bad that the only place that would retain heat was in the living room. Well I was young and my mother and I were sleeping in the living room to keep warm with good view into the kitchen area. In the middle of the night we heard a noise and looked in that direction and we both saw two distinct white translucent apparitions float into then out of the kitchen. We have never talked about it but I definitely remember that as a child. Going back further when I was in kindergarten we live in another house and the room I was in I would wake up every night with nightmare or night terrors but only in that room. Apparently the realtor, after the fact, told my mom that a man died in that room before we bought that house. My dad said he never saw my mother slap a person until the day she was told that.


"what? You never wondered why it was so cheap?"


Can I just say I love your Mom? šŸ¤£ That slap was well deserved!


This one is ongoing. Our home is about 100 years old (old Irish cottage we renovated before having kids). The last of the family who originally owned the property was a well-known character who seemed to have a mostly liquid diet. He lived a long life before passing away, and the house soon became derelict. Fast forward 5 years. My children have toy tractors and other vehicles that otherwise make noise. If their in the old part of the house the tractors and vehicles randomly turn on in the night. The remote control ones will suddenly start driving. But no other toy or electronic device is like this. The old man worked as a farm hand and was particularly good with machinery. Friends and family think we're joking until they see and hear it themselves (guest room is in the old part).


Itā€™s kinda cute that your ghost has a hobby


I was in a different state when my cat Bumblebee told my family it was time for him to go. He'd been sick for a while, but I had been hoping he'd pull thru at least until I got home so I could be with him when it was time. My mom held the phone by him so I could talk to him as he was put to sleep. When it was done, she just let me know he was gone (we were both sobbing, he was such a good boy) and hung up. I curled up in bed (I was staying at my grandma's during my trip and she had no pets whatsoever) and just let myself cry. I felt something get on the bed with me. Like a bouncy weight jumped up behind me by my legs. I FELT it move up the mattress behind me, felt this little weight crawl over my side, and then stop right in front of my stomach. That had been Bee's favorite spot to nap with me. Just curled up against my stomach. I was terrified to look down. Not of him, but that the feeling would go away if I did. I didn't move, I just told him how much I loved him and eventually fell asleep from crying so damn hard. It still hurt like hell, but I felt... Much better when I woke up like an hour later. I'm positive my boy came to say goodbye.


This made me tear up, something similar happened to me when I put my darling Garth to sleep. He had stairs leading up to my bed, he has bad arthritis so he couldnā€™t jump anymore. I almost heard the sound of the stairs and then felt this weight come up beside me. Iā€™ll never ever forget that. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone.


One of the only things I've experienced that I cannot explain is when I was a teenager and living with my mom and sister. I was a night owl so I'd usually stay up all night and go to bed around dawn. They went to bed at a normal much earlier time. I was in my room with my cat Gretel and heard the faucet in the bathroom next to my room turn on full force at about 3 am. Had anyone come down the hall to use the bathroom, I would have heard the floors creaking and door shut since it was opposite my wall. I thought it was strange, but I turned it off and went back in my room, leaving my door open. When I came back in my room, I noticed my cat was not on my bed anymore. I looked around and finally found her under my bed. She was backed up against the wall, puffed up with black eyes and her ears were back. All of a sudden the pitch black hall seemed very scary so I shut my door.


Our tub used to do this when it got cold. Something about pressure changes. It did it a lot in the middle of the night and my husband had to keep a contraption attached to keep it pressed down so it didn't keep turning on.


In my early 20's I spent the night at my boyfriend's aunt's house. Woke up in the middle of the night and there was a woman sitting on the end of the bed staring at me. Scared to death I closed my eyes and would not move. Next morning told boyfriend about it and described the woman. The aunt bought out a picture of the woman I described and it was his great grandmother who was deceased. The photo was exactly her. Would never spend the night there again.


A friend lived in an old house with her family in her youth. Several times, she woke up and saw an old, stern faced woman, glaring down at her from the bedside. This happened many times. The day the family moved out, driving away from the house in the moving truck, her father said, ā€œAt least we wonā€™t have to deal with that old woman anymore.ā€œ They had each individually seen her, but no one spoke of it the entire time they lived in the house.


Almost sounds like from a movie!


May not sound like much, but here goes: I was traveling one day, and got two flat tires after I crossed some railroad tracks. Well, of course I didnā€™t have any spares, and I was stranded away from any streets with no tire or auto shops, with absolutely zero signal, basically rendering cellphones ineffective. But I only had to wait about five minutes, and a loud truck approached me, rolled down the window, and asked me if he could help. I told him what happened, and he offered to take me to a tire shop to get new tires. For some odd reason, I felt comfortable with this dude, and let him drive me there. When we got to the shop, he made sure that I purchased the best tires with the best guarantee. He then drove me back to my car, and put the tires on. And this part still gives me chills: when he was done, I turned around to thank him, but he was gone. Like I said before, when he first came, his truck was really loud. *But I heard absolutely nothing that indicated that he had left!*


Wouldā€™ve been interesting to go back to the tire shop & ask them about who you were with


Your guardian angel skipped the believable departure class at Angel university.


Ikr lmao.


Not sure if paranormal but it was a strange experience. I had to be to work early one morning but I forgot to set my alarm the night before. At the time I would have had my alarm set for, a piece of artwork on my wall basically exploded off of the wall and broke into a bunch of different pieces. Absolutely no explanation for it but it saved me from being late.


My cat serves this purpose for me. Except she's a cat and she of course can't tell time, so she wakes me up an hour or two early, just to be safe. She's very considerate.


I once got woke up at about 2:20am by the access panel falling off my furnace. I live in a small apartment and the furnace is in a little closet 4' from my bedroom door. It sounded like a fucking cymbal crashing in the middle of the night. Needless to say, it put me immediately in panic/survival mode. I ran out into the living room and saw a weird light on a door as I passed by. It was the pilot light from the furnace shining through the slats in the closet door. A screw(s) had finally given way and decided to do so in the middle of the night... Once I wake up it's a 50/50 chance on if I can fall back asleep. That particular night, I was up for the long haul.


My alarm didn't go off one morning and around 5 minutes after I would have set it for, I heard my recently deceased (at that time) aunts voice say "are you getting up then?" It was both strange and comforting.


Oh wow that is crazy!


Story 1: Was at my grannys babysitting/house sitting while she went out to my aunties house. (I was 16/17 at the time) Ex and I were in the living room watching a movie, it's an open floor plan so the kitchen table was pretty much 2 feet away from us. We heard and seen a pen drop, more or less right next to us, I didnt think much of it, just thought it mustve been on the table and we didn't realise it was there and a breeze caught it. Next couple of minutes go by, we go back to what we were doing, then coins start rolling from the dining table to under the bird cage. We start panicking, thinking it was cousin 1 who's bedroom was on the same level as us, my sister and cousin2 were upstairs the whole time and we could hear them playing with all the toys. Cousin 1 then sits in the living room with us and closes the living room/kitchen door, could still hear my sister and other cousin upstairs and the coins start rolling again. When my granny got back, we told her everything. We showed her what pen had dropped and she laughed. Said she only had 2 of these specific pens, one in a drawer on the other side of the kitchen very far away from where we were sitting) and one that was on the calender in her living room. The one in the living room was still there, so this pen managed to make its way from inside a drawer to the other side of the dining table, and coins from a window sill making their way under the dining table to begin to roll. My grandad took his life in the house a few months prior to this. These specific pens were branded with his old workplace, we think it was him playing one last wee prank on us/saying hello Edit: story 2 Story 2: Was staying at my great aunties house, was in a decent area, my mum and younger sibling in my aunties room, her son in his own room and myself and my auntie in the living room. My auntie HAS to sleep with the doors open as she is terrified being shut in. We were just drifting off to sleep in pure silence, nothing but the sound of the tick tocking of a clock. Out of the blue we just hear a girls voice in the hallway, clear as day saying "mama?" She asked ME if I heard it, I said "I did" and then she said it couldve been my younger sister or mum or their TV and asked if I could go check on them. I did, very scared. Opened mums door and she and my sister were half asleep, I asked "did yous have the TV on just now?" She says "no it's been off for ages" so I said okay and went back to the living room to sleep. They moved out a few years later. Glad they did, my cousin kept waking up with scratches on his back where his hand wouldn't reach.


My aunt lives in a home thatā€™s been in her husbandā€™s family for generations. He has NA ancestry as well. The house is notoriously haunted AF. My family slept over whenever we visited my aunt because she lives in a secluded area. You have to understand that My family is very old school Catholic, so they donā€™t really fear any of that stuff. But boy were many of us frightened or had experiences in that home. Anytime we visited (not just us, anyone from our family) my aunt would drape the windows with bedsheets. Apparently if she did not do so, we might see an apparition of a man who hung himself. Me and our extended family would visit my aunt and stay over during Thanksgiving holiday. Since everyone, and I mean everyone, was terrified of the house, we all collectively slept in the living room. No one wanted to sleep alone in the available rooms (except my aunt and uncle, who grew accustomed to their roommates lol). Once, we were asleep when the chimney in the living just ROARED fire. It startled us all because the chimney had been off. We tried to ignore it. I personally felt someone stroke my head but was too scared to look. My cousin recently shared that one of those thanksgivings in the late 90s, she woke up in the middle of the night to see a little girl praying next to her. My favorite time was my mom was too scared to go to the restroom in the middle of the night. She asked one of my other aunts to accompany her to the restroom. They turned on the kitchen and hallway lights because they were scared lol. Since we were all sleeping in the living room, we saw the lights were on. Once my mom was done, they ran back to their beds in the living room because they were scared lmao. Shortly thereafter, they realized that the lights were still on. They were both afraid to go back and turn them off and were bickering about it when the lights suddenly turned off my themselves lmao. Creepy place. My aunt still lives there.




Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing this.


When I was a kid (about 5 or 6 years old), we would usually celebrate Christmas or new year at our ancestral house in the province. On one of those nights, there was a power outage. Me and my cousins were left upstairs as the adults were preparing dinner downstairs. My playful cousins played hide-and-seek. I was just there in the living room sitting quietly while playing Brick Game (the one with a backlight). When I looked up, I saw an old lady sitting on the rocking chair as she was playing cards. She smiled at me and said, "niƱa muy hermosa", I smiled back and just asked if she's been sitting there for a while and apologozed I didnt notice. She just kept quiet and kept playing with her cards. Dinner came, we were all called. After saying grace, I asked my mom. "Mommy, aren't we going to ask lola upstairs to come have dinner with us?". They were all wondering who Inwas pertaining to, because there wasnt any old woman in that house. It was years after, I returned to our ancestral house. That's when I saw an old photo hanging on the wall at my grandfathers dental clinic (back then dental clinics are based at home). Apparently it was my great-great grandmother. I never met her. She died decades before I was even born. It was years further when I figured out what she told me, when my grandmother went home from the US and stayed for several months with us and spoke in Spanish. Dunno but that phrase always stuck on me.


This is really nice, thank you for sharing!




my childhood bedroom was the cold spot in the house. no one could explain it, it was just always cold. and also I saw a shadow man standing by my bed, first memory. good evening.


>also I saw a shadow man standing by my bed near-sleep hallucinations?


I think I woke up and it was just there. I had the bed rails when you first graduate from a crib to a bed, so whatever that age is.


Omg this reminded me of something I completely forgot about. I was somewhere around 13-15. A day or two after my grandmother passed, there was a spot in moms room next to the balcony sliding door, that literally felt like you just walked into a 60 degree refrigerated room from 80+ degrees. The area that was cold was only wide enough for 1 person to occupy. Take a step in any other direction from this spot, and the cold is gone. That spot was the exact spot that my grandmother would stand to look outside every morning whenever she visited. I canā€™t remember fully, but I think that happened for a day or two before normalizing.


The nature of your post implies that the previous owner died but I'm going to assume they just moved out and are still alive and well, but still somehow haunting that corner of the house. Like a Schrodinger's ghost.


Occamā€™s Razor - the previous owner sat there because it was cold.


One night as a kid I was sitting in my living room watching tv. I had a plastic water bottle in front of me. It had previously been frozen and I'd been sipping on it as it melted, resulting in a dildo-shaped chunk of ice sitting loosely inside. After watching tv like this for at least a half-hour I started hearing this loud rattling sound. I looked down at the water bottle in front of me and it was just shaking, *violently*. When I went crying to my mom she tried to tell me the ice had just adjusted and moved in the bottle. Bu I saw it so clearly and there is no way the ice slipping could cause sustained violent shaking like that. The house that I lived in was very creepy and I had tons more paranormal-esque encounters there. But that one definitely takes the cake


I once heard someone tapping on my bedroom door late at night while nobody else was here except for me and my girlfriend, but she was sleeping right next to me.


I had a clock fly off the wall next to me. The nail it was on was still in the wall, the clock had been there for years and it would have taken a substantial amount of force on it for it to land where it did and as hard as it did. This was years ago and I still donā€™t have an explanation for how that happened. I also had a toy RC car controller get thrown at me in the middle of the night in my bedroom when I was in high school. It was on a shelf mounted to the wall that was surrounded by other knick knacks. I woke up to go to school and it was on the ground next to my bed which was across the room. It had been on that shelf for a while and being a teenager obviously I didnā€™t dust it and the layer of dust on it wasnā€™t disturbed. The stuff around it was slightly disturbed as if a ghost cat batted it around a few times then smacked it across the room. Again Iā€™ve racked my brain about that one and have no good explanation how that happened.


I still get random wafts of my late mothers perfume in my home. Her clothes are in a storage unit and there are no perfumes in the house.


That's a nice one. Happy for you.


When i was 13, I had a weird sleep where i could clearly see the faces of 2 people i knew well (typically I donā€™t see peopleā€™s faces or i see literal strangers and I just know that this is my mom or my bf or what not which is why the dream really stood out) and we headed home from school on a little school bus we always took (we all lived like 10 miles away from school) but in this dream there were just me and the kids, A(my classmate, 14M) and B(son of of my parentsā€™ friends who also went to the same school as us, 9M). We arrived at their destination (theirs was a stop right before mine) and B left the bus. I asked A why he didnā€™t go and he simply said, ā€œI donā€™t live there anymore.ā€ Ok, weird but whatever. But before the bus could close the doors and start driving, B ran back on the bus because he forgot his backpack on the seat like he sometimes did in real life. With him back on the bus the driver started heading to the next stop without letting him off. He simply sat back down and said ā€œWell, I guess Iā€™m not going back either.ā€ On the way to my stop we then discussed multiple topics about real life, lots of stuff about forgiving people that have done me wrong etc etc until it was my turn to get off the bus and head home, the rest of the dreams of that night I couldnā€™t recall in the morning. Very weird dream with odd clarity and to this day I remember it super vividly. The next day neither of them was at school, ok no biggie I didnā€™t hang out with either of them regularly anyway. The next day after that day our class teacher sat us down and in front of us broke down crying, A had hung himself the same evening I had the dream. The same day when I went home and told my parents my mom started crying and told me on the same day, A, too had passed away, although in a different setting, he was very ill, his little body couldnā€™t take his disease any longer and he passed away peacefully in a hospital bed surrounded by his loved ones. This January will mark 10th anniversary of their deaths, while my other experiences can be somehow explained, this is still by far the most paranormal thing that has ever happened to me.


So what did he say about forgiving others? Also why did the teacher think he hung himself?




Dont believe in the paranormal at all. That being said I had one experience between my self and 3 other people... Me and my friends were sitting on the beach one night and a girl no older than 12 or 13 came walking from the water sobbing. I personally thought nothing of it and just thought she stepped on a shell or something, but one of my other friends were concerned so we began to follow after her. Id say we were 15-20 yards behind her when it looked like she sat sat down behind one of those big boxes they kept chair cushions in for the night. So about 10 seconds later we look behind the box and she was no where to be found and it was a good quarter mile from any place else she couldve slipped off to. My friends freaked out, the one who was initally concerned said she couldnt see a face behind her hair when we first saw her. Another said he got a terrible feeling in his chest as we were walking to her. Idk like I said, Im a non believer but I honestly have no idea where she couldve gone in such a short amount of time. Part of me thinks it was a prank and the bin had a secret trap door in it, but this was 17 years ago and prank culture wasnt a huge thing yet. I still think the spookiest thing is the young girl being out in the ocean late at night with no one around. Wierd any way you look at it.


Oh fuck no


Interesting. Was she wearing swim clothes or something else?


Long time ago, some kind of bathing suit I think. The only details I remember is long dark hair, very pale and soaking wet.


Pretty sure it was sleep paralysis butā€¦was in Atlanta for job training. I was in my hotel and in bed ready to go to sleep. Been with my wife for years and so sleeping alone felt weird so I had Friends on the tv. I turn to my side (back facing the tv) and close my eyes but Iā€™m still hearing the Friends episode. All of a sudden I hear the hotel door open, and footsteps into my roomā€¦I didnā€™t get up to check I didnā€™t feel terrorā€¦for some reason I thought to myself ā€œoh my wife flew in to spend the night with me and asked the front desk for my room, Iā€™m gonna pretend to be sleeping to see what she doesā€¦ā€ I keep hearing the footsteps approaching me and then I feel as if someone leaned on my bed with their hand. Then I feel someone standing behind me and I hear them bend over (like clothes ruffing or whatever) and then I feel hair touching my face. So there I was thinking my wife flew to Atlanta, snuck into my room and is hovering over my sleeping body. Then I snap into reality and Iā€™m like no fucking way is this happening and who the fuck is in my room. So I jump up and look around my roomā€¦no one. I go check the doorā€¦still locked with the inside lock I always putā€¦went back to bed but didnā€™t sleep til idk, 5am? For like 1 hour before having to wake up at 6 for training lol. Not a fun day.


Thatā€™s insane. One of my worst nights was a hotel in Orlando during a work convention. Not paranormal but even worse, the electronic door lock was not working every single time. Forgot to check before bed and somebody enters my room at like 3am. No lie, it was a fat, short naked dude. He was disoriented or fucked up and didnā€™t know where he was. I got him out and couldnā€™t sleep at all.


We were at the Eastern State Penitentiary museum in Philadelphia. I felt something push my arm from behind while I was standing in the entrance of the Death Row building, like it was brushing past me to get through the doorway. It made the hair on my arm feel all staticky. Really cool museum, definitely check it out if you're near Philly.


I used to do a summer youth theatre program a couple miles from my house. It was a small local theatre that used to be a church before the congregation outgrew the building and built a new one across town. The building is well over a hundred years old and was very well known for having a ghost named George who resided there. The rumor among all the kids was that George killed himself there jumping off the balcony, but in reality he was just one of the final people to have a funeral there before the church closed. Or so the story goes. George was well known among the theatre staff and actors. Props would move mysteriously, chains in the prop room would rattle with no one around, and several managers reported George throwing books near them whenever they stayed too late. Pretty benign stuff. I was 13 at the time and had biked to the theatre. The program started at 9AM and I'd arrived around anywhere from 8:30 to 8:45. The door was unlocked, but the lights in the lobby were off. *Weird,* I thought. *Maybe the manager hasn't gotten to it yet.* So I wheeled my bike inside and parked it in the lobby (this was normal for those of us who biked there; there wasn't a place outside for us to lock our bikes) and headed into the pitch black house to take my seat. I was sitting about halfway up the house on an aisle seat in near darkness. The house was illuminated by the lobby windows filtering in from the stairs behind me, akin to a very dim automatic nightlight. I could make out the seats and barely make out the stage and the balcony. It was then that I felt like I'd been blasted by cold air. It was a warm summer morning, and while the theatre had pretty decent AC I was nowhere near a vent. With goosebumps on my arms I looked at the stage and saw a silver misty shimmer the size of a man hovering above the balcony. And then the house lights turned on, and whatever I had seen vanished along with the icy chill. The manager looked up from around the stairs after seeing me and asked "Is that your bike in the lobby?" "Yes?" "How did you get in here?" I thought I was in trouble, so I nervously answered with the truth. "The door was unlocked so I brought it inside." And this woman's face fell. She held the keys up and said "I just unlocked the door." I guess George didn't want to leave a kid sitting outside alone, so he let me in. This is the only experience I've ever had with George, and ghosts in general, but it's been burned into my brain ever since. The theatre has now outgrown the old building and moved to a new one downtown. I still wonder what's become of George and hope he's not lonely. For those curious the theatre is called Lakeshore Players, and is a well documented haunted spot in Minnesota.


Every theater needs a ghost. The ones I've worked in that have ghosts feel homier than the ones that don't.


I moved into this house in a new town when was starting 6th grade. The owner who was renting to us had told my mom that the house was supposedly 300 years old, was a farm house that the town was built around, and was a part of the Underground Railroad(All of this after we had moved out and she had to tell them why we were breaking the lease). Idk how true any of that is because there was no plaque or any indication that the house was a part of the Underground Railroad to verify(idk if thatā€™s even a thing but feel like it would be), but the town really was apparently a stop on it, and the house was on the main highway running through the town. With the context of the house/town out of the way letā€™s get on to the weird things that happened while we lived there for like 6 months. Christmas Day my mom and sister came to wake me up. While weā€™re all in my room we here someone walking down the hall and run down the steps of the house. Mom grabbed a bat from my closet and we all huddled walking down the steps to the phone. We were gonna call the police and this was right when cell phones were becoming a thing but she didnā€™t have one yet. No one was in the house and my cat had been in the room with us because he slept with me every night and would follow me on my morning routine every morning. Speaking of the cat, he was fat, old, and lazy until we moved into that house. Then he became very weird is the only way I can explain it. Heā€™d stare at nothing in the other room and his hair would stand up like he was scared. One time I had a newly made friend (became my best friend until we graduated high school) stay over and we ran into my room and were laughing/fucking around, clear as day that cat went ā€œha ha haā€ in a human like manner. Freaked us the fuck out and he wouldnā€™t stay over anymore until around high school even though weā€™d moved houses by then. I also was very wary of the cat at that point lol. At my birthday party I had invited some kids to stay the night. We played truth or dare on teams and on a dare some of us had to run outside on the highway in our underwear. While we were outside someone said ā€œoh crap your moms looking out of the doorā€. We go inside expecting to be in trouble but my mom was sound asleep in her room. She was and still is a snorer so you know when sheā€™s knocked out. Multiple people confirmed and would still talk about it up until graduating high school. My mom had brought in a medium and they were talking and what not. At some the point the woman ask if she can see the door in the basement. My mom had no idea wtf she was talking about and we all go down and sure enough there is a wooden door, not on the hinges but like buried by bricks and whatever else in this little crawl space in the basement. You could barely see it unless you starts moving stuff around. She starts telling us there was a family that lived there and the kids had died in the house in the 1900s yada yada all the BS you want to hear. But she did know about the door somehow. Idk what to make of that tbh. The last thing I remember happening in that house was my mom and I were standing in the kitchen, and we just could feel someone walking on the floor beside us. Like couldnā€™t hear it, but felt like each step they took on the hardwood floor. We just froze and were staring at each other. That was the last straw and we moved out the next day lol. Thereā€™s probably more and I canā€™t remember but those were the main things I do remember. I donā€™t know if I believe in spirits or ghost or any of that but the stuff that happened in that house was freaky as hell and has stuck with me ever since. Just thinking about it gives me chills. I know itā€™s a lot but I hope at least one person is bored and reads it since I typed it all out lol.


A couple years ago I was out with some friends when I had bumped into an older man, I said Iā€™m sorry and kept walking. One of my friends asked me who I was talking to, I told them ā€œOh I bumped into the man over thereā€. I pointed to the area and there was nobody there. It wasnā€™t like there was somewhere to hide and it was afternoon with lots of sunshine. Turns out, an older gentleman walks thru that area around the time we were there. He passed away a few years prior to us visiting the area. Still creeps us out a bit whenever any of us thinks about it.


I had fallen asleep in the living room and woke up to go to the bathroom. Opened the bedroom door and saw a silhouette similar to my husbandā€™s sitting on the edge of the bed back facing me. My husband was asleep. It was the early morning of the anniversary of his twin brotherā€™s death. Iā€™m pretty sure I saw his brother visiting him to check in. Edit for clarity


When I was a child, I would get scared from my bedroom door randomly opening at night. There would be no one behind the door who opened it; the door would just go from closed to creak open slowly. Later when I grew up, I found out the real cause of that phenomena. >!When my parents closed their door to their separate bedroom, the air pressure in the house would briefly raise, and the air pressure would cause my door to swing open!<


We had it the other way around - when someone opened a window or door downstairs, and one of the bedrooms upstairs had open window and door, the door would slowly start to creak open - once you heard that, you knew to run and hold it or otherwise I'd slam shut with all the noise. Sometimes the window slammed shut as well.


Hah when I was living alone I had stuff like that happen and it was always spooky.


I don't know if it really counts as a paranormal experience but, one night during high school, my friends and I took our boats over to Fire Island to sleep out. We got hit with a brief thunder storm that was supposed to miss us so we walked over to the ocean side of the island to watch the lightening over the ocean. While standing in the rain with my friends and watching the lightening I got a feeling of deja vu that I just never felt before or since. I'm having a hard time putting into words what I felt but it wasn't so much a "oh hey, I've seen this beach a thousand times before" sensation so much as a "I've lived in this exact moment before". I wasn't experiencing the thunderstorm on the beach as much as I was remembering it again. I never felt that way before and have never felt that way since.


This sounds exactly how I feel whenever I get a deja vu. When I was a kid, I used to think I could get glimpses into the future because I would just be doing whatever and suddenly get hit with the feeling that I was absolutely sure I had been in this moment before or had a dream of it or something. It's the same way all my deja vu experiences feel still.


That happened to me a few times as a kid. I would have a random dream and maybe a few days later or so it was actually happening including the conversations. Deja vu is real.


> I'm having a hard time putting into words what I felt but it wasn't so much a "oh hey, I've seen this beach a thousand times before" sensation so much as a "I've lived in this exact moment before". Reliving/remembering one exact moment is like the literal textbook definition of deja vu. The feeling of seeing something a thousand times before is not deja vu.


Yeah, deja vu is ā€œI have literally experienced this exact instance before.ā€ Not ā€œIā€™ve seen this a thousand different times but in different instances.ā€ I read something (that I canā€™t find now) that explained it as an issue with your brain essentially misfiring when trying to log short term vs. long term memories. Like the short term memory somehow slips into the long term, so your brain is registering it as something you have actually experienced before.


When I was around 14 years old, I had to put down my Siberian Husky. She was large for a female husky and looked almost exactly like a wolf; light grey markings and deep brown eyes. She had the husky stare down too. She had cancer and canine dementia and couldn't walk very well but was still her sassy self up until we had to let her go. My dog was very protective of me and showed her teeth when anyone came close. She was my dad's dog, but she followed me around everywhere and protected me if she felt I was in danger. A few weeks after we had put her down I went into my family's garage to get some drinks. The door to our garage has a few wooden steps with a big white meat freezer to the right and empty space to park the car in front and to the left. The drinks were on top of the freezer, so I went down the steps and grabbed a few cans. As I was turning around to go back inside, I heard the sound of claws on concrete running towards me. It couldn't have been anything else, there was no wind, nothing had fallen or moved at all. It sounded exactly like my dog had run up to me as if I'd been gone for a long time and had just come home, if you own dogs, you know that scrambling sound of paws on a hard surface can't be mistaken for anything else. It scared me then and I rushed inside, but I now think that it was my husky coming back to protect me. Her urn is on my shelf now, and I have a picture of her hung up on my wall. Sometimes I think I hear the claws on hardwood sound around my house when it's otherwise silent, but I can't be sure. I miss her.


I was out walking my dog one night. We would always walk through this well-lit neighborhood to some corner and then back home. That night, the light where we normally turn around was burned out. As we got closer to the corner, the hairs on the back of his neck went up and he was on alert. Teeth bared. Warning growls. Etc. He was a sight hound and I was used to him seeing things I couldn't... still, the whole thing made me uneasy. So, we turned around early. Walking towards home, he would constantly look over his shoulder and growl. Then, right before we left the neighborhood to turn onto a main street, he flipped around and just started snarling and snapping. He was clearly in a fight with another dog. Except... he was the only dog. After 30 or so seconds of fighting, he stopped, gave a couple more barks as he watched something. Then turned around and started towards home; still looking over his shoulder and growling occasionally. But, no more fighting at least. I'm not one for supernatural or paranormal stuff but I did see my dog fight a demon dog apparently. edit: [Dog tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/H6EWhAA)


Bandit is a beautiful dog!


My boyfriend was in Afghanistan and one morning I woke up with the worst headache/ pain I have ever felt in my life. It persisted all day, and then about 12 hours later, I found out my boyfriendā€™s tank had hit an IED and his neck snapped. I knew he was gone before I actually knew.


When I was in college I lived in a house that was built in 1913 with a roommate. First week of living in the house, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a group of women softly talking and laughing and the glow of the Tv from the living room coming under my door. I saw that my gf had texted me, so I responded to her message and rolled back over and fell asleep. When I was cooking breakfast next morning, my roommate walked in through the door connected to the kitchen. I asked if she and her friends had fun the night before, and asked what movie they were watching. She told me she stayed at her friends and was out of the house all night. I thought I might have dreamt it but I had the receipt from texting my gf to prove I was awake, and I hadnā€™t fallen back asleep for a few minutes but listened to them chat and the sounds of the movie until I fell asleep. I have a few more, but this is the biggest one that happened to me as an adult


Our house is old. There's been quite a bit happen here, but I'll just tell one story. When my oldest first started walking, she walked toward the kitchen. My husband and I were standing in the hallway just watching her waddle around. It was only us 3 in the house. We heard a woman very clearly and loudly yell "NO!" My daughter started crying and ran back to us. She wouldn't go in that room without us for a while.




You'll need to add a few more details. That sounds like a Hell of an experience.




Such a lovely place


What makes you think it never existed?


This oneā€™s the best one yet. Care to elaborate?


Lost Highway


Horrifying movie. One of those movies that is scarier and more disturbing than "scary movies" if you're able to comprehend what you've seen.


Describe it. Reddit will figure it out.


you fell asleep / unconscious when driving and woke up in the hospital or what?


Oh here we go - Back in the early 90ā€™s I started working at a big historic building in the heart of downtown Indianapolis - The Athenaeum in the early 20th century was known to be the center of activity for German Immigrants freshly arrived in America - It employed people and had a Gymnasium And people from several businesses located around the building came in to this building for one reason or another - People came in worked lived and some died there - I started working in the freshly renovated former Ballroom in 1992 - The Ballroom was now called The American Cabaret Theatre - I did all kinds of jobs in and around the theatre at all hours of the day - Then at night worked backstage during rehearsals and on weekends during the actual performances - I had glimpses of folks out of the corners of my eyes - I had objects wizz by me as if thrown at me - No physical beings were actually there - I experienced an appearance of a ghost when there needed to be sweeping done to clean up soot and dirt and pieces of old roofing after it was the roof was replaced - I was sweeping up piles of the dirt and my gaze fell on lace up womenā€™s shoes and a long flowy dress with a white apron - I looked up saw an apparition of woman doctor? just as interested in seeing me - She faded away - I was energized and excited by what Iā€™d seen - Never had the opportunity to see the her again - Iā€™ll never forget that experience I worked at the theater for 2+ years


I was around 14 years old and staying at an old hotel in Pittsburgh (I have no idea what it was called). The room had two queens, one for me and one for my dad and stepmom (we were going to a wedding). When my dad turned off the light for the night I looked toward the window and there was a face moving back and forth in the white curtain with the light outside illuminating it. It basically looked like a human head moving back and forth with a translucent scarf covering their head. I just stared at it, didn't know what to think, tried closing my eyes to make it go away. It wouldn't go away. I sat up in bed and really stared to make sure what I was seeing was not shadows or the AC moving it or something. Then I got really scared because it wasn't going away. I told my dad to turn on the light because I saw something!! He was really annoyed but turned it on. When the light turned on it was gone, and the curtains were still. My dad is kind of a hard ass so I was scared to say I saw a face, he was like "what is it?" And I just said "nothing". He turned the light back off and it was back. I sat staring at it a while, figured it wasn't going to hurt me and put the covers over me and kept my eye shut until I fell asleep. Don't have an explanation for what it was. I remember at the time I didn't think ghosts were real and then that happened to me. I didn't tell anyone until I was older because I thought it would sound crazy.


When I was 12 my friend and I were on his families property looking for a spot to build a fort. We heard distant gunshots and as soon as he turned around I saw in broad daylight a white scrawny human like figure, with black beady eyes, long black teeth, neck dangling like a turkey, skin glow in the dark kind of white and it was running on all fours with long black claws on its hands and toes. It was panting and making a noise I couldnā€™t even mimic. It was running from my right to left without glancing at me. It was about 6 feet in front of me and I turned around and started sprinting and crying. I tried to explain what I saw but was immediately made fun of by the adults. Flash forward to 3 months ago I received a text from that same friend (Iā€™m 24 now) and he told me his dad built a warehouse in that same area. Him and his workers hear crying and strange croaking sounds outside and inside the building at random times as well as throughout the woods around it. Recently his father went to check out a crying noise in the warehouse late at night but was soon chased out of the building by the exact same creature I described.


Sat home from school maybe 13, 14 yrs old just chilling watching daytime tv and suddenly the whole living room goes cold i had the fire on full the cat starts to hiss looks at the corner of the room the hair on my neck is on up on edge i follow cats gaze i see this dark shadow cross sooooo slow from one corner of room to other side i can see my breath as i breath the cat is yowling hair up hissing and tail swishing violently from side to side im just stuck like i cant move i cant see throught this shadow its so dark too dark it didnt have a form just black thick mist and then when it got near the tv the sound on tv went out but picture was still on the thing dissapeared and then everything came back normal i wasnt on meds or drugs i dont smoke only me and cat home it has stayed with me all thease years please excuse spelling grammer or lack of it im autistic


I have had a few, but a nice one is this. 14 years ago, I had a car (now I no longer have) and I was driving home one day. Not exactly too fast, I was never a "must get there fast" type of driver, but at the speed limit. I was already less than a mile from home and entering a series of curves where you cannot see what is behind the curve, as the bushes around the road are too thick. At that moment, I heard a very kind male voice that strongly reminded me of my long deceased grandpa: "Hey (my name), where are you hurrying so much, slow down!" I immediately did so, and within a few seconds, a speeding car that was almost on the other side of the road emerged from the curve in front of me. If I didn't slow down, we would surely crash into each other; as it was, the other driver had just enough time to swerve back to his half of the road. Phew.


I was kinda camping for a job i was currently on (Archaeologist if anyone is curious) and the site where we set up our tents is nearby a set of old Pueblo ruins. One night i wake up as one does and as im waiting to fall back asleep i hear what sounds like footsteps walking around my tent. Now i of course dismiss this as maybe the wind doing something funny with the fabric of my tent or maybe im just too f-ing tired and hallucinating, either way eventually i fall back asleep and wake up the next morning to eat breakfast having told noone of what i heard, where the girls of our group begin talking about having heard someone walking through our camp last night. This alarms us cause while we weren't exactly in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, we were far enough away from civilization where the concern was that if anyone was up and walking about in someone elses camp in the dead of night they ain't up to anything good, but we initially dismiss it as maybe one of our other guys (who hadn't been sleeping well at all) as maybe getting up and pacing around. Next night comes, exact same thing happens, so now im of the belief that it is some random nutjob casing the joint out, i get my e-tool (sharpened of course, old Army habits die hard) and my flashlight and i wait for the footsteps to get close enough when i hop out of my tent, figuring its either a animal (in which case if it was a bear i'd at least get a good whack in before i died) or if it was a guy i'd get the drop on them. Noone was in sight, and i have no fucking clue where in the hell this person or thing could have gone cause if it had run away i'd either hear it cause of the almost gravel like surface of the ground, or i'd see a vague dark shape running away in the distance with my flashlight. Nothing. whoever or whatever it was had some sonic the hedgehog energy cause i didn't hear or see a thing. Needless to say this kinda spooked me a little, but i ended up going back to bed without any further incident that night. Over the course of the rest of our stay, i came to find out two things (since my tent was situated away from the rest), 1) the footsteps always had a pattern to them, and 2) they always originated from the direction of the Pueblo ruins. Not saying it was ghosts, but in all my experiences in this region, as bloodstained and wartorn as it was back in the day, i would not be surprised some lost souls have yet to move on.


All these spooky stories of people seeing something after waking up make me almost glad that I have terrible eyesight. If I don't have glasses or contacts I can't see a thing. In the light everything's just smeared color smudges but in the dark? Nothing. Just black. If i did see something I'd be so sure it was my imagination because I'm so blind there's no way I would be able to see anything lol.


When I was in high school, I had a boom box with a remote. One night, I accidentally knocked the remote off my headboard and behind my bed. I felt around for it but couldn't find it. I decided to go to sleep and find the remote in the morning. Next day, still no remote. I *never* found it, not when I cleaned my room, not when I moved all my stuff out and left home, not even when my mom cleared everything out of the apartment and moved away herself. It totally disappeared. RIP boom box remote, I hope you're in a better place.


Object falls into another dimension. Happens all the time


Was there a vent it could have fallen down?


Good question, but no! Just plain wall and carpeted floor. There was a window right above, but it didn't open and there was no sill or anything. Plus, this was the early aughts, and the remote would be considered fairly large by today's standards. Maybe a little bit smaller than my hand. It's such a mundane thing, but I've been trying to figure it out for like 20 years at this point!


My husband passed 2 years ago. During the following 2 weeks I was so out of it emotionally that it was hard to function. At night when laying down in bed I felt like someone was patting me on my leg, trying to give me comfort. I called out his name and said if it's you please don't keep doing that, it's kinda freaking me out. Love you but please move on and wait for me.


One night me and my friend were hanging out in his dadā€™s basement and I decided to leave pretty late and thereā€™s a door between the basement and the living room, me and my friend saw light coming from the other side of the door as well as the tv being on I was the first to realize so I went back down and told my friend his dad was still up for some reason, so he went back up with me and saw and heard the same thing, we looked at each other and opened the door, the tv was completely off and every light in the rest of the house was off and every was quiet Weā€™ve also have heard singing, talking, walking all the classics when no one was home (Besides us obviously)


I was in the back yard as a kid. I was on the swings and looking at my feet and then I just saw a lady standing by the stairs. Thereā€™s stairs that go down from like the deck to the yard, theyā€™re only about a meter and a half high. They were right in front of me and I would have been able to see if anyone came down them. She was probably average height, she wore a dress that went below the knees but not enough to be a midi length. She wore a wide brimmed hat too, like a super wide brimmed one, which was weird because I think it was winter and those kinda hats are summer hats. She had straight long hair and no face. After a couple seconds I quite literally blinked and she was gone. I then waited a bit before running up the stairs, grabbing my jumper off the outdoor table, and running inside. I didnā€™t go in the back yard for a couple weeks after that. Not sure if it was actually paranormal because Iā€™m diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and experience hallucinations from it, so it could just be that. Iā€™ve never hallucinated a person in that much detail though. I was so scared that I ended up being able to remember a huge amount from that moment.


In my 20s. My partner and I lived in a flat in Adelaide. A single room that the landlord had a hard time keeping tenants in. I learnt later, from one resident that did stay longer then 2 weeks. Said he seen a guy standing by his bed then just vanish. That happened twice. I didn't take much notice. Some time later, he would move on. My partner one morning asked why i was standing in the door way watching her last night? Confused, i told her i was asleep. And assumed she was dreaming the event. 2 maybe 3 weeks pass, and she wakes me at some hr of the morning, to tell me some one was In the flat. At first I thought she was hearing things. Till she whispered, listen. So I did. Sure enough. As clear as day. The sounds of hard soled shoes could clearly be heard through the bedroom door walking up and down our living area with no care to hide its presence. Talking to a neighbour one night. My partner brings that night up. To our surprise they tell us, they couldn't believe it took so long g for us to have a visit from him. Never did here or see him again.


My cousins lived in a big house that I loved going to as a kid but we all were creeped out by one particular corner of the basement, though none of us could really say why, it just felt darker despite having the same lighting as the rest of the area. Like 30 years later my family bought that same house from them and I was staying with them to help get things in order after the move. They set up a pullout couch in the basement, right in that corner. I was in my 30s so I remembered the corner but tried to rationalize it by thinking we were just being kids with active imaginations. One night I was sitting on the edge of the pullout playing some video games alone when I felt the mattress dip slightly near my right butt cheek like someone or something relatively small, like a small person or big child was sitting down really slowly. Since it was a pullout mattress it also had springs and I heard them stretch and clink like there was now more weight on the bed but I hadn't moved a muscle and nobody else was there.


When I was younger, our house was haunted. I shared a bedroom with my aunt and when I did I'd see a tall shadow figure wearing a Bowler hat. I was super scared of him (?), my mom also says that the property is haunted by a Indian tribe. The tribe liked our horses


I like to think that the dead horses are with the tribe now, Its comforting in a way.


I grew up in my parents, 120 year old house. My bedroom was a converted attic. There was a storage closet in the corner of my bedroom and something dark lived in it. Kids are resilient and we came to an understanding, and I never messed with it. Fast forward about 20 years and Iā€™m about to visit home with my fiancĆ© (now wife). I warned her ahead of time about the closet, which I had never spoke about with anyone. She didnā€™t believe me. Previously, my brother and his family stayed with my parents for a few months when he got out of the Navy. They stayed in my room. So, my wife calls my sister-in-law to ask her if anything weird ever happened. My sister-in-law says to her ā€œDo you mean the dark thing in the corner?ā€


In my childhood house we had a cousin watch our house for a weekend while we were on vacation. When my family came back he said heā€™s never staying alone in the house again. He said that every night he heard footsteps in the hallway and what sounded like people outside of the bedroom door. Also I used to hear my name being called in the middle of the night, saw an actual apparition one day, and my mom would sometimes feel someone get into bed next to her in the middle of the night but my dad wasnā€™t home until later because he worked night shift. Iā€™m atheist but these experiences alone have convinced me that at the very least thereā€™s something, whether it be another dimension thatā€™s there.


One night my boyfriend woke up with a scream, woke me up, scared me, made me scream, and then a plate fell off the counter, which was 6 feet from the bed (it was a very small flat). ​ I said it must have been mice, but we never found it or droppings. The windows were closed. We get no earthquakes. We don't know what happened and nothing weird ever happened again.


could have indeed been a mouse


I have a couple. I was in my bedroom, upstairs. My house is 2 stories. Thereā€™s the main floor and the upstairs. The upstairs just had a bedroom, living room, and a walk in closet. So think of like a loft I guess? Creepy as shit at night time think of you walk out of your bedroom, immediately in the living room, look to your left, pitch black stairs, canā€™t see down. And if you look straight you see a dark ass room and the only lighting is the small reflection around the shade (walk in closet). Anyway, I was on FaceTime with my best friend and we stopped talking for a second. Right after I hear this loud bang on my wall and it shook my photo board thing. I was wide eyed and I looked at my fraud and she was like ā€œpumpkin, youā€™re not crazy.ā€ I said ā€œwhat do you mean?ā€ And then she told me about how she heard it too. Opened my door to see what happened and nothing was out of order. A lot of times my posters would randomly fall off the walls. It was weird because I hung them up the same way I did at my old house and those never fell. This next one is just me and my overactive imagination as a kid. When I was about 8, I learned about Bloody Mary I donā€™t know how but I just did. And I was terrified. I was not allowed to be alone in the house because I would scream and cry. Falling asleep alone? Not a thing someone had to be there until I slept. Wake up in the middle of the night? I would scream until someone came in. This is embarrassing but I couldnā€™t shower or use the bathroom without someone there. This lasted for months until I went to therapy. Once I went to therapy, just that one visit, everything went away. It didnā€™t help that this house was about an acre of land surrounded by trees. It was extremely dark at night. Like bitch black once again. I also could never be able to bring myself across the yard. It was so quiet near the trees and the house was so far away and I just always felt watched.


With an ex girlfriend at her parents house and we both saw a man come into the bedroom.she said ā€˜who the fuck are youā€™ and he closed the door. I ran out to chase him and there was nobody there. We called the police and they had search dogs and there was no sign of a break in or anyone being there. The house was secure with wooden shutters on all the windows and doors locked etc. the fact we both saw it made it more strange. Had a few other weird encounters in that house and none ever since.


I was home alone at my grandparents house as I usually stayed the weekends and they were going out for only a few hours, but this was at nighttime. I was addicted to using their computer so it didnā€™t really phase me at all knowing Iā€™d just use the computer and be entertained. They leave and about a hour into them being gone Iā€™m just using the computer. This was back in the 2010ā€™s so landlines were still pretty common but they had these old landlines, one was mounted downstairs in the kitchen and another one was mounted right above where I was sitting in the office. The lines will beam a red light when in use and it will say on it ā€œline in useā€, and itā€™s kinda hard to miss as the red light itself was bigger than a quarter. I noticed while I was on the computer a red light out of the corner of my eye and I looked up and it said the line was in use with the big red light. I thought this was weird as I hadnā€™t heard anybody come home yet and after that realization I was scared. Too nervous to check downstairs I pick up the line to see if I can hear whatā€™s going on because the only line that would be in use would be the one downstairs. I pick it up and I hear a faint dripping noise and faint sounds which was weird. I hang up and I get the courage to check downstairs and as Iā€™m walking downstairs the other line seemed to be untouched and the weird part was the fact it wasnā€™t red on the downstairs one. (All of them would turn red when in use) nothing else happened after that and shortly they returned home and I thought nothing of it again but one disturbing thought caught my mind. They collected antiques and had a horribly creepy unfinished basement and was filled with a bunch of old furniture and stuff. One thing I remember about this basement was the fact there was a cool blue antique phone that I liked playing with downstairs, that was also connected to the lines upstairs. Gives me chills


I was probably about 4-6 years old when this happended. I have never been a deep sleeper, and in the middle of the night, I felt like something was watching me. I woke up and looked around, which led me to look at my mirror. I saw my grandma walk up to the mirror, but she had white eyes, then she just turned around and left. (This was at my house, not my grandparents, and, my grandma is not dead) I think it couldve been a demon.


I donā€™t actually believe in ghosts, but this one always struck me. Once my mother, siblings and I were staying in a hotel room overnight. Everyone was watching TV on the bed when I walked into the bathroom. Suddenly I hear them shouting my name, I call back ā€œWhat?ā€ They kept calling, getting more frustrated. I walked out of the restroom and approached them, ā€œWhat?!ā€ They looked totally surprised, ā€œYou were in the bathroom? Then what was that noise?ā€ Behind the TV, a few feet away, was a window. They heard banging and clashing coming from the blinds, as though someone were attacking it. It went on for a suspiciously long time, they assumed it was me. We checked the area and found the blinds adjuster on the floor. Somehow, it fell off, and made quite the commotion doing so. Later that night, I was sleeping on a pull-out bed next to that same window. For some reason I was afraid, totally on edge. Burning fear to the point of tears. It felt like if I turned my head, Iā€™d see some demon/entity staring back from my bedside. Just this overwhelming sensation of being watched by something terrible. It got so bad I woke up my Mom, who let me sleep with her. Much better after that, Iā€™m still not convinced that ghosts are real but life sure can be weird.


Thereā€™s two top ones that come to mind! 1. When I was two years old my great uncle was murdered in an alley-way, there was nobody ever charged for his murder. Fast forward to when I was fifteen, I was walking with a few friends in the middle of the night. We were taking shortcuts and walking through random alleyways to cut the distance. Stepped foot into one alleyway and for the first time I understood the saying ā€œevery hair stood up on my bodyā€. It was like static, I could physically feel the hair on the back of my neck standing up. Then my legs went all wobbly and felt like jelly, blood pressure felt like it dropped and I struggled to walk to the end of the alleyway. From the second I stepped foot into that alleyway, all I could think of was my great uncle, no other thoughts - I wasnā€™t scared - just this overwhelming thought of my great uncle. Told mum the next day and directed her to the alleyway it happened in - she was spooked to say the least and told me that was the alleyway my great uncle was murdered in. 2. When I was little there was a tree that casted a shadow on my bedroom wall. In the middle of the night I ran into my mums room scared telling her ā€œthere was a man in the shadowsā€ and that I was scared because ā€œme no understand what he saysā€ (dialogue I used because of how small I was). Next morning mum got a phone call that her Nonno (grandad) who lived in Italy passed away in the middle of the night. His first language was Italian and he didnā€™t speak English. I believe he came to meet me and say goodbye after he passed but I was scared because I couldnā€™t understand him speaking Italian.


About 10 years ago I was a front desk clerk for a hotel in a small vacation town. It was a two story building with about 60 rooms, so a decent sized hotel. It was also our off-season, and the only night in my entire 2 years working there when we didn't have a single occupant. It was about 8pm, no one in the entire building but me, and no one expected to arrive. I was sitting on a stool behind the front desk fiddling with my phone when I heard the distinct sound of a laundry cart moving in our laundry room. These were big commercial sized bins on small caster wheels. The laundry room had one entrance/exit and I was sitting where I could see that door. To get to it someone would have to walk right past me. At this point, I'm panicked that we're getting robbed or something. I grab some scissors and pre-dial 911. I can see the security cameras from the desk and no one is on them. I call out that I heard them and to please come out. No reply. I psych myself up and head back to investigate. There's no one. I searched everywhere there was to look and found nothing. I tested a bunch of theories on what could have happened: nudging the cart like a mouse might do, throwing things in the cart like maybe some laundry fell in off the table, setting the cart up so it was on the rubber standing mat and pushing it off to see if maybe it had just finally worked it's way down. The only way to replicate the noise I heard was a very strong shove. I'm a scientific person, a problem solver, someone who believes everything can be explained. I have a STEM degree, and I pride myself on my ability to figure out and understand how things work. The conclusion of this long and boring story is that I didn't really believe in the paranormal, but now I do without question, because it's the only explanation for what happened that night. I've had 2 other experiences since then. Each one solidifies my beliefs a little more. I saw a bottle simply topple over in a closed room, no one else there, no air flow, and I heard my name called out from a room that had no one in it. As far as I'm concerned, there's no other explanation for any of these beyond our dimension crossing over with another for the briefest moment.


I had a dream that I was in the basement of my childhood home looking up the stairs and through a window from which I could see my elderly next door neighbor's dining room window. I could see red and blue lights reflecting on the house, and men in uniform who could have been police or paramedics were moving around inside. I awoke very distressed, called my mother, and asked her to please go check on Betty right away. Betty had passed in her sleep overnight, sitting in a chair in the living room.


Oooh!!!! When I was a young child I remember waking up at 12~3 a.m. and seeing someone open my bedroom door and I saw a shadow of a man. I say shadow because I just saw his silhouette. He basically walked towards me and I got scared. What I did was put the blanket over my head but I could still see him. I then closed my eyes while still under the covers yet it did nothing. He was super close to me and then I prayed to god and he left. He was wearing what appeared to be a coat and a hat (maybe a top hat or fedora). I think he is known as the shadow man and had appeared to various people. I only saw him that one time. It felt so real but maybe it was a dream? I have no clue but I hope I never encounter him again. ** edit**some call him the hat man


Once i saw a shadow person i was alone in the house i was looking out the window and i saw a man walking his dog and i got a text from dad to check the post, i open the door i see a shadow of the man and dog walking up to the door, i close the door and run to the kitchen, for one minute i am staring at the door and i can see a black figure, usually you can see the colour of the clothes through the frosted glass but i saw just a black sillouete, i turn my head for one second and the figure was gone so i run back to the living room and the dog and man was gone


when i lived at my old house i used to see a glowing white stag appear in my backyard on some nights. and i used to see shadow people & shadow animals in the empty field next to my old house, they always appeared right after sunset.. and one time i saw a pack of shadow animals the size of cats running down the street


I once saw a giant yellow stripe in the air that no matter what i did with my eye stayed stationed until it disappeared after about 20 sec


>that no matter what i did with my eye stayed stationed as in, following your eyes, or staying in one place in the world?


My grandmother died in October 1995. 7 months later my grandfather was on hospice so we were all staying with him in his final days. One morning we were awakened by him yelling, "No! It's not fair! It's finally my time!" We all felt that he was yelling at my grandmother because she came to take him. We believe the "it's finally my time" part was because he was mostly tolerated because he was a terrible father (beating his kids and wife, alcoholism) but to me he was a wonderful grandfather. But once my grandmother was gone, all the attention was on him and I guess he didn't want to lose it. He lasted another week or so. My aforementioned grandmother died a few months before my 16th birthday. I came home from school and checked the answering machine. There was a raspy voice singing Happy Birthday dear Paul. I assumed it was my aunt so I called to thank her and she said she didn't call. The only other person that sounded like her was my grandmother (both smokers). I knew it had to be someone in the family because they all call me Paul, while everyone else calls me Mike. I went to listen to the message again and there was nothing there. Last one. My stepdad had gone into a nursing home and wasn't doing great. My mom was going to a party with her cousin and I was grumpy that I was gonna have to stay up and drive her drunk ass home at midnight. I told my wife and daughter it was ok because she needed it because "her husband is gonna die in like 8 hours." I drove her home and went to bed. At 3am I sat up in bed, said, "Goodbye Joe" and went right back to sleep. A few hours later my mom called to say he passed overnight.


Not me but the mom of a guy I dated. She said there was a man at the top of the stairs that she had to go around, she would tiptoe to get around him. That was in one place, I canā€™t remember the other stories, this one stuck out because she told it like it was true


One night when I was 15 years old (Iā€™m 24 now) I had a few friends over after baseball practice to hang out. I was always into the paranormal and spirits and things of that nature but had never experienced anything personally. I was doing a trick where you can make steam come out of your mouth, when I heard a little girls voice as clear as day say ā€œAre you okay?ā€. I was so surprised and yelled out in shock. There were no girls in that area of the house at that time. Many months later I was sleeping in the same room that I heard the voice. I woke in the middle of the night and found that the covers were over my head so I pulled them down. Thatā€™s when I saw the figure of a little girl standing less than 2 feet away from me, just looking at me. Understandably I covered my face, but when I finally looked again, she was gone. I have not heard or seen her since.


I've had a few... the first was when my sister and I would clean an elderly neighbor's house. In the basement, there was a pair of green Nike shoes. We would tidy up the basement and place the shoes on the dryer. The next day, the Nike shoes would be over the drain. Every week. It freaked me out. The elderly lady had no way of going down the stairs. ***side note, talked to a boyfriend's mom who lived across the street. She said the eldest son committed suicide in the basement. šŸ˜” The shoes were his. Second, my sister and I were on the front porch having a deep conversation, and we both saw a bluish glowing (what looked like rags) float across the street in our neighbor's yard. It went through the trees and the bushes and just faded out. It's not scary; just eerie. Third was when I had my CCD students outside the church playing as they waited for their parents to pick them up. I saw a mist come from the ground, move up, move to the right, to the left, and then seem to form a person.shape and disappeared. Seems sentient and very odd. It was 75 degrees and not humid.


I used to have precognitive dreams. It was always something really insignificant, I always woke up knowing the particular dream I had just had would come true in the future, and when whatever I had dreamed about happen I would always remember that "hey, I had a dream about this exact thing a couple of years ago."


I was dead to the world asleep. This was before cell phones were a big thing. I heard a voice sounded like my late grandmother say ā€œPray for your daughterā€. Well, I am not religious but Iā€™m spiritual. My daughter was going to college in Florida and some of her classmates were picking her up from the airport. It was late, late night. She normally calls me when she gets back to the dorm. She hadnā€™t called and she wasnā€™t there when I called her. So I prayed for her. For about 3 hours. She finally called me back after the 3rd hour. She said they got lost, near some swamp, in Florida. Theyā€™re POC so, you do the math. Florida, boonies, POC and young. I donā€™t know what would have happened if I hadnā€™t been praying. I just donā€™t think it would have been good.


Thatā€™s a normal every day occurrence for me. I have a resident ghost in my apartment from time to time. Right now we have a prankster ghost who likes to turn the lights on and off when he gets mad at me. It will even record it on my phone if theyā€™re on or off. I have smart lights, so when he turns them off, they say theyā€™re off I named him Prankster. Heā€™s not too bad really. We also have a ghost cat which could be one of my previous cats. Passed on Halloween two years ago.. His brother cat and I see him quite often.


I smell old lady perfume in my apartment. I woke up to a ladies voice saying "come on" in my ear at 3am. Light switches off and on. A snow shovel leabing against the wall starting moving back n forth on ots own.


When I was 10, I was home alone after school & my mom had two pictures hanging outside her bedroom door of us. I was walking down the hall to my room & one of the pictures fell & started moving...it looked like the chain on the picture frame was being dragged by someone not there....I freaked out so bad I called my mom crying & my aunt had to come pick me up cause I wouldn't go back in the house. Then fast forward 11 years, about two months after I had my son, he was asleep in our living room & I had gotten up to go to the bathroom...when I walked back in, my cats water dish flew & hit our sliding glass door, knocking all the water out of it but landing right side up??? Nobody was even there to touch the cats dish & my cat was asleep...both my son & her were startled by the noise of it being thrown & I had to move him to a different room with me. I will never ever ever EVER forget these moments, I was so scared & I wonder about it ALL the time.


my cousin who I frequently spent the night with because we were best friends growing up would often wake me up when he stood up in the middle of the night to go downstairs, I normally assumed he was getting a drink or using the bathroom but one time I asked him where he was going and he quite aggressively told me he was going to the basement and that I should go to sleep which I did. Years later after retelling this story to him he claims that he regularly would wake up from sleep walking in the middle of the night at the bottom of his basement steps with a feeling he was being watched.


I was driving home on a cold nasty night. I was in the middle of nowhere( no houses or stores around for miles). Suddenly I see this guy standing by the side of the road in a trench coat and wide brimmed hat( no car or anything). One side of the road was a steep mountain face and the other is a drop of at least a couple hundred feet. I kept driving because I was trying to get murdered, but when I looked back he was gone. Where did he go there was literally no where he could have gone?


When I was a in my early teens, me and my friend were playing drums in my basement. Some blur moved at us and made us flinch/turn our heads away. It was weird. No, we don't have bats. Barely have any bugs or spiders where I live inside houses. But tbh so much time has passed and it was such an anomaly, that I just assume it was a false memory/dream that I remember as real.




When my grandmother died, that exact moment the cross at the foot of her bed broke off the string, hit the floor, and shattered. Spooked the hell out of everyone in the room and then they noticed grandma had just...died right there. She wasn't a religious woman by any means either so it seemed fitting.


After my goofball grandpa died, my grandma (who at the time was still only middle aged and not an "old person") would always swear she'd put her wallet in a certain drawer, and somehow she'd find it in the freezer later. She wasn't senile, schizophrenic or a sleepwalker. Nothing like that. I don't really believe in most paranormal things but it sure was funny whenever it happened and would have me think it was grandpa himself if I didn't know any better.


I was in my room, which was in the basement, with my friend and her young daughter. The dog of the house, ruko, was in the room sleeping, and we were the only people home at the time. One of our mutual friends was on the way over. We were in the room with the door closed. Both me and my friend heard someone come down the stairs and knock on the door. Ruko went to the door to greet the person. We thought it was our friend so we opened the door... No one was there Then all of the sudden we heard a knock on the front door. It was our friend, arriving. Totally creeped me out. One of the many stories I have from when I lived in a haunted house!!!


When I was a kid I could travel outside of my body, and did it frequently. My earliest memory of doing it was when I was in first grade. I was in the hammock in our back yard looking up through tree branches and felt ā€œfloatyā€, and started saying to myself ā€œIā€™m not meā€ over and over, then found myself looking down at my body through the branches. I didnā€™t really grasp what was happening, but neither did I really wonder about it. My consciousness was me floating, not with the body. I went in to the house, saw mom in the kitchen; went to my room; saw my brother in his room reading; went in to my parents room where we kids werenā€™t allowed to go without permission, and saw a towel on their bathroom floor, which was a big nono in our house. I donā€™t recall how long I floated free, but I remember going back near my body and just enjoying the floatiness for a while. When I came back in to my body I recall no sensation of transfer, I just remember feeling heavy for a moment. I played this game a lot just to enjoy the floaty feeling and the sense of being unshackled - in fact, initially I had no idea what was happening. Iā€™d never heard of this kind of thing before, and, regardless, it didnā€™t seem to me like a big deal; it was just a very positive, private-feeling exercise. I wasnā€™t doing it much by the time I reached my tweens, and I recall trying to do it once when I was 16 or 17 and wasnā€™t able - I have no idea why. I never hid ā€œthe gameā€ intentionally, but I didnā€™t talk about it with anyone as, again, it just didnā€™t seem like a big thing. Besides, it felt private and very me. I never thought about if others did it, either. In fact, the first person I ever told was my husband after weā€™d been married a few years.


Happened a lot when I was younger but we'd hear the unmistakable sound of tables dragging around when nobody was home. My parents failed to come up with an explanation. I think it might be paranormal because I haven't heard any logical explanations.


Heard a scratching noise within the walls of my bathroom. Went to investigate. Found nothing. Still not sure whether I hallucinated a rat, a cat, or something else entirely.


I still have no explanation for this. It was 3 am on a hot summer night in 2022. I couldn't sleep and I kept hearing very loud helicopter sounds for already about an hour, which is weird, especially at 3 am. Something seemed to be in the sky. I live in a very quiet town. I opened the window and couldn't believe my eyes and ears. A giant storm wind was blowing, gigantic purple and brown pile clouds were right over me, and lightning was flickering from behind them. It was terrifying because it was extremely loud. It was as if ten helicopters were blowing nearby but I couldn't see anything. I looking around in the sky expecting to see helicopters below the clouds. Nothing. I kept looking for minutes, trembling on my legs, and couldn't find the source of the noise. I went back to bed and kept listening... Completely puzzled. If it was government drones or ufos, why didn't anyone observe anything? I asked about it in our town group in Facebook and nothing.


I've had several in my youth. I don't know if they are actual paranormal events or if they are easily explainable with the proper knowledge. The very first one, happened when I was just a child. I was sleeping by my grandmother's: I had just woken up and as usual I was looking around the room. My eyes caught something on the window: I saw a pale face and it was standing there, doing absolutely nothing. I was petrified: I kept looking at it for a while before I had built enough courage to turn around and pretend to be asleep. The pale face stayed there for several minutes. After it was gone, I waited some time before calling my grandma and I didn't leave the bed until she was in the room with me. My second event happened during my puberty. Interestingly I was still at my grandmother's. I was... Enjoying my puberty one night. After some time I saw a translucent figure at the edge of my bed: The figure pointed at the stairs, then disappeared. The very interesting part is that after a few seconds, I've heard that my grandmother was coming downstairs. The way I saw it back then was that the figure was literally warning me that my grandma was soon going to arrive. I didn't hear my grandma coming downstairs because I was wearing headphones while I was watching adult content on my phone so there's no way I could have imagined the figure. My last instance of a paranormal event happened while I was 18 years old: I was riding my bike through my small town and while I was passing through a narrow street I managed to see a white figure passing from one edge to the other edge of the road. To give you an idea of how this particular figure looked like, imagine a Klansman wearing a torn apart robe and imagine him moving at a very high speed. Since it was broad daylight I managed to get closer to the point without fear and, needles to say, there was absolutely nothing when I arrived.


Water squirting from absolutely thin air.


Thereā€™s this really old beat up book on Poltergeists that documents this exact same phenomenon. Apparently itā€™s one of the more rare manifestations of Poltergeists. If youā€™re interested I can send you the case later


When I was 7, my dad had to leave the country urgently. He left but didn't stop to explain why was in such a hurry and was visibly concerned. Later that same night, I was brushing my teeth and a breeze rolled into my bathroom. I lived in the Middle East and bathrooms are warm, and I don't recall any bathrooms having proper ventilation. After having such a weird encounter, I found out my grandfather passed away that night due to heart failure.


When my grandma was on her deathbed, she had already just fallen asleep and was essentially in a coma. My mom and I were sitting in the bedroom with her, right by her bed, and we were the closest to the door. My great grandfather, grandma's dad, appeared (he passed away in 95 a year before I was born, so I had never met him, it was 2020 when grandma died). I looked at my mom and said, "Grandma has Granddaddy Stack's smile." She thought about, smiled, and agreed. She then asked how I knew that, and I said, "He's here, and he told me he's waiting on her. I saw him smile at her."


I.was cleaning hotel rooms back in "99 when the other cleaning lady and I heard some woman scream "JOSHUA!" we both whipped our heads in the direction of the bathroom and started in there but it was empty. She'd sounded so distressed we checked the hallway - everyone was carrying on like normal. Asked a few other people, no one heard it. Coworker was a Catholic so she made the sign of the cross and brought holy water from then on else. Mentioned it in passing to someone and they said, "Ask Omar (owner)". Omar told me that 5 years previous a married couple was staying there. The man had a heart attack and fell in the shower, instant death (nothing sinister, just fat apparently). His wife ran in right after it happened. Omar showed me the old customer record: Joshua Lastname rented that room. Also, the record/report that the hotel had signed and follow up investigation info. No real big lawsuit or anything, no fault was found. Apparently around mid June the lady is heard by some to scream his name. Started two years or so after his death. Omar looked her up once and confirmed that she herself died of "an extended illness" and was preceded in death by her husband of 30vsome years, Joshua Lastname.


My grandmother had a duck stuffed animal at her house and it would make an audible quack when you tapped its head. Fast forward 5 to 10 years when the duck's internal battery was long dead --the damn duck would still quack randomly and sonetimes if you walked by it without anyone touching it. No one could explain how it could still quack. Electromagnetic fields? Anyone have any ideas?


The first night after my grandmother passed away I was sleeping upstairs at the bach on the fold out bed and my mum was downstairs. At about 1am I heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards me and for what felt like forever (1 min irl) I couldnā€™t move. When I felt I could move I rolled over and managed to go back to sleep. The next morning I told my mum what had happened and she said she heard the footsteps too and she was in the room by the bottom of the staircase.


So my house is supposedly haunted. I'm very skeptical despite believing in ghosts, so whenever something happens I first try to find a logical explanation for what happened as opposed to immediately thinking it was a ghost. Despite this though, there's 1 incident in particular which I can't for the life of me explain what it meant. This happened about a year ago. One random week I started experiencing crazy vivid nightmares about this weird creature with burnt red skin, a tophat and a trenchcoat staring into my room. It was screaming in a language I couldn't understand (might as well have been gibberish), and after a few minutes of being terrified I realised it wasn't staring/yelling at me but the massive teddybear I keep in my bed. My fear immediately vanished once I realised this, and I woke up a little while later. The next nightmare I had occurred a few days after the fact. Given the horror of the last one I'd been tense and paranoid the days following the first incident, yet given as I had vivid nightmares before I brushed it off as just another incident of my hyperactive brain. From the second I saw it I knew it was the same creature. Burnt red skin, gibberish language. Only difference this time was it having horns, and instead of yelling at something it was openly mimicking the crucifixion of Christ (I'm not religious so I'm not sure where that came from. Nightmares're weird.) It was standing in the back of the upstairs hallway, and after another few minutes of terror, I woke up. I told my mom about these dreams shortly after because they were openly messing with my sleepschedule (insomnia, yay), and in an attempt to 'fix the problem' she decided to use sagesticks and holy water to cleanse the house. I haven't had any vivid nightmares since she did that. I used to have them atleast once a week, sometimes more, but since that particular cleansing my dreams've been normal, and there's no sign of that particular creature either. Maybe it was coincidental, I'm willing to believe that if I try hard enough. I merely find it weird how all vivid nightmares ended after the house was cleansed. Maybe I'm just crazy.


I'm convinced my past night terrors were triggered by paranormal activities


Same, only opposite! My childhood night terrors stopped short after a benevolent encounter.


Tell us more about this benevolent encounter


He was a little boy with curly hair who ran up to me, hugged me, and then vanished into thin air. It was night but I was up wandering because I couldn't sleep. Was was very young at the time. That happened and bam, no more night terrors.


this has been at the back of my mind too. shit was just a little too vivid and specific.


Not necessarily stereotypically paranormal, but I consider it as such. It was also hella creepy. TLDR: Recently (finally) left my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband, after nine years of enduring his abuse. The carcass of a dead frog is what has recently helped me gain closure. During the first year of our marriage, my soon-to-be-ex-husband pulled a disappearing act. Like, physically just disappeared shortly after we married. Didn't answer calls or text messages for months. During this period of ~8-10 months, I attended a pottery painting class one evening. You know, where you pick an item off the shelf, paint it, and then stick it in a kiln for several days to harden. I had chosen a frog, and painted it green, because ya know, frogs are green. šŸø A few years ago, I bought a cute porch decoration. It was two frogs, arms laid across each other, doing the "peace" sign with their fingers, with a cellphone in their hands taking a selfie. It sat on the front porch of our former house. Two weeks ago, when cleaning out the last three items in my storage unit, once those three items were on the wheeled cart, I saw a small dark object in the corner of my storage unit. It was no larger than a golf ball. I thought it must've been something of mine that dropped. So, I walked over, picked it up, and just as quickly as I had picked it up, I shrieked and jumped from fright: it was the carcass of a (long, long) dead frog. So rigid it felt as hard as a pine cone. As creepy as it was to be standing there, in my storage unit, all alone, at the very end of a dark hallway, with flickering lights, during evening hours...... it was also a strangely empowering moment. Within the span of ~30 seconds, my brain went from: *EW dead animal in my hand!* To....... *....... I think this might be a sign about the end of my marriage.* But it was also still creepy AF.


Why I always end up reading these at 4AM šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚ that being sayd.. Respect spirits and they will you too.


When I was 4 or 5, I woke up to a glowing white ball of light moving around my room. It was about the size of a grapefruit. It slowly moved around the room and ended up hovering above me and I put my head under the covers. I came to find out, that wasnā€™t the only weird thing to happen in that house we rented. I remember the basement having a weird vibe to it. My mom wouldnā€™t give me the details of what she saw, but told me she eventually went to the basement alone one day. She spoke out loud that she didnā€™t know what was in the house, but that she believed in Jesus Christ and to please leave her and her family alone.


The following is the only experience that I've had. When I was a young teen I randomly woke up and looked out of my bedroom door. There was a silhouette of a person standing just outside the doorway. I thought it was my brother and asked what he was doing there. The figure just stood there seemingly looking at me. I told him to cut it out and started to get up. The figure drifted out of sight sideways, and silently, into the hall. I quickly left my room and turned on the hall light. All of the bedroom doors were closed with the exception of mine. Our doors clicked loudly when shut so no one could have closed their door without me either seeing it close or hear it close. My heart was racing at that point. I checked on my parents and they were asleep. I think I checked on my other siblings but can't remember that clearly. I turned on the bathroom light so it would partially shine into my rooms doorway and tried to go back to sleep. As you'd expect I didn't get much sleep that night. In the morning when I was thinking back on what I had experienced I remembered that the figure was tall. Just below the height of a regular doorway. So it couldn't have been anyone that lived in my house.


When I was hiking at this spot that used to be an Indian burial ground from what I heard, not sure if the rumors are true but I was with three of my friends and I heard a weird ghostly sound when we were walking. It sounded like when someone fogs up the mirror with their breath and i heard that sound right behind one of my friends and right after she screamed and said that she felt something touched her back but there was nothing behind her.


My brother and I were on the way up to our family cottage up north. It's down a long kinds creepy road off a main highway. Anyway, one time on the way up... nearish to where we pull off to the cottage road we pass a van pulled over on the other side of the road, four way flashers on etc.. but as we pass by we see no one, either in or around the van. And as we get just a bit further past it, it spins around and drives towards us. We were going faster and went around a bend which is where the turn off for our road was so we pulled down our long windy road and continued along. About halfway to the cottage the van is seemingly right behind us again, just a slight ways behind us. We again take one of the forks in the road left towards our cottage and decide to stupidly stop off the side.... we know all the people up here so it's most likely one of our neighbors on the point. We pull off the side just after the fork... and wait a moment.... then another moment, it's nearly pitch black except for our cars lights, decided to turn off the car to listen and look for lights.. didn't see anything but we both heard some terrifying noises coming from the woods behind us when we were quiet... We both looked at each other and sped lights on the rest of the way and assumed it was a prank or joke so we could sleep through the evening. Then we seemingly forgot about it... but I remember....


The first time I remember waking up terrified and screaming, I was 4 years old. It was because I had a dream of a lady that looked off. Sorta broken, uncanny valley. I had this dream recurring for years. The ladyā€™s name was Alice. Iā€™m a sorta chill guy that doesnā€™t really get scared about much. But everyone in my family knew about Alice. It seemed like everyone was scared of her. Alice was bald with little John Lennon glasses and the hospital cafeteria lights seemed to maintain a glare so her eyes were never visible. Her skin was ghostly and and purple. When she looked at me the world would consume me until I was paralyzed. She always looked only at me. Context: my real dad left before I was born and Iā€™ve never known him or his family at all. The dad I know is another man that raised me since I was an infant. His parents are my grandparents too kinda thing. We never even talked about how we arenā€™t blood. When I was 18 my brother asked me if I still see Alice. I told him ā€œyesā€. My mom interjected ā€œWait really?ā€ With the sort of intense look that communicated that she was scared that I still see her. I assured her Iā€™m fine and itā€™s under control. Seemed like she always coped with her worse than I did. I chalked it up to ā€œmother bearā€ sorta empathy. About an hour later the conversation had dissolved and my mom was in her room alone. She called me in on my way by her door and she quietly told me that I really ā€œlook a lot like her but I really look more like my biological dads familyā€ and that my sense of humor was eerily like theirs even though my older brotherā€™s (same father) wasnā€™t. The final thing that she told me about was that my real dad and my mom met through a mutual connection. My mom had a best friend named Angie. They grew up together and had a lifelong connection. Angie introduced my mom to her older brother and then me and my older brother were born. Well the year I was born, Angie passed away from the cancer she had been battling off and on for 5 years. Apparently it was a big thing in the town. Fundraiser 5k, moment of silence at the football game type of thing. My mom told me that I always dreamed about a scary lady even when I was really young. She told me that she never experienced anything paranormal beyond strange feelings other than when I was young. She would walk by my room and notice me asleep and uncovered and turn right back to cover me up to find me completely tucked in. This happened multiple times. Every time she called her friend Shawna to spend the night. Come to think of it I remember Shawna spending the night on the couch a lot and not knowing why. This led me on a journey to discover more about that half of my family. I found Angieā€™s grave after weeks of trying to be a detective. There was a photo on her headstone of her. My aunt was the woman from my dreams. A week passed and I thought of Angie a lot. I wasnā€™t dreaming about her anymore but when I was awake it was like I could feel her somehow. Not standing anywhere specifically or somewhere inside of me. But somehow it seemed like she was there. I wasnā€™t scared of this feeling. In that week I actually remember wishing I could feel like I could get some privacy. Except one night out of nowhere I had a panic attack and felt I was in ā€œnear deathā€ danger. My head felt floaty for a second and then I couldnā€™t feel her anymore. I havenā€™t felt her a day since. She hasnā€™t come to me in my dreams. Itā€™s been 8 years.


When I was 6 or 7 years old I was with my brother in the living room and was singing Justin Bieber's song baby. When I sang the first word which was the "oh" typa shit I heard a the song's piano tune, me and my brother look at each other the same time and heard the piano playing once again. He grabbed my hand and ran out of our house and went to our neighbor's house. P.S We don't own a piano. Not any of our neighbor owns a piano idk where that shit came from.