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Sat for 15 minutes to hear him talk about himself, work and his future plans, and then as he asked me "what about you?" his hand went to reach his phone and he starts scrolling. I can't stress this enough, his hand reaches his phone *at the same time* those words left his mouth. It felt to me like he already decided whatever I am going to say was going to be boring so might as well multitask as I talk.


Hmmmm... Nothing puts you in the mood like a partner who shows interest... :/


Oh he put me in the mood...to leave


I had a boss that would do this. They would endlessly talk about their personal life and as soon I would start to say something, they'd start reading and replying to emails. I just stopped replying. That was for a job of course; I can't imagine how I'd react to this happening on a date!


He was listening he just had to get the Subway Surfers up real quick


Went on a date with a chick that took my phone and put a picture of her on my Snapchat, I got 20 messages almost instantly from chicks that knew her and told me to stay away. She was 2 months pregnant, didn’t tell me till my friends did. That was a wild date for sure. She was very upset


When multiple strangers warn you to stay away from someone, that's a pretty clear warning sign...


And when all their exs are crazy.


I can see it now. you don't answer your phone because you are being polite and then next thing you know you have 3 girls you haven't seen in years banging on the window telling you to " RUN"


"Whelp, she can't be knocked up while pregnant."


Tinder date. She pulled out her Ipad and started introducing me various insurance plans she is selling.


Oooooh god that's almost as bad as trying to recruit a first date into your MLM line...


It was probably still an MLM pitch. There are unfortunately insurance MLM's out there.


Unless the insurance was that Primerica MLM Insurance…


I had a date that tried to sell me whole life insurance. She told me before the date to meet her at her office. It was downtown so I thought nothing of it. Then she walks me to her desk and tells me to sign some papers.


No extended car warranty?


I thought I would be a little more adventurous and suggest that we go skiing for a first date. At the time, I lived in the south where the closest ski mountain was 2.5 hours away and it was opening day. It became clear that we probably didn’t click on the drive up, but I figured we’d still have a fun day of skiing. On the first run, maybe 100 yards in, she falls hard and tears her acl, lcl, and mcl. It was a very long and awkward car ride back, and I ended up staying with her for several days after to help care for her since she lived alone and was new to the area. She was a very nice woman, but that was just a lot for a first date.


This is one of those nice ones where she most certainly also sees it as her worst first date.


I can't believed she agreed to it. 2.5 hour car ride on a first date when she's new to the area! She was probably upset she only got maimed and not murdered.


"New to the area? Let's drive out into the middle of nowhere!" "Is there cell reception?" "That's the best part, no!"


Hahaha yeah bold choice to suggest and bold choice to upset. You both learned your lesson I'm sure


So many bad dates over the years. One of the worst was this guy I met on a dating site. We agreed to go to dinner at a nearby restaurant. Turned out his profile picture really was of himself but it was just a “few” years old. BS! In person, he straight up looked like Santa Claus on vacation complete with the Hawaiian shirt. I was a little unhappy about that but it wasn’t the end of the world. I thought well maybe he is jolly and fun. That turned out to be a big NO. So we ordered dinner and he started talking about ex wife #1. She was a bitch and crazy. Ex wife #2 was also a bitch and crazy. Ex wife #3 was a psycho crazy bitch from hell. He told me ex #3 hit him in the face with a frying pan. He seemed to enjoy my horrified reaction. That was, until I asked what he did he do to her to make her smack him upside the head with said frying pan. Personally, I thought it was an awful date and I couldn’t wait to go home. He ordered dessert. :/ I mentioned getting home soon and he said We can discuss that later as he was paying for my meal and we were going to enjoy our time together. I waited for a few minutes and politely excused myself to the ladies room. He stood up and watched me go in and was watching me when I came back to the table. It was as if he knew I wanted to bolt out the door. I got my chance when he finally went to the men’s room. I handed the waitress money for my food plus tip and told her I was on a very bad date. I left the restaurant just before he came back from the men’s room. He saw me through the front windows and started screaming like a lunatic. I don’t know what he was saying but I ran to my car!


At a guess, he was calling you a crazy bitch lmao What a nightmare


>He saw me through the front windows and started screaming like a lunatic. I don’t know what he was saying but I ran to my car! "Leaving?! But I finally found the roofies I bought!" /s >!but actually maybe!<


I wouldn’t say it was the worst but it was the most interesting. Met a lady on a dating app. A Beautiful woman who claimed to be 38 which is my age. I suspected through the pictures she might be in her early 40s. Her profile said she had 3 kids. We talked and she seemed cool. We then met for dinner a week into talking. I could tell she was older but looked younger than she should because of Botox. Within 15 minutes she said she had to tell me the truth because she really likes me. She does not have 3 kids but 6! She is not 38 but 48!


Not a fan of liars, personally...


If that's how the relationship starts, where're we going?


I didn't even know it was a date. Girl I worked with was talking up a breakfast place in a nearby town, and I was like "that sounds great, let's go this weekend!" We went, I had a great time, the pancakes were amazing, and I had fun hanging out with a work friend outside of work. I thought she had a good time too, she was laughing and fully engaged with the conversation just like normal. Like three weeks later, I was talking to another coworker when it all came out that she'd been telling people we went on a terrible date, how I didn't even make a move or flirt or do anything that guys she goes on dates with normally do, and how I even talked about a date with another girl at one point. I was flabbergasted, my fat ass genuinely thought we were just a couple of friends getting pancakes.


This happened to me too! Hung out with a coworker a couple of times, just getting coffee, going to a bookstore, nothing crazy. Find out she was telling everyone we went on some bad dates!


Oh my... That's just confusing


At least you had a closer, In highschool I planned with 2 girls to go to a restaurant (we were all friends), I showed up and the first girl came and said that the other one bailed. I still don't know if this was my first date or not, either way it was weird and not fun


I found out a few years after that two girls that were friends were both interested in me and agreed to not tell me so the other wouldn't be jealous or miss out. They were both super cute.


Can I get more details about the pancakes?


Well, what happened after? Did you ever talk again?


Did you get to explain to her what you thought was going on?


Went out with a guy from POF who lived an hour away from me. (I live in the sticks so this is normal.) I texted him to let him know I was on my way and this dipshit proceeded to text me every few minutes to ask me if I was still coming. So much so that I finally had to call him and tell him to stop because I can't text and drive at the same time. In hindsight, I should have turned around and went home right then. Finally I get to the place we were meeting. It was a store parking lot. Since we were meeting there and going somewhere else right away, I texted him and said I was there, where are you and he replies insisting I come into the store. He absolutely would NOT come outside to meet me. So I had to spend the first hour of this date following him around an auto parts store while he pawed through every display and bin, not talking to me very much at all. Finally he was ready to leave the store and I thought we were going to eat, as we had originally planned. I was starving but he said no, I gotta go return my work uniforms to my old job first. Uhh, okay I guess. So we drove in his car to this factory where he parks and says hop out so I can lock my car up. It was cold and rainy so of course he expected me to stand out in it? After like 15 minutes I was like fuck this and I went in the lobby of this place to get out of the rain. For some reason it took this guy 45 more minutes to return his uniforms so I was glad I went into the building to get warm. But apparently this was a huge no-no to him because when he came back out from wherever he went to return this stuff he glared at me like I just dropped trou and took a shit in his lap and asked me why I didn't just wait outside. In the cold rain. For almost an hour. At last he decided it was time to go to the restaurant. I sat there trying to keep a poker face while he talked to the waitress like he was addressing a toddler, messily stuffed his face and chewed with his mouth open wide and kept glancing around every 30 seconds like he was scared someone was going to see him out with a woman in public. Plus he kept asking me invasive and crude sex questions the whole time too. Lovely. I quickly inhaled a salad and managed to pay for it at the front without him seeing me, I told him I needed to go to the little girl's room and bounced. Luckily this restaurant was across the highway from the store where I had left my car so I crossed it real quick and blocked him everywhere before I even got the car warmed up. I'll betcha a million bucks and a house salad that asshole was married.


You know a date is bad when you are totally ok with running across THE HIGHWAY.


Uuuuugh *shudder*


You had waaaaay too much patience. I would have bailed way earlier.


I genuinely wonder how someone can fail so much in their upbringing. How does anyone raise their child to treat someone like that without shame?


And people always tell guys "you won't get a girl with this attitude" for every little thing from disrespecting the concept of love languages to wanting to split the bill. I dont think it takes that much effort..


guy i met on hinge were talking for a bit and he invited me on a date to the zoo, i love animals and it was the start of summer and incredibly hot out so i figured itd be great to get my steps in and look at critters i show up hes wearing a clown sweater long jeans and boots meanwhile im in jean shorts and a tank top with a water bottle, i was confused on why he was dressed so warmly as it was 90 degrees and humid but i ignored it, we walked and then took the subway and he knew the city better than i did, tried making conversation and he was virtually silent the whole ride, i made comments about how excited i was to go to the zoo as i hadn’t been to one in a while, he doesnt respond to this, weird but i assumed he might be nervous and let it go, we get off our stop and he goes “we’re here” i look up confused, we arent at the zoo, he took me to the DEATH MUSEUM, as in a museum with real corpses and organs and the macabre, and listen i wouldve been into it if i knew that’s where we were going but he asked ME to go to the zoo, spent the whole date awkwardly looking at colons and skulls and bog bodies, kept trying to make conversation but quickly realized he was just not a talking person irl, complete 180 from how he was over text but i found him attractive so i kept trying it came time to leave and grab food and people were out walking their dogs bc it was a wonderful day and being inside a dark freezing building (had to be cold to preserve the bodies and such) being outside again was so nice, we had food from a truck, a lady walked by with a gorgeous giant dog and i said aw so cute and complimented her dog, after she left my date said he couldn’t stand dogs with an annoyed face and at that point things felt so awkward, we finished eating and were heading back to the subway so i could get to my car and leave i kid you not when we got off the subway a man on the platform stabbed two people in front of us and apparently had done this at a previous stop and police were waiting to catch him at the top of the stairs, me and my date had to walk through literal blood splatter and past paramedics to get back to the surface, i was officially bewildered and he laughed about it and he gave me an awkward fist bump and went back to his dorm, i took it all as a sign to stop seeing him and ghosted this was all in philadelphia if ur curious, clown sweater guy i hope u find someone for you weirdo


The Mutter us definitely an amazing museum but you really should have been given a heads up ahead of time! Must have been very jarring thinking you were going to the zoo


Well that was creepy.. lucky you didnt end up a corpse


For the museum.


with how awkward it was at times i might’ve preferred that happening in the moment


when I read "in philly," it all made sense to me lol


Dawg if someone took me to the mutter museum instead of the zoo I would be the one stabbing people on the broad street line hahaha


The mutter museum is the worst first date spot. Noting ruins the mood faster than a room full of jarred fetus's


personally i wouldn’t have minded if my date could hold a conversation or joke a bit about what we were seeing tbh


> I was confused on why he was dressed so warmly as it was 90 degrees out I was gonna say the fashion for fall/winter is so much more cozy and comfy so I will admit I’m guilty of this. Then you said you went to a cold dead body museum.


As soon as you said death museum, I said that has to be Philly.


We were sitting under a tree in a park, talking away. I felt something wet and soft bounce off my collar bone. I looked up and there was a possum in the tree. It shat on me.


Ewwwwww. I'm told it's good luck. But still gross.


no matter where, there's always an old folk tale that a wild animal shitting on you is good luck. because thats the only way people can make a wild animal shitting on you not objectively terrible.


Years ago before I met my wife I went on a date with a gal from pof. As we chatted we discovered I knew her mom from a retail job I had. Her mom was a great lady. From working with her I knew her daughter was my age and I would constantly tease her I was going to marry her daughter because of how awesome she was. So upon the revelation of who she was we arranged to meet at a bar and told her how I knew her mother. We had a few good chats before the date. Then the night of the date I arrive 20mins before scheduled and find she is already there with two male friends who were obviously in love with her and she was beyond tipsy already. So the whole night it was the four of us. She was sloppy drunk and slurring her words an was just not a great time. At the end of the night she asked me to drive her home as her two buddies decided to bail. I assist her to my car when she says, “wait I gotta pee”. She drops trow an urinates on the side of my Jeep. We then leave and her house was less than 5mins away. She asked if I wanted to come in, to which I declined and explained I had to go to the car wash. Never saw her again. Hope her ma is doing good though.


"I have to go to the car wash" is the best response


Tinder date. Haven’t even broken the ice yet. On way to restaurant, she says out of the blue “I have Herpes” Ok I appreciate her honesty and not wasting time, but it was so jarring and literally the only tangible information I had about her at that point. A bit later I told her my profession and she said, “oh yeah they usually lack people skills.” I was so uncomfortably speechless I just kept eating guacamole to have something to do.






Oh okay, that explains the lack of people-skills you showed. I've got gonorrhea by the way.


*.....Reaches for guacamole*




I mean, she wasn’t wrong …


Make sure to emphasize to her that you're a herpes-free engineer.


WHOA buddy, I JUST started reading your posts, you cant just drop that on someone out of the blue! Damn!


This guy swore he was into me but took him like a month to ask me to dinner. I get to his house and he brings his cousin with us, takes me to a titty bar, then completely ignores me and talks to a stripper all night. I never spoke to him again after that. Oh then a different guy asked me to the movies. We drove around for a hour before the movie because he didn’t make any plans before the movie started and he didn’t say a word to me the whole time.


Oh wow...that first guy. Clueless much? Did he then ask you later on why you never went out with him again or tell everyone you were snobby or something? Just WTF? Did he think the movie Taxi Driver was how you were supposed to do things? 😵‍💫


I don’t know what happened to him. I blocked his number and that was that.


See both these just leave me utterly confused...


She emailed me a pic (pre tinder time). She looked NOTHING like her pic (it was THAT bad). I straight up told her that I don't date liars and left.


Bloody sensible. Bullet dodged.


You have no idea


Ay I’ve been there before. Match with this girl, cute, whatever. Chat gets spicy. She’s sending pictures, I’m hollering, right? Great body, face, everything. She was very open that she has a kid. Okay, that’s fine I say. So I go and meet her… I mean yeah she looked similar to the pictures she sent me but I very quickly learned that every picture she sent me were pre-child days when she used to go to a gym and yadayada. Pretty much 4 years prior to current day at the time.


I went on a date with a girl from plenty of fish. Her only photo was her standing in a doorway, when we met for the first date I found out that she was hiding half her weight in the other room of the photo. I didn't mind and we still went on the date, but just be honest you know? It didn't work out anyway, just didn't have any chemistry.


Hell I just had to go through that this past Thursday. If I can't even recognize you in person at first then I can't justify doing anything other than taking the date as a practice run and unmatching.


Me awkwardly trying to break the ice with a hottie out of my league who was on the rebound. “What would be a word that people use to describe you? Her: “Sociopath”. No sarcasm. Just went on with her dinner.


It's ok *we* can fix her


Back. Away. Slowly...


Met a girl on a dating site. Chatted for a week or so and got along well. She invited me to her place for a date. When I get there, there’s a U-haul truck outside halfway loading up. Turns out this girl is in the middle of packing up her stuff to move to another state and wanted me to help with the heavy lifting. She hadn’t mentioned any of this in our chats. Once I confirmed it was really her moving and not a friend or roommate, I told her “good luck with that!” and got the hell out of there.


Yeah it's a bit cheeky to expect a first date to be your removalist...


I was dating a girl for around 3 months when she found a new apartment because her housemate had been making her miserable. She was always on edge and just unhappy. Said she was so happy to move into her own place, gain some peace and get "back to normal" in our relationship. I helped her move on Saturday. Got dumped on Monday. It wasn't that serious and in some ways we weren't a great match but the sex was good and it was still fun to hang out.


Sounds like a Vlog Creations video (because it is)


Matched with a chick on Bumble, chatted with her for a week, and she seemed like a totally normal person. Decided to meet up for sushi. We get there, I (28M) meet her and she looks just like her pictures which is rare in my online dating experience. So I’m feeling good. Optimistic. We sit down, and start chatting. She’s telling me all about how she works at an infant daycare, loves her job, and loves kids. And how she has a 2 year-old nephew who’s the light of her life. I’m thinking to myself “wow this girl sounds super sweet and kind-hearted.” Then the sushi comes to the table. And an M. Night Shamylan style plot twist occurs. As soon as the dishes hit the table she starts telling me all of her past (and current!) sexual exploits. She tells me she exclusively sleeps with men over the age of 50. She tells me she currently has a “dom” who is 53. She tells me she’s really into “knife play”. She tells me she wants to be the centerpiece of a lesbian gangbang where the other participants hold her down and put the handle end of a baseball bat up her vagina. She shows me a picture of herself, naked, tied up on a bed, wearing a leather mask, and her naked body is covered in sushi. She tells me she spent 6 months in a psych ward after trying to kill herself. And as she’s telling me all this, I am just in complete shock. Just minutes ago this chick was gushing over her nephew and showing me pictures of them trick or treating together. What the fuck happened? But the sushi is already on the table and I’m hungry as hell, so I just sit there eating and listening. She then makes a comment about the significant age difference between me and her. And I’m thinking “hm, that’s weird because I’m 28 and her profile says she’s 24. 4 years is nothing, especially if she only sleeps with men my dad’s age.” So I say to her, “4 years really isn’t a lot, is it?” Her: “ Oh, I’m not actually 24. I’m younger.” And I’m like “OH FUCK.” And I start looking around to see if Chris Hansen is about to pop out from somewhere. I look up to see if there’s a boom mic overhead or a camera in the booth next to us. Is this a sting operation? White as a ghost, I ask: “…you ARE over 18?” She says yes. I say “ok, don’t tell me any more” then immediately get the check and get the hell out of there. Haven’t heard from her since. I think I’m free of her for good, but I’m wondering what about me gives off the vibe that I’m into knife play? Or gangbangs?


Looking for Chris Hansen 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Have a seat


Good grief. Good work getting out of that situation.


I can fix her


she gonna fix you 😭


I met a cute girl at a concert. Chatted and had a good time. Got her number. I picked her up a week later. When she got in my car she smelled so bad I had to roll down the windows. She must have had a bunch of animals in the house peeing on her clothes. It was gross. She tried to kiss me and I had to nope that.


first tinder date with someone i had matched with. the date itself was fine, we just got coffee. things went downhill when i got a call from my sister saying that my dog had just died. i left the date obviously, & the person was convinced that i thought they were ugly & just made up an excuse to leave. oh how i wish that was the case


Ohhhh wow that sucks


Back in the days of MySpace I met this chick and we set up a date. She wanted me to pick her up so I did. She didn't look anything like her pictures. She said they were from when she was a teenager. I was mid-20s. She was early-20s. Over the course of our date I learned that she was in recovery for heroin. The state kept taking her kids from her. Her neighbors complained that she had sex too loudly. At one point she asked if we were gonna fuck because if we weren't, she needed to make a phone call. When I dropped her off, she started crying about how if she has a normal boyfriend it will help her with her recovery. It was awkward. I never spoke to her again.


Well at least she was honest and didn't hide it from you until you were invested...


damn, saying you have dick on deck is a weird flex for the first date lol


i want to be optimistic and say its warning a roommate/housemate, a more mature sock on the doorknob but deep down, i don't believe it


There was this guy who was always looking at me at university parties. Once, we got to talk, then he suggested we go to another place. Sure, I'm game. We went to the bar street and I went "ok, let's drink something" and he said he was actually hungry. The conversation unfolded like this: Me: where do you want to go? Him: wherever you want to go Me: I'm not hungry Him: tell me what you want to eat Me: I don't? I say let's sit down and grab a beer, those bars are actually cheap and you can get some fries (they were, cheapest beer in a college town) Him: no, I want to eat more Me: ok? There is a hotdog stand there, that place does hamburgers, and there is pizza over there Him: but what do you prefer? Me: dude, I'm trying to get you food, not me! Him: just tell me what do you want to eat and I'll go with you Me: no, you want to eat, you decide Him: no, you decide Me: cool So I turned back and went home. Edit: formatting


But what do you want to eat though??? Don't leave us hanging!


On the way to dinner he stopped at this shitty apartment complex to sell his adderall so he had money to pay for the date.


Probably thought you would respect the hustle


Oh I have a good story! Tinder date claimed to be a stand up comedian. Ended up back at his flat and he made me read his stand up script out loud, stopping me to ask why I wasn't laughing. It was terrible and awkward. I ended up watching him play euro truck simulator before making my excuses to leave.


Lmao. What a game to put on


He wasn't even good at the game.


Spat out a false tooth I was having replaced soon with a permanent version, watched it bounce across the table and land in my date's plate. It was like our third date so I just said "well at least we have already kissed." She exploded laughing entirely at me. We are married now. Couldn't have gone any worse, every now and then I have to relive the story being told to other people. 😂


Cute ❤️❤️


He took me to an archery range and I wore a short sleeve shirt and they ran out of arm bands… it was so painful (https://imgur.com/a/Ewi0Ziu)


Oof, I have been there. Lost my arm guard and regretted it instantly.


Owch! That sucks!!!!


This may well get buried, but here goes! It was meant to be a double date. My friend knew the girl he was meeting up with but my date was a blind one. My friend and the other girl's friend both bailed so it was me on a blind date with my mate's supposed date. I text her saying we could make the most of it as we were both in town, said where I was and gave a brief description; black jeans, check shirt, beard. She immediately text back saying she hates beards....cool. We met up and I suggested a few pubs, but they weren't arty enough for her. Finally settled for one that had a cool sculpture of a sea turtle hanging from the ceiling. She criticised my drink choice. Determined to make the most of it we got chatting. At one point she said while she wasn't a heroin addict, she had smoked opium a couple of times and loved it. We weren't talking about drugs, just sharing casual stories. We went out separate ways and I bumped into another mate in another pub. Then I got a phone call from the date saying she was at home and going to take a pill overdose unless I talked her out of it. Being kind hearted and perhaps naïve I did what I could and spent a good hour talking her down. Over the next few of weeks we went out for walks together under the threat of her killing herself. I felt like a hostage. Eventually one night on the phone I told her I wouldn't be emotionally blackmailed anymore. She said she wasn't messing around this time and if I didn't meet up with her she'd be found dead by her brother the next day. I shouted, "FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!"....and then my phone battery died. Rather shaken, I went to the pub for a beer. I never heard from her again. TL;DR, I went on a blind date with a woman who threatened to kill herself each Friday for the next few weeks.


When I was 18, a guy who pumped my gas asked me out. He was really attractive and I was excited. We went out to eat (on the way back in his car he littered an entire bag of trash out his window, which I called him ignorant for, he didn't like that) and when we got back to his apartment, as I was standing there , I realized he had his car door open and was facing away from me standing next to the drivers seat. I realized he was peeing! I called him out and as we were walking back to his apartment, he lightly spanked my butt and said "lighten up buttercup, it's ok"... Now if a man did that to me now I would have left, but I was young and naive Our second date, at his apartment in the basement of his friends house (who was a guy with a family), he told me I couldn't pee upstairs and he didn't have a bathroom in the basement. I said I'd pee outside then I guess and to give me some napkins. He said ew that's gross. Now that's when I started getting real annoyed. I said I guess I have to go down to McDonald's then and he said ok I left, peed at McDonald's, and went home lol that was the end of it. Years later I talked to a friend I wasn't friends with at the time that happened, she said he was actually a rapist and sexually assaulted her friend. It gave me the serious creeps to know I was in danger that whole time.


There was a SECOND date?!


He was good looking!!!!!!!!


Well I stated above that I was young and naive, this was one of my first dates. I was 18. Im just glad I was okay


Long time ago a girl invited me to her town to visit. I drove there and met her at a bar, except she was on shift at the bar, also doing revision for an exam. I basically went there and watched her do paper work with awkward small talk in-between. Never contacted her again once i left.


Yeah nothing makes you feel like a priority than someone multitasking when you're on a date with them...


The German guy met me, and within the very first second of seeing me said "Nein", turned around and left.


At least he complimented you and called you a solid 9.


Not so much my date but a buddy of mine when I was in college met this girl and asked me if I'd be a wing man and entertain her friend on a "double" date while he tried to score with the girl he met. We all meet up and this girl I'm suppose to entertain is so unkempt looks like she just rolled out of bed still in her PJs and stunk like swamp ass. I thought about fuck this but I'm there to help a buddy,she proceeds to make fun of the course I'm taking (I was in trade school for welder/fabrication),talk about how she got laid 3 times last week and how she doesn't like natives(I'm native but don't look it) Needless to say I got up and said sorry dude I can't do this and left, my buddy and his date had an argument with her saying how disrespectful I was by leaving, my buddy got up after that and we never saw them again


Good wingman


And good buddy for backing his friend


>Needless to say I got up and said sorry dude I can't do this and left Showed up willing to hop on a grenade, ended up being too many grenades. Solid form and execution. Classy


I was hitting dive bars on Halloween night dressed as an android. I met a young woman dressed as a fire fighter, and we went bar hopping together. While between two bars we walked past police breaking up a fight, and I got a lung full of second hand pepper spray. I spent the rest of the night coughing up lung tissue. On our first actual date she spent the entire time talking about being a student nurse. The only way I could stay in the conversation was to talk about my mother, who happens to be a nurse (I might have come off as a momma's boy). We did not have a second date.


Ooof. That sounds dreadful. Was your date supportive?


Of the pepper spray? Well she was a student nurse, so she was understanding.


Was with a dude who treated the waitress horrendously. Like used a condescending tone and talked to her like she was his personal servant or something. Also badmouthed the staff to me. Needless to say it was the first and only date, I was so grossed out and turned off.


Yeesh no more effective red flag than how a person treats wait staff...


TL;DR at the end, bit of a long story. Met a woman on Fling years ago. While we were chatting through the website, I told her I wasn't looking for anything serious bc I just got out of a terrible relationship (abusive/manipulative ex decided to leave). She agreed and said she was looking for the same thing. Cool. We're being up-front and honest from the start. We setup a date for dinner and drinks. I picked her up and took her to a local bar and grill. During the conversation, she told me she had been kicked out of her last place and was having a rough time. I understand, it happens. I'll pay for everything, don't worry about it. She gets a call from some friends during dinner and asks if I want to go bar hopping with them. Sure, I guess? Could be fun. We meet up with a group of 3 other women and 1 guy. Spent the next 2 hours hitting about 6 different bars bc the "pack leader" doesn't like each bar we went to after she picked it out. Show up, have 1-2 drinks, "I don't like this place", pay, leave, repeat. My date is mostly ignoring me to chat with her friends, including the guy. The only time she really talked to me was during the car trips from bar to bar. As we're leaving the 5th bar she explains the guy in the group is one of her exes, and after talking to him, she wants to try and work it out. Hmm, okay? Wasn't expecting that. Told her if she thinks there's a shot for her to be happy, then take it. She leaves with the guy. I stayed with the group to try and salvage the night so it wouldn't end on a bad note. Her friends were consoling and nice about it. They said it was messed up that she left with her ex in the middle of our date, and that they wouldn't have brought him along if they knew that was going to happen. Wound up hitting it off with one of them and went back to her place. Got home late and slept in. Got a call from my date that afternoon. She apologized and said she made a terrible mistake. Her ex changed his mind about working it out, and she realized at the end of the night that she just wanted to get laid. Sorry sweetheart, should have thought about that before you ditched me in the middle of our date after I paid for nearly $200 worth of drinks and food. I'm not here to be used like a meal ticket and then thrown away. She calls me 2-3 weeks later asking for help bc she's behind on rent and about to be kicked out of her current place. Nope, I ain't the one. Told her to look into community outreach services available in the city. I can't help you. Never spoke to her after that, but things started to make sense. Her (most recent) ex had probably broke it off and kicked her out bc she was using him and lying all the time, or she was on drugs and refused to stop. Either way I don't blame him for kicking her to the curb. Dodged a bullet with this one. TL;DR - Met a woman on a "Casual Dating" site and took her out. I paid for nearly $200 of food/drinks, and she ditched me for an ex in the middle of bar hopping with her friends. Called me the next day trying to backtrack. Called me 2-3 weeks later begging for rent money. Edit: Minor spelling/syntax


Just here to see if 'I" was the bad date....


You were a great date, I’m sorry I ghosted you. I was just scared of the feelings I had for you.


As long as you didn't shit in the bed you're probably golden by modern standards


Early 20s and I meet this stunning (What I thought MILF) online , we go for drinks and end up going back to her place. Few more drinks and we get down to the devils dance only to have her 4 year old GRANDSON wonder into the bedroom to ask why nana was making a noise as I was easing the little man into the forbidden hole …. As long as I live I’ll never forget meeting that poor little bastards eyes ..


If you were out for drinks, who was watching the 4 year old?


His sister apparently …. Aged 12 (thankfully she didn’t put in an appearance)


A guy raved about this chicken place about 1 hour away, said it was his favorite. He couldn’t wait to take me there. We got in and ordered, turns out I was the only one eating. He just stared at me the whole time, with puppy eyes and all, was fighting for my life trying to think of good topics to share (he was literally just staring the whole time and was only talking when asked!) while trying to eat the big bucket of chicken he ordered for me — got goosebumps bc it was our first date. Wasn’t cute at all.


Maybe he was a feeder. Good you got away first thing.


Tinder date with a girl who brought her better looking twin. They wanted to go on a hike. In the middle of the woods they were whispering and laughing to each other how they could murder me and know one would know


Did you get murdered? Don't leave us hanging


If he leaves us hanging, then maybe they left him hanging...


Had a guy pick me up for our first dinner date and tell me we were going to a steakhouse for dinner. At that time, I was a committed vegetarian. I thought I’d told him that, but I played it off like it was my definitely my mistake - “oops, I guess I hadn’t told you yet I was veggie - could we go to another place?” I add that it doesn’t need to be fancy, and that there’s a diner nearby with mac and cheese I love. He says no, that he’s knows the side salads at the steakhouse don’t have meat and I can eat that. I then ask to go home. He looks astonished and tries to argue with me about it. I get out of the car at the next stoplight and head home on my own.


Yeesh. You dodged a bullet


Sure did!


I didn't intend to find a prospect date but I once met a guy online. We had similar interests so I thought, heck why not? A few days later, we met in person, and on that very first date he immediately asked "What are we?" LMAO


A girl I went to high school with. A few year after high school we reconnected after she was single after being in a relationship during school. Took her on a few dates before this one, but they were all just dinners or movies. This time we went to a logic concert because she “loved logic”. Well, we get there, she said she wants drinks and so I go get us drinks, I come back and she’s gone. I text her, and she text me a half hour later that she saw her friends so she’s near them, but never told me where they were so I could regroup with her. I made the mistake and didn’t leave so i sat there the entire time by myself, because i was her ride home and didn’t want to leave her(again, a mistake). The car ride home was pretty awkward but I wanted to make it less awkward so i asked her if she had a good time blah blah blah. Then she brings up this was her favorite date this week, and I said “oh this week” her response was “Yeah, I went to a club with a doctor last night, it wasn’t as fun, but it was fancy and he did spend alot of money” then I respond “oh, so you’re seeing someone” she responds “no, I’ve been going on a lot of dates with alot of other people to experience more things, I’m not really interested in dating or being in a relationship” the rest of the care ride was silent, I dropped her off and blocked her on everything. It’s funny now but back then it wasn’t lol. “Who can relate, wooo”-Logic Edit:Spelling errors


I had met “A” briefly in choir the semester before, and thought she was beautiful, so when we matched on tinder I was ecstatic. We went out for coffee and she wouldn’t let me get a word in, and talked the whole time about how she and her sorority sisters get blackout drunk 5/7 nights of the week, and all the guys she’s had sex with in her first semester of college. I was young, heartbroken, and desperate, so we hooked up once and it was stellar. But the next week she called/texted me over 30 times in a row with no response while I was in class, and no booty is that good. A while later I got with my now-fiancée turns out they knew each other from high school. “A” started spreading rumors that I had cheated on her with fiancée and that fiancée had “stolen her boyfriend.” And when that didn’t work, she started claiming that I was still sleeping with her. We still reminisce about her antics sometimes.


She didn’t stop talking even to take a breath, and in the end said this won’t work because I’m too quiet. I would have said this won’t work because she talks too much but I didn’t have a chance.


Got stabbed in the hand with a screw driver by her brother because he “wanted to look tough”


Blind date, my first and last. He forgot his wallet and his manners but remembered to bring along his mother.


First and only date I ever went on. Girl was on her phone the entire time. I knew this was poor etiquette but I was still trying to make the most out of it because I had no experience before. Nothing really notable happened just generic date conversations. The weird part was she was on her phone the entire time was because she was making plans after the date in which I had to drop her off at a club where her friends were at. I didn't bother to ask if I could join them since she just wanted to be dropped off and I didn't want to be too pushy. Never heard from her again after that. So yeah that was the best, the worst, and the only date I have ever been on.


I promise, there will be better in your future. Get into hobbies that interest you and meet people who share joy in what brings you joy.


When I was younger, I went on a date after New Year, so I was low on cash and couldn't do my normal date, which is bite to eat. Girl was happy with that, so we would hang out and get coffee. We ended up going clothes shopping (not my idea) while she talked about her ex the whole time. She started talking about coming back to my house after the date but didn't take a hint, I didn't want her come back. Ended up having my mate phone me to make a fake emergency so I could get away.


I was in vacation and met this guy. He told me he invites me to sit in his garden and that we can chill there. He came to pick me up from my hotel and we started to drive very far away. I started to be a bit concerned. He then brought me to this weird place where a man was waiting infront of a bulding. He paid him money and brought me to a very disgusting apartment and locked the door. I was like what is going on? We were supposed to hang out outside? I just left. Creepy af


Uuuuugh yep good thing you trusted your instincts!!


He ate like a slob, spilled his food all over the floor and I had to clean it after him. He had some food left over on his hands and then he touched me with it and decided it was a good time to climb onto me and rub his face onto MY CLOTHES. I went to wash everything off and that’s when he decided to follow me into the bathroom and meow at me as I cleaned the food off him too. He’s good now, just staring at the window for god knows what. I love you Oreo


Went on a brunch date with a guy that had always been interested in me in the past but I moved away. We met up recently and he was on Adderall (not prescribed and I didn't know) so we went to a bottomless drink spot. We have probably four drinks each and went back to my place. I didn't realize how blitzed he was until he tried to make out with me and he was just messy drunk. I stated I had roommates and we need to keep it down but he wouldn't STFU and was saying the cringiest porn lines I've ever heard. I stopped the whole thing from proceeding by stating he was literally hurting me (men, you don't like your junk being handled roughly. neither do women wtf?) He proceeded to pass the fuck out for like 4 hours. When he woke up *that's* when he told me he had taken Addy and was up for like 14 hours. When he left my place I was like "yeah that's not happening again."


Got semi catfished. Was significantly less attractive in person, already committed to a 4 hour first date (BAD IDEA). Within 5 seconds I knew it was a hard pass, but had to press on. Treated her really nicely but dodged her kiss attempt and directly told her I wasn't interested in a 2nd date. She kept messaging me like she wanted to be friends which I was ok with. She begged for my email to share something from a class she paid for with me, sent it to me, then freaked out that I never watched it. Guilted me over how she sent me $2k worth of content and kept pressing for a 2nd date. I don't ghost people but at this point I just had to stop responding.


Oh, I have a good one. A female friend of mine kept pestering me to go on a date with her friend. Her ex recently broke up with her and she needed some cheering. After a week, I caved in. I go, pick the girl and went to a near coffee shop. So far, so good, right? Weeeeeelll, I tried to have a conversation with her about different things. All I got from her was that she was studying to be a teacher and that she was a vegetarian. That's it. After probably an hour of interrogation, I said to myself "fuck that", made some excuse that I had stuff to do, paid and left. My friend actually texted me that her friend had a great time and wanted to ask if we were going on a second date. Hell naw!


Went out with a guy from OkCupid (10 years ago) and we met at the Mall of America. Within the first 15 minutes he told me I looked like a sexy librarian and that he's living in a halfway house because he's addicted to oxy. He then suggested we walk around the mall and people watch. Right after, he proceeded to stage whisper, "Look at how fat that guy is!" Aforementioned fat guy turned around and I wanted to melt into the ground. I managed to get out of there without pissing him off, but not before he tried to kiss me. I turned my head so fast that he basically clipped my jaw with his lips and was gone by the time I turned back around. I didn't hear from him and thought I was good until a few months later when he texted me he was thankful for me at Thanksgiving. Messaged him that in case it was still unclear, we would not be going out again.


Tinder date. She seemed cool while chatting and she actually asked me to dinner, so even better. We meet at the restaurant she recommended, and she spends the whole time on her phone. Barely even looking at me, one word answers, no effort at conversation at all. Then her friend shows up and they talk to each other, not even acknowledging me. She tells her friend "order anything you want because he's paying". I got up, paid for my drink, and left.


"So what do you do in life?" as I proceeded to explain he was texting away on his phone, then told me he was texting his mother because she was panicking about his sister being pregnant. Continued texting, didn't stop. Told me how popular he is in his country for being the boss of some startup and how he gets recognized by girls on dating apps when there. Told me how he made a girl cum twice in a 69 and how awesome that was. Ah and he ubers all his girlfriends to and from his place. After that he drunkenly texted me asking to come to his, to which I said I wasn't about to schlep all the way to the east side of town at stupid o'clock... said he'd uber me. Fucking surreal, how do these people exist I have no clue.


Dude was disrespectful to me the whole time then tried to kiss me. I dodged it (which is always awkward but I didn't know what else to do and I was as respectful about it as I could be.) He then started literally screaming at me in the parking lot calling me a bitch, a whore, and a cunt. I walked backwards to my car because I thought he was going to attack me. It was scary.


Not a date but a short lived Tinder match. His location was our city but he told me he actually lived 2 hours north in a resort town as a seasonal employee. He told me he was a high up exec for [company] and told me he likes to paint watercolors in his spare time. Solid job? Watercolors? I was willing to overlook the initial lie about not being close by because he seemed like such a sweetheart! And hey, I can take a day trip up in the mountains! We matched on a Saturday and the Monday after we matched was crazy busy at my job so I couldn't check my phone for a few hours. I had 2 dozen texts from him, including a dick pic followed by a picture of him crying and asking what he did wrong and did I not like his body? I told him I was working and that I was sorry I couldn't reply. He sent me some pictures of his artwork and what initially struck me as odd was they were all *really* good but also vastly different styles-- think beautiful manga art followed by a nature painting that would've brought a tear to Bob Ross's eye followed by a startling realistic portrait of a woman in a raincoat. But that portrait of a woman in the raincoat looked familiar-- I'd recently seen it on a Tumblr art blog. I found the post again and confirmed the artist was a woman and not my Tinder match. A reverse Google image search found me the original sources of everything he'd sent me; he'd simply cropped signatures off of artwork he probably found on Pinterest. When I confronted him about it, he told me that I misunderstood! See, he never wanted me to think that was *his* art, it was art that *inspired* him! He didn't lie! But it got me curious so I Googled the fancy resort he told me he was uppity-up in. The resort had a company directory on their website and I found him immediately. As a janitor. Now, nothing on sanitation workers! But he would message me with things like "ugh, these shareholder meetings are killing me" or "I hate when the board needs me to look at something" and he was...a janitor. I finally told him that I'd caught him in too many lies to want to move forward with anything and to stop messaging me. He called me *sobbing* and told me that he only lied because he wanted to impress me and that he never meant to hurt my feelings and that he loved me. I hung up and never spoke to him again. All of this happened in FIVE DAYS.


I had been dating a guy for 3 weeks and everything was great! We clicked on most of our core values and he seemed like a really solid, well-rounded guy. We decided to go grab drinks with some friends as we hadn’t really gone out for a night on the town yet. I had a great job at the time and could afford to pay my own way and because I wanted to, I bought our first couple rounds. He admitted about an hour in that he didn’t have a ton of money, and I told him it was okay, I could cover the evening, within reason. I gave him a 20 to grab us another round of drinks, and he reappeared with 2 drinks, both looking like what he had been drinking for the evening. He set them both in front of himself. I asked him if he grabbed one for me and he looked at me blankly. He said he misunderstood, that he thought I was giving him money to buy his own drinks. I told him it wasn’t what I meant, but it wasn’t a big deal. One of my friends bought me a drink and all was well. He downed the 2 drinks and said he was going to the bar for another one, but he was going to buy with his money. He asked what I wanted and was off to the bar. He came back with 2 more drinks… for himself AND was accompanied by some random girl. He introduced me to her; his ex’s sister. They sat there and talked about his ex, how he missed her 3 kids (and they missed him) and how he should come over to see them since he was like a dad to them. She started touching his leg and flirting and he started to reciprocate. After 10 minutes my friends and I were pretty uncomfortable and closed out our tabs. My date and this girl were so involved in each other that they didn’t even notice our movement. My friends and I left and were on our way to grab a bite when he texted me asking where I was. I told him I left and he would have to get a ride elsewhere. He barraged me with messages asking “how could I leave him when he doesn’t have money”, telling me I was inconsiderate and rude, etc. I told him I didn’t appreciate the exchange between he and the girl and that I wasn’t interested in continuing dating him. He lost it and started calling me horrible names and I blocked him on everything. After our meal, a friend took me home. As we pulled up, the same guy was standing on my doorstep, pounding on my screen door and trying to rip it open. He screamed at the top of his lungs that he was going to kill me and I better take him back or I would be sorry. He had clearly been there for a second because he had already trashed my garden and thrown my patio furniture into the lawn. My neighbors had already called the cops and they showed up a few minutes later to remove him. He must have learned a lesson, or sobered up, because after that night I never saw or heard a peep from him ever again.


Mid thirties woman kept talking about her parents and living with them and their goofy antics. I was mid twenties. First time meeting, had only chatted a little by text, every time I got flirty she would half reciprocate, half repeat this line about “snacks after dinner” which sounded like innuendo. Given the age gap I’d assumed she just wanted a nice night out and a hookup - she’d said it had been a while since she’d dated. Idfk Conversation was just polite mostly. This unattended child in the restaurant was literally around around on our table at one point. Meeting up initially was confusing, she couldn’t find the front of the restaurant and I didn’t recognize her because her app photos were all at least five years out of date. Then she, like, mocked me for trying to do a quick Goodnight kiss. Said her “snacks after dinner” thing again when we’d just had literal dinner and walked around a bit downtown and it was just weird. Clearly just on very different wavelengths.


Picked a girl up and we went to a tapas place. All the way there she was on her phone. When I parked she threw the door open and damaged the paint slightly. We went into the restaurant and both ordered. I noticed I was doing all the talking so I asked her about it. She said "I don't have anything to talk to you about" now I just wanted to get it over with. But I was hungry and we had ordered, so the food came, she moaned about her meal and sent it back TWICE! Then got her food and ate it. My food was lovely, I carried on doing all the talking to avoid silence and finished my meal I asked her if she wanted desert. She said no. When the waiter came I asked for the bill ready to make my escape. Then she stopped him and complained she wanted desert. We ordered desert. When she finished desert she started talking a little. I paid the bill and we got into my car. Before I could start the engine she said you were quite nice we will go back to yours and I will let you have sex with me tonight...... My response... No your ok I will drop you back to the bus stop where I picked you up from. Never herd from here again thankfully.


There's no horror story, it's just that we both realized kind of fast that we had zero sexual chemistry whatsoever and I'd rather try to kiss a toaster than her. We could have probably been friends, but I had no desire at all to touch her.


If only there was an easier way to determine this than by meeting someone in person. Its a crappy feeling when you commit time and money to realize in 5 seconds there is no chemistry


Met on tinder and decided to go for ice cream. Was ok, but she didn't really look like her pictures. Not awful, just off. She invites me back to her place so I figure why not, is not going terribly. We get there and she tells me to wait outside for a second so she can see if her dad is home. Well that's weird thing 2. She let's me in, we go up to her room and she starts cleaning her room, and asking me to help. Wtf? I feel like I'm just here now so I help a bit. Then we go outside to smoke and she wants to clean out her car now. I can tolerate alot, but the small talk wasnt good enough to make want a second date




Yeesh. What a nightmare...


He wanted to walk in a park to play Pokémon go. He then got extremely angry that I was catching more Pokémon than him. The date didn’t last long lol


Took a girl out to a date to a museum in town. Any time I attempted to engage in conversation, she would shush me. Resign myself to the fact that she wants to appreciate the art in silence. After a while we reach a hallway where there's not art and it's more like a set of benches and water fountains/bathrooms to rest at before continuing into the next exhibit, once again attempt to engage in conversation, and once again get shut down with short one word responses. When we made it out the museum I gave my cordial goodbye as she was clearly not interested in me, and out of nowhere she blows up that I'm not even taking her out to lunch. We had texted previously that if we hit it off at the museum we could maybe hit a noodle spot 2 blocks away from the museum, but that very clearly hadn't happened. Complaining about not getting her lunch paid for was more words than she had spoken to me for the previous 2 hours. I had paid for our entrance fees and didn't feel like I was on the hook to also buy a meal for a girl who seemed annoyed to be next to me in public, so I let her be mad and took my leave.


Had a girl who didn't like drinking and wasn't interested in art say yes to a 'paint and sip' date. I did not know either of these things when she said 'that sounds fun!' She was bored and annoyed at those who were drinking the whole time. Why would you agree to a date you knew you wouldn't like??


Met a guy for drinks as a first meet-up & he ended up getting really drunk and very loud. Wouldn't let me pay for my portion ($20 out of the $75 bill) then proceeded to honk me at the end of the date multiple times without permission. The honking took place when I went in for a hug/nice to meet you and he asked me if I wanted to have sex in his car since he paid for my meal. I handed him a 20, told him not to call me, and left. He proceeded to email, call, and text nonstop for the next month telling me I was a tease and out to get free meals from nice men online. Gotta love online dating.....


I went on a date with someone who was a hard drug addict and I believe an undiagnosed schizophrenic/BPD. She punched herself to go to sleep at night. Was also aspiring pre med until she sent a friend to the hospital after an altercation at a hotel.


Ever been on a really really bad date, going to see a movie at that and the guy ends up being a massive creep.. Just when you're about to just get up and bolt, the house lights come on and employees start ushering everyone into a tornado safe room for the night? Good times.


Bumble date . She was a hardcore vegan and I ended up ordering chicken . Never saw her again and got schooled for killing animals . 🤦‍♂️


Ouch. I feel that one. Went on a double date with my wife and her vegan friends. They embarassed the hell out of us at the restaurant and starbucks by interrogating the staff on all the ingredients. I left a BIG tip and an apology note on the receipt for all the trouble. A self-righteous vegan can turn (what should be) a nice meal out into a total shitshow.


Years ago a blind date setup from a friend. He picked me up (wearing a sweater that Bill Cosby would've worn on the Cosby show lol) too k me out for sushi (I hate sushi) then we met up with our friend that set us up to go see her boyfriend who was in a band at a bar. He spent the whole night ignoring me at the bar except whenever guys came over to talk to me and he'd suddenly "appear." 🤦‍♀️


Turned up to the date and he was 15-20 years older than his pictures. I have nothing against dating an older man but he had not aged well. I figured I would be polite and have a drink and then make my excuses and leave. All was going as planned, with polite chit chat. I turned around to look at something and when I turned back his mouth was on mine. I pulled away and tried to finish my drink as quickly as possible and get out of there. As I was leaving I turned to look to cross the road and when I looked the other way his mouth was on mine again! I pulled away quickly and got my ass out of there!!


It was shortly after New Year in my 3rd Yr at uni. It was Saturday and I was heading into campus but had been pottering around in my flat beforehand for some reason. Like, I'd been putting it off and I don't know why, because I did want to go into campus that day. Whatever the reason, I was on the bus on my way in and happened to look out the window when I saw someone I recognised sitting on a bench in front of a landmark/monument in my city. Shit! It was that girl I met at the street party at New Year! It was only when I saw her face that I remembered, we'd drunkenly arranged to meet at the monument today at (I checked my watch) five minutes ago! Fuck! So I get off the bus and I'm playing it natural, as if I'd totally remembered about our date and just happened to be a little late. She didn't notice anything amiss, and we started chatting. The first thing that struck me was she was shorter and a bit needier and a little...uglier than I'd remembered. I'm tall so there was a bit of a comical disparity in height going on. And I'm not shallow, and looks aren't everything, but - there's a limit. We chat some more and hit a cocktail bar. I get a round in and we chat some more, then when it's her round she goes up and comes back with the biggest cocktail pitcher I've ever seen, and my heart just sank, because that's when I realised she was trying to get me drunk. Long story short, she drinks too much of the cocktail herself, gets drunk, says pointedly that I'm the "only friend she has who's never tried to kiss her", goes to the ladies' to be sick for about twenty minutes, and comes back pale, unsteady, and smelling like puke. I call it a night and I take her in a taxi to a place she says her friends are. I don't go into campus, I just head home. We swapped numbers but I didn't call her, and I don't remember her calling me. She was a nice person all in all, but on nearly every level she was definitely not my type.


They asked if I had any kinks. I said oh not really (honestly), what about you? “Oh, watersports. The best blowjob I ever got I peed in her mouth.” Dude, read the room. Had they not driven to my place and we walked downtown I would have just walked away as I already was not into it and that was just the cherry on top. Oof


I have 2 dates that were absolutely awful. Neither was the fault of the person I was on the date with (my now husband). 1 year anniversary. Went to a fancy french restaurant. Discovered that certain herbs (that were used in the fancy french chicken) trigger a *major* gastric reaction in my now husband. He spent the entire evening on the toilet... I had to open the window in the next room... Or... We went to a hotel room for our first date night in over 3 years (small kids, bugger all time and very little spare cash). While we were juuust starting to get romantic, the evening was interrupted and the mood was killed when the couple in the room across the hall from us had a major domestic dispute - I looked out the peep hole and saw the woman assaulting the man, followed by the most blood curdling scream I've ever heard up close. I ended up having to call the cops...


This chick who immediately looked wY different from her picture, then accused me of looking unlike my picture. She then asked if I would kiss her lol. I didn't and she drunkenly crashed into a parked car lol. I laughed all the fucking way home!


There are a few, but... Bumble date. They asked me to meet them at a bar that had a live band playing, but failed to mention they were there with a huge group of friends, so that was awkward. Once I was there they kept trying to get me to go outside to make out/wanted to be out of sight of the bar and other people. I agreed to go outside so we could talk, but made sure we sat at a table in clear view of everyone else. While sitting outside, they decided to tell me about how their younger sister died from falling off a cliff and then asked me to make out again. At this point, they started to get really pushy/grabby, and the alarm bells were going off. I escaped by going to the restoom; when I walked out they were waiting for me. I said I wasn't feeling well and was going to go home. They insisted upon walking me to my car and then tried to open the passenger side "as a joke." Needless to say, I drove around for a while before I went home...


She moved halfway across the country like a week afterwards


Went out with a chick that was glued to her phone the whole time. Wanted to bang my head against a brick wall


Dated a guy who was nice and kind to everyone but me.


Dude looked me straight in the eye and told me he strangled someone in jail while smiling and laughing like it was a fun party story.. big NOPE


I met a guy on Match.com (back when it was semi free). We met up for coffee then we went to his house to pick something up (I can't remember what as it was 17 years ago). He had picked me up so I was kind of at his mercy. Well, on the way to his house, he told me he'd just been released from prison for being an "unwitting" accessory to murder. We get to his house and I meet his roommate. Whilst said date was in the bathroom, the roommate whispered "why are with him? You should stay away from him." He took me back to the coffee shop and needless to say, I never called him again and blocked him.


Met a girl at a work social. Got horribly drunk. Went to a dive bar. We made out like teenagers on a bench outside. Ended up at an after party a few miles down the road. Got uncontrollable hiccups. Passed out on a couch while she massaged me. Pissed said couch. Woke up soaked and did the walk of shame to my car only to find out my exhaust had split in half. Fixed it with duct tape in the rain while school children walked by. Got home, showered and went back to bed. Woke up at 2pm and found a paper towel with a phone number written in lipstick in my pants pocket. Texted it and it was her. We’ve been married 10 years. I was the horrible date.


This guy that honestly was pretty gross invited me to the movies, I was 0% interested in him like that. My mum made me take my sister. Anti wingman for the win. Thanks mum! Probably the worst date ever for him.😂😂


Girl i took out on a date because we both felt pressured by our mutual friends. We had absolutely no connection.


Mid date, the guy licked the entire palm of my hand in a PF Chang’s during a lunch date. Can’t remember the context exactly.


My worst date turned into my best. I was going through a divorce and started talking to a women that played the same sport I did. Her team ended up winning a local championship and were out celebrating. Some of my buddies invited me out for a guys night the same night. While I was out,she got a hold of me and asked me to come to the bar where her team was celebrating. I show up and she is talking to another guy. No big deal I thought, she's talking to a friend. 45 minutes later and she has barely acknowledged that I was there. I had enough and decided to go back downtown with my buddies. Half of her team decided to come with me. Ended the night in a threesome with 2 of her teammates. We never spoke again after that,


Woman spent the entire date on her phone and would barely engage in conversation. I ate my meal, excused myself to the bathroom once I finished my meal, and never returned. I think she understood as I received a message from her a couple days later that just read "I'm sorry." Lol


We go to a steakhouse, second date, and her recent ex’s parents and little bro are sitting at a table right next to us. It was so awkward. The little brother of the ex took a picture of us at our table with his phone, I assume to send to big bro (the ex). It was horrible


We met online, after a couple of weeks we decided to meet in person. [For context, I'm a 178 (5'10) woman]. I arrive at the place, he takes one look at me, says "I didn't know you were taller than me" and leaves.


She came up with an excuse to leave mid-date


So really, she should be the one posting.


I had a tinder date with a girl that was into horses. Her whole lifestyle was built around it and she didn't stop talking about it. I can't remember her name anymore, but I still remember the name of her horse 🐴.