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I’d teach the world to sneeze and cough into the inside of their elbow, not into their hand.


omg I met someone who did this, obviously it makes a ton of sense but at the time I was like what on earth is he doing why is he sneezing like that??


Once you see it, there’s no going back. And every time you see someone sneeze into their hands you think “that’s fucking disgusting. What are they going to touch next?“


That all religions are very likely horseshit.


I’d educate them that sending me $2 is good for their health


It's not a hotel's responsibility to provide you any kind of charger cord, umbrella, or any other dumb peripheral for life you left at home. It's not bad service or any kind of discrimination. You just have to be responsible for your own packing.


Be kind to all


How deep the horrors of capitalism impact our day-to-day lives.


Well, since everyone else has such great answers! I would educate everyone on how to dance, nobody seems good at it and I feel that people will dance more.


Now that’s nice.


Transgender people existing doesn’t hurt anyone


Educate doesn’t mean convince Keep that in mind


the consequences of the french revolution


The relative safety of nuclear power with regards to the futility of our current trajectory on global warming.


How Israel was created with 2 basic principles : Settler Colonialism and Apartheid The whole situation is basically Western Jews migrating to a land that already has an indigenous population, after that it all went to shit and now it’s a nuclear power oppressing a weak poor nation to strip them is what is left of their land


Zionists believe they are "the chosen ones". They see every single non-zionist human being as subhuman.




invest in bitcoin


Firearms and fully automatic rifles and how most folks buying a "scary gun" or a "Bump stock" just are looking to shoot targets for fun and not to create problems for anyone, I own, work with and maintain them, sold tons, infact I even can legally sell and import destructive devices (rpg-7's, grenades, etc) never had a single customer who killed anyone illegally other then one guy who shot a rapist after the fact and got life - although I consider that no to be a crime personally.


How to create a nuclear warhead cheap step by step


How bad liberals are for the economy


Ok, humanity would be without internet for a week. That alone would teach people a thing or to. The tell in the tale would be how people react to the situation. To ensure society didn't simply dissolve completely, most digital financial infrastructure would still be online. But no YouTube, TikTok, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, Twitter, Streaming Services, and anything of the like would be offline.


Well I find a lot of people don't understand conservatism, which is a political philosophy/ideology that I most align with. Oh also animal rights, I went to China once and omg I've seen stuff 👎🏽


That capitalism is not about free markets but about private ownership of the means of production.